35.5% mortality rate in the total casualties b ?avian flu?
Alexandria hospital fevers were held, yesterday, an Indian sailor named Kamal Pest ?30 years?, on suspicion of being infected with flu symptoms are similar to pigs.
An official source said the hospital had been put suspects under tight security after a rise in temperature is large, on suspicion of being infected with the virus, known as ?The 1 H 1?,
Department of the hospital and took blood samples for analysis, survey and make sure that a disease or not.
The source added that the suspect had been detained by the quarantine authorities, he was isolated in hospital, raising the alert level was the maximum the hospital and the Department of Health after reporting on the situation.
At the level of bird flu, official statistics showed issued by the Higher Committee to combat the disease that the total number of deaths b ?avian flu? has reached 27 out of 76 confirmed cases and that the rate of 35.5% of suspected cases amounted to 8070 cases during the years from February 17 2006 to May 26, 2009.
Detained fever hospitals in Suez, Port Said, Beni Suef, Dakahlia, yesterday, 13 cases of suspected cluster of similar symptoms of the disease.
For his part, Major General Abdel Salam Mahgoub, Minister of Local Development, the Supreme Committee to Combat Bird Flu, which decided to close the farm where the spots appear satisfactory, the execution of everything from poultry, not to grant permits once again, only after confirmation of cleared completely.
The governor, during a press conference held at the headquarters of the Ministry, on Monday to intensify their campaigns in the coming period, because of the decline of the disease during the summer, adding that another meeting would be held in the Commission next week, to assess what has been the action, and the implementation of the Strategy for the to confront the disease.
The ambassador said Ismail Khairat, the head of the Service, the official spokesman for the Higher Committee to combat avian flu, the total positive cases of bird flu 76 cases (27 males and 49 for the case of females);
He pointed out that the government continues in the application of Law No. 70 of 2009 to ban the circulation of influenza in the provinces.
He added that security officials fully responsible for the elimination of the circulation of live birds through the confiscation of cars, which are transmitted between the provinces and forwarded to the Attorney-General.
Said Dr. Nasr El Sayed, First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health for Preventive Medicine, at the conference, said that he would change the policy of the vaccine used to combat disease, stressed the intensification of the vaccine doses in the provinces and regions where there is bird flu.
كتب عيد عبدالجواد، جمال نوفل وغادة عبدالحافظ والسيد أبوعلى وعمر الشيخ وأحمد على ٣٠/ ٥/ ٢٠٠٩
Day wrote Abduljawad, Jamal, Ghada Abdalhafez Novell, Mr. Abu Ali and Omar Ahmed Sheikh and the 5-30-2009 <table style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; direction: ltr;" align="right" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td align="center" valign="top">احتجز مستشفى حميات الإسكندرية، أمس، بحاراً هندياً يدعى كمال بشت ?٣٠ سنة?، للاشتباه فى إصابته بأعراض مشابهة لأنفلونزا الخنازير.
Alexandria hospital fevers were held, yesterday, an Indian sailor named Kamal Pest ?30 years?, on suspicion of being infected with flu symptoms are similar to pigs.
وقال مصدر مسؤول بالمستشفى إنه تم وضع المشتبه به تحت حراسة مشددة بعد ارتفاع درجة حرارته بصورة كبيرة، للاشتباه فى إصابته بالفيروس المعروف بـ?إتش١إن١?،
An official source said the hospital had been put suspects under tight security after a rise in temperature is large, on suspicion of being infected with the virus, known as ?The 1 H 1?,
وأخذت إدارة المستشفى عينات من دمه ومسحة لتحليلهما والتأكد من إصابته بالمرض من عدمها.
Department of the hospital and took blood samples for analysis, survey and make sure that a disease or not.
وأكد المصدر أن احتجاز المشتبه به تم بمعرفة سلطات الحجر الصحى، لافتاً إلى أنه تم عزله بالمستشفى، وتم رفع درجة الاستعداد القصوى بالمستشفى ومديرية الصحة بعد الإبلاغ عن هذه الحالة.
The source added that the suspect had been detained by the quarantine authorities, he was isolated in hospital, raising the alert level was the maximum the hospital and the Department of Health after reporting on the situation.
وعلى صعيد أنفلونزا الطيور، أظهرت الاحصائيات الرسمية التى اصدرتها اللجنة العليا لمكافحة المرض أن إجمالى عدد الوفيات بـ ?انفلونزا الطيور? قد بلغ ٢٧ حالة من إجمالى ٧٦ حالة إصابة مؤكدة بنسبة ٣٥.٥٪ وأن الحالات المشتبه فيها بلغت ٨٠٧٠ حالة خلال الأعوام من ١٧ فبراير ٢٠٠٦ حتى ٢٦ مايو ٢٠٠٩.
At the level of bird flu, official statistics showed issued by the Higher Committee to combat the disease that the total number of deaths b ?avian flu? has reached 27 out of 76 confirmed cases and that the rate of 35.5% of suspected cases amounted to 8070 cases during the years from February 17 2006 to May 26, 2009.
وقد احتجزت مستشفيات الحميات بالسويس وبورسعيد والدقهلية وبنى سويف، أمس، ١٣ حالة للاشتباه بإصابتهم بأعراض مشابهة للمرض.
Detained fever hospitals in Suez, Port Said, Beni Suef, Dakahlia, yesterday, 13 cases of suspected cluster of similar symptoms of the disease.
من جانبه، أكد اللواء عبدالسلام المحجوب، وزير التنمية المحلية، أن اللجنة العليا لمكافحة أنفلونزا الطيور قررت غلق المزارع التى تظهر فيها بؤر مرضية، وإعدام كل ما بها من دواجن وعدم منحها تراخيص مرة أخرى، إلا بعد التأكد من تطهيرها بشكل كامل.
For his part, Major General Abdel Salam Mahgoub, Minister of Local Development, the Supreme Committee to Combat Bird Flu, which decided to close the farm where the spots appear satisfactory, the execution of everything from poultry, not to grant permits once again, only after confirmation of cleared completely.
وشدد المحجوب، خلال المؤتمر الصحفى الذى عقد فى مقر الوزارة، أمس الأول، على تكثيف الحملات خلال الفترة المقبلة، نظراً لانحسار المرض خلال الصيف، مؤكداً أنه سيتم عقد اجتماع آخر للجنة الأسبوع المقبل، وذلك لتقييم ما تم من إجراءات، وما نفذ من الاستراتيجية الخاصة بمواجهة المرض.
The governor, during a press conference held at the headquarters of the Ministry, on Monday to intensify their campaigns in the coming period, because of the decline of the disease during the summer, adding that another meeting would be held in the Commission next week, to assess what has been the action, and the implementation of the Strategy for the to confront the disease.
وقال السفير إسماعيل خيرت، رئيس الهيئة العامة للاستعلامات، المتحدث الرسمى للجنة العليا لمكافحة أنفلونزا الطيور، إن إجمالى الحالات الإيجابية لأنفلونزا الطيور ٧٦ حالة (٢٧ حالة للذكور و٤٩ حالة للإناث)،
The ambassador said Ismail Khairat, the head of the Service, the official spokesman for the Higher Committee to combat avian flu, the total positive cases of bird flu 76 cases (27 males and 49 for the case of females);
مشيراً إلى أن الحكومة مستمرة فى تطبيق القانون الذى يحمل رقم ٧٠ لسنة ٢٠٠٩ بمنع تداول الطيور بين المحافظات.
He pointed out that the government continues in the application of Law No. 70 of 2009 to ban the circulation of influenza in the provinces.
وأضاف أن الأمن مسؤول مسؤولية كاملة عن القضاء على تداول الطيور الحية عن طريق مصادرة السيارات التى تنقلها بين المحافظات وإحالتها للنيابة العامة.
He added that security officials fully responsible for the elimination of the circulation of live birds through the confiscation of cars, which are transmitted between the provinces and forwarded to the Attorney-General.
وقال الدكتور نصر السيد، وكيل أول وزارة الصحة للطب الوقائى، خلال المؤتمر، إنه سيتم تغيير سياسة المصل الذى يستخدم فى مكافحة المرض، مؤكداً تكثيف جرعات المصل فى المحافظات والمناطق التى يظهر بها أنفلونزا الطيور.
Said Dr. Nasr El Sayed, First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health for Preventive Medicine, at the conference, said that he would change the policy of the vaccine used to combat disease, stressed the intensification of the vaccine doses in the provinces and regions where there is bird flu.