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China_ H1N1 - Ministry of Health reports 65,000 cases and 43 deaths

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  • China_ H1N1 - Ministry of Health reports 65,000 cases and 43 deaths

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    Ministry of Health: Mainland China 65,927 new flu cases confirmed; 43 cases died

    News Center - China Net Time: 2009-11-13 Editor: Chen Weisong

    November 12, 29-year-old Fujian Province, the first case of critically ill patients with a flow of Shu Yu-Wen, after the Nanjing Military Region, Fuzhou General Hospital of the month-long elaborate treatment, discharged.

    Patients Shu Yu-wen is a farmer in Fujian Wuyishan City, early morning of October 6 fever, shortness of breath, chest tightness and other symptoms, the maximum temperature 41 degrees Celsius, five days before she was diagnosed with Influenza A H1N1 influenza cases of critically ill patients. The photo shows staff farewell patients discharged home Shu Yu-Wen.

    November 13, assigned to the city of Anhui Chuzhou the first 4万多只HINI influenza virus influenza vaccine began cracking free vaccination. The same day, the city staff in health and epidemic prevention departments to strictly implement the provisions of vaccination programs, giving priority to transportation, public security police and other public service positions to front-line staff in the real-name system for vaccination. China news agency Fa Wang kuo

    BEIJING, November 13's Ministry of Health informed at 3:00 p.m. on November 11 to at 15 o'clock on November 13, the Chinese mainland reported confirmed cases of Influenza A H1N1 Influenza 3056 cases.

    As of November 13, the Chinese mainland's 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) had reported 65,927 cases of Influenza A H1N1 confirmed cases of influenza have been cured 49.77 thousand cases, 43 cases died.

    As at 12:00 on November 13, the State Food and Drug Authority Batch Release 252 lots totaled 43.714 million people were. China's 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps cumulative sign Influenza H1N1 influenza vaccine were 29.69 million people, accumulated 13.26 million vaccinated persons (excluding the military and armed police).

    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

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