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Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 + April 6, 2009

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  • #76
    Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

    From a blog, did not see this blog before. More details on the latest suspect in Ngawi Hospital. The condition of the boy seems to improve.

    Pupil Primary School Positif Suspect Bird Flu

    Ngawi - A student who still was sitting dibang I the class primary school 5 was affected by the bird flu virus until must be treated in RSUD Dr.,Soeroto,Ngawi, Bayu Widodo,12.Warga the Village/the Fishpond Village of Boyo,Kecamatan Mantingan,Ngawi. (16/2) Bayu already 2 days must be treated, in RSUD Dr.Soeroto,Ngawi, and dit,empatkan in the child's space R-4 especially children that too with the condition for the room did not have the other patient through to bayu only alone in this room.

    Beforehand Bayu could be treated several hours in one of the closest community health centres in the Mantingan Subdistrict because of seeing the condition at that time the patient Bayu experienced hot and cold and breathless, Bayu then was checked by some, the official of the community health centre and Bayu results positive contracted the bird flu virus until must be reconciled in RSUD Dr,.Soeroto,Ngawi, was caused by facilities did not satisfy.

    According to the patient's older brother Iwan,16, was met by the reporter when waiting for his brother of Bayu in RSUD Dr.Soeroto to say, Before my brother was sick could play the available pigeon dirumah that too dila,kukan each day, after at intervals of how many Bayu days experienced hot and cold that was high as well as was accompanied breathlessly, saw the condition for my brother then I and the family brought to the closest Community Health Centre, said Iwan..

    Added also, When my brother was examined by the community health centre doctor evidently according to this doctor bayu was affected by the bird flu virus and must be immediately reconciled in RSUD Dr.Soeroto Ngawi, indeed beforehand didaerah the place sayaa many poultries that died automatically, added Iwan.

    Saw the condition bayu teersebut he was at once reconciled in RSUD Dr,soeroto Ngawi and was placed diruang children R-4 with the condition for the quiet room and did not have occupants of the patient lainnyaI, tu also for 2 days in this room.

    Dr.Agnesia Fitri, Spd when doing the physical cheque against bayu while how many days in this RS said, Indeed when Bayu was brought here, was affected by the bird flu virus until we carried out the intensive maintenance against bayu, until the medical maintenance for how many days, here the condition bayu already bai, would that too was also done by us roentgen and results now negative, Say Fitri.


    • #77
      Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

      Another glimpse at suspect bird flu patients; from Solo, Central Java:

      He explained, the last time ET AL gave tamiflu in January where totalling 70 tablets tamiflu was given to the resident Curidan, Bulakrejo, of Sukoharjo. In the previous month, as many as 10 residents in this area suffered these ILI (Illness like influenza,ed)) .

      Tamiflu signs was consumed if having the sufferer ILI. If was not please was not used. It was related that AI, we made a plea so that the resident guards against him in a behaving manner lived healthy. Always washed the hands as well as cleaned himself after contact with the poultry, stated Rustiningsih.


      • #78
        Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

        Indo: It was other that Bird Flu casualties

        [I color coded this to help me get it straight....]
        Edisi 17 Februari 2009

        the number of villagers Sukamulya, Kecamatan Sukatani, of Kabupaten Bekasi, that was infected by bird flu improved. Yesterday, the child was 10 years old had the initials Ip it was identified was infected by the bird flu virus with the hot and feverish sign high.

        Sairan, Kepala Desa Sukamulya, said his seven residents that terjangkit bird flu was the owner of the chicken that died suddenly. "Moreover had one family that ate his chicken because of not wanting the loss," he said.

        One family that consumed the chicken was infected by AI was SR, Je, and Ar.

        When seeing his chicken was sick, they at once cut off this poultry and cooked him. He suspected, the spread of bird flu against the three residents through the sprinkling of chicken blood that dried up when being cut off.

        The other resident who it was suspected was infected by the bird flu virus was It, the mother from Ip.

        The two casualties that still one family was it was suspected infected through the waste of the chicken around his house.

        Whereas the other resident who also was expected and currently in the supervision was SA and MD.

        According to Sairan, was linked with the illness that was suffered by Ip, the resident found three chickens died suddenly. Until this, the number of the total chicken that was destroyed numbering 50 tails.

        From previous post:
        Apart from Ipin, there was one family that mengonsumsi the chicken was infected by AI. Meraka was, Sri Rahayu, Jema, and Arni. When seeing his chicken was sick, immediately was cut off then then was cooked. The spread of bird flu was against the three residents expected through the sprinkling of chicken blood that dried up when being cut off. The other resident who took part in being infected was NY Ita, the mother from Ipin. Suspected of being infected through the waste of the chicken around his house. The other resident who currently in the supervision is the Father Ipin, Syahroni and Muhamad Daos, the sample of their blood was sent to Departemen Kesehatan.
        Read full post and comments
        Last edited by Commonground; February 16, 2009, 06:57 PM. Reason: adding info; adjusting colors


        • #79
          Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

          So. Now I have 3 families.

          The Index "family" would be:
          Sri Rahayu, Jema, and Arni
          They cooked the infected poultry, and ate it.

          Then, the second and third families were infected from the dry waste, blood.

          NY Ita & Ipin

          3rd family:

          Syahroni and Muhamad Daos


          • #80
            Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

            Ok now this gives us a much better picture. It seems to me that we have 7 people. Three Families. They got infected through eating chicken and dried blood. Is that right?


            • #81
              Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

              Don't we only have 2 families?

              First the green one has three.

              and the other is Blue... Ipin, his mom and dad, plus 2 others. "said his side had taken the blood sample in the fifth family member Syahroni including Syahroninya own."

              Syahroni is Ipin's dad, isn't he. I wonder if Muhamad Daos is an uncle or cousin? Syahroninya would make the fith family member (possibly). Or Syahroninya could be the possessive form of Syahroni (and not another person)? Althought when I saw it, I originally thought it might be a female name.
              The salvage of human life ought to be placed above barter and exchange ~ Louis Harris, 1918


              • #82
                Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                Ipin, his mom and dad, plus 2 others. "said his side had taken the blood sample in the fifth family member Syahroni including Syahroninya own."

                Syahroni is Ipin's dad, isn't he. I wonder if Muhamad Daos is an uncle or cousin? Syahroninya would make the fith family member (possibly). Or Syahroninya could be the possessive form of Syahroni (and not another person)? Althought when I saw it, I originally thought it might be a female name.
                I thought Syahroni was also the Father, in my first analysis. But this article lumped him in with MD....

                Whereas the other resident who also was expected and currently in the supervision was SA and MD.
                I wish I could print all the articles out and lay them down to compare. It's confusing. At least we have the 7 people.


                • #83
                  Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                  ok mixin, I found it. They are talking about the Father's own blood.

                  said one resident Sukamulya the sudden death ayamnya, Syahroni (43), Sunday (15 / 2). Syahroni confess experience nausea, body weakness, pegel-pegel, and a sudden high fever. "All my family members who participate in eating chicken is also experiencing the same symptoms. The day after we ate the chicken, does not feel the symptoms of what, three days after the new," said Syahroni. When confirmed, the Head of Pemberantasan Penyehatan Diseases and Environment (P2PL) Bekasi District Health Office, Rudi Ruhdiyat, said his side had taken the blood sample in the fifth family member Syahroni including Syahroninya own.
                  "All my family members who participated"...I thought it was 3 people?
                  but then it talks about a "fifth" family member.....I think these families are all interrelated.


                  • #84
                    Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                    One family that consumed the chicken was infected by AI was SR, Je, and Ar.
                    Could "SR" = Syahroni?


                    • #85
                      Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                      I think they all may be related I read through all of the posts today and I think we have seven people. It talks about seven people. But it is really confusing. Commonground it is one of those days.


                      • #86
                        Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                        Landa Sleman bird flu on Tuesday, 17-February-2009,

                        – Puluhan the chicken belonging to the resident of the Krasakan Village, Jogotirto, of Kecamatan Berbah, Kabupaten Sleman, Provinsi DIY, in several last days died suddenly and after being checked, the chickens positive was attacked by the bird flu virus (avian influenza).

                        Unt uk avoided the bad possibility, the owner of the chicken and several relatives him was brought to RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta, moreover several of the they were stated suspect bird flu because of experiencing signs was attacked by the virus, that is the fever, flu and pain swallowed.

                        However according to Chairman Tim of the Control of RSUP Bird Flu Dr. Sardjito, Dr Sumardi, SpPD, in Yogyakarta, on Tuesday (17/2), after being carried out by the laboratory test in the hospital and in Jakarta, the owner of the chicken and the family him that was stated by the negative and was permitted to come home

                        Raised, change time in the season, that is between January and April, was the alert month bird flu, because of the bird flu virus in the months


                        • #87
                          Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                          Selasa, 17 Februari 2009 pukul 09:05:00

                          ENam the Resident Sukatani Diduga Flu Burung Bekasi -- six villagers Sukamulya, Kecamatan Sukatani, of Kabupaten Bekasi, West Java, were it was suspected infected by the Avian virus influenza or bird flu.

                          Currently, the sample of their blood was checked in the Department's laboratory of the Health. The head of the Pengendalian Field of the Illness and Lingkungan Dinas Kesehatan Sanitation of the Bekasi Regency, Dr Rudi Ruhdiat, said, results of the sample inspection of the resident's blood could be known two weeks more. The six residents were them who carried out contact was close to the positive Avian poultry kind influenza H5N1. "They the owner and mengonsumsi the positive AI poultry," said Rudi, on Monday (16/2).

                          The taking of the sample was carried out last Saturday (14/2), to 25 villagers Sukamulya. At that time, only five people who were expected terjangkit. The taking of the sample was carried out because two the previous day, there were 42 chickens belonging to the resident died suddenly. Officially Kesehatan and the Peternakan Service that did rapid test in the location of the incident said, the poultry that died suddenly positive Avian influenza. The poultry that died suddenly that not was destroyed, even was thrown away to the river current and the rest were consumed because of not wanting the loss.

                          Till yesterday (16/2), the resident who was suspected of by bird flu continuing to improve. The child was 10 years old, Ipin, it was suspected was infected by this virus
                          . This morning 'he was hot high and was brought by us to the community health centre', said Syahroni, casualties's father. He also added, if his health did not improve in time two days, casualties will be reconciled to the special hospital Sulianti Suroso bird flu, Jakarta Timur. Rudi added, Ipin and the other resident terinfekasi the Avian virus influenza (AI) the kind H5N1 through air. His spread happened through direct contact to the positive AI poultry, after inhaling the waste of the chicken, nasal mucus, and chicken blood that dried up. This virus then attacked the lungs, afterwards emerged the hot and feverish sign high. According to Rudi, the status suspect bird flu was to six residents received from results of the test of the public health laboratory belonging to the Department of the Health in Bandung. Officially Kesehatan of the Bekasi Regency also gave medicine tamiflu to Ipin, the newest patient suspect bird flu. His dose - 1/2 the tablet in a day, with the consumption period five days. However, medicine tamiflu that was given was long stock.

                          Apart from Ipin, there was one family that mengonsumsi the chicken was infected by the bird flu virus. They were Sri Rahayu, Jema, and Arni. When seeing his chicken was sick, immediately was cut off then was cooked. The spread of bird flu was against the three residents expected through the sprinkling of chicken blood that dried up when being cut off.

                          The other resident who took part in being infected was NY Ita, the mother Ipin. Suspected of being infected through the waste of the chicken around his house. The other resident who currently in the supervision is the father Ipin, Syahroni, and Muhamad Daos, the sample of their blood was sent to the Department of the Health. The sub-district head Sukatani, Muhamad Shaleh Suhasbi, said, since Saturday (14/2) up to now, his side carried out spraying disinfektan around the location of the positive chicken the bird flu virus. He also asked the resident to destroy all of his poultry, but not yet all wanted to burn and bury his chicken. "We were still making an effort to persuade the resident to give his poultry willingly was destroyed," he said. Rudi said, prevention efforts of the virus to not spread to the resident could be carried out by destroying all the livestock animal in the Sukamulya Village. "But, we collided the cost, the resident asked for compensation," he said. According to Rudi, the Bekasi Regency territory was indeed endemic bird flu. This virus usually emerges when the change in the season, was marked by the death of the poultry suddenly then spread to humankind. Regional Government Bekasi, said Rudi, carried out the intensive supervision of Sukamulya villagers during two weeks in the future.


                          • #88
                            Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                            Originally posted by Sally View Post
                            His dose - 1/2 the tablet in a day, with the consumption period five days. However, medicine tamiflu that was given was long stock.
                            Does any one know what long stock means?


                            • #89
                              Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                              I thought I read their stocks were close to their expiration date?
                              The salvage of human life ought to be placed above barter and exchange ~ Louis Harris, 1918


                              • #90
                                Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                                Perhaps the capsules are for adults only (75mg, undivisible).

                                For children there is the syrup for a more tailored dosage.

