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Jambi: AI in poultry

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  • Jambi: AI in poultry

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    Hundreds of Dead Birds Suddenly Bird Flu virus
    Tuesday, February 23, 2010 00:01 pm
    Jambi (ANTARA News) - About 200 of the birds in the village of Aur Sub Lopak PEMAYUNG, Batanghari District, Jambi, died suddenly due to bird flu or a virus called H5N1.

    According to Animal Health Kasi (Keswan) District Animal Husbandry Office in Batanghadi Cut Muarabulian Husein, capital Batanghari, Monday, the virus continues to plague the Batanghari District.

    Currently the Village menenetapkan Batanghari Disnak Aur Sub PEMAYUNG Lopak positive bird flu after falling Disnak officer directly with the location of the team "participasi disease surveillance and response" (PDSR) and the positive results of bird flu.

    Due to the spread of bird flu spreading in the village of Aur has caused Lopak approximately 200 of the birds died suddenly.

    "Having conducted a joint research team PSDR, the result of dead birds that tested positive for bird flu," he said.

    To prevent the continued spread of the virus, spraying pihakya've done to the site and some surrounding areas.

    "We've held a mass spraying with people, hopefully not the bird flu virus's more that," said Husein Cut.

    With the outbreak of bird flu, is expected to citizens more aware of the cattle, if there are sick animals immediately reported through the Animal Husbandry Department.
    The cause of entry of this virus is similar to the results of research on scales Napal Village, Kelurahan Rengas Leaning, of District and Sub District Bajubang Lotus, which due to seasonal changes, poor environmental sanitation, or dirty, and chicken and feed off itself, so eat as is.

    In addition, many of the chickens sleep in trees, even in one village as the village of Scales Napal chicken coop under the house so that not getting enough sunlight, chickens and ducks live mix.

    He hoped that all the chicken coop cleaned or sprayed with disinfectant, separate maintenance of duck and chicken with not a single cage.

    Previously more than five villages that the H5N1 virus, the Kelurahan Rengas Leaning, Kelurahan Lotus, Bajubang Sub-District, Village last Napal scales and Aro village, Muara BULIAN

  • #2
    Re: Jambi: AI in poultry


    Empat Kabupaten di Jambi Terjangkit Flu Burung
    Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010 | 20:09 WIB

    Google translation:

    Four in the Jambi District contracted bird flu
    Saturday, February 27, 2010 | 20:09 pm | Post by: Sugeng Wibowo | Category: Latest News, Sumatra | ShareThis

    JAMBI | SOLAR Online - Five areas in the city of Jambi Province Jambi and four districts, contracted avian influenza (H5N1), resulting in hundreds of chickens owned by residents, died suddenly.

    Chief Provincial Livestock Office of Jambi in Jambi Hanif Lubis, Saturday (27/2/2010), said the four districts that contracted the bird flu is Muarojambi District, Batanghari, Tebo and Kerinci regency.

    "The worst attack in the Kerinci regency, at least 400 residents of chickens died suddenly. Everything chicken or chicken pieces are kept in cages, "he said.

    While the city of Jambi and three other districts, the dead chicken fewer, and most of the chicken is left free to roam.

    Hanif said, to anticipate the spread of the disease, and that is not contagious in humans, the medical officer deployed to the field to take action, either to destroy, isolate the infected areas, to vaccination and other measures.

    Therefore, the poultry farmers in bird flu infected area were asked incentive to do sanitation, spraying and vaccination to prevent transmission of the disease.

    Residents are also asked to report immediately to the nearest farm workers if they find a chicken or poultry that died suddenly in abundance, so that action can be taken.

    The people who found the chicken died suddenly also asked to not make direct contact with the animal.

    "If anything has touched the animal, should immediately shower and wash your hands clean so as not infected," said Hanif.

    Animal Husbandry Department, he added, also tighten the traffic flow of animals, because a number of neighboring provinces also contracted the disease.



    • #3
      Re: Jambi: AI in poultry


      Disnak Jambi Musnahkan Ratusan Ayam Positif Flu Burung

      Google translation:

      Hundreds of Jambi Disnak Chicken Annihilate AI Positive
      Monday, March 8, 2010 | 06:56 PST

      JAMBI, TRIBUN KALTIM - A total of 115 positive chickens infected with H5N1 virus or bird flu called offices destroyed livestock (Disnak) Jambi City during the last two weeks.

      Contacted in Jambi, Sunday, Head Disnak Jambi City, Harlik said, the spread of bird flu virus in the city of Jambi was still quite high estimated. This is because of the weather conditions in the city of Jambi's changing.

      "Rainfall is high, but sometimes heat. These conditions facilitate the spread of bird flu because the body condition of birds is weak," he said.

      During the two weeks since the discovery of chicken terahir positive for bird flu virus has spread across four districts in the city of Jambi. Each sub Telanaipura, Jambi, South Bay and Lake Kotabaru.

      According Harlik, from some of the cases, so far only chicken poultry species found positive of bird flu. Most of the affected chicken is a chicken virus that does not dikandangkan.

      "Until now we have not found a case of positive poultry bird flu was diternak and dikandangkan permanently," he said.

      Seeing these conditions, Harlik estimates, chicken dikandangkan no more susceptible to bird flu. Chicken poultry roam free it will be easily affected by bird flu, especially chickens mostly never checked and given the anti-bird flu drug. Unlike the chicken was alive diternak stable and permanent. Chicken condition is always monitored and given a disinfectant on a regular basis.

      To prevent the spread of bird flu, Disnak city of Jambi has established bird flu prevention team consisting of four staff veterinarian with the help of paramedics. This team regularly every week to check by trying to isolate the area found the bird flu positive.

      Not only that, Disnak Jambi City has also provided thousands of anti-bird flu vaccine to poultry following the citizens who have other poultry. Spraying and cleaning the cage using disinfectant was also made to sterilize the cage from the spread of the virus.

      To reduce the number distribution of the bird flu virus, Disnak Jambi City will also continue to socialize the bird flu prevention. Moreover, he said, this H5N1 virus began to change from the usual.

      Harlik explained, when the virus has hit several regions in Indonesia, the signs of the positive poultry bird flu can be seen from the physical condition of birds as seen from the crest that changes color and looks swollen legs. However, today these signs have changed and not seen again.

      "Chicken looks normal there is no change in the physical, but all of a sudden these chickens died suddenly so that the physical characteristics very hard to see. Poultry can be detected only when they are checked," he said.

      For that, Harlik quickly called for citizens to report if they find chickens that suddenly died suddenly while only one tail. Because, he said, when chicken is positive of bird flu would endanger other chickens within a radius of 500 meters.

      Harlik added, to press numbers to prevent the spread of chicken and chicken that indicated the distribution of bird flu in the market, planning Disnak Jambi City to check disejumlah meat market that sells chicken and other poultry.

      "We also have to coordinate with transportation agencies for distribution check out the chicken and in Jambi city," added Harlik. (between)


      • #4
        Re: Jambi: AI in poultry


        Bird flu still rampant in Jambi Province
        Friday, March 12, 2010 15:17 WIB

        Jambi (ANTARA News) - Bird flu had remained a serious threat in Jambi province because 2,000 chickens had died over the past month, a local health official said.

        Almost all districts and towns in Jambi had practically been infected with the deadly virus, Head of the province`s animal husbandry office, Hanis Lubis, said here Friday.

        "Based on the reports that I have received two thousand chickens have suddenly died over the past month. This number represents a 50-percent increase compared with last year`s figure," she said.

        The wider spread of the Avian Influenza in Jambi this year was mainly caused by the longer rainy season than last year, Lubis said.

        Apart from the weather factor, the destructive habit of chicken breeders also contributed to the wider spread of the deadly viruses.

        Lubis said local chicken breeders remained accustomed to throwing the dead chickens into rivers.

        "Instead of throwing them away, the chickens must be burned before burying them to halt the bird flu virus spread," she said.

        The dead chickens mostly belonged to local residents but there were no reports of Avian Influenza virus transmission to human.

        Despite the absence of the human case of bird flu infection, local residents and chicken breeders need to be cautious with the unwanted eventualities, she said.

        Veterinarians had been deployed to the affected regencies and towns to intensify public awareness campaigns.

        "We urge locals to immediately inform us if they find a big number of suddenly-dead chickens. They must also avoid a direct contact with those chickens," she said.

        The bird flu attacks remain serious problem for almost all provinces in Indonesia particularly during rainy season.

        The bird flu viruses attacking the country is classified as "highly pathogenic avian influenza".

        According to the World Health Organization (WHO), avian influenza or "bird flu" is a contagious disease of animals caused by viruses that normally infect only birds and, less commonly, pigs.

        The WHO has warned that the infection with avian influenza viruses could spread very rapidly through poultry flocks.

        Indonesia has 33 provinces. Only three have been confirmed free from the threat of bird flu viruses.

        Indonesia has been dealing with bird flu since 2005. However, the H5N1 type influenza is also known to have attacked chicken and birds in other Asian countries, such as Thailand, Cambodia, China, and Vietnam.

