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Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 + April 6, 2009

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  • #61
    Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

    Indo: Bekasi

    Monday, 16 February 2009 at 16:01:00

    BEKASI-Six people Sukamulya Village, District Sukatani Kabupaten Bekasi, West Java, is suspected of being infected influeza avian virus or bird flu. Now, their blood samples to a laboratory diperiksakan Ministry of Health.

    Head of Disease Control and Environmental Health Office Penyehatan Kabupaten Bekasi dr Rudi Ruhdiat, said the results of blood pemeriksan sempel can be two more weekends. The six residents is that they make close contact with poultry postif positive avian influenza type H5N1. "They were the owners and mengonsumsi AI-positive birds," said Rudi, Monday (16 / 2).

    Sampling was conducted Saturday (14 / 2) and, to the 25 people of the Village Sukamulya. At the same time, only five people who allegedly infected. Sampling is done because the previous two days, there are 42 chickens belonging to residents of sudden death. Public Health and Animal Husbandry to the test in the rapid location of the incident states that poultry, poultry died suddenly positive avian influenza. Poultry that died suddenly was not destroyed, even to the river are removed, and some did not want to be consumed as losers.

    Until today, Monday (16 / 2) of suspected bird flu continues to grow. Bocah age of 10 years, Ipin, allegedly infected with the virus. "This morning he was hot and we take it to a health clinic," said Syahroni, father of the victim. He also added that if health does not improve, he added, in two days will be referred to the hospital special bird flu Sulianti Suroso, East Jakarta.

    Rudi said Ipin and other citizens terinfekasi virus avian influenza (AI) type H5N1 through the air. Penularannya occur through direct contact with the AI-positive birds, breathe in the dirt after the chicken, snot, and blood of chickens that have become dry. Virus and attack the lungs, and symptoms appear hot and high fever.

    According to Rudi, the status suspek bird flu was to the six residents received from results of the test of the public health laboratory belonging to the Department of the Health, in Bandung. Officially Kesehatan of the Bekasi Regency also gave medicine tamiflu to Ipin, the newest patient suspek bird flu. His dose - 1/2 the tablet in a day, with the consumption period five days. The village head Sukamulya. Only, medicine tami flu that was distributed long stock, supplies since 2005 that the taking effect period ended this February. Apart from Ipin, there was one family that mengonsumsi the chicken was infected by AI. Meraka was, Sri Rahayu, Jema, and Arni. When seeing his chicken was sick, immediately was cut off then then was cooked. The spread of bird flu was against the three residents expected through the sprinkling of chicken blood that dried up when being cut off. The other resident who took part in being infected was NY Ita, the mother from Ipin. Suspected of being infected through the waste of the chicken around his house. The other resident who currently in the supervision is the Father Ipin, Syahroni and Muhamad Daos, the sample of their blood was sent to Departemen Kesehatan.


    • #62
      Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

      Bekasi: Chicken Eater AI Blood Reviewed

      Monday, February 16, 2009

      BEKASI - 42 After the chickens died suddenly and stated positive bird flu in the village Sukamulya, Kec. Sukatani, Kab. Bekasi, some residents who had to eat the chickens that have symptoms of fever and high fever. "From my 19 chickens that died suddenly, three of which I was made to eat curry and eaten with the family," said one resident Sukamulya the sudden death ayamnya, Syahroni (43), Sunday (15 / 2). Syahroni confess experience nausea, body weakness, pegel-pegel, and a sudden high fever. "All my family members who participate in eating chicken is also experiencing the same symptoms. The day after we ate the chicken, does not feel the symptoms of what, three days after the new," said Syahroni. When confirmed, the Head of Pemberantasan Penyehatan Diseases and Environment (P2PL) Bekasi District Health Office, Rudi Ruhdiyat, said his side had taken the blood sample in the fifth family member Syahroni including Syahroninya own. "No results whether Syahroni and their families contracting bird flu or not. Blood sample will be submitted to the MOH for further review," said Rudi. (A-186) ***


      • #63
        Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

        So how many does that make here? If someone could please provide a summary of the situation in bekasi, that would be great.


        • #64
          Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

          2 Families.

          Ipin (10) - newest patient. 2/16: fever, went to health clinic. If does not improve in two days, will enter Sulianti Suroso Hospital.

          NY Ita - mother of Ipin.

          Syahroni (43) - Father of Ipin. [Working on who Mohamad Doas is....]

          2nd Family:
          Sri Rahayu


          • #65
            Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

            So we have quite possible cluster here of 6-7 people. I wonder if the two families infected each other?


            • #66
              Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

              One Child Suspect Bird Flu

              on Monday, February 16 2009, 21:31:00 Bekasi, (PRLM). - After the chicken- the chicken in the Sukamulya Village, Kecamatan Sukatani, Kabupaten Bekasi, was appointed terjangkit bird flu and several residents that contact was at once checked, finally the child was 10 years old was named Ipin it was identified suspect bird flu with the hot and feverish sign high .

              The "identification" of "early Ipin and the other resident terinfekasi the virus aivian influenza (AI) the kind H5N1 through air," said the Head of the Pengendalian Field of the Illness and Penyahatan Lingkungan, Dinas Kesehatan of the Bekasi Regency, of Rudi Ruhdiat during it was confirmed, on Monday (16/2).

              At this time, Ipin was treated in the community health centre (the Community Health Centre) local, if his health did not improve in time two days will in the future be reconciled to the special hospital Sulianti Suroso bird flu, Jakarta Timur. Rudi Ruhdiat said, the total resident was suspected of by bird flu having seven people. Most of his spreads happened through direct contact to the positive A I. Setelah poultry inhaled the waste of the chicken, nasal mucus, and blood .

              According to Rudi, the status suspek bird flu to the seven residents. this was received from results of the test of the public health laboratory belonging to the Department of the Health, in Bandung. In the meantime, the Village Head Sukamulya, Sairan Nurdiansah, said his seven residents who were expected suspect bird flu was the owner of the chicken that died suddenly.

              Moreover had one family that ate his chicken because of not wanting the loss, said Sairan. One family that consumed the chicken was infected by AI was, Sri Rahayu, Jema, and Arni. When seeing his chicken was sick, immediately was cut off then then was cooked.

              The spread of bird flu was against the three residents expected through the sprinkling of chicken blood that dried up when being cut off. Airan said along with suspect bird flu against Ipin, the resident found three chickens died suddenly. The total chicken that was destroyed numbering 50 tails.

     - Media Jawa Barat, Media Nasional, Media Bandung, Indonesia dan Dunia Terkini Hari Ini, Update Harian Terbaru Fakta Terpercaya Terlengkap Politik, Ekonomi, Travel, Teknologi, Otomotif, Bola


              • #67
                Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

                well...Rwilber...let's pick apart those articles.

                The six residents is that they make close contact with poultry postif positive avian influenza type H5N1. "They were the owners and mengonsumsi AI-positive birds," said Rudi, Monday (16 / 2).
                "No results whether Syahroni and their families contracting bird flu or not.
                Rudi said Ipin and other citizens terinfekasi virus avian influenza (AI) type H5N1 through the air. Penularannya occur through direct contact with the AI-positive birds, breathe in the dirt after the chicken, snot, and blood of chickens that have become dry. Virus and attack the lungs, and symptoms appear hot and high fever.
                I personally believe it is more like 25-30.

                West Java today takes as many as 30 samples of the resident's blood in Rt 13/6 the Sukamulya village, the Sukatani subdistrict, the Bekasi regency to prevent the spread of the bird flu virus.

                Beforehand was found by as many as 42 chickens that died suddenly and after being checked evidently positive bird flu. The head of the Pengendalian Field of the Illness and Lingkungan Sanitation, Rudi Ruhdiat said the residents who showed the sign of bird flu of the beginning like the cough and hot and cold has been given medicine. And his side collected data on the resident who was contaminated by the death of this poultry.


                • #68
                  Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

                  This seems to be a new case; East Java.

                  On Monday, 16/02/2009 17:35 of WIB

                  Dr Soeroto Hospital treated Patient Suspect Bird Flu

                  - detikSurabaya Ngawi - A resident had the initials BW (12) the resident of the Mantingan Subdistrict, Ngawi was forced to receive the maintenance in RSUD Dr Soeroto Ngawi, on Monday (6/2/2009). (ed: 6 is probably a typo, should be 16)

                  He it was suspected was affected suspect the virus H5N1 or bird flu because touch on with the poultry belonging to the neighbour. BW claimed before experiencing the high fever 38 levels celcius could hold the poultry and dove birds belonging to the neighbour who died suddenly.

                  Maintained by me the pigeon, but not there are those that died. But the poultry belonging to the next neighbour yesterday there are those that died suddenly, explained BW to the reporter in RSUD Dr Soeroto Ngawi.

                  Now one of the medical teams of RSUD Dr Soeroto Ngawi, Agnes Fitri explained that the patient was stated suspec bird flu because apart from the high fever body, the patient also could contact with the poultry that died suddenly. The beginning entered indeed it was suspected susfec bird flu.

                  We were still carrying out the sample research of his blood, explained Agnes. He explained, the patient was reconciliation from the Mantingan Community Health Centre. The reason could not be treated, the patient finally diruju to T|RSUD Dr Soeroto the reason for the temperature of his body achieved 38 levels celcius.

                  Kumpulan berita lokal terbaru dari peristiwa, kecelakaan, kriminal, hukum, berita unik, Politik, dan liputan khusus dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia


                  • #69
                    Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

                    From Dutchy:

                    In the meantime, the Village Head Sukamulya, Sairan Nurdiansah, said his seven residents who were expected suspect bird flu was the owner of the chicken that died suddenly.

                    Moreover had one family that ate his chicken because of not wanting the loss, said Sairan. One family that consumed the chicken was infected by AI was, Sri Rahayu, Jema, and Arni. When seeing his chicken was sick, immediately was cut off then then was cooked.

                    The spread of bird flu was against the three residents expected through the sprinkling of chicken blood that dried up when being cut off.
                    Could it be 3 were infected by eating, and the other 3 were infected due to contagion with the dried blood? And I think I know who the 7th person is....Mohamad Doas


                    • #70
                      Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

                      Dutchy's new case:


                      • #71
                        Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

                        It's going to be "one of those days".....


                        • #72
                          Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

                          This reminds me of that big suspect cluster back in august. All I can say here we go again.


                          • #73
                            Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

                            Bekasi (and also Bogor further south)


                            • #74
                              Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Cases January 29 +

                              what does this mean

                              "the kind H5N1 through air"


                              • #75
                                Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                                2009 Suspected and Confirmed Cases in Indonesia

                                West Java

                                Jakarta West

                                Napsiah (43) Adm: 1/17. From: Street Pentogelan, Javanese Alley of RT 01/14, East Cengkareng, West Jakarta. Mother: Wastiah (65). Child, Dadi (22). Onset sym: 1/13, coughing, fever, shortness of breath. Recon: 1/14: Cengkareng Comm. Hlth. Ctr. 1/17: RSU Tangerang. 4 hours later, at 09.00 WB she passed away. Mother of 4 children. Her son also got sick but recovered.


                                Nurul Hikmah Ruslan (27F) Adm: 1/14 From: RT 3/8 Cilendek West, Cimanggu. Respiratory failure upon entrance to RS Karya Bhakti. Immediately transferred to Persahabatan Hospital Rawamangun Jakarta. Died: 1/16. Buried: 1/16.

                                Ruslani (30) Brother. Died around 1/16. Blood taken in neighborhood, Tamiflu given to hospital medics & victims family.

                                Ridwan (35) Brother. Sym: 2/7 Home. Refused x-rays, refused to let authorities in. Brother of Nural & Rustani.

                                9 others monitored. RW 04 (3 people); RW11 (2 people); RW16 (4 people).

                                Sumarni Saminem (20). Fever. Recovered.

                                2/12: ?Disposal? pond found contaminated w/H5N1. Not the pond they utilize for bathing and food.


                                Nad (5) Adm: 1/2 From: Bekasi. Hospital: RSPI Sulianti Saroso. Recon: RS Hermina Bekasi on 12/27. Onset sym: 12/23. Bought chickens at the market for parents. Her cat died after eating the chicken she bought. Died: 1/2. Confirmed Positive.

                                Sukatani (in Bekasi)
                                2/14: Sukamulya Village. Rt 13/6. 30 Residents hot high & breathless. Given Tamiflu. Blood drawn from all 30.
                                2/15: 6 people infected.
                                2/16: Two Families (derived from 6 reported yesterday)
                                NY Ita: Mother
                                Syahroni (43): Father
                                Ipin (10) Child Being treated at Comm. Hlth. Ctr.
                                Family owned 19 Chickens

                                2nd Family:
                                Sri Rahaya

                                Mohamad Doas (possible suspect)


                                Ela (35) Adm: 1/22 From: RT01/01 Sukaimut Village, Kecamatan Garawangi, Kuningan. Hospital: Guning Jati Cirebon. Sym onset: 1/20. Recon: RSUD Kuningan on 1/20. Pregnant, 3 months. Given tamiflu. On respirator. Contact w/poultry on 1/19. Tested Negative.
                                Son, Dea (4 1/2) - sym onset: 1/20. Mia (11) - sym onset: 1/20. Negative.
                                Earlier, January 2, 2008, Siti Jaenab (48) and Piit Pitriani (25) (mother/child) from RT 03/10 Perumahan Taman Tukmudal, Tukmudal Village, Kecamatan Sumber, Cirebon Regency, entered RSUD Gunung Jati Cirebon. Both stated negative.

                                Central Java


                                RP (5) Adm: 1/11. From: RT 2/RW 10, Gunung Mas, Pagutan, Manyaran, Wonogiri. Neighbors chickens died on 1/7, positive. Recon: local Comm. Hlth. Ctr. on 1/11 and transferred directly to hospital. Took samples of residents blood. Will monitor residents until 1/24. Residents warned not to touch any poultry - even if healthy.


                                DN (6) Adm: 1/12 From: Ngesrep, Desa Jurang Agung, Kec. Plantungan, Kendal. Recon: Plantungan Comm. Hlth. Ctr by midwife for 3 days. Neighbors chickens died, threw in garden, DN walked in garden. Improving. Using oxygen & heartbeat monitor. Poultry were positive.

                                Health Svc. on 1/30. Given medicine. Not admitted.
                                Adi Priatmoko Parsito (1 1/2) From: Bringin Village, Plosorejo.
                                Kec: Tawangharjo.
                                Nazwa Nabila Khoirudin (3): Sym onset 1/29: Fever, cough, headache.
                                M. Faizal Amir Mujianto (3) Many chickens died suddenly, confirmed positive. Mother: Kustini.


                                Rupinah (54) Adm: 1/19 From: RT 03/RW 03 Wiramastra Village, Bawang, Banjarnegara. RSUD Banyumas. Recon: Bawang Comm. Hlth. Ctr. Rupinah is a poultry trader in the market. Onset: 1/15.


                                BW (12) Adm: 2/16 From: Mantingan Subdistrict. Fever 38. Neighbors birds died, he had contact.



                                AR (27) Adm: 1/13 From: Kavling Mangsang Permai, Tanjungpiayu, Batam. Recon: RS Budi Kemulian (RSBK) on 1/11. Took his history down; no connections to birds, people. Condition upon entering very critical. Unconscious, deviation of lung, lecosit increased, trombosit increased, heart rate increased, spleen grew, decline in level of lymphocytes. Had a meeting w/15 specialists, and concluded he is negative, because no other bf patients had ever coughed blood. Patient is currently conscious. Medical team used protective clothing to assist.
                                2 other bf suspects recently - were not known to the media. One handled in RS Elizabeth and the other in RS Awal Bros. All 3 negative.

                                South Sulawesi


                                Ansar (5) Adm: 1/27. From: Bagimango Village, Kec. Mandai, Kab. Maros. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Pub. Hosp., Makassar. Recon: Daerah Salewangang Pub. Hosp. on 1/27.


                                Eka (3 mos) Adm: 2/5 Died: 2/6 From: Harapan, Kec. Walenrang, Luwu. Mother: Julianti (34); Father: Basir (38). Inflamation lungs & breathless. Had convulsions before dying. RSUD Sawarigading. Took until the following day after admission for doctor to see her.



                                Patu Prana Yoga (19) 2/10. Not admitted. From: Jagapati, Kab. Badung. Suspect. Community Health Ctr. Given Tamiflu. Blood drawn. Temp. 38, breathless.
                                2/14: Irin news reports admission to hospital on 2/8.

                                East Java


                                Sutini (18/20) Adm: 1/23 Died: 1/24 Confirmed Postive. From: Sumberwuluh, Kec. Candipuro Nomor 17 Surabaya. Worked there. Her original home is Lumajang Regency. Hospital: RSUD Soetomo Surabaya. Recon: RS Rahayu on 1/22. Onset: 1/16, admitted to private maternity svc.

