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Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008 - 20th June 2008

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  • #91
    Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

    RSUD Padangsidimpuan [?]


    Sumatera Utara (North Sumatera)

    3 RSU(Public Hospital) H.Adam Malik Medan
    4 RSU(Public Hospital) Kabanjahe
    5 RSU(Public Hospital) Pematang Siantar
    6 RSU(Public Hospital) Tarutung
    7 RSU(Public Hospital) Padang Sidempuan

    Dep of Health


    • #92
      Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

      Casualties Suspect Diisolasi
      on Monday, on May 05 2008

      Casualties suspect bird flu from the Kabupaten Mandailing Natal have the initials WH,8,masih was treated in the room of the isolation of RSUD Kota Padangsidimpuan.
      Yesterday, the medical team of Daerah Public Hospital bird flu (RSUD) Padangsidimpuan took the sample of casualties's blood to immediately be checked in Jakarta.Pengambilan this blood was done to confirm whether WH positive or not terjangkit bird flu.
      The taking of the sample of this blood was carried out in RSUD Padangsidimpuan isolation space was led by Chairman Tim Medis Dr Mahadi.
      According to information Dr Mahadi, apart from taking the sample of WH blood, they also photographed the child's lungs.
      "Hingga at this time, the child still could not be ascertained terjangkit bird flu or not.
      We were still being waiting for results of the Jakarta inspection,
      " he said to SINDO. Untuk Sementara the team of the doctor who handled casualties gave obatobatan as the precaution towards the virus of H5NI. Salah Satu -nya gave Tamiflu medicine to WH.

      Apart from giving Tamiflu medicine, the medical team also gave illness medicine penyerta for WH that it was suspected was infected as the bird flu virus. [?]

      He also recommended to the other family in casualties's environment in the Siabu Subdistrict, Kabupaten Madina, so that memeriksakan his health to the community health centre for the prevention was earlier.

      The general secretary RSUD Kota Padangsidimpuan Guntur Imsar to SINDO said, at this time WH that was expected terjangkit bird flu was treated in the special room that was separated with the other patient.
      He added, at this time the hospital that had equipment in the Tapanuli region the southern part only had RSUD Kota Padangsidimpuan although the special room for the bird flu dispute was not yet in this RSUD.
      The hospital side also provided special clothes to ward off bird flu for the team of the doctor who handled this case.
      "Tim of the doctor that treated has been equipped special clothes.
      I also recommended to the family to wear the clothes if wanting to enter," he explained. [kudos to RSUD Padang Sidimpuan]

      This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!


      • #93
        Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

        Dinkes North Sumatra dropped the Team off

        Dinkes North Sumatra yesterday dropped the team of the handling off to check the assumption of the case of bird flu in Kab Mandailing Christmas (Madina).
        He added, in the handling of this case, the team will also take the sample of blood and sent the specimen to to the Departemen Laboratory of the Health in Jakarta.
        Moreover, Dinkes North Sumatra also gave help of the protective equipment himself to the Daerah Public Hospital (RSUD) the Padangsidimpuan City the place of the bird flu patient was treated.
        It was further that he said, Dinkes will also give counselling to the resident and the production of the preceptive command post bird flu, especially in the area that was expected would contaminated bird flu.
        "Dinkes North Sumatra co-operated with Dinkes Madina will give medical treatment and the monitoring to the resident that was around the area that this," said he to SINDO yesterday.

        To anticipate increasingly spread him the bird flu illness was good towards the community and against kept chickens, the Madina Regional Government through the Peternakan Service will carry out the extermination of the chicken in the Sihepeng Village especially that was in the VII path.
        According to Section Head Peternakan Madina Musli Lubis, the extermination of the poultry was in this area carried out in order to prevents the spread of the illness of the bird flu virus being good towards humankind and against the other poultry animal.

        He said, at this time the Peternakan Madina Service continued to carry out the socialisation to the resident so that the community in this village gives their livestock chickens to be destroyed.
        He admitted, initially the resident could carry out the protest to the Peternakan Kabupaten Madina Service that wanted to destroy their chicken livestock.
        For the moment, the Peternakan Service has asked the community to give their chicken willingly was destroyed.
        "Ini in order to maintain the health of the community, both that was in the village and in the other village that was around this village," he said.

        In the meantime, Regent Madina Amru Daulay said, the Sihepeng Village community must want to give their chicken willingly to be destroyed.
        According to him, this extermination must be carried out to prevent spread him this illness.
        "Kita will ask for to the community to not carry out the protest to the Peternakan Service that wanted to carry out the extermination against their chickens," he stated.
        In the place was separated, Kabag Infokom Kota Padangsidimpuan Rahmad Aulia said, Pemko Padangsidimpuan will carry out the sterilisation against chickens of the resident's livestock that was in the Padangsidimpuan territory.
        According to him, this condition was carried out to prevent the entry of the bird flu virus to the Padangsidimpuan City.
        Because, the neighbouring city has from this Salak City had his resident's chicken that has been positive bird flu.

        This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!


        • #94
          Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

          [Results of contacts with MSH (3), are negative]

          The sample of blood 11 residents Bero the AI negative, Death of the poultry in the Gaplek City continued to happen

          The death of the poultry happened in the Jatibedug Village, Desa Purworejo, Wonogiri.
          In this week, as many as 28 chickens belonging to the resident Jatibedug RT 04/VII died.
          By his owner, the chicken carcass was at once burnt and buried.
          However the death was not yet reported to the related service.
          Bintoro, the resident Jetibedug, Purworejo said, last week, the property chicken of three residents died and was burnt by his owner.
          "The total of 28-an the tail from three owners.
          However had been burnt and buried, although being not yet reported," he said, on Wednesday (7/5), in Wonogiri.

          In the meantime, results of the laboratory research in Yogyakarta showed the sample of blood 11 villagers Bero, Kecamatan Manyaran, of Wonogiri the virus negative avian influenza (AI).
          Nevertheless, the medical team of the Community Health Centre and ET AL Wonogiri continued to monitor this area, following the death of the child pre-schoolers MSH, 3, that was positive was affected by the virus of AI.
          Kepala DKK Wonogiri Dr Aug Djarot went through Kasubsi Pemberantasan of infectious diseases, Widjijatmo, on Wednesday, said the sample of blood 11 residents Bero that once contact was with MSH stated by the negative of AI. Warga that was taken the sample by the official among them Sri K, Diah WP, Ary K, Hery Setiawan, Nur H, Markam, Maria, Adiputra, Bintang, Andana and Titik.
          "Now, the Wonogiri Regional Government did not want again robbed.
          All the medical officials were asked to reconcile the patient who was handled if being found signs approached AI, like hot and breathless.
          Just direct was reconciled to RSUD Dr Moewardi Solo," said Widjijatmo.


          Lebih Lanjut Widjijatmo explained medicine tamiflu was effective enough to anticipate the spread of the virus of AI. Dicontohkannya, from 133 cases in Indonesia totalling 108 people died.
          "Those were rescued that got the maintenance since early.
          Meaning that the early detection was enough to help pressed the death rate resulting from the AI virus because of medicine tamiflu could hinder spread him the virus."

          Lebih Lanjut Widjijatmo stated the area that was affected by the AI virus with human casualties continued to be monitored for 14 days.
          "Every day the development was in the area reported to Bupati. in Bero, uptil now the development was good enough and has been stressed to the Bero resident to obligatory lapor the poultry that died, good that was positive and not"

          tus - 9/5/2008


          • #95
            Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

            This is from a blog, seems serious enough to post here. Not confirmed, diagnosed "Muntaber", diarhea; later diagnosed suspect bird flu..

            The patient Suspect Flu from the Village of Ranjeng Cisitu
Died in RSUD Sumedang struck 14.50

            SUMEDANG, EndyNews

            Tini Suhartini (54) the patient suspect bird flu (Avian Inflenz, a/AI) the resident of the Babakan Asem Village, Desa Ranjeng, of Kecamatan Ci, there, the Sumedang Regency, West Java, died in Cempaka RSUD Sumedang isolation space, on Friday (9/5) struck 14,50 in the afternoon.

            According to Marya (60) the husband of casualties, three the previous day his husband contact with the chicken that died suddenly along with hundreds of chickens belonging to his neighbour.

            Evidently, results rapid test from the team of the Service veterinary surgeon Livestock Breeding and fisheries (Dispeterpan) Sumedang stated hundreds of chickens in Ranjeng died because of bird flu (avian influenza/AI).

            In the meantime, Dedi R (35), the nephew Tini explained beforehand casualties menederita muntaber so as to be run off with to the clinic 24 hours in Siturja.

            Because never recovered, his aunt could be twice carried to the clinic through to finally was treated.

            However demikian. Dedi words, gejalan Tini body heat increased in fact through to experienced anfal.

            Saw the condition for the patient who continued to worsen, finally the clinic side 24 this referred pasie Tini to RSUD Sumedang.

            The patient Tini Suhartini was run off with to RSUD Sumedang, on Thursday (8/5) struck 2350.

            "When entering the temperature" of "his body was hot and experienced breathless acute until the decline happening kesdaran," said Budiman Faith, PLT Humas RSUD Sumedang.

            Named, when receiving the patient Tini Suhartini, the RSUD Sumedang side did not yet know the history and the status of the illness that was suffered by his patient.

            Only, after the existence of the Ranjeng visit of Village apparatus, that mentioned that this patient could contact with the chicken belonging to the family that died dadakan and was stated by results rapid the positive AI test, right away made the RSUD side aware to immediately isolated in the Cempaka Room.

            In rung Cempaka this, pasie was treated appropriate protap the handling of the case of bird flu.

            But the condition for casualties's body continued to descend so as to have an opportunity to be reconciled to RSHS Bandung.
            However Ms Tini keburu died.

            Hospital efforts have been maximal, but his spirit not tertong again.
            After being bathed late NY Tini was carried the family to the funeral parlour around struck 16,00, said Iman Budiman.


            • #96
              Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

              The patient Suspect Flu from the Village of Ranjeng Cisitu
Died in RSUD Sumedang struck 14.50
              You can find recent articles re: Sumedang on Posts 71, 76 & 84 of the Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals thread.

              ETA: From Post 84 in the above thread, same town: Cisitu:

              The community of Dusun Babakan Asem dan Babakan Bandung, Desa Ranjeng, Kec. Cisitu, Kab. Sumedang, panicked because for the last week already 101 nonpedigreed chickens that were maintained by the local resident, died suddenly.


              • #97
                Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                From the same blog:

                In order to ascertains Penyebab of the Tini Cairan Death and the Sample of Dibawa Blood to Labotorium

                In order to ascertains the cause of the death NY Tini Suhartini (54), the resident of the Asem Village, Desa Ranjeng, Kecamatan Cisitu, Kabupaten Sumedang, West Java, the throat liquid and the sample of blood would immediately dibwa to the laboratory of Litbangkes Department of Health in Jakarta.

                The throat liquid and the sample already we took and at this time still in the process of the serum (the freezing).

                God willing, will on Saturday be carried by us direct to Jakarta and results just was found out approximately a week again, said Sutisna, SKM, MSi, Kepala Seksi the Prevention and the Eradication of Dinkes Sumedang infectious diseases.

                Named, Tini Suhartini was suspect first bird flu that died in Sumedang.

                Several years ago in the Cimanggung Subdistrict indeed there are those that died but was not tested the laboratory so as he not dimasukan suspect bird flu that died.

                If results of the lab menyatakankan positive, then he the first bird flu patient who died in Sumedang, added Sutisna.

                Note: in march this year Liputan TV had a report on a suspect patient from Sumedang.

       Indonesia News Today, menyajikan kabar berita terkini indonesia dan dunia internasional meliputi berita politik hingga hukum dan kriminal


                • #98
                  Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                  Ny Tn died it was worried about was infected AI

                  The NY death. Tn (54), the inhabitants of the Babakan Asem Village, Desa Ranjeng, of Kec. Cisitu, on Friday afternoon (9/5), in RSU Sumedang, was worried as a result of being infected by the bird flu virus or Avian influenza (AI).

                  The reason is, in several last days in the Babakan Asem Village and the Bandung Round already hundreds of chickens died suddenly.
                  Was based on results rapid test, these chickens died because of being infected by the bird flu virus.
                  The fact is concern Ny. Tn infected virus flu burung justified drh.
                  Mursjid Abduloh, the veterinary surgeon from Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan Kab. Sumedang.
                  The reason is, after NY.
                  Ny Tn was reconciled to RSU Sumedang, on Thursday (8/5) around struck 24,00 WIB, Kepala Desa Ranjeng, Dedi, immediately contacted the doctor Mursjid.
                  After the patient was in RSU Sumedang, his condition increasingly worsened so as to be reconciled to RSHS Bandung.
                  However before being sent, the patient died.
                  "I still presented to be aware by means of Pak Kuwu Dedi earlier today, but when here a moment ago the patient died," said drh. Mursjid Abduloh in RSU Sumedang.
                  According to information from Kades, said Mursjid, casualties indeed once contact with his kept chicken that died.

         - Media Jawa Barat, Media Nasional, Media Bandung, Indonesia dan Dunia Terkini Hari Ini, Update Harian Terbaru Fakta Terpercaya Terlengkap Politik, Ekonomi, Travel, Teknologi, Otomotif, Bola


                  • #99
                    Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                    Remained 15 hours, Suspect AI Akhirnya Meninggal

                    Suhartini, 54, the patient suspect bird flu from the Babakan Asem Village, Desa Ranjeng, Kecamatan Cisitu, Kabupaten Sumedang only remained 15 hours in RSUD Sumedang.
                    The mother of three children blew out the last breath in Isolasi Cempaka RSUD Sumedang Space around struck 14,50 WIB in the afternoon, yesterday.
                    Late entered special space the infectious diseases after suffered breathless great.
                    Three the previous day, the wife from Marya,60, this contact with his property chicken that died suddenly with hundreds of chickens belonging to his neighbour.
                    Whereas results rapid test, the team of the veterinary surgeon from the Peternakan Service and fisheries (Disnakan) Sumedang stated hundreds of chickens in Ranjeng died because of bird flu.
                    The Suhartini body was bathed by the medical team wore special clothes.
                    He then was wrapped the white shroud was after beforehand wrapped plastic.
                    The previous official brought him from Cempaka isolation space struck 17,00 WIB to the funeral parlour in Cisitu by using the special ambulance.
                    PLT Humas RSUD Sumedang Iman Budiman said, Suhartini was the patient suspect bird flu.
                    Suhartini was treated since Thursay (8/5) struck 23,50 WIB.
                    "When being delivered by his family he has lost kesadaran.Badan him experienced the high fever and his breath was crowded," revealed Faith to the reporter yesterday.
                    According to him, Suhartini was appointed suspect bird flu because of having the story of contact with the chicken that died suddenly and was stated positive was attacked by the virus H5N1.
                    "Sesuai Dengan protap, the available patient the story of contact with the poultry died immediately entered Cempaka isolation space.
                    Was based on information from his family, there was the assumption of bird flu," clear Faith.
                    He added, Suhartini in fact will be reconciled to RSHS Bandung.

                    "Memang earlier we wanted to refer late to RSHS because of RSUD Sumedang only hospitals transit.Tapi before that was carried out keburu died," mentioned him.
                    Officially Kesehatan Sumedang at once intervened, when hearing the death news Suhartini.Petugas the previous health service took the throat liquid and the sample of blood to be checked in the Litbang Departemen Laboratory of the Health in Jakarta.
                    "Besok (today, Red) will be brought by us direct to Jakarta and results just was known a week again," said the Section Head the Prevention and the Eradication of Dinkes Sumedang Entis Sutisna infectious diseases.
                    Before dying, Suhartini once contact with the chicken died kept him, was justified by the nephew and his son-in-law.
                    "Bibi I indeed once contact with the chicken that died suddenly in the last three days," revealed Dedi Rohdiani,37, the nephew Suhartini.

                    This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!


                    • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                      They didn't mention this:
                      In the meantime, Dedi R (35), the nephew Tini explained beforehand casualties menederita muntaber so as to be run off with to the clinic 24 hours in Siturja.
                      Because never recovered, his aunt could be twice carried to the clinic through to finally was treated.

                      Suspect Bird Flu Only remained 15 hours

                      NY. Suhartini (50), the patient suspect bird flu, finally had died approximately struck 14.55 WIB, on Friday (9/5).
                      The inhabitants Kp.Babakanasem, the Ranjeng Village, Kec.Cisitu, Kab.
                      Sumedang only remained 15 hours, since being isolated in Cempaka RSUD Kab Space. Sumedang, Information that succeeded in being assembled "GM" mentioned, casualties arrived in IGD RSUD Kab Space. Sumedang, on Thursday (8/5) approximately struck 23,50 of WIB. Menurut the team of the inspector, the temperature of the NY body.

                      Suhartini at that time was very high was accompanied and breathless.
                      "Saw the condition" for the "patient with the sign like that, our official immediately found out the background" of "casualties's environment."
                      Evidently we received information, that was relevant beforehand could contact was with the poultry that died infected by the bird flu virus.
                      After that, we moved the place of the maintenance and isolated casualties in Cempaka Space, said the Priest, Humas RSUD Sumedang to "GM", on Friday (9/5).

                      He said, the NY condition Suhartini continued to worsen, so as the medical team that handled him decided to reconcile the patient to the Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung, for the further handling.
                      "However before the action was carried out, the patient has died approximately struck 14,55 WIB," he said.
                      According to him, to ascertain the cause of his death, the sample of blood and the NY liquid of the lungs.
                      Suhartini has been taken to be checked in the Pusat Laboratory of Research And Development (Puslitbangkes) the West Javanese Province.
                      "We still could not confirm whether casualties who died this was positive bird flu or not."
                      To ascertain him, we must be waiting for results of the laboratory inspection, he said.
                      He explained, before being taken by his family, casualties's direct body dikafani the official pemulasaraan as the procedure continue to (protap) against all the patients that terindikasi suspect bird flu.
                      "Appropriate protap, upon arrival at the place" of "casualties, the body must be at once buried," he said.


                      • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                        [Askeskin is the health program for the poor citizens]

                        Three RS DENY the ASKESKIN PATIENT

                        The patient Askeskin, Oris (8), the couple's child from Mama Mariyamah (39) and Salim the resident of the Bloc on Tuesday, Desa Genteng, Kec. Dawuan Kab. Majalengka, was refused three hospitals, namely RS Cideres, RSUD Majalengka, as well as RSU Gunungjati Cirebon.

                        That happened without first was done by the inspection of the relevant illness till finally the patient Oris was forced to be treated in the local village polyclinic.
                        The refusal reason of Oris resulting from him it was suspected was infected by the bird flu virus (Avian influenza/AI).

                        According to parents's information of casualties Mama as well as Kuwu Desa Genteng Yaya, on Monday (12/5), the three of RS at once concluded that the patient was the sufferer suspect bird flu.
                        "Conclusion/inference that was done by the doctor in the three hospitals only was based on the village head's information that accompanied the patient because of being sick that was suffered by Oris after the death of the Supani chicken, Entin, and Kori of the proximity neighbour totalling 20 tails suddenly," revealed Yaya.

                        Further, Yaya explained on Saturday (3/5) and on Sunday (4/5) around 20 property chickens 3 sudden residents died.
                        Was based on results rapid test that was carried out by the veterinary surgeon the Imam Day Santoso, the chickens died because positive bird flu.

                        After being refused three RS, Oris was carried to poliklinik. Kasi Pencegahan Penyakit Menular in Service Health Kab. Majalengka Dr. H. Yuda Ginanjar confirmed that Oris only suffered tivoid (?)not bird flu.
                        "Saat saw the characteristics of the illness that was suffered by Oris, none headed in bird flu" revealed H. Yuda.
                        He claimed directly research the test of the patient's blood in the Jatitujuh Community Health Centre and x-rayed to Cicadas, Jatiwangi.
                        Results of the two labs were stated by the negative contracted bird flu.

                        In the meantime, the Head of the Perawatan Field in RSUD Majalengka Dr. H. Asep Suwandi stated that the refusal that was carried out by his side only was on the alert after seeing the reconciliation data from RSU Cideres.
                        The similar matter was also sent by Tri Suseno from RS Cideres.
                        Because of being based on the family's information headed to bird flu, that was relevant immediately was reconciled to RSUD Majalengka.

               - Media Jawa Barat, Media Nasional, Media Bandung, Indonesia dan Dunia Terkini Hari Ini, Update Harian Terbaru Fakta Terpercaya Terlengkap Politik, Ekonomi, Travel, Teknologi, Otomotif, Bola


                        • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                          I remember a recent report - did not post it - saying bird flu patients are or will be refused by all hospitals in Jakarta Region, except by the special referral hospitals for avian influenza.

                          Some time ago we had several reports which seem to point to a new procedure: suspect bird flu patients will stay at home or in the local health centre, put immediatly on Tamiflu; they are 'monitored".

                          If their health does not improve, they will be reconciled to a (special referral) hospital.

                          There are 100 such hospitals in Indonesia, I don't have the list at hand now, may be it is somewhere here at FT already. I can post it wednesday.

                          This list doesn't seem to be updated:


                          • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                            Yes Dutchy. That was about.....(the way time flies)....6 weeks ago now? I've gotten to the point where if I think it's 4 weeks ago, I'll tack on another 2. It usually ends up 8 weeks ago....


                            • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                              Confirmation of the negative test of the child, mentioned in post # 101 . He displayed bird flu symptoms, while chickens were tested positive for bird flu.

                              may 12 2008

                              MAJALENGKA - Officially Pertanian (Distan) the Majalengka Regency carried out the prevention of the spreading of bird flu (Avian Influenza) through the poultry inspection with the implement rapid test.

                              This inspection followed one of the residents had a name Roris,10,yang lived in the Genteng Village, Kecamatan Dawuan, Kabupaten Majalengka was expected suspect bird flu and could be treated in RSUD Cideres, afterwards was reconciled to RSUD Majalengka.

                              The class student 2 of SDN Genteng experienced the fever, the cough, and breathless on Saturday (3-5).

                              Moreover, many chickens died suddenly on Sunday (4-5) then.

                              The section head the Health of the Animal of the Service of Regency Agriculture Majalengka the Santoso Faith Day permitted as many as 20 chickens to die suddenly in the bloc on Tuesday RT..., the tiles Village, the Subdistrict Dawuan. Menurut he, from results of the inspection rapid test, evidently four including being positive bird flu.

                              So, on Monday (5-5), the team at once carried out the burning, the burial of the chicken that died suddenly and spraying of the chicken coop with disinfektan, said Yesterday.

                              In the meantime, the Section Head the Eradication of infectious diseases (P2M) the Kesehatan Service of the Majalengka Huda Ginanjar Regency said, after being taken the sample of blood and was tested in the Puskesmas Jatitujuh Laboratory, the couple's child from Edi, 45, and Mama Yatimah, 39,itu evidently the bird flu negative.

                              Roris only was affected by the typhus illness ,ucap him.

                              Just learned, Roris experienced the fever, the cough, and breathless, then because of being expected suspect bird flu.

                              This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!


                              • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                                Translator is down.
                                Nurse and Doctor Inspected Sample Blood
                                Monday, 12 May 2008
                                SUMEDANG (SINDO) – Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) Sumedang promptly to get sampel blood nurse clerk/officer guard and dokter that took care of Suhartini, 54,warga Dusun Babakan Asem, Desa Ranjeng,Kecamatan Cisitu, that diedl and assumed as suspect flu burung.

                                Sejumlah perawat dan petugas di ruang Instalasi Gawat Darurat dan kamar isolasi Cempaka akan diperiksa untuk memastikan mereka tidak tertular virus flu burung. Kepala Seksi Penyakit Menular Tidak Langsung Dinkes Sumedang Entis Sutisna mengungkapkan,langkah itu memang tidak biasa, tapi diperlukan untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan orang yang pernah kontak dengan Suhartini terinfeksi flu burung.

                                That simply antisipasi only, even though not yet have been found virus flu burung to spread infection from human to human,” ungkap Entis kepada SINDO kemarin. Menurutnya, entire group/whole orang di rumah sakit that at some point in time kontak with Suhartini shall be taken blood. it's total to have approximately 20 orang.

                                ”Yang akan diambil darahnya, perawat, petugas jaga, dokter, pembawa jenazah, orang yang memandikan, sampai sopir ambulans.Kami akan laksanakan besok (hari ini,Red),”ujarnya. (rudini) Edit to Add [sentence translated: "That concerning removal blood, nurse, guard on call, doctor, carrier corpse, person that to bath, as far as driver ambulance. We will carry out tomorrow"]

                                This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!

