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Ukraine- H1N1 Outbreak October 27 2009 - November 30 2009

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  • #76
    Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

    Mysterious pneumonia in western Ukraine: At least 30 dead
    LVIV (Ukraine) - Plus de 30 personnes ont succomb? ? une pneumonie d'origine inconnue dans l'ouest de l'Ukraine en octobre, a annonc? jeudi le minist?re de la Sant?, un ph?nom?ne qui a cr?? un d?but de panique. Lviv (Ukraine) - More than 30 people have died of pneumonia of unknown origin in western Ukraine in October, said Thursday the Ministry of Health, a phenomenon that has created the beginnings of panic.

    Les r?gions de Ternopil et de Lviv sont les plus touch?es avec au moins 12 morts dans chacune, at-il pr?cis? dans un communiqu?. The regions of Lviv and Ternopil are worst affected with at least 12 deaths in each, he said in a statement.
    Dans la r?gion d'Ivano-Frankivsk, six d?c?s ont ?t? enregistr?s jusqu'ici, a poursuivi le minist?re, selon lequel l'origine de la maladie reste inconnue. In the region of Ivano-Frankivsk, six deaths have been recorded so far, the ministry said, that the origin of the disease remains unknown.

    Au total, 37.900 personnes dans ces trois r?gions sont touch?es par des infections respiratoires virales dont 951 ont ?t? hospitalis?es. A total of 37,900 people in these three regions are affected by respiratory viral infections which 951 were hospitalized. Parmi ces derni?res, 61 dont 31 enfants se trouvaient dans des services de soins intensifs, selon le minist?re. Of these, 61 children of which 31 were in intensive care, the ministry said.

    La population s'est mise ? acheter massivement des antiviraux et des masques de protection. The people began to flock to antivirals and protective masks.

    A Ternopil, de nombreux habitants, surtout des jeunes de 20-30 ans, ont mis des masques de protection, a indiqu? ? l'AFP Nazar, un ?tudiant local, interrog? par t?l?phone. In Ternopil, many residents, especially young people of 20-30 years, have protective masks, said Nazar told AFP, a local student, interviewed by telephone.

    "L'administration de notre universit? a recommand? jeudi aux ?tudiants venus d'autres localit?s de rentrer chez eux le plus vite possible", at-il ajout?. "The administration of our university recommended Thursday to students from other towns to return home as quickly as possible," he added.

    Alors que les antiviraux sont devenus difficiles ? trouver, des files d'attente de plusieurs dizaines de m?tres se sont form?es devant les pharmacies de Lviv qui en disposaient encore, a constat? un journaliste de l'AFP. While antivirals have become difficult to find queues of several tens of meters formed at pharmacies Lviv who had again found an AFP journalist.

    "Mercredi, on a vendu presque tous les m?dicaments contre la grippe qu'on avait", a indiqu? ? l'AFP un responsable d'une pharmacie dans le centre-ville. "On Wednesday it sold almost all drugs against influenza that had," he told AFP an official of a pharmacy in downtown.

    Les autorit?s des trois r?gions (Ternopil, Lviv et Ivano-Frankivsk) ont provisoirement ferm? les jardins d'enfants, ?coles et recommand? aux universit?s d'annuler les cours, appelant aussi les habitants ? ?viter les grands rassemblements. Authorities in three regions (Ternopil, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk) has temporarily closed kindergartens, schools and universities recommended to cancel classes, also calling people to avoid large gatherings.

    A Drogobytch, une ville de la r?gion de Lviv o? quatre personnes sont mortes de pneumonie, les autorit?s ont aussi ordonn? la fermeture des discoth?ques. A Drogobych, a city of Lviv region, where four people died of pneumonia, the authorities have also ordered the closure of nightclubs.

    Par ailleurs, seuls deux cas de grippe H1N1 ont ?t? recens?s jusqu'ici en Ukraine. Moreover, only two cases of H1N1 have been identified to date in Ukraine.

    (?AFP / 29 octobre 2009 18h39) (? AFP / October 29, 2009 18h39)


    • #77
      Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

      I'm sure I saw a report somewhere that said that even though the deaths weren't confirmed there have been many rapid test positives in those attending hospitals.

      This still looks to me like swine H1N1. In fact it looks as if it is doing in some parts of Ukraine exactly what the computer models had it doing everywhere by now.

      I also note central government is sending more Tamiflu to the region even though they haven't yet confirmed swine H1N1.


      • #78
        Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

        I just read on the polish forum that someone who just returned from Ukraine is saying that he didnt saw any panic there and the news exaggerate real sytuation there .


        • #80
          Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

          As the reported major outbreak is currently limited in extent within Ukraine there is no reason to expect anyone returning from (say) Kiev to notice anything unusual as yet.

          And to repeat we have reports of many tens of thousands infected, up to 1000 in hospitals but reported suspected deaths are still only about 30 nationwide. That compares to 26 confirmed deaths in Scotland with a population of only 5 million (Ukraine population 50 million).


          • #81
            Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

            Originally posted by Hogweed View Post
            I'm sure I saw a report somewhere that said that even though the deaths weren't confirmed there have been many rapid test positives in those attending hospitals.

            This still looks to me like swine H1N1. In fact it looks as if it is doing in some parts of Ukraine exactly what the computer models had it doing everywhere by now.

            I also note central government is sending more Tamiflu to the region even though they haven't yet confirmed swine H1N1.
            A rapid test would only indicate that it is Influenza A, not the strain. It would not differentiate between seasonal flu, Pandemic H1N1, or some other flu virus.

            Likewise, Tamiflu is a good treatment for many kinds of flu, including both Pandemic H1N1 and avian H5N1 (which is not possible here).

            This is definitely a flu outbreak, but the strain is still unclear.


            • #82
              Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

              The article from post #122:

              Dangerous virus killed 34 people, a thousand in the hospitals

              ENEX ENEX
              Rośnie liczba os?b cierpiących na powikłania pogrypowe i zapalenie płuc na Zachodniej Ukrainie. Increasing number of people suffering from complications of pneumonia pogrypowe and the Western Ukraine. Hospitalizowanych jest już 951 os?b, z czego 497 to dzieci. Hospitalized is 951 persons, of whom 497 are children. W ostatnich dniach na Ukrainie zmarły 34 osoby. In recent days, in Ukraine 34 people died. W warszawskim Rządowym Centrum Bezpieczeństwa zebrali się eksperci, by sprawdzić, czy wirus nie zagraża naszym terenom przygranicznym. In the Warsaw Government Security Center gathered experts to check whether the virus does not threaten our sites of the border.
              Jak informuje Ukraińskie Ministerstwo Ochrony Zdrowia w raporcie z 29 października (godz. 16) zgony odnotowano w 3 zachodnich obwodach Ukrainy. How to inform the Ukrainian Ministry of Health in a report of 29 October (h 16) deaths were recorded in 3 western districts of Ukraine. W obwodzie lwowskim (kilkadziesiąt kilometr?w od polskiej granicy) i tarnopolskim było po 12 przypadk?w śmiertelnych. In the Lviv region (several tens of kilometers from the Polish border), and Tarnopol was after 12 deaths. W regionie iwano-frankowskim zmarło do tej pory 6 os?b. In Ivano-Frankivsk region have died so far 6 people.

              Ministerstwo podaje, że potwierdzono dotąd 30 przypadk?w. The Ministry reported that 30 cases confirmed so far. Jednak ukraińskie agencje informują o kolejnych czterech ofiarach. However, the Ukrainian agencies inform the next four victims.

              Niepokojąco rośnie liczba chorych. Alarmingly increasing number of patients. Jak czytamy w raporcie do szpitali trafiło już prawie tysiąc os?b. As explained in the report were sent to the hospital almost a thousand people. 61 z nich przebywa na intensywnej terapii, a ich stan jest bardzo ciężki. 61 of them staying in the intensive care unit and their condition is very serious. Połowa z tych os?b to dzieci. Half of these people are children.

              Czy to świńska grypa? Is it swine flu?

              Początkowo pojawiły się podejrzenia, że to może być świńska grypa. Initially there were suspicions that it might be swine flu. Ukraińskie władze utrzymują jednak, że na świńską grypę zmarła tylko jedna osoba. Ukrainian authorities maintain, however, that the swine flu, only one person died.

              Przeprowadzone na Ukrainie badania nie wykazały obecności w krwi zmarłych wirusa A/H1N1, jednak dla pewności dodatkowe analizy zlecono laboratoriom zagranicznym. Studies conducted in Ukraine showed no presence in the blood of the dead virus A/H1N1, but for the certainty of additional study was commissioned to foreign laboratories. Ich wyniki będą znane na początku przyszłego tygodnia. Their results will be known early next week.
              Śmiertelne ofiary wirusa w trzech obwodach Casualties of the virus in the three circuits
              Ukraina: 34 ofiary powikłań pogrypowych Ukraine: 34 victims of complications pogrypowych

              Ukraiński wiceminister zdrowia Aleksander Bilovol poinformował, że według jego wiedzy wszystkie osoby, kt?re zmarły, miały poniżej 45 lat. Ukrainian Deputy Minister for Health Bilovol Alexander said that to his knowledge all those who died were below 45 years. Według wstępnych informacji przyczyną śmierci jest nie grypa, a zapalenie płuc - powikłanie związane z SARS. According to preliminary information, the cause of death is not flu and pneumonia - a complication related to SARS. W ubiegłym roku ze względu na komplikacje spowodowane po nieprawidłowym leczeniu na SARS zmarło ok. 6,5 tys. In the past year due to complications caused by the improper treatment of SARS died about 6.5 thousand. Pierwsze ofiary grypy w Rosji The first victim of influenza in Russia
              W Kraju Zabajkalskim na Syberii, regionie graniczącym z Mongolią i Chinami,... czytaj więcej ? Country Zabajkalskim In Siberia, a region bordering Mongolia and China, ... read more ?

              Epidemia się rozszerza The epidemic is expanding A/H1N1 niebezpieczna dla kobiet w ciąży A/H1N1 dangerous for pregnant women
              Świńska grypa jest szczeg?lnie niebezpieczna dla ciężarnych. Swine influenza is particularly dangerous for pregnant women. We wczesnym... czytaj więcej ? In the early ... read more ?

              W związku z epidemią w obwodzie tarnopolskim ogłoszono kwarantannę oraz zamknięto przedszkola i plac?wki oświatowe. In view of the epidemic in Ternopil Oblast declared a quarantine and closed kindergartens and educational institutions. Według agencji UNIAN tylko w czwartek liczba hospitalizowanych ze wstępnym rozpoznaniem "zapalenie płuc" w Tarnopolu wzrosła o 2,5 raza. According to the agency UNIAN only on Thursday the number of patients hospitalized with the preliminary diagnosis of "pneumonia" in Ternopil increased by 2.5 times. W czwartek rano było ich 326, w tym 55 dzieci. On Thursday morning, there were 326, including 55 children. W ogłoszonym przez ministerstwo raporcie na godzinę 16 liczba chorych zwiększyła się do 383, w tym 134 to dzieci. As announced by the ministry report, 16 per hour, the number of patients increased to 383, including 134 of them children.

              Jak donosi portal lekarze informują, że w analogicznym kwartale zeszłego roku w rejonie Tarnopola odnotowano 33 zgony z powodu powikłań układu oddechowego. As reported by the portal doctors report that in the same quarter last year, Ternopil region was 33 deaths due to respiratory complications. Podkreślają, że w?wczas byli to starsi ludzie z przewlekłą chorobą i dzieci poniżej 1 roku życia. Emphasize that if they were older people with chronic illness and children under 1 year of age.

              Kwarantanna nad granicą Quarantine on the border

              W obwodzie tarnopolskim przerażeni chorobą ludzie rzucili się do aptek w poszukiwaniu lek?w. In Ternopil Oblast disease terrified people rushed to pharmacies in search of drugs. W odpowiedzi na to aptekarze podnieśli ich ceny. In response, the pharmacists raised their prices. Podobna sytuacja panuje na Zakarpaciu iw obwodzie iwano-frankowskim. A similar situation prevails in Transcarpathia and Ivano-Frankivsk region.

              - Szkoły już są wszystkie zamknięte, instytuty są pozamykane ? relacjonował przebywający teraz w Polsce Ukrainiec, Jurij Pieknyj. - Schools are now all closed, the institutes are closed up - reported now residing in Poland, the Ukrainian, Yuri Pieknyj. Dodał, że dzieci kt?re uczą się w Tarnopolu zostały rozwiezione do swoich dom?w w okolicznych wioskach. He added that children who learn in Tarnopol were rozwiezione to their homes in surrounding villages.

              - Dzwoniła do mnie wczoraj (pracująca w Tarnopolu - red.) żona i m?wiła, że miasto jest w og?le zamknięte. - He called me yesterday (working in Ternopil - ed) my wife and said that the city is generally closed. Pociągi się tam nie zatrzymują - m?wił rozm?wca Trains do not stop there - said the caller

              Władze dementują plotki Authorities denies rumors

              Nerwowa atmosfera wśr?d mieszkańc?w sprzyja rodzeniu się wielu plotek. Nervous atmosphere among the population favors the birth of many rumors. Pojawiły się informacje np. o odcięciu okręgu tarnopolskiego od świata, a nawet o substancjach chemicznych zrzucanych z helikopter?w. There were information, such as cut off from the world Ternopil district, and even on the chemicals dropped from helicopters. ? Wszystkie te pogłoski są nieprawdziwe - oświadczył Jurij Chyzhmar, przedstawiciel lokalnych władz. - All these rumors are untrue - Chyzhmar said Yuri, a representative of local authorities. Z kolei Władysław Hazolyshyn ? psychoterapeuta z Tarnopola ? ocenił, że wszystkie te pogłoski są wynikiem coraz większej paniki wśr?d miejscowej ludności. In turn, Wladyslaw Hazolyshyn - psychotherapist Tarnopol - found that all these rumors are the result of a growing panic among the local population.

              Lekarze zaapelowali natomiast do Ukraińc?w, by w razie pogorszenia się stanu zdrowia "natychmiast zgłaszali się do lekarzy". Doctors appealed for the Ukrainians, in the event of deterioration "immediately reported to the doctors."

              Granica pod specjalnym nadzorem Limit under special surveillance

              W związku z epidemią grypy na zachodzie Ukrainie zaostrzono zasady przekraczania granicy. In connection with the epidemic of influenza in the west Ukraine tightened rules for crossing the border. Wołodymyr Szeremeta z zachodniej dyrekcji regionalnej Służby Granicznej zapewnia, że na wszystkich przejściach granicznych wjeżdżających na terytorium Ukrainy będą kontrolowali lekarze. Volodymyr Szeremeta from Western Regional Directorate of the Border Service ensures that all border crossings entering the territory of Ukraine will be controlled doctors. Dopiero potem do pracy przystąpią celnicy i funkcjonariusze Służby Granicznej w maskach ochronnych. Only then proceed to work as customs officers and officers of the Border Service of protective masks.

              Po polskiej stronie nie wprowadzono żadnych obostrzeń związanych z epidemią grypy na zachodniej Ukrainie. On the Polish side did not put any restrictions related to the influenza epidemic in western Ukraine. Polacy czekają na dyspozycje ze strony Inspektoratu Sanitarnego. Poles are waiting for instructions from the Sanitary Inspectorate.

              Polska na razie bezpieczna? Poland for the time being safe?

              W czwartek w związku z sytuacją na Ukrainie zebrał się też zesp?ł ekspert?w w Rządowym Centrum Bezpieczeństwa w Warszawie. On Thursday in connection with the situation in Ukraine, gathered a team of experts at the Government Security Center in Warsaw. Stwierdzono, że w polskich wojew?dztwach przygranicznych nie odnotowano nietypowego wzrostu zachorowań grypopodobnych. It was found that the Polish border regions there has been no unusual increase in influenza-like illness. W spotkaniu uczestniczyli przedstawiciele Gł?wnego Inspektoratu Sanitarnego, Straży Granicznej i MSZ. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, the Border Guard and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

              Wydany wieczorem komunikat zapewnia, że polskie służby sanitarne monitorują sytuację na terytorium kraju, aw zależności od rozwoju sytuacji epidemiologicznej podjęte zostaną adekwatne działania. Released in the evening message ensures that the Polish health services monitor the situation in the country and, depending on the epidemiological development appropriate action will be taken.


              • #83
                Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                Originally posted by alert View Post
                A rapid test would only indicate that it is Influenza A, not the strain. It would not differentiate between seasonal flu, Pandemic H1N1, or some other flu virus.

                Likewise, Tamiflu is a good treatment for many kinds of flu, including both Pandemic H1N1 and avian H5N1 (which is not possible here).

                This is definitely a flu outbreak, but the strain is still unclear.
                Given that we are in the middle of a pandemic what do you think is the most likely?

                In fact if it's not H1N1 then it may be time to panic for real now because we are potentially seeing the start of a pandemic of something even worse. I am sure that is not the reaction the Ukranian government wants though with their repeated caveats and I think it is unlikely in any case.

                Google's current estimate of ILI in Ukraine.

                Attached Files


                • #84
                  Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                  And the other article from post 122. The bold text in this article is VERY TELLING. If some of the alive people in serious condition have tested positive for Pandemic H1N1, that is likely the cause of the entire outbreak. But this is the only place I have read this.

                  Czwartek [29.10.2009, 17:20] ostatnia aktualizacja: Tuesday [29.10.2009, 19:20] 3 źródła Tuesday [29.10.2009, 17:20] Last updated: Tuesday [29.10.2009, 19:20]
                  3 sources

                  Tajemniczy wirus zabija pod polską granicą Mystery virus kills the Polish border
                  wirus | polska | sąsiad | choroba | epidemia | zdrowie | ukraina virus | Poland | neighbor | disease | epidemic | Health | ukraine

                  PAP / EPA

                  Walczy z nim Ukraina. Ukraine fights with him. Kiedy dotrze do Polski? When you reach the Polish?

                  Po śmierci 34 osób i setkach w szpitalu władze rozważają otaczanie miast na zachodzie kraju sanitarnymi kordonami. After the death of 34 people and hundreds of hospital authorities consider the surrounding cities to the west of the country kordonami sanitation. Według doniesień medialnych ludność cywilna całymi rodzinami ucieka na wschód. According to media reports the civilian population as families flee to the east.

                  Najgorzej jest w Tarnopolu. The worst is in Ternopil. Zamknięto tam szkoły, przedszkola i uczelnię - mówi RMF FM Józef Szkodziński, prezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Gimnastycznego „Sokół” w Tarnopolu. There closed schools, kindergartens and school - RMF FM says Joseph Szkodziński, president of the Polish Gymnastic Society "Falcon" in Ternopil.
                  Dzwoniła do mnie wczoraj pracująca w Tarnopolu żona i mówiła, że miasto jest w ogóle zamknięte. Rang me yesterday working in Ternopil wife and said that the city is generally closed. Pociągi się tam nie zatrzymują - cytuje swojego rozmówcę Trains do not stop there - quoting his interlocutor
                  Podobnie sytuacja wygląda w sąsiadującym z Polską Lwowie. Similarly, the situation is in neighboring Polish Lvov.

                  Wśród ofiar śmiertelnych jest już 56-letnia lekarka która odwiedzała zarażonych wirusem w domach - czytamy na Among the victims is 56-year-old doctor who visited infected with the virus at home - read on
                  Dzień i noc stacje telewizyjne apelują do Ukraińców: nie wychodźcie z domów jeżeli nie musicie. Day and night, television networks have called on Ukrainians: Do not go out of their homes if you do not have. Lekarze nie są nawet pewni co zabija. Doctors are not even sure what kills.

                  Oprócz wirusowego zapalenia płuc stwierdzono również przypadki świńskiej grypy, pacjenci żyją, ale są w ciężkim stanie - donosi RMF FM. In addition to viral pneumonia were also cases of swine flu, the patients are alive but are in serious condition - RMF FM reported.
                  Dopiero za kilka dni, gdy w Kijowie przeprowadzone zostaną analizy, będzie wiadomo z jakim typem wirusa Ukraińcy muszą się zmierzyć. Only a few days in Kiev, where the analysis will be carried out, will know what type of virus must face the Ukrainians.

                  Wasilij Kniaziewicz, szef resortu zdrowia, wezwał do natychmiastowego zgłaszania się do lekarzy i izolowania chorych oraz zaapelował, by nie wpadać w panikę - dodaje stacja. Vasily Kniaziewicz, head of the ministry of health, called for an immediate report to the doctors and isolation of patients and appealed not to panic - the following station.


                  • #85
                    Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                    Originally posted by Hogweed View Post
                    Given that we are in the middle of a pandemic what do you think is the most likely?

                    In fact if it's not H1N1 then it may be time to panic for real now because we are potentially seeing the start of a pandemic of something even worse. I am sure that is not the reaction the Ukranian government wants though with their repeated caveats and I think it is unlikely in any case.

                    Google's current estimate of ILI in Ukraine.

                    I agree. H1N1 is the most likely. But if it isn't H1N1, you're right - this would be the start of an even worse Pandemic. The alternative to Pandemic H1N1 is another novel flu virus. And that is what I have feared the past two days. And you're right - that would be very unlikely, but very, very bad.


                    • #86
                      Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                      Unidentified flue outbreak in Western Ukraine

                      Western Ukraine was hit by a severe epidemic of unidentified influenza, tentatively diagnosed by doctors as viral pneumonia. The number of dead has climbed dramatically. Doctors advise Western Ukrainians to stay at home and use preventive medication. The first pedestrians wearing face masks have been seen on Lviv streets

                      Lviv kindergartens and schools have been closed, and the city council is to have its emergency session soon to address the flue outbreak. So far, the information released by the authorities on the epidemic dimensions spread and preventive measures is scarce, causing panic to spread in the city.

                      Here are the latest reports on the situation in other W.Ukraine oblasts:
                      Ternopil oblast

                      As the number of sick persons increases, the authorities describe the situation as rather serious, says Ternopil oblast chief medical officer Bohdan Onyskiv.

                      ?In all, 262 patients are treated in hospitals, of these 16 in serious condition. !* children have died in rural areas and 70 in Ternopil,? he says.

                      Onyskiv confirmed that they died from viral pneumonia.

                      The main cause of their death is that sick Ukrainians were too late requesting medical help, most of them on the 5th or 6th day of the disease. They stayed at home, trying to treat themselves, visiting hospitals when it was too late. The disease has a distinct viral nature, complicating treatment, he added.

                      Lviv Oblast

                      Five persons have died from the flue in Lviv, four men and one woman, says emergency hospital chief doctor Myron Borysevych.

                      Two of the dead patients were in the 22-35 age group, with 2 others over 60. He diagnosed the disease as viral pneumonia.

                      ?We have sent the analyses to Kyiv. We don?t believe it?s the swine flue. Neither do we know what kind of pneumonia it is,
                      Borysevych stressed. Viral tests can last from one to two weeks. They are complicated and not done in Lviv. The course of the disease was very quick. The symptoms included very high temperature and short-wind cough.

                      The disease started as an ordinary chill with headache and temperature. The symptoms lasted for a week before patient condition began to aggravate.

                      Zakarpattya Oblast

                      A man has died from the swine flue in Volovets. He has recently returned from Saint Petersburg, Russia, suffering from a cold. He was rushed to the hospital when pneumonia symptoms were found by doctors. Another local who came from Moscow became sick and went to see his doctor in time. Now he is recovering safely.

                      Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

                      All the six dead young people had symptoms of severe hemmorhagic pneumonia. The disease starts slowly, with temperature rising to 37.2 ? 37.3 degrees, slight cough and pain in joints. Nasal catarrh developed at the end of the second or third day. Autopsy revealed that the lungs were soaked with blood, the oblast chief specialist said.

                      Chernivtsi Oblast

                      The number of persons with common flue in Chernivtsi has grown from 2,623 to 4,053. According to the local medical authorities, the city has been hit by an unknown type of the flue. The tests to identify the virus will be ready only in 2 weeks, doctors say.

                      Comment: The article had the exclamation point and astrix in the part bolded at the top of the article. Makes you wonder what was there huh? Sounds like there has been 70 deaths in Ternopil in that portion of the article. The severe hemorhagic pneumonis does not sound like H1N1, at least not in multiple cases.


                      • #87
                        Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                        Alert (and others)

                        The portion below from the article I posted above indicates to me that they have pandemic H1N1 circulating in the area. The real question is whether they have something new also.

                        The number of persons with common flue in Chernivtsi has grown from 2,623 to 4,053. According to the local medical authorities, the city has been hit by an unknown type of the flue. The tests to identify the virus will be ready only in 2 weeks, doctors say.


                        • #88
                          Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were "young and healthy"

                          Information about persons ill with ARI / flu as of 16:00 29.10.2009

                          <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100&#37;" align=center><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#4d8b80 align=left>29.10.2009

                          </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" align=center><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=justify>

                          Information about persons ill with ARI / flu as of 16:00 29.10.2009

                          <TABLE border=1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD rowSpan=2 align=middle>Name domains </TD><TD colSpan=3 align=middle>Number of cases </TD><TD colSpan=3 align=middle>Of those hospitalized </TD><TD colSpan=3 align=middle>Of these znahadyatsya in the department of anesthesiology and intensive care </TD><TD colSpan=3 align=middle>With them died 19/10/2009 </TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>Total </TD><TD align=middle>Adults </TD><TD align=middle>Children </TD><TD align=middle>Total </TD><TD align=middle>Adults </TD><TD align=middle>Children </TD><TD align=middle>Total </TD><TD align=middle>Adults </TD><TD align=middle>Children </TD><TD align=middle>Total </TD><TD align=middle>Adults </TD><TD align=middle>Children </TD></TR><TR><TD align=left>Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast </TD><TD align=left>1469 </TD><TD align=left>23 pregnant </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>269 </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>197 </TD><TD align=left>15 </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD></TR><TR><TD align=left>Lviv Oblast </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>2957 </TD><TD align=left>299 </TD><TD align=left>137 </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>3 pregnant </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD></TR><TR><TD align=left>Ternopil Oblast </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>383 </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD></TR><TR><TD align=left>Total </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>3418 </TD><TD align=left>951 </TD><TD align=left>137 </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD><TD align=left>

                          </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>According to the operational headquarters of Health of Ukraine raine%2Boctober%2B30%2B2009%26tq%3D%25D0%25BF%25D0 %25BD%25D0%25B5%25D0%25B2%25D0%25BC%25D0%25BE%25D0 %25BD%25D1%2596%25D1%258F%2B%252B%2B%25D0%25A3%25D 0%25BA%25D1%2580%25D0%25B0%25D1%2597%25D0%25BD%25D 0%25B0%2B30%2B%25D0%25B6%25D0%25BE%25D0%25B2%25D1% 2582%25D0%25BD%25D1%258F%2B2009%26sl%3Den%26tl%3Du k%26start%3D50& hhIzparZAfBnm0qt9kfwo2ouq65HQ

                          Офіційний веб-сайт Міністерства охорони здоров‘я України, на якому відображається інформація про профілактику захворювань, зміни в українській медицині, а також інші важливі для пацієнтів та медиків дані.




                          • #89
                            Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were &quot;young and healthy&quot;

                            Dozens of people killed in Ukraine to an unknown pneumonia
                            October 29, 2009 22:48 |
                            An unknown pneumonia killed in Ukraine, 30 people during the month of October, AFP reported citing an announcement Thursday by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health. Panic was installed in the population and, according to a ministry's comuncat most affected are Ternopil and Lviv regions, each with 12 cases. The remaining six deaths were recorded in Ivano-Frankivsk region, according to the same source, who added that the origin of the disease is unknown.

                            In these three regions 37,900 people suffering from viral respiratory infections, 951 of which required hospitalization. 61 of these people, including 31 children, are interned in intensive care, according to the communication ministry.

                            Masks and antivirals are sold like hot cakes and the streets of Ternopil can see many people wearing protective masks, most were young people aged between 20 and 30 years.

                            "Management has recommended our university students Thursday to return to the cities from which they came, as soon as I can," said one student Ukrainian telephone to AFP.

                            According to an AFP journalist in the face of pharmacy in Lvov formed queues of tens of meters and antivirals are becoming harder to find. "Wednesday we have exhausted almost all medicines against the flu that I had," said a vendor from a pharmacy.

                            Kindergartens and schools in Ternopil, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk were closed, authorities recommending the university to cancel classes, and people avoid meetings. In Drogobici, the city of Lviv area where there were ten deaths due to pneumonia, all clubs were closed.

                            In Ukraine there have been only two cases of influenza A H1N1.



                            • #90
                              Re: Ukraine: at least 20 die of possible swine flu - most were &quot;young and healthy&quot;

                              [QUOTE=Dutchy;310246][I]To provide advice and practical assistance from October 28 in the area will bring together experts Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases Gromashevsky behalf of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

                              " As of Oct. 29, Ukraine’s Health Ministry had not yet determined whether the recent deaths are related to the global outbreak of the H1N1 "swine flu" virus, but they admitted to sending more than 1,200 doses of Tamiflu, the antiviral drug used to treat H1N1, to western Ukraine."

                              ( 1200 ???? I would not be surprised if it is a combination of H1N1 and Tuberculosis, causing the severe -hemorrage-lungproblems. There is hardly any treatment availabale in this former ussr-republic against TBC,and many are undiagnosed. -William)

                              Full article:

                              Swine flu fears on rise after numerous deaths
                              Yesterday at 22:27 | Peter Byrne Health Ministry is trying to identify the deadly virus that has killed at least 30 people in western Ukraine so far.

                              An unknown virus is afflicting thousands in western Ukraine, according to health authorities who say at least 30 people have died this month alone from the mysterious ailment. The death toll is expected to grow higher soon.

                              As of Oct. 29, Ukraine’s Health Ministry had not yet determined whether the recent deaths are related to the global outbreak of the H1N1 "swine flu" virus, but they admitted to sending more than 1,200 doses of Tamiflu, the antiviral drug used to treat H1N1, to western Ukraine.

                              Thus far, there have been only two confirmed cases of swine flu in Ukraine, according to health officials, who have expressed confidence that the country is ready to combat the virus should an outbreak occur. But fears about the possible onset of a swine flu pandemic in Ukraine increased on Oct. 27 after media reported that a man from Zakarpattya Oblast had died of swine flu complications. The diagnosis has not been confirmed.

                              “Ukraine’s Health Ministry has convened an emergency team to identify the virus and identify measures to prevent it from spreading,” Health Minister Vasyl Knyazevych said on Oct. 29 during a cabinet meeting.

                              “Specialists on the team are working around the clock and we are confident that we will be able to identify the cause [of the deaths] on Monday or Tuesday next week and announce preventative measures,” Knyazevych said.

                              “Some 10 people have perished in Ternopil Oblast, and several in the Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk oblasts,” Deputy Health Minister Oleksandr Bilovol said a day earlier during a press conference in Kyiv. He added that all victims were less than 45 years of age.

                              “The individuals died of viral pneumonia, the cause of which we have not yet determined,” said Bilovol, adding that health officials are awaiting the results of laboratory tests. “According to our data, the number of deaths due to viral pneumonia is a little higher than last year.”

                              More than 6,000 people in Ukraine died of pneumonia in 2008, according to Health Ministry statistics, with 400 fatalities registered in the Ternopil, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk oblasts.

                              Bilovol said during the press conference that 34 individuals of the 160 patients currently afflicted are in critical condition. He said that most of the people who died waited too long — one week — before seeking medical assistance.

                              Health officials say they will need several days to determine whether the cases are, indeed, swine flu. In neighboring Russia, meanwhile, the H1N1 virus is definitely making the rounds. Since June, about 1,300 cases of H1N1 have been registered in Russia by health officials, who have urged people not to panic.

                              “Two women are believed to have died of the influenza A/H1N1 virus,” a spokesman for eastern Siberia’s Chita region said on Oct. 27, adding that official confirmation of the causes of death would only be available in 21 days.

                              As of Oct. 29, the number of patients in the region diagnosed with swine flu grew to 251, according to Natalya Zhdanova, deputy governor of Chita region. She said seven patients were in critical conditions.

                              Ukraine has set up a laboratory that can test for the H1N1 virus and more test kits are planned to be purchased. Ukraine’s strategy has been to contain the H1N1 virus and impede its spread among the population by surveillance in airports and train stations.

                              The H1N1 virus is not usually deadly, but spreads more quickly than usual flu because it’s a new virus against which people have not yet built immunity.

                              According to the World Health Organization, 2 percent of patients sick with H1N1 come to hospitals with complications. People with lung and heart conditions, diabetes, obesity, pregnant women, elderly and very young children are in the high-risk groups.

                              U.S. President Barack Obama on Oct. 25 declared a national emergency as the estimated number of swine flu cases topped one million. During a visit to Ukraine weeks ago, U.S. health officials urged their Ukrainian counterparts to boost preparations for combating a possible H1N1 epidemic, warning that it’s only a matter of time before the country would be hit. Experts have also expressed concern about the ability of Ukraine’s dilapidated and under-financed health system to contain a serious outbreak.


