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Chile: 4 more deaths confirmed for a total of 12

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  • Chile: 4 more deaths confirmed for a total of 12


    Both diseases based

    Two people are killed by human influenza in the Region of B?o B?o

    She is a woman of 48 years and 47 years of a man who became the first deaths from the disease in that region. (

    CONCEPTION, June 26 .- The Public Health Institute (ISP) has confirmed the deaths of two patients in the province of ?uble in the B?o B?o Region, with diseases whose base was the aggravating AH1N1 human influenza.

    She is a woman patient of 48 years of Community Hospital Coelemu, carrier of chronic liver failure, who died on June 19. The woman had consulted a number of decompensation of liver disease. On Friday 19 it was finally taken to hospital in serious condition, they were taking the first steps of care the patient died.

    The second case is a man of 47 years in the commune of Chill?n, with mental disabilities and a history of malnutrition, who evolved to acute respiratory table and consulted later. Despite medical treatment, could not resist and he died on Tuesday, June 23.

    These are the first two cases confirmed by the health authority as having been killed by human influenza in the region, according to Radio B?o B?o.

    Derechos Reservados Terra Networks Chile S.A

  • #2
    Re: Chile: 4 more deaths confirmed for a total of 12


    A flu victims in Chille reach 12

    It confirmed the deaths of Rosa Venegas Caro (48) and Elgueta Victor Salinas (47), cases concerning the Eighth Region.

    Government announced the strengthening of the emergency services to deal with the outbreak of seasonal influenza and pandemic virus AH1N1

    A 12 increased the number of people killed by the new influenza, commonly known as swine flu.

    Early confirmed case of a man who lived in extreme poverty in the city of Valdivia.

    This is Ivan Nibaldo Jerez, 41, who suffered from chronic renal failure and whose symptoms suffered in the handle of a host of Hogar de Cristo.

    The man was placed on June 20 in the morning at the Hospital de Valdivia and died on Sunday due to respiratory failure, confirmed today that she had the virus AH1N1.

    The other two cases relate to a woman and a man, both from the province ?uble.

    The victims were identified as Rosa Venegas Caro (48) and Elgueta Victor Salinas (47).

    The woman suffered from chronic liver failure and died on June 19 last mientrs that the man was mentally disabled and had a history of malnutrition, were killed by influenza A this past Tuesday.

    The Ministry of Health reported that since May 17, when the Institute of Public Health confirmed the first case of infection by New Influenza A (H1N1) through June 25 have been reported by the laboratory in 6211 patients the virus.
    > swap


    • #3
      Re: Chile: 4 more deaths confirmed for a total of 12


      Google translation:

      First two flu deaths takes AH1N1 in ?uble
      this is a woman of 48 years of Coelemu and a man of 47 industry cato
      Saturday June 27 2009.

      What is feared by some days, was confirmed yesterday. Rosa Venegas Caro for 48 years, residing in Coelemu and who died on Friday last week in the hospital for this community, became the first victim of the virus in AH1N1 cloudy.

      This was released by the Health Service ?uble reported that the Institute of Public Health confirmed the cause of death: influenza. The patient was diagnosed with human flu on Monday June 15, after going to the hospital due to a number of product decompensating who suffered an acute liver failure. A root of this condition, his body was weak and low defenses, where the virus AH1N1 addressed more easily. "She had a severe liver failure, and the effect caused by the virus in his body was gatillante his death," said the director of the Health Service ?uble Dr. Ivan Paul.

      The woman, after being diagnosed with influenza virus was due to take her home to rest and continue treatment with antiviral oseltamivir. On Friday, 19, was taken by relatives to hospital urgently Coelemu. While taking the first steps, the patient died.

      Was performed quickly review the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to detect whether the patient died product of human influenza.


      But not only was the first and only. The health authority reported also a case of which there had been no information during the week. This is a man of 47 years, a native of the area of Cato, who on June 17 was in the hospital Herminda Martin. "This patient was admitted in very poor condition, came with a one-week advanced pneumonia. We believe that bacteria had a different picture, so it had its defenses very low, "said the director of the Hospital Herminda Mart?n, Rodrigo Avenda?o.

      The victim lived in a small community in the sector and Cato had a mental disability with a picture of advanced malnutrition. According to data supplied by the NHS, the patient was hospitalized for 10 days in January after suffering an acute bronchitis. Despite medical treatment, gradually worsened and died on Tuesday, June 23, the sixth day of hospitalization.

      "This person was hospitalized for six days with antiviral treatment. These patients are very weak, which affects not have endured this disease, "said Dr. Avendano.

      Dr. Ivan Paul, regretted the deaths and called for calm and said that "the laboratory-confirmed cases, 3.5% required hospitalization and 0.1% died. The mortality rate is very low and this is only confirmed cases, because if junt?ramos with the mild, the rate would be lower, "he explained.

      chillaneja remains stable.

      Meanwhile, two weeks and played half Gladys Az?car without artificial lung, the chillaneja hospitalized at the Clinica Las Condes. "She is still fragile, has committed his lungs, but after having had a multiorgan failure is a major breakthrough. Is connected to mechanical ventilator in the ICU, "said Jose Luis Espinoza, husband of Gladys.

      His case was unique in the world because he never passed a person had a flu, have been connected to two artificial lungs and still alive. "There are doctors all over the world who are called, because if Gladys is unique. It is a true miracle and I believe that through faith, it is still with us, "said a tired Jos? Luis.

      Gladys met one months interned in the Cl?nica Las Condes. His family is not trusted because it could fall at any time. Remains stable.

      Normal emergency.

      Despite the low temperatures in recent days and the collapse that has emerged in different emergency rooms of medical centers of Santiago, Chill?n, consultations in relation to respiratory diseases have declined. "These last 48 hours we have had fewer consultations in both adults and children. I think people are more quiet, but still remain on alert, "said the head of the Emergency Hospital Herminda Martin, Carlos Hernandez.

      In addition, the doctor added, "to attend this weekend continued on schedule if there is any increase in the Council's" ..


      • #4
        Re: Chile: 4 more deaths confirmed for a total of 12


        Confirmed 4 new deaths from Influenza AH1N1
        Saturday June 27 2009 VmasV

        She is a woman and a man who died in the region of Bio Bio, in addition to an indigent in Valdivia.

        The Institute of Public Health (ISP) confirmed the deaths of four people because of new influenza virus produced by the AH1N1.

        The first cases of which he knew in the day, it was a woman and a man of 48 and 47 years respectively, both associated with other diseases that led to your table fatal outcome.

        The patient was a frequent guest of the deceased Community Hospital Coelemu, site of care which went to treat chronic liver failure, and who was close to liver decompensation during the first days of June.

        Despite this, the woman died on 19 this month.

        Meanwhile, the victim is a mentally disabled 47-year-old with a history of malnutrition who died on 23 after suffering an acute respiratory triggered table by Influenza A.

        For their part, health authorities confirmed this afternoon the death of an indigent to 41 years in the city of Valdivia, who would be the first fatal victim in the Region de los Rios. To this we add a child of six years who died last Tuesday in Osorno.

