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Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 + April 6, 2009

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  • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

    Originally posted by niman View Post
    "Common fever" is NOT a diagnosis. In Indonesia, H5N1 patients that recover from treatment generally test negative or are never tested, especially if they recover after home treatment with Tamiflu, which is why their case fatality rate is near 80% and has been near 80% since the first cases in 2005.
    The current CFR in Indonesia is at 82% not including the four cases that have yet to be officially reported to WHO. The CFR for WHO confirmed H5N1 cases in all other countries combined is 52%. This difference is probably statistically significant.

    Because there is no reason to suspect that H5N1 is differentially affecting individuals in Indonesia, the high CFR in Indonesia is most likely the result of the failure to properly test and report individuals who survived but may have been infected with H5N1 as Niman notes.


    • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

      Two Tangerang residents were expected by Bird Flu, one was killed

      on Sunday, February 22 2009 - 18:42
      Tangerang - Kaila Nabila (2.9) the resident Kp Cilenggang RT 02/04, the Serpong Subdistrict, the Tangerang City South was suspected of dying resulting from terjangkit the bird flu virus. Apart from Kaila, the Tangerang resident other that is Maya Suparni (15) the resident blossomed Jaya, Sepatan was expected also terjangkit the bird flu virus and currently still in the process of the maintenance in bird flu space of RSU Tangerang. Ade Sulaiman, casualties's father claimed in the date to be 14 Febuari then his child experienced the high fever. And at that time also he at once carried the child both of them this to the community health centre and the clinic of the child's specialist close to his house.
      The "clinic at that time told so that in referred to RS Fatmawati because of having the affected assumption DBD,"ujar him when being met in his house, on Sunday (22/2/2009)." In RS Fatmawati his child received the maintenance for three days. However because the condition for his child continued to descend, finally his life was not helped again in the date 17 Febuari then. Ironically again, Ade admitted to not knowing definitely what became the cause of the death of his child. "Until this I had not received the news from RS Fatmawati what caused my child to die." And I only received the news from the village staff that Litbangkes said my child terjangkit the bird flu virus, his regret.
      Ade also admitted to submitting on his child's trip and currently the child him has been buried in TPU Kramat Tajug. Despite this he hoped that the Kesehatan Service side of the Tangerang Regency to the front more was open to casualties's family. The death of the resident Cilenggang that was expected terjangkit the bird flu virus was justified by the Training of the Team of the Cepat Movement of Bird Flu and Livestock Breeding of the agricultural service of Kabupaten Tangerang, Zaifiwar. According to him, he has received information from Litbangkes that Kaila Nabila positive affected H5N1. His side has carried out the taking of the sample of the available poultry in this area. "It will not yet have results, later if being was reported by me," ucapnya.


      • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

        same story

        Two Tangerang residents Terjangkit Bird Flu, one died
        22 February, 2009 by redaksiMetro
        CILENGGANG- Kaila Nabila (2.9) the resident Kp cilenggang RT 02/04, the Serpong Subdistrict, the Tangerang City South was suspected of dying resulting from terjangkit the bird flu virus. Apart from Kaila, the Tangerang resident other that is Maya Suparni (15) the resident blossomed Jaya, Sepatan was expected also terjangkit the bird flu virus and currently still in the process of the maintenance in bird flu space of RSU Tangerang. Ade Sulaiman, casualties's father claimed in the date to be 14 Febuari then his child experienced the high fever. And at that time also he at once carried the child both of them this to the community health centre and the clinic of the child's specialist close to his house. The "clinic at that time told so that in referred to RS Fatmawati because of having the affected assumption DBD,"ujar him when being met in his house." And in this RS Fatmawati his child received the maintenance for three days. However because the condition for his child continued to descend finally his life was not helped again. Ironically again, Ade admitted to not knowing definitely what became the cause of the death of his child. "Until this I had not received the news from RS Fatmawati what caused my child to die." And I only received the news from the village staff that Litbangkes said my child terjangkit the flu virus burung,"sesal him. Ade also admitted to submitting on his child's trip and currently the child him has been buried in TPU Kramat Tajug. Despite this he hoped that the Kesehatan Service side of the Tangerang Regency to the front more was open to casualties's family. The death of the resident Cilenggang that was expected terjangkit the bird flu virus was justified by the Training of the Team of the Cepat Movement of Bird Flu and Livestock Breeding of the agricultural service of Kabupaten Tangerang, Zaifiwar. According to him, he has received information from Litbangkes that Kaila Nabila positive affected H5N1. And his side has carried out the taking of the sample of the poultry that in this area. "It will not yet have results, later if having me kabarkan,"ucap him." In the meantime the Tangerang resident other that was expected terjangkit the bird flu virus was Maya Suparni (15) the resident blossomed Jaya, Kecamatan Sepatan. And up to now casualties still in treated in RSU Tangerang. Unfortunately the side of RSU Tangerang and casualties's family reluctantly gave information.


        • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

          For Niman and Laidback Al,
          If H5N1 was being reported and tested properly and the patients were getting good medical treatment in a timely manner, what would you estimate the cfr to be?
          The salvage of human life ought to be placed above barter and exchange ~ Louis Harris, 1918


          • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

            Originally posted by Treyfish View Post

            According to him, he has received information from Litbangkes that Kaila Nabila positive affected H5N1.
            "Litbangkes" is Laboratory of Department of Health.


            • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

              Originally posted by mixin View Post
              For Niman and Laidback Al,
              If H5N1 was being reported and tested properly and the patients were getting good medical treatment in a timely manner, what would you estimate the cfr to be?
              There is no way of knowing for Indonesia or the rest of the world what the true CFR is. We have no idea how many humans have been infected but only display minor symptoms or are asymptomatic. These individuals are never diagnosed with H5N1.


              • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                translation help from Dutchy and Niman

                Two Tangerang residents Contaminated with Bird Flu * one died, one Critical

                Tangerang – two residents of the Regency and the Tangerang City South are contaminated with the virus H5N1 or Bird Flu. They were Kaila Nabila (2.9) the resident of the Village of Cilenggang Rt 02/04 the District Cilenggang the Subdistrict Serpong the Tangerang City South and Maya Suparni (15) villagers Mekar Jaya the Subdistrict Sepatan the Tangerang Regency.

                Unlucky for Kaila.

                The second child from two related this must blow out the last breath after being treated for 3 days in RS Fatmawati. Whereas Maya up to now his condition is still critical and is treated intensive in space of the Bird Flu isolation of RSUD Tangerang. The father Kaila Ade Sulaiman said, since last February 14 his child experienced the very high fever was accompanied breathless. Afterwards, Ade brought the brother from this Salsa to Pukesmas Serpong. After being checked by the doctor, Kaila was only given medicine punyer the fever remover.

                Be finished took medicine in the condition Community Health Centre for my child never improved. Afterwards, I brought Kaila to the child's specialist doctor in a clinic in BSD Serpong. Evidently medicine that was given by the doctor also was not successful.

                I afterwards, brought my child to the other specialist doctor,” Ade's words when being met in his house of Rt 002/01 No 92 districts Cilenggang the Serpong Subdistrict, on Sunday (22/2). He continued, the doctor afterwards reconciled my child to RS Fatmawati.

                When in checked the specialist doctor, my child was sentenced was affected by dengue fever dengue fever (DBD). The similar matter was also said by the doctor in RS Fatmawati. In Fatmawati Kaila could be treated for 3 days. Because of his condition that has been critical and very weak, finally his life was not helped again and died on February 17.

                My child has been buried to the Place of the Funeral of the Public (TPU) the Tajug Serpong shrine. But, I did not know if my child died resulting from bird flu, he said.

                According to Ade, himself could hear information from one of the district staffs that his child died resulting from bird flu. However Ade did not trust this matter, his article up to now RS Fatmawati and the Department of the Health (the Department of Health) did not yet issue the official statement letter the cause of the Kaila death.

                Indeed after my child died had the person from the service came to check the poultry that was around his house. But up to now results do not yet go out, explained Ade. Casualties's grandfather, Mukri claimed, could have 4 chickens that died suddenly around his house. However, all of them had been burnt and buried. His incident for a long time. I ngubur him also in really around 30 centimeter. Whereas my property chicken has been sold before this incident, he said.

                The death of the Cilenggang resident was resulting from the bird flu virus justified by the Training of the Team of the Cepat Movement of Bird Flu and Livestock Breeding of the agricultural service or Participatory Deasease Surveylens and the response (PDSR) the Tangerang Regency, Zaifiwar.

                According to him, was based on information from Litbangkes, Kaila Nabila positive affected H5N1. And his side has carried out the taking of the sample of the available poultry in this area.

                Initially Kaila was indeed sentenced by DBD. After in his blood cheque, evidently positive bird flu, said via the short message.

                In the meantime the Tangerang resident other that was expected contaminated with the bird flu virus is Maya up to now casualties still in treated in RSU Tangerang. Unfortunately the side of RSU Tangerang and casualties's family reluctantly gave information.

                <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> Google translation:

                The two infected Tangerang Bird Flu
                * One Died, One Critical

                TANGERANG - Two residents and the City of Tangerang Regency South with H5N1 virus or Bird Flu. They are Kaila nabila (2.9) of Kampung Cilenggang Rt 02/04 Kelurahan Cilenggang Kecamatan Serpong Tangerang City and South Suparni Maya (15) of the Village District Sepatan Mekar Jaya Tangerang Regency.
                Nahas for Kaila. The second child of two brothers had to exhale the last breath after treatment for 3 days in the hospital Fatmawati. Meanwhile, Maya is now up to the critical condition and treated in the intensive isolation room Tangerang Bird Flu hospitals.
                Kaila father Ade Sulaiman said, since 14 February her son experienced a very high fever accompanied by shortness of breath. Then, Ade's younger brother brought to Salsa Pukesmas Serpong. After the doctor checked, Kaila only given drugs punyer remover fever.
                "Abis treatment on my child's health condition does not improve kunjung. Then, I bring to Kaila child specialist doctor in a clinic in BSD Serpong. In fact given the medicine the doctor also does not work. I then, take my child to another medical specialist, "Ade said when met at her house Rt 002/01 No. 92 Kelurahan Kecamatan Serpong Cilenggang, Sunday (22 / 2).
                Continued, referring doctor and my child to hospital Fatmawati. When the check medical specialist, convicted my child is exposed to dengue fever dengue (DBD). This same doctor also said in the RS Fatmawati. In Fatmawati Kaila was treated for 3 days. Because the condition is critical and very weak, the soul does not tertolong again and died on 17 February.
                "My child has to place dimakamkan Funeral Umum (TPU) Tajug Kramat Serpong. But, I do not know if my child died due to bird flu, "he said.
                According to Ade, himself had heard the information from one of his staff that the village children died due to bird flu. However, Ade does not believe that, until now Section Fatmawati Hospital and the Department of Health (MOH) has not issued a formal statement of the causes of death Kaila.
                "Indeed, after my son died there from the office came to check the birds around her house. But until now the results have not come out, "said Ade.
                Grandfather of the victim, Mukri confess, have had 4 chickens that died suddenly around the house. However, everything is burned and buried. "Kejadiannya long. I am also in nguburnya of about 30 centimeters. While my chicken is sold before the incident, "story.
                Cilenggang of death due to bird flu virus is justified by the movement Training Quick Bird Flu offices Agriculture and Animal Husbandry or participatory Deasease Surveylens and Response (PDSR) Kabupaten Tangerang, Zaifiwar. According to him, based on information from Litbangkes, Kaila nabila positively affected by H5N1. And his side have done sampling poultry in the area.
                "Kaila was first convicted DBD. After the check in the blood, was positive bird flu," said via a short message.
                Meanwhile Tangerang other people with suspected bird flu virus is now up to Maya victims are still treated in the RSU Tangerang. Unfortunately, the RSU Tangerang, and the victim's family are reluctant to give information, (mg-Dedi)


                • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                  Updated map


                  • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                    <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=435 bgColor=#f5f5f5 align=center height=330><TBODY><TR><TD width=425>Seorang Bocah di Tangerang Diduga Flu Burung

                    A Child was in Tangerang expected by Bird Flu

                    </TD><TD vAlign=top rowSpan=2 width=4></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=425 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>
                    <TABLE border=0 width=200><TBODY><TR><TD>


                    Heru digendong ibunya.

                    On Monday, February 23 2009 6:04 WIB
                    Tangerang: One Of of the resident's children Gruduk, Mekar Jaya, of Sepatan, Tangerang, Banten, it was suspected suffered bird flu. Already a week more, Muhamad Heru, 2 years, experienced the high fever, the cough, and breathless. Heru is currently treated intensive in the Public Hospital of Daerah Tangerang. Beforehand, the couple's sweetheart Rusdi and Siti Istina, this could receive medical treatment in the Sepatan Community Health Centre. But his condition also did not improve. According to casualties's neighbour, lately around the Heru house often was found by the chicken that died suddenly. Although being not yet proven, the worried resident, the virus H5NI in fact spread in their village. (ICH)
                    Last edited by AlaskaDenise; April 18, 2009, 02:22 AM. Reason: remove photo



                    • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +



                      • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                        Note that Muhamad Heru (2) from Gruduk, Mekar Jaya, of Sepatan, Tangerang, Banten in post #114 above is a different suspected case from Tangerang than the two discussed in post #112, Kaila Nabila (2.75, died) and Maya Suparni (15).


                        • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                          yep,#3 today



                          • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                            Two patients presumed Bird Flu in Tangerang treated

                            Senin, 23 Februari 2009 | 11:28 WIB
                            Monday, 23 February 2009 | 11:28 WIB
                            TEMPO Interaktif ,
                            Tangerang: Two people Sepatan, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten, West Java, is now treated at the Hospital General Regional Tangerang because presumed bird flu. The two presumed victims of avian influenza that is MS, 15 years old, and a five MH, 2 years old.

                            "The pain that they experience similar to bird flu, we conclude they are presumed," said the Head of Public Health Tangerang District Hani Haryanto told Tempo, Monday (23 / 2).

                            MS and MH began treatment in the isolation room bird flu Regional General Hospital Tangerang since three days ago. According to Hani, suspected bird flu because they suffer a high fever with hot Geruduk after the Village, Village Mekar Jaya, Sepatan, where they have dozens of live poultry that died earlier.

                            However, Hani said, not yet known whether the two people that previous contact with poultry or not. "But in the neighborhood where they live poultry that have died," he said.

                            So far, Hani said, officers are taking a blood sample of the patient.

                            Aminah, parents MH, initially thought her son have a sore throat so it was brought to health. However, officials suspect their children have bird flu symptoms after seeing the look. Officers also merujuknya General Hospital to Regional Tangerang.

                            Aminah recognize many birds in the village with the condition died suddenly turn. Head of the hamlet in the village Geruduk, Marlan, said many in his village chickens died suddenly. But they are steps in a way to burn and bury the dead chicken was.

                            Fatimah, other residents say, near her home has five chickens died in two days. Relatives have also expressed a doctor symptoms of bird flu and is now treated in the hospital.

                            According to him, the number of dead birds concerned citizen, because in the village are still many people who keep poultry and had not obtained counseling daripetugas authorities.


                            • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                              The above post suggests that Maya Suparni (15) and Muhamad Heru (2) are from the same hamlet, Kampung Geruduk. Geruduk (Gerudug) is probably the housing cluster located at about -6.125927, 106.573985.


                              • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                                Updated map

