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Brazil - 3rd swine flu death

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  • Brazil - 3rd swine flu death

    One more dies of swine influenza in Rio Grande do Sul

    It is the second death in the state and third in Brazil, which has over a thousand cases of the disease

    Rita Cirne, Center

    SÃO PAULO - Another victim died of swine flu in Rio Grande do Sul is the second
    death caused by disease in the state, according to the state Department of Health.

    The office does not give information on the victim and how the contamination occurred because the data will be passed by the Secretary of Health of the State, Osmar Terra, in press conference scheduled for this afternoon.

    According to the latest balance sheet of the Ministry of Health, released on Friday, 10, the country has recorded 1,027 cases of illness caused by influenza virus A (H1N1). This is the third death caused by the virus in Brazil.

    As principais e as últimas notícias do Brasil e do mundo com credibilidade na informação sobre política, economia, esportes, cultura, tecnologia, estilo de vida e muito mais.

  • #2
    Re: Brazil - 3rd swine flu death

    About the victim:

    9 yo - cronic pre-existent condition - 1st symptoms jun/29.
    at hospital july/2
    death july/5

    older brother infected with mild symptoms at july/27
    brother had contact with a teacher with symptons after being in Argentina
    a relative of the teacher was also confirmed with A/H1N1

    2. Trata-se de uma crian?a de 9 anos, com doen?as cr?nicas preexistentes (fatores de risco para o agravamento da doen?a), que apresentou sintomas em 29 de junho. Foi internada em 2 de julho e faleceu em 5 de julho.

    3. A crian?a teve contato com um irm?o adolescente, que apresentou sintomas leves de gripe em 27 de junho. O rapaz ? contato de uma professora que tamb?m apresentou sintomas da gripe e realizou viagem ? Argentina. Um familiar da professora tamb?m teve confirma??o por laborat?rio para influenza A (H1N1).



    • #3
      Re: Brazil - 3rd swine flu death

      More details

      ********WARNING AUTOMATIC TRANSLATION************

      14/07/09 - 09:20 - Updated 14/07/09 - 09h22
      Father of dead boy of 9 years by the new avian criticizes Department of Health

      Where was the second death in Rio Grande do Sul and the third in the country.
      Family says there have been shortcomings in control of who was contaminated.

      The G1, in S?o Paulo, with information from clicRBS *

      Traumatized by the death of the youngest child, a victim of pneumonia caused by the new flu, the resident of Sapucaia do Sul (RS) complained of the boards of health and school in New Hamburg, venue that would have caused the infection. The child, a boy of 9 years, is the third victim of the new flu in Brazil.

      According to the Secretary of Health of the council, Joseph Wink, he died on July 5 in Porto Alegre, but the laboratory examination confirmed that the infection came out only this Monday (13). Initially, the doctors had not identified the virus.

      The father of the boy, who prefers not to identify to avoid prejudice to his family, said the college would have a single teacher who had returned from Argentina with suspected influenza, but that there was failure to allow his wife, teacher, continued to give lessons.

      "They said she did and gave negative tests. I find it. If not there, where the infection occurred. This is very strange," said the father, is waiting for more information from the State Department of Health about the death of son .

      "Just put the mask sent. Today (yesterday), announced the confirmation of death from the flu to everyone and then at night, I called to tell me. This is not," he said.

      Also traumatized, the eldest son, who was getting in school by the teacher, and then infected his brother, is feeling guilty. "They announced to everyone that he had infected the other. Family, friends, colleagues and the school know who we are. We are cured, but people can have prejudices. It hurts."

      Indicated by the office to talk, the director of the Centro Estadual de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de, Francisco Paz, said it understands the pain of the father and recognize the barriers to contain and treat the disease. "In view of this unprecedented epidemic, I believe that all problems are caused by a hitherto unknown situation. The measures taken by certain sectors of health were, unfortunately, a tragedy occurred."

      Paz said that suspected cases of school were examined and discarded. The Department of Health prefers to keep the name of the institution in secret to prevent panic in the school since has passed the most critical period - the incubation.

      Understand the case

      According to the State Department of Health, the boy was not diagnosed with the new flu. "He had symptoms of influenza, but was met by a private physician, because there was no suspicion of infection by the new flu. The doctor also did not identify the disease and he was taken to a hospital in Porto Alegre. Only in hospital suspect that the virus could be A, but the Health Surveillance of Sapucaia South was not informed by the State Department.

      The Secretary informed the G1 that a boy with "neurological deficiencies" and that therefore the immunity was low. The boy had been contaminated by a brother, who had contact with a teacher who traveled to Argentina and contracted the virus. Despite having already passed the period of contagion, Wink says that the victim's family will be monitored.

      Second death in state

      According to the Secretary of Health of Rio Grande do Sul, the case of the boy of 9 years is considered the second death caused by disease in the state.

      The state Secretary of Health, Osmar Terra, the G1 confirmed that the child had "neurological problems of order that may have contributed or not" to his death. According to him, the brother of the victim, which was also contaminated, has been recovered.

      Terra said the boy was met in Porto Alegre, in a reference hospital in the state considered, and made all necessary efforts in the service. The Secretary has denied that problems of communication or delay in treatment.

      Third death in the country

      This was the third death by the new flu in the country. The first victim of the disease was a truck driver ga?cho 29 years, who died in June. In last Friday (10), confirmed the death of a girl living in Osasco, Sao Paulo.

      According to the latest balance sheet of the Ministry of Health, released on Friday, up to 1027 the number of records of the disease caused by influenza virus A (H1N1) since the first cases of infection occurring in Brazil, on May 8 .

      In a note, this second, the Health Ministry deplored the case of the boy roper and informed that a new balance must be launched on Wednesday (15). The government says that those who display symptoms of flu (such as fever, cough, coryza and sore throat, the head or the body) should seek medical attention.

      * (With information from the Zero Hour)


      14/07/09 - 09h20 - Atualizado em 14/07/09 - 09h22
      Pai de menino de 9 anos morto pela nova gripe critica Secretaria de Sa?de

      Caso foi a segunda morte no Rio Grande do Sul e a terceira no pa?s.
      Fam?lia diz que houve falhas no controle de quem estava contaminado.

      Do G1, em S?o Paulo, com informa??es do clicRBS*

      Traumatizado com a morte do filho mais novo, v?tima de pneumonia causada pela nova gripe, o morador de Sapucaia do Sul (RS) reclamou dos ?rg?os de sa?de e da escola de Novo Hamburgo, local que teria originado o cont?gio. O filho, um menino de 9 anos, ? a terceira v?tima da nova gripe no Brasil.

      De acordo com o secret?rio de Sa?de do munic?pio, Jos? Wink, ele morreu em 5 de julho, em Porto Alegre, mas o resultado da an?lise laboratorial que confirmou o cont?gio s? saiu nesta segunda-feira (13). Inicialmente, os m?dicos n?o haviam identificado o v?rus.

      O pai do garoto, que prefere n?o se identificar para evitar preconceitos ? sua fam?lia, disse que o col?gio teria isolado um professor que tinha voltado da Argentina com suspeita da gripe, mas considera que houve falha ao permitir que a mulher dele, professora, continuasse a dar aulas.

      "Disseram que ela fez os exames e deu negativo. Vou descobrir isso. Se n?o foi l?, ocorreu o cont?gio onde. Isso ? muito estranho", disse o pai, que espera por mais informa??es da Secretaria Estadual de Sa?de sobre a morte do filho.

      " S? mandaram colocar a m?scara. Hoje (ontem), anunciaram a confirma??o da morte por gripe A para todo mundo e s? depois, ? noite, me ligaram para me dizer. Isso n?o se faz", disse ele.

      Tamb?m traumatizado, o filho mais velho, que teria sido contagiado na escola pela professora, e depois infectado o irm?o, estaria se sentindo culpado. "Anunciaram para todo mundo que ele tinha infectado o outro. Familiares, amigos, colegas de trabalho e da escola sabem quem somos. N?s j? estamos curados, mas as pessoas podem ter preconceito. Isso magoa."

      Indicado para falar pela secretaria, o diretor do Centro Estadual de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de, Francisco Paz, afirmou que entende a dor do pai e reconhece os obst?culos de conter e tratar a doen?a. "Tendo em vista o inusitado desta epidemia, acredito que todas as dificuldades s?o decorrentes de uma situa??o at? ent?o desconhecida. As medidas tomadas pelos setores de sa?de foram certas, infelizmente ocorreu uma trag?dia."

      Paz afirmou que os casos suspeitos da escola foram examinados e descartados. A Secretaria da Sa?de prefere manter o nome da institui??o em segredo para evitar o p?nico na escola, visto que j? se passou o per?odo mais cr?tico ? o de incuba??o.

      Entenda o caso

      Segundo a Secretaria Estadual de Sa?de, o menino n?o foi diagnosticado com a nova gripe. ?Ele teve sintomas de gripe, mas foi atendido por um m?dico particular, porque n?o havia suspeita de cont?gio pela nova gripe. O m?dico tamb?m n?o identificou a doen?a e ele foi levado para um hospital em Porto Alegre. S? neste hospital desconfiaram que poderia ser o v?rus A, mas a Vigil?ncia Sanit?ria de Sapucaia do Sul n?o foi informada pela secretaria estadual.

      O secret?rio informou ao G1 que se tratava de um menino com ?defici?ncias neurol?gicas? e que, por isso, estava com a imunidade baixa. O menino teria sido contaminado por um irm?o, que teve contato com uma professora que viajou para a Argentina e contraiu o v?rus. Apesar de j? ter passado o per?odo de cont?gio, Wink afirma que a fam?lia da v?tima ser? monitorada.

      Segunda morte no estado

      De acordo com a Secretaria de Sa?de do Rio Grande do Sul, o caso do menino de 9 anos ? considerado a segunda morte causada pela doen?a no estado.

      O secret?rio estadual de Sa?de, Osmar Terra, confirmou ao G1 que a crian?a tinha "problemas de ordem neurol?gica que podem ter contribu?do ou n?o" para a sua morte. Ainda de acordo com ele, o irm?o da v?tima, que tamb?m foi contaminado, j? se recuperou.

      Terra afirmou que o menino foi atendido em Porto Alegre, em um hospital considerado refer?ncia no estado, e foram feitos todos os esfor?os necess?rios no atendimento. O secret?rio negou que tenha ocorrido problema de comunica??o ou demora no tratamento.

      Terceira morte no pa?s

      Essa foi a terceira morte pela nova gripe no pa?s. A primeira v?tima da doen?a foi um caminhoneiro ga?cho de 29 anos, que faleceu em junho. Na ?ltima sexta-feira (10), foi confirmada a morte de uma menina moradora de Osasco, em S?o Paulo.

      De acordo com o ?ltimo balan?o do Minist?rio da Sa?de, divulgado na sexta-feira, chega a 1.027 o n?mero de registros da doen?a provocada pelo v?rus Influenza A (H1N1), desde os primeiros casos de infec??o verificados no Brasil, no dia 8 de maio.

      Em nota, nesta segunda, o Minist?rio da Sa?de lamentou o caso do garoto ga?cho e informou que um novo balan?o deve ser lan?ado na quarta-feira (15). O governo afirma que quem apresentar sintomas de gripe (como febre, tosse, coriza e dores de garganta, de cabe?a ou pelo corpo) deve procurar atendimento m?dico.

      * (Com informa??es do Zero Hora)
      Fonte: 0,,MUL1228922-16726,00.html


      • #4
        Re: Brazil - 3rd swine flu death


        Brazil confirms third death from influenza A (H1N1) PDF Print E-Mail
        Tuesday, 14 July 2009

        July 13 2009, 19:40 Brasilia, July 13 (PL) The State Health Secretariat of Rio Grande do Sul today confirmed the third death in Brazil by the influenza A (H1N1), an under nine years of age who died the past 5 days.

        According to a note by the entity, disclosed here, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation today released the results of the examinations that determine the child's death by the new flu virus.

        He said that the child was a frail health due to a chronic neurological disease and her death was due to respiratory complications.

        The official assumption is that the child would have contracted the disease through his brother, who had contact with school teachers who traveled to Cordoba, Argentina.

        The brother of the deceased also developed the new flu, but only slightly, while the rest of the relatives and close friends who had contact with children are being monitored.

        The state of Rio Grande do Sul, registers 129, one thousand 27 positive cases of influenza in the country, according to the bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health last Friday, which further indicated that the information on this condition in country will move from daily to weekly.

        The first fatal victim of the disease in Brazil was a young 29 years old Rio Grande do Sul, who died on June 28 last, and the second one under 11 years, who died on June 30 in a private hospital Sao Paulo.

        At a press conference on the ministerial meeting with President Luiz In?cio Lula da Silva, the head of Institutional Relations, Jos? Mucio, said his colleague of Health, Jose Gomes Tempor?o, said at the meeting that his agency has the flu "under absolute control. "

