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Denmark: New influenza virus in mink created by re-assortment of human and swine influenza virus

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  • Denmark: New influenza virus in mink created by re-assortment of human and swine influenza virus

    16/10/2009 22:30

    Mink at least eleven farms in Holstebro area are infected with the new form of human influenza virus. The situation recalls the start of the current H1N1 pandemic in Mexico.

    Danish veterinary and health authorities have issued a warning after the mink at least 11 mink farms in Holstebro area in a globally unique occurrence was infected with a new form of human influenza virus.

    "It is a situation that creates some concern because we can see that the virus originates in humans. Against this background, we conclude that there is an increased risk that it also can infect back to people, "says senior scientist Poul Henrik Jorgensen, National Veterinary Institute.

    The situation has therefore administrations large attention, because it has clear parallels to the current pandemic H1N1 influenza that occurred in Mexico in the spring - probably on the basis of infection with a mutated human influenza viruses from pigs to humans.


    "Yes, there is a fairly clear analogy to H1N1. The only major difference is that we fortunately have not seen that the infection is gone the other way? from mink to humans, "says the leader of the influenza laboratory at Statens Serum Institut, Dr. Lars P. Nielsen, who in recent days has conducted detailed analysis of influenza virus from Danish mink.

    The analysis conducted on Veteinærinstituttet and Statens Serum Institute shows that the virus has clear resemblance to a type of H3N2 flu that circulated in the Danish population of approximately four years ago.

    "It recalls the virus infected people in 2005, but it is altered or mutated a little bit over it. But since in its original version has been circulating in the population for a long time, so we expect that there is some cross-immunity, which means that most will be at least partially protected against it, "says Lars P. Nielsen.

    He stresses that the Serum Institute in the period ahead will pay extra attention to possibly submit samples of H3N2 virus from infected humans.

    The superintendent's investigation also shows that the antiviral agent Tamiflu, also recommended preventive against H1N1 influenza, with high probability is effective against the new type of H3N2 influenza.

    WHO informed

    Lars P. Nielsen is Denmark's flu-contact in relation to World Health Organization. In this context, he states that the WHO has been informed of the unique Danish situation and that we then ask the Danish authorities to remain observant and karaterisere virus further.

    There is seems to be talking about the first recorded case ever in the world of human influenza infection among mink.

    "We do not know how the virus entered the farm, and we get it may never be solved. But it is probably a single factor, because there is a geographically limited area. It may be via food or through an individual who has his time here on the mink farms, "says Poul Henrik Jørgensen from DTU Vetrinærinstituttet.

  • #2
    Re: Warning on mink influenza

    Published at 16:10:09. 23:23

    Warning: Mink can give flu

    11 mink farms in the area around Holstebro have lung infections from influenza A and coliform. I mindst ?n bes?tning er mink smittet med influenza H3N2, som stammer fra mennesker. In at least one crew mink infected with influenza H3N2, derived from humans.

    Therefore, people who have had contact with infected mink farms, wash hands thoroughly with alcohol or soap and water.

    Det oplyser DTU Veterin?rinstituttet i ?rhus, der har unders?gt bes?tningerne. The state National Veterinary Institute in Aarhus, which has studied herds.
    Ingen smittet endnu

    No infection yet

    Der er ikke konstateret smitte til mennesker, men den p?viste virustype m? if?lge DTU Veterin?rinstituttet forventes at kunne smitte mennesker. There has been no human infection, but the type of virus may be detected according to National Veterinary Institute is expected to be able to infect humans.

    Det er sj?ldent, at mink smittes med influenza, men det er f?r set i s?vel Sverige som Canada. It is rare that mink infected with influenza, but it is already seen in Sweden as well as Canada. Den grundigere hygiejne skal sikre, at mennesker ikke selv smittes af influenza fra mink eller overf?rer smitten til andre minkbes?tninger. The more thorough hygiene to ensure that people are not even infected by influenza virus from mink or transmit the infection to other mink farms.

    Ritzau Ritzau


    • #3
      Re: Warning on mink influenza

      oktober 2009 09:39:45
      October 2009 09:39:45

      Warns mink influenza

      Myndighederne advarer nu om en ny influenzatype, som kan smitte fra dyr til mennesker.
      The authorities now warns about a new type of flu that can infect from animals to humans.
      <table><tbody><tr><td class="image_cell">
      </td></tr><tr><td class="attr_cell">
      Danske myndigheder advarer nu om mink-influenza.
      Danish authorities now warn about mink influenza. Photo:
      Situationen minder om starten p? svineinfluenza-pandemien, der opstod hos svin i Mexico.
      The situation recalls the start of swine influenza pandemic that occurred in pigs in Mexico.
      Men der er tale om mink i Danmark, der er smittet med en ny form for human influenzavirus.
      But there are mink in Denmark who are infected with a new form of human influenza virus.
      Den minder om svineinfluenzaen, eller H1N1-virusset, og kommer fra mink p? mindst 11 minkfarme i Holstebro-omr?det.
      It recalls the swine flu, or H1N1 virus, and come from mink at least 11 mink farms in Holstebro area.
      "Der er en for?get risiko for, at det ogs? kan smitte tilbage til mennesker," siger seniorforsker Poul Henrik J?rgensen, DTU Veterin?rinstituttet til Berlingske Tidende.
      "There is an increased risk that it also can infect humans back to," says senior scientist Poul Henrik Jorgensen, National Veterinary Institute for Berlingske Tidende.
      Det er et helt enest?ende globalt tilf?lde.
      It is a unique global event.
      Ligesom den aktuelle H1N1-influenza, hvor grise i Mexico startede med at smitte mennesker og sygdommen blev international.
      Like the current H1N1 flu, where pigs in Mexico started to infect humans and disease was international.


      • #4
        Re: Warning on mink influenza

        Another case where handlers should wear N95 masks and be vaccinated.

        Mink flu sequences in NCBI database:

        AAA79774 561 Mink HA H10N4 Sweden 1984 Influenza A virus (A/mink/Sweden/1984(H10N4))
        ACF76813 545 Mink HA H5N1 Sweden 2006/03/21 Influenza A virus (A/mink/Sweden/V907/2006(H5N1))
        ACF04382 566 Mink HA H3N2 Canada 2007/09/27 Influenza A virus (A/mink/Nova Scotia/1055488/2007(H3N2)0
        "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


        • #5
          Re: Warning on mink influenza

          Warning on mink influenza

          Offentliggjort 17.10.09 kl.
          Published at 17:10:09.
          Mink p? mindst elleve farme i Holstebro-omr?det er smittet med ny form for human influenzavirus.
          Mink at least eleven farms in Holstebro area are infected with the new form of human influenza virus.
          Situationen minder om starten p? den aktuelle H1N1-pandemi i Mexico, skriver Berlingske Tidende.
          The situation recalls the start of the current H1N1 pandemic in Mexico, writes Berlingske Tidende.
          Danske veterin?r- og sundhedsmyndigheder har udsendt en advarsel, efter at mink p? mindst 11 minkfarme i Holstebro-omr?det i et globalt helt enest?ende tilf?lde er konstateret smittet med en ny form for human influenzavirus.
          Danish veterinary and health authorities have issued a warning after the mink at least 11 mink farms in Holstebro area in a globally unique occurrence was infected with a new form of human influenza virus.
          ?Det er en situation, som skaber en vis bekymring, for vi kan se, at virusset har oprindelse i mennesker.
          "It is a situation that creates some concern because we can see that the virus originates in humans.
          P? den baggrund slutter vi, at der er en for?get risiko for, at det ogs? kan smitte tilbage til mennesker,? siger seniorforsker Poul Henrik J?rgensen, DTU Veterin?rinstituttet.
          Against this background, we conclude that there is an increased risk that it also can infect back to people, "says senior scientist Poul Henrik Jorgensen, National Veterinary Institute.
          Situationen har dertil myndighedernes store bev?genhed, fordi den har klare paralleller til den aktuelle pandemiske H1N1-influenza, der opstod i Mexico i for?ret - efter al sandsynlighed p? baggrund af smitte med et muteret humant influenzavirus fra svin til mennesker.
          The situation has therefore administrations large attention, because it has clear parallels to the current pandemic H1N1 influenza that occurred in Mexico in the spring - probably on the basis of infection with a mutated human influenza viruses from pigs to humans.

          Kilde: Berlingske Tidende
          Source: Berlingske Tidende


          • #6
            Re: Warning on mink influenza

            minks at 11 farms in Denmark with human H3N2 from 2005, not ******

            11 farms !
            4 years undetected !
            I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
            my current links: ILI-charts:


            • #7
              Re: Warning on mink influenza

              In the NCBI database there is no human H3N2 for 2007 in Nova Scotia or Canada, but NE US sequences showed quite a few differences in the HA. A few of the "different" genes in the Nova Scotia mink were occasionally found in the human H3N2. So it appears that while they were different, there was clearly some gene-swapping going on. Whether it was directly from mink or a common host I can't say.

              "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


              • #8
                Re: Warning on mink influenza

                Our animals died was just

                Updated: 17 Oktober 2009 16:03 Frygteligt at se at dyrene bare d?de, uden vi kunne g?re noget, fort?llere minkavlere, der har haft mink-influenza. October 2009 16:03 Terrible to see that the animals simply died without we could do something, storytellers mink farmers who have had mink influenza.

                * Advarsel om menneske-influenza i mink i Holstebro Warning of human influenza in mink in Holstebro
                * Mink begyndte at nyse og hoste f?r de d?de Mink began to sneeze and cough before they died

                De h?ber, at de er ovre det v?rste. They hope that they are over the worst.

                Men b?de driftsleder Flemming Toft og minkavler Jens Friis har v?ret bekymrede de sidste uger. But both the manager Flemming Toft and mink farmer Jens Friis have been worried the past week.

                ?Minkene d?de jo bare. 'Mink died was just. Uden at vi vidste hvorfor. Without our knowing why. Det var forf?rdeligt,? fort?ller Flemming Toft, der er driftsleder p? en minkfarm ved Halg?rd, der har v?ret ramt af den influenzavirus, der muligvis ogs? kan smitte til mennesker. It was terrible, "says Flemming Toft, who is a manager at a mink farm at Halg?rd who have been hit by the flu virus, which may also be infectious to humans.

                ?Nu h?ber vi bare, at de ogs? kan f? lavet en vaccine, s? vi slet ikke beh?ver bekymrer os,? siger han. "Now we just hope that they too may have made a vaccine, so we do not need worry us," he says.

                Ogs? Jens Friis fra Skave har v?ret ramt af influenzaen. Jens Friis from Skaven have been hit by flu.

                ?Uvisheden omkring, at man ikke vidste hvad der var galt har v?ret den v?rste,? siger Jens Friis. "The uncertainty around that they did not know what was wrong has been the worst," said Jens Friis.

                Selv om influenzaen muligvis kan smitte fra mink til mennesker, er det ikke noget der bekymrer de to avlere synderligt: While the flu may be infected from mink to humans, it is not something that concerns the two growers much different:

                ?Bange er jeg ikke. 'Afraid I am not. Vi g?r stadig ud til dyrene, men det er klart, at man tager sine forholdsregler, og s?rger for at vaske fingre en ekstra gang,? siger Flemming Toft. We still go out to the animals, but it is clear that one takes precautions and care to wash their hands a second time, "says Flemming Toft.

                De to farme til sammen har mistet op mod 1000 mink som en konsekvens af influenzaen. The two farms together have lost up to 1,000 mink as a consequence of the flu.

                pic at link: http://translate.googleusercontent.c...dagbladet-hols


                • #9
                  Re: Warning on mink influenza

                  <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=tdl vAlign=bottom colSpan=2>Vandals Free More Than 10,000 Minks

                  </TD><TR><TD class=tdl vAlign=bottom colSpan=2><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD>Published on October 10, 2009

                  by OfficialWire NewsDesk

                  ( and OfficialWire)

                  SONDERVIG, DENMARK

                  </TD><TD vAlign=top width=80 align=middle> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdl colSpan=2>More than 10,000 mink escaped from Danish farms targeted by fence-destroying vandals, authorities say.
                  Police said 6,000 mink escaped from a farm near Sondervig after vandals destroyed the fences surrounding the property Tuesday night and a similar case of fence destruction at a Fousing farm Thursday allowed nearly 5,000 mink to get away, The Copenhagen Post reported Friday.
                  Investigators said they believed the two incidents are related but they had not yet determined whether animal rights activists were behind them.
                  Sander Jakobsen of the fur breeder's association Pelsdyravlerforeningen said about 100 mink breeders and hunters have been chasing the animals that got loose Tuesday. He said about 3,000 mink have been killed and many of the recaptured animals are likely to die from stress in the coming days.
                  Jakobsen said the fur from each mink is worth about $29. He said the lost minks from the Sondervig farm were insured. It was not clear Friday whether the Fousing farm minks were covered.

                  is this nearby? they having a lotta mink problems goin on there</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>



                  • #10
                    Re: Warning on mink influenza

                    Mink began to sneeze and cough before they died

                    UPDATED: 17 OCTOBER 2009 12:37 Experts do not believe that mink influenza poses the great danger to humans. But they do not know.
                    By Jesper Markussen

                    Attending physician Lars P. Nielsen, Statens Serum Institut denies that there is special reason to panic after the discovery of influenza in mink at Holstebro, likely to infect humans.

                    "The virus which has mink is similar in type on an ordinary flu. How one can become infected from person to person. "

                    "But since we have no where mink have infected humans, we know not precisely how flu might behave and evolve in humans, Lars P. Nielsen.

                    Although flu is reminiscent of a known influenza, so the experts agree that flu constantly changes shape,

                    "Therefore, we keep very eye on developments right now. It is our job, even though probably not have any consequences for humans, "says Lars P. Nielsen.

                    Flu-epedimien in mink began as acute mysterious deaths of mink on two farms west of Holstebro in early September.

                    Mink died suddenly without prior disease - were found dead with blood from his nose.

                    Despite massive medication continued deaths - no matter what type of medication used.

                    And during the month of September was more farms have been hit by the infection, which meant that between five and 25 mink died a day for a period of between two and three weeks.

                    While acknowledging the owners of the affected mink farms that their mink began to sneeze and cough before they died - and therefore chose the experts to look for flu symptoms.


                    • #11
                      Re: Warning on mink influenza

                      Treyfish...." farm near Sondervig"...actually it's not too far away....


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                      • #12
                        Re: Warning on mink influenza

                        <small>View Larger Map</small>"><iframe marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=", +denmark+to:Sondervig&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&sll=56 .41546,8.56959&sspn=0.128383,0.308647&ie=UTF8&ll=5 6.286755,8.36701&spn=0.37197,0.49948&output=embed" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="350" width="425"></iframe>
                        <small>View Larger Map</small>Commonground is right...

                        "In the beginning of change, the patriot is a scarce man (or woman, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for it then costs nothing to be a patriot."- Mark TwainReason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it. -Thomas Paine


                        • #13
                          Re: Warning on mink influenza

                          Interesting so mink were infected with a H3N2 human flu. Hong kong flu in 1968 was a H3N2 also. So we may be on the verge of another pandemic? or do we have enough immunity to it? Minks are similar to ferrets so, we are both mammels that is how they might have got it.


                          • #14
                            Re: Warning on mink influenza

                            that Nova Scotia mink had the triple-reassortant swine flu strain,
                            which isn't seen in Europe.
                            I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
                            my current links: ILI-charts:


                            • #15
                              Re: Warning on mink influenza

                              Originally posted by AlaskaDenise View Post
                              In the NCBI database there is no human H3N2 for 2007 in Nova Scotia or Canada, but NE US sequences showed quite a few differences in the HA. A few of the "different" genes in the Nova Scotia mink were occasionally found in the human H3N2. So it appears that while they were different, there was clearly some gene-swapping going on. Whether it was directly from mink or a common host I can't say.

                              Looking the the HA/mink/H5N1/sweden/2006 and comparing it to Egypt (the only European human H5N1 sequence on file outside of SE asia) I found there was far more similarity in the HA. Only 4 positions out of 548 were different in the mink.

                              However, when I also compared it to a few human H5N1/HA sequences from China & Indonesia, those genes that were different in Egypt were found in the Asian sequences, except for only 2 positions. There are far more differences between the various H5N1 sequences.

                              So my (non-expert) conclusion would be that human and mink 2006/H5N1 are the same in the hemmaglutinin.

                              "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation

