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Sragen, Central Java: Dozens of birds affected with AI

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  • Sragen, Central Java: Dozens of birds affected with AI


    Puluhan ekor unggas di Sambungmacan terkena AI
    By mufid on 10 Februari 2010

    Google translation:
    Dozens of birds in affected Sambungmacan AI

    By mufid on February 10, 2010

    Sragen (Espos)-Warga RT 01 Munggur Hamlet, Village Karanganyar Sambungmacan district, Sragen conduct an intensive spraying disinfectant on chicken cages of some residents, because in case of death of as many as 61 head of poultry since the last two weeks.
    Spraying disinfectant on a daily basis is done to anticipate the emergence of more cases of poultry deaths, because dozens of dead birds that tested positive for sudden infected with avian influenza (AI) or known as bird flu virus.

    RT 01 Hamlet Munggur, Sambungmacan, Sragen, Sandiman, 44, when found Espos, Wednesday (10 / 2), the Command Post AI penangana village level, revealing, first poultry deaths occurred at home Wagimin of a few chickens. Sudden death of chickens, he said, continue to grow and spread to several neighbors, including two of his chickens.

    "After hearing the report and I am also a victim of his own, so I immediately reported to the Village Midwife (midwife) and then reported to the Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakan) Sragen Regency. Finally, examination of dead birds, including chickens I also sampled the examination. From the laboratory results proved Disnakan poultry deaths were caused postif infected with bird flu virus, "he said.

    He counted at least as many as 11 heads of households (families) that his chicken died suddenly. Poultry deaths occurred in most Wagimin house which is about 100 meters from the house Ketua RT 01.

    "If you add up the death of poultry until now reaches 65 tails. In anticipation, he explained, locals have got from Disnakan disinfectant spraying disinfectant and do at least one kalu per day, "he added.


  • #2
    Re: Sragen, Central Java: Dozens of birds affected with AI


    Edisi : Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010 , Hal.I
    105 Unggas di Sragen mati
    Serangan AI meluas

    Google translation:

    Edition: Saturday, February 13, 2010, Hal.I
    Poultry in Sragen 105 dead
    AI widespread attacks

    Sragen (Espos) deaths positive population infected poultry avian influenza (AI), aka bird flu spread in Sragen.

    Until Friday (12 / 2), the attacks have occurred in the five districts with the number of deaths reaching 105 birds. Poultry deaths AI virus does not only occur in the subdistrict of Sambungmacan, but also occurred in the District Sambirejo, Kedawung, Sidoharho and last Friday, at the Miri District.

    Data received from the Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakan) Sragen Regency, population reports the death of the most common birds on Thursday (11 / 2), especially in the three districts, namely Sambirejo, Sidoharho and Kedawung.

    As an effort to anticipate, Disnakan destroy poultry and spraying disinfectant intensively. At least as much as 20 liters of disinfectant was sent to four locations where the infected bird flu cases.


    Yesterday, some officers do Disnakan culling of birds belonging to one citizen in Hamlet Dulangsari, Wonokerso Village, District Kedawung, Sragen. The destruction done at around 09.00 am. A total of 16 village chickens on the sincerity of the owners eventually destroyed by officers.

    In addition Disnakan also asked residents to do the spraying disinfectants in one day to two weeks.

    Kabid Animal Health (Keswan) Disnakan Sragen, Suhudi when found Espos, Friday, revealing, from the reports received and rapid test based on prevention and control officer animal disease, there were 105 cases of death in a positive chicken infected with bird flu.

    Apart from reports Sambungmacan, there are reports of death of chickens Gito Giyo, residents Hamlet Kalikunci RT 18, Village Dawung, Sambirejo. The number of chickens that died Gito Giyo four tails.

    This continued on the X Col 1

    Yadi's chicken deaths Teguh Santosa, residents Hamlet Dulangsari RT 15, Wonokerso, Kedawung originally only five tails. However Disnakan officers, he added, had been destroy as many as 16 residents of the tail.


    Supadi's chicken, Hamlet Dasem RT 12, Duyungan, Sidoharho also die as much as four tails. And the last of the reports down to the officer who Krandon Hamlet, Village Geneng, Miri, found as many as 11 cases of poultry deaths of three local residents, namely Supardi, Yuda and Rajito.

    "All reports that after being tested with rapid test system tested positive for AI. After the AI a positive note, we get to socialize to the public about the dangers of AI, so as not contagious to humans. After socializing, usually citizens and also according to mengikhlaskan poultry culled. It also provided a disinfectant, "added Suhudi.


    Previously, (Solopos, 11 / 2), at least 61 birds in Hamlet Munggur RT 01, Village Karanganyar, District Sambungmacan, Sragen, died suddenly in the last two weeks.

    Dozens of dead birds that tested positive for sudden infected with avian influenza (AI) or known as bird flu virus. Hamlet residents were asked to complete an intensive spraying disinfectant on a number of citizen owned a chicken coop.

    Spraying disinfectant on a daily basis is to anticipate more cases of poultry deaths. In the area there are at least eleven families (families) that cattle dead poultry.

    Prevention of bird flu:

    1.Konsumsi poultry safely. Temperature of 80 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes would be deadly bird flu virus.

    2.Hindari contact with poultry or poultry farm. Use protective when forced to.

    3.Sering washing hands. Avoid the hands of the nose and mouth.

    4.Gunakan mask

    5.Memusnahkan positive poultry bird flu.

    6.Vaksinasi of poultry.

    7.Olah regular exercise, nutritious food, keep the environment clean, adequate rest.

    Source: Retno D Soejoedono, Ekowati Hadharyani. AI, akarta: Penebar Self, 2005. R & D Solopos - By: Tri Rahayu


    • #3
      Re: Sragen, Central Java: Dozens of birds affected with AI


      Edisi : Senin, 22 Februari 2010 , Hal.IX
      Terkait kasus flu burung
      Disnakkan awasi perbatasan

      Google translation:

      Edition: Monday, February 22, 2010, Hal.IX
      Related cases of bird flu
      Disnakkan border watch

      Sragen (Espos) Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakkan) Sragen Regency transportation to tighten supervision of poultry in the border region between Ngawi, East Java and Sragen, Central Java.

      Tightening surveillance of poultry transport was done to anticipate the entry of animal diseases into the territory of Sragen, especially avian ifluenza (AI) who attacked a number of areas in the Sragen region.

      Animal Health Disnakkan Kabid Sragen, Suhudi when contacted Espos, Jumat (19 / 2), expressing, monitoring animal transport in the border region had long conducted through collaboration with the Government of Central Java province located in Kelurahan Banaran, Sub Sambungmacan, Sragen. Tightening oversight for poultry, he explained, was done in anticipation of increased attacks AI or bird flu in the Sragen region.

      "Tightening supervision of poultry transport was done by involving as many as two paramedics in poultry checkpoints Sambungmacan, Sragen. Actually, animal control in the post not only for poultry, but also for other animals, like cows, goats and other animals. Animal diseases that could arise not only in poultry, but also other animal species, "he added.

      Progress reports of poultry deaths, he continued, still no reports of poultry deaths.He received reports of poultry deaths from Ngembatpadas Village area, District Gemolong, Sragen on Friday (19 / 2). He admitted that he had sent their teams to the area Disnakkan to carry out checks. "Until now we have not received information about the results of poultry deaths in Gemolong, whether positive or negative results of AI infection. Usually the examination is done quickly with rapid test system, "he explained. - By: TRH

