Thursday 09 July 2009 - 05:32 PM
Bird flu patients to be prosecuted
Reported by Amal Abbas
Citizens who contract Bird Flu will be prosecuted for the charge of "raising birds," warned the Suez Governor, who has referred all patients of bird flu in the city's fever hospital to the prosecutor's office, accusing them of "harming themselves and others."
"If someone tries to commit suicide and is taken to hospital," said Governor Mohamed Seif Eddin Galal said during a meeting by Higher Committee to Combat Bird Flu in Suez, "then legal measures are taken for his attempt to kill himself. Well, the same applies to those infected with Bird Flu. They harm themselves and others. The law must be applied. They'll be either imprisoned or fined."
Translation: Arabic » English
محدث الخميس 09 يوليو 2009 - 03:40 م
الحبس أو الغرامة للمصاب بأنفلونزا الطيور بتهمة الإضرار بالنفس
أمل عباس
أعلن اللواء "محمد سيف الدين جلال" محافظ السويس أنه سيتم إحالة أي مواطن يصاب بأنفلونزا الطيور إلى النيابة العامة لتربيه الطيور حيث جرم المحافظ جميع حالات أنفلونزا الطيور بالسويس من الحالات التي يتم احتجازها بمستشفي الحميات وتظهر نتائجها ايجابيه بتهمة الإضرار بالنفس وبالغير.
وقال المحافظ خلال اجتماع اللجنة العليا لأنفلونزا الطيور إن من يقبل علي الانتحار وينقل إلى المستشفي لإسعافه ستتخذ إجراءات قانونيه ضده لمحاوله قتل نفسه كذلك من يثبت إصابته بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور يطبق عليه القانون للأضرار بنفسه وبالغير نتيجة تربيته للطيور بعقوبة تصل إلي الحبس وغرامات ماليه .
وأضاف المحافظ أما الطفل المصاب سيتم تطبيق قانون حماية الطفل ومعاقبة أسرته أو والده بالحبس من 6 أشهر إلي 3 سنوات لتعرض حياة أطفاله لخطر وذلك لكل من يتسبب في أذى للطفل.
وشدد المحافظ علي جميع المديريات بالمتابعة المستمرة لمرض أنفلونزا الطيور وإرسال اسطوانة CD لوزير التنمية المحلية بواسطة لجنة مكافحة أنفلونزا الطيور لبيان جميع الإجراءات التي تمت في مكافحة المرض خلال كل أسبوع .
فيما أعلن الدكتور "عادل عباس" وكيل وزارة الطب البيطري عن إعدام 3500 طائر متنوع خلال حملات مكثفه علي الأسواق والمنازل في أحياء السويس الخمسة وهدم 25 عشه بالمساكن مع زيادة التوعية من خلال الندوات بالجمعيات الأهلية والشركات ومركزي الإعلام والنيل لمنع التربية المنزلية والوقاية من مرض أنفلونزا الطيور .
Updated Thursday, 09 July 2009 - 03:40 PM
Imprisonment or a fine of birds infected with bird damage to the charge of self -
Amal Abbas
Rear Admiral "Mohamed Seif El Din Galal," the governor of Suez that would be to refer a citizen to contract bird flu Attorney General for the breeding of birds in the conservative offense all cases of bird flu cases from the Gulf of Suez, which is her hospital diets showed positive results and the charge of self-harm to others.
The Governor said during the meeting of the Supreme Committee for Avian influenza accept that it was suicide and taken to the hospital to help him will take legal action against him to try to kill himself as well as proof of his disease of avian influenza by the applied law of the damage himself and others the result of upbringing for birds up to the death in jail and fines.
The conservative case of a child who will be the application of the Child Protection Act and the punishment of his family or his father's imprisonment for a term of 6 months to 3 years to endanger the lives of children at risk for each cause of injury to a child.
The governor of all the departments to follow the ongoing bird flu disc CD and send to the Minister for Local Development through the Commission on the fight against bird flu, the statement of all actions that have been in the fight against the disease during each week.
With Dr "Adel Abbas," Undersecretary of the Ministry of veterinary medicine of the execution of a diverse birds during the 3500 campaign on the market and houses in five districts of Suez and the demolition of 25 housing with straw to raise awareness through seminars civil associations, companies and central public information and education to prevent the Nile, domestic and prevention of bird flu .
As for infected children, the governor said that Child Protection Law will be applied, penalizing the child's family and imprisoning the father from six months to three years.
The governor also instructed all directorates in the province to continue follow up on the situation, and send weekly updated reports to the Minister of Administrative Development on a CD.
But some doctors were not impressed with the governor's statements. "This will only increase the number of prisoners we have in Egypt, and will not end the disease," said Dr. Mohamed Shafiq, of Ahmad Maher Teaching Hospital. "So how long will they imprison the Malaria patients and those who catch cold? This is useless, if not ridiculous. It will also discourage any citizen with the (bird flu) symptoms to go to the hospital to receive tests for fear of arrest."
In related developments, the Health Ministry's Undersecretary Adel Abbas announced the execution of 3500 birds, during intensified police campaigns in the markets and homes in Suez's five districts. Twenty five breeding huts were demolished, Abbas added, stressing there was an increase in awareness campaigns launched by the ministry.
Bird flu patients to be prosecuted
Reported by Amal Abbas
Citizens who contract Bird Flu will be prosecuted for the charge of "raising birds," warned the Suez Governor, who has referred all patients of bird flu in the city's fever hospital to the prosecutor's office, accusing them of "harming themselves and others."
"If someone tries to commit suicide and is taken to hospital," said Governor Mohamed Seif Eddin Galal said during a meeting by Higher Committee to Combat Bird Flu in Suez, "then legal measures are taken for his attempt to kill himself. Well, the same applies to those infected with Bird Flu. They harm themselves and others. The law must be applied. They'll be either imprisoned or fined."
Translation: Arabic » English
محدث الخميس 09 يوليو 2009 - 03:40 م
الحبس أو الغرامة للمصاب بأنفلونزا الطيور بتهمة الإضرار بالنفس
أمل عباس
أعلن اللواء "محمد سيف الدين جلال" محافظ السويس أنه سيتم إحالة أي مواطن يصاب بأنفلونزا الطيور إلى النيابة العامة لتربيه الطيور حيث جرم المحافظ جميع حالات أنفلونزا الطيور بالسويس من الحالات التي يتم احتجازها بمستشفي الحميات وتظهر نتائجها ايجابيه بتهمة الإضرار بالنفس وبالغير.
وقال المحافظ خلال اجتماع اللجنة العليا لأنفلونزا الطيور إن من يقبل علي الانتحار وينقل إلى المستشفي لإسعافه ستتخذ إجراءات قانونيه ضده لمحاوله قتل نفسه كذلك من يثبت إصابته بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور يطبق عليه القانون للأضرار بنفسه وبالغير نتيجة تربيته للطيور بعقوبة تصل إلي الحبس وغرامات ماليه .
وأضاف المحافظ أما الطفل المصاب سيتم تطبيق قانون حماية الطفل ومعاقبة أسرته أو والده بالحبس من 6 أشهر إلي 3 سنوات لتعرض حياة أطفاله لخطر وذلك لكل من يتسبب في أذى للطفل.
وشدد المحافظ علي جميع المديريات بالمتابعة المستمرة لمرض أنفلونزا الطيور وإرسال اسطوانة CD لوزير التنمية المحلية بواسطة لجنة مكافحة أنفلونزا الطيور لبيان جميع الإجراءات التي تمت في مكافحة المرض خلال كل أسبوع .
فيما أعلن الدكتور "عادل عباس" وكيل وزارة الطب البيطري عن إعدام 3500 طائر متنوع خلال حملات مكثفه علي الأسواق والمنازل في أحياء السويس الخمسة وهدم 25 عشه بالمساكن مع زيادة التوعية من خلال الندوات بالجمعيات الأهلية والشركات ومركزي الإعلام والنيل لمنع التربية المنزلية والوقاية من مرض أنفلونزا الطيور .
Updated Thursday, 09 July 2009 - 03:40 PM
Imprisonment or a fine of birds infected with bird damage to the charge of self -
Amal Abbas
Rear Admiral "Mohamed Seif El Din Galal," the governor of Suez that would be to refer a citizen to contract bird flu Attorney General for the breeding of birds in the conservative offense all cases of bird flu cases from the Gulf of Suez, which is her hospital diets showed positive results and the charge of self-harm to others.
The Governor said during the meeting of the Supreme Committee for Avian influenza accept that it was suicide and taken to the hospital to help him will take legal action against him to try to kill himself as well as proof of his disease of avian influenza by the applied law of the damage himself and others the result of upbringing for birds up to the death in jail and fines.
The conservative case of a child who will be the application of the Child Protection Act and the punishment of his family or his father's imprisonment for a term of 6 months to 3 years to endanger the lives of children at risk for each cause of injury to a child.
The governor of all the departments to follow the ongoing bird flu disc CD and send to the Minister for Local Development through the Commission on the fight against bird flu, the statement of all actions that have been in the fight against the disease during each week.
With Dr "Adel Abbas," Undersecretary of the Ministry of veterinary medicine of the execution of a diverse birds during the 3500 campaign on the market and houses in five districts of Suez and the demolition of 25 housing with straw to raise awareness through seminars civil associations, companies and central public information and education to prevent the Nile, domestic and prevention of bird flu .
As for infected children, the governor said that Child Protection Law will be applied, penalizing the child's family and imprisoning the father from six months to three years.
The governor also instructed all directorates in the province to continue follow up on the situation, and send weekly updated reports to the Minister of Administrative Development on a CD.
But some doctors were not impressed with the governor's statements. "This will only increase the number of prisoners we have in Egypt, and will not end the disease," said Dr. Mohamed Shafiq, of Ahmad Maher Teaching Hospital. "So how long will they imprison the Malaria patients and those who catch cold? This is useless, if not ridiculous. It will also discourage any citizen with the (bird flu) symptoms to go to the hospital to receive tests for fear of arrest."
In related developments, the Health Ministry's Undersecretary Adel Abbas announced the execution of 3500 birds, during intensified police campaigns in the markets and homes in Suez's five districts. Twenty five breeding huts were demolished, Abbas added, stressing there was an increase in awareness campaigns launched by the ministry.