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Manipur - Government says "Mystery Disease" in poultry is Colibacillosis, 38 Humans Hospitalized

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  • #16
    Re: Manipur - "Mystery Disease" in poultry is Colibacillosis

    Number of human patients seems to increase.

    Bird flu like illness haunts CCpur village

    Source: The Sangai Express / S Singlianmang Guite

    Lamka, January 07 2009: Barely forty-eight hours after an epidemic like mysterious infection identified as 'highly infectious with cerebral infection' hit a tiny hamlet in the district, the conference hall of the Chief Medical Officer which was temporarily transformed to isolate the infected is now packed with patients as the number keeps mounting.

    Thirty eight people, including children, all hailing from Misao Lhahvom village were admitted at the District Hospital here since Saturday night for the yet to be diagnosed infection.

    Initially the disease which took an epidemic form was initially suspected to be that of Malaria but Optimal Test � a test for Malaria, conducted on the sixteen patients initially who rushed to the Hospital on Monday night hs turned out to be negative.

    Following the discovery of fowls dying in tens and on sighting ailing ones in the village the much hyped 'Bird Flu' was suspected but Medical officials and Veterinary Doctors have failed to find any link with the flu.

    Dr Singkhozam Hauzel, Chief Medical Officer said that of the three symptoms identified with Bird Flu, Fever and Cough were detected on the villagers but the most significant of all � breathing disorder is missing.

    His contention was backed by Dr Saidokum Pudaite, Jt Director of the district Veterinary Department who said, 'We did not find any Bird Flu symptoms on the dead fowls,' moments after collecting carcasses and blood samples from the village yesterday.

    Dr Bhubon Singh, State Epidemiologist who was in town today to take stock of the situation told The Sangai Express that he was certain the 'viral' infection was not Bird Flu but something else.

    Dr Ginzaniang, a Physician who was first summoned to attend the mysterious illness said the patients suffered acute fever, cough and nausea when they were brought to the District Hospital.

    She also claimed that most of the patients till date are recuperating with the administration of antibiotics and ruled out any casualty.

    With eighteen more villagers infected by the mysterious illness till Tuesday, the district administration on the advice of the medical officials and civil societies such as ZYA, KKL, CDSU and ZHRF, ordered an isolation.

    At the end of the day the ailing villagers on isolation reached a whooping thirty four.

    Five more villagers were brought to the hospital today added to the number of patients attended in isolation bringing number of patients of the yet to be diagnosed disease to thirty nine.

    Seipao Misao, a village elder said his villagers suffered mass illness not long after the Church youth hosted a public feast on Monday after a day long sporting events.

    One thing that made the medical fraternity here anxious was the strange symptoms that were experienced by the patients and the alleged infectious nature.

    'Our first impression was that it was highly infectious in nature and that it affects the brain, which is probably the first of its kind in the State,' Dr VC Pau said, adding, 'we ourselves are not immune, so it needs to be immediately identified'.

    Three doctors who have been advised to attend to the patients in isolation said the illness seems to be infectious if not contagious.

    As was the contention, all medical staff attending the patients ever since their isolation put on gloves and face mask as a preventive measure, however the attendants were not provided any 'protective gears'.

    Blood samples from all the patients were collected today for further investigation by the State epidemiologist.

    One suspected source of such a mass scale illness according to medics could be the drinking water, but here too medics said the symptoms would include diarrhea in the case, and the same was missing in this case.

    It is worth mentioning that a fowl gifted to a woman by her paternal parents from Sugnu after undergoing operation at Imphal sometime last year died of an unknown disease on Monday night.

    A handful of reporters tried their bit to locate the fowl that was thrown into the woods early on Tuesday by its owner but it did not yield any fruit.

    Sixty-five-year-old Ngainem of Misao Lhahvom told reporters on Tuesday that she lost more than ten fowls since Saturday � six on Saturday, and four on Monday.

    The ageing woman was attending to two of her still ailing fowls when the team reached there yesterday.

    One dose of Tetracycline administered with a tea spoon failed to do the rescue act and gave the media the chance to film the last moments before it passed away.

    The other however recuperated with the administration of the medicine.

    There are reports of some patients being discharged later today, but the one impression that is in mind remains, 'what would be the fate of the villagers even if they went back � spending time on the same old locality with the same daily chores eating and drinking from the same source.

    Would they return ill, to the same isolation ward in a few days or not, remains to be seen until that time the State medical officials diagnose the cause of the strange illness' .

    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • #17
      Re: Manipur - "Mystery Disease" in poultry is Colibacillosis

      Seipao Misao, a village elder said his villagers suffered mass illness not long after the Church youth hosted a public feast on Monday after a day long sporting events.
      If some of villages fell ill briefly after a community festival (or reunion), why do we not suggest a case of mass poisoning?


      • #18
        Re: Manipur - "Mystery Disease" in poultry is Colibacillosis

        Originally posted by ironorehopper View Post
        If some of villages fell ill briefly after a community festival (or reunion), why do we not suggest a case of mass poisoning?
        Since the number hospitalized is rising, there doesn't seem to evidence of a "brief" illness.


        • #19
          Re: Manipur - "Mystery Disease" in poultry is Colibacillosis

          Along a similar note, I think it is premature to change the title with regard to the poultry. Earlier reports cited 70 dead birds. The vet just looked at those dying at one backyard holding and one bird recovered after tetracycline (the other died).

          Canine influenza was thought to not be due to a virus because the dogs recovered after antibiotic treatment. However, they were infected with bacteria as well as H3N8 so treatment of the secondary bacterial infections inproved their health.

          Without real lab tests, the diagnosis so far (and title change) is based on hocus pocus.


          • #20
            Re: Manipur - "Mystery Disease" in poultry is Colibacillosis

            <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=articleheader>Manipur douses flu fears
            - Death of chicken at Misao Lavom caused by colibacillosis </TD></TR><TR><TD class=articleauthor>OUR CORRESPONDENT</TD></TR><TR><TD class=story align=left>
            Imphal, Jan. 7: The Manipur veterinary department today declared that the widespread death of chicken at Misao Lahvom village in Churachandpur district was not caused by bird flu, but by colibacillosis, a common disease during winter.
            Alarmed by reports of deaths of chicken and hospitalisation of many residents of Misao Lahvom at the district hospital, the veterinary department rushed an expert team, led by specialist Konsam Gopal Singh, to the village yesterday afternoon.
            ?We clinically examined one chicken carcass and four blood samples this morning at our disease investigation laboratory. The cause for the chickens? death was found to be colibacillosis, a disease caused by e-coli bacteria,? the director of the department, Th. Dorendra Singh, told reporters here today.
            He said the disease was very common in Manipur during winter and could have been spread by water.
            At least 10 chicken died of the disease in Misao Lahvom between January 4 and 6 though the duck population was not affected, the team recorded yesterday.
            The village has a total population of 486 and a chicken and duck population of 100 and 47 respectively.
            Dorendra Singh said the carcass and blood samples would be sent to the Northeastern Regional Disease Diagnostic Centre, Guwahati, for further laboratory examination as a part of routine investigations.
            The department has been sending at least 100 blood samples or carcasses to the diagnostic centre every month as part of its intensified surveillance.
            Manipur has also ban- ned import of poultry products and chickenfeed from Assam, which has been hit by bird flu.
            The medical directorate today rushed a team, led by additional director (public health) Thounaojam Bhubonchandra, to the government hospital at the district headquarters where 38 villagers from Misao Lahvom are still being treated.
            Villagers with complaints of fever and headache started arriving at the hospital on Sunday night. Four of them were discharged today while 38 are still undergoing treatment there.
            ?The preliminary report suggests that it is not a case of bird flu. The patients are suffering from a kind of viral fever, but there is no symptom of bird flu. The details will be known only after the team submits a report,? health director W. Motilal Singh said.


            • #21
              Re: Manipur - &quot;Mystery Disease&quot; in poultry is Colibacillosis

              I believe that the Disease Investigation Laboratory is a "real" lab. The situation bears watching however.

              "...Dr. Rajen, officer of Disease Investigation Laboratory (DI Lab) stated that the death of the chickens was due to ?water-borne disease?.

              Cases of dead of about sixteen chickens in Churachandpur district over the last four days were due to a water-borne disease known as Colibacillosis which is a common disease, Dr. Rajen said. ?We came to know of the result after the joint director of the Veterinary department of Churachandpur sent a sample to the directorate,? he informed...."


              • #22
                Re: Manipur - &quot;Mystery Disease&quot; in poultry is Colibacillosis

                It is E Coli; Not the flu !
                By Our Staff Reporter
                IMPHAL, Jan 7: A large number of domestic fowls (hens) have reportedly died over the past few days in Misao Lhanvum village located near Khuga Dam in Churachandpur following outbreak of Colibacillosis, E-coli even as more than 40 villagers have been hospitalised with symptom of high fever.
                Taking serious note of the matter, the Director of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry and the Director of Health Services have studied the situation.
                In connection with hospitalisation of many villagers, the officers, have, however, ruled out any relation with Bird flu.
                On receiving the report yesterday on the dead of many hens, specialist (disease) of the Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Department Dr Konsam Gopal was despatched to the village for collection of the dead fowls? samples.
                Talking to mediaper-sons in this connection today, Director of Veteri-nary and Animal Husban- dry Th Dorendro informed that the collected samples have been examined at the Disease Investigation Laboratory of the Department and confirmed that the hens have died from Colobacillosis, E-coli.
                Explaining that Colibacillosis, E-coli is a disease of the hen common in winter and rainy season, the Director said that some of the affected hens have been cured after administering tetracycline.
                The Director further informed that in all 16 hens have reportedly died in the village in between January 4 and 6.
                Dissuading the apprehension over possible outbreak of Bird flu that led to the dead of the domestic fowls, the officer said that the dead of the hens in the village have nothing do with Bird flu. Nonetheless, as part of the Bird flu surveillance, the Department would be sending the samples of the dead hens thus collected to the Eastern Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratory for further examination.
                In view of the outbreak of Bird flu in Assam, import of poultry products including hens, eggs, chicks and chicken feeds from Assam is currently under restriction.
                According to the Director, there are in all 100 hens and 47 ducks in the village located at a distance of 7 kms from Churachandpur district headquarters. There are in all 70 households with a population of 486 people in the village.
                On the other hand, Health Director W Motilal have clarified that hospitalisation of over 40 villagers in the District Hospital of Churachandpur is due to high fever and it has nothing to due with Bird flu.
                The patients are being treated with paracetamol and antibiotics and four of them have been discharged from the hospital today. The Additional Director (Public Health) Dr Th Bhubonchandra who had gone to the village today also reported back that no symptom of Bird flu have been detected from any of the patients, the Director added.



                • #23
                  Re: Manipur - &quot;Mystery Disease&quot; in poultry is Colibacillosis

                  Bird flu like illness haunts CCpur village<!EpnHeading1End>
                  Source: The Sangai Express / S Singlianmang Guite

                  Lamka, January 07 2009: Barely forty-eight hours after an epidemic like mysterious infection identified as 'highly infectious with cerebral infection' hit a tiny hamlet in the district, the conference hall of the Chief Medical Officer which was temporarily transformed to isolate the infected is now packed with patients as the number keeps mounting.

                  Thirty eight people, including children, all hailing from Misao Lhahvom village were admitted at the District Hospital here since Saturday night for the yet to be diagnosed infection.

                  <TABLE cellPadding=5 width=440 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE class=capbox width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>Crowded sicks afflicted by the unknown disease and the lab work on remains of the birds at CCpur </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


                  • #24
                    Re: Manipur - &quot;Mystery Disease&quot; in poultry is Colibacillosis

                    38 hospitalised in Ccpur village due to unknown disease 1/8/2009 1:54:42 AM Lamka, Jan 7: An unknown disease has plagued the residents of Misao Lhahvom since Sunday night. The village is located around 8 kms from Churachandpur police station in the south near the Khuga dam canal.
                    The epidemic has affected the villagers since Sunday night resulting in the hospitalisation of 16 persons within 24 minutes. However, as more and more people are being affected by the seemingly contagious disease, the number of patients till now has risen to a whopping 34 till 8.30 pm yesterday and 38 by today, as 4 more have been admitted to the district hospital.
                    According, to one of the villagers attending on the patients, on Sunday night one Nemneilam, 18, was the first one to be attacked by the disease. She had a high fever and soon after lost consciousness. Panicking at this development many people from the village arrived at her home to share the anxiety of the family members.
                    But the visitors were also not spared and suffered the same fate on returning home, he said adding that the number of people suffering was on the rise.
                    Within 3 to 4 hours during the night the number of patients crossed 10, he said.
                    The villager Lunthang told the IFP that there was one auto rickshaw in the village and using this the villagers brought many patients to the district hospital.
                    During all this while, some local NGOs like the ZYA and the KKL assisted them in bringing the patients to the hospital.
                    Yesterday , a medical team headed by the CMO Dr. Shingkhojam Haujel and Paulginthang from the malaria department went to the village and made an assessment of the situation. The team took the blood samples of 130 people and later the veterinary department officials also visited the village.
                    The DC Churachandpur, Sumant Singh, meanwhile, paid a visit personally to the patients languishing at the hospital and also sent a message to the additional secretary health urging him to dispatch a medical team urgently to the affected area.
                    The team which reportedly arrived at the village in compliance with the official call reached here around 4 pm and went straight to the village and thereafter returned to Imphal after collecting some blood samples. The team was led by Dr. K Gopal and it assuaged apprehensions among the local people that the disease could be bird flue, while stating that it was in fact a bacterial disease.
                    Meanwhile, Dr. T Hatzaw, the medical superintendent, also urged the additional director of the health department to conduct an investigation to find the cause of the disease.
                    A local body ZEPADA, meanwhile, has urged the officer in-charge of NICD, Plague Surveillance Unit, New Delhi to take immediate steps in the matter.
                    Today, Th Bubhan Chandra Singh, the additional director of public health and state nodal officer, ISDP visited Churachandpur and had a meeting with the DC and some other health officials in the district.
                    All the patients’ blood samples were collected today once again and are now under surveillance. However, in spite of all these efforts there is still no confirmation on what the disease was and how it had been caused.
                    Some blood samples that were tested yesterday were negative and there are no cases of malaria, according to the medical superintendant of the district hospital.



                    • #25
                      Re: Manipur - Government say &quot;Mystery Disease&quot; in poultry is Colibacillosis, 38 Humans Hospitalized

                      I have changed the title to include humans.


                      • #26
                        Re: Manipur - &quot;Mystery Disease&quot; in poultry is Colibacillosis

                        Originally posted by Florida1 View Post
                        I believe that the Disease Investigation Laboratory is a "real" lab. The situation bears watching however.

                        "...Dr. Rajen, officer of Disease Investigation Laboratory (DI Lab) stated that the death of the chickens was due to ‘water-borne disease’.

                        Cases of dead of about sixteen chickens in Churachandpur district over the last four days were due to a water-borne disease known as Colibacillosis which is a common disease, Dr. Rajen said. “We came to know of the result after the joint director of the Veterinary department of Churachandpur sent a sample to the directorate,” he informed...."

                        A "real lab" would test for H5N1 using PCR on tissue extracts. It sounds like ONE carcass was sent for testing and results have not been received.
                        Real testing on poultry would go beyond one carcass.

                        For the human cases, a doctor's office would do an influenza A rapid test and have a result in 30 minutes or less.
                        India is well into hocus pocus and "viral fever".


                        • #27
                          Re: Manipur - Government says &quot;Mystery Disease&quot; in poultry is Colibacillosis, 38 Humans Hospitalized

                          50 people suffering from unknown disease in Manipur

                          Imphal, Jan 8 : About 50 people, mostly minors, are suffering from an unknown flu-like disease in Manipur's Churachandpur district.

                          Official sources here today said most of the patients were from Misao Lhahvom village. A team of doctors and veterinary officials were in the district to find out details of the disease which was spreading fast.

                          People in the district were panic-stricken as people fear that it may be a case of bird flu.

                          However, officials, taking stock of the situation, rejected the possibility of Avian Influenza or malaria, and stated that there was no need to be alarmed as the disease was under control.

                          Meanwhile, some fowl was also found dead in the village. However, the domestic fowl died of Colibacillosis or E-coli, not flu, confirmed Director of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Th Dorendro.

                          Dr Singkhozam Hauzel, Chief Medical Officer of the district, and other medical teams were monitoring the patients who were admitted during the past three days.

                          Most patients complained of high fever, cough and nausea and they were responding to the treatment administered by the doctors at the District hospital.

                          Blood samples from all the patients have been collected for investigation. The blood samples of the fowl would also be sent for confirmation.

                          Manipur witnessed outbreak of bird flu in 2007. People are apprehensive amid reports of detection of bird flu cases in the eastern part of the country.

                          The state government has already banned import of all poultry products to check spread of the disease. There is, however, no ban on sale and consumption of chicken in the state.

                          "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                          ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                          • #28
                            Re: Manipur - Government says &quot;Mystery Disease&quot; in poultry is Colibacillosis, 38 Humans Hospitalized

                            The striking features of cases of this kind are:

                            * they usually happens in remote areas, with ethnic, language or religion minorities, prone to unrests or riots in the past;

                            * media reports are often confused and don't provide enough details about clinical features of cases;

                            * central and regional authorities don't provided statement or updates to outside world;

                            * sometimes, scary stories are used against or pro certain govts activities, for examples vaccinations campaign;

                            * rumors and hoaxes continue to spread for weeks or months without a clear picture of events finally emerges.

                            In summary, I think these stories should be discouraged to be emphasized through usubstantiated media reports and it should be instead sound a strong alarm bell toward health authorities to provide vital details about incidents of these kind.

                            This even in the perspective for ameliorate the confidence in official sources and authoritative statement.

                            It is not the interest of local, regional or national authorities to leave rumors circulate freely without sound facts properly investigated, and may be the roots for further unfriendly activities directed toward the same authorities in future.

                            This is valid for Manipur as for all other areas, and regions of the world.

                            Obviously, this is the opinion of the author of this commentary and the above considerations aren't involving this website, its members and directors anyway. IOH.


                            • #29
                              Re: Manipur - Government says &quot;Mystery Disease&quot; in poultry is Colibacillosis, 38 Humans Hospitalized

                              Originally posted by ironorehopper View Post
                              The striking features of cases of this kind are:

                              * they usually happens in remote areas, with ethnic, language or religion minorities, prone to unrests or riots in the past;

                              * media reports are often confused and don't provide enough details about clinical features of cases;

                              * central and regional authorities don't provided statement or updates to outside world;

                              * sometimes, scary stories are used against or pro certain govts activities, for examples vaccinations campaign;

                              * rumors and hoaxes continue to spread for weeks or months without a clear picture of events finally emerges.

                              In summary, I think these stories should be discouraged to be emphasized through usubstantiated media reports and it should be instead sound a strong alarm bell toward health authorities to provide vital details about incidents of these kind.

                              This even in the perspective for ameliorate the confidence in official sources and authoritative statement.

                              It is not the interest of local, regional or national authorities to leave rumors circulate freely without sound facts properly investigated, and may be the roots for further unfriendly activities directed toward the same authorities in future.

                              This is valid for Manipur as for all other areas, and regions of the world.

                              Obviously, this is the opinion of the author of this commentary and the above considerations aren't involving this website, its members and directors anyway. IOH.

                              I agree.


                              • #30
                                Re: Manipur - Government says &quot;Mystery Disease&quot; in poultry is Colibacillosis, 38 Humans Hospitalized

                                <TABLE height=440 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=600 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=20>Local News [January 09 2009 ]

                                </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top bgColor=#333333 height=396><!--- left column ---><CENTER></CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=600 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>Three more infected at Misao

                                By S Singlianmang Guite

                                Lamka, Jan 8: A day after the blood samples of all patients were taken for further investigation, doctors attending the thirty nine patients of Misao Lhahvom last night discharged ten of them even as another four patients including one discharged yesterday were admitted in the early hours today.

                                The patients that were in the make-shift ‘quarantine’ section of the hospital here were however reported to be stable and out of danger, but doctors alleged lack of effective response from the hospital administration. ‘In events like this, there sho-uld be a systematic proce- dure in place – patients sho-uld not be too close, medics attending them should have a proper and separated sec-tion for disinfecting them- selves,’ a doctor on condi-tion of anonymity said today. Measles, whooping cough, and malaria were the other infectious diseases that frequented the region, according to the doctor that emphasised on the urgency to have a separate ward for such a disease.

                                Ten patients were repor-tedly discharged late yes- terday but a seventeen-year old girl Lhingneivah, dis-charged yesterday, and three other fresh cases were again admitted today, mar-king the tally to thirty three.

                                Churachandpur DC Su-mant Singh who had perso- nally visited the ailing, the morning after the mass scale admission was reported and made strict instructions for dealing the situation on war footing has instructed the CMO and Medical Superin-tendent to provide free me- dicine after he ordered iso-lation of the patients. The DC’s effective and prompt action in time saved immen-se time for the Government officials in the district and State to react, sources in the medical fraternity said.

                                It may be noted that Veterinary officials from Imphal have collected samples from the village in a record time - few hours from the DC’s appeal for assis-tance in dealing with the situation.
                                Concerned over the gra-vity of the situation and the need for drinking water to the isolated patients, 3 AR (NH) has gifted a 1000 liters capacity of ‘Sintex’ and clean water to the Medical Superintendent today.

                                IPR Minister and the local MLA TN Haokip also gifted a blanket each to the thirty three patients still un-der treatment at the hospital today. This according to his workers was in addition to sanctioning a generator and tube lights since yesterday and providing necessary meals to the wards and their attendants.

                                </TD>S <CENTER><TD bgColor=#ffffff></TD></CENTER></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

