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  • #16
    More on Setiadi Fauzi (15) from Tebing Tinggi [northern Sumatra]

    toggletext-ed from Indonesian:

    A Tebing Tinggi Inhabitants Suspect Bird Flu
    Sept 15, 2006

    Tebingtinggi (SIB)

    An inhabitant Tebing Tinggi Setiadi Fauzi (15) the inhabitants <snip> Kelurahan Lalang Kecamatan Rambutan suspect bird flu. He is currently treated in RS H Adam the Medan Owner after being treated several days in RSU Tebing Tinggi.

    RSU Tebing Tinggi Director Dr Nazrin Bey Sitompul SpPD that was confirmed SIB went through Kabag Inkom, on Thursday (14/9) justified his patient of Setiadi Fauzi suspect bird flu. Explained, casualties when being brought to the hospital already in the condition for the fever shivered was accompanied by the cough, breathless but did not spit. The temperature of the Setiadi body reached 38.0 celsius.

    The condition for casualties who showed the sign suspect bird flu immediately was photographed-rontgent [X-ray] but was not yet was found suspect bird flu. Nevertheless Setiadi continue to to pantaun the official and saw the temperature of his body did not descend-descended even increasingly rose, on Wednesday (13/9) he again was photographed-rontgent. From results of this inspection, was received by the temperature of the Setiadi body rose to 39,50 celsius with the condition for the high fever, the cough dismissed dahak many and breathless.

    Saw the Setiadi condition, RSU Tebing Tinggi was forced to reconcile him to RS H Adam the Medan Owner because has positive affected suspect bird flu. For the temporary prevention, Setiadi was given took medicine Tamiflu.

    Nazrin mentioned, positive [certain] him his patient was affected by bird flu was reinforced with the case of the death of the poultry (the chicken) suddenly around his residence. His patient could also hold the chicken that died. Kabag Inkom Drs H Asmali added, the Setiadi medical treatment cost will be borne by all of them by the Health Service of the City Tebingtinggi.

    As being reported, in recent times the Tebing Tinggi City has been attacked by bird flu although being done by the prevention with spraying but the poultry belonging to the Tebing Tinggi City community it was estimated each day continued to be died suddenly.

    A connection by becoming an epidemic him bird flu in the Tebing Tinggi City, Unicef delegation and WHO, on Thursday (14/9) did the related socialisation of the problem of the prevention and the extermination plan of all the poultry belonging to the community. Dr Nurmadi S from Unicef as the North Sumatran consultant gave the socialisation about the conduct of the prevention of the bird flu virus and the conduct of the extermination unggas.

    To guard suspect bird flu should not increasingly spread, will be planned in the near future all of the community's poultry will be destroyed by giving compensation of Rp 12.500/the big tail small. ?Masyarakat the owner of the poultry must be able to accept the extermination plan ini,? firm Asmali.

    The Tebing Tinggi mayor he said, instructed so that the village head and the sub-district head collect data on the number of all the poultry belonging to the community. If the data the number of the community's poultries already clear, in the near future the available poultry will in the Tebing Tinggi City be destroyed by means of burning him or burying him.

    The SAMPLE of BLOOD was sent TO DEPKES

    The Sample of the patient's blood suspect bird flu (avian influenza) from Tebing Tinggi North Sumatra that was treated in RSU H Adam the Medan Owner was sent to the Department's Laboratory of the Health (the Department of Health) in Jakarta.

    Deputy Director Bagian Medik and Education RSU Adam the Owner, Dr M Nur Rasyid Lubis in Medan, on Thursday said, the sending of the sample of blood was carried out to know whether the patient was positive or not terjangkit the bird flu virus.

    Rasyid added, the patient suspect bird flu from the city ?lemang? that at this time still was placed in the room of the Longing isolation of A RSU Adam the Owner.

    The patient was given medicine Tamiflu, now the temperature of his body until this was still staying high. He said, the team of the doctor every time three hours carried out the inspection to know the condition for casualties.

    ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


    • #17
      Re: INDONESIA - North Sumatra

      H5NI poultry deaths a concern: Official
      Sept 20, 2006

      MEDAN, North Sumatra: The North Sumatra Animal Husbandry Office says five regions in the province are still experiencing worrying levels of poultry deaths from bird flu.

      Office head Abdul Rahim Siregar said Tuesday the five areas were Karo, Deli Serdang, Tebing Tinggi, Simalungun and Dairi.

      Eight people had died from the H5N1 virus in Karo regency and several suspected bird flu patients in the other four areas have recovered after being treated at hospitals, Abdul said.

      He said some 20,000 poultry had been culled in the five endemic areas during the past three months. "Poultry deaths in the five areas from the H5N1 virus were quite rapid and have become a cause for concern," he told The Jakarta Post.

      The office has distributed 500,000 ampules of bird flu vaccines provided by the central government to curb the spread of the virus.

      "The central government has provided 2.5 million ampules to the province, but we have only distributed 500,000 of them. We will distribute the rest in a few days," he said. -- JP

      ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


      • #18
        Re: BF suspect from Tebing Tinggi, North Sumatra

        Originally posted by Theresa42
        Hat-tip, Dutchie!

        toggletext-ed from Indonesian:

        The Sample of the Patient's Blood Suspect Bird Flu was sent to Depkes
        Sept 14, 2006

        Medan-RoL -- The Sample of the patient's blood suspect bird flu (avian influenza) from Tebing Tinggi, North Sumatra, that was treated in RSU H. Adam the Medan Owner was sent to the Department's Laboratory of the Health (the Department of Health) in Jakarta.

        Deputy Director Bagian Medik and Education RSU Adam the Owner, Dr. M. Nur Rasyid Lubis, in Medan, on Thursday, said, the sending of the sample of blood was carried out to know whether the patient was positive or not terjangkit the bird flu virus.

        The patient who still was 15 years old was reconciled to RSU Adam the Owner Breakingprep Wednesday (13/9), around struck 16.00 WIB. Beforehand he had an opportunity for three days to be treated in RSU Tebing Tinggi.

        This patient experienced hot the high body until achieving 39 Celcius levels, after three the previous day (on Sunday, 10/9) the poultry belonging to parents of sudden casualties died.

        Rasyid added, the patient suspect bird flu from the city "lemang" that at this time still was placed in the room of the Longing isolation of A RSU Adam the Owner.

        The patient was given medicine Tamiflu, now the temperature of his body until this was still staying high. He said, the team of the doctor every time three hours carried out the inspection to know the condition for casualties.
        toggletext-ed from Indonesian:

        The patient was suspected Tebing Tinggi Origin Bird Flu was permitted to come home

        Ditulis oleh Redaksi
        Wednesday, 20 September 2006
        Medan (SIB)

        After his [her] clinical sign was not similar to the sign of bird flu, SF (15) the patient that originally was expected suspect bird flu from Tebing Tinggi came home, on Monday (18/9).

        SF in fact already several days ago was permitted to come home the side RSUP HAM but was not yet it was known certain why the SF family did not yet bring him [her] came home.

        RSUP HAM permitted SF to come home because of being based on results of the inspection of only normal fevers and the indication of casualties of contracting bird flu was stated by the negative.

        ?Sudah far the day was stated by us SF not bird flu. His [her] clinical sign did not head in the illness, so for a long time has been permitted by us pulang,? Wadir words 1 RSUP HAM Dr Nur Rasyid Lubis to the reporter, on Monday (18/9).

        ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


        • #19
          Re: INDONESIA - North Sumatra

          Posted by Pugmom @ the Wiki (excerpt):

          Medan, North Sumatra: article dated 9?25?06

          September 25 06 00:26 WIB three patients Suspect Bird Flu Not Yet Stabil Medan, was on the alert Online

          One family suspect bird flu still in the maintenance intensively in space of the Longing isolation of A RSUP H Adam the Medan Owner.

          The condition for casualties was still continuing to experience the high fever, but to not yet make use of respiratory aids (the ventilator). Was like this information that was assembled was on the alert, on Sunday (24/9) in the Longing of A RSU Adam the Owner from one of the nurses in the place.

          However, from the ???five casualties who were treated two among them that is TUS and JBS began to be stable. Whereas BS, LBT and RBS??? his condition was still rising descended through to reached 39 derjat celcius.

          ?But the team of the health was still continuing to monitor the development of the condition for the two casualties although being stable,? said the nurse who was not prepared to be named by his identity.

          Deputy Director Pelayanan Medis RSUP H. Adam the Owner Dr. M. Nur Rasyid Lubis, SpB during it was confirmed confirmed. He said, from five casualties who underwent the maintenance, two including beginning to be stable. ?Until this was not yet known whether positive or negative casualties, and still were waiting for results sample blood that was sent to the Centre of the Jakarta Health Laboratory.? However, all the patients have been given medicine anti bird flu (tamiflu) to guard matters that were not wanted, said Rasyid.
          Last edited by AlaskaDenise; September 24, 2006, 06:51 PM. Reason: reformatted for readability


          • #20
            Re: INDONESIA - North Sumatra

            "One family suspect bird flu"....

            Are they saying these 5 are members of the same family? I'll never ever get used to these translations.


            • #21
              Re: INDONESIA - North Sumatra

              Yes, commonground, it appears that the Medan area is still experiencing possible large family clusters.


              • #22
                Re: INDONESIA - North Sumatra

                Thanks Sharpe, I had some anxiety. Now, I have a addition to the anxiety. Darn.
                Last edited by Niko; June 14, 2007, 09:24 PM.


                • #23
                  Re: INDONESIA - North Sumatra

                  Originally posted by Commonground
                  Posted by Pugmom @ the Wiki (excerpt):

                  Medan, North Sumatra: article dated 9–25–06

                  September 25 06 00:26 WIB three patients Suspect Bird Flu Not Yet Stabil Medan, was on the alert Online
                  One family suspect bird flu still in the maintenance intensively in space of the Longing isolation of A RSUP H Adam the Medan Owner.
                  The condition for casualties was still continuing to experience the high fever, but to not yet make use of respiratory aids (the ventilator)
                  . Was like this information that was assembled was on the alert, on Sunday (24/9) in the Longing of A RSU Adam the Owner from one of the nurses in the place. However, from the ‘’‘five casualties who were treated two among them that is TUS and JBS began to be stable. Whereas BS, LBT and RBS’‘’ his condition was still rising descended through to reached 39 derjat celcius.
                  “But the team of the health was still continuing to monitor the development of the condition for the two casualties although being stable,
                  ” said the nurse who was not prepared to be named by his identity.
                  Deputy Director Pelayanan Medis RSUP H. Adam the Owner Dr. M. Nur Rasyid Lubis, SpB during it was confirmed confirmed. He said, from five casualties who underwent the maintenance, two including beginning to be stable. “Until this was not yet known whether positive or negative casualties, and still were waiting for results sample blood that was sent to the Centre of the Jakarta Health Laboratory.” However, all the patients have been given medicine anti bird flu (tamiflu) to guard matters that were not wanted, said Rasyid.
                  Thanks for posting this, Commonground! There were a couple of additional paragraphs at the end of the article that may be of interest...

                  toggletext-ed from Indonesian:


                  Observation of

                  Observation was on the alert around the location of space of the maintenance of the patient of the place isolation suspect bird flu was seen by some of the patient's families that visited felt very anxious. Moreover several people of the visitor put on the handkerchief to close his mouth because frightened.

                  "We did not yet know whether this patient was positive or negative. But, we must be against this illness on the alert," said Rustam, one of casualties's families. Rustam added, necessarily Adam's side the Owner as quickly as possible to provide the special room of the maintenance suspect bird flu to eliminate the very anxious feeling of the other visitor and the patient who underwent the close maintenance of this room.

                  Moreover, continued Rustam, the level of the supervision of Adam's side the Owner apparently not firmer against the patient. The member of the patient's family still was free outside entered the room without making use of the security implement like the mask and other. This better could be clarified to guard matters that not cool down. Because of the team of the health did not yet know whether they were positive or negative.

                  ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                  • #24
                    Re: INDONESIA - North Sumatra

                    Originally posted by Commonground
                    Thanks Sharpe, I had some anxiety. Now, I have a addition to the anxiety. Darn.

                    Sorry, I did not mean to make you frown. I'm not frowning, well I am a little, but it's because I have a headache from studying for an 8-hour-long medical exam I have tomorrow. Don't frown. It's just simply that the public, the international media and the WHO are behaving very differently from what they would if they really knew what was going on on the ground in Indonesia, very differently from what they would be behaving like if anyone really had a clue as to what the disease situation in China, or Thailand for that matter, was, if real H5N1 testing of poultry, pigs, and people actually occurred in India, and if there were any labs in Africa that ever were even able to find a positive result of anything. It would be a very different situation indeed. We wouldn't be mulling over discussions of recombination versus reassortment or waiting for the results from a couple of random geese in Washington State, no, we would be undertaking a far bigger, global, multi-disciplinary, medical and societal version of the Manhattan Project, that's all.
                    Last edited by Niko; June 14, 2007, 09:24 PM.


                    • #25
                      Re: INDONESIA - North Sumatra

                      Good luck tomorrow Sharpe!!!
                      Last edited by Niko; June 14, 2007, 09:24 PM.


                      • #26
                        Re: INDONESIA - North Sumatra

                        Originally posted by Sharpe
                        Sorry, I did not mean to make you frown. I'm not frowning, well I am a little, but it's because I have a headache from studying for an 8-hour-long medical exam I have tomorrow. Don't frown. It's just simply that the public, the international media and the WHO are behaving very differently from what they would if they really knew what was going on on the ground in Indonesia, very differently from what they would be behaving like if anyone really had a clue as to what the disease situation in China, or Thailand for that matter, was, if real H5N1 testing of poultry, pigs, and people actually occurred in India, and if there were any labs in Africa that ever were even able to find a positive result of anything. It would be a very different situation indeed. We wouldn't be mulling over discussions of recombination versus reassortment or waiting for the results from a couple of random geese in Washington State, no, we would be undertaking a far bigger, global, multi-disciplinary, medical and societal version of the Manhattan Project, that's all.
                        Come on. Don't be vague. Tell us what you really think.
                        Last edited by Niko; June 14, 2007, 09:25 PM.


                        • #27
                          Re: INDONESIA - North Sumatra

                          Originally posted by Florida1
                          Come on. Don't be vague. Tell us what you really think.
                          Now, that's what I call a good joke!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the encouragement.


                          • #28
                            Another victim in Medan hospital?

                            Not sure if I understood the translation well it seems there is a family of 5 , 3 still in hospital. Another family lost a child?

                            Lima (= Five) As A Family the Citizen of the The Deepest Part of Pakam Suspect Bird Flu, 1 died

                            was written by editorial staff on Monday, on September 25 2006 Medan (SIB)

                            the BS Family (33) villagers Pagarjati the Pakam Deli Serdang The Deepest Part yang was expected suspect bird flu began to improve and still was treated intensive in Longing space of A RSUP H Adam the Medan Owner.

                            From five people who originally entered Adam's hospital the Owner currently only three people more from the family that still was treated in space of the Longing isolation A.

                            two people were talked about was returned because of the negative suspect bird flu.

                            The situation of three patients who still were treated has increasingly improved was marked hot him began to descend when compared to when being brought to RSUP HAM. was seen on Sunday afternoon (24/9) the three of them were still being installed by the infusion for his illness recuperation.
                            Kasubdin P2P the North Sumatran Health Service Dr the Service Sun that it was confirmed said, the patient still in the intensive maintenance.
                            Till Sunday, his hot words of the Service Sun descended.
                            Currently his side is still being waiting for results of the sample inspection of blood of Litbangkes Jakarta.

                            One family was affected suspect began with several tails of their chicken died suddenly last week. Not several old one of his children experienced the high fever, coughs that finally had died. Sepeninggal his child, one family at once experienced the high fever with the sign of coughs.
                            They were afterwards run off with to RSUD the Pakam The Deepest Part.
                            Several days were treated but his fever will never descend, RSUD the Pakam The Deepest Part reconciled him to RSUP human rights in order to ascertains his illness.

                            Officially Livestock Breeding afterwards checked the chicken livestock around his house and it was known results of these chickens positive contracted the virus H5N1.

                            Oops, looks like the page is lost. Start your website on the cheap.
                            Last edited by Gert van der Hoek; September 25, 2006, 04:29 AM. Reason: not sure


                            • #29
                              Re: 1 member from family of 5 N. Sumatra dies?

                              One Family was in North Sumatra attacked by Bird FluThe writer: yennizar

                              Medan -- MIOL: one family consisted of five people in the Fence Village of Teak, the Pakam The Deepest Part Subdistrict, of the Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, was treated in Space of the Longing Isolation A the Public Hospital (RSU) Adam the Medan Owner resulting from suspect bird flu.They that is BS, 33 (the father), Lt, 31, (the mother), his children, RS, 12, TU 5 and JS, 1,2, that was brought by his family to RS Adam the Owner on Friday (22/9) was based on reconciliation from the Pakam The Deepest Part Hospital.Till Monday did not yet have the change in the condition in the five patients.The fever that was suffered was still fluctuating.

                              In the meantime, around the room of the patient, the patient's other families were seen very anxious and put on the mask.Bidang Pelayanan Medis Deputy Director and Education, Nurasyid Lubis, to the Indonesian Media said all the casualties entered RSU Adam the Medan Owner with the condition for the high fever.The suspicion improved when getting information that in their house region was gotten the poultry that died.

                              Moreover, one of his children that other, RS, 11 died, but not yet clear his cause."Like that entered the room of the isolation in RSU Adam the Owner, the five patients were at once taken the sample of blood, the throat and his nose liquid to be checked to the Laboratory in Jakarta. "The photograph thoraks then has been taken, said Nurasyid.Only, from results of the photograph thoraks did not yet point out the existence flek-flek that headed to bird flu.According to him, the five patients were still continuing in the supervision of the team of the doctor.The five patients have also been given the medicine that was linked with bird flu."We already anticipation," he said.(YN/OL-03)



                              • #30
                                Re: Another victim in Medan hospital?

                                Originally posted by Dutchy
                                Not sure if I understood the translation well it seems there is a family of 5 , 3 still in hospital. Another family lost a child?
                                I take this [below] to mean that one of their other children, RS (11), died after their poultry died. Subsequently, the rest of the family got sick and were "run off" to the hospital:

                                One [the] family was affected suspect began with several tails of their chicken died suddenly last week. Not several old one of his [their] children experienced the high fever, coughs that finally had died. Sepeninggal [after the death of] his [their] child, one family at once experienced the high fever with the sign of coughs.
                                They were afterwards run off with to RSUD the Pakam The Deepest Part.
                                Several days were treated but his fever will never descend, RSUD the Pakam The Deepest Part reconciled him to RSUP human rights in order to ascertains his illness.
                                ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes

