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Vietnam - 2 Confirmed H5N1 Human Cases in Bac Kan - 11 Treated and Released, 33 Screened & Test Negative

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  • Vietnam - 2 Confirmed H5N1 Human Cases in Bac Kan - 11 Treated and Released, 33 Screened & Test Negative

    Focus for prevention of influenza A (H5N1)
    07:06 '09/04/2010 (GMT +7)
    Appear as local flu A (H5N1), Cho Moi district is focusing all resources and conditions for prevention services.

    Add a case positive for influenza A (H5N1)

    After the patient Chu Van Hoa, 22, residing in rural Cao Na (as) - first patient, have tested positive for influenza A (H5N1) Steering Committee for prevention of respiratory infections acute health sector virus Bac Kan, Cho Moi district has directed the professional sector, in particular the district health center inspection organization, to the list of people who have had contact with patients and poultry and aquatic birds sick. Simultaneous deployment of medical examination and treatment in time for the cases show signs of fever, cough, shortness of breath in the locality. Up to date 8 / 4, the district health center has received nine more cases have manifested as fever, cough, shortness of breath. Of these 8 patients are residing in villages Na Tao, a patient residing in Yen Dinh. Cases of patients with Luc Van Ha (Yen Ting), hospitalized in a state of fever, cough, dyspnea and diarrhea.
    Before hospital about 4-5 days, patients had access to the epidemic areas. Notably, out of 8 patients residing in rural areas, the patients Na Cao Nguyen Thi Thanh Thu (27 months old) had tested positive for influenza A (H5N1). Letters Apart patients, five other family members of patients hospitalized in the state also cough, fever, trouble breathing. All these patients have had contact with the patient first or eat meat, contact with sick poultry. Thus, up to date Cho Moi district has two cases positive for influenza A (H5N1) and 8 cases of cough, fever, difficulty breathing, have expressed suspicion of avian influenza A (H5N1).

    <table class="image center" fck_template="imagecontener" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td class="image_desc" align="middle">Bệnh nh&#226;n Lục Văn H&#224; đang điều trị tại trung t&#226;m y tế huyện Chợ Mới<o:p></o:p>

    Luc Van Ha patients being treated at the medical center Cho Moi district

    Comrade Liu Xuan Hoa, deputy director of the district health center, said: "Immediately after Chu Van Hoa patients admitted to hospital, district health centers were examined, timely treatment for cases of cough , fever, difficulty breathing, the presence of influenza A (H5N1). Of the 21 cases the presence of HPAI was taking Taminflu there were 14 cases of stable health, the rest are cases where continued therapy at the Center. Unless the patient's Nguyen Thi Thanh Thu, tested positive for influenza A (H5N1), the remaining cases had fever, cough, diarrhea, is progressing well. However, should the pathogen is still likely to appear more patients expressed similar unavoidable, particularly in the day 8 / 4 Center to continue to receive two additional patients with suspected signs problem, a history of contact with patients before. "

    Nguyen Thi Thanh Thu patients 27 months of age (Na Tao, as there are) treated at the Medical Center of Cho Moi district

    Along with the examination and treatment time for patients who have expressed doubts, the Centre has directed the district health team focused preventive health development work spray disinfection in rural Na Cao. Up to date 8 / 4 preventive medicine team has conducted the 3rd spraying disinfectant in the service and advocacy organizations to people to personal hygiene, environmental hygiene to reduce the risk around flu spread. The center also simultaneously direct the commune health stations, village nurse supervision, monitoring closely the situation in local disease to detect, on routes to transfer patients timely treatment. Known at this time, the district has been granted 700 doses of Tamiflu, the protection equipment, medical supplies have been adequate preparation for the examination and treatment locally.

    Destroyed nearly 1,000 poultry and aquatic birds in the translation
    Immediately after cases of avian influenza A (H1N1) in humans first appeared, the Steering Committee for prevention of the district has directed the departments to focus advocacy expertise, deployment inspection, destruction the local epidemic prevention. Specifically, the district has set up three checkpoints in the commune seemed to include a major spill at the dam, at the Pass Key 2 The Quat, in key 3 Buddha Pass (path to the remote Try Quang Chu). At these checkpoints, inter-agency representatives from the district veterinary stations, police districts, market management, commune officials were inspecting, preventing the movement of poultry, poultry products hydro, timely handling of violations according to regulations and spray disinfection of vehicles from the area. Simultaneously with work on the district also conducted some completely destroyed poultry and aquatic birds (965 children) of Na Tao Village and held spray disinfection in Na Tao village, the town or village nearby. Work disinfectant spray is conducted periodically once a day at the village Na Tao - epidemic areas, also with the other villages in the commune, to conduct the spraying three times a day.

    As checkpoints in social problems

    Besides, the vaccination for poultry and aquatic birds are continuing to be deployed. In addition to 10 villages of the commune As it lies in the high-risk areas surrounding the five communal services include: Van Binh, Quang Chu, Cho Moi township, Yen Dinh, Thanh Binh also simultaneously implement vaccination for poultry aquatic birds. There currently are 50 districts have prepared thousands of doses of vaccines to vaccinate 47,500 children for poultry and aquatic birds conducted on 9 / 4. According to Tran Trung Kien, Vice Chairman District: "The district is continuing to promote the vaccination for poultry and aquatic birds, disinfection at the rural commune of the neck, five neighboring communes. At the same time actively monitoring changes in the disease situation in poultry and aquatic birds in the local time for prevention, to prevent epidemic spread. Immediate direct the district are local, industry, mass propaganda to push people about prevention and effective, to avoid confusion among the people and the direction of veterinary staff facilities, authorities of communes and towns tracking, monitoring changes in the disease situation in the province, reported to the authorities promptly handled. /

    Chợ Mới:
    Tập trung ph&#242;ng, chống dịch c&#250;m A (H5N1)
    07:06' 09/04/2010 (GMT+7)
    L&#224; địa phương xuất hiện dịch c&#250;m A (H5N1), huyện Chợ Mới đang tập trung mọi nguồn lực, điều kiện để ph&#242;ng, chống dịch.<o:p></o:p>
    Th&#234;m một trường hợp dương t&#237;nh với c&#250;m A (H5N1)<o:p></o:p>
    Sau khi bệnh nh&#226;n Chu Văn Ho&#224;, 22 tuổi, tr&#250; tại th&#244;n N&#224; T&#224;o (Như Cố) - bệnh nh&#226;n đầu ti&#234;n, c&#243; kết quả x&#233;t nghiệm dương t&#237;nh với c&#250;m A (H5N1) Ban chỉ đạo ph&#242;ng, chống dịch vi&#234;m đường h&#244; hấp cấp t&#237;nh do vi r&#250;t của ng&#224;nh y tế Bắc Kạn, huyện Chợ Mới đ&#227; chỉ đạo c&#225;c ng&#224;nh chuy&#234;n m&#244;n, cụ thể l&#224; Trung t&#226;m y tế huyện tổ chức kiểm tra, l&#234;n danh s&#225;ch những người đ&#227; tiếp x&#250;c với bệnh nh&#226;n v&#224; gia cầm, thuỷ cầm bị bệnh. Đồng thời triển khai c&#244;ng t&#225;c kh&#225;m, chữa bệnh kịp thời cho c&#225;c trường hợp c&#243; biểu hiện sốt, ho, kh&#243; thở tại địa phương. T&#237;nh đến ng&#224;y 8/4, Trung t&#226;m y tế huyện đ&#227; tiếp nhận th&#234;m 9 trường hợp c&#243; biểu hiện sốt, ho, kh&#243; thở. Trong đ&#243; c&#243; 8 bệnh nh&#226;n đều l&#224; tr&#250; tại th&#244;n N&#224; T&#224;o, 1 bệnh nh&#226;n tr&#250; tại x&#227; Y&#234;n Đĩnh. Với trường hợp của bệnh nh&#226;n Lục Văn H&#224; (Y&#234;n Đĩnh), nhập viện trong t&#236;nh trạng bị sốt, ho, kh&#243; thở v&#224; bị ti&#234;u chảy. Trước khi nhập viện khoảng 4-5 ng&#224;y, bệnh nh&#226;n n&#224;y đ&#227; tiếp cận với v&#249;ng c&#243; dịch. Đ&#225;ng ch&#250; &#253;, trong số 8 bệnh nh&#226;n tr&#250; tại th&#244;n N&#224; T&#224;o th&#236; bệnh nh&#226;n Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thư (27 th&#225;ng tuổi) đ&#227; c&#243; kết quả x&#233;t nghiệm dương t&#237;nh với c&#250;m A (H5N1). Ngo&#224;i bệnh nh&#226;n Thư, 5 th&#224;nh vi&#234;n kh&#225;c trong gia đ&#236;nh bệnh nh&#226;n cũng nhập vi&#234;n trong t&#236;nh trạng ho, sốt, kh&#243; thở. Tất cả c&#225;c bệnh nh&#226;n n&#224;y đều đ&#227; tiếp x&#250;c với bệnh nh&#226;n đầu ti&#234;n hoặc ăn thịt, tiếp x&#250;c với gia cầm bị ốm. Như vậy, t&#237;nh đến thời điểm n&#224;y huyện Chợ Mới đ&#227; c&#243; 2 trường hợp dương t&#237;nh với c&#250;m A (H5N1) v&#224; 8 trường hợp bị ho, sốt, kh&#243; thở, c&#243; biểu hiện nghi vấn của c&#250;m A (H5N1).

    <table class="image center" fck_template="imagecontener" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td></td></tr> <tr> <td class="image_desc" align="middle"> Bệnh nh&#226;n Lục Văn H&#224; đang điều trị tại trung t&#226;m y tế huyện Chợ Mới<o:p></o:p>
    </td></tr></tbody></table> Đồng ch&#237; Lưu Xu&#226;n Ho&#224;, Ph&#243; Gi&#225;m đốc trung t&#226;m y tế huyện cho biết: “Ngay sau khi bệnh nh&#226;n Chu Văn Ho&#224; nhập viện, Trung t&#226;m y tế huyện đ&#227; tiến h&#224;nh kiểm tra, điều trị kịp thời cho c&#225;c trường hợp bị ho, sốt, kh&#243; thở, c&#243; biểu hiện của c&#250;m A (H5N1). Trong số 21 trường hợp c&#243; biểu hiện của dịch c&#250;m đ&#227; được uống thuốc Taminflu th&#236; c&#243; 14 trường hợp đ&#227; ổn định sức khoẻ, c&#225;c trường hợp c&#242;n lại đang tiếp tục điều trị tại Trung t&#226;m. Ngoại trừ trường hợp của bệnh nh&#226;n Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thư, kết quả x&#233;t nghiệm dương t&#237;nh với c&#250;m A (H5N1) th&#236; c&#225;c trường hợp c&#242;n lại đều đ&#227; giảm sốt, ho, ti&#234;u chảy, c&#243; tiến triển tốt. Mặc d&#249; vậy, do mầm bệnh vẫn c&#242;n n&#234;n khả năng xuất hiện th&#234;m những bệnh nh&#226;n c&#243; biểu hiện tương tự kh&#243; tr&#225;nh khỏi, cụ thể l&#224; ngay trong ng&#224;y 8/4 Trung t&#226;m tiếp tục tiếp nhận th&#234;m 2 bệnh nh&#226;n c&#243; biểu hiện nghi vấn, c&#243; tiền sử tiếp x&#250;c với c&#225;c bệnh nh&#226;n trước đ&#243;”.

    Đi đ&#244;i với c&#244;ng t&#225;c kh&#225;m, điều trị kịp thời cho c&#225;c bệnh nh&#226;n đ&#227; c&#243; biểu hiện nghi vấn, Trung t&#226;m y tế huyện đ&#227; chỉ đạo Đội y tế dự ph&#242;ng tập trung triển khai c&#244;ng t&#225;c phun thuốc khử tr&#249;ng ti&#234;u độc tại th&#244;n N&#224; T&#224;o. T&#237;nh đến ng&#224;y 8/4 Đội y tế dự ph&#242;ng đ&#227; tiến h&#224;nh phun khử tr&#249;ng lần thứ 3 tại v&#249;ng dịch v&#224; tổ chức tuy&#234;n truyền đến người d&#226;n cần vệ sinh c&#225; nh&#226;n, vệ sinh m&#244;i trường sống xung quanh để giảm nguy cơ dịch c&#250;m lan rộng. Đồng thời Trung t&#226;m cũng chỉ đạo Trạm y tế c&#225;c x&#227;, y t&#225; th&#244;n bản gi&#225;m s&#225;t, theo d&#245;i chặt chẽ t&#236;nh trạng dịch bệnh tại địa phương để ph&#225;t hiện, chuyển người bệnh l&#234;n tuyến tr&#234;n kịp thời điều trị. Được biết đến thời điểm n&#224;y, huyện đ&#227; được cấp 700 liều Tamiflu, c&#225;c trang thiết bị bảo hộ, vật tư y tế đ&#227; được chuẩn bị đầy đủ phục vụ c&#244;ng t&#225;c kh&#225;m, chữa bệnh tại địa phương.
    Ti&#234;u huỷ gần 1.000 con gia cầm, thuỷ cầm trong v&#249;ng dịch<o:p></o:p>
    Ngay sau khi ca bệnh c&#250;m A (H1N1) ở người đầu ti&#234;n xuất hiện, Ban chỉ đạo ph&#242;ng, chống dịch của huyện đ&#227; chỉ đạo c&#225;c ban, ng&#224;nh chuy&#234;n m&#244;n tập trung tuy&#234;n truyền, triển khai c&#244;ng t&#225;c kiểm tra, ti&#234;u huỷ, ph&#242;ng dịch tại địa phương. Cụ thể, huyện đ&#227; th&#224;nh lập 3 chốt kiểm dịch tại x&#227; Như Cố gồm: chốt 1 tại Đập tr&#224;n, chốt 2 tại ch&#226;n đ&#232;o Bản Quất, chốt 3 ở ch&#226;n đ&#232;o Bụt (đường đi từ x&#227; Như Cố sang Quảng Chu). Tại c&#225;c chốt kiểm dịch n&#224;y, cơ quan li&#234;n ng&#224;nh gồm đại diện Trạm th&#250; y huyện, C&#244;ng an huyện, Quản l&#253; thị trường, c&#225;n bộ x&#227; đ&#227; tiến h&#224;nh kiểm tra, ngăn chặn việc vận chuyển gia cầm, sản phẩm thuỷ cầm, kịp thời xử l&#253; c&#225;c trường hợp vi phạm theo quy định v&#224; phun thuốc khử tr&#249;ng ti&#234;u độc c&#225;c phương tiện đi ra từ v&#249;ng dịch. Đồng thời với hoạt động tr&#234;n huyện cũng đ&#227; tiến h&#224;nh ti&#234;u huỷ ho&#224;n to&#224;n số gia cầm, thuỷ cầm (965 con) của th&#244;n N&#224; T&#224;o v&#224; tổ chức phun thuốc khử tr&#249;ng ti&#234;u độc tại th&#244;n N&#224; T&#224;o, c&#225;c th&#244;n, x&#227; l&#226;n cận. C&#244;ng t&#225;c phun thuốc khử tr&#249;ng được tiến h&#224;nh định kỳ 1 lần/ng&#224;y tại th&#244;n N&#224; T&#224;o – v&#249;ng c&#243; dịch, c&#242;n với c&#225;c th&#244;n kh&#225;c trong x&#227; th&#236; tiến h&#224;nh phun thuốc 3 ng&#224;y 1 lần.

    <table class="image center" fck_template="imagecontener" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td></td></tr> <tr> <td class="image_desc" align="middle"> Chốt kiểm dịch tại x&#227; Như cố<o:p></o:p>

    B&#234;n cạnh đ&#243;, c&#244;ng t&#225;c ti&#234;m ph&#242;ng v&#225;c xin cho gia cầm, thuỷ cầm cũng đang tiếp tục được triển khai. Ngo&#224;i 10 th&#244;n của x&#227; Như Cố nằm trong v&#249;ng c&#243; nguy cơ cao th&#236; 5 x&#227; l&#226;n cận v&#249;ng dịch gồm: B&#236;nh Văn, Quảng Chu, thị trấn Chợ Mới, Y&#234;n Đĩnh, Thanh B&#236;nh cũng đồng loạt triển khai ti&#234;m ph&#242;ng cho gia cầm, thuỷ cầm. Hiện tại huyện đ&#227; chuẩn bị được 50 ngh&#236;n liều v&#225;c xin để ti&#234;m ph&#242;ng cho 47.500 con gia cầm, thuỷ cầm tiến h&#224;nh từ ng&#224;y 9/4. Theo &#244;ng Trần Trung Ki&#234;n, Ph&#243; Chủ tịch UBND huyện: “Hiện tại huyện đang tiếp tục đẩy mạnh c&#244;ng t&#225;c ti&#234;m ph&#242;ng cho gia cầm, thuỷ cầm, khử tr&#249;ng ti&#234;u độc tại c&#225;c th&#244;n thuộc x&#227; Như Cố, 5 x&#227; l&#226;n cận. Đồng thời chủ động theo d&#245;i diễn biến t&#236;nh h&#236;nh dịch bệnh tr&#234;n gia cầm, thuỷ cầm tại c&#225;c địa phương để kịp thời ph&#242;ng, chống dịch, tr&#225;nh để dịch lan rộng. Trước mắt huyện đang trực tiếp chỉ đạo c&#225;c địa phương, c&#225;c ng&#224;nh, đo&#224;n thể đẩy mạnh tuy&#234;n truyền đến người d&#226;n về c&#225;ch ph&#242;ng, chống dịch hiệu quả, tr&#225;nh g&#226;y hoang mang trong nh&#226;n d&#226;n v&#224; chỉ đạo c&#225;c th&#250; y vi&#234;n cơ sở, ch&#237;nh quyền c&#225;c x&#227;, thị trấn theo d&#245;i, gi&#225;m s&#225;t diễn biến t&#236;nh h&#236;nh dịch bệnh tr&#234;n địa b&#224;n, b&#225;o cho c&#225;c cơ quan chức năng kịp thời xử l&#253;”./.

    Last edited by Commonground; April 14, 2010, 12:34 PM. Reason: Adding original text article in it's entirety

  • #2
    Re: 9 suspected avian influenza cluster, 21 total suspects

    An additional translation for analysis -

    Focus for prevention of influenza A (H5N1)

    07:06' 09/04/2010 (GMT+7)
    07:06 '09/04/2010 (GMT +7)

    Appear as local flu A (H5N1), Cho Moi district is concentrating all the resources, conditions for prevention services.

    Add a case positive for influenza A (H5N1)

    After the patient Chu Van Hoa, 22, residing in rural Cao Na (as) - first patient, have tested positive for influenza A (H5N1) Steering Committee for prevention of respiratory infections acute health sector virus Bac Kan, Cho Moi district has directed the professional sector, in particular the district health center inspection organization, to the list of people who have had contact with patients and poultry and aquatic birds sick.

    Simultaneous deployment of medical examination and treatment in time for the cases show signs of fever, cough, shortness of breath in the locality.
    T&#237;nh đến ng&#224;y 8/4,

    Up to date 8 / 4, the district health center has received nine more cases have manifested as fever, cough, shortness of breath.

    Of these 8 patients are residing in villages Na Tao, a patient residing in Yen Dinh.

    Cases of patients with Luc Van Ha (Yen Ting), hospitalized in a state of fever, cough, dyspnea and diarrhea.

    Before hospital about 4-5 days, patients had access to the epidemic areas.

    Notably, out of 8 patients residing in rural areas, the patients Na Cao Nguyen Thi Thanh Thu (27 months old) had tested positive for influenza A (H5N1).

    Letters Apart patients, five other family members of patients hospitalized in the state also cough, fever, trouble breathing.

    All these patients have had contact with the patient first or eat meat, contact with sick poultry.

    Thus, up to date Cho Moi district has two cases positive for influenza A (H5N1) and 8 cases of cough, fever, difficulty breathing, have expressed suspicion of avian influenza A (H5N1).

    <table class="image center" fck_template="imagecontener" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td class="image_desc" align="middle">

    Chợ Mới
    Luc Van Ha patients being treated at the medical center Cho Moi district


    Comrade Liu Xuan Hoa, deputy director of the district health center, said: "Immediately after Chu Van Hoa patients admitted to hospital, district health centers were examined, timely treatment for cases of cough , fever, difficulty breathing, the presence of influenza A (H5N1).

    Of the 21 cases the presence of HPAI was taking Taminflu there were 14 cases of stable health, the rest are cases where continued therapy at the Center.

    Unless the patient's Nguyen Thi Thanh Thu, tested positive for influenza A (H5N1), the remaining cases had fever, cough, diarrhea, is progressing well.

    However, should the pathogen is still likely to appear more patients expressed similar unavoidable, particularly in the day 8 / 4 Center to continue to receive two additional patients with suspected signs problem, a history of contact with patients before. "

    <table class="image center" fck_template="imagecontener" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td class="image_desc" align="middle">

    Thu patients 27 months of age (Na Tao, as there are) treated at the Medical Center of Cho Moi district

    Along with the examination and treatment time for patients who have expressed doubts, the Centre has directed the district health team focused preventive health development work spray disinfection in rural Na Cao.

    Up to date 8 / 4 preventive medicine team has conducted the 3rd spraying disinfectant in the service and advocacy organizations to people to personal hygiene, environmental hygiene to reduce the risk around pandemic spread.

    The center also simultaneously direct the cooperative medical station, the village nurse supervising and monitoring the situation closely in local disease detection, patient moved up the time line of treatment.

    Known at this time, the district has been granted 700 doses of Tamiflu, the protection equipment, medical supplies have been adequate preparation for the examination and treatment locally.

    Destroyed nearly 1,000 poultry and aquatic birds in the translation

    Immediately after cases of avian influenza A (H1N1) in humans first appeared, the Steering Committee for prevention of the district has directed the departments to focus advocacy expertise, deployment inspection, destruction the local epidemic prevention.

    Specifically, the district has set up three checkpoints in the commune seemed to include a major spill at the dam, at the Pass Key 2 The Quat, in key 3 Buddha Pass (path to the remote Try Quang Chu).

    At these checkpoints, inter-agency representatives from the district veterinary stations, police districts, market management, commune officials were inspecting, preventing the movement of poultry, poultry products hydro, timely handling of violations according to regulations and spray disinfection of vehicles from the area.

    Simultaneously with work on the district also conducted some completely destroyed poultry and aquatic birds (965 children) of Na Tao Village and held spray disinfection in Na Tao village, the town or village nearby.

    Work disinfectant spray is conducted periodically once a day at the village Na Tao - epidemic areas, also with the other villages in the commune, to conduct the spraying three times a day.
    <table class="image center" fck_template="imagecontener" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td class="image_desc" align="middle">
    Chốt kiểm dịch tại x&#227; Như cố
    As checkpoints in social problems

    In addition to 10 villages of the commune As it lies in the high-risk areas surrounding the five communal services include: Van Binh, Quang Chu, Cho Moi township, Yen Dinh, Thanh Binh also simultaneously implement vaccination for poultry waterfowl.

    There currently are 50 districts have prepared thousands of doses of vaccines to vaccinate 47,500 children for poultry and aquatic birds conducted on 9 / 4.

    According to Tran Trung Kien, Vice Chairman District: "The district is continuing to promote the vaccination for poultry and aquatic birds, disinfection at the rural commune of the neck, five neighboring communes.

    At the same time actively monitoring changes in the disease situation in poultry and aquatic birds in the local time for prevention, to prevent epidemic spread.

    Immediate direct the district are local, industry, mass propaganda to push people about prevention and effective, to avoid confusion among the people and the direction of veterinary staff facilities, authorities of communes and towns tracking, monitoring changes in the disease situation in the province, reported to the authorities promptly handled. /.


    • #3
      Re: Vietnam - 2 Confirmed H5N1 Human Cases, 9+ (?) Hospitalized, 21 Total Suspected Cases in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan

      04/08/2010 15:18
      Notice where patients with influenza A (H5N1) in Bac Kan province and some preventive measures for avian influenza A (H5N1) emergency

      On 05/04/2010, Steering prevention of acute respiratory tract infections caused by viruses of Bac Kan province issued emergency notices 47/TB-BCD number of cases of patients with influenza A (H5N1) in Bac Kan and some preventive measures for avian influenza A (H5N1) emergency.

      Notice shall specify: Last time that happened all over the country scattered cases of morbidity and mortality caused by influenza A (H5N1). Currently, the province of Bac Kan also had flu patients, testing positive for influenza A (H5N1). Specifically as follows:
      Notified by the Ministry of Health, in the first months of 2010 there were some cases of influenza A (H5N1): 01 cases in Khanh Hoa province (on 27.1.2010), 01 cases in Son Duong district - Tuyen Optical (on 02.19.2010) has 02 cases of death from influenza A (H5N1), the first case in Cai Be district, Tien Giang Province (died on 23/2/2010), the second case Binh Duong Province (died on 17/3/2010). In the case of patients with influenza A (H5N1), some cases have no direct contact with infected poultry.

      As reported by the Department of Health, in Bac Kan province had 01 patients with influenza A (H5N1): Patients with a history of eating sick chickens, in which the patient resides (As can commune, Cho Moi) going outbreaks in chickens.
      On 27/3/2010, the disease began to develop symptoms such as fever, cough. On 30/3/2010, the patient in Cho Moi district hospital treatment, results shooting the film normal lung. Through 03 days of treatment in hospital for New symptoms more severe signs: continuous fever, difficulty breathing, shooting the film X. Optical images show lesions spread both lungs. The patient was transferred to the Hospital (BVDK) province in 15 hours 30 minutes on 02/4/2010 at the Department of Infectious treatment. Capture X.quang found widespread damage to the lungs than film in Cho Moi district hospital, the patient started showing signs of respiratory failure.
      Center for Preventive Medicine province took samples and sample survey of the Central Hygiene and Epidemiology Institute. 21 hours 00 Hoi on 02/4/2010, the patient was transferred to hospital treatment of infectious and tropical diseases. Laboratory at the Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology: samples positive for influenza A virus (H5N1).

      On 03/4/2010 from Health Department has directed and coordinated with the DPC to all organizations in anti-social services like her. On 04/4/2010 National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology has sent missions to support Bac Kan flu A (H5N1).

      Report of the Department of Health through the actual work of investigation in the outbreak and work with the DPC Cho Moi showed people's consciousness about the prevention of influenza A (H5N1) is very low (still eat poultry meat sick / die, do not report translated for local authorities, identify birds indiscriminately thrown into rivers, streams, causing pollution and high risk spread in the province, to other locations); the initiative in prevention of avian veterinary staff on the local level is not high. These issues should be relevant sectors and authorities at all levels of interest, correct time.

      To actively in the work for prevention of influenza A (H5N1) in people over the province, the Steering Committee asked the health sector, the Agriculture and Rural Development, the departments concerned and the People's Committee districts, some urgently implement the following key tasks:

      For Health Services:

      Strengthening supervision cases first infected with influenza A (H5N1) in treatment at all levels, from the commune health centers to district hospitals, provincial general hospital. In the process of receiving, diagnosing and treating patients must strictly comply with the guidance in the Decision on 19.08.2008 30/2008/QD-BYT guiding the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of flu A (H5N1) in humans;

      To direct the provincial Preventive Medicine Center, TTYT the districts:

      Prepare machinery, chemicals, protective equipment and strengthening of Preventive Medicine team, ready to support local anti-epidemic when required. Implementing anti-guide service in accordance with Decision No. 1812/QD-BYT on 05/23/2005 by the Health Ministry issuing process outbreak of avian influenza A (H5N1).

      If a patient's death, burial must be held as stipulated in Circular No.: 02/2009/TT-BYT of the Health Ministry in guiding the cleaning operation burial, cremation.
      Enhance communication to raise awareness of people about flu in poultry. To well implement the Health Ministry's recommendations on prevention of influenza A (H5N1) from birds to infect humans.

      For the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development:

      To expeditiously examine and supervise the local situation in the province of HPAI in poultry; enhance direct veterinary staff at all levels on prevention of avian influenza ; coordinate well with the public health sector in the prevention and control outbreaks in poultry and avian influenza A (H5N1) in humans.

      Two Health and Agriculture and Rural Development to urgently formulate a regulation to coordinate their operation against disease spread from cattle and poultry to humans, especially flu A (H5N1) to respond proactive preventive measures right from the stage occurred in poultry.

      For the People's Committees of districts and towns:
      To organize the inspection and supervision of the management of state animal health in the province; reorganize the work report, translate reports from villages, communes to district levels; Emergency School Steering Committee to consolidate prevention and control of local direct the departments of professional, relevant departments of local People's Committees of communes, wards and towns strictly implement the direction of the health sector , Agriculture and Rural Development and the Provincial Steering Committee, which plans to timely prevention and control to limit the spread of avian influenza A (H5N1) from poultry to people, minimize the number of patients died .

      In this announcement, Steering prevention of acute respiratory tract infections caused by viruses requires Bac Kan provinces, the departments concerned to expeditiously implement. /.


      • #4
        treyfish map Re: Vietnam - 2nd Confirmed H5N1 Human Case in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan - 9+ (?) Hospitalized, 21 Total Suspected Cases


        • #5
          Re: Vietnam - 2nd Confirmed H5N1 Human Case in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan - 9+ (?) Hospitalized, 21 Total Suspected Cases

          Social Friday, 9/4/2010, 8:30 (GMT +7)

          Avian flu occurs in Quang Ninh and Bac Kan
          GiadinhNet - On 8 / 4, Department of Animal Health says it has bird flu appeared in two provinces of Quang Ninh and Bac Kan, Thai Binh province also appeared on the blue ear pig.
          Specifically, in Bac Kan province on 19 / 3 as of 04/06/2010, avian influenza has occurred in 16 rural farming households in Cao Na, As Stock commune, Phu Luong district. Total number of poultry deaths and destruction in the 318 households on a child.

          In Quang Ninh, on 03/29/2010, avian influenza has occurred in four households in 4 communes in Tien Phong village of **** Yen. As on 06/04/2010 the total number of bird deaths and the destruction of four households on the 1554 children (including ducks and 50 chickens, 1504).

          On the PRRS swine in the Pacific, occurred at the third service is the Hop Tien commune, Phong Chau and Chau Phu district of Dong ****, to 306 infected children, including 84 sows and 222 pigs for pork.


          • #6
            Re: Vietnam - 2nd Confirmed H5N1 Human Case in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan - 9+ (?) Hospitalized, 21 Total Suspected Cases

            Avian influenza have occurred
            09:28 '08/04/2010 (GMT +7)
            Thus, in the province have been matched cases of avian influenza (H5N1) in the first year. Currently the patient is being treated at hospitals and epidemiological investigation results show that the area around the patient is dead poultry.

            Influenza A (H5N1) has existed for many years all over the country, almost always the local is not dead poultry. This is a dangerous disease with a high risk of spread if not controlled in time. Rain and humidity conditions are favorable for disease development trien.Tu country early this year did a lot of cases of influenza A (H5N1) and there were some deaths.

            Prevention of epidemics is to implement the province is relatively good in recent years. Whereby the disease is detected and treated in time not to control disease spread. Yet for all the diseases are not ignored but actively to cope with epidemics.

            Cases of influenza A (H5N1) in Cho Moi district has been detected and treated promptly moved online. The flu appears that the level and spread of infection in poultry is very high. Once patients need to take immediate preventive measures and treatment guidelines. So should immediately carry out the destruction of dead birds, cleaning cages, stamping service zoning. And check closely the movement of poultry from outside the province at the gateway point. Resolute not to transport poultry out and not sure when the province to have translated.

            Could not you have matched all the avian influenza epidemic because this is a dangerous high risk of infection. Functional agencies need to step up propaganda to all the people that spread the risk and determined not to use diseased birds. When discovered dead poultry immediately notify the local authorities know to take remedial measures promptly. Simultaneously reviewed and fully organized to vaccinate poultry. Prevention is the best method to limit the disease. /.



            • #7
              Re: Vietnam - 2nd Confirmed H5N1 Human Case in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan - 9+ (?) Hospitalized, 21 Total Suspected Cases

              Thanks Treyfish ?
              <o:p> </o:p>
              General Summary:
              <o:p> </o:p>
              Chu Văn Ho?, 22, had onset about March 30 and has been confirmed positive for H5N1. He is reported to be from N? T?o (Như Cố) and was apparently infected from sick or dying poultry. This case was reported in the media on April 5<sup>th</sup>. <o:p></o:p> At the time of the first reports of Chu Văn Ho?, 4 other individuals were showing possible symptoms and were being monitored, possibly quarantined. <o:p></o:p>
              <o:p> </o:p>
              On April 8, 2010 nine additional individuals, 8 from N? T?o, and one from Y?n Đĩnh, are reported to exhibit symptoms of H5N1. The patient from Y?n Đĩnh, Lục Văn H?, is currently hospitalized with ?fever, cough, dyspnea, and diarrhea?. (A picture of Lục Văn H? is presented in post #2 above).

              The translation is not clear but perhaps all of the infected individuals were in areas with H5N1 infected poultry. One of the 8 patients from N? T?o, Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thư, is a 27 months old child who has tested positive for H5N1 infection. Five of the other seven individuals from N? T?o that are exhibiting symptoms are family members of Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thư. These family members are reported to have possibly 1) had contact with Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thư (the infected child), 2) have eaten infected meat, or 3) had contact with infected poultry.
              <o:p> </o:p>
              Apparently, since March 30, there have been 21 individuals that were give Tamiflu who exhibited H5N1 symptoms in the Chợ Mới district (presumably this number includes the individuals discussed above). While 14 of these individuals are ?stable?, the remaining 7 are possibly being hospitalized ( ?continued therapy at the Center?).<o:p></o:p>
              <o:p> </o:p>
              In summary, there are at least 2 confirmed human H5N1 cases in Chợ Mới district, 7 other individuals who exhibit symptoms and might be hospitalized, and 14 individuals who exhibited symptoms, have received Tamiflu, and are under observation. <o:p></o:p>
              <o:p> </o:p>
              These individuals represent the first geographic cluster (and possibly familial cluster) of human H5N1 cases in <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">Vietnam</st1:country-region></st1:place> since late 2008/early 2009 when two sisters were infected. <o:p></o:p>

              <o:p> </o:p>


              • #8
                Re: Vietnam - 2nd Confirmed H5N1 Human Case in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan - 7 Hospitalized, 21 Total Suspected Cases Since March 31

                Sent to ProMed last night -

                <table align="center" bgcolor="#dcdcdc" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="100&#37;"><tbody><tr><td align="right" valign="top" width="20%">Subject: </td> <td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">2nd Locally Confirmed H5N1 Case in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan, South Vietnam,</td> </tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top" width="20%">From: </td> <td align="left" valign="top" width="80%"></td> </tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top" width="20%">Date: </td> <td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">Thu, April 8, 2010 10:33 pm</td> </tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top" width="20%">To: </td> <td align="left" valign="top" width="80%"></td></tr></tbody></table>

                Submitted by FluTrackers -

                Bothersome article - mentions numerous other suspected human cases
                including family members.....

                We are following closely and now looking at the names to determine the extent of familial connections.


                • #9
                  Re: Vietnam - 2nd Confirmed H5N1 Human Case in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan - 7 Hospitalized, 21 Total Suspected Cases

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                  Trung Van Hoa (22) ? Confirmed Case #6 ? Index Case
                  From: Na Cao Hamlet, Nhu Co Commune, Cho Moi District
                  3/27 ? began fever, cough
                  3/30 ? Adm. Cho Moi district hospital, X-ray shows normal lungs
                  Next 3 days, new symptoms of difficulty breathing, X-ray shows both lungs with lesions
                  4/2 ? Transferred to Bac Kan Provincial Hospital. Symptoms progress to respiratory failure. X-ray shows widespread damage to both lungs. Samples taken @ 21 hours on 4/2, sample shows confirmed H5N1.
                  4/3 ? Dept. of Health directs coordination with DPC to all organizations.
                  4/4 ? National Inst. Of Hygiene & Epidemiology sends missions to support Bac Kan flu A (H5N1). From investigation finds people?s awareness of H5N1 is very low, (eat sick poultry, don?t report sick/dead birds, throws poultry in river/streams. Initiative in prevention of H5N1 on local level is not high.
                  Directive for districts according to Decision No. 1812: Upon death, cremation.
                  <o:p> </o:p>
                  4 other people in Nhu Co Commune show simlar symptoms. Under quarantine and treated at Bac Kan provincial hospital, in stable condition. The 22 yo is in critical condition. Index Case: history of eating sick chickens.
                  <o:p> </o:p>
                  8 Cases ? Na Cao Hamlet
                  Nguyen Thi Thanh Thu (27 mos old) ? confirmed<o:p></o:p>
                  Adm: Cho Moi District Medical Ctr.?
                  From: Na Cao..
                  5 other family members hospitalized w/cough, fever, trouble breathing.
                  All 6 had contact with Index Case or contact w/sick poultry (consumed).
                  Total 8 cases of cough fever, difficulty breathing ? suspected H5N1.
                  <o:p> </o:p>
                  1 Case ? Yen Dinh Village
                  Luc Van Ha ? hospitalized medical center Cho Moi, w/fever, cough, dyspnea and diarrhea. 4-5 days before hospitalized had access to epidemic area (Na Tao).
                  21 Cases taking Tamiflu.
                  <!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->14 cases are stable health<o:p></o:p>
                  <!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->7 admitted to the District Health Center, fever cough, diarrhea<o:p></o:p>
                  <o:p> </o:p>

                  District has been given 700 doses of Tamiflu, protection equipment, & medical supplies.
                  1,000 poultry and aquatic birds destroyed.
                  3 checkpoints set up, preventing movement of poultry vehicles, spraying vehicles.
                  Active monitoring changes in the disease situation in poultry/birds.


                  • #10
                    Re: Vietnam - 2nd Confirmed H5N1 Human Case in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan - 7 Hospitalized, 21 Total Suspected Cases

                    <small>No higher resolution available.



                    • #11
                      Re: Vietnam - 2nd Confirmed H5N1 Human Case in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan - 7 Hospitalized, 21 Total Suspected Cases

                      <table id="collapsibleTable0" class="nowraplinks collapsible autocollapse" style="background: transparent none repeat scroll 0&#37; 0%; width: 100%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; color: inherit;" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><th style="" colspan="3" class="navbox-title">Districts of Northeast Vietnam (Dong Bac)</th> </tr> <tr style="height: 2px;"> <td>
                      </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="navbox-group" style="">Bắc Giang Province</td> <td style="padding: 0px; text-align: left; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-style: solid; width: 100%;" class="navbox-list navbox-odd"> Bắc Giang &#183; Hiệp H&#242;a &#183; Lạng Giang &#183; Lục Nam &#183; Lục Ngạn &#183; Sơn Động &#183; T&#226;n Y&#234;n &#183; Việt Y&#234;n &#183; Y&#234;n Dũng &#183; Y&#234;n Thế
                      </td> <td style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 2px; width: 0%;" rowspan="21"></td> </tr> <tr style="height: 2px;"> <td>
                      </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="navbox-group" style="">Bắc Kạn Province</td> <td style="padding: 0px; text-align: left; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-style: solid; width: 100%;" class="navbox-list navbox-even"> Bắc Kạn &#183; Ba Bể &#183; Bạch Th&#244;ng &#183; Chợ Đồn &#183; Chợ Mới &#183; Na R&#236; &#183; Ng&#226;n Sơn &#183; P&#225;c Nặm
                      </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 2px;"> <td>
                      </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="navbox-group" style="">Cao Bang Province</td> <td style="padding: 0px; text-align: left; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-style: solid; width: 100%;" class="navbox-list navbox-odd"> Cao Bằng &#183; Bảo Lạc &#183; Bảo L&#226;m &#183; Hạ Lang &#183; H&#224; Quảng &#183; Ho&#224; An &#183; Nguy&#234;n B&#236;nh &#183; Phục H&#242;a &#183; Quảng Uy&#234;n &#183; Thạch An &#183; Th&#244;ng N&#244;ng &#183; Tr&#224; Lĩnh &#183; Tr&#249;ng Kh&#225;nh
                      </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 2px;"> <td>
                      </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="navbox-group" style="">Ha Giang Province</td> <td style="padding: 0px; text-align: left; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-style: solid; width: 100%;" class="navbox-list navbox-even"> H&#224; Giang &#183; Bắc M&#234; &#183; Bắc Quang &#183; Đồng Văn &#183; Ho&#224;ng Su Ph&#236; &#183; M&#232;o Vạc &#183; Quản Bạ &#183; Quang B&#236;nh &#183; Vị Xuy&#234;n &#183; X&#237;n Mần &#183; Y&#234;n Minh
                      </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 2px;"> <td>
                      </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="navbox-group" style="">Lang Son Province</td> <td style="padding: 0px; text-align: left; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-style: solid; width: 100%;" class="navbox-list navbox-odd"> Lạng Sơn &#183; Bắc Sơn &#183; B&#236;nh Gia &#183; Cao Lộc &#183; Chi Lăng &#183; Đ&#236;nh Lập &#183; Hữu Lũng &#183; Lộc B&#236;nh &#183; Tr&#224;ng Định &#183; Văn L&#227;ng &#183; Văn Quan
                      </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 2px;"> <td>
                      </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="navbox-group" style="">Lao Cai Province</td> <td style="padding: 0px; text-align: left; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-style: solid; width: 100%;" class="navbox-list navbox-even"> L&#224;o Cai &#183; Bắc H&#224; &#183; Bảo Thắng &#183; Bảo Y&#234;n &#183; B&#225;t X&#225;t &#183; Mường Khương &#183; Sa Pa &#183; Si Ma Cai &#183; Văn B&#224;n
                      </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 2px;"> <td>
                      </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="navbox-group" style="">Phu Tho Province</td> <td style="padding: 0px; text-align: left; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-style: solid; width: 100%;" class="navbox-list navbox-odd"> Ph&#250; Thọ &#183; Việt Tr&#236; &#183; Cẩm Kh&#234; &#183; Đoan H&#249;ng &#183; Hạ H&#242;a &#183; L&#226;m Thao &#183; Ph&#249; Ninh &#183; Tam N&#244;ng &#183; T&#226;n Sơn &#183; Thanh Ba &#183; Thanh Sơn &#183; Thanh Thủy &#183; Y&#234;n Lập
                      </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 2px;"> <td>
                      </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="navbox-group" style="">Quang Ninh Province</td> <td style="padding: 0px; text-align: left; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-style: solid; width: 100%;" class="navbox-list navbox-even"> Hạ Long &#183; M&#243;ng C&#225;i &#183; Cẩm Phả &#183; U&#244;ng B&#237; &#183; Ba Chẽ &#183; B&#236;nh Li&#234;u &#183; C&#244; T&#244; &#183; Đầm H&#224; &#183; Đ&#244;ng Triều &#183; Hải H&#224; &#183; Ho&#224;nh Bồ &#183; Ti&#234;n Y&#234;n &#183; V&#226;n Đồn &#183; Y&#234;n Hưng
                      </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 2px;"> <td>
                      </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="navbox-group" style="">Thai Nguyen Province</td> <td style="padding: 0px; text-align: left; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-style: solid; width: 100%;" class="navbox-list navbox-odd"> Th&#225;i Nguy&#234;n city &#183; S&#244;ng C&#244;ng &#183; Đại Từ &#183; Định H&#243;a &#183; Đồng Hỷ &#183; Phổ Y&#234;n &#183; Ph&#250; B&#236;nh &#183; Ph&#250; Lương &#183; V&#245; Nhai
                      </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 2px;"> <td>
                      </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="navbox-group" style="">Tuyen Quang Province</td> <td style="padding: 0px; text-align: left; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-style: solid; width: 100%;" class="navbox-list navbox-even"> Tuy&#234;n Quang &#183; Chi&#234;m Ho&#225; &#183; H&#224;m Y&#234;n &#183; N&#224; Hang &#183; Sơn Dương &#183; Y&#234;n Sơn
                      </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 2px;"> <td>
                      </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="navbox-group" style="">Yen Bai Province</td> <td style="padding: 0px; text-align: left; border-left-width: 2px; border-left-style: solid; width: 100%;" class="navbox-list navbox-odd"> Y&#234;n B&#225;i &#183; Nghĩa Lộ &#183; Lục Y&#234;n &#183; M&#249; Cang Chải &#183; Trạm Tấu &#183; Trấn Y&#234;n &#183; Văn Chấn &#183; Văn Y&#234;n &#183; Y&#234;n B&#236;nh


                      • #12
                        Re: Vietnam - 2nd Confirmed H5N1 Human Case in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan - 7 Hospitalized, 21 Total Suspected Cases

                        Previous thread -

                        Vietnam - Male, 22, 1st H5N1 case detected in Bac Kan province, 4 more suspects under quarantine



                        • #13
                          Re: Vietnam - 2nd Confirmed H5N1 Human Case in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan - 7 Hospitalized, 21 Total Suspected Cases

                          2-year-old girl infected with bird flu

                          B&#233; sống tại th&#244;n N&#224; T&#224;o, x&#227; Như Cố, huyện Chợ Mới, tỉnh Bắc Kạn, l&#224; bệnh nh&#226;n nhiễm c&#250;m gia cầm thứ 2 tại th&#244;n n&#224;y.

                          Cao Na baby living in rural communes such as grass, Cho Moi, Bac Kan province, is infected with bird flu patients in rural 2nd this.

                          Theo th&#244;ng b&#225;o của Cục Y tế dự ph&#242;ng v&#224; M&#244;i trường (Bộ Y tế), b&#233; khởi ph&#225;t bệnh ng&#224;y 2/4 với biểu hiện sốt cao 40 độ C, ho, đau họng, sổ mũi.

                          Notified by the Department of Preventive Medicine and Environment (Ministry of Health), child-onset disease on 2 / 4 expression 40 degrees C fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose.

                          Hai ng&#224;y, b&#233; được người nh&#224; đưa đến bệnh viện huyện Chợ Mới điều trị v&#224; lấy mẫu x&#233;t nghiệm.

                          Two days, the baby was taken to the hospital treatment and Cho Moi district sample.

                          Ng&#224;y 7/4/2010, Viện Vệ sinh dịch tễ Trung ương trả lời kết quả x&#233;t nghiệm dương t&#237;nh với virus c&#250;m H5N1.

                          On 07/04/2010, National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology answer test positive for H5N1 virus.

                          Hiện tại, sức khỏe b&#233; ổn định, kh&#244;ng sốt, kh&#244;ng kh&#243; thở.

                          Currently, her health is stable, no fever, no shortness of breath.

                          Điều tra dịch tễ ban đầu cho thấy, tại nh&#224; v&#224; xung quanh khu vực nơi bệnh nh&#226;n sống c&#243; hiện tượng gia cầm ốm, chết.

                          Initial epidemiological investigation showed that, at home and around the area where the patients live with the phenomenon of sick birds, dead.

                          Gia đ&#236;nh ch&#225;u c&#243; giết mổ gia cầm ốm để ăn thịt.

                          Her family is slaughtered sick birds to eat.

                          Như vậy đ&#226;y l&#224; ca dương t&#237;nh thứ 2 với virus c&#250;m H5N1 tại th&#244;n N&#224; Tao, x&#227; Như Cố, tỉnh Bắc Kạn.

                          So this is the first 2 cases positive for H5N1 virus in Na Tao village, As can commune, Bac Kan province.

                          Trước đ&#243; l&#224; một thanh ni&#234;n 22 tuổi , đang được điều trị tại Bệnh viện Bệnh Nhiệt đới (H&#224; Nội).

                          Before it was a young 22 years old , is being treated at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (Hanoi).


                          • #14
                            Re: Vietnam - 2nd Confirmed H5N1 Human Case in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan - 7 Hospitalized, 21 Total Suspected Cases

                            I have also sent this thread to some journalists, the WHO, etc.


                            • #15
                              Re: Vietnam - 2nd Confirmed H5N1 Human Case in Cho Moi district, Bac Kan - 7 Hospitalized, 21 Total Suspected Cases

                              3:26 PM, 09/04/2010
                              Bac Kan: Add a shift positive for influenza A (H5N1)

                              The patient is Nguyen Thi Thanh Thu (27 months), rural residence in Na Cao, such as grass, Cho Moi (Bac Kan). 4 to 5 days earlier, this patient has access to the epidemic areas.
                              Medical Center of Cho Moi district has received nine cases have manifested as fever, cough, difficulty breathing, in which eight patients were residing in Na Tao village, commune As it is, a resident in Yen Dinh. Thus, the 8 / 4, Cho Moi district has two cases positive for influenza A (H5N1) and 8 cases of cough, fever, difficulty breathing, have expressed doubts of influenza A (H5N1).

                              Medical Center of Cho Moi district team to direct preventive health services to the local spray disinfection. At the same time directing the commune health stations, village nurse supervision, monitoring closely the situation in the local disease to detect, on routes to transfer patients timely treatment.

                              The district was granted 700 doses of Tamiflu, the protection equipment, medical supplies are fully prepared to serve the medical examination and treatment at local .../.


