More on Setiadi Fauzi (15) from Tebing Tinggi [northern Sumatra]
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A Tebing Tinggi Inhabitants Suspect Bird Flu
Sept 15, 2006
Tebingtinggi (SIB)
An inhabitant Tebing Tinggi Setiadi Fauzi (15) the inhabitants <snip> Kelurahan Lalang Kecamatan Rambutan suspect bird flu. He is currently treated in RS H Adam the Medan Owner after being treated several days in RSU Tebing Tinggi.
RSU Tebing Tinggi Director Dr Nazrin Bey Sitompul SpPD that was confirmed SIB went through Kabag Inkom, on Thursday (14/9) justified his patient of Setiadi Fauzi suspect bird flu. Explained, casualties when being brought to the hospital already in the condition for the fever shivered was accompanied by the cough, breathless but did not spit. The temperature of the Setiadi body reached 38.0 celsius.
The condition for casualties who showed the sign suspect bird flu immediately was photographed-rontgent [X-ray] but was not yet was found suspect bird flu. Nevertheless Setiadi continue to to pantaun the official and saw the temperature of his body did not descend-descended even increasingly rose, on Wednesday (13/9) he again was photographed-rontgent. From results of this inspection, was received by the temperature of the Setiadi body rose to 39,50 celsius with the condition for the high fever, the cough dismissed dahak many and breathless.
Saw the Setiadi condition, RSU Tebing Tinggi was forced to reconcile him to RS H Adam the Medan Owner because has positive affected suspect bird flu. For the temporary prevention, Setiadi was given took medicine Tamiflu.
Nazrin mentioned, positive [certain] him his patient was affected by bird flu was reinforced with the case of the death of the poultry (the chicken) suddenly around his residence. His patient could also hold the chicken that died. Kabag Inkom Drs H Asmali added, the Setiadi medical treatment cost will be borne by all of them by the Health Service of the City Tebingtinggi.
As being reported, in recent times the Tebing Tinggi City has been attacked by bird flu although being done by the prevention with spraying but the poultry belonging to the Tebing Tinggi City community it was estimated each day continued to be died suddenly.
A connection by becoming an epidemic him bird flu in the Tebing Tinggi City, Unicef delegation and WHO, on Thursday (14/9) did the related socialisation of the problem of the prevention and the extermination plan of all the poultry belonging to the community. Dr Nurmadi S from Unicef as the North Sumatran consultant gave the socialisation about the conduct of the prevention of the bird flu virus and the conduct of the extermination unggas.
To guard suspect bird flu should not increasingly spread, will be planned in the near future all of the community's poultry will be destroyed by giving compensation of Rp 12.500/the big tail small. ?Masyarakat the owner of the poultry must be able to accept the extermination plan ini,? firm Asmali.
The Tebing Tinggi mayor he said, instructed so that the village head and the sub-district head collect data on the number of all the poultry belonging to the community. If the data the number of the community's poultries already clear, in the near future the available poultry will in the Tebing Tinggi City be destroyed by means of burning him or burying him.
The Sample of the patient's blood suspect bird flu (avian influenza) from Tebing Tinggi North Sumatra that was treated in RSU H Adam the Medan Owner was sent to the Department's Laboratory of the Health (the Department of Health) in Jakarta.
Deputy Director Bagian Medik and Education RSU Adam the Owner, Dr M Nur Rasyid Lubis in Medan, on Thursday said, the sending of the sample of blood was carried out to know whether the patient was positive or not terjangkit the bird flu virus.
Rasyid added, the patient suspect bird flu from the city ?lemang? that at this time still was placed in the room of the Longing isolation of A RSU Adam the Owner.
The patient was given medicine Tamiflu, now the temperature of his body until this was still staying high. He said, the team of the doctor every time three hours carried out the inspection to know the condition for casualties.
toggletext-ed from Indonesian:
A Tebing Tinggi Inhabitants Suspect Bird Flu
Sept 15, 2006
Tebingtinggi (SIB)
An inhabitant Tebing Tinggi Setiadi Fauzi (15) the inhabitants <snip> Kelurahan Lalang Kecamatan Rambutan suspect bird flu. He is currently treated in RS H Adam the Medan Owner after being treated several days in RSU Tebing Tinggi.
RSU Tebing Tinggi Director Dr Nazrin Bey Sitompul SpPD that was confirmed SIB went through Kabag Inkom, on Thursday (14/9) justified his patient of Setiadi Fauzi suspect bird flu. Explained, casualties when being brought to the hospital already in the condition for the fever shivered was accompanied by the cough, breathless but did not spit. The temperature of the Setiadi body reached 38.0 celsius.
The condition for casualties who showed the sign suspect bird flu immediately was photographed-rontgent [X-ray] but was not yet was found suspect bird flu. Nevertheless Setiadi continue to to pantaun the official and saw the temperature of his body did not descend-descended even increasingly rose, on Wednesday (13/9) he again was photographed-rontgent. From results of this inspection, was received by the temperature of the Setiadi body rose to 39,50 celsius with the condition for the high fever, the cough dismissed dahak many and breathless.
Saw the Setiadi condition, RSU Tebing Tinggi was forced to reconcile him to RS H Adam the Medan Owner because has positive affected suspect bird flu. For the temporary prevention, Setiadi was given took medicine Tamiflu.
Nazrin mentioned, positive [certain] him his patient was affected by bird flu was reinforced with the case of the death of the poultry (the chicken) suddenly around his residence. His patient could also hold the chicken that died. Kabag Inkom Drs H Asmali added, the Setiadi medical treatment cost will be borne by all of them by the Health Service of the City Tebingtinggi.
As being reported, in recent times the Tebing Tinggi City has been attacked by bird flu although being done by the prevention with spraying but the poultry belonging to the Tebing Tinggi City community it was estimated each day continued to be died suddenly.
A connection by becoming an epidemic him bird flu in the Tebing Tinggi City, Unicef delegation and WHO, on Thursday (14/9) did the related socialisation of the problem of the prevention and the extermination plan of all the poultry belonging to the community. Dr Nurmadi S from Unicef as the North Sumatran consultant gave the socialisation about the conduct of the prevention of the bird flu virus and the conduct of the extermination unggas.
To guard suspect bird flu should not increasingly spread, will be planned in the near future all of the community's poultry will be destroyed by giving compensation of Rp 12.500/the big tail small. ?Masyarakat the owner of the poultry must be able to accept the extermination plan ini,? firm Asmali.
The Tebing Tinggi mayor he said, instructed so that the village head and the sub-district head collect data on the number of all the poultry belonging to the community. If the data the number of the community's poultries already clear, in the near future the available poultry will in the Tebing Tinggi City be destroyed by means of burning him or burying him.
The Sample of the patient's blood suspect bird flu (avian influenza) from Tebing Tinggi North Sumatra that was treated in RSU H Adam the Medan Owner was sent to the Department's Laboratory of the Health (the Department of Health) in Jakarta.
Deputy Director Bagian Medik and Education RSU Adam the Owner, Dr M Nur Rasyid Lubis in Medan, on Thursday said, the sending of the sample of blood was carried out to know whether the patient was positive or not terjangkit the bird flu virus.
Rasyid added, the patient suspect bird flu from the city ?lemang? that at this time still was placed in the room of the Longing isolation of A RSU Adam the Owner.
The patient was given medicine Tamiflu, now the temperature of his body until this was still staying high. He said, the team of the doctor every time three hours carried out the inspection to know the condition for casualties.