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Brazil confirms 4 more A/H1N1 flu deaths

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  • Brazil confirms 4 more A/H1N1 flu deaths

    Brazil confirms 4 more A/H1N1 flu deaths

    RIO DE JANEIRO, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Brazil's health authorities on Friday confirmed four new deaths of the A/H1N1 flu, bringing the death toll to 33, twice more than in the past five days.

    The newly confirmed victims, all from Sao Paulo state in southeastern Brazil, included a four-year-old girl and a 58-year-old man from the state's capital city Sao Paulo. The child had been suffering from asthma and bronchiolitis while the man had serious liver problems, which helped worsen their disease.

    The other two victims were both women from the city of Campinas. One of them had been seven months pregnant and the baby was saved.

    Sao Paulo state has the highest death toll in the country with 16 victims, followed by Rio Grande do Sul state with 11, Rio de Janeiro state with five, and Parana state with one.

    Altogether seven children and four pregnant women were among the A/H1N1 flu deaths in Brazil.

    Municipal and state governments in Brazil adopted a series of measures to contain the quick spread of the disease.

    State of emergency was declared in several towns in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Six health centers exclusive for the A/H1N1 flu were established in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and another three will be available next week. In Sao Paulo state, students showing any flu symptoms were recommended not to go to school. Schools in several towns in the country have either suspended classes or extended the winter vacations.

    According to the health ministry's latest data released on Thursday, 1,566 cases of the A/H1N1 flu were confirmed in Brazil, with another 8,328 suspected cases.

  • #2
    Brazil have 61 deaths

    A gripe su?na avan?a para o interior do Estado de S?o Paulo. A Secretaria de Sa?de de S?o Jos? do Rio Preto, a 440 km de SP, divulgou nesta quarta-feira a primeira morte em conseq??ncia da doen?a ocorrida na regi?o Noroeste do Estado.

    O paciente, um homem de 58 anos, estava internado no Hospital Austa, em Rio Preto, mas morava na cidadezinha de Turi?ba, de 2 mil habitantes, a 542 km da capital. O paciente morreu no dia 21, mas os resultados dos exames feitos no Instituto Adolfo Lutz s? foram divulgados nesta quarta-feira.

    A morte ? a 61? no Pa?s, a 30? causada pela gripe su?na no Estado e a primeira registrada em cidades com menos de 50 mil habitantes em S?o Paulo.

    O paciente apresentou os primeiros sintomas da gripe su?na ao retornar de uma viagem a Jo?o Pessoa (PB) no dia 14 de julho, mas s? foi internado no dia 19.

    "Neste per?odo, o paciente, cuja fam?lia mora na zona rural, trabalhou com febre alta e s? no dia 19 ? que o filho o levou para o hospital", explicou a secret?ria de Sa?de de Turi?ba, S?nia Marques Cabrera. Segundo ela, o paciente era obeso, cardiopata e portador de hipertens?o, o que agravou seu estado de sa?de.


    google translate:

    The swine flu advances to the state of S?o Paulo. The Secretariat of Health of S?o Jos? do Rio Preto, 440 km from the SP, released this Wednesday the first death in consequence of the disease occurred in the northwest region of the state.

    The patient, a man of 58 years, was hospitalized in Aust Hospital in Rio Preto, but lived in the town of Turi?ba of 2 thousand inhabitants, 542 km from the capital. The patient died on day 21, but the results of examinations made in Institute Adolfo Lutz were only released this Wednesday.

    The death is the 61st in the country, the 30th caused by swine influenza in the state and the first registered in cities with less than 50 thousand people in S?o Paulo.

    The patient showed the first symptoms of swine flu to return from a trip to Joao Pessoa (PB) on July 14 but was hospitalized on 19.

    "In this period, the patient, whose family lives in rural areas, and worked with high fever on day 19 is only his son took him to hospital," explained the secretary of Health Turi?ba, S?nia Marques Cabrera. According to her, the patient was obese, cardiac and bearer of hypertension, which worsened their health.

