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Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals February 2, 2008 - April 9, 2009

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  • #76
    Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

    The resident Tomo was reluctant to eat Chicken

    SUMEDANG - Post the sudden death of dozens of tails of the chicken, villagers Seupang, Kec. Tomo, Kab. Sumedang, for the time being admitted to being reluctant to eat their kept chicken.
    "Untuk Sementara, we did not dare to eat kept chicken before having the assurance from the government, if results rapid test from several chickens that died suddenly that, really safe or negative bird flu," said one of the residents, Wasman (43), on Friday (2/5).
    Although, he said, the death of the sudden chicken could make the resident's panic.
    Moreover, that was at once connected with the deadly bird flu illness.
    "With the limitations of the concept of the matter of the bird flu illness, very justified if the resident here panicked.
    Therefore, just as this incident happened, many residents at once sold his kept chicken with the price at random
    ," he said.

    Ir. Ade Guntara, M.Si., Section Head Peternakan Kab. Sumedang, when it was confirmed said, has been carried out by the action in connection with the incident that happened in the Seupang Village territory.
    Moreover his side also has done rapid test against several tails of the chicken that died.
    However, continued Ade, as far as this is concerned results rapid test that was not yet known because still was carried out by the inspection in the laboratory in Bandung.
    "We are still being waiting for results, eventually from some tails of the chicken that died that, was stated positive or negative bird flu," he said.


    • #77
      Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

      Kebumen, Central Java,

      Increased, the attack AI on the poultry

      The case of the death of the poultry resulting from positive was affected by the virus of Avian Influenza (AI) still happened in several territories in the Kebumen Regency.
      From January to April 2008, 30 AI cases in 23 villages that were spread in 16 subdistricts happened to the number of deaths reached 218 tails.
      The poultry that died this was ascertained resulting from AI after being carried out rapid test.
      In January, the AI attack happened in the Sugihwaras Kecamatan Adimulyo Village and the Merden Kecamatan Padureso Village.
      In February, the number of AI cases increased to 8 villages in 6 subdistricts, namely the Giwangretno Sruweng Village, Panjer Kebumen, Mirit, Klepusanggar Sruweng, Kalireja Karanggayam, Widoro Karangsambung, Bejiruyung Sempor and the Arjosari Kecamatan Adimulyo Village.
      In March, happened in the Petanahan Village, Bonosari Sempor, Kalireja Karanggayam, Trikarso Sruweng and Singosari Ambal.
      During April, AI attacked the poultry in the Tunggalroso Prembun Village, Patemon Gombong, Sidomulyo Karanganyar, Kabuaran Prembun, Kalireja Karanggayam, Sidoharum Sempor, Kradenan Ambal and 6 times happened in the Kalirancang Alian Village as well as twice attacked the Pringtutul Rowokele Village.
      The head of the Kesehatan Field of the Animal of Dinas Paperla Kabupaten Kebumen drh Suhartilah Jumaryanti that was contacted by KR in his office, on Friday (2/5) said, all the AI cases were handled well.
      However the community was asked to have to increase vigilance with always maintained the cleanliness of the environment, the health of the kept animal and his pen.


      • #78
        Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

        Yesterday a report on a human case from this village: Sihepeng (North Sumatra).

        06 Mei 2008

        Madina was attacked by Bird Flu

        The regency Mandailing Natal (Madina) again was attacked by the virus avian influenza or bird flu, to be precise in the Sihepeng Village, Kecamatan Siabu.

        Was based on results of the research to the chicken that died suddenly, showed the virus kind that attacked was H5N1.

        Section Head Peternakan Madina, Drh Muslih Lubis to the reporter, on Monday (5-5) said, bird flu attacked the chicken belonging to the resident of the VI Path, and the VII Path, Desa Sihepeng since last April 24.

        The virus avian influenza attacked the village after the Peternakan Service received the report from the community of the number of chickens died suddenly.

        When we did rapid the test to the chicken died, positive results of the virus avian influenza, mentioned Muslih.

        Unfolded by him, rapid the test against 6 tails of the chicken carcass died suddenly, 4 tails were stated positive was affected by the virus avian property influenza of a resident was named Bahrum, and 2 tails were stated by the negative.

        The sample of the chicken died furthermore was sent to the Penyelidikan Hall laboratory and the Veteriter Testing (BPPV) Regional I Medan.

        Results, the virus kind that attacked was H5N1, some sub the virus avian influenza that was classified as cruel.

        The BPPV report was accepted by the Peternakan Madina Service on Tuesday (29-4).

        The attack of the bird flu virus in this Sihepang Village was the second time. Last April 2007 the similar attack very cruel.

        The Madina Regional Government at that point carried out the extermination of all the poultry kind in the Sihepang Village by means of slaughtering and burning as well as burying all the poultry in the village that shared a border with the Regency Tapanuli Selatan.

        Officially Peternakan (Livestock Service, ed) Madina, said Muslih, has decided the extermination action of all the poultry in the Sihepeng Village.

        However, as far as Munggu (4-5) all the resident did still not give his livestock willingly to be destroyed although the Regional Government side paid compensation.

        MEDAN, - Kejaksaan Tinggi Sumatera Utara (Kejati Sumut) kembali menghentikan kasus penganiayaan dengan pendekatan humanis, Jumat (7/3). Kasi Penkum


        • #79
          Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

          Outbreak in poultry in Aceh, Northern Sumatra:

          may 4 2008


          • #80
            Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

            Increased, Serangan AI Terhadap Unggas

            The case of the death of the poultry resulting from positive was affected by the virus of Avian Influenza (AI) still happened in several territories in the Kebumen Regency.
            From January to April 2008, 30 AI cases in 23 villages that were spread in 16 subdistricts happened to the number of deaths reached 218 tails.
            The poultry that died this was ascertained resulting from AI after being carried out rapid test.

            In January, the AI attack happened in the Sugihwaras Kecamatan Adimulyo Village and the Merden Kecamatan Padureso Village.

            In February, the number of AI cases increased to 8 villages in 6 subdistricts, namely the Giwangretno Sruweng Village, Panjer Kebumen, Mirit, Klepusanggar Sruweng, Kalireja Karanggayam, Widoro Karangsambung, Bejiruyung Sempor and the Arjosari Kecamatan Adimulyo Village.

            In March, happened in the Petanahan Village, Bonosari Sempor, Kalireja Karanggayam, Trikarso Sruweng and Singosari Ambal.
            During April, AI attacked the poultry in the Tunggalroso Prembun Village, Patemon Gombong, Sidomulyo Karanganyar, Kabuaran Prembun, Kalireja Karanggayam, Sidoharum Sempor, Kradenan Ambal and 6 times happened in the Kalirancang Alian Village as well as twice attacked the Pringtutul Rowokele Village.

            The head of the Kesehatan Field of the Animal of Dinas Paperla Kabupaten Kebumen drh Suhartilah Jumaryanti that was contacted by KR in his office, on Friday (2/5) said, all the AI cases were handled well.
            However the community was asked to have to increase vigilance with always maintained the cleanliness of the environment, the health of the kept animal and his pen.

            "Penting also to as soon as possible be reported to the official if being known had the death of the poultry in large quantities and suddenly," he explained.
            Now to prevent the AI virus spreading wider, this May will be carried out by the mass vaccination together all over the Kebumen Regency territory.
            According to Jumaryanti, Dinas Paperla provided 300 thousand vaccines that were given free.
            The mass vaccination will also join biosecurity or spraying of disinfectant.
            The target especially in the people's livestock breeding, the area tertular and the area was threatened.


            • #81
              Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

              [My records show the cats reported on 4/11; 10 cats died. sym: gunge thru mouth & nose, high temp, weariness, hair stood up. 2 cats died suddenly without cause. Chickens also died. Avg. household owns 10-15 chickens. Buried cats & chickens]

              Ugaan bird flu in Karangmojo, Chicken died mass because of Newcastle

              The death of the mass chicken in the Karangmojo Village, Klego was around the last two months resulted in by the newcastle disease (Newcastle Desease/ND), not because of the plague of bird flu or Avian Influenza (AI) like that was expected by the resident beforehand.

              This matter was based on results of the checking of the team of the health of the Boyolali Regional Government in the field moments after the AI assumption information stuck up.
              Was like this was sent by the Secretary of the Klego Subdistrict, Th Widi Noegroho SSos to Expose, last week in Klego.

              According to him, Dinas Kesehatan carried out the laboratory test on the assumption of the related case and results of the negative as a result of AI. In addition to the matter of the sudden death of dozens of cats in Karangmojo, he admitted to not yet knowing precisely his cause and the related case was in the Kesehatan Service research.
              His side appealed to the resident to stay calm responded to the case that happened.

              If finding the similar case, the resident was asked immediately to report to the village machinery or the subdistrict in order to get the fast and exact handling.
              Related that also, the Regional Government carried out the training that joined all Chairman RW in Klego, last week in the Bade village hall, Klego.
              Hoped the activity could supply the public figures about bird flu and his control efforts.

              Sri Herwindya BW - 7/5/2008


              • #82
                Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

                Krajan, East Java

                Bird flu, Dozens Of chickens died

                Dozens of tails of the chicken belonging to villagers Tlogo, Kecamatan Tuntang, of Kabupaten Semarang, it was known will die late last April was attacked by bird flu (Avian Influenza).
                Although being carried out by spraying and the vaccination, but the community was still worried the poultry and the resident will be attacked.
                The chicken and the other poultry available in the village currently was required to be penned for two months.
                Planned, today, on Thursday (8/5), his side will do vocal culling or the extermination of the chicken and the poultry in the Krajan Hamlet, Desa Tlogo.
                Given also by compensation to the resident who gave his chicken belonging to him willingly to be destroyed.
                According to him, there were approximately 200 tails that will be destroyed.


                • #83
                  Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

                  More on the outbreak in poultry in Semarang Region,Central Java:

                  - snip -

                  Thursday, May 8 2008 |

                  Semarang, on Thursday - the Official from the Livestock Breeding Service and Semarang Regency fisheries, Central Java, on Thursday (8/5), destroyed the resident's 275 poultries of the Tlogo Krajan Village, the Tlogo Village, of Tuntang, the Semarang Regency.

                  This action was carried out following the discovery of the poultry died positive was infected by the bird flu virus or avian influenza.

                  The extermination of this mass poultry was carried out limited in RW 1 Tlogo Krajan, whereas in the surrounding territory only was sprayed with disinfektan.

                  This poultry consisted of 67 dolls and was, as well as 208 mature poultries.

                  The official also destroyed several items of the chicken egg.

                  - snip -

                  Late last February, the official also destroyed thousands of the resident's poultries in the Krajan Village, Desa Banding, Kabupaten Semarang that be at a distance around 15 kilometre from the Tlogo Village.

                  Gowa also admitted to receiving information from the resident who said in the Watuagung Village, Tuntang was found the poultry died suddenly.

                  However, during it was confirmed, the Village Head Watuagung Heryu Cahyono men ga I did not yet receive this report




                  • #84
                    Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

                    Sumedang, West Java
                    [Dozens of chickens were dying as far back as a post on 4/30 - Post #71. Post #76 talks about Sumedang: "The resident Tomo was reluctant to eat Chicken". About 30 miles east of Cimahi, where they had DBD, BF in Poultry, Post #60. About 30 miles north is Subang where this story is from: Post #73-- "The Directorate General (the Director General) Departement Livestock Breeding of Agriculture found the existence of the virus of H5N1 strain Purwakarta (PWT) immune the bird flu vaccine."]

                    The community of Dusun Babakan Asem dan Babakan Bandung, Desa Ranjeng, Kec. Cisitu, Kab. Sumedang, panicked because for the last week already 101 nonpedigreed chickens that were maintained by the local resident, died suddenly.
                    The resident's panic increased, because of being based on results rapid test that was carried out by the official of Livestock Breeding and Kab fisheries of the Service.
                    Sumedang, chickens that died that was positive terjangkit the bird flu virus or AI (Avian influenza).
                    Section Head Peternakan and Kab fisheries.
                    Sumedang Ir. Ade Guntara, was accompanied drh.
                    Mursjid Abduloh confirmed, his side examined several chicken carcasses that could not be thrown away by the resident.
           - Media Jawa Barat, Media Nasional, Media Bandung, Indonesia dan Dunia Terkini Hari Ini, Update Harian Terbaru Fakta Terpercaya Terlengkap Politik, Ekonomi, Travel, Teknologi, Otomotif, Bola

                    Was based on results rapid test, chickens that died that contained the bird flu virus or AI.


                    • #85
                      Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

                      Central Java again:

                      On May 8 2008

                      407 LIVESTOCK died was affected by BIRD FLU


                      Totalling 407 tails of the poultry, until this, that was in several Grobogan Regency villages died suddenly. Suspected the animal died, was affected by bird flu.

                      The community in asked to continue to be on the alert against the livestock especially that in maintained illegally, that contracted the sign of bird flu.

                      Section Head Peternakan and Kabupaten Grobogan fisheries drh.
                      The Murdowo leader through Head of Sector Keswan and Kesmavet drh.
                      Riyanto, on Wednesday (7/5) explained, the case of bird flu that struck Grobogan continued to increase.

                      The matter ltu terbuktl, jlka early of the Feburari month 2008 has been recorded the poultry that died sejumalh 351 tails, then until this of the number increased to 407 tails.

                      The poultry that died an amount that, was in several Tanggungharjo Subdistrict villages 113 tails, Gubug 21 tails, Penawangan 165 tails, and KecamatanToroh 48 tails.

                      Estimated the poultry that died, the amount will continue to rise.
                      After being known the poultry that died as a result of AI (Avien Influenza) the Petemak Service and Kabupaten Grobogan fisheries did not remain quiet.

                      His side continued to carry out the management against the resident that had temak especially the poultry to not forget always to clean the pen.

                      If diketahul temak that was maintained by the sign of bird flu so that immediately in suntik with the flu vaccine burug.

                      So as the livestock that was sick that, did not infect temak that was other.

                      And did not forget the livestock that has the sign of bird flu so that in quarantine, was isolated against the other livestock.
                      That as anticipation efforts to creep him, the AI illness.

                      Other efforts when diketahu temak the poultry died suddenly to in burnt and was carried out by spraying with disinfektan towards this livestock environment.

                      Beberpa previous time went through APBD his side put forward the fund that would dlpergunakan in the eradication of bird flu.
                      Pemberantas bird flu not Peternakan Service responsibility and fisheries then.

                      However that leblh important for active the community, especially that mempunyal temak the poultry kind in large quantities, must be always preceptive towards the sign perryakit temak Al's kind, he said short.

                      Added, that the service Side, also not henti-nenti him gave the preceptive explanation of bird flu through radlo, the mass media and the training, preceptive the AI sign.


                      • #86
                        Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

                        [There have been numerous articles on this hamlet, regarding AI in poultry. Very interesting, when you take into account the post below, by Laidback Al.]

                        21 heads of households received compensation, Related AI, hundreds of tails of the poultry were in the Tlogo Village destroyed

                        Hundreds of tails of the chicken belonging to the resident in the Hamlet of Krajan RW I Desa Tlogo Kecamatan Tuntang Kabupaten Semarang were destroyed in a mass fashion, following the case died suddenly that happened to dozens of chickens in the village since two last week and was stated positive terjangkit the virus H5N1 or bird flu.
                        The extermination was carried out by means of dikaling, was burnt and stockpiled behind the Tlogo village hall, on Thursday (8/5) began around struck 07,30 WIB until striking 09,00 of WIB.
                        Pemusnahan was carried out by the official of Livestock Breeding and fisheries of Kabupaten Semarang of the Service with Muspika Kecamatan Tuntang and local village equipment and was witnessed by dozens of residents in the RW I. Dengan environment the extermination, then already was not found the poultry roamed again about in this RW I.
                        The village head Tlogo Endang Gati Sukeksi during dikonfrimasi Expose, on Thursday (8/5) said, the extermination the poultry was only done in the RW I environment, the reason was in the area found by the positive case was affected by bird flu.
                        He ordered the resident in the environment of RW Ii, III, IV and V in order to pen his chickens.
                        He explained, several pens will belonging to the resident be sprayed with disinfektan.
                        Was based on the resident's agreement, obviously him, for the resident who left his chicken wandering illegally to property together.
                        According to him, was based on the beginning data before having the extermination had as many as 374 chickens.
                        However was based on the last data when the extermination yesterday, he added, remained at approximately 275 tails, that consisted of 208 measuring tails was and 67 measuring chickens big.
                        Hundreds of chickens, obviously Endang, was property 21 head of household (heads of households) in the RW I environment.

                        trh - 9/5/2008


                        • #87
                          Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

                          hat-tip Laidback Al

                          Dozens of employees PT BPTS were forbidden to come home
                          [May 9, 2008]
                          Tuntang Espos

                          Dozens of employees in Livestock Breeding of PT Bina Prima Tunas Satwa (BPTS) that was located in the Tlogo Village, Kecamatan Tuntang, Kabupaten Semarang was forbidden to come home they were their respective, following the virus threat avian influenza (AI) or bird flu that attacked several poultries belonging to the resident in the Krajan Village, the local village.
                          The management side of PT BPTS worried, his employees will bring this bird flu virus to the livestock breeding if being permitted to come home, because they will threaten the death of thousands of poultries in the livestock breeding.
                          The confirmation was sent by the Secretary of the Village (Sekdes) Tlogo, Dawam Ubaidillah when being met Expose, on Wednesday (7/5), in his office.
                          According to him, dozens of employees were asked by the management of PT BPTS to continue to spend the night in the livestock breeding since the number of cases of the death of the poultry of two last week.
                          He explained, the government side of the village did not yet carry out stocktaking of several chickens that died suddenly that.
                          The village head Tlogo Endang Gati Sukeksi added, was related to the case of the death of the poultry, his side already the report to the Peternakan Service (Disnakan) the Semarang Regency.
                          He made a plea, so that chickens that still were living to be penned.
                          Was based on the agreement with the resident, for the chicken belonging to the resident who was left wild will become property of the public.


                          • #88
                            Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

                            70 chickens died Suddenly

                            Villagers Aek Badak, Kecamatan Sayurmatinggi, of Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan (Tapsel) suddenly was busy.
                            His article, totalling the resident's 70 chickens in the area suddenly died.
                            The secretary of the Sayurmatinggi H A Saftar Harahap Subdistrict said, while this week was in his area recorded by 70 chickens died mendadak.Ayam that was belonging to 25 villagers Aek Badak.Kemarin to be found by 30 chickens died scattered the village without being known by the cause of his death.
                            Beforehand, last Tuesday (6/5), the resident found 40 chickens mati.Kondisi that has been reported by the resident to the Penyuluhan Pertanian Hall in the subdistrict, but did not yet have official information.
                            Had a basis SINDO observation, up until yesterday the chicken that died suddenly was still being found in the Desa Aek Badak Julu. Warga immediately burnt this chicken in order to anticipates the spreading of the bird flu virus.
                            Section Head Pertanian and Regency Livestock Breeding TapselmelaluiBidangPerlindungan the Crop and the Health of the Lamora Lubis Animal dropped the team with the official off BPP the Matinggi vegetables Subdistrict and the team of Partici patory Diseases Response Surveillance (PDRS) .Untuk their beginning stage carried out the survey of the livestock of the resident's chicken.
                            The team from the Pertanian Service and the Plantation has taken the sample of the waste and the chicken coop to be checked.
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                            • #89
                              Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

                              Limpakuwus Lokasi of the AI Research

                              The village of Limpakuwus Kecamatan Sumbang Kabupaten Banyumas selected to become salah one of the locations of the research or Avian Influenza of the bird flu illness (AI).
                              Several researchers from the Hall of Besar Veteriner Bogor belonging to the Department of Agriculture carried out the research about the characteristics and the dynamics of the maintenance of the chicken talk to.
                              For the research, the team of the researcher distributed the questionnaire that was answered 50 samples of villagers Limpakuwus.
                              The head of the Kesehatan Field of the Livestock and fisheries, Dinas Peternakan and fisheries of Kabupaten Banyumas Drh Sentot Sasmito Eko said to KR, just recently, the researcher only distributed the questionnaire, as well as will not bring the sample of the poultry outside the Banyumas territory.
                              The appointment of the Limpakuwus Village, because of the location had the density of the poultry that was high as well as had happened the case of the death of hundreds of thousands of chickens resulting from bird flu during 2003 set.


                              • #90
                                Re: Indonesia - Bird Flu in Poultry/Animals

                                [Cisitu is where Tini Suhartini (54) is from]

                                One thousand chickens died in the CISITU SUBDISTRICT

                                The Dinas OFFICIAL of the Kab Health Sumedang took the sample of the resident's blood of the Babakan Asem Village and the Bandung Round, Desa Ranjeng, of Kec. Cisitu Kab.Sumedang, on Sunday (11/5).
                                The taking of the sample of the blood was carried out following the death of the nonpedigreed chicken that reached one thousand tails and one of the residents that his clinical sign headed to the bird flu illness.

                                The death of the nonpedigreed chicken belonging to the inhabitants of the Babakan Asem Village and Babakan Bandung Desa Ranjeng Kec. Cisitu Kab. Sumedang,, up until Sunday (11/5) have reached approximately one thousand tails.

                                Therefore, apart from in the two villages has been held by spraying with disinfektan against places that were serious like the chicken coop and other, currently the community is then ordered so that their kept chicken quarantined.
                                Section Head Peternakan and Kab fisheries. Sumedang, Ir. Ade Guntara was accompanied by the Section of the Executive the Poultry, drh. Mursjid Abduloh said, his side has checked the chicken that died that and did rapid test.
                                Results, chickens died that positive contained the bird flu virus or Avian influenza (AI).
                                According to Ade, pengarantinaan the nonpedigreed chicken will belonging to the resident take place for two weeks.
                                If later still was gotten by the death of the poultry, then poultries belonging to the available inhabitants in the Ranjeng area and surrounding area wanted to not want to have to be destroyed, because of endangering the safety of humankind.
                                Kept poultries in the Ranjeng area his population was estimated more than three thousand tails.

                                "Moreover, we then now monitor the existence of the poultry that was around the border with the Ranjeng Village," said drh.
                                Mursjid Abduloh that also as the team of Participatory Disease Surveillance and Response.

                                In the meantime, the Section Head infectious diseases indirectly the Pemberantasan Field of infectious diseases in the Kesehatan Kab Service.
                                Sumedang, Sutisna, S.K.M., M.Si. mentioned, the NY Tn patient his clinical sign headed in the bird flu illness.
                                Therefore, his side has taken the sample of NY Tn blood.
                                NY Tn and 17 samples of the family's blood and his neighbour, that contact with the patient.

                       - Media Jawa Barat, Media Nasional, Media Bandung, Indonesia dan Dunia Terkini Hari Ini, Update Harian Terbaru Fakta Terpercaya Terlengkap Politik, Ekonomi, Travel, Teknologi, Otomotif, Bola
                                Last edited by AlaskaDenise; April 19, 2009, 11:36 AM. Reason: remove photo

