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Indonesia - Thousands of Chickens die of H5N1 in South Sumatra

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  • Indonesia - Thousands of Chickens die of H5N1 in South Sumatra

    Pagar Alam region, South Sumatra; no diagnosis yet;

    ND or Newcastle Disease is called "Tetelo".

    Chickens Suddenly Died

    Tuesday, January 12, 2010 02:24

    In the last 3 days, dozens of birds died suddenly of chickens in the village Pagaralam (Duspa) Pagaralam Kelurahan. This condition makes people in the old village in Pagaralam anxious or tegagau.

    Residents feared or attacked by diseases contracted H5N1 or bird flu that had appalling Pagaralam, 2002.Sedi (45) local residents said, his 10 chickens died suddenly. ''In addition, several neighbors chickens die suddenly. We were worried due to fears the demise of chickens infected with bird flu, because the chicken died suddenly,''he said, which immediately reported the matter to the agency said terkait.

    Senada Dedek (27), many of his pet chicken that died. ''We are very worried because sudden death. Conditions of chicken red comb, like the features of bird flu infected chickens. This is what strengthens their allegations that the chickens died from bird flu,' he said.Terpisah, Head of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Ichsan Ir Ashari Pagaralam MM through farm Ir Syafrizal Kabid said it had received reports of chickens that died suddenly in Duspa.

    Farm Team''has gone to the field and spraying disinfectant directly on a number of locations of chickens died suddenly,''he explained. He said the dead chicken was always affected by the bird flu virus.

    ''It could be disease or tetelo ND. This may occur because of changes in weather,''katanya.Pihaknya not sure whether the cause of chickens die of bird flu or tetelo. ''We have examined samples of dead chickens for examination, but that we also do spraying disinfectant directly into a chicken coop
    owned by local residents, "he said.

  • #2
    Re: Indonesia - Chickens died suddenly in South Sumatra

    Source: http://translate.googleusercontent.c...oT8sQCNIfyjD3Q

    Ribuan Ayam Pagaralam Mati Terinfeksi Flu Burung Thousands of Chickens Infected Pagaralam Bird Flu Death
    Minggu, 24 Januari 2010 13:44 WIB | Peristiwa | Kesehatan | Dibaca 216 kali Sunday, January 24, 2010 13:44 pm | Events | Health | Read 216 times
    Ribuan Ayam Pagaralam Mati Terinfeksi Flu Burung
    Pagaralam, Sumsel, (ANTARA News) - Ribuan ayam milik masyarakat di Kota Pagaralam, Sumatra Selatan mati mendadak yang diduga kuat positif terinfeksi wabah flu burung (H5N1). Pagaralam, South Sumatra, (ANTARA News) - Thousands of chickens in the city's community Pagaralam, South Sumatra died suddenly of a positive allegedly infected with bird flu (H5N1).

    Informasi dari Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan Kota Pagaralam, Minggu, menyatakan ayam mati itu berdasarkan hasil pengujian tim instansi ini, kuat dugaan terinfeksi virus H5N1, yaitu ayam milik warga Tanjung Aro, Kelurahan Selibar, Kecamatan Pagaralam Utara, juga ayam warga dari Dusun Mingkik, Kelurahan Atungbungsu, Kecamatan Dempo Selatan, dan ayam warga dari Kelurahan Jangga, Kecamatan Dempo Tengah. Information from the Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Pagaralam City, Sunday, declared dead chickens on the basis of test results the team this institution, strongly suspected H5N1 virus, which is owned by Cape chicken Aro, Selibar Sub-District, District of North Pagaralam, also residents of the Hamlet chicken Mingkik, Sub-District Atungbungsu, District of South Dempo, and chicken from the Sub-District residents Jangga, District Central Dempo.

    Kebanyakan ayam atau unggas yang mati dugaan kuat terinfeksi flu burung tersebut, memiliki ciri-ciri, seperti langsung mati, membiru, dan mengeluarkan cairan berlendir dari mulut. Most chickens or dead birds infected with the strong suspicion that the bird flu, have characteristics, such as immediate death, blue, and a discharge of mucus from the mouth.

    Kebanyakan unggas yang sudah mati tersebut tidak dikubur atau dibakar oleh warga, namun dibuang di sembarang tempat, seperti hutan/semak-semak, selokan, sungai, dan kolam warga setempat. Most of the dead birds are not buried or burned by citizens, but disposed of in any place, such as forest / bushes, ditches, rivers, and ponds of local residents.

    "Ayam mati mendadak ini juga bervariasi jumlahnya, satu ekor hingga puluhan ekor setiap harinya. Kondisi ini sudah berlangsung sejak satu bulan lalu, tapi tidak kami laporkan karena tidak mengetahui kalau terkena virus flu burung kecuali setelah dilakukan tes oleh tim Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan Pagaralam," kata Erli Suprianus, Ketua RW 01 Dusun Tajung Aro, Kelurahan Selibar, Kecamatan Pagaralam Utara.(*) "Chickens die suddenly also vary in number, one to tens tail tail every day. The condition has been going on since a month ago, but we do not report because they do not know if the bird flu virus but after tests conducted by a team of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Department Pagaralam, "said Erli Suprianus, Chairman of RW 01 Hamlet Tajung Aro, Selibar Sub-District, District of North Pagaralam. (*)
    "The only security we have is our ability to adapt."

