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Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger dies

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  • #16
    Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]


    Suspect Fatal SARS in Russia ex-China

    Recombinomics Commentary 19:17
    April 15, 2009

    A Chinese woman has died from what may be Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) while traveling on a train from the Far East Russian city of Blagoveshchensk to Moscow, a medical source said on Wednesday.

    The train was stopped in the central Russian city of Kirov and around 60 train passengers were sent to a local hospital.

    Six of them are reported as running fevers, the source said, although Kirov Region officials have said that none of them were suffering from SARS.

    The above comments describe a suspect fatal SARS infection of a passenger traveling from northeast China to Moscow (see map). Although atypical pneumonia was the initial diagnosis, the etiological agent has not been identified.

    SARS presents as atypical pneumonia and is caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Other strains cause the common cold, as well as other respiratory disease. SARS spread internationally in early 2002 when a physician, who had been treating SARS patients in Guandong Province, traveled to Hong Kong to attend a wedding.

    He stayed in room 911 at the Metropole Hotel and vomited outside the elevator on the 9th floor. Other guests with rooms on the ninth floor became infected and spread the disease to Toronto, Hanoi, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Additional travelers spread the infection to Taiwan. There were approximately 900 confirmed fatalities and the spread of the disease cause significant political and travel impact.

    The virus had links to civet cats in Guangdong Province, as well as other exotic animals, but its natural reservoir was also identified in bats.

    A recurrence of SARS is likely, but the above fatality has not been confirmed. Symptoms can be confused with avian influenza. The first confirmed H5N1 case in mainland China was infected in Beijing during a SARS outbreak, and was initially diagnosed as SARS. The H5N1 (A/Beijing/1/2003) was clade 7 and a clade 7 outbreak was reported in Jiangsu at the end of 2008. That outbreak was followed by a spate of H5N1 in China, including Beijing. The cases suddenly stopped in January.

    The proximity of the originating train station to northeastern China raises additional concerns.

    "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


    • #17
      Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

      Perhaps any reports on Asian immigrant workers in Russia should be viewed in light of the current rise in xenophobia.

      Thousands of Russian nationalists stage anti-immigrant march in Moscow


      .....extreme nationalists have seized on the holiday, reflecting a rise in xenophobia. More than 50 people have been killed and 400 injured in ethnically motivated attacks this year

      (2007 article)
      "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


      • #18
        Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

        UPC RF testing into the death of a citizen of the PRC on the train

        MOSCOW, April 15 - RIA Novosti. Nizhegorodskiy inter Investigations Division Privolzhskiy investigating the management of transport in the Prosecutor's Office Investigation Committee (UPC), the Russian Federation holds dosledstvennuyu verification in connection with the death of a citizen of China, the passenger train Samara-Moscow, said on Wednesday said an official of the UPC, Vladimir Markin.

        Citizen of China and died on Wednesday in a train Blagovescensk Moscow. The reason for her death, according to one version, - SARS, on the other - enterovirus.

        The car, which traveled with her migrant workers from China, was ottseplen in Kirov, the rest of the composition should be in Moscow. Deceased 23-year-old Chinese was taken off the train at the station Zuevka the Kirov region.

        "To ascertain the causes of death, a forensic investigation. Selected blood samples and sent for analysis to Moscow ... According to eyewitnesses, the deceased passenger felt ill while boarding the train in the city of Chita," - said Markin.

        According to the MHSD, there are currently two branches of infectious hospital Kirov is a citizen of China 51 and two wire cars, their condition does not cause any concerns.

        "Вскрытие умершей женщины показало, что она была больна атипичной пневмонией (SARS)", - сказал врач одной из кировских больниц. ЧП произошло во втором вагоне.
        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet


        • #19
          Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

          Chinese woman dies on a train traveling across Russia

          permalinke-mail story to a friendprint version
          15 April, 2009, 21:42
          A body of a dead Chinese woman has been taken off a Moscow-bound train travelling from Russia’s Far East. The woman has allegedly died of pneumonia.

          51 passengers, who were also from China, plus 2 train attendants traveling aboard the same carriage were taken to hospital in Kirovsky region in Volga district and the carriage has been disinfected. Russia’s Health Ministry reported the passengers were in no danger but were kept under observation.
          The train was traveling to the Russian capital from the city of Blagoveshensk and got stuck for several hours in Kirovsky region thousand kilometers east of Moscow.
          “Isolation is necessary because we still don't know the cause of the girl's death. It could have been a heart attack, or other disease,” stated the press office of the Kirovsky region’s government.


          • #20
            Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

            Good work, IOH! April 15, 2009 21:09
            Онищенко: данных о том, что китаянка умерла от атипичной пневмонии, нет
            Onyshchenko: evidence that the Chinese had died from SARS, there is no <!? eng_parse("if(\"DOC_MESSAGE_CNT\",\"design.rnews_m sg_cnt\"\)"); ?>

            <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD>


            <TABLE width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
            Данных, подтверждающих или отрицающих, что китаянка в поезде Благовещенск - Москва умерла от атипичной пневмонии , нет.
            Evidence to prove or deny that the Chinese train Blagoveschensk - Moscow died of SARS, no.
            Об этом в интервью телеканалу "Вести" заявил глава Роспотребнадзора, главный государственный санитарный врач РФ Геннадий Онищенко.
            This was in an interview with TV channel "Vesti" said the head of Rospotrebnadzor, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia Gennady Onishchenko.
            В среду около 08:30 на станции Зуевка в Кировской области с поезда Благовещенск-Москва была снята скончавшаяся гражданка КНР Цуй Цынянь.
            On Wednesday around 08:30 at Zuevka in the Kirov region of Samara-Moscow train was shot dead a citizen of China Cui Tsynyan.
            "Официальная медицина версию атипичной пневмонии пока не высказывала. Поэтому она ее не отрицает", - сказал Онищенко.
            Official medicine version of SARS had not yet expressed. It does not deny it, "- said Onischenko.
            He said that the study will establish the cause of death.
            "В данный момент идет вскрытие трупа в присутствии областного судебно-медицинского эксперта, областного инфекциониста. После этого у нас появятся какие-то версии. Мы отберем все необходимые анализы, направим их во все наши российские центры, которые могут нам дать подтверждение или не подтверждение диагноза", - сказал Геннадий Онищенко.
            "At the moment, is post-mortem examination in the presence of the regional forensic experts, the regional infectious diseases. Then we have some version. We select all the necessary tests, send them to all our Russian centers that can provide us with confirmation of whether or not a confirmation diagnosis ", - said Gennady Onishchenko.
            "Основной упор в диагнозе будет делаться на данных лабораторных исследований. Сегодня все необходимые силы задействованы", - сообщил Онищенко.
            "The focus of the diagnosis will be placed on the laboratory studies. Today, all the forces involved," - said Onischenko.
            При этом, по его мнению, смерть китаянки может быть связана с инфекцией.
            Thus, in his view, the death of the Chinese may be related to infection.
            "Наверняка, инфекционные компоненты здесь есть. На это указывает температура", - сказал глава Роспотребнадзора.
            "Certainly, there are infectious components. This is reflected in the temperature", - said the head of Rospotrebnadzor.
            По данным Онищенко, все граждане Китая приехали в Россию из провинции, где в последнее время складывалась "спокойная эпидемиологическая ситуация", и находились в стране на легальных основаниях.
            According to Onishchenko, all Chinese citizens arrived in Russia from the province, where most recently evolved "calm the epidemiological situation, and were in the country on legal grounds.
            "Тем не менее, все мероприятия проводятся в режиме выявления особо опасных инфекций. Всех, кто мог гипотетически общаться с погибшей, мы изолируем", - добавил главный санитарный врач РФ.
            "However, all activities are conducted in the identification of particularly dangerous infections. All those who could theoretically communicate with the dead, we will isolate," - added the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation.
            В настоящее время по факту смерти 24-летней гражданки Китая в поезде Благовещенск-Москва проводится доследственная проверка, сообщил ИТАР-ТАСС официальный представитель Следственного комитета при прокуратуре РФ Владимир Маркин.
            Currently into the death of 24-year-old citizen of China to train Samara-Moscow conducted dosledstvennaya check, told ITAR-TASS the official representative of the Investigation Committee of the Public Ministry of the Russian Federation Vladimir Markin.
            Он отметил, что поезд был остановлен, вагон номер 2, в котором скончалась пассажирка, отцеплен от основного состава и направлен на карантин.
            He noted that the train was stopped, the car number 2, in which the passenger died, ottseplen from the basic structure and aims to quarantine.
            "Все пассажиры второго вагона - 51 гражданин КНР и двое проводников - госпитализированы в областную инфекционную больницу Кирова", - сообщил Маркин.
            "All the passengers of the second carriage - 51 citizens of China, and two conductors - hospitalized in the infectious hospital Kirov Oblast", - said Markin.
            По его словам, для установления причин смерти проводится судебно- медицинское исследование.
            According to him, to ascertain the causes of death, a forensic investigation.
            Отобраны образцы крови и направлены для анализа в Москву.
            Selected blood samples and sent for analysis to Moscow.
            "По свидетельству очевидцев скончавшаяся пассажирка чувствовала недомогание при посадке на поезд в Чите", - сказал представитель СКП.
            "According to eyewitnesses deceased passenger felt ill while boarding the train in Chita," - said the representative of the UPC.
            Выясняются все обстоятельства случившегося.
            We explain all the circumstances of the incident.
            Как заявил агентству "Интерфакс" губернатор Кировской области Никита Белых, в области в связи с данным инцидентом приняты необходимые меры для безопасности людей.
            As stated by the agency "Interfax" the Governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh in the area in connection with the incident, the necessary measures for the safety of people.
            "Вдаваться в детали не буду - всю информацию мы уже сообщили, но хочу подчеркнуть, что в связи с происшедшим предпринимаются все необходимые в таких случаях меры", - сказал Белых.
            "Go into the details I will not - all the information we have already reported, but I want to stress that occurred in connection with all the necessary measures in such cases," - said White.
            При этом он отметил, что изначально настаивал на том, чтобы вся информация с этим случаем была полностью открыта и достоверна.
            But he noted that initially insisted that all the information in this case was completely open and reliable.
            "Моя позиция исходила из того, что даже мало-мальские ограничения могли бы вызвать какие-то кривотолки, различные трактовки происшедшего, что в конечном итоге имело бы только негативный эффект. Могу заверить, что все сообщаемое нами абсолютно соответствует действительности", - подчеркнул Белых.
            "My position was based on the fact that even less restrictions would cause any krivotolki, different interpretations of what occurred, which ultimately would have only negative effects. I can assure that all reported by us absolutely untrue", - underlined the White .




            • #21
              Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

              By April 16 (Bloomberg reports Wuxing Russia) took place in Moscow time at 8 o'clock on April 15 about "a Chinese woman was killed in Russia train doctors to die because the initial diagnosis of SARS infection, "the news Wednesday morning, including several Russian television, including the mainstream media immediately after the strong concern in Russia.
              但在15日晚间,俄罗斯电视台等媒体集体转变口风,称这名中国女子死因也有可能是手足口病或流 感。

              However, in the evening on the 15th, the Russian television and other media collective change tone, saying that the Chinese women's cause of death is also possible that the hand, foot and mouth disease or influenza.

              It has been reported that the Chinese woman named杨翠琴(transliteration), 23-year-old, her relatives are also on this train.
              15 日上午,俄新社、俄罗斯Vesti等多家国家电视台、俄罗斯国际文传电讯社等主流媒体报导说:一名中国女子 在俄罗斯“布拉格维申斯克——莫斯科”列车上突 然死亡的消息,并报导说:俄医生在进行初步诊断后对媒体说:这名中国女子的死亡原因初步确认为萨斯,但最终 的诊断需要一个星期后得出。

              On the 15th morning, RIA Novosti, the Russian Vesti television stations, such as a number of countries, the Russian Interfax News Agency reported that the mainstream media, such as: a Chinese woman in Russia, "Blagoveshchensk布拉格维-

              Moscow" train on the news of sudden death, and reported that: the doctor in the Russian media after the initial diagnosis, said: The Chinese women's preliminary cause of death confirmed as SARS, but the final diagnosis reached after a week.

              Evening on the 15th, the Russian mainstream media reports on the news has changed the tone and a number of news reports on the Web site has been replaced.
              俄新社网站报导说:医生初步认为,中国女子的死因很可能是手足口病发病,详细的化验结果将在7至10天内出 来。

              Russian News Agency website reported that: the doctor's preliminary view is that China's cause of her death is likely to be hand, foot and mouth disease, the detailed test results will be within 7-10 days out. (HFMD is rarely fatal in healthy adults - Fla1)

              俄罗斯主治医生丘恰林对俄国际文传电讯社表示说:“这名中国女子的死因很可能是流感,是严重流 感引起的。”

              Russian doctors丘恰林Russia Interfax News Agency said: "The cause of her death in China is likely to be influenza, is caused by a serious flu."

              (So the News Agency is reporting a different likely diagnosis than the doctors - Fla1)

              俄罗斯总防疫师奥尼申科在国家电视台Vesti的晚间新闻中表示说:“目前尚没有任何证据确认或否认这名中 国女子死于萨斯病,当地的情况完全在防疫部门的掌控之中,俄罗斯民众目前不需要为此恐慌。”

              Hurrying to the Russian total immunization division at the national Tymoshenko's Vesti television news that night, said: "At present there is no evidence yet to confirm or deny that the woman died of SARS in China, the local situation is entirely in control of epidemic prevention departments, and Russia is currently no need to panic people. "
              此外,关于这名中国女士尸体是否已经被解剖,俄罗斯媒体的报导也相互矛盾,针对上午有媒体报导说尸体已经被 解剖的消息,晚间有基洛夫地区官员表示:尸体尚未解剖。

              In addition, Chinese President on this body has been dissected, the Russian media reports are also contradictory, in view of media reports this morning that the body of the message has been dissected, the evening of the Kirov district officials have said: the body has not yet been dissected.

              And Russia will total immunization division, said: the body is being dissected.
              俄罗斯总防疫师还透露说:“目前除了死亡中国女子所在的第2车厢,第1和第3号车厢也已经被单独进行彻底消 毒,包括列车的供水、厕所系统。由于前往调查的俄罗斯防疫医师当时身穿防瘟疫隔离服,所以这些医护人员没有 被隔离。”

              Russia also revealed that the total immunization division, said: "At present, in addition to the death of the Chinese women's No. 2 train, No. 1 and No. 3 also has been a separate compartment thoroughly disinfected, including the train's water supply, toilet systems. As a result of the investigation to the Russian epidemic prevention physician was last seen wearing a anti-plague隔离服, these health care workers have not been isolated. "

              He also disclosed that on the train more than 50 Chinese citizens, are still to be isolated for observation, of which several people have developed symptoms.



              • #22
                Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

                16.04.2009 01:37 --
                Поезд, в котором скончалась китаянка, задерживается
                The train, which died Chinawoman, delayed

                Прибытие поезда №349 ?Благовещенск-Москва?, где в среду от неустановленного пока заболевания скончалась одна из пассажирок, задерживается на час.
                The arrival of the train number 349 ?Samara-Moscow?, where on Wednesday from an unidentified disease has died, one of the passengers, delayed for an hour.
                Как сообщили в справочной Ярославского вокзала столицы, ?изначально планировалось, что состав, следующий с опозданием , прибудет в столицу в 04.11 мск?.
                As reported in reference Yaroslavl station capital, ?was originally planned that the composition, the following late to arrive in the capital at 04.11 Moscow time?.
                ?Однако, по последним данным, его прибытие ожидается в 05.10 мск?, - сказала она.
                ?However, the latest data, it is expected to arrive at 05.10 Moscow time?, - she said.

                ? 15.04.2009 22:40 ?
                - 15.04.2009 22:40 --



                • #23
                  Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

                  At 3:30 on April 16, 2009 Source: China News Net
                  China news agency, Moscow, April 15 (Reporter Tian Bing) - Kirov state government information center said on the 15th, a 24-year-old Chinese woman on the 15th morning in the Russian Far East cities from布拉戈维Blagoveshchensk train bound for Moscow, the accidental death of his way, instead of 53 be accompanied by Chinese citizens has been isolated for observation to the hospital. <table _base_target="_blank" align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody _base_target="_blank"><tr _base_target="_blank"><td _base_target="_blank">
                  基洛夫州卫生局副局长奥索金娜当天在新闻发布会上表示,这名中国女性可能是由于急性心脏疾病或者其他病因导 致意外死亡。

                  Kirov State Deputy Secretary for Health Ortho Sorokina said in a news conference that the Chinese women may be due to acute heart disease or other causes of accidental death.

                  The deceased was born in 1985, the remains of the train stops in the state of Chu Kirov耶夫卡station was urgent to move out from the train down.
                  据悉,目前与这名女性同行的五十三名中国公民已被送往该州一家传染病医院,他们都是来自中国的 劳动移民。

                  It is reported that the woman and accompanied by 53 Chinese citizens have been sent to an infectious disease hospital in the state, they are labor migrants from China.
                  奥索金娜表示,由于院方尚未查明导致这名中国年轻女性意外死亡的原因,医院对这些中国公民采取了必要的隔离 措施,并进行血样化验。

                  Ortho Sorokina said that the hospital has not yet been identified in China led to the accidental death of young women of the reasons, the Hospital of the Chinese citizens to take the necessary quarantine measures, and blood tests.

                  Preliminary test results are expected to be out tomorrow, but the final conclusion will be reached in a few days.
                  俄联邦消费者权益保护和社会福利监督局当天发布消息说,这些留院观察的人群中仅发现有三人体温稍高和急性呼 吸道病毒感染症状。

                  Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Social Welfare Oversight Board announced the same day that these people stay in hospital for observation, only three found a slightly higher body temperature and symptoms of acute respiratory virus infection.

                  Where the woman in the train station and the train formation基罗夫off for disinfection.
                  Another two carriages and the train station in the Shari'ah from the organization.

                  Local health care sector with the car passengers were asked to check, did not find any patient.


                  • #24
                    Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

                    April 15 Russian doctors estimated Blagoveshchensk布拉格维- Moscow train Chinese woman died of the disease in detail the cause of death will be out a week later, doctors will be testing a variety of analysis.
                    急救部们的一名医生通过电话告诉俄新社记者说:"具体的死因结论将在7天内做出,那个时候将完成各种化验" 。

                    Emergency Department of a doctor who told RIA Novosti by telephone, told reporters: "The cause of death specific conclusions will be made within 7 days, at that time a variety of tests to be completed."

                    The doctor went to the railway station in the city of Kirov emergency medical work.

                    Compartment of the train crash has been off the whole train, and nearly 60 passengers get off and sent to infectious disease hospital.

                    Doctors initially believed that the cause of death of the Chinese women is likely to be hand, foot and mouth disease.

                    The doctor said: "The initial diagnosis is hand, foot and mouth disease, the detailed test results will be within 7-10 days out."

                    He added: "The doctor put on the epidemic prevention in the service station, so doctors do not have to be isolated."
                    基洛夫州政府官方网站周三发布消息说,所有与死亡的中国女子一起乘列车从布拉格维申斯克前往莫斯科的同伴都 是来自中国的劳动移民。

                    Kirov Wednesday the official website of the state government announced that all death by Chinese women train together from Blagoveshchensk布拉格维companion to Moscow are labor migrants from China.
                    Deceased 23-year-old, her body has been moved down from the train.

                    It is reported that all the deceased had contact with her visitors, as well as Chinese immigrants have been isolated.

                    The number of Chinese immigrants who work for 53 people, they are infectious disease hospital in the city of Kirov.
                    据基洛夫州政府官方网站透露,"由于突然死亡的中国女子目前死因不明,因此有必要将他们隔离" 。

                    According to the official website of the Kirov said the state government, "as a result of the sudden death of the Chinese women's cause of death is currently unknown, it is necessary to segregate them."

                    Hospitals have been isolated from all blood samples taken for laboratory visitors.


                    • #25
                      Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

                      Russia's new Moscow RUSNEWS.CN Network April 15, a Chinese woman by electric train from Moscow to Blagoveshchensk布拉格维way to sudden death of unknown diseases.

                      The woman in the compartment where the train from the City and基罗夫, inside the nearly 60 passengers had been sent to hospital for observation.

                      The announcement was基罗夫City, a hospital doctor told RIA Novosti by telephone journalists.
                      这名医生说:"列车被隔离,近60名旅客被请下车并送到传染病医院。其中7人高烧,一人已经死 亡"。

                      The doctor said: "The train was isolated nearly 60 passengers were invited to get off and sent to infectious disease hospital. Of which 7 were high fever, one had died."

                      A spokesman for the Russian railway company to the Russian News Agency confirmed that a female passenger after the death of Blagoveshchensk布拉格维Wednesday - part of Moscow bus passengers have been isolated.
                      这名发言人说:"列车上发现乘客病死情况。在这一车厢的其他旅客下了车。铁路工作人员采取了必要的防疫措施 "。

                      The spokesman said: "The train passengers were found dead. In the other passengers inside a car. Railway staff to take the necessary precautionary measures."
                      一家基罗夫医院的医生通过电话告诉俄新社记者说,列车上死亡的女乘客很可能死于严重急性呼吸系统综合症(S ARS)。
                      基 罗夫

                      a hospital doctor told RIA Novosti by telephone told reporters that the death of the female train passengers are likely to die of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

                      He also said that inside were forced to close to 60 passengers get off, these people were taken to hospital for treatment.
                      俄罗斯联邦消费者权益及公民平安保护监督局发言人目前没有证实这名中国女子死于严重急性呼吸系 统综合症。

                      Consumer rights and interests of the Russian Federation and safe protection of citizens oversight board spokesman confirmed there is no Chinese woman died of severe acute respiratory syndrome.

                      He said: "At present, doctors are still verifying the cause of her death."


                      • #26
                        Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

                        Wednesday, April 15, 2009

                        Avian influenza is not reached in Moscow

                        <TABLE class=mb03 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD></TD><TD>
                        ? 15.04.09 19:52 ?
                        Photo: ITAR-TASS
                        </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Moscow may have died of SARS. The car, which was traveling 23-year-old migrant from China, was ottseplen in Kirov, and all its passengers moved to a local hospital. The authorities of the Kirov region say that while the danger to local residents there.
                        On Tuesday, the second train Blagoveschensk - Moscow and died on 23-year-old citizen of China. Examined the corpse of doctors do not exclude that the cause of death could be SARS (The so-called bird flu). Because of this, the train made a stop in the Kirov, where the car was ottseplen, and all its passengers urgently dispatched to the survey: a dangerous virus, which, presumably, died passenger, transmitted by airborne droplets. ?Gazete.Ru? in the local air traffic control, to the wagon, which was dead Chinese police officers arrived and the doctors
                        ? скорой помощи?.
                        ?Emergency?. ?Our staff to ensure that innocent people are not suited to the car, and doctors in Antiplague suits unloaded the corpse and took a survey of passengers in this coach, who can talk to the dead?, - told air traffic control duty.According to law enforcement officials, with the train were removed 60 people, all of them migrant workers from China.

                        After the doctors finished their work, the railroad train disinfected.Wagon unhook from the composition, and the train continued to travel to Moscow, RIA
                        ? Новости?.
                        ?News?. He arrives at the Yaroslavl station capital early on Thursday morning.

                        Now the situation in full, and we await further orders?, - said in the ATC.

                        All passengers of the wagon, where she died Chinawoman are in the Kirov City Infectious Hospital. Its staff talk with reporters until the refuse. However, according to the press service of the Government of the Kirov region, four patients reported a slight increase in temperature.

                        Meanwhile, officials of the Government of the area are advised not to rush to conclusions and argue that the danger to local residents yet.

                        ?She may have died from acute heart failure, and other diseases. Taking into account the difficult epidemiological situation in China, have been taken all measures to avoid possible spread of infection ?, - quoted in a press service of Deputy Regional Health Department Allu Osokin. During the day before the incident in Kirov, Minister of Health of China, Chen Zhu said that the local doctors is becoming increasingly difficult to combat avian influenza. Over the past two weeks in China reported four cases of SARS infection, three of which were fatal.
                        According Osokin, all trains were taken off the tests, and preliminary conclusions of the physicians will be able to have on Thursday. The final cause of death of young Chinese will be known on Thursday.



                        • #27
                          Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

                          Chinese died of atypical pneumonia in Blagoveshchensk-Moscow train <!-- карточка в заметке --><!-- карточка в заметке -->
                          Гражданка Китая скончалась, предположительно, от атипичной пневмонии в пассажирском поезде Благовещенск-Москва.
                          Citizen of China and died, presumably from SARS in a passenger train Blagoveschensk Moscow.
                          Вагон, где произошло ЧП, был отцеплен в Кирове, с поезда сняли 60 человек и госпитализировали, сообщили врачи одной из кировских больниц.
                          The car where the emergency was ottseplen in Kirov, the train dropped 60 people and hospitalized, doctors reported one of the Kirovsky hospitals.
                          ?Поезд оцепили, 60 человек сняли с поезда и увезли в инфекционную больницу.
                          ?It was cordoned off, 60 people withdrew from the train and taken to a hospital infectious.
                          Семь человек с высокой температурой, один умер?, - сообщил медик.
                          Seven people with a high temperature, one has died ?, - told the doctor.
                          ?Вскрытие умершей женщины показало, что она была больна атипичной пневмонией (SARS)?, - сказал врач.
                          ?Opening of the deceased woman revealed that she was sick of atypical pneumonia (SARS)?, - said the doctor.
                          ЧП произошло во втором вагоне.
                          PE occurred in the second wagon.



                          • #28
                            Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

                            С поезда, в котором умерла китаянка, снято еще 10 пассажиров On the train, which died Chinawoman, removed an additional 10 passengers
                            Поезд № 349 ?Благовещенск-Москва?, в котором, по некоторым предположениям, от атипичной пневмонии скончалась китаянка, прибыл в ночь на четверг в Ярославль с более чем часовым опозданием - в 0.40 мск. Train number 349 ?Samara-Moscow?, in which it seems that she died from SARS Chinese arrived on the night of Thursday to Yaroslavl with a more than hour late - at 0.40 Moscow time.

                            Он был отправлен на самый дальний путь, а выход на платформу был перекрыт. He was sent on a long journey, and the yield on the platform was shut down. Фотографировать на платформе также было запрещено. Take on the platform was also prohibited. Из поезда вскоре вышли около 10 человек, среди них было двое детей. From the train soon came out about 10 people, among them were two children.

                            Кроме того, по громкой связи пассажирам, которые ждали прибытия поезда в Ярославле, было предложено сдать билеты в кассах вокзала. In addition, hands-on passengers who were waiting for the arrival of a train at Yaroslavl, was invited to deliver the tickets to the ticket station. Поезд простоял три минуты, после чего на вокзале появились люд врачи и бегом двинулись в сторону злополучного поезда. Train prostoyal three minutes, then at the station appeared human doctors and started running towards the unfortunate train. Медики высадили из состава одного китайца с вещами. Physicians landed from one Chinese with things. Врач, который сопровождал китайца, сказал: ?Ему измерят температуру?. The doctor who accompanied the Chinese, said: ?It measure temperature?. ory_state0=



                            • #29
                              Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

                              16.04.2009 04:12 "радио "Маяк" "
                              С поезда "Благовещенск-Москва" сняли ещё 10 пассажиров

                              <TABLE class=icoGray><TBODY><TR><TD>Слушать Отправить ссылку </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

                              В Ярославле, с пассажирского поезда "Благовещенск-Москва", в котором накануне скончалась гражданка КНР, сняли ещё десять пассажиров, в том числе детей. Об этом сообщает "Интерфакс".

                              По данным агентства, поезд был отправлен на самый дальний путь, а выход на платформу был перекрыт.

                              Фотографировать на платформе также было запрещено. По громкой связи пассажирам, которые ждали прибытия поезда в Ярославле, было предложено сдать билеты в кассах вокзала.

                              Ранее в Костромской области, на станции "Шарья", были оцеплены ещё 2 вагона поезда. Как сообщили в компании "РЖД", в настоящее время эти вагоны находятся в санитарном тупике.

                              "Пассажиры (104 человека) и четверо проводников отцепленных вагонов обеспечиваются горячим питанием и водой, ужесточены санитарно-гигиенические меры".

                              Как сообщили в справочной Ярославского вокзала столицы прибытие поезда задерживается на час.16.04.2009 04:12 "Radio" Mayak "
                              On the train "Samara-Moscow withdrew 10 more passengers

                              In Yaroslavl, with a passenger train "Samara-Moscow", which died on the eve of a citizen of China, dropped another ten passengers, including children. That was reported by Interfax. "

                              According to the agency, the train was sent on a long journey, and the yield on the platform was shut down.

                              Take on the platform was also prohibited. For hands-free to passengers who were waiting for the arrival of a train at Yaroslavl, was invited to deliver the tickets to the ticket station.

                              Earlier in the Kostroma region, the station Sharya, were cordoned off have 2 cars a train. According to the company "Russian Railways", now these cars are in the health impasse.

                              "The passengers (104 people) and four conductors ottseplennyh cars are provided with hot meals and water, enhanced hygiene measures."

                              As reported in reference Yaroslavl station capital delayed the arrival of the train for an hour.



                              • #30
                                Re: Russia, ex China: Undiagnosed fatal respiratory illness, train passenger (patient in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (4/15/2009) [RSOE EDIS]

                                Summary of Samara-Moscow (N349 Blagoveschensk - Moscow) train News Reports.

                                The train left Far East Russian city of Blagoveshchensk on April 11

                                The train was stopped at the Zuyevka station in central Russia's Kirov Region.

                                The carriage (Car number 2) in which the woman was travelling was disconnected . Wagon disinfect and unhook from the rest of the train.
                                ?At the present time, detach the first and the third train. They will be sent to the dead end to health surveys of passengers. Wagons will be provided with all necessary systems - water, electricity and sanitation ?, - said Onischenko. In the first and third cars, which are sent to the hospital dead end, followed by passengers from China - more than 90 people. 51 passengers and two conductors of the second wagon trains are still in the hospital, Onishenko said. The passengers (104 people) and four conductors ottseplennyh cars are provided with hot meals and water, enhanced hygiene measures."


                                53 passengers, all Chinese nationals (some migrant workers and 2 conductors) were hospitalized in a separate department of infectious diseases hospital in Kirov.
                                From the train soon came out about 10 people, among them were two children.
                                All those who could theoretically communicate with the dead, we will isolate,

                                Reports of illness vary

                                7 people with a high temperature, one has died
                                Six of them are reported as running fevers, the source said, although Kirov Region officials have said that none of them were suffering from SARS
                                The four men recorded a slight increase in body temperature
                                three found a slightly higher body temperature and symptoms of acute respiratory virus infection.
                                The deceased woman, her husband, mother and father, who were all traveling together for [migrant] work, all had a slight temperature.
                                The remaining passengers off the train, no signs of illness.


                                Chinese woman has died 23-year-old woman (born 1985) died on the morning of Wednesday.
                                A woman died in car number two in 9 hours and 25 minutes

                                Doctors at the station worked in Antiplague costumes, so doctors decided it was not placed under quarantine.

                                Region administration officials said that the final results of the analysis would be ready in 24 hours' time. Accurate diagnosis will be submitted through the 7-10 days. The exact conclusion on the cause of death will be made within seven days, when all the tests will be verified.

                                "She may have died from acute heart failure, and other diseases," - says on the official site of the region.

                                Autopsy showed the deceased woman that she was sick of atypical pneumonia (SARS)", - told RIA Novosti by telephone a doctor Kirovsky hospitals.

                                Head of the press service of Gorky Railway Levan Todua argues that no autopsy who died in a train citizen of the PRC did not, because China's embassy did not give this permission. According Todua, doctors managed to conduct only a visual inspection of the body the Chinese, who died in a train ?Samara-Moscow?. ?A medical examination reportedly revealed pulmonary edema, there is a suspicion of atypical pneumonia?, - said Todua ?Interfax?.

                                Russian News Agency website reported that: the doctor's preliminary view is that China's cause of her death is likely to be hand, foot and mouth disease, the detailed test results will be within 7-10 days out. (HFMD is rarely fatal in healthy adults - Fla1) Russian doctorsRussia Interfax News Agency said: "The cause of her death in China is likely to be influenza, is caused by a serious flu."
                                (So the News Agency is reporting a different likely diagnosis than the doctors - Fla1)

                                Selected blood samples and sent for analysis to Moscow.

                                Rest of train continues on to Moscow

                                Train continued on its way to Moscow. due to arrive in north Moscow's Yaroslavl train terminal early on Thursday.
                                According to the route, click through the train station settlements Kotelnich, Shabalina, Gostovsky, Suprotivny Kirov region, Ponazyrevo, Yakshanga, Sharya, Manturova, Nicholas Paul, Antropov, Galić, Buoy - Kostroma region, favorite, Sot, and Aleksandrov Danilov - Yaroslavl region .
                                In addition, the train will stop at two stations in Yaroslavl.

