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Yogyakarta: Dozens of Dead Birds Suddenly, standardized intensifying supervision AI outbreak

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  • Yogyakarta: Dozens of Dead Birds Suddenly, standardized intensifying supervision AI outbreak

    [Thursday, January 21, 2010]
    Dozens of Dead Birds Suddenly, standardized intensifying supervision AI outbreak
    YOGYAKARTA - In less than three weeks, dozens of chickens died suddenly discovered in the three villages. Even some of the dead chickens were found already dead for days by the Unit for Disease Control Avian Influenza (bird flu), or the Local Disease Control Center (LDCC) Department of Agriculture (standardized) DIJ.

    LDCC team of record, within a period of two weeks since the beginning of January, there were 92 birds that died suddenly in the three villages. Ie Munthuk Village, Dlingo, Bantul, there are 44 dead birds, of the total population in the same place as many as 56 birds. While in the village there Wonosari k?pek 31 birds died, of a total population of 170 tails. Last in the village of Kulonprogo Temon Lohgede Glagah found 13 dead birds, 35 birds from the population.

    This figure is considered high, given the previous months the number of cases of dead birds was not. "Usually in December, January, and February rose AI cases. This year was the case up, but did not rise as high as in previous years because the team was more alert SDCC handle it," said Department of Agriculture LDCC Coordinator DIJ dr. Tri Wahono to Radar Jogja in his office, yesterday (20 / 1).

    For increasing mengantisipai birds died suddenly, suspected by the program AI, LDCC team worked for 24 hours to monitor the situation in the poultry DIJ through LDCC cadres in the city and each district. Therefore, entering the rainy season, usually a virus deadly to humans is more rapid spread. Moreover, some time ago, this virus has spread in Boyolali. "LDCC is a spy tool from the Agriculture Department to monitor the spread of specific AI virus. Do not let this virus spread in DIJ, let alone human casualties," added Tri Wahono.

    In addition to dropping LDCC team surveillance and monitoring of this, vaccination of poultry has also been prepared. Through coordination vaccinators teams in each region, providing vaccines for poultry also increased. Unfortunately, this vaccine is still limited. For chicken poultry species alone, only about 32 percent are already vaccinated. Whereas the total chicken population in DIJ chicken about 3 million head.

    In addition, the government has allocated special funds for the provision of disinfectant, both from the state budget and the budget. From the state budget, DIJ received help 2 thousand liters spray disinfectant for poultry cages. 2010 This year, the help of water pressure (squirt gun) is also given the government. This tool is used to spray disinfectant not only in the cages of birds, but also began to be applied in the market, kranjang poultry, to clothes poultry traders in the market.

    Standardized mobility also tighten birds out DIJ, especially in the post-post traffic poultry. Now there were five traffic heading to whom there are poultry in Temon, Cangkringan, Kalibawang, and Glagah. "Every poultry that are more stringent entry checks carried out at the postal traffic poultry. Every single time there was a letter carrier to the health of poultry is free from AI issued a local agency brought home birds," said Head of Animal Husbandry DIJ Eddy Sulistyono standardized.

    It is said, his department has records of about 300 birds in DIJ traders to monitor the mobility of these birds. Admittedly, birds from endemic areas such as the AI is more stringent Boyolali monitored. Therefore, it is feared will be missed DIJ virus transmission if birds endemic area of origin of AI did not get more attention.

    Eddy further appealed to the people who have poultry to pay more attention to cleaning the cage. He thinks that birds are hard to watch birds belong diumbar daily population, not the birds that exist in large farms. Therefore, it diumbar birds will easily pass or contracting the H5N1 virus this. (nis)

  • #2
    Re: Yogyakarta: Dozens of Dead Birds Suddenly, standardized intensifying supervision AI outbreak


    Edisi : Rabu, 24 Februari 2010 , Hal.4
    TPFBM tanggulangi flu burung

    Google translation:

    Edition: Wednesday, February 24, 2010, Hal.4
    TPFBM overcome bird flu

    Kulonprogo (Espos) outbreak of bird flu cases in Kulonprogo, inviting sympathy Muhammadiyah by forming teams of Avian Influenza Muhammadiyah (TPFBM). The team will support the development of disease-free chicken bird flu.

    As a first step, TPFBM held workshops with the theme of Healthy Animal Free Membanguan AI Gulurejo in Town Hall. This event was followed by 40 ranchers, merchants, and businessmen in the region LENDAH-strain. "This activity in order to provide information and socialization serata find the latest formulation of bird flu in the region, especially Kulonprogo LENDAH-strain region," said Rohadi TPFBM Coordinator, LENDAH, Tuesday (23 / 2).

    He said with the intensive farming system has three advantages, namely business development system penyalit chicken bird flu free, quick sell ternah which only takes 60 days, and pursue the formation of business groups. - By: JIBI / Daily Yogyakarta / vim

