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Swine H1N1 antigen/adjuvant bait and switch?

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  • Swine H1N1 antigen/adjuvant bait and switch?

    If TPTB decide we need an adjuvanted vaccine in order to vaccinate the entire population, so be it.

    But there needs to be full disclosure, so that health care consumers can make informed decisions.

    This is the ONLY article I have seen claiming they straightened out the growth issue in eggs:

    Pandemic Shot May Be Available as Early as September (Update1)
    By Tom Randall

    July 29 (Bloomberg) -- A swine flu vaccine may be ready as soon as September, earlier than the mid-October estimate previously reported, with 40 million doses available for distribution first and 80 million more shots ready in October, U.S. health officials said.

    Yields of antigen, the key vaccine ingredient, have increased and that should ease pressure on vaccine manufacturers, said Robin Robinson, chief of the Biomedical Advanced Research Development Authority, the U.S. agency in charge of buying the vaccine. Vaccine makers previously reported antigen yields 50 percent to 75 percent less than that of the typical seasonal flu shot.

    About 182 million doses have been purchased by the U.S., and 20 million doses of antigen have already been produced, Robinson told doctors and scientists at a vaccine meeting at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta today. Tests to determine safety and proper dosage are continuing.

    ?We?re starting to see for the first time increases in production yields -- we?re able to get a virus that grows well in eggs,? Robinson said at the CDC. ?We want to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.?

    Some members of the CDC?s vaccine panel said that even if the shots were available in September or early October, testing wouldn?t be completed until the end of September, making it difficult to make recommendations for early distribution.

    Mothers First

    The CDC?s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices met today to vote on who should to get the shot the first in case of vaccine shortages. The priority recommendation might never be used if the 120 million shots are available in October as projected, the panel said. The recommendations may also change, depending on the availability of the vaccine and the severity of the outbreaks when the shots first become available.

    If there is a shortage, pregnant women should be at the front of the list, the panel agreed. About one in eight people who died after contracting the virus have been pregnant women, according to a study published today in the medical journal Lancet. Swine flu in pregnancy warrants immediate treatment with antiviral drugs, according to the study.

    Other target groups for the vaccine include caregivers and household contacts of infants under 6 months old, who don?t qualify for the shot. Health-care personnel and emergency workers also should be vaccinated early, along with children and young adults from 6 months to 24 years old, and those 25 and older who have health conditions that raise their risk. Healthy people ages 25 and older should wait until sufficient vaccine is available, the panel said.

    People ages 65 and older are at high risk for seasonal flu and should get their yearly flu shots as early as possible, the CDC said. Studies have found that age group has some natural immunity to swine flu and has a lower risk of contracting the new virus.

    To contact the reporters on this story: Tom Randall in New York at
    Last Updated: July 29, 2009 16:49 EDT
    Something is fishy between this article below and the one above. Are they planning a bait-and-switch, claiming antigen production has increased, to calm the general population, while instead using new adjuvants?

    Swine Flu Shot May Rely on Emergency Use of Additives (Update1)

    By Tom Randall and Gary Matsumoto

    July 29 (Bloomberg) -- Swine flu vaccine makers may rely on a U.S. emergency declaration to use experimental additives made by GlaxoSmithKline Plc and Novartis AG to boost a limited supply of shots that will be available to fight the pandemic.

    The ingredients, known as adjuvants, may be added for the first time to flu shots in the U.S. Health officials today are meeting to discuss the additives at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, and to recommend who should receive the limited amount of vaccines drugmakers say they will begin delivering in September or October.

    The U.S. Health and Human Services Department declared a public health emergency over swine flu in April, and the Food and Drug Administration has the power to allow the use of unapproved medical products during such a crisis. The U.S. has been slow to approve the use of adjuvants because of safety concerns, and for fear of giving Americans an excuse to avoid getting the shots, said John Treanor, a University of Rochester researcher.

    ?The question is, do you really feel comfortable throwing this new thing into the mix and do you really need to?? said Treanor, a professor of medicine, microbiology and immunology at the school in Rochester, New York. ?I myself, if I had to do it, would really wrestle with that decision.?

    The CDC agreed to pay London-based Glaxo and Novartis, based in Basel, Switzerland, more than $415 million for adjuvants that could be added to the swine flu vaccines, according to a July 13 statement.

    Early Production

    Adjuvants may not be necessary if enough shots can be produced without them, according to Health and Human Services. That possibility got a boost today from authorities at the CDC, who said 40 million shots of unadjuvanted vaccine may be available in September, earlier than previously reported, with 80 million more doses ready in October.

    A safety concern was raised in 2004 when researchers at the University of Florida in Gainesville reported that mice injected with oils used in the adjuvants developed conditions of the type that occur when the body?s immune system produces an excessive protective reaction. Similar reactions haven?t been seen in humans.

    MF59, made by Novartis and sold in Europe, has been given to more than 40 million people, mostly adults, to prevent seasonal flu, according to the company. Glaxo?s adjuvant has proven safe and effective in clinical trials with 39,000 people, said Lisa Behrens, a spokeswoman for the company, in an e-mail. Glaxo will conduct more studies and continue to monitor safety after the vaccines are in use, she said.

    Emergency Authorization

    Under the U.S. health emergency, the FDA may authorize the use of unlicensed vaccines, according to Peper Long, an agency spokeswoman. The FDA convened an advisory committee July 23 to consider what trials are necessary for the vaccines? approval. Advisory committees consist of medical experts who provide guidance to the agency.

    Swine flu?s full force may reach the U.S. earlier than the typical flu season, according to the CDC. Vaccine makers are racing to make shots by mid-October, when cases are expected to rise in the northern hemisphere, fueled by cooler temperatures and the return of pupils to close quarters of classrooms.

    The World Health Organization, based in Geneva, has said the H1N1 influenza, as the pandemic flu is known, is moving with ?unprecedented speed.? The flu spread farther globally in less than six weeks than previous pandemics have in more than six months, the Geneva-based agency said on its Web site on July 17. Global health authorities have stopped counting the number of cases and the CDC says more than 1 million people Americans have been sickened by the virus.

    Egg Yields

    The vaccine makers have found it difficult to cultivate the quantities of virus needed for vaccine, as the strain yields 50 percent to 75 percent less antigen, the substance that induces immunity, compared with a typical seasonal flu strain, according to the WHO. The virus didn?t initially grow well in eggs, the principal medium used by the industry, vaccine makers said.

    In the last week, scientists have been able to improve yields in eggs for the first time, which should ease pressure on manufacturers, Robin Robinson, chief of the Biomedical Advanced Research Development Authority, the U.S. agency in charge of buying the vaccine, said today. A decision on adjuvant use hasn?t been made, he said.

    Mixing Oil, Water

    The adjuvants are mixes of oil and water that -- by stimulating the immune system -- offer a way to boost the body?s response to antigen. Adjuvants, whose effectiveness vary by flu strain, may boost the strength of the antigen as much as 10- fold, as was the case with a bird flu vaccine approved in Europe, said Treanor, of the University of Rochester. By adding an adjuvant the same amount of antigen can be used to treat more people, he said.

    ?Until GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis can show me it won?t harm a rat or guinea pig, I think it?s a bad idea to give it to humans,? Vicky Debold, a registered nurse with a Ph.D. in public health, who is a member of the FDA?s advisory committee for reviewing vaccines, said July 27 in an interview.

    The U.S. never had to consider the risks of an adjuvant because regular flu vaccines were deemed to have ?worked so tremendously well,? said Lone Simonsen, research director in the department of global health at George Washington University in Washington.

    ?We have had a safe experience with the MF59-adjuvanted vaccine in Italy and Spain for many years now,? Simonsen said. ?That experience we can lean on. That?s going to be the best data we have in time for using adjuvanted vaccines.?

    U.S. Contracts

    CSL Ltd., which has a $180 million order to supply bulk H1N1 antigen to the U.S. government, decided against boosting its vaccine with an adjuvant, preferring to use a formulation more closely resembling the seasonal flu shot, said Mary Sontrop general manager of the Melbourne-based company?s biotherapies unit.

    The U.S. has contracts with five companies to provide flu shots. Novartis, based in Basel, Switzerland, is responsible for 45 percent of the supply, while Sanofi will provide 26 percent and CSL will make 19 percent, said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Maryland, in an interview last week.

    The remaining doses will be made by Glaxo and London-based drugmaker AstraZeneca Plc.

    To contact the reporters on this story: Tom Randall in New York at; Gary Matsumoto in New York at
    Last Updated: July 29, 2009 13:25 EDT

  • #2
    Re: Swine H1N1 antigen/adjuvant bait and switch?

    Even though I fall into the group of adults under 64 who have qualifying conditions to receive early vaccine, I will not be vaccinated unless enough data about the vaccine itself and the clinical trial results are disclosed.

    As someone who tried the early hepC treatment, I am skeptical.
    Not only was it not a cure, quality of life while on treatment and for several months after stopping, was far worse than the condition it was taken for.
    I know a few people who have not survived the disease, but more whose lives were damaged or lost due to "treatment".

    The combination of bad flu vaccine and a terrible doctor left me with mild COPD/lung damage a few years ago.

    Unless I know enough about the vaccine and possible complications, someone else can have my dose.

    No blind faith left here.
    "There's a chance peace will come in your life - please buy one" - Melanie Safka
    "The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be" - Socrates


    • #3
      Re: Swine H1N1 antigen/adjuvant bait and switch?

      Originally posted by St Michael View Post
      If TPTB decide we need an adjuvanted vaccine in order to vaccinate the entire population, so be it.

      But there needs to be full disclosure, so that health care consumers can make informed decisions.

      This is the ONLY article I have seen claiming they straightened out the growth issue in eggs:

      Something is fishy between this article below and the one above. Are they planning a bait-and-switch, claiming antigen production has increased, to calm the general population, while instead using new adjuvants?
      I wonder whether this post from FrenchieGirl may explain part of the change:

      Here's an excerpt, red bolding mine:

      Vaccine makers currently developing vaccine candidates for the pandemic
      swine flu using egg-based and cell culture technologies have advised the WHO that the influenza seed strain used to produce their new vaccine is not
      growing well and therefore giving poor antigen yields. The yield is
      approximately 25-50% of that vaccine makers typically get for seasonal flu
      vaccine production. The WHO recently made a new set of seed strains using new viral isolates, such as the California/07, in hopes of increasing the vaccine yield. Medicago's vaccine is produced using its VLP technology that does not require a virus and therefore does not rely on the ability of a viral strain to grow.


      • #4
        Re: Swine H1N1 antigen/adjuvant bait and switch?

        Yields of antigen, the key vaccine ingredient, have increased and that should ease pressure on vaccine manufacturers, said Robin Robinson, chief of the Biomedical Advanced Research Development Authority, the U.S. agency in charge of buying the vaccine. Vaccine makers previously reported antigen yields 50 percent to 75 percent less than that of the typical seasonal flu shot.
        It appears the initial reports were correct. According to yesterdays's FoxNews report,

        As of Wednesday, only 11 million doses had been shipped
        That's less than 10% of the vaccine supply promised by mid-October.

        But the stories about low antigen yield seemed to have evaporated in late July.

