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EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008 - February 25th

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  • #31
    Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

    Theresa42 and Ironorehopper, thanks for these precisions.

    I am glad the "Italian" word turns out as a translation quirk. My eyebrows were raised as Italy has always had privileged relations with Egypt, dating back to Antiquity. Some 30 years ago, I do recall that some semi-official Egyptian correspondence was written in Italian, before Arabic/English/French became the official languages for correspondence. There is still a large Italian community in Cairo and Alexandria - perhaps they have an Italian newspaper in Egypt, or an Italian section in an Egyptian newspaper, where we might get more information?

    As for the "escapee(s)", and though I do know that most countries would have laws for forcibly hospitalizing anyone that might be a threat to public health, this usually applies to psychiatric cases. Now, if we see more repeats of people with some type of flu, it being suspected as bird flu, and who are chased and forcibly admitted for treatment, then I am going to start being worried.

    While I was looking for Kom Hamada and whether there are several towns with the same name (I don't know yet), I came across the 2006 census results, which might at some point be useful in our statistics: - Figures for births/deaths are not yet ready but population figures are there for each of the governorates. Would one of our specialist newshounds keep this url on file perhaps ?


    • #32
      Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

      Originally posted by ironorehopper View Post
      Italian Health official(s) in Egypt? It seems very difficult, since the at the best ambassador staff members are usually involved in tourists' assistance. For the news, yesterday a minibus collided with another vehicle and at least two italians of a group of around twenty died as result of injuries suffered; location of accident, near El-Alamein, coastal area.
      Not Italian -- Menoufiyan. Artifact of the machine-translator.
      ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


      • #33
        Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

        Interesting link Frenchie. I searched it, and its links and, came across a bird flu info page. Unfortunately, it hasn't been updated since June 9, '07.

        I also moved to another English language page linking English written versions of news articles. I found none on the bf. Did find some articles re: bf in the links on the bird flu page, all of them old news.
        Please do not ask me for medical advice, I am not a medical doctor.

        Avatar is a painting by Alan Pollack, titled, "Plague". I'm sure it was an accident that the plague girl happened to look almost like my twin.
        Thank you,
        Shannon Bennett


        • #34
          Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

          Exercises fictitious precautions to deal with the disease

          مسؤولون يؤكدون أهمية تعزيز الرصد لفيروس انفلونزا الطيور في المملكة
          Officials stress the importance of strengthening the monitoring of the bird flu virus in Saudi

          العرب اليوم - هيفاء الشيوخي
          Arabs today - Haifa Alchiokhi
          قررت اللجنة الفنية المسؤولة عن متابعة الاجراءات والاستعدادات لمواجهة مرض أنفلونزا الطيور اجراء ثلاثة تمارين وهمية في شمال ووسط وجنوب المملكة وذلك للكشف عن العيوب والنواقص في الاستعدادت الاحترازية المتبعة للحيلولة دون تفاقم انتشار الفيروس في حال وقوع حالات او اصابات.
          Decided Technical Committee responsible for follow-up actions and preparations to face the bird flu Three fictitious exercises in the northern, central and southern Kingdom and for the detection of defects and shortcomings in the preparations precautionary used to prevent the spread of the virus in the event of situations or injuries.
          واعتبر عضو اللجنة التوجيهية العليا مساعد الامين العام لشؤون الرعاية الصحية الاولية عادل البلبيسي ان تعزيز عمليات الرصد المبكر للمرض بين الطيورمن أبرز الوسائل لمكافحة الفيروس.
          The senior member of the Steering Committee Assistant Secretary-General for primary health care just Balbisi to enhance early detection of the disease among the most prominent Thunderstorms means to combat the virus.
          وفي حديثه لـ "العرب اليوم" أكد البلبيسي ضرورة التركيز على عمليات الرصد للحالات بين الطيور لافتا بأن هذا ما تقوم به وزارة الزراعة, موضحا أن عوامل الخطورة في الوضع الحالي هو وقوع الاردن بين دول موبوءة بالمرض موضحا أن انتقال الفيروس عبر الطيور المهاجرة هو أكبر تحد لدول العالم لأن السيطرة على عمليات هجرة الطيور مستحيلة مؤكدا أن المرحلة الاخطر تكمن في تطور المرض وانتقاله من انسان لآخر وهذا ما لم تقره منظمة الصحة العالمية لافتا ان الخسائر الكبيرة تركزت منذ ظهور المرض على الثروة الحيوانية.
          In his speech to the Arab "today" Balbisi stressed the need to focus on the monitoring of cases among birds noting that this is what the Ministry of Agriculture, explaining that the risk factors in the current situation is a Jordan-infested countries the disease, explaining that transmission of the virus via migratory birds is the biggest challenge countries of the world because the control of bird migration impossible stressing that the most serious lie in the evolution of the disease and its transmission to another person, something that had not been approved by the WHO, pointing to the large losses concentrated since the emergence of the disease on livestock.
          وبين أن الاستعدادت الحالية جيدة وهي في تحديث مستمر بناء على التطورات الاقليمية والعالمية.
          And the current good that preparations are in continuous update on the regional and global developments.
          من جانبه قال عضو اللجنة الفنية مدير رقابة الامراض د.
          For his part, member of the technical committee, director of disease control d.
          بسام الحجاوي لـ "العرب اليوم" أن اهمية تنفيذ هذه التمارين الوهمية التي تنفذها الوزارة تأتي للكشف عن الثغرات والنواقص في الخطة الوطنية المقرة لمواجهة هذا الفيروس, وأشارالى أن اللجنة التوجيهية العليا برئاسة وزير الصحة د.
          Bassam Al Hijawi "Arabs today," The importance of the implementation of these exercises implemented by the Ministry delusional comes to detect gaps and shortcomings in the national plan approved to meet this virus, posing the Supreme Steering Committee under the chairmanship of the Minister of Health, Dr..
          صلاح المواجدة طلبت تحديث الخطة الوطنية بما يتناسب مع التطورات الحاصلة عالميا واقليميا.
          Salah Moagda requested updating the national plan commensurate with the developments globally and regionally.
          وتضم الخطة الوطنية لمواجهة أنفلونزا الطيور مرحلتين المرحلة السابقة لظهور الوباء ومرحلة ظهور الوباء عالميا.
          The national plan to address the bird flu two previous stage for the emergence of epidemic and the emergence of a global epidemic.
          وتشير المرحلة السابقة لظهور الوباء تشكيل اللجان الوطنية واللجنة التوجيهية العليا برئاسة وزير الصحة والأمناء العامين في الوزارات ذات العلاقة واللجنة الوطنية الفنية برئاسة أمين عام وزارة الصحة وأعضاء من القطاعات الأخرى ذات العلاقة.
          According to the previous stage for the emergence of epidemic formation of national committees and the Supreme Steering Committee chaired by the Minister of Health and secretaries general of the relevant ministries and the National Professional chaired by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health and members from other relevant sectors.
          اشارت الخطة الى تشكيل فريق الإستجابة السريع المركزي برئاسة مساعد الأمين العام للرعاية الصحية الأولية وعضوية أعضاء مدربين لهذه الغاية و لجان فرعية على مستوى المحافظات, وتقوم الخطة الوطنية على تعزيز نظام الرصد والإنذار المبكر وتوفير مخزون استراتيجي من العلاجات المضادة للفيروسات والمضادات الحيوية ووسائل الوقاية الشخصية ووسائل التطهير ومنع العدوى مع تطعيم الأشخاص الأكثر عرضة للإصابة بمطعوم الإنفلونزا الموسمي, وتجهيز المستشفيات المعتمدة لاستقبال الحالات وعلاجها ورفع كفاءة المختبرات في تشخيص فيروس إنفلونزالطيور وتزويدها بالكواشف اللازمة.
          The plan to form a rapid response team headed by the Central Assistant Secretary General of the primary health care and the membership of members trained for this purpose and sub-committees at the provincial level, and the national plan to strengthen the system of monitoring and early warning and providing strategic stockpile of anti-retroviral treatments, antibiotics and personal protective means and means of cleansing and the prevention of infection with vaccinate those most vulnerable to infection Bmtaom seasonal influenza, and the processing of hospitals approved to receive cases, treatment and upgrading laboratories in the diagnosis of HIV and providing Anflonztaior Eoashv necessary.
          وتدعو الخطة الى إعداد وتنفيذ خطة إعلامية لتثقيف الجمهور وتدريب الأطباء والكوادر الصحية والكوادر المخبرية مع إعداد دليل الطبيب للتعامل مع حالات إنفلونزا الطيور ورفع كفاءة مختبرات وزارة الصحة في تشخيص فيروس أنفلونزا الطيور H5N1 في الإنسان وتزويدها بالكواشف اللازمة.
          The plan also calls for the preparation and implementation of the media to educate the public and the training of doctors and health cadres and cadres laboratory with a manual physician to deal with cases of bird flu, raising the efficiency of the Ministry of Health laboratories in the diagnosis of avian influenza virus H5N1 in humans and providing Eoashv necessary.
          وتؤكد الخطة ضرورة رصد مرض أنفلونزا الطيورH5N1 والتعاون مع وزارة الزراعة من خلال الاتصال المستمر والتبليغ والرصد والاختبارات والتدريب والتثقيف.
          The plan stresses the need to monitor the avian influenza H5N1 and cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture through continuous communication and reporting, monitoring and testing, training and education.
          وفي مرحلة ظهور الوباء عالميا فلابد من وضع خطة لمواجهة انتشار الوباء العالمي وحساب التكلفة المادية المترتبة على ذلك بهدف احتواء الوباء وتأخير انتشار العدوى والحد من اعراضه والوفيات المتوقعة والحد من التأثيرات الإجتماعية والإقتصادية للمرض.
          In the phase of the epidemic globally must develop a plan to address the global spread of the epidemic, costing the physical consequences of the epidemic in order to contain the spread of the infection and delay and the reduction of symptoms and death, the expected reduction of the social and economic impact of the disease.
          وتشير التوقعات المحلية في حال حدوث الوباء محليا لا قدر الله أن معدلات الحدوث تتراوح بين 10%-50%.
          According to local expectations in the event of an epidemic locally God forbid that happens rates ranging between 10% -50%.
          وتعتبر هذه هذه الارقام مقدرة لو كان معدل الحدوث 25% فان عدد الحالات التي تشتكي من اعراض سريرية التي تراجع للاستشارة الطبية 25% اما الحالات التي تحتاج الى مضاد حيوي فهي 33% وعدد الحالات التي تحتاج لإدخال للمستشفى 0.55%.
          This is if these figures estimated incidence was 25%, the number of cases complaining of clinical symptoms which the consulting medical 25% Cases requiring anti vital it is 33% and the number of cases that need to introduce to the hospital 0.55%.
          من جانبه اعتبر الحجاوي الوضع الوبائي لمرض أنفلونزا الطيور مطمئنا نسبيا من حيث قلة المسطحات المائية وعدم الاعتماد في الريف الاردني بشكل كبير على التربية المنزلية للدواجن.
          For his part, it Hijawi epidemiological situation of avian influenza in terms of assuring a relatively small bodies of water and not to rely on rural Jordanian heavily on education domestic poultry.


          • #35
            Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

            <TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
            <TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>44230 </TD><TD>
            ‏السنة 132-العدد
            Year 132 - Issue </TD><TD>
            2008 </TD><TD>
            January </TD><TD>
            11 </TD><TD>
            ‏3 من المحرم 1429 هـ
            3 1429 e </TD><TD>
            Friday </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
            </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle><!container2></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle><!container3></TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=10></TD><TD align=middle><!heads>
            جهود مجموعات العمل أتت بثمارها معدلات الإصابة
            Working Groups efforts brought fruit infection rates
            بفيروس الإنفلونزا في تراجع بين الطيور والبشر
            The drop in the influenza virus in birds and humans

            <!heade><TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffec border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5></TD></TR><TR><TD align=right bgColor=#ffffec colSpan=5><TABLE style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=66 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle bgColor=#ffffff>
            عبد العظيم وزير
            Abdel Azim Wazir </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
            يبدو ان جهود مديريات الطب البيطري والزراعة والإدارات المحلية وأجهزة الأمن قد بدأت تؤتي ثمارها‏,‏ حيث شهد أمس تراجع معدلات الاصابة بفيروس الانفلونزا بين الطيور وكذلك انخفاض اعداد المشتبه بإصابتهم بين المواطنين‏..‏ وذلك بعد تكثيف حملات هدم العشش المنزلية وإغلاق المحلات المخالفة وتحصين طيور المنازل والمزارع‏.‏
            It seems that the efforts of directorates veterinary medicine, agriculture and local administrations and security agencies have begun to bear fruit, as witnessed yesterday retreat rates of influenza infection in birds, as well as decrease in the number of suspects reporting between citizens and .. after intensify campaigns nests home demolition and closure of shops violating vaccination bird houses and farms.

            كتب ـ عبد الهادي تمام‏:‏
            Abdel Hadi fully:
            كلف الدكتور عبد العظيم وزير محافظ القاهرة رؤساء الأحياء توفير اماكن لاقامة منافذ لبيع الدواجن المجمدة والمذبوحة بمعرفة المجازر المخصص لها كميات الدواجن الحية‏,‏ وطلب المحافظ التنسيق مع وزارة البيئة في اختيار هذة المواقع للحفاظ علي البيئة‏.‏ وطالب خلال الاجتماع الموسع الذي حضره رؤساء الأحياء ومديرو المديريات واللواء أحمد كامل السكرتير العام مشاركة المجتمع المدني متمثلا في الجمعيات الأهلية والمؤسسات الدينية في توعية المواطنين بخطورة تربية الطيور علي أسطح العمارات والشركات والفراغات داخل وحول المنازل وحظر التربية المنزلية حيث انه ثبت ان معظم الاصابات بجميع مناطق الجمهورية مصدرها التربية المنزلية وتكثيف الحملات طوال‏24‏ ساعة علي المحلات والأسواق التي تبيع الطيور الحية ومصادرتها فورا‏.‏
            Assigned Dr. Abdul Azim Wazir governor Cairo neighbourhood leaders to provide accommodation for outlets for the sale of frozen poultry, slaughtered by massacres allotted quantities of live poultry, and asked the governor coordination with the Ministry of Environment in the selection of these sites to preserve the environment. Demanded during the meeting which was attended by heads of the Expanded Biology and managers directorates, and Major General Ahmed Kamel secretary-general participation of civil society represented in the NGOs and religious institutions to educate the citizens seriousness of birds breeding on the roofs of buildings, companies and spaces in and around homes and the prohibition of Education home where it has been proved that most of the casualties in all regions of the Republic of domestic origin and intensify education campaigns throughout 24-hour stores and markets that sell live birds and confiscated immediately.

            المنصورة ــ من عطية عبد الحميد‏:‏
            Mansoura of Atiya Abdul Hamid:
            أكد الدكتور أحمد سعيد صوان محافظ الدقهلية حجز‏3‏ حالات جديدة بمستشفي صدر المنصورة للاشتباه في اصابتهم بمرض انفلونزا الطيور وذلك من قريتي ميت دمسيس مركز أجا و‏57‏ حفير شهاب الدين مركز بلقاس وبلغ عدد المحجوزين بالمستشفي حتي الان‏30‏ مواطنا مشيرا الي انه يتم اخذ عينات جديدة منهم للتأكد من عدم اصابتهم بالمرض وان حالتهم الصحية جيدة ومن ناحيته صرح الدكتور فتحي البيلي وكيل الوزارة للطب البيطري بالمحافظة بأن نتائج تحليل العينات المأخوذة من‏400‏ طائر‏(‏ دجاج وبط‏)‏ جاءت سلبية للمرض مؤكدا عدم ظهور اصابات جديدة بالمزارع والمنازل خلال الأيام الثلاثة الماضية‏.‏
            Dr. Ahmed Saeed Sawan governor Dakahlia Reservation 3 new cases Hospital issued Mansoura on suspicion of avian influenza illness in the villages of dead Dmsis Agen centre and 57 hafirs Shahabuddeen Center Belkas and the number of detainees in hospital so far 30 citizens he There is a new sampling of them to ensure that sickened and their good health is part Dr Fathi tabled Undersecretary of Veterinary Medicine maintaining that the results of the analysis of samples taken from 400 birds (chickens Chad) were negative for the disease stressing the non-appearance new infections farms and homes during the past three days.

            بنها ـ من أبو سريع إمام‏:‏
            Cows from Abu quick to:
            اكتشفت اللجان الفنية بالاشتراك مع الهيئة البيطرية بؤرتين جديدتين في مدينة كفر شكر‏..‏ الأولي في مزرعة ملك المواطن عبد الحق عبد الموجود بقرية المنشأة الكبري وبها‏5000‏ دجاجة بلدي بياضة وتم إعدامهما ودفنهما بالمدفن الصحي‏,‏ والمزرعة الثانية ملك المواطنة كوثر محمد عبد الرحمن بقرية كفر عامد ورضوان وبها‏5050‏ دجاجة تسمين وتم إعدامهما‏.‏ صرح بذلك المهندس احمد بنداري رئيس مدينة كفر شكر‏.‏
            Discovered technical committees in conjunction with the new veterinary foci in the town of Kafr thanked .. 5000 my egg-white chickens was their execution and burial cemetery health, and second is the King of citizenship Kawther Mohammed Abdul Rahman village of Kafr Azerbaijan and Radwan and by 5050 chickens were fattening their execution. Ahmed Al-Bandari President thanked the city of Kfar.

            طنطا ـ من علاء عبد الله‏:‏
            Tanta of Alaa Abdullah:
            قرر المهندس الشافعي الدكروري محافظ الغربية إقامة‏4‏ مجازر آلية وثلاجات تبريد بمدن قطور والسنطة وبسيون وطنطا علي مساحات تصل الي‏5‏ أفدنة للمجزر وأكد الدكروري أن حملات الطب الوقائي والطب البشري لمواجهة مرض انفلونزا الطيور أسفرت خلال اليومين الماضيين عن اعدام‏600‏ طائر من مختلف الأنواع بمدن المحافظة الثماني وإزالة‏200‏ عشة عشوائية بأسواق طنطا والمحلة وبسيون وكفر الزيات‏.‏ ومن جهة أخري أكد الدكتور شريف حمودة وكيل وزارة الصحة بالمحافظة احتجاز‏11‏ حالة مرضية بمستشفيات حميات طنطا والمحلة للاشتباه في اصابتهم بالمرض‏.‏ وأكدت نتائج التحاليل التي أجريت بالمعامل البيطرية إيجابية العينة التي تم الحصول عليها من الطيور المنزلية النافقة بقرية الشهيري التابعة لمركز المحلة الكبري‏.‏
            Eng decided Shafei Corner governor Western establish 4 massacres and the refrigerators cool cities and fungi Alsenth and vegetables and Tanta stretches up to 5 acres of the abattoir The Corner campaigns preventive medicine and human medicine to confront the bird flu over the past two days resulted in the execution of 600 bird from different species preservation eight cities and the removal of 200 nests random markets Tanta and Mahala and vegetables and Kafr al. On the other hand, Dr. Sharif Hammouda Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health maintaining the detention of 11 cases satisfactory hospitals salt Tanta and Mahala on suspicion sickened. confirmed results of tests conducted veterinary labs positive sample was obtained from the dead birds home village Alshahyri of the Centre Mahala.

            بني سويف ـ من مصطفي فؤاد‏:‏
            Beni Suef from Mustafa Fuad:
            استقبل مستشفي حميات بني سويف‏4‏ حالات جديدة مشتبه في اصابتهم بمرض إنفلونزا الطيور حيث تم حجز كل من مروة عيسي عبد الحميد‏8‏ سنوات وشقيقها عبد الحميد‏5‏ سنوات وإسلام بخيت آدم‏14‏ سنة من مركز ناصر ومحمود حمزة عويس مساعد شرطة‏55‏ سنة بمستشفي الحميات ووضعهم تحت الملاحظة وأخذ عينات مسحية منهم وارسالها الي المعامل المركزية بالقاهرة لمعرفة نتائج التحاليل‏.‏
            Received hospital salt Beni Suef 4 new suspected cases of avian influenza illness were booking both Marwa Isa Abdul Hamid 8 years and her brother Abdul Hamid 5 years and Islam Bakhit Adam 14 years of the Centre and Mahmoud Hamza Nasser Awais Assistant Police 55-year dietary Hospital for observation and sampling survey and sent them to the central laboratory in Cairo to know the results of analysis.

            البحيرة ـ من تامر عبد الرؤوف‏:‏
            Lake Tamer Abdel Raouf from:
            استقبلت مستشفي حميات دمنهور‏4‏ حالات جديدة يشتبه في اصابتها بانفلونزا الطيور وهي لاربعة اطفال أشقاء بقرية الطود وكانت أعراض الإصابة بالمرض والمتمثلة في ارتفاع درجة الحرارة والاحتقان بالحلق والصعوبة في التنفس قد ظهرت علي كل من ملك محمد عطية الغول‏5‏ سنوات وأشقائها عبد الرحمن‏4‏ سنوات وأحمد‏3‏ سنوات وإسراء عامين ونظرا لمخالطتهم للطيور التي تقوم والدتهم بتربيتها أعلي سطح المنزل الكائن بعزبة الخليل التابعة لقرية الطود اشتبه الأطباء في حالتهم وقاموا بتحويلهم جميعا الي الحميات وأخذ عينات منهم لتحليلها بالمعامل المركزية بالقاهرة مع تقديم العلاج اللازم لهم‏.‏
            Received hospital salt Damanhour 4 new cases suspected of being infected with bird flu which of four children brothers village Tod The symptoms of the disease and of the high temperature and congestion in the throat and difficulty breathing has appeared on both King Mohammed Attia Ghoul 5 years and brothers Abdul Rahman 4 years, 3 years and Ahmad Muhammad two years because of contacts birds that mother and the education the top of the roof house located La Hebron of the village Tod suspected of physicians in their situation and they are all tied to the dietary and take samples for analysis are central labs in Cairo with the necessary treatment to them.

            الوادي الجديد ـ من خالد قريش‏:‏
            New Valley of Khaled Quraish:
            يواصل قطاع الطب البيطري بالوادي الجديد اعمال تحصينات الدواجن ضد مرض انفلونزا الطيور حتي لا تتعرض المحافظة لوصول المرض وصرح الدكتور يسري معاذ مدير عام الطب البيطري بأن اجزاء كبيرة من القري والعزب تمت فيها عمليات التحصين وكل المؤشرات التي لاحظها العاملون في القطاع البيطري خلال أعمال التحصين أن الوادي الجديد خال تماما من المرض ولم يصل حتي الان الي اي جزء في المحافظة‏.‏
            Veterinary medicine sector continues to the valley of the new fortifications poultry against bird flu so that the preservation of the arrival of the disease, said Dr. Yusri forbid, director general of veterinary medicine that large parts of the village and were the lone immunization All indicators observed by workers in the veterinary sector during the immunization to the valley New entirely free of the disease did not arrive until now to any part of the province.


            • #36
              Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

              From Post #34. Are they talking about Saudi Arabia?

              In the phase of the epidemic globally must develop a plan to address the global spread of the epidemic, costing the physical consequences of the epidemic in order to contain the spread of the infection and delay and the reduction of symptoms and death, the expected reduction of the social and economic impact of the disease.

              According to local expectations in the event of an epidemic locally God forbid that happens rates ranging between 10% -50%.

              This is if these figures estimated incidence was 25%, the number of cases complaining of clinical symptoms which the consulting medical 25%. Cases requiring anti vital it is 33% and the number of cases that need to introduce to the hospital 0.55%. [?]

              For his part, it Hijawi epidemiological situation of avian influenza in terms of assuring a relatively small bodies of water and not to rely on rural Jordanian heavily on education domestic poultry.


              • #37
                Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

                [QUOTE=Theresa42;122739]Here's my Egypt list for today. At this point in time, it's just a "guesstimation" of suspected cases in Egypt -- the reports over the last couple of days have been confusing and chaotic to say the least.

                My current count: 5 confirmed cases PLUS 167 (247) suspected cases PLUS 1 suspected death PLUS 87+ negatives = 260+ (340+)

                - "to exceed the number of detainees in different governorates 55 cases of suspicion" [so, currently there are 55+ suspected cases in various governorates]
                - one report said there were 27 new suspected cases today
                - one report said there were 33 negatives reported today
                - about some suspected case from Al Gharbiyah: "The central laboratories has shown some positive samples taken from them." Not sure what that means. ?? Positive rapid flu tests? Positive first round of H5N1 tests? No idea.
                - the woman who fled the hospital in Sohag is pregnant -- they're not sure where she's from -- she may have just been visiting the area and has returned home [wherever that is]
                - one report mentioned that since Nov 2007, 400 samples from people and 6,000 samples from birds have tested negative.

                Note that I have removed "old" negatives from the list -- only the newly reported negatives are on the list. All are in my count, though.

                Note, also, that the dates below are news report dates, not admission dates.


                5 Confirmed cases / 4 deaths

                Oula Yunis Ali Mohamed (25F) - d. Dec 25, 2007 -- Beni Haroun, Beni Suef governorate
                Attorh Hanim Ibrahim [aka Hanem Atwa Ibrahim] (50F) - d. Dec 31, 2007 -- Shatt `Ezbet el-Lahm, Damietta governorate
                Nora Aboul Abbas Mohamed (21/22F) -- Barhim near Minuf city, Al Minufiyah
                Fatma Fathi Mohamed (25F) - d. Dec 30, 2007 -- Dikirnis, Ad Daqahliyah governorate
                Firdaus Mohamed Hadad (26F) - d. Dec 31, 2007 -- Al Minufiyah governorate

                Between 167 - 247 current suspected cases reported since Dec 30 / 1 suspected death (prolly tested neg) / 87+ tested neg (not counted)

                Alexandria Governorate (4)

                Dec 31 - Faten (23F)

                Jan 03 - Mahdi Abdul Aziz Mahmoud Ashour (43M?) - poultry worker - Hospital "Dietetic" Alexandria
                Jan 03 - Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel Hameed (20M) - reside Babis

                Jan 04 - Anwar Mohammed Abdul Wahid (14)

                Aswan (1)

                Jan 06 - Muhammad Saad Eddin Maghazi (6M) - Bhmyat Aswan

                Beheira Governorate - (20-27)

                Dec 30 - Mohamed Khalil Abdul Qawi (40M) - Ezbet "Notes", [Centre Kom Hamada] Kawm Hamadah - admitted to hospital on Dec 28 (Jan 4th report)

                Jan 04 - 1 unnamed suspected case admitted Jan 3

                Jan 04 - Reza Ibrahim Ibrahim (10M) - Bhmyat Damanhour
                Jan 04 - Unnamed woman
                Jan 04 - Unnamed woman's daughter (6 months)
                Jan 04 - Unnamed - from Blue Dawar village - Alexandria Pathogenesis Hospital
                Jan 04 - Unnamed - from Blue Dawar village - Alexandria Pathogenesis Hospital

                Jan 05 - Mohamed Fathalla (50F) - sudden rise in temperature, red face and narrow throat - Hospital Dietetic Alexandria

                Jan 06 - Rashid Anwarul Abdul Wahid Solomon - student - from village of Apis Azhar rotor, Fever Alexandria Hospital
                Jan 06 - Hisham Amr [Omar] Pasha (3M) - Hospital Dietetic Damanhour

                Jan 06 - Sarah Khalil Alclav (40F) - homemaker - Pferhash yard Issa

                Jan 08 - Mahmoud Abdel-Hamid - from "La spinner branch"(?) [flubergasted]

                (Jan 08 - report of 7 unnamed suspected cases)

                Jan 09 - unnamed woman
                Jan 09 - Mahmoud Tetanus (46) - Fever Damanhour Hospital
                Jan 09 - "Tum girls" (5) - village of "Abu knowledgable", Matamir

                Jan 09 - Nada Ahmed Hamadeh (2?) - Hospital Dietetic Alexandria
                Jan 09 - "Rouen" - Nada Ahmed Hamadeh's sister - Hospital Dietetic Alexandria

                Jan 09 - Mahmoud Abdalzafar (21M) - residing in northern La Alihuhristi liberalization
                Jan 09 - Abdullah Mohammed Abul-Fotouh (1 1/2) - son Mahmoud Abdalzafar(?) - residing in northern La Alihuhristi liberalization
                Jan 09 - Mohammed Shaban Aboul Foutouh (5M) - cousin to Abdullah Mohammed Abul-Fotouh - residing in northern La Alihuhristi liberalization

                Beni Suef Governorate (8+ **)

                Jan 02 - Anwar Ali Sayyad (25M) [unemployed] from Shaweesh Ahnassa village

                Jan 07 - Abdullah (25M) - island city high Beni Suef - Hospital Dietary
                Jan 07 - Mr. Anwarul Hassan (30) - untre - Hospital Dietary
                Jan 07 - Ghani Gomaa Ghani Halim (?) - Hospital Dietary
                Jan 07 - Naglaa Rifai (15) - Hospital Dietary
                Jan 07 - Sabir Ahmed Zaki - Hospital Dietary
                Jan 07 - Ahmed Mohamed - Hospital Dietary
                Jan 07 - "the names of" Muhammad - Hospital Dietary

                (Jan 07 - 9 unnamed suspected cases admitted to hospital. 7 listed above. Likely some of the 10 unnamed reported on Jan 5 [see "Governorate unknown" below].)

                Cairo Governorate (? / 1 neg?)

                NEG? - Dec 31 - Salah Eddin Mohamed Ali (43M) - d. Dec 29 - Al Amiriyah - teacher - test results on man?/birds? reported to be neg on Jan 2

                Jan 06 - Al Ahram reports unnamed negative(s) in Cairo

                Dakahlia Governorate (31-51 / 34 neg?)

                Jan 03 - Mr. Sadr mediator (40M) - from the Centre for nitrogen
                Jan 03 - Fatma Mohammed Saeed (45F) - from Mansoura
                Jan 03 - Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahman (9M) - from the village stone pillars
                Jan 03 - Imad Bader Abdul Rahman (40) - from the village stone pillars
                Jan 03 - Ibrahim Abdel Razek (50M) - from the village of Kom Derby

                Jan 04 - Mr. Alusivi doctor(?) - from the village and they Aldnanic - Mansoura Chest Hosp. [same as Mr. Sadr mediator above?]
                Jan 04 - Nima Mohammed Mahmoud Abdul Hamid - Mansoura Chest Hosp.
                Jan 04 - Abdul Rahman Ali Bader - Mansoura Chest Hosp.
                Jan 04 - Abdul Rahman Hamadi (13M) - son of Abdul Rahman Ali Bader - Mansoura Chest Hosp.
                Jan 04 - Ibrahim Abdul Aziz [same as Ibrahim Abdel Razek above?]
                Jan 04 - Nuha Mohammed Fathi - from the village Ain pomegranate, Bdkrns

                Jan 04 - Solomon Solomon Reza (2) - from the village of Gross Bbalkas - Mansoura Chest Hosp. - admitted Jan 3
                Jan 04 - Hamdi Mohamed Awad (8) - from the village of Abu vulnerable Bbalkas - Mansoura Chest Hosp. - admitted Jan 3
                Jan 04 - Com Mahmoud Rejab (45F) - admitted Jan 3
                Jan 04 - Mr. Omar Almqauri (13M) - student from Mansoura Street Abdel Salam - Mansoura Chest Hosp. - admitted Jan 3
                Jan 04 - "Faith" (1) - from the village of Aldnabaiq status, Mansoura - Mansoura Chest Hosp. - admitted Jan 3

                (Jan 05 - 30+ unnamed suspected cases since Dec 30)

                (Jan 06 - 16 new, unnamed cases admitted Jan 5; 5 still under observation, 11 discharged [neg?])

                Jan 07 - 5 cases from one family - Manoura Chest [Sadr] Hospital
                Jan 07 - 3 cases from one family - Mansour Chest [Sadr] Hospital

                (Jan 07 - 14 sample was negative patients are still being held under observation in hospital Mansoura)
                (Jan 07 - 8 new unnamed suspected cases -- the 2 families above, 5+3?)

                (Jan 09 - report of 6 new unnamed suspected cases)

                (Jan 09 - 9 suspected cases discharged after negative test results)

                Jan 09 - Abdul Aziz Shimaa (10M) - center Line - Chest Hospital
                Jan 09 - Zakia Ibrahim Hamdi (45) - village "swapbody" - Chest Hospital
                Jan 09 - Ibrahim Youssef Mohammed - center "address" - Chest Hospital
                Jan 09 - Madiha Ibrahim (55)
                Jan 09 - Jasmine "just" Mohamed (3F)
                Jan 09 - Mohamed Adel Mohamed (1 1/2 M)
                Jan 09 - Hanan Mahmoud Aelchenaiti (28F)
                Jan 09 - "the quality of" Mr. Mohammed (26)
                Jan 09 - Mahmoud Al "qulaity of Mr." (25)
                Jan 09 - Abdel-Rahman Mahmoud Abdallah (58)
                Jan 09 - Mr. Mahmoud Abdul Wahid (49)
                Jan 09 - Fatma Mohammed Eid (45F)
                Jan 09 - Safnz Alija (25)
                Jan 09 - Mohammed Hamdi Muawwad (18)
                Jan 09 - Reza Solomon[listed already?]
                Jan 09 - Nora "the blessing of" Muhammad Muhammad Abdul Hamid (35)

                Damietta Governorate (11-12 / 4 negs)

                Jan 03 - Mohamed Fathi (13) - of Damietta

                Jan 04 - 5 unnamed suspected cases admitted Jan 3

                Jan 06 - Zeinab Mohamed Muqallad (40F) - Hospital Dietary Damietta - village of Kafr Saad Allostani
                Jan 06 - Omar Abdel Mehran (2M) - village of Nasiriyah Martial
                Jan 06 - Nur Mohammad Rizk (54) - Minya Damietta

                NEG - Jan 06 - Marwa Ashraf (10)
                NEG - Jan 06 - Naglaa Mohamed Muqallad (34)
                NEG - Jan 06 - Na'amat Mugi (60)
                NEG - Jan 06 - Mahmoud Mohamed (10)
                (Maybe these 4 negatives were some of the unnamed reported on Jan 4?)

                Jan 09 - Zeinab Mohamed Saad (40F) - housewife
                Jan 09 - Omar al Mehran (24M)
                Jan 09 - Mahmoud Mohamed Nur (54F) - housewife

                *A report on the Egyptian government's bf website says that "The government Damitta has taken the brunt of suspected cases."

                Fayyoum (1)

                Jan 09 - Ms. "Emotions" Razek [aka Awatef Abdel Razek] (30F) - Centre Fayoum - Hospital Fever Fayoum

                Gharbiyah/Al Gharbiyah Governorate (16 - 40 / 31 negatives)

                Jan 02 - Sara Adel Aboushadi (child) from "My wedding procession" [Abo_ak_i Hospital pathogenesis Zfti]

                Jan 06 - Huda Ashmawi (38F) - Hospital Dietetic Mahala

                Jan 06 - Ms. Halima Falcon [aka Mitwalli] (59F) - grandmother - from the village of Mahala Alneaoun Center - admitted to Hospital Dietetic Mahala Jan 5
                Jan 06 - Nada Mitwalli Ramadan Falcon (2 2/2 F) - granddaughter - from the village of Mahala Alneaoun Center - admitted to Hospital Dietetic Mahala Jan 5

                Jan 08 - Madiha Ibrahim Mustafa (35F) - housewife - Hospital Dietetic Mahala [flubergasted]
                Jan 08 - Hamdiya Ahmed (25) - Bhymat Tanta
                Jan 08 - Nuran Zine El Abidine (8) - Bhymat Tanta

                Jan 08 - 11 unnamed suspected cases reported to be in Hospital Fever Mahala
                Jan 08 - 7 unnamed suspected cases reported to be in Hospital Dietetic Tanta
                Jan 08 - 2 unnamed suspected cases in al-Azhar hospital
                Jan 08 - 4 "new" unnamed suspected case in the district hospital

                Jan 09 - Hamada Darwish (45M) - father/husband - village Alsjaih Center Mahala - Hospital Dietetic Mahala
                Jan 09 - Iman Musaad Desouki (40F) - mother/wife - village Alsjaih Center Mahala - Hospital Dietetic Mahala
                Jan 09 - Fawzi (20) - village Alsjaih Center Mahala - Hospital Dietetic Mahala
                Jan 09 - Karim (15) - village Alsjaih Center Mahala - Hospital Dietetic Mahala
                Jan 09 -
                Mohammed (12) - village Alsjaih Center Mahala - Hospital Dietetic Mahala

                Jan 09 - Huda Abd al [aka Hoda Abdel-Moneim] (28) - Hospital Dietetic Mahala
                Jan 09 -
                Fathiya Bakry - student - Hospital Dietetic Mahala

                Jan 09 - Ghada Abdel Ibrahim (30) - housewife - Hospital Dietetic Tanta
                Jan 09 - Zeenat Mohammad Rifai (37) - Hospital Dietetic Tanta

                Jan 09 -
                25 unnamed negatives - 7 from Hospital Fever, Mahala Tant, Kafr Zayat [total number of negative suspected cases "at the level of governance in the last period to 481 since the start of a negative campaign over the past four months till now."]

                Giza Governorate (? / ? negatives)

                Jan 06 - Al Ahram reports unnamed negative(s) in Giza

                Ismailia Governorate (0 / 3 negatives)

                Menoufiya/Al Minufiyah Governorate (17)

                Dec 30 - Nader Said Babylonian (5M) - ["Al Btanoun"] Al Batanun
                Dec 30 - Ahmad Abdul Mohsen [aka Roqayya Ahmed Abdul Mohsen] (6M) - from a village "Tnbdi hamlet" ["Kafr Tunbdi"] in Shibin Al Kawm center [Kafr Tambidi?]

                Dec 31 - Abdul Rahman Ibrahim (57M)
                Dec 31 - Abed Rabbo (50M?)

                Jan 01 - Adel Mohamed Adel - from [Sers Al-Layan] Sirs al Layyanah
                Jan 01 - Doaa - daughter of Adel Mohamed Adel

                Jan 01 - Mohamed Said Abdul Rahman - from Barhim
                Jan 01 - Karim Mohamed Fawzi - from Kafr Sheikh Khalil village in Shibin Al Kawm
                Jan 01 - Hamida Abdul Hafiz Rizk - Aboukls [Abu Kullus] village in the Martyrs

                Jan 03 - "Hopes" Mr. Sabbagh (30F?) - from the village "Dkma" - Hospital Dietetic Shebin Mound

                Jan 06 - Abdullah morning - from Abussnith Balbageor - Hospital Dietetic Shebin Mound
                Jan 06 - Naglaa Mohammed Saeedi - from Shebin Mound - Hospital Dietetic Shebin Mound

                Jan 08 - Fatma Mohammed Jibril (4F) - resident Bnahih Chamma - Hospital Dietetic

                Jan 08 - "Hope" Safwat Lance (25) - Menya Fevers Hospital [flubergasted @ FW]
                Jan 08 - Yasmeen Ali Ahmed (4F) - village of Sheikh Hassan - Menya Fevers Hospital [flubergasted @ FW]
                Jan 08 - Talaat Fouad (11) [flubergasted @ FW]

                Jan 09 - Hanan Ramadan Razek [aka Hanan Ramadan Ali Abdel Razek Erida, aka Hanan Ramadan Mohammed] (25/30? F) - housewife - village of Ain [al-Firouniya, Ashmoun], Hospital Fever Fayoum

                *Note that confirmed case Nora Aboul Abbas Mohamed above is also from Barhim, Al Minufiyah.

                Minya Governorate (1[+?])

                Jan 04 - Zakaria Reham Abdel-Fattah (16F) - resident status La Hqrani place; admitted to Hospital Dietetic Menya

                (Jan 07 - report of 15 unnamed suspected cases of in governorates: Qena, Menya, Sohag, Gharbiyah and Beheira.)

                Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate (2)

                Jan 03 - "Equity" Mohamed Hammouda (32F) - homemaker - village Smjarat Barahmanih was Hdzhma - Hospital Dietetic Kafr El-Sheikh
                Jan 03 - Amal Ibrahim Ghraib (1?) - "Equity's" baby? - village Smjarat Barahmanih was Hdzhma - Hospital Dietetic Kafr El-Sheikh

                Port Said Governorate (1 / 4 negs)

                NEG - Dec 31 - Reza Abdalmugod Abdilkadir (25M) - husband of Radwan - "Satisfaction village in south of Port Said"
                NEG - Dec 31 - Radwan - wife of Reza
                NEG - Dec 31 - Mohammed (9M) - son of Reza & Radwan
                NEG - Dec 31 - Rajab (5M) - son of Reza & Radwan

                Jan 09 - Mr. Ali Muhammad Ali - from village of Alfei Wahdan

                Qalyubia Governorate (10-11 / ? negatives)

                Jan 01 - Safaa Mohamed Abdul Razek - nurse in the health unit - village of Al Alzm belonging to Shibin El Kanatar center [Shabin al Qanatir]

                Jan 02 - Mohamed Talaat Mostafa Aboualfdl (3M) - in Banha Fevers - one of the 2 (3?) mentioned below?

                Jan 03 - 2 (3?) new sus cases admitted to Banha Hosptial -- no names [also another report of 2 women being admitted to Banha Hospital]

                Jan 06 - Sami Mahdi Mahdi - Banha Hospital
                Jan 06 - Gamalat Hassan Ibrahim (M?) - from Kafr "gratitude" - Banha Hospital
                Jan 06 - Mariam Omran Abossria (F?) - from "stressing" - Banha Hospita

                Jan 06 - Al Ahram reports unnamed negative(s) in Qalyubia

                Jan 09 - Mr. Ali Badr - student? - Hospital Dietetic Banha
                Jan 09 - Nahed - housewife - Hospital Dietetic Banha
                Jan 09 - Suad Hassan - housewife - Bhmyat Abbasid

                Qena Governorate (15-27)

                Jan 03 - Mohamed Khaled Adli - 4 month old child - Qena "Dietary" Hospital - high temperature

                Jan 04 - Jasmine Khaled Adli (1 1/2 F) - in hospital Fever Qena - sister of Mohamed above?
                Jan 04 - Q. Mustafa Hussein (24F) - mother of Jasmine? - hospital Fever Qena

                Jan 06 - Mostafa Amr [Omar] Mustafa (1 1/2 M) - from "the affairs" in the city of Qena - Qena Dietary Hosptial
                Jan 06 - Amr [Omar] Khalid Gharib (4 months) - from "the affairs" in the city of Qena - Qena Dietary Hosptial

                Jan 07 - Mohammed Khairi (4M) - village of AMR
                Jan 07 - Ahmed (3M) - Mohammed Khairi's brother - village of AMR

                Jan 07 - Mayada Abdel Fattah Abdel Hearing (13 months) - Hospital Fever Qena
                Jan 07 - Fatima Yusuf Ahmed Abu Hassan - student AZHAR - village of Dandara - Hospital Fever Qena
                Jan 07 - Hanan Ahmed Mahmoud - housewife - Hospital Fever Qena
                Jan 07 - Sadli Sayed Karim Younis [aka SS Muhammad Ali?] (11) - Hospital Fever Qena
                Jan 07 - Kenya Abulhasan (10) - Hospital Fever Qena
                Jan 07 - Arrows (3) - Hospital Fever Qena
                Jan 07 - Mohammed Faris Abdul (12) - Hospital Fever Qena
                Jan 07 - Kawther Mohammed Ahmed Mustapha - housewife - from "tunes"

                (Jan 07 - report of 7 suspected cases including a child and five women)

                (Jan 08 - 5 unnamed cases reported to be in Hospital Dietetic Qena)

                Sharkia/Ash Sharqiyah Governorate (11 / 2(+?) neg)

                Jan 02 - Samia el-Sayed Awad (55F)
                Jan 02 - Menah Mohamed Fathi (3F) - granddaughter of Samia

                Jan 02 - Iman Sobhi (25F)
                Jan 02 - Mohamed Maher Reda - Iman's son

                Jan 03 - Husam Muhammad (4M) - from the village centre Alkhis Abouhmad

                Jan 06 - Al Ahram reports unnamed negative(s) in Sharkia

                Jan 08 - Mohammed Saeed [aka Mohamed Said Mohamed] (30) - lawyer - Zagazig - Zagazig Pathogenesis Hospital
                Jan 08 - Mr. Suad (31) - of "the Abrahamic" - Zagazig Pathogenesis Hospital
                Jan 08 - Fatima Mitwalli (38/39F) - from "semen wheat" - Zagazig Pathogenesis Hospital
                Jan 08 - one unnamed(?) [report said there were 4 cases]

                Jan 09 - Mohamed Abdou (44M) - of "Bio"
                Jan 09 - Haitham Khalid Wahbi (5) - from "the Place"

                Sohag Governorate (17 - 37 / 8+ negatives)

                Jan 05 - Hanan Farouk Abodev (25F) - village children Aizaz, status Sohag - Virus Hospital Sohag
                Jan 05 - Hanan Mohammed Khalaf (20/22/45?F) - village Aljbab, status suged [Bsouahin Mkhaltat] - Virus Hospital Sohag

                Jan 06 - Hussein Kamal Din (65) - village of Umrah, status Sohag

                Jan 06 - dear Abdu al (5) - village Ahawaolh status
                Jan 06 - "minimum" (3F) - sister dear Abdu al - village Ahawaolh status
                Jan 06 - Zeinab (2F) - sister dear Abdu al - village Ahawaolh status

                Jan 06 - Nafisa Ahmed Magali (30) - from "silos tracts" of the West

                Jan 06 - Alsoamah Ateeq Morgan [aka "old hopes Morgan" aka Ateeq Morgan] (23F) - from the village of Jeridat of the city centre - bolted from the hospital - reported to have been returned to hospital - reported to be pregnant
                Jan 09 - More on Ateeq Morgan - "is not a village resident and perhaps be the guest on one of the villagers and left to her hometown .. still unclear secret escapes from the hospital?"

                (Jan 06 - Al Ahram reports unnamed negative(s) in Sohag)

                Jan 07 - A report of 9 suspected cases admitted to hospital on Jan 6 -- 7 of them reported above?

                Jan 08 - "Mr. Abir" (29) - housewife - from Jishim(?) - Sohag Hospital Fever

                Jan 08 - Ahsan Ahmed Abdel-Hafiz - from village "wells Babylon"
                Jan 08 - King Mohamed Mohamed Tharwat (1 1/2) - from village "boys Chlol"

                Jan 08 - report of 11 unnamed suspected cases currently in Sohag

                Jan 09 - Iman Hasem Shafi (20F) - housewife - from city of Babylon - Hospital Dietetic Sohag
                Jan 09 - Saudi Abdu Ahmed (7) - from the village Chandare Akarmanih, Sohag - Hospital Dietetic Sohag
                Jan 09 - Marwan Mohsin Saad (2) - village off short status, Sohag - Chest Disease Hospital

                Jan 09 - Lehman Mr. Muhammad [aka Yaman al-Sayed] (29F) - Hospital Dietetic Sohag
                Jan 09 - Ahsan Ahmed Anna [Ehsan Ahmed Abdel Hafiz] (80F) - Hospital Dietetic Sohag

                Jan 09 - 8 cases tested negative

                Jan 09 - Ahmad Mahfouz (43) - died - reported to have died of cirrhosis of the liver and not bird flu [flubergasted on FW]

                **Governorate uncertain (1-10)

                Jan 05 - 10 unnamed admitted Jan 4 -- governorate uncertain?

                Report says that 16 were admitted in Beni Suef and Sohag on Jan 4. We have 6 named in Sohag. That leaves 10 additional in Beni Suef and/or Sohag. Edit: 9 appear to have been admitted to Beni

                The above looks like the first 12 chapters of Tolstoy's: WAR AND PEACE

                - Where is the normal back-chatter on all of the above??

                - How is it that 340+ suspect cases have NO follow-up - even if found in fragments of small, local print news sources out of Egypt?

                - It defies credulity!

                - It defeats the obsurd!

                - Extrapolation


                • #38
                  Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

                  <TABLE cellSpacing=0 bgColor=#ffffff border=1><CAPTION>
                  List of 16 family clusters of suspected H5N1 cases in Egypt sorted by date. Only the first cluster from Port Said has been confirmed negative. Most of the clusters occur in Beheira Governorate.

                  Based on data posted by Commonground and Theresa42.

                  </CAPTION><THEAD><TR><TH borderColor=#000000 bgColor=#c0c0c0>Governorate</TH><TH borderColor=#000000 bgColor=#c0c0c0>Test Result</TH><TH borderColor=#000000 bgColor=#c0c0c0>Hospitalized/Reported Date</TH><TH borderColor=#000000 bgColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster</TH><TH borderColor=#000000 bgColor=#c0c0c0>Name and Comments</TH></TR></THEAD><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Port Said Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>NEG</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>12/31/2007</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 01</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Mohammed (9M) - son of Reza & Radwan</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Port Said Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>NEG</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>12/31/2007</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 01</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Radwan - wife of Reza</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Port Said Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>NEG</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>12/31/2007</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 01</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Rajab (5M) - son of Reza & Radwan</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Port Said Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>NEG</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>12/31/2007</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 01</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Reza Abdalmugod Abdilkadir (25M) - husband of Radwan - "Satisfaction village in south of Port Said"</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Al Minufiyah Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/1/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 09</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Adel Mohamed Adel - from [Sers Al-Layan] Sirs al Layyanah</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Al Minufiyah Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/1/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 09</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Doaa - daughter of Adel Mohamed Adel</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Ash Sharqiyah Governorate </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/2/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 03</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Iman Sobhi (25F)</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Ash Sharqiyah Governorate </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/2/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 02</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Menah Mohamed Fathi (3F) - granddaughter of Samia</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Ash Sharqiyah Governorate </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/2/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 03</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Mohamed Maher Reda - Iman's son</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Ash Sharqiyah Governorate </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/2/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 02</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Samia el-Sayed Awad (55F)</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Dakahlia Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/3/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 07</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahman (9M) - from the village stone pillars</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Dakahlia Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/3/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 07</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Imad Bader Abdul Rahman (40) - from the village stone pillars</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/3/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 04?</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>"Equity" Mohamed Hammouda (32F) - homemaker - village Smjarat Barahmanih was Hdzhma - Hospital Dietetic Kafr El-Sheikh</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/3/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 04?</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Amal Ibrahim Ghraib (1?) - "Equity's" baby? - village Smjarat Barahmanih was Hdzhma - Hospital Dietetic Kafr El-Sheikh</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Qena Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/3/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 05?</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Mohamed Khaled Adli - 4 month old child - Qena "Dietary" Hospital - high temperature</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Beheira Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/4/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 06</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Unnamed woman</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Beheira Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/4/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 06</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Unnamed woman's daughter (6 months)</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Dakahlia Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/4/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 07</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Abdul Rahman Ali Bader - Mansoura Chest Hosp.</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Dakahlia Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/4/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 07</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Abdul Rahman Hamadi (13M) - son of Abdul Rahman Ali Bader - Mansoura Chest Hosp.</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Qena Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/4/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 05?</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Jasmine Khaled Adli (1 1/2 F) - in hospital salt Qena - sister of Mohamed above?</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Qena Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/4/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 05?</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Q. Mustafa Hussein (24F) - mother of Jasmine? - hospital salt Qena</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Al Gharbiyah Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/6/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 13</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Mitwalli "Ms. Halima incumbent on the Falcon" (59F) from the village of Mahala Alneaoun Center</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Al Gharbiyah Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/6/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 13</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Nada Mitwalli Ramadan Falcon (2F) from the village of Mahala Alneaoun Center</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Sohag Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/6/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 08</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>"dear Abdu al" (5) village Ahawaolh</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Sohag Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/6/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 08</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>"minimum" (3F?) sister of "dear Abdu al" of village of Ahawaolh‏</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Sohag Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/6/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 08</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Zeinab (2F?) sister of "dear Abdu al" of village of Ahawaolh</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Qena Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/7/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 14</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Ahmed (3) from the village of AMR</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Qena Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/7/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 14</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Mohammed Khairi (4) from the village of AMR brother of Ahmed</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Al Gharbiyah Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/9/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 10</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Desouki Fawzi Karim (20M), child of Hamada and Iman, village Alsjaih Hoda Abdel-Moneim</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Al Gharbiyah Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/9/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 10</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Hamada Darwish (45M), village Alsjaih Hoda Abdel-Moneim</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Al Gharbiyah Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/9/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 10</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Iman Musaad Desouki (40F) wife of Hamada Darwish, village Alsjaih Hoda Abdel-Moneim</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Al Gharbiyah Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/9/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 10</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Karim (15), child of Hamada Darwish and Iman</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Al Gharbiyah Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/9/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 10</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Mohammed Darwish (12) child of Hamada and Iman, village Alsjaih Hoda Abdel-Moneim</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Beheira Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/9/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 12</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Abdullah Mohammed Abul-Fotouh (1.5 M), son of Mahmoud Abdalzafar</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Beheira Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/9/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 12</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Mahmoud Abdalzafar (21) from La Alihuhristi liberalization</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Beheira Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/9/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 12</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Mohammed Shaban Aboul Fotouh ( 5) cousin of Abdullah Mohammed Abul-Fotouh residing in northern La Alihuhristi liberalization</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Beheira Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/9/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 11</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Nada Ahmed Hamadeh (F) from Abu Matamir</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Beheira Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/9/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 11</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Rouen Hamadeh (5F) sister of Nada Ahmed Hamadeh</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Beheira Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/10/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 15</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>"king" (5M), sibling, village Tod</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Beheira Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/10/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 15</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Abdul Rahman (3 or 4) sibling, village Tod</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Beheira Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/10/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 15</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Ahmad Muhammad (2M), sibling ,village Tod</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Beheira Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/10/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 15</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Prophet Mohammed Attia Ghoul (5M), sibling, village Tod</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Beni Suef Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/10/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 16</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Abdul Hamid (5M) , Brother of Marwa Isa Abdul Hamid</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Beni Suef Governorate</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>

                  </TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0 align=right>1/10/2008</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Cluster 16</TD><TD borderColor=#c0c0c0>Marwa Isa Abdul Hamid (8F)</TD></TR></TBODY><TFOOT></TFOOT></TABLE>


                  • #39
                    Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

                    Thanks Al, Commonground and Theresa42


                    • #40
                      Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

                      A serious problem in raising awareness

                      Egypt villagers say poultry innocent in bird flu deaths

                      Villagers distrustful of government H5N1 warnings, think Egyptian officials take chickens for own use.

                      By Ines Bel Aiba - DAMIETTA, Egypt
                      In a dark and muddy alley in the Nile Delta town of Damietta, where Egypt's latest fatal bird flu victim Hanem Atwa Ibrahim lived, inhabitants fear the authorities more than the virus.

                      "It was the will of God that she died. The chickens had nothing to do with it," says Husseini Ahmed Amine, 54, a furniture maker who employs a son of the dead woman, who was aged 50.

                      Most of the inhabitants of the Ezbet el-Lahm district pay scant attention to the government's campaign against the H5N1 virus which, after a summer respite, killed four people, all women, in the space of a week over New Year.

                      Health Minister Hatem al-Gabali warned in December against "slackness in the preventive measures taken to fight bird flu especially as winter approaches."

                      But here, as elsewhere in the country, distrust of the government is widespread.

                      A national campaign to slaughter possibly infected birds is more often than not seen as just another threat from authorities in which people have no faith.

                      Ibrahim's death was the 19th fatality in Egypt where there has been a total of 43 cases of bird flu in humans since the disease was first recorded here in February 2006. Women and children have borne the brunt of the virus because of their role in taking care of domestic fowl.

                      "Listen to me: all these chickens, they don't kill them, they sell them off or eat them," says Hanane Essayyed Farhat, 42, a mother of four selling her poultry a few dozen metres (yards) from the latest victim's home.

                      "The state and businessmen profit from bird flu. It's all just about trying to get people to buy frozen chickens. That way they'll make money off our back," she adds.

                      The authorities recommend eating factory farmed chicken whose origins can be traced. Almost two years since H5N1 appeared in Egypt, the north African country has become one of the most affected countries in the world.

                      But despite a government ban on raising poultry on rooftops -- an age-old tradition in Egypt -- chicken, ducks and geese continue to squawk and quack from cages on most of this district's rooftops, alongside a multitude of pigeon coops.

                      According to the UN's Food and Agricultural Organisation, Egypt and Indonesia are the countries most likely to see the virus mutate into a form that is contagious among humans, because of people's close contact with poultry.

                      It is a challenge to get people to stop raising and eating poultry in a country where meat is a luxury for most, and birds can be fed cheaply on food leftovers.

                      "I don't believe in bird flu. We look after our poultry, nothing can happen to them," says Amine. "What's more their factory chicken has no taste, you can't even tell it's chicken."

                      Many of those infected are fearful of revealing their symptoms as they would lose a source of revenue and they fear the anger of their neighbours throughout the village who may have their flocks slaughtered.

                      As a result, many sufferers are often hospitalised too late for the medical treatment to work.

                      Abdessalam Essayyed, 46, is one of Ezbet el-Lahm's few inhabitants to be fearful after his neighbour died.

                      "I immediately killed our ducks and chickens," he says, pointing to dried blood on the concrete floor in front of his poultry's small cage.

                      The Health Ministry recently called for heightened vigilance saying that preventative measures were not being implemented against the disease because of "a conviction that the virus has gone."
                      According to the World Organisation for Animal Health, the highly infectious strain of the H5N1 avian flu virus can be eradicated if it is dealt with effectively in Egypt, Indonesia and Nigeria, where it has become endemic.



                      • #41
                        Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

                        Does anyone know how close these two governorates are to eachother?

                        Attorh Hanim Ibrahim [aka Hanem Atwa Ibrahim] (50F) - d. Dec 31, 2007 -- Shatt `Ezbet el-Lahm, Damietta governorate

                        Dakahlia Governorate
                        Jan 09 - Madiha Ibrahim (55)


                        • #42
                          Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

                          Originally posted by Commonground View Post
                          Does anyone know how close these two governorates are to eachother?

                          Attorh Hanim Ibrahim [aka Hanem Atwa Ibrahim] (50F) - d. Dec 31, 2007 -- Shatt `Ezbet el-Lahm, Damietta governorate

                          Dakahlia Governorate
                          Jan 09 - Madiha Ibrahim (55)
                          They're right next door to each other -- numbers 1 and 21 on the map here:

                          But, Ibrahim (Abraham) is such a common name in Egypt -- I don't know that we can guess at any relationship here.
                          ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                          • #43
                            Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

                            Thanks, Theresa!


                            • #44
                              Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

                              Google-translated from Arabic:

                              Avian influenza Tkosher the extract
                              Suspected cases of injury .. In Menoufiya, Damietta, Western (Gharbiyah) and Fayoum

                              Jan 11, 2008

                              Remove nesting houses .. executions 6 thousand birds .. The attempt to thwart the smuggling of fertilizer Nestling Ismailia Koshert avian influenza extract appearance since resuming with the beginning of the winter season this year .. The new suspected cases emerged contracting the disease in the governorates of Menoufiya, Damietta, Western (Gharbiyah) and Fayoum .. While it competes with officials time to besiege the disease by removing houses and nesting birds living does not carry permits owners circulation and slaughter.

                              Written by - Magdi Youssef:

                              D decided. Azim, Minister of Cairo spare facilities for the circulation and shops selling live poultry slaughtering.
                              Assigned to the governor all heads Larger Quarters campaigns at all shops and markets to catch offenders and the closure of their shops and fines them.

                              Governor emphasized the need to complete the removal of nests on the tops of houses, balconies and indoor spaces and Prevention Education household stressing that most of the casualties were caused by home education.

                              Asked the governor heads neighborhoods for places to establish outlets for the sale of frozen poultry slaughtered and massacres by pointing out that he is being allocated some land preservation to put first on the Ministry of Environment to determine the potential use Kmjazr mechanism to be set up by the armed forces and private companies that wish to establish such an activity.

                              Menoufiya - emerged Razek

                              Detained Hospital Dietetic read brown girl Fatima Yusuf Shishini "4 years" on suspicion of being infected with avian influenza after feeling severe high temperature and throat congestion ..

                              Been taking a sample of blood and sent to the diseased plants central to the Ministry of Health in Cairo .. The remarks were made by Dr.. Hisham Atta Undersecretary of the Italian (Menoufiyan) Ministry of Health.

                              He said. Saifullah good Undersecretary of the Ministry of Veterinary Medicine maintaining that 8 thousand were vaccinated against bird disease.

                              The Governor General Hassan Hamida Menoufiya instructed to intensify awareness programmes on the seriousness of the disease, stressing the need for local units and youth centres, places of worship, schools awareness against the disease and severity.

                              Damietta - rare architecture:

                              Detained Hospital Dietetic Damietta both Magda al Izzat Ibrahim and Naglaa Mahmoud Mohammed Naggar, star of the suspect infected with avian influenza after their very high temperature and congestion in the throat.

                              D said. Salah Abu Atta director of preventive medicine DAMIETTA that were obtained blood samples from patients and sent to the labs of the Ministry of Health in Cairo.

                              Issued. Fathi ElBaradei Damietta governor instructed officials to tighten veterinary intensive campaigns on the market and the removal of nesting birds from above the rooftops with maintaining control of the entrances to prevent the entry of infected birds from neighbouring provinces.

                              Western (Gharbiyah) Abu Dashic:

                              Detained Hospital Dietetic Tanta new cases of suspected bird flu illness of a woman called Fatima Mohammad Yusuf from the town of Tanta and "would make illegal" after feeling a rise in temperature and congestion in the throat.

                              Been taking a sample of blood, sick and the appearance of the throat to be sent to central laboratories to make sure her or not.

                              Executed devices veterinary Western Province 700 birds during intensive campaigns shop offence and that the sale of live poultry with the removal of 30 nests on the tops of houses were also preparing 114 ambushed at the entrances and exits to prevent the entry of preserving birds from outside the province.

                              Kfraheik - Abdul Kader Ahawadwi:

                              Said Dr. Hussein al Director General Directorate of Veterinary Medicine Bkivraheik Directorate seized before entering A bird preservation of the Western Province .. Kulain ambush in the city have been destroyed and disposed of immediately .. Were also executed another thousand bird status Desouk seized in the ambush nearby province of Beheira.

                              Added .. Major-General Salah Salameh governor Kfraheik decided to close any farm owner is not based immunization by the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine .. Been allowed to number 10 poultry farms within slitting massacres after disclosure necessary to poultry.

                              Fayoum - Nabil behind:

                              Appeared first suspected case of casualty bird flu in the village centre Aldjaafarh Team Fayyoum governorate since the re-emergence of the disease with the onset of winter this year and the invasion of some governorates.

                              Naisa has been moved Abdulrahman Ahmed "35 years" of the hospital salt Fayoum and taking a sample and sent to the central laboratories of the Ministry of Health indicate the extent of her illness or not.

                              Dr.. Abdulrahman Akl, director general directorate of veterinary medicine in Fayyoum governorate had been vaccinated poultry houses adjacent to the woman suspected of being infected.

                              Ismailia - Magdi soldier:

                              Investigation continued supervision of Major General Supply Ismailia Majid Anchorage Security Chief campaigns markets Ismailia governorate to confront smugglers live poultry.

                              Khalid El Awadly submitted by the President of Supply and the Under Investigation submitted Mohamed Khalid campaigns on all markets resulted in the seizure of six transfer vehicles carrying about 5 thousand chickens .. In addition to "500 recessions Ducks" has been destroyed immediately .. As campaigns resulted in the seizure of the car number "90180" Transfer of Eastern Command named Mohammed Abu Al-Ila 45 years of Abu Hammad Eastern and the approximately 15 tons of "fertilizer Nestling" Blocked use and likely to be infected poultry waste bird flu .. Edited report on the incident and referred to Nyala Assembly of the investigation.

                     (<< not a permalink)
                              ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                              • #45
                                Re: EGYPT - Jan 9, 2008+

                                Google-translated from Arabic:

                                8 detain people with symptoms similar to the new bird flu patients and the arrest of fugitives from the hospital in the area and Bba
                                Jan 11, 2008

                                Written by and patron Teresa Kamal Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil, Abdel soldier Omar Sheikh Mohamed Farghali

                                The number of people living with symptoms similar to bird flu in 4 provinces and detained hospitals and Western (Gharbiyah) Minya and Beni Suef and Fayoum 8 new cases.

                                In the West (Gharbiyah), Riot Police Centre Mahala arrested Ahmed Wehbe Mr. from the village Belkina, after his escape from the hospital salt Mahala few hours and returned to the hospital to receive treatment and waiting for the receipt of the report of the central laboratory to demonstrate whether his illness, the hospital also detained homemaker claims Fatima Yusuf 32 years from the Egizi.

                                In Menya, said Dr. Sayed Abdalenaim, Director of Hospital Dietetic Menya, that the detention of children named Mohamed Mahmoud Qutb 10 years from the village Allsoppi of the Centre and another place called Abdul Hamid Ahmed Abdulhamid 4 years from the village silken bin Hassan of the Centre Abokerkas.

                                In Beni Suef, Dr. Ahmed Yousef, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, 4 cases of detention of suspected avian influenza virus in Beni Suef are: Mahmoud Hamza Awais 55 years Assistant Police from the village have given the bride's status fabricating; and two brothers (siblings?) were Marwa Isa Abdul Hamid 8 years and her brother Abdul Hamid 5 years of the city centre and Islam Bakhit Adam 14 years Centre Nasser, and the security organs have arrested a fugitive from patient to the hospital Bba suspected bird flu casualty.

                                In Qalubia, Eng Ahmad Bandari, Chairman of the Town and City of Kafr gratitude, the execution of the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine in 8500 chickens in the first Climate new king Kawther Mohammed Abdulrahman and the second for Abdel Haq Abdalmugod able Brigadier Bilal Labib, warden Section Than Shubra al-Kheima, restraint b 2000 car loaded with chickens while attempting to infiltrate into the eastern province on the path Mstrd, and closed neighborhood east of Shubra al-Kheima, 10 shops selling live poultry.

                                In Fayoum, was arrested Hospital dietary homemaker alleges precious Mahmoud 33 years from the village centre Alatamlh Team of infection symptoms similar to bird flu, samples have been taken for testing, he said. Hussein Sophie Abutaleb, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, confirmed that Ms. Mkhalttha bird.

                                ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes

