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The Discovery of the 2009 A/H1N1 Pandemic - Mexico: April 17 New Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

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  • #46
    Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

    Swine flu is ruled out becuase influenza in general is ruled out. The samples were negative for influenza A and B.


    • #47
      Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

      The article this morning in post #44 mentions that two HCW have pneumonia. Why isn't this getting more attention?


      • #48
        Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

        Here is another source. It still only mentions the one death, and doesn't mention the two HCW with pneumonia, but it mentions the suspicion of a novel virus. And it doesn't come from that same source,


        • #49
          Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

          Three other things worth mentioning:

          The article in post #44 was the FRONT PAGE news story there (click on the link to see the image of the paper).

          There have been many different authors in this paper writing these different articles, not just one.

          And can we get this thread moved back to current news? That is what this potential outbreak is.


          • #50
            Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

            Here is another article from this morning's diario. It seems that they are going to widen the hospital closure....

            Decretan cerco sanitario e informativo en el IMSS Siege decreed health and information in the IMSS
            22/04/2009 04:00:00 Juan Carlos Zavala / Staff DESPERTAR 22/04/2009 04:00:00 Juan Carlos Zavala / Staff WAKE
            Tama?o de Fuente: Font Size:
            Hospital de Zona N?mero 1 del IMSS. Zone No. 1 Hospital of the IMSS. Detallan medidas preventivas y la ruta a seguir en caso de que se presenten cuadros gripales entre derechohabientes Preventive measures and the detailed route to follow in case of flu that occur between tables in title

            La delegaci?n estatal del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) cerr? sus puertas a la poblaci?n oaxaque?a ya los medios de comunicaci?n y se neg? a proporcionar informaci?n sobre la ampliaci?n del cerco sanitario hacia la Cl?nica Hospital N?mero 1; con lo que se uni? a las medidas preventivas aplicadas en el Hospital General ?Dr. The state delegation of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) closed its doors to the people of Oaxaca and the media and refused to provide information on extending the fence to the health clinic Hospital Number 1, which joined the measures implemented at the Hospital General "Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso?, tras el fallecimiento de dos personas a causa de neumon?a at?pica. Aurelio Valdivieso ", after the deaths of two people due to atypical pneumonia.
            Entretanto, el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) mantiene sus medidas de control sanitario habituales entre sus derechohabientes, sin que tenga reportes de alg?n evento extraordinario. Meanwhile, the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) maintained their usual health control measures among their heirs, without having any extraordinary event reports.
            Miguel ?ngel Carrera D?az, titular de la Coordinador T?cnica de Informaci?n del IMSS en el pa?s, se?al? al diario DESPERTAR que hasta el momento las autoridades de esa instituci?n se mantienen pendientes para evitar la aparici?n de epidemias en los centros m?dicos a cargo de la instituci?n de salud nacional. Miguel Angel D?az Carrera, head of the Information Technology Coordinator IMSS in the country, told the newspaper that DESPERTAR until the authorities of that institution is pending to prevent the occurrence of epidemics in the medical centers in charge of the institution national health.
            De acuerdo con el epidemi?logo Emilio del Callejo, coordinador de Salud P?blica del IMSS en Oaxaca, no agendar entrevistas ni proporcionar informaci?n a la poblaci?n y los medios de comunicaci?n se debe a ?rdenes expresas dictaminadas por el ?rea de Comunicaci?n Social de la direcci?n general del instituto en la ciudad de M?xico. According to epidemiologist Emilio del Callejo, Coordinator of Public Health of the IMSS in Oaxaca, do not schedule interviews or provide information to the public and the media is due to specific orders issued by the area of Social Communication of the general direction of the institute in Mexico City.
            A nivel local, tambi?n a trav?s del departamento de comunicaci?n, se confirm? la orden de cancelar todo contacto con la prensa estatal, a pesar de que ya se ten?a en la agenda una entrevista con DESPERTAR. At the local level, also through the communications department, confirmed the order to terminate all contact with the state press, even though she was on the agenda an alarm clock.
            El funcionario asegur? que el argumento para no proporcionar datos sobre las medidas que est? tomando el hospital, para evitar m?s contagios en la entidad, es que se trata de una ?emergencia nacional?. The official said that the argument for not providing information on measures being taken by the hospital to prevent further infections in the state, is that it is a "national emergency".
            Gripe, bajo vigilancia Influenza surveillance
            En su edici?n de ayer, este medio de comunicaci?n dio a conocer que las autoridades del IMSS ordenaron al personal m?dico y de enfermeras remitir a los derechohabientes que presenten cuadros gripales a Epidemiolog?a; adem?s de brindar atenci?n prioritaria a los pacientes dar seguimiento a los casos o, de ser graves, canalizarlos a hospitalizaci?n. In yesterday's edition, the media reported that authorities ordered the IMSS doctors and nurses refer to those entitled to submit pictures to influenza epidemiology, in addition to giving priority attention to the patients to follow up cases or , if severe, hospitalization channel.
            Asimismo, tienen la obligaci?n de formular reportes diarios de los casos de los enfermos con diagn?sticos de gripe atendidos en los diversos turnos. They are obliged to make daily reports of cases of patients with diagnoses of influenza served in various shifts.
            Algunas de las medidas de control aplicadas en el hospital civil ?Dr. Some of the measures applied in the civilian hospital "Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso? durante el cerco sanitario y que se asemejan a las aplicadas en el Seguro Social son la identificaci?n, hospitalizaci?n y tomas de muestra como esputo, sangre, suero, heces fecales y orina, de casos sospechosos. Aurelio Valdivieso "during the siege and health are similar to those applied in Social Security are the identification, hospitalization and Sample as sputum, blood, serum, feces and urine of suspected cases.
            Adem?s, el personal del hospital deber? hacer uso de protecci?n, prescribir antibi?ticos, atenci?n m?dica y vigilancia cl?nica-epidemiol?gica activa de los contactos por 10 d?as, registro diario de la temperatura corporal y aislamiento de los contactos sintom?ticos. In addition, hospital staff should make use of protection, prescribing antibiotics, medical care and clinical-epidemiological surveillance of active contacts per 10 days, daily records of body temperature and isolation of symptomatic contacts.
            La decisi?n del IMSS de ampliar el cerco sanitario hasta su hospital fue dada a conocer a su personal durante una reuni?n urgente celebrada el lunes por la tarde. IMSS's decision to extend the fence to your health hospital was announced to his staff during an emergency meeting held on Monday afternoon.
            Mientras tanto, la bacteria o virus que caus? la neumon?a at?pica que propici? el fallecimiento de dos personas y el riesgo de un brote de gripe aviar, a?n es desconocido para los funcionarios, de los Servicios de Salud de Oaxaca, debido a que los estudios realizados por el Instituto Nacional de Diagn?stico y Referencias Epidemediol?gicas (INDRE) s?lo descartan Influenza tipos A y B, Parainfluenza tipos 1,2 y 3, Virus Sincitial Respiratorio, Adenovirus y Metapneumovirus, dando negativo a todos estos virus respiratorios, pero no especifica cu?l fue el causante de los decesos. Meanwhile, the bacteria or virus causing the atypical pneumonia that led to the deaths of two people and the risk of an outbreak of avian influenza is still unknown to the officials of the Health Services of Oaxaca, because the studies by the National Institute of Diagnosis and Reference Epidemediol?gicas (Indre) only discarded Influenza types A and B, Parainfluenza types 1,2 and 3, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, and Adenovirus Metapneumovirus, with all these negative respiratory viruses, but does not specify what the causing the deaths.
            Lo anterior, seg?n el informe con fecha 16 de abril de 2009, suscrito por el director del instituto nacional, Jos? Alberto D?az Qui?ones, dirigido al secretario de los SSO, Mart?n V?squez Villanueva. This, according to the report dated April 16, 2009, signed by the director of the institute, Jos? Alberto D?az Qui?ones, addressed to the secretary of the SSO, Martin Vasquez Villanueva.


            • #51
              Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

              Here is some more information about the 39-year old woman.
              She apparently is a government worker, likely for the census (although a comment on an article several days ago says she worked in a welfare office), but she is apparently not a door-to-door pollster.

              Deny health alert in INEGI
              22/04/2009 04:00:00 Citlalli L?pez 22/04/2009 04:00:00 Citlalli Lopez
              Tama?o de Fuente: Font Size:
              Avance de 89% en el censo econ?mico; niegan brote de gripe aviar entre trabajadores 89% in advance of the economic census, refuse flu outbreak among poultry workers

              El coordinador general del Instituto Nacional de Geograf?a Estad?stica e Inform?tica (INEGI), Jorge L?pez Guzm?n, rechaz? que la mujer que falleci? por neumon?a t?pica fuera trabajadora de este instituto y descart? cualquier tipo de alerta sanitaria en el INEGI. The general coordinator of the Instituto Nacional de Estad?stica Geograf?a e Inform?tica (INEGI), Jorge L?pez Guzm?n, denied that the woman who died of pneumonia were typical of this school and working out any kind of health warning on the INEGI.
              De acuerdo al personal de enfermer?a del Hospital General ?Doctor Aurelio Valdivieso?, la paciente trabajaba en los censos econ?micos del INEGI. According to nurses at the Hospital General Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso ", the patient worked in the economic census INEGI. L?pez Guzm?n sostuvo que ninguno de los mil encuestadores del INEGI tiene por nombre Mar?a Jovita Guti?rrez Cruz. L?pez Guzm?n said that none of the pollsters thousand INEGI name is Maria Jovita Gutierrez Cruz.
              En este sentido, sostuvo que es ?totalmente falso que la persona que falleci? por neumon?a at?pica trabajara aqu??, y neg? que los Servicios de Salud de Oaxaca hayan realizado una b?squeda intencionada de casos de neumon?a at?pica en el edificio ubicado en la Colonia Reforma, como trascendi? el pasado viernes. In this sense, he argued that it is "completely false that the person who died of atypical pneumonia was working here," and denied that the Health Services of Oaxaca have made a deliberate search for cases of atypical pneumonia in the building located in the Cologne Reformation, as was learned last Friday.
              ?No tenemos ninguna revisi?n, medici?n o auscultaci?n que se haya realizado por los servicios de salud sobre una posible epidemia. "We have no review, measuring or examination has been conducted by the health services on a possible epidemic. En el instituto no hay nada de eso, no tenemos nada que ocultar. In the institute there is nothing that we have nothing to hide. Hay acceso libre y gratuito al centro de informaci?n y ventas, la gente realiza sus actividades cotidianas, nosotros estamos trabajando de forma normal?, reiter? el funcionario al tiempo que al exterior de la oficina el personal laboraba de manera normal. There is free access to the information center and sales people perform their daily activities, we are working normally, "reiterated the official while outside the office staff worked as usual.

              Libre de sospechas Free from suspicion
              L?pez Guzm?n afirm? que hasta el momento los SSO no han entablado ning?n tipo de pl?tica con el INEGI por sospechas de que la mujer que falleci? por neumon?a at?pica pudiera haber trabajado en el instituto como encuestadora, tal como lo inform? el personal del Hospital Civil. L?pez Guzm?n said that so far have not brought the SSO any discussions with INEGI suspected that the woman who died of atypical pneumonia may have worked in the institute as a poll, as reported by the staff of Civil Hospital.
              El funcionario federal indic? que, por el rango de edad de la mujer fallecida no hubiera sido posible que trabajara como encuestadora, ya que el personal contratado para esta labor son j?venes no mayores de 30 a?os. The federal official indicated that the age range of women who died had not been possible to work as poll, since the staff hired for this work are young people not older than 30 years.
              El personal que se encuentra disperso en toda la entidad son principalmente j?venes preparatorianos y de sexo femenino. The staff is dispersed throughout the body are mainly young and female preparatorianos. ?Este tipo de rumores preocupar?a que tuviera otros efectos como propiciar en la ciudadan?a temor en contra de las personas que est?n levantando los censos?. "This kind of rumors would be concerned if other effects such as encouraging the public in fear against those who are lifting the census."
              De haber resultado que la persona con neumon?a at?pica hubiera trabajado en el INEGI, se habr?an tomado las previsiones del caso. Result of having the person with atypical pneumonia had worked in the INEGI, the estimates would have taken the case. ?No estamos en una situaci?n de alerta sanitaria, nosotros estamos trabajando al cien por ciento?, pronunci?. "We're not in a health alert, we're working at one hundred percent," delivered.
              Abund? que a estas alturas el censo econ?mico realizado en Oaxaca registra un avance del 89 por ciento, lo que significa que rebasaron las metas fijadas previo al levantamiento de las encuestas. He added that at this stage the economic census conducted in Oaxaca recorded an increase of 89 percent, meaning that exceeded the goals set prior to lifting the polls.


              • #52
                Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                Originally posted by alert View Post
                Swine flu is ruled out becuase influenza in general is ruled out. The samples were negative for influenza A and B.
                Negatives don't mean anything until there is a credible positive.


                • #53
                  Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                  Wouldn't swine flu cases test positive for type A influenza? This woman was negative. Also, these illnesses seem to be far more severe than the swine flu cases in California.


                  • #54
                    Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                    No source, not even this newspaper has given and onset date, date of admission, or death date of the 35 year old man. One of the other sources (not the paper) mentions that the woman did not have contact with animals or other similar ill patients, which would mean she was not a contact of his.

                    His death was first reported the morning of 4/16, and later sources seem to indicate that he died before her. Possibly some third undiagnosed case had contact with both. Remember that not even H5N1 (which this most definitely is NOT) is universally fatal. If every case we are aware of is fatal, and we can't connect all the cases, there may be patients who recovered without hospitalization, that would connect the missing links.


                    • #55
                      Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                      There are MANY ways to generate false negatives. Swine flu should give an influenza A positive if sample is collected properly and assay is accurate and sensitive.

                      Rapid tests have a notoriously high false negative rate, and even PCR can produce a false negative. Without a positive, negatives mean nothing.


                      • #56
                        Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                        If there was any chance of influenza A, the national authorities would quickly call it common flu (even if it was bird or swine) to reduce the fear. They haven't.

                        Also the severity doesn't match, and that diarrhea symptom and the (false?) positive for a coronavirus are alarming.


                        • #57
                          Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                          Can we please get this moved to current news? And maybe the word outbreak (or possible outbreak) put back into the title?


                          • #58
                            Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                            This article is almost a week old, but contains a little more information about the 35 year old man. It mentions that they published his death certificate. I really wish someone could find it. HELP guys!!!

                            Diario Oaxaca Awakening - Developments in Information: No fear of truth and health emergency

                            Without fear of the truth and the sanitary emergency
                            ================================================== ==============================
                            Alfredo Martinez de Aguilar on 16/04/2009 04:00:00

                            The first day of Passover apparently passed with the
                            peace of mind, however, chicha calm before the storm
                            forced to face the truth without fear.
                            With the professionalism that characterized him in defining the direction of
                            information, the newspaper WAKE STAFF succeeded in establishing that the Services
                            of Health have declared a health emergency.
                            The treatment of some cases of a rare disease in the Hospital
                            General "Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso, officially diagnosed as
                            "Atypical pneumonia", forced to take such a decision.
                            The disease has so far claimed two victims in the capital
                            Oaxaca with the same symptoms, which has generated a growing fear among
                            the staff of that hospital.
                            Medical staff and nurses in that hospital are afraid to be treated
                            of an outbreak of "Bird Flu", perhaps as a result of the arrival of
                            Oaxacans working abroad.
                            Unusual health measures applied to the Civil Hospital by
                            Health Services to declare a quarantine in the area of Emergency
                            Adults, before the deadly infection, increase the fear.
                            Mistrust of doctors and nurses at the risk of transmission of
                            disease is strengthened by the immediate intervention of the Unit
                            Emergency Health Intelligence in the State.
                            This body, which opened in October last year by Governor Ulises
                            Ruiz Ortiz and the Federal Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos,
                            A fence epidemiology.
                            The seven brigades Intelligence Unit began surveillance
                            Preventive specific geographic areas where they were presented
                            cases of women and men killed by the disease.
                            Samples of blood and saliva of infected both were sent to
                            National Institute of Epidemiological Reference, whose results will be given
                            released in the next 15 days.
                            Health Secretary, Martin Vasquez Villanueva, confirmed the death of
                            Jovita Gutierrez Maria Cruz, 39, after being interned in
                            Civil Hospital along five days.
                            The WAKE STAFF journal succeeded in establishing, for its part, the identity of
                            dead man, suspected atypical pneumonia, which responded to the name
                            Silvano Palomeque of Jaen.
                            The death certificate of Silvano, a copy of which we published in the edition of this
                            day, which was founded originally from San Juan Teotalcingo, Santiago Choapam,
                            community located in the Lower Mixe.

                            To avoid creating psychosis among Oaxacans, Vasquez Villanueva, rejected
                            versions of the medical staff and nurses of the hospital within the meaning of
                            it is "Bird Flu".
                            Officially, the head of Health Services, said the newspaper
                            AWAKENING that so far there is no evidence that it is this
                            disease, but an atypical pneumonia.
                            Bird flu, avian flu or the chicken and birds, is a disease
                            caused by viruses with sufficient potential to infect different species
                            mammals, including humans.
                            Evil was first identified in Italy in the early twentieth century and
                            so far has manifested itself in various parts of the world. Viruses are
                            part of the genus Influenza RNA.
                            A subtype of the avian influenza virus H5N1, appeared in 1997 in Hong Kong,
                            was identified as the most likely source of a human influenza pandemic that
                            has caused thousands of deaths.
                            AWAKENING to succeed in breaking the silence imposed by the official services
                            Health, with sensitivity, its owner, Martin Vasquez Villanueva, announced
                            the official version in a bulletin.


                            • #59
                              Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                              I am going to spend some time trying to find other sources for this information. If I can find verification, I will move it back.

                              This thread is on FT and fully visible to all users.


                              • #60
                                Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                                Good luck. Please post anything you find, no matter how trivial.

