Vaksinasi H5N1 terhadap Ayam Kampung Tak Efektif
Senin, 24 Agustus 2009 | 04:35 WIB
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H5N1 vaccination against Ayam Kampung Not Effective
Monday, August 24, 2009 | 04:35 pm
Sukabumi, Kompas - The research found that vaccination does not effectively improve the H5N1 antibody titer range chicken. Therefore, governments need to review the program.
"Vaccination is the chicken still affect antibody titer, but slow," said managing the research of the Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies (CIVAS), Eryanto Nugroho, when contacted from Sukabumi, Sunday (23 / 8). CIVAS team conducting research about the H5N1 bird flu vaccination in chicken in 2006 until the year 2008 in Sukabumi district in cooperation with the Dutch Wegeningen UR.
The results were presented by CIVAS in Lido, Bogor, last week. The study concluded, the strategy of vaccination against chicken ineffective that it needs to be re-examined. Based on the research results, recommendations to the government is to conduct further studies about the effectiveness of vaccinations and why chicken antibody titer that was vaccinated remained low.
Research done by providing 58,900 doses of H5N1 vaccine A1 local products, with each chicken received one dose. Research conducted on chicken farms in the district Cicurug with samples not treated 0.05 percent of the population-as a comparison.
Research on broiler chicken done on the 10-day old chickens and 30 days. The results show the mean geometric titer (gmt)-measure of immune-to-day chickens reach the age of 10 and 21.4 gmt on 30-day old chickens gmt 22.8. From the statistics, the comparison gmt value after vaccination and before did not show significant differences.
In a study in the same period in laying chickens in the district race Cikembar, Sukabumi Regency, obtained the conclusion that vaccination actually effective. Of vaccination once every four months, antibody titer laying chicken samples from the 70 percent rise significantly.
Animal Husbandry Department Head of Sukabumi Regency Sugiyanto Asep said it was still waiting for the follow-up the Department of Agriculture-vaccination policy holders to anticipate the spread of bird flu. "Although the results showed less effective vaccination, we as the executor could not do anything," said Asep. Local Poultry Farmers Association of Indonesia (Himpuli) was first to react. Himpuli Chairman Ade M Zulkarnain said, since the beginning of 2009 the village chicken vaccination no longer do. (AHA)
Vaksinasi H5N1 terhadap Ayam Kampung Tak Efektif
Senin, 24 Agustus 2009 | 04:35 WIB
Google translation:
H5N1 vaccination against Ayam Kampung Not Effective
Monday, August 24, 2009 | 04:35 pm
Sukabumi, Kompas - The research found that vaccination does not effectively improve the H5N1 antibody titer range chicken. Therefore, governments need to review the program.
"Vaccination is the chicken still affect antibody titer, but slow," said managing the research of the Center for Indonesian Veterinary Analytical Studies (CIVAS), Eryanto Nugroho, when contacted from Sukabumi, Sunday (23 / 8). CIVAS team conducting research about the H5N1 bird flu vaccination in chicken in 2006 until the year 2008 in Sukabumi district in cooperation with the Dutch Wegeningen UR.
The results were presented by CIVAS in Lido, Bogor, last week. The study concluded, the strategy of vaccination against chicken ineffective that it needs to be re-examined. Based on the research results, recommendations to the government is to conduct further studies about the effectiveness of vaccinations and why chicken antibody titer that was vaccinated remained low.
Research done by providing 58,900 doses of H5N1 vaccine A1 local products, with each chicken received one dose. Research conducted on chicken farms in the district Cicurug with samples not treated 0.05 percent of the population-as a comparison.
Research on broiler chicken done on the 10-day old chickens and 30 days. The results show the mean geometric titer (gmt)-measure of immune-to-day chickens reach the age of 10 and 21.4 gmt on 30-day old chickens gmt 22.8. From the statistics, the comparison gmt value after vaccination and before did not show significant differences.
In a study in the same period in laying chickens in the district race Cikembar, Sukabumi Regency, obtained the conclusion that vaccination actually effective. Of vaccination once every four months, antibody titer laying chicken samples from the 70 percent rise significantly.
Animal Husbandry Department Head of Sukabumi Regency Sugiyanto Asep said it was still waiting for the follow-up the Department of Agriculture-vaccination policy holders to anticipate the spread of bird flu. "Although the results showed less effective vaccination, we as the executor could not do anything," said Asep. Local Poultry Farmers Association of Indonesia (Himpuli) was first to react. Himpuli Chairman Ade M Zulkarnain said, since the beginning of 2009 the village chicken vaccination no longer do. (AHA)