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Indonesia - Garut - Several suspected bird flu patients tested negative

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  • Indonesia - Garut - Several suspected bird flu patients tested negative

    toggletext translation

    The 10-year-old girl (?) seems to do well. No testresults known yet.

    The reports menitons H1N1, I assume this must be H5N1 ?


    on Monday, Jan's 25 2010

    Garut 25/1 (Antara) - the RSU Head Dr Slamet Garut, Dr Hj. Widjayanti Utoyo, SPM stated, on Monday, his side currently intensively handles an extraordinary incident patient (KLB) suspect bird flu on behalf of Iis (10).

    The resident of the Cigentur village the Padang Ratu village the Pasirwangi subdistrict, still was treated inap in isolation space, that beforehand got the inspection from the specialist doctor and now still got the special maintenance, he said.

    Whereas the condition for the patient today, the temperature of his body 35.5 Celsius levels, with the pulse 75, respiration 24 times, but generally berkeadaan calm, the condition for leucocytes 22,200, widal the negative as well as trombosit him 236,000.

    So as the maintenance and the inspection continued to be carried out as intensively as possible, in isolation space while being waiting for results of the inspection of the Kesehatan Research And Development laboratory (Litbangkes) the Department of the Health (the Department of Health) Jakarta, he said.

    Section Head Kesehatan of the Garut regency Dr H. Hendy Budiman warned, although the patient suspect this bird flu was not directly touching with the positive poultry H1N1, but that was relevant settled in the territory tertular, followed recently at least 90 tails of the poultry died was infected H1N1.( probably H5N1,ed)

    So as this incident could be classified by KLB, that also caused a local resident to be forced to be treated inap in RSU isolation space Dr Slamet since last Saturday (23/1), he said. RSU Dr Slamet Garut, was some from seven hospitals of the case of bird flu of handling reconciliation in the West Javanese province, but to ascertain results of the doctor's diagnosis spisialis him still was waiting from Litbangkes Department of Health.

    As a result of being still not owned by him the laboratory that was needed to detect his positive and negative assurance tertular H1N1, so as still was for quite a long time waiting for results that were hoped for that.

    google translation:

    RSU INTENSIVE HANDLE outbreaks Suspect Flu Burung

    Monday, January 25, 2010

    Garut, 25 / 1 (AFP) - The head of the RSU Dr. Slamet Garut, Dr. Hj. Widjayanti Utoyo, SPM states,
    Monday, his department is now dealing with a patient's intensive extraordinary events (KLB) flu suspect
    birds on behalf of Iis (10).

    Cigentur rural villagers Pasirwangi Padasuka district, was still hospitalized in the
    which previously had been getting checks from the medical specialist and still
    get special treatment, he said.

    While the patient's condition today, his body temperature is 35.5 degrees Celsius, with 75 pulses,
    respiration 24 times, but generally calm berkeadaan, 22,200 leukocytes conditions, negative Widal test and
    platelet count 236,000.

    So that treatment and examination continues seintensif may, in isolation while
    waiting for the results of laboratory examination Health Research and Development
    (Research and Development) Ministry of Health (MOH) Jakarta, he said.

    Head of Garut district health office, dr H. Budiman Hendy warned, though patients
    suspect bird flu was not in direct contact with H1N1 positive poultry, but
    concerned living in infected areas, following the recent least 90 birds
    H1N1 infected dead.

    So that these events could be classified as an outbreak, which also led to a citizen
    forced local hospitalized in isolation RSU Dr. Slamet since Saturday (23 / 1) and then, he said.

    RSU Dr. Slamet Garut, is one-one of seven referral hospitals handling flu cases
    birds in the province of West Java, but to ensure the results are still spisialisnya diagnosis
    waiting for the Ministry of Health Research and Development.

    As a result of the laboratory had not yet needed to detect positive certainty and
    contracted H1N1 negative, so still waiting for long enough that the expected results.

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    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Indonesia - Suspect bird flu patient in Garut Hospital

    Garut, West Java ::: Ten-year-old girl bird flu suspect

    January 25, 2010

    Garut ? Head of Slamet Garut regional hospital, Widjayanti Utoyo, on Monday (25/1), stated the hospital was currently treating an exceptional bird flu suspect, with initial Iis (10).

    Patient ? the resident of Kampung Cigentur, Desa Padasuka, Kecamatan Pasirwangi ? was admitted to hospital on Saturday (23/1). She is currently still under treatment at isolation unit and taken care by a specialist.

    Patient?s latest condition showed body temperature 35.5℃, pulse rate 75 and breathing rate 24. In general, she was stable while leukocyte count showed 22,200, thrombocyte 236,000 and widal test negative. Treatment will be continued at isolation unit until confirmation result from Ministry of Health laboratory in Jakarta has been issued.

    Head of Health Service of Kabupaten Garut, Hendy Budiman, said patient had no direct contact with bird flu (H5N1 ? adm) virus. Patient was stated as bird flu suspect because she lived in bird flu affected area; in particular dozens of chicken had been died within vicinity of patient?s neighborhood recently.

    Slamet Garut regional hospital is one of seven bird flu referral hospitals in West Java province.

    Source: Indonesia local news office, ANTARA Jabar.

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    Original article from ANTARA Jabar (in bahasa Indonesia) mentioned ?H1N1′ instead of ?H5N1′ to refer bird flu virus. The post above intentionally changed ?H1N1′ into ?H5N1′. We welcome any comment or correction regarding to this. -adm-

    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • #3
      Re: Indonesia - Suspect bird flu patient in Garut Hospital

      Some more reports on the 10-year-old girl, all mentioning bird flu and/or H5N1, so the first report mentioning H1N1 seems to be a mistake.

      Ruang isolasi Rumah Sakit Umum dr Slamet Garut Jawa Barat kembali merawat pasien yang diduga terserang virus afian influenza AI alias virus flu burung - Nusantara - Okezone News

      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


      • #4
        Re: Indonesia - Suspect bird flu patient in Garut Hospital

        10 Years Boy Suspected Bird Flu Detected
        Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - 00:30 wib
        text TEXT SIZE:

        GARUT - Outdoor insulation General Hospital, dr. Slamet Garut, West Java re-treat patients suspected afian virus influenza (AI), aka the bird flu virus.

        This time the bird flu virus 'up to' a 10-year-old boy Iis Tasrliyah, Gentur Village residents, Pasirwangi Subdistrict, Garut.

        Iis treated in isolation space Dr. Slamet General Hospital since Saturday (23 / 1) for health center physician referral Pasirwangi. Iis allegedly been attacked by the bird flu virus from gejalayang suffered including many birds that died suddenly not far from home Iis.

        Director RSU dr. Slamet, Widjajanti Utojo explained, when arriving at the hospital, Iis a high fever in a state of 38.8 degrees Celsius. In addition, pulse resfirasi and also high enough plus he suffered shortness.

        "On the report stated that patients susfect AI and decided to put in the insulation space is devoted to treating patients susfect AI," said Widjajanti, Monday (25/1/2010).

        According Widjajanti, to obtain certainty about Iis illness, it had taken samples of blood, saliva and mucus Iis and sent to Research and Development. "We're still waiting for the results. I hope it's negative," he said.

        Health Iis now seems already started to improve. Body temperature, respiration and pulse, now began gradually to normal. While the local health office found positive poultry infected with H5N1 virus. (FRD)


        • #5
          Re: Indonesia - Suspect bird flu patient in Garut Hospital


          Google translation:

          Tuesday, January 26, 2010
          "Suspect" Bird Flu maintained
          GARUT, (GM) --
          RSU dr. Slamet Garut still Iis Tarwiyah intensive care (10), 4th grade students from Kp. Cigintung, Padamukti Village, Kec. Pasirwangi, expressed as the patient suspect bird flu (H1N1) in a special isolation room bird flu patients.

          The second child of four children the couple Asep Sulaeman (42) and SA'ADAH (29) was in the hospital, Saturday (23 / 1) at around 14:15 pm.

          According to SA'ADAH, fever of unknown children and dizziness on Wednesday (20 / 1). Once seen by a doctor, his son was directly referred to the RSU dr. Slamet Garut because the condition concerned.

          Recognized SA'ADAH him worried because a week earlier, her neighbor's 50 birds died suddenly. Dozens of ducks and chickens are thrown into the pond near his home. Whereas children often play through and around the pool.

          Director RSU dr. Slamet Garut, Widjajanti Utoyo say Iis condition is now improving. "Her temperature currently 35.5 degrees Celsius, respirasinya reached 20, and the pulse in the range of 70. So do not worry about his condition again," he said.

          Based on data from the RSU dr. Slamet Garut, recorded in 2009 up to now there are as many as 30 patients suspect bird flu had been admitted.

          TB increased

          Meanwhile, one of 1,000 people in Kab. Cianjur confirmed tuberculosis disease (TB). If the patient does not completely cure, the disease will spread. Current Department of Health (health office) Kab. Cianjur endeavored to prevent it.

          "We continue to pursue these TB sufferers. Our assumption of 1.000 people, at least one of them must be exposed to TB," said Chief Dinkes Cianjur, dr. Hj. Queen Tri Yulia Herawati through the Head of the Communicable Diseases Control and Environmental Health, dr. H. Amin Amsyari, Monday (25 / 1). (B.117/B.101) **


          • #6
            Re: Indonesia - Suspect bird flu patient in Garut Hospital


            Kondisi lis Tarwiyah Membaik
            26 Jan 2010

            Google translation:

            Improved conditions Tarwiyah lis
            January 26, 2010

            Garut, Pelita

            lis Tarwiyah (10) 4th grade elementary school (SD), the second son of four children the fruit of marriage partners and Saadah Asep Sulaeman Cigintung citizens Padamukti RT 04/04 Ds, Pasirwangi Kab Garut district declared suspect (suspected) bird flu virus terldap ( FB). Suspicion arises when Saturday (23 / 1) brought to the RSU Dr. Slamet Garut. Hs admitted at around 14:15 pm and immediately received medical treatment and placed in isolation rooms available at a special hospital for special patients suffering from viral HIM.

            The mother of the boy when found Monday Saodah (25/0l) in isolation Slamet Garut RSUDdr beginning to explain his son on Wednesday sudden fever and dizziness. Next take his son to the nearest physician, then referred to the hospital because his temperature remained high. "My son at the time when the school leaving sudden fever and dizziness. Whereas before his condition does not matter. I also was afraid after the poultry had prior neighbors of ducks and chickens in the tail estimated to reach 50-week prior to the sudden death and thrown into the pond near the house.

            In addition the patient's father Asep Sulaeman (42) said after receiving the equipment from the hospital Tarwiyah lis condition has improved and the heat died down and ate it pretty banyak.Sementara Director RSU Dr. Slamet Garut Hj Widjajanti Dr. MM SpMi Utoyo. RET jka met last Saturday confirmed it received one patient Garut.Setelah Pasirwangi district residents in doing the examination and an intensive care patient eventually was stated suspect bird flu affected. Now trim condition began to improve in comparison when I got up Widjajanti RS.Lebih said temperature conditions are now written to reach 35 degrees Celsius, the response reached 20 and the pulse rate in the range of 70 so the condition is no longer writing her khawatirkan.Dijelaskan. lis. data according to a person 30 as the patient suspect bird flu had been admitted to the hospital Slamet Garut (ck-209)


            • #7
              Re: Indonesia - Suspect bird flu patient in Garut Hospital

              I guess there are two different villages.

              Cirebon (22) yo died - Residents RT 03/RW XVI Hamlet Village Josari Wonorejo, Jatiyoso,
              DR (41) - suspect - A patient, DR (41) Tukmudal village resident

              ETA: Nevermind. One is from Cirebon, and the other is from Garut.


              • #8
                Re: Indonesia - Suspect bird flu patient in Garut Hospital

                An overview of bird flu patients and bird flu deaths in Garut, starting from 2006, possibly triggered by the recent suspect bird flu patient.

                It is not unusual in Indonesia to count the "suspected" / not confirmed patients too.


                Thursday, January 28, 2010

                Garut, 27 / 1 (Antara) - Of 49 cases of Avian Influenza (AI / AI) in Garut district, Java
                West, the period July 2006 to the present has led to
                nine local residents killed
                world, consists of four victims and five positive suspeck victims.

                Whereas the other 40 cases, consisting of a bird flu positive citizen and can recover and there is
                Another 39 people suspeck
                , "said the head of Garut District Health Office Dr. H. Hendy Budiman,
                M. Kes when found in his office, Wednesday.

                They are scattered in 11 districts or 16 villages with a village, including
                Cikelet district with 21 cases each in the village of Cikelet (14 cases), the village Cigadog (4
                cases) and the village CIJAMBE (3 cases), followed by district Bayongbong (2 cases) respectively in
                village and village Mulyasari Sukarame, he said.

                Later in the district Malangbong (1 case Cinagara village), district Pangatikan (4 cases)
                each village Cihuni (1 case) and the village Cimaragas (3 cases), sub Karangpawitan (6
                cases) in the village Sindanggalih (4 cases), Situsari (1 case) and the village JATIWANGI (1 case).

                Later in Garut district City Cibiuk and each one case, Sucinaraja (7 cases),
                Peundeuy (3 cases), Cigedug (2 cases) and districts in the village Pasirwangi village Cigentur
                Padamukti there suspeck one case, which until now was declared "external events
                usual "(KLB) bird flu suspeck.

                "Although there is only one case suspeck AI, but the residential population, including areas
                positive transmission of bird flu, following the recently found at least 90 birds died as a result
                terinsfeksi positive diseases is alarming,
                "he said.

                Bersanitasi poor environmental conditions with the quality of water sources is not adequate,
                even a rainfed agricultural zones which had been supplied a lot of manure
                among others, from Tangerang.

                Secretary separately contacted the local Animal Husbandry Department, Ir Suhartono expressed
                "possibility" that manure condition that the root causes of flu cases
                But the most important carried out to anticipate, a lifestyle implementation
                clean and healthy society, should continue to improve the quality, among others put the cage
                livestock away from home, create an environment that is not muddy, and always impound
                poultry livestock.

                "As long as the vaccine has been distributed to farmers who chicken poultry stall,
                in accordance with the policies of the center, the vaccine was not intended for livestock dikandangkan, "
                he said.

                John D Hidayat
                (U.PK-HT/B/A033/A033) 27-01-2010

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                "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                • #9
                  Re: Indonesia - Garut - Several suspected bird flu patients tested negative

                  Apart from "IS - a 10-year old boy "Iis Tasrliyah" - , there were several suspected bird flu patients in Garut. All of them tested negative for H5N1, according to this report.

                  IS confirmed negative bird flu

                  18 Feb 2010


                  google translation:

                  In the meantime Pasirwangi District residents who suffered from suspected bird flu in mid-February according to test results that have been made the victim stated that the negatif.

                  However still the case findings (IS) and a few other cases occurred in Garut district, it has appealed to the public remain vigilant by continuing to implement a healthy lifestyle. (ck-2O9)

                  toggletext translation:

                  In the meantime Is the resident of the Pasirwangi Subdistrict that to will be suspected of contracting bird flu mid February according to results test that was carried out at casualty was stated negatif.

                  However was like this with still the existence of the case findings like (Is) and several other cases that happened in the Garut Regency, his side made a plea so that the community continues to be on the alert by continuing to apply the pattern of the healthy life.

                  "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                  Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                  ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

