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A/S?o Paulo/H1N1 - mutation on Hemaglutinina

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  • A/S?o Paulo/H1N1 - mutation on Hemaglutinina

    Warning - google translation

    Tue, 16/06/09 - 11h20
    S?o Paulo isolates of influenza A virus H1N1

    Genetic sequencing revealed that proteins of the virus is not the same standard found in California, genetic characterization will contribute to production of vaccine

    The State of S?o Paulo has isolated and sequenced, so pioneer in Brazil, the influenza virus A H1N1, popularly known as swine flu. The study was conducted by Instituto Adolfo Lutz, organ of the Secretary of Health, from the material collected in the first case of Sao Paulo disease, confirmed in April.

    Following the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Secretary named the new strain of Influenza A / Paulo/H1N1 are. The genetic sequencing revealed a mutation in the hemagglutinin protein, responsible for the ability to infect the virus, which no longer has the same pattern of the virus in California (USA), first isolated in the current pandemic.

    The genetic characterization of the virus is crucial to whether the standard is maintained or have differed from those found in other regions of the world.

    "This work is extremely important to monitor the behavior of the virus, which will contribute to the production of the vaccine and to assess the response to anti-viral," says Martha Solomon, director of the Institute Adolfo Lutz.

    So far were recorded in the 27 cases of influenza A H1N1. 21 other cases are considered suspect and are being investigated. No death by disease in S?o Paulo.

    Eighteen hospitals across the state serve as reference for treatment of suspected cases of the new flu. These units have beds for isolation and are in readiness to identify any case, report the fact immediately to the Center of Epidemiological Surveillance (CVE) and the Secretariat to take samples of nasal and throat secretions of patients.

    The virological examinations are being conducted at the Instituto Adolfo Lutz, one of three references to the national identification of influenza that meets standards of biosecurity needed for the manipulation of viruses.

    Department of Health


    Original post in portuguese:

    Ter, 16/06/09 - 11h20
    S?o Paulo isola v?rus da gripe A H1N1

    Seq?enciamento gen?tico revela que prote?na do v?rus n?o ? do mesmo padr?o do encontrado na Calif?rnia; caracteriza??o gen?tica contribuir? para produ??o de vacina

    O Estado de S?o Paulo conseguiu isolar e seq?enciar, de forma pioneira no Brasil, o v?rus da gripe A H1N1, popularmente conhecida como gripe su?na. O trabalho foi realizado pelo Instituto Adolfo Lutz, ?rg?o da Secretaria de Estado da Sa?de, a partir do material colhido do primeiro caso paulista da doen?a, confirmado em abril.

    Seguindo as diretrizes da Organiza??o Mundial de Sa?de (OMS), a Secretaria denominou a nova estirpe de Influenza A/S?o Paulo/H1N1. O seq?enciamento gen?tico revelou uma muta??o na prote?na Hemaglutinina, respons?vel pela capacidade de infectar do v?rus, que j? n?o tem o mesmo padr?o do v?rus da Calif?rnia (EUA), o primeiro isolado na atual pandemia.

    A caracteriza??o gen?tica do v?rus ? fundamental para saber se o padr?o se mant?m ou j? diferenciou dos encontrados em outras regi?es do mundo.

    "Esse trabalho ? de extrema import?ncia para monitorar o comportamento do v?rus, o que ir? contribuir para a produ??o da vacina e para avaliar a resposta aos medicamentos anti-virais", afirma Marta Salom?o, diretora do Instituto Adolfo Lutz.

    At? o momento foram registrados no Estado 27 casos de gripe A H1N1. Outros 21 casos s?o considerados suspeitos e est?o sendo investigados. N?o h? nenhum ?bito pela doen?a em S?o Paulo.

    Dezoito hospitais em todo o Estado funcionam como refer?ncia para atendimento de casos suspeitos da nova gripe. Essas unidades possuem leitos de isolamento e ficam de prontid?o para identificar qualquer caso, comunicar o fato imediatamente ao Centro de Vigil?ncia Epidemiol?gica (CVE) da Secretaria e colher amostras de secre??es nasais e da garganta dos pacientes.

    Os exames virol?gicos est?o sendo realizados no Instituto Adolfo Lutz, uma das tr?s refer?ncias nacionais para a identifica??o da influenza que atende ?s normas de biosseguran?a necess?ria para a manipula??o de v?rus.

    Da Secretaria da Sa?de


  • #2
    Re: A/S?o Paulo/H1N1 - mutation on Hemaglutinina

    More information about it:

    Warning - automatic translation -

    Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 13:17 | Online

    Adolfo Lutz isolated variant of the H1N1 virus that arrived in Brazil

    The sequencing will contribute to the production of influenza vaccine and evaluation of response to antiviral

    Ana Conception of the State Agency

    Adolfo Lutz isolated variant of the H1N1 virus that arrived in Brazil
    S?O PAULO - The Institute Adolfo Lutz, Department of Health of S?o Paulo, announced the isolation of a subtype of H1N1, known as swine flu virus, an important step for the Brazilian production of vaccine against the disease. The isolation was done by the team of virology Terezinha Maria de Paiva.

    The isolation of the virus made possible the genetic sequencing of the Brazilian strain of the virus, which was called A / Paulo/1454/H1N1 are. According to notes of the Institute, the genetic characterization is essential in the investigation of molecular epidemiology of the virus, whether the standard is maintained viral or has differed from those found in other regions of the world.

    According to the researchers, although this virus has some differences with the first copy of strain A (H1N1) idenficado in the United States, called the California virus, it would still be vulnerable to a vaccine created to combat it.

    The sequencing will also contribute to the production of influenza vaccine and evaluation of the response of patients to antiviral.

    In Chicago, the first case of human infection caused by the new strain of virus was identified in a man of 26 years who presented the symptoms of flu to return from a trip to Mexico.

    The patient was hospitalized on April 24 at the Institute of Infectious Diseases Emilio Ribas and recovered it. Respiratory secretion sample of this patient was investigated by researchers of the Adolfo Lutz, who later isolated the virus. As this virus was imported from Mexico, is not yet possible to say whether he will be the predominant form of the disease in Brazil.

    In bulletin issued on the afternoon of Monday, 15, the Ministry of Health confirmed 74 cases in the country, most concentrated in the states of S?o Paulo, Santa Catarina and Rio de Janeiro.

    The total of confirmed cases of the disease in the world is at least 37 thousand, according to World Health Organization (WHO) and international agencies. Since it emerged in Mexico in April this year the disease killed at least 163 people, mostly in North America.

    (with Alexandre Gon?alves, O Estado de S. Paulo)

    Source:, adolfo-lutz-iso-Brazilian-variant-virus-of-the-flu-fever, 388181.0. Htm

    Original post:

    ter?a-feira, 16 de junho de 2009, 13:17 | Online

    Adolfo Lutz isola variante do v?rus H1N1 que chegou ao Brasil

    O sequenciamento vai contribuir para a produ??o da vacina contra a gripe e avalia??o da resposta aos antivirais

    Ana Concei??o, da Ag?ncia Estado

    Adolfo Lutz isola variante do v?rus H1N1 que chegou ao Brasil
    S?O PAULO - O Instituto Adolfo Lutz, da Secretaria de Sa?de de S?o Paulo, anunciou o isolamento de um subtipo do H1N1, conhecido por v?rus da gripe su?na, uma etapa importante para a produ??o da vacina brasileira contra a doen?a. O isolamento foi feito pela equipe da virologista Terezinha Maria de Paiva.

    O isolamento do v?rus tornou poss?vel o sequenciamento gen?tico da estirpe brasileira do v?rus, que foi batizado de A/S?o Paulo/1454/H1N1. De acordo com nota do Instituto, a caracteriza??o gen?tica ? fundamental na investiga??o da epidemiologia molecular do v?rus, para saber se o padr?o viral se mant?m ou j? se diferenciou dos encontrados em outras regi?es do mundo.

    De acordo com os pesquisadores, embora esse v?rus tenha algumas diferen?as em rela??o ao primeiro exemplar da cepa A(H1N1) idenficado nos Estados Unidos, o chamado v?rus Calif?rnia, ele ainda assim seria vulner?vel a uma vacina criada para combat?-lo.

    O sequenciamento tamb?m ir? contribuir para a produ??o da vacina contra a gripe e avalia??o da resposta dos doentes aos antivirais.

    Em S?o Paulo, o primeiro caso de infec??o humana causada pela nova estirpe do v?rus foi identificado em um homem de 26 anos que apresentou os sintomas da gripe ao retornar de uma viagem ao M?xico.

    O paciente foi internado em 24 de abril no Instituto de Infectologia Em?lio Ribas e recuperou-se. Amostra de secre??o respirat?ria deste paciente foi investigada pelos pesquisadores do Adolfo Lutz, que depois isolaram o v?rus. Como esse v?rus veio importado do M?xico, ainda n?o ? poss?vel dizer se ele ser? a forma predominante da doen?a no Brasil.

    Em boletim emitido na tarde de segunda-feira, 15, o Minist?rio da Sa?de do Brasil confirmava 74 casos no Pa?s, a maioria concentrada nos Estados de S?o Paulo, Santa Catarina e Rio de Janeiro.

    O total de casos confirmados da doen?a no mundo ? de pelo menos 37 mil, de acordo com a Organiza??o Mundial da Sa?de (OMS) e ag?ncias internacionais. Desde que surgiu no M?xico, em abril deste ano, a doen?a matou pelo menos 163 pessoas, a maioria na Am?rica do Norte.

    (com Alexandre Gon?alves, de O Estado de S. Paulo)



    • #3
      Re: A/S?o Paulo/H1N1 - mutation on Hemaglutinina

      Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus

      25 minutes ago

      SAO PAULO (AFP) ? Brazilian scientists have identified a new strain of the H1N1 virus after examining samples from a patient in Sao Paulo, their institute said Tuesday.

      The variant has been called A/Sao Paulo/1454/H1N1 by the Adolfo Lutz Bacteriological Institute, which compared it with samples of the A(H1N1) swine flu from California.

      The genetic sequence of the new sub-type of the H1N1 virus was isolated by a virology team lead by one of its researchers, Terezinha Maria de Paiva, the institute said in a statement.

      The mutation comprised of alterations in the Hemagglutinin protein which allows the virus to infect new hosts, it said.

      It was not yet known whether the new strain was more aggressive than the current A(H1N1) virus which has been declared pandemic by the World Health Organization.

      The genetic make-up of the H1N1 virus and its subvariants are important for scientists.

      Pharmaceutical companies are working to mass produce a vaccine against the current A(H1N1) flu.

      There are fears though that it could mutate into a deadly strain, much in the same way as the 1918 Spanish flu -- also an A(H1N1) virus type -- did when it killed tens of millions around the planet.

      According to the WHO, 36,000 people in 76 countries have been infected with the H1N1 virus, causing 163 deaths


      • #4
        Re: A/S?o Paulo/H1N1 - mutation on Hemaglutinina

        just C1408T.
        Could be the Mexico-City substrain formerly called Korea-strain

        segments 5 and/or 6 are needed
        I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
        my current links: ILI-charts:


        • #5
          Re: A/S?o Paulo/H1N1 - mutation on Hemaglutinina

          Originally posted by gsgs View Post
          just C1408T.
          Could be the Mexico-City substrain formerly called Korea-strain

          segments 5 and/or 6 are needed
          From PFI:

          Originally posted by AtomicVirus
          here it is again:

          Brazil finds new strain of H1N1 virus
          SAO PAULO (AFP) ? Brazilian scientists have identified a new strain of the H1N1 virus after examining samples from a patient in Sao Paulo, their institute said Tuesday.
          The variant has been called A/Sao Paulo/1454/H1N1 by the Adolfo Lutz Bacteriological Institute, which compared it with samples of the A(H1N1) swine flu from California.
          The genetic sequence of the new sub-type of the H1N1 virus was isolated by a virology team lead by one of its researchers, Terezinha Maria de Paiva, the institute said in a statement.
          The mutation comprised of alterations in the Hemagglutinin protein which allows the virus to infect new hosts, it said.
          It was not yet known whether the new strain was more aggressive than the current A(H1N1) virus which has been declared pandemic by the World Health Organization.
          The genetic make-up of the H1N1 virus and its subvariants are important for scientists.
          Pharmaceutical companies are working to mass produce a vaccine against the current A(H1N1) flu.
          There are fears though that it could mutate into a deadly strain, much in the same way as the 1918 Spanish flu -- also an A(H1N1) virus type -- did when it killed tens of millions around the planet.
          Brazil submitted the HA gene to NCBI on June 8, and the MP Gene on June 9.
          HA = GQ247724
          MP = GQ250156
          I bet there are a few folks on "SEQUENCES" who will eat this release up!


          • #6
            Re: A/S?o Paulo/H1N1 - mutation on Hemaglutinina

            GenBank: GQ247724.1
            Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1)) segment 4 hemagglutin (HA) gene, complete cds

            <input name="EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Sequence.Sequence_Sing leReportPanel.Sequence_ViewerPanel.Sequence_Viewer Title.Database" sid="1" id="Database" value="nuccore" type="hidden">
            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">

            LOCUS GQ247724 1701 bp cRNA linear VRL 08-JUN-2009
            DEFINITION Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1)) segment 4
            hemagglutin (HA) gene, complete cds.
            ACCESSION GQ247724
            VERSION GQ247724.1 GI:239504533
            DBLINK Project:37813
            KEYWORDS .
            SOURCE Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1))
            ORGANISM Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1))
            Viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses; Orthomyxoviridae;
            Influenzavirus A.
            REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1701)
            AUTHORS de Paiva,T.M., Santos,C.S., Silva,D.B., Correa,K.O., Ishida,M.A.,
            Benega,M.A. and Sacchi,C.
            TITLE Human infection with novel swine H1N1 influenza virus in Sao Paulo,
            JOURNAL Unpublished
            REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1701)
            AUTHORS de Paiva,T.M., Santos,C.S., Silva,D.B., Correa,K.O., Ishida,M.A.,
            Benega,M.A. and Sacchi,C.
            TITLE Direct Submission
            JOURNAL Submitted (05-JUN-2009) Respiratory Virus Section, Adolfo Lutz
            Institute, Av. Dr. Arnaldo 355, Sao Paulo, SP 01246/902, Brazil
            COMMENT Swine influenza A (H1N1) virus isolated during human swine flu
            outbreak of 2009.
            FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
            source 1..1701
            /organism="Influenza A virus (A/Sao
            /mol_type="viral cRNA"
            /strain="A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009"
            /isolation_source="nasal swab"
            /host="Homo sapiens; gender M; age 26"
            /note="lineage: swl
            first MDCK cell passage"
            gene 1..1701
            CDS 1..1701
            1 atgaaggcaa tactagtagt tctgctatat acatttgcaa ccgcaaatgc agacacatta
            61 tgtataggtt atcatgcgaa caattcaaca gacactgtag acacagtact agaaaagaat
            121 gtaacagtaa cacactctgt taaccttcta gaagacaagc ataacgggaa actatgcaaa
            181 ctaagagggg tagccccatt gcatttgggt aaatgtaaca ttgctggctg gatcctggga
            241 aatccagagt gtgaatcact ctccacagca agctcatggt cctacattgt ggaaacatct
            301 agttcagaca atggaacgtg ttacccagga gatttcatcg attatgagga gctaagagag
            361 caattgagct cagtgtcatc atttgaaagg tttgagatat tccccaagac aagttcatgg
            421 cccaatcatg actcgaacaa aggtgtaacg gcagcatgtc ctcatgctgg agcaaaaagc
            481 ttctacaaaa atttaatatg gctagttaaa aaaggaaatt catacccaaa gctcagcaaa
            541 tcctacatta atgataaagg gaaagaagtc ctcgtgctat ggggcattca ccatccatct
            601 actagtgctg accaacaaag tctctatcag aatgcagatg catatgtttt tgtggggtca
            661 tcaagataca gcaagaagtt caagccggaa atagcaataa gacccaaagt gagggatcaa
            721 gaagggagaa tgaactatta ctggacacta gtagagccgg gagacaaaat aacattcgaa
            781 gcaactggaa atctagtggt accgagatat gcattcgcaa tggaaagaaa tgctggatct
            841 ggtattatca tttcagatac accagtccac gattgcaata caacttgtca gacacccaag
            901 ggtgctataa acaccagcct cccatttcag aatatacatc cgatcacaat tggaaaatgt
            961 ccaaaatatg taaaaagcac aaaattgaga ctggccacag gattgaggaa tgtcccgtct
            1021 attcaatcta gaggcctatt tggggccatt gccggtttca ttgaaggggg gtggacaggg
            1081 atggtagatg gatggtacgg ttatcaccat caaaatgagc aggggtcagg atatgcagcc
            1141 gacctgaaga gcacacagaa tgccattgac gagattacta acaaagtaaa ttctgttatt
            1201 gaaaagatga atacacagtt cacagcagta ggtaaagagt tcaaccacct ggaaaaaaga
            1261 atagagaatt taaataaaaa agttgatgat ggtttcctgg acatttggac ttacaatgcc
            1321 gaactgttgg ttctattgga aaatgaaaga actttggact accacgattc aaatgtgaag
            1381 aacttatatg aaaaggtaag aagccagtta aaaaacaatg ccaaggaaat tggaaacggc
            1441 tgctttgaat tttaccacaa atgcgataac acgtgcatgg aaagtgtcaa aaatgggact
            1501 tatgactacc caaaatactc agaggaagca aaattaaaca gagaagaaat agatggggta
            1561 aagctggaat caacaaggat ttaccagatt ttggcgatct attcaactgt cgccagttca
            1621 ttggtactgg tagtctccct gggggcaatc agtttctgga tgtgctctaa tgggtctcta
            1681 cagtgtagaa tatgtattta a




            • #7
              Re: A/S?o Paulo/H1N1 - mutation on Hemaglutinina


              TECHNICAL NOTE

              Human cases of respiratory infection caused by a new type of influenza virus A, subtype H1N1 were of porcine origin reported by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention from 21 April 2009. So far, the disease was detected in 73 countries, with 25.3 thousand confirmed cases, 139 of them fatal. The new virus presents a unique combination of gene segments that in the past had been reported between the influenza virus from swine or human origin.

              In S?o Paulo, the first case of human infection caused by the new strain was identified in a man of 26 years who presented the symptoms of flu to return from a trip to Mexico. The patient was hospitalized on April 24 at the Institute of Infectious Diseases Emilio Ribas and is fully recovered.

              Respiratory secretion sample of this patient was subjected to molecular rt PCR methodology (? rea? the polymerase chain in real time) with probe specific for the new subtype H1N1 by the team of molecular biologist Claudio Sacchi, and the result for the new viral subtype .

              Following the research the team of virology Terezinha Maria de Paiva, the Institute Adolfo Lutz, S?o Paulo, isolated at the end of April that the new strain is now known as A / Paulo/1454/H1N1 are following the rules of the World Health Organization . The virus isolation was performed in cell culture using the MDCK cells successfully in the first passage. In section electron microscopy of the Adolfo Lutz, Marli Ueda and Jonas Kisielius identified several virus particles from the infected culture. also the first observation.

              The isolation of the virus provided the sequence of the genetic material of the Brazilian strain, experiments being performed by Dr. Cec?lia Luiza Sim?es dos Santos of the Instituto Adolfo Lutz.

              The initial molecular characterization of strain A / Paulo/1454/H1N1 are involved the determination of complete sequences of two gene segments, segment 4, which encodes a protein Hemaglutina (HA) responsible for viral infectivity and for which antibodies are produced protectors, and segment 7, which encodes the matrix protein (MP) M1 and M2. The complete sequences of the genes HA and HB, the first determined for strains isolated in Brazil, are available in GenBank, a database that U.S. shared sequences obtained worldwide, which can be consulted by their respective numbers of access: GQ247724 (HA gene) and GQ250156 (MP gene). Molecular analysis indicated that while the virus segment 7 of A / Paulo/1454/H1N1 are shown to be completely conserved when compared to the reference strain A/Calif?rnia/04/H1N1, segment 4 showed a discrete number of nucleotide changes and of amino acids, with similar rates of around 99, 7% and 99.5% respectively. Detection of amantadine-resistance marker, comprising the amino acid asparagine (N) located at position 31 (N31) of the M2 protein in strain A / San Paulo/1454/H1N1, corroborates the literature that point be the new virus resistant to this class of antiviral compounds.

              The genetic characterization is essential in the investigation of molecular epidemiology of the virus to see if the viral pattern remains or has differed from those found in other world regions, contributing to the production of vaccine and evaluation of response to antivirals.


              original in portuguese:

              NOTA T?CNICA

              Casos humanos de infec??o respirat?ria causada por um novo tipo de v?rus da Influenza A, subtipo H1N1 de origem su?na foram relatados pelo Center for Disease Control and Prevention a partir de 21 de Abril de 2009. At? o momento,a doen?a foi detectada em 73 pa?ses, com 25,3 mil casos confirmados,dos quais 139 fatais. O novo v?rus apresenta uma combina??o ?nica de segmentos g?nicos que n? o havia sido anteriormente relatada entre v?rus da influenza de origem su?na ou humana.

              Em S?o Paulo, o primeiro caso de infec??o humana causada pela nova estirpe foi identificado em um homem de 26 anos que apresentou os sintomas da gripe ao retornar de uma viagem ao M?xico. O paciente foi internado em 24 de abril no Instituto de Infectologia Em?lio Ribas e recuperou-se plenamente.

              Amostra de secre??o respirat?ria deste paciente foi submetida ? metodologia molecular rt PCR (reaç?o da polimerase em cadeia em tempo real) com sonda espec?fica para o novo subtipo H1N1 pela equipe do bi?logo molecular Claudio Sacchi; sendo o resultado positivo para o novo subtipo viral.

              Na sequ?ncia da investiga??o a equipe da virologista Terezinha Maria de Paiva, do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, em S?o Paulo isolou no final de abril a nova estirpe que passou a ser denominada A/S?o Paulo/1454/H1N1 segundo as normas da Organiza??o Mundial da Sa?de. O isolamento viral foi efetuado em cultivo celular utilizando-se as c?lulas MDCK com sucesso j? na primeira passagem. Na se??o de microscopia eletr?nica do Adolfo Lutz, Marli Ueda e Jonas Kisielius identificaram v?rias part?culas do v?rus a partir da cultura infectada. tamb?m na primeira observa??o.

              O isolamento do v?rus propiciou o sequenciamento do material gen?tico da estirpe brasileira, experimentos que est?o sendo efetuados pela Dra. Cec?lia Luiza Sim?es dos Santos do Instituto Adolfo Lutz.

              A caracteriza??o molecular inicial da estirpe A/S?o Paulo/1454/H1N1 envolveu a determina??o das sequ?ncias nucleot?dicas completas de dois segmentos g?nicos, o segmento 4, que codifica a prote?na Hemaglutina (HA)respons?vel pela infectividade viral e para a qual s?o produzidos os anticorpos protetores; e o segmento 7, que codifica as prote?nas da matriz (MP) M1 e M2. As sequ?ncias completas dos genes HA e MP, as primeiras determinadas para estirpes isoladas no Brasil, est?o dispon?veis no GenBank, banco de dados americano que compartilha sequ?ncias nucleot?dicas obtidas mundialmente, que podem ser consultadas por seus respectivos n?meros de acesso: GQ247724 (gene HA) e GQ250156 (gene MP). A an?lise molecular indicou que, enquanto o segmento 7 do v?rus A/S?o Paulo/1454/H1N1 mostrou-se completamente conservado quando comparado ao da estirpe referencia A/Calif?rnia/04/H1N1, o segmento 4 apresentou um numero discreto de altera??es nucleot?dicas e de amino?cidos, com taxas de similaridade em torno de 99, 7 % e 99,5%, respectivamente. A detec??o do marcador de resist?ncia a amantadina, constitu?do pelo amino?cido asparagina (N) localizado na posi??o 31 (N31) da prote?na M2, na estirpe A/S?o Paulo/1454/H1N1, corrobora os dados da literatura que apontam ser o novo v?rus resistente a esta classe de compostos antivirais.

              A caracteriza??o gen?tica ? fundamental na investiga??o da epidemiologia molecular do v?rus para saber se o padr?o viral se mant?m ou j? se diferenciou dos encontrados em outras regi?es do mundo, contribuir para a produ??o de vacina e avalia??o de resposta aos antivirais.



              • #8
                Re: A/S?o Paulo/H1N1 - mutation on Hemaglutinina

                CA/04 should not reasonably considered the reference strain
                (it has 2 mutations already)
                although used in the US-vaccine

                then comes the 3rd difference from the Mex-strain, but in HA2,
                so antigenically irrelevant
                I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
                my current links: ILI-charts:

