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Russia - Swine flu deaths rise to 9 in Amur Region

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  • Russia - Swine flu deaths rise to 9 in Amur Region

    Ishaev send a working group in the Amur region, where the influenza A (H1N1) killed nine

    Presidential Plenipotentiary in the Far Eastern Federal District Viktor Ishayev instructed his staff members to study the situation with disease pandemic influenza in the Amur region.

    As on November 25 told a REGNUM News, the press service of the Far East envoy, Viktor Ishayev concerns caused the death of nine residents of the Amur region of complications from influenza A (H1N1).

    Victor Ishaev at a meeting at the embassy has spoken of the need for a judicial review of all deaths in the Amur region, and instructed to create a working group of law enforcement officers control department and the department of economic and social policy staff from the Minister to review the situation with the spread, detection and treatment of swine influenza in the Amur region.

    On instructions from the Minister continues to monitor the situation daily incidence of pandemic influenza in the subjects of Russia Far East Federal District. In the Far East during the entire period from the beginning of the epidemic revealed 1,886 cases of swine flu.

    At the moment there are 267 in the treatment of the Far East. Died from complications of influenza A (H1N1) 16 people - nine in the Amur region, two - in the Khabarovsk Territory, one in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka and Primorye territories, Magadan and Sakhalin regions.

    Полномочный представитель президента РФ в Дальневосточном федеральном округе Виктор Ишаев поручил сотрудникам своего аппарата изучить ситуацию с...

  • #2
    Re: Russia - Swine flu deaths rise to 9 in Amur Region

    Viktor Ishayev instructed the head of the Amur region to deal with a high mortality from influenza A (H1N1)

    Presidential Plenipotentiary in the Far Eastern Federal District Viktor Ishaev demanded from the leadership of the Amur region to understand why the region has the highest mortality from pandemic influenza A (H1N1).

    As on December 3 BelTA news agency REGNUM in the press-service of the Far East envoy, concerns Ishayev caused the death of nine residents of the Amur region of complications from influenza A (H1N1).

    Deputy envoy Alexander Levintal said that in the Amur region discovered that when in violation of the requirements Rospotrebnadzor to hold events in the children's sanatorium "White Mountains" was organized by the change.

    Recall, from 7 to 18 November in the sanatorium with symptoms of acute viral infections sought medical treatment 55 children diagnosed with SARS. November 19 five sick children were sampled for virological studies on influenza and SARS. According to the results of studies in three children, set a positive result of analysis of influenza A (H1N1).

    According to the deputy envoy, testing has found that administration of sanatorium and health complex miners 'White Mountains' decision violated the chief sanitary doctor of the Amur region, which prohibits job sanatoria for the period of expansion of morbidity SARS and influenza, and November 7 check to the camp allowed 214 children from 6 to 16 years.

    "You have a million residents of 103 cases of this influenza virus and killed each 11-second, almost half of all deaths in the Far East", - said Victor Ishaev, referring to the governor of Amur Oblast Oleg Kozhemyako. "This mortality rate - 9% does not exist anywhere in the world. You have to understand what is happening", "envoy added.

    Ishayev believes that in bad work comes with the original diagnosis of the disease and identify patients. "Until then, it is a concern," - he stressed.

    Envoy also said that the region should arrive specialists on site to understand the situation. "Connect science specialists. People are dying - it is not normal," - said Ishayev.

    Envoy instructed all governors of the regions of the Far East and the heads of territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor undertake the necessary measures to prevent the spread of pandemic influenza, providing for their organizational and financial support. "It should organize the diagnosis, detection of cases at the initial level. Yes, it will increase the number of cases identified, but we can prevent deaths", - added Victor Ishayev.

    According to the apparatus from the Minister on 1 December, the Far East influenza A (H1N1) laboratory confirmed in 2,212 people, 19 of whom died.

    The largest number of cases found in the Khabarovsk Territory - 489, Yakutia - 415, Primorsky Krai - 365.

    Полномочный представитель президента РФ в Дальневосточном федеральном округе Виктор Ишаев потребовал от руководства Амурской области разобраться...

