Ratusan Ayam di Ciamis Mati Mendadak
Selasa, 23 Februari 2010 23:38 WIB
Google translation:
Hundreds of Chickens in Ciamis Sudden Death
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 23:38 pm
CIAMIS - MI: Hundreds of residents owned a chicken farm in the village lie down, Village Beber, Sub Cimaragas, Ciamis regency, West Java, died suddenly in beruturut respectively during the past two weeks until Monday (22 / 2).
Owners of chicken have died suddenly Yayan, Tuesday (23 / 2), confirmed since two weeks ago, countless hundreds of chickens died suddenly.
"Almost all the chickens owned by a sudden death, both the adults and chicken still keciln," he said.
As a result of the incident, said Yayan, many residents who fear for fear of bird flu epidemic attack humans or local residents around the location of the chicken coop that died suddenly.
"I myself just so shocked with what happened many chickens that died suddenly it was," he said.
However, he said, local residents make an effort to clean the whole chicken including direct reporting kepihak Village and District.
Until finally, he said, local governments through the Office of County farm Ciamis, review and conduct spraying anticipate the spread of bird flu virus is transmitted from a whole chicken cage.
"Because many people are still frightened bird flu to know the number of chickens that died suddenly," he said.
Meanwhile, place a separate head of sub-section UPTD Market Animals from the Animal Husbandry Department Ciamis Regency, Hamara, said the demise of the chicken suddenly can not yet determined the cause, because it is still in the examination stage.
But he said the farm agency while penyemrotan efforts using Benzaklin antiseptika and Disinfectants Sepektrum.
"I'll have a special Animal Husbandry Department team will come in the near future conduct inspections and take samples, which obviously we can not determine apoakah bird flu or not," he said. (Ant/OL-7)
Ratusan Ayam di Ciamis Mati Mendadak
Selasa, 23 Februari 2010 23:38 WIB
Google translation:
Hundreds of Chickens in Ciamis Sudden Death
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 23:38 pm
CIAMIS - MI: Hundreds of residents owned a chicken farm in the village lie down, Village Beber, Sub Cimaragas, Ciamis regency, West Java, died suddenly in beruturut respectively during the past two weeks until Monday (22 / 2).
Owners of chicken have died suddenly Yayan, Tuesday (23 / 2), confirmed since two weeks ago, countless hundreds of chickens died suddenly.
"Almost all the chickens owned by a sudden death, both the adults and chicken still keciln," he said.
As a result of the incident, said Yayan, many residents who fear for fear of bird flu epidemic attack humans or local residents around the location of the chicken coop that died suddenly.
"I myself just so shocked with what happened many chickens that died suddenly it was," he said.
However, he said, local residents make an effort to clean the whole chicken including direct reporting kepihak Village and District.
Until finally, he said, local governments through the Office of County farm Ciamis, review and conduct spraying anticipate the spread of bird flu virus is transmitted from a whole chicken cage.
"Because many people are still frightened bird flu to know the number of chickens that died suddenly," he said.
Meanwhile, place a separate head of sub-section UPTD Market Animals from the Animal Husbandry Department Ciamis Regency, Hamara, said the demise of the chicken suddenly can not yet determined the cause, because it is still in the examination stage.
But he said the farm agency while penyemrotan efforts using Benzaklin antiseptika and Disinfectants Sepektrum.
"I'll have a special Animal Husbandry Department team will come in the near future conduct inspections and take samples, which obviously we can not determine apoakah bird flu or not," he said. (Ant/OL-7)