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Egypt's Health Minister denies H5N1 & "Swine Flu" coinfection

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  • Egypt's Health Minister denies H5N1 & "Swine Flu" coinfection

    "Health" denies mutation of avian flu in pigs, with
    Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 - 19:55

    Minister of Health Dr.. Gabali
    Mona Zia

    Denied the Ministry of Health through the Council of Ministers report daily to the situation of swine flu, the rumors about a mutation of the swine flu virus to one of the cases infected with avian influenza, upon his arrival at the port of Safaga from Umrah.

    The ministry said that this pilgrim infected with swine flu in addition to the common flu and not bird flu, and his health is good and stable, and will leave the hospital within two days after the treatment, emphasizing the lack of any situation that the mutation of avian influenza in Egypt and that there is no marriage between him and the bird flu virus .

  • #2
    Re: "Health" denies mutation of avian flu in pigs, with

    Good find,RWilmer.


    • #3
      Re: "Health" denies mutation of avian flu in pigs, with

      That's still not good. That seems to indicate a co-infection with seasonal and pandemic flu, even if bird flu is not involved.


      • #4
        Re: "Health" denies mutation of avian flu in pigs, with

        Can I say "crap" here?

        If this continues, would it make any vaccine now being produced useless?
        "There's a chance peace will come in your life - please buy one" - Melanie Safka
        "The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be" - Socrates


        • #5
          Translation error-H5N1/H1N1 Virus coinfection suspected -promed

          ************************************************** ***************
          A ProMED-mail post

          ProMED-mail is a program of the
          International Society for Infectious Diseases

          Date: Sun 30 Aug 2009
          Source: AlMasry AlYoum [in Arabic trans. Hussain Ayoub, paraphrased
          and edited]

          A sample taken from a 28 year-old man who arrived at the port of
          Safaga from Saudi Arabia after performing Umrah [pilgrimage] has
          tested positive for [both] bird and swine flu [that is, presumably avian
          influenza (H5N1) virus and pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus infections]. He
          was immediately detained and held in isolation in a hospital in
          Mohammad Rifai, director-general of preventative medicine, stated that
          this case is the 3rd in 2 days. [The other 2 are a 35-year-old Italian
          tourist also retained at the hospital in Hurghada and] another
          pilgrim, 30 years old, who has been detained in Safaga Central
          Hospital. Rifai pointed out that a sample from a 38-year-old citizen
          has tested negative.

          Another 2 cases have been detained in Mansoura fever hospital on
          suspicion of similar illness.

          5 cases, including 4 children, suspected of having contracted
          "bird flu" infection [presumably avian influenza (H5N1) virus
          infection] have been detained in Mansoura Chest hospital.

          [Byline: Mohamed Soliman]

          Communicated by:

          [Does the director-general of preventative medicine mean this case is
          the 3rd in 2 days of *dual* infection? Unless both *viruses* were
          detected in the patient, not simply positive antibody results, this
          would be inconclusive, since Egypt has reported cases of H5N1
          throughout 2009, and this person may have had a mild infection before
          leaving for Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has reported 285 cases (no
          deaths) of H1N1 in 2009 -- see last case count of 22 July in ProMED
          ref. below -- but it is also possible that the Egyptian
          pilgrim(s) could have caught H1N1 from a pilgrim from another
          H1N1-infected country.- Mod.JW]

          [If this report is confirmed it raises the prospect of the potential
          evolution by genome subunit reassortment of a highly transmissible
          influenza virus like the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus with the enhanced
          virulence of the avian (H5N1) virus. Further information is awaited
          confirmatory or not, by laboratory analysis, of the occurrence of dual
          infection. - Mod.CP]

          [Port Safaga, in the Red Sea Governorate (El Bahr El Ahmar), can be
          located on the HealthMap/ProMED-mail interactive map of Egypt at
          . - Sr.Tech.Ed.MJ]

          [see also:
          Avian influenza, human (111): Egypt, 84th & 85th cases, WHO 20090901.3079
          Influenza pandemic (H1N1) 2009 (14): case count 20090722.2599
          Avian influenza (24): Saudi Arabia, China (Tibet), Bangladesh 20080129.0373
          *################################################# #########*
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          thereon, are not guaranteed. The reader assumes all risks in
          using information posted or archived by ProMED-mail. ISID
          and its associated service providers shall not be held
          responsible for errors or omissions or held liable for any
          damages incurred as a result of use or reliance upon posted
          or archived material.
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          Last edited by Treyfish; September 1, 2009, 05:58 PM. Reason: false alarm-under review


          • #6
            Re: H5N1/H1N1 VIRUS CO-INFECTION-suspected-promed

            Good WORK.



            • #7
              Re: H5N1/H1N1 Virus coinfection suspected -promed

              Original Story

              Injury pilgrims bird flu in pigs, and the Red Sea

              Mr. Mohamed Soliman
              The results of analysis of the sample was taken from "Ahmad Rifai Aelchensteoi" (28 years) from the pool seven Éjfél, who arrived to Safaga port yesterday, from Saudi Arabia after performing Umrah that bird flu, and pigs, and the sample is positive, and was detained Department isolation at the hospital hotel in Hurghada.

              Dr. "Mohammad Rifai," Director General of preventive medicine to maintain, that this case is the third in two days, where tests confirmed positive samples and the existence of cases of Italian tourists, "Ilisu Monaco" (35 years), and was detained Hospital, Hurghada, also confirmed to the pilgrim, "Muhammad Lutfi age "(30 years), and was detained Safaga Central Hospital, Rifai pointed out that the results of the sample was taken from the citizen" Shukri Abdul Majid "(38 years) were negative.

              The official said the detention of General Hospital of Minya after the girl confirmed to be infected pigs of bird, also detained in Mansoura Fever Hospital on Sunday, two on suspicion of injuries with the same disease, and doctors confirmed that the two cases were detained in hospital isolation room and took their samples to be sent to the Ministry of Health

              On the other hand was detained in Mansoura Chest Hospital, five cases suspected of having the "bird flu", including four children.

     page%2Fportal%2FMasryPortal%2FARTICLE_AR%3FitId%3D UG115499%26pId%3DUG14%26pType%3D1&sl=auto&tl=en&hi story_state0=


              • #8
                Re: H5N1/H1N1 Virus coinfection suspected -promed

                Doesn't the first post in this thread indicate that the case was negative for H5N1?
                Last edited by Niko; September 1, 2009, 06:36 PM. Reason: revised to reflect combined threads


                • #9
                  Re: H5N1/H1N1 Virus coinfection suspected -promed

                  Yes it is. Someone needs to send that new story to promed.


                  • #10
                    Re: H5N1/H1N1 Virus coinfection suspected -promed

                    Recent mix warning stories from egypt



                    • #11
                      Re: H5N1/H1N1 Virus coinfection suspected -promed

                      I think ProMed just got hosed. "Bird flu in pigs" is H1N1. There's no H5N1 involved. Here is the original article, before the editing by ProMed. I think the editor misunderstood the term "bird flu in pigs" to be a dual infection. The speculation at the end of the ProMed post would seem to support that conclusion ("third dual infection"?)

                      Injury pilgrims bird flu in pigs, and the Red Sea

                      محمد السيد سليمان Mr. Mohamed Soliman
                      أكدت نتائج التحاليل للعينة التي تم أخذها من "أحمد الشنشتاوي الرفاعي" (28 عاما) من بركة السبع منوفية، والذي وصل إلى ميناء سفاجا أمس الأول ، قادما من السعودية بعد أدائه مناسك العمرة أنه مصابا بأنفلونزا الطيور والخنازير، وان العينة إيجابية، وتم حجزه بقسم العزل بالمستشفى الفندقي بالغردقة . The results of analysis of the sample was taken from "Ahmad Rifai Aelchensteoi" (28 years) from the pool seven Éjfél, who arrived to Safaga port yesterday, from Saudi Arabia after performing Umrah that bird flu, and pigs, and the sample is positive, and was detained Department isolation at the hospital hotel in Hurghada.

                      وأكد الدكتور "محمد رفاعي" مدير عام الطب الوقائي بالمحافظة، أن هذه الحالة هي الحالة الثالثة خلال يومين حيث أكدت التحاليل إيجابية العينات وثبوت الإصابة للسائح الايطالي "أليسو موناكو" (35 عاما)، وتم حجزه بمستشفى الغردقة، كما تأكد إصابة المعتمر "محمد لطفي عمر" (30 عاما)، وتم حجزه بمستشفى سفاجا المركزي، وأشار رفاعي إلى أن نتائج العينة التي تم أخذها من المواطن "شكري عبد المجيد" (38 عاما) جاءت سلبية . Dr. "Mohammad Rifai," Director General of preventive medicine to maintain, that this case is the third in two days, where tests confirmed positive samples and the existence of cases of Italian tourists, "Ilisu Monaco" (35 years), and was detained Hospital, Hurghada, also confirmed to the pilgrim, "Muhammad Lutfi age "(30 years), and was detained Safaga Central Hospital, Rifai pointed out that the results of the sample was taken from the citizen" Shukri Abdul Majid "(38 years) were negative.

                      فيما أعلن مسئول بمستشفى المنيا العام احتجاز فتاه بعد التأكد من إصابتها بأنفلوانزا الخنازير، كما احتجزت مستشفى الحميات بالمنصورة اليوم الأحد حالتين للاشتباه في إصابتهما بنفس المرض، وأكد الأطباء أن الحالتين تم احتجازهما بغرفة العزل بالمستشفى واخذ عينات منهما لإرسالها لمعامل وزارة الصحة The official said the detention of General Hospital of Minya after the girl confirmed to be infected pigs of bird, also detained in Mansoura Fever Hospital on Sunday, two on suspicion of injuries with the same disease, and doctors confirmed that the two cases were detained in hospital isolation room and took their samples to be sent to the Ministry of Health

                      وعلى صعيد آخر احتجزت مستشفى الصدر بالمنصورة خمس حالات للإشتباه في إصابتهم بـ" أنفلونزا الطيور" بينهم أربع أطفال. On the other hand was detained in Mansoura Chest Hospital, five cases suspected of having the "bird flu", including four children.


                      • #12
                        Re: H5N1/H1N1 Virus coinfection suspected -promed

                        Originally posted by alert View Post
                        I think ProMed just got hosed. "Bird flu in pigs" is H1N1. There's no H5N1 involved. Here is the original article, before the editing by ProMed. I think the editor misunderstood hte term "bird flu in pigs" to be a dual infection. The speculation at the end of the ProMed post would seem to support that conclusion ("third dual infection"?)

                        Injury pilgrims bird flu in pigs, and the Red Sea

                        محمد السيد سليمان Mr. Mohamed Soliman
                        أكدت نتائج التحاليل للعينة التي تم أخذها من "أحمد الشنشتاوي الرفاعي" (28 عاما) من بركة السبع منوفية، والذي وصل إلى ميناء سفاجا أمس الأول ، قادما من السعودية بعد أدائه مناسك العمرة أنه مصابا بأنفلونزا الطيور والخنازير، وان العينة إيجابية، وتم حجزه بقسم العزل بالمستشفى الفندقي بالغردقة . The results of analysis of the sample was taken from "Ahmad Rifai Aelchensteoi" (28 years) from the pool seven ?jf?l, who arrived to Safaga port yesterday, from Saudi Arabia after performing Umrah that bird flu, and pigs, and the sample is positive, and was detained Department isolation at the hospital hotel in Hurghada.

                        وأكد الدكتور "محمد رفاعي" مدير عام الطب الوقائي بالمحافظة، أن هذه الحالة هي الحالة الثالثة خلال يومين حيث أكدت التحاليل إيجابية العينات وثبوت الإصابة للسائح الايطالي "أليسو موناكو" (35 عاما)، وتم حجزه بمستشفى الغردقة، كما تأكد إصابة المعتمر "محمد لطفي عمر" (30 عاما)، وتم حجزه بمستشفى سفاجا المركزي، وأشار رفاعي إلى أن نتائج العينة التي تم أخذها من المواطن "شكري عبد المجيد" (38 عاما) جاءت سلبية . Dr. "Mohammad Rifai," Director General of preventive medicine to maintain, that this case is the third in two days, where tests confirmed positive samples and the existence of cases of Italian tourists, "Ilisu Monaco" (35 years), and was detained Hospital, Hurghada, also confirmed to the pilgrim, "Muhammad Lutfi age "(30 years), and was detained Safaga Central Hospital, Rifai pointed out that the results of the sample was taken from the citizen" Shukri Abdul Majid "(38 years) were negative.

                        فيما أعلن مسئول بمستشفى المنيا العام احتجاز فتاه بعد التأكد من إصابتها بأنفلوانزا الخنازير، كما احتجزت مستشفى الحميات بالمنصورة اليوم الأحد حالتين للاشتباه في إصابتهما بنفس المرض، وأكد الأطباء أن الحالتين تم احتجازهما بغرفة العزل بالمستشفى واخذ عينات منهما لإرسالها لمعامل وزارة الصحة The official said the detention of General Hospital of Minya after the girl confirmed to be infected pigs of bird, also detained in Mansoura Fever Hospital on Sunday, two on suspicion of injuries with the same disease, and doctors confirmed that the two cases were detained in hospital isolation room and took their samples to be sent to the Ministry of Health

                        وعلى صعيد آخر احتجزت مستشفى الصدر بالمنصورة خمس حالات للإشتباه في إصابتهم بـ" أنفلونزا الطيور" بينهم أربع أطفال. On the other hand was detained in Mansoura Chest Hospital, five cases suspected of having the "bird flu", including four children.
                        Oh I didn't see that.


                        • #13
                          Re: H5N1/H1N1 Virus coinfection suspected -promed

                          I haven't been newshounding Egypt since that Libyan plague scare, but I remember that part - "bird flu in pigs" is H1N1. It's how that source (or the translator) works. The ProMed article identifies itself as paraphrased and edited (although to those of us who follow ProMed in detail, this one should have been tagged as "heavily edited").
                          Last edited by alert; September 1, 2009, 05:52 PM. Reason: paraphrased


                          • #14
                            Re: Translation error-H5N1/H1N1 Virus coinfection suspected -promed

                            I think you are right, Alert , they use the Bird flu in pigs statement all the time. I think it is a screwup,hopefully



                            • #15
                              Re: Translation error-H5N1/H1N1 Virus coinfection suspected -promed


