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H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

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  • #16
    Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany


    Two new cases of bird flu in Nuremberg

    The number of the water birds in the Nürnberger city, died from bird flu, rose to eleven.

    On Thursday the Friedrich Loeffler institute (FLI) confirmed the highly contagious H5N1-Virus-Infektion with two swans, as the city Nuremberg communicated.

    The animals had been found on Sunday and Monday dead at the Wöhrder lake, Nuremberg

    Thus also the bird flu virus dangerous for humans was proven meanwhile with nine swans and a grey goose by the Wöhrder lake as well as a Canada goose by the Silbersee/lake.


    • #17
      Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

      38 new cases in Sachsen-Anhalt, the same lake as the former cases
      in Thueringen, but different state.
      These are dead hat-divers and black-neck-divers.
      The FLI increased the risk level. Reason for this are also the
      cases in France.

      Die Vogelgrippe flammt wieder verstärkt in Europa auf. Die auch für Menschen gefährliche Variante des H5N1-Virus wurde jetzt in Frankreich nachgewiesen. Auch in Sachsen-Anhalt gibt es neue Fälle. Es ist das vierte Bundesland, in dem die Tierseuche wieder ausgebrochen ist.

      EPIDEMIC COURSE Bird flu in Saxonia-Anhalt and France proven the bird flu flashes again strengthened in Europe. Also the variant of the H5N1-Virus dangerous for humans was proven now in France. Also in Saxonia-Anhalt there are new cases. It is the fourth Land of the Federal Republic, in which the animal epidemic broke out again. ANNOUNCEMENT Paris/Berlin/meadow-live - in Saxonia-Anhalt the dangerous variant of the bird flu at 38 game birds was proven. That resulted in, communicated an investigation of the dead hood divers and black neck divers of artificial lake the Kelbra at the national border to Thuringia at the south resin the district administration in Sangerhausen on today's Thursday. Friedrich Loeffler Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI) on the island Riems had confirmed the findings. Thus Saxonia-Anhalt is to Bavaria, Thuringia and Saxonia the fourth Land of the Federal Republic, in which the poultry epidemic flashed again. The FLI now intensified the risk estimate for Germany. "we will advance, said the risk evaluation" institute spokeswoman Elke Reinking on today's Thursday. The risk estimate is yardstick for political acting and the precautions of the countries in the fight against the animal epidemic as for instance the stable obligation, restricted areas and other editions. Background of the decision of the FLI are not only the new cases in Germany, but also in France. For the first time for one year again the highly sticking on H5N1-Virus was proven now there. In the lothringischen Assenoncourt (Essdorf), 80 kilometers southwest from Saarbruecken, are three swans at the exciter end, as the Ministry Of Agriculture communicated. The authorities gradated the threat of "moderately" on "highly" up and furnished a protected zone around the municipality and around the weiher, in which the game birds had been discovered. Farmers were called to protect their animals against the contact with game birds. In France the deadly animal illness had last broken off, could yearly passed in February however fast be dammed. In the region bordering on Switzerland Rhône Alpes were emergency-slaughtered at that time 11,000 chickens. According to data of the European Union commission were in this year also already Hungary, Great Britain and Tschechien concerned. In Berlin the national crisis staff of federation and countries advises again over the estimate of the risk of the animal epidemic on today's Thursday. The Upper House of Parliament wants to decide on tomorrow's Friday whether the countries can loosen the stable obligation for poultry. In the crisis staff the undersecretaries of state of federation and countries meet, in order to come to an agreement with scientists. mbe/AP/dpa
      I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
      my current links: ILI-charts:


      • #18
        Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

        Epidemiologisches Bulletin Nr. 04/2007
        Lagebericht zur Aviären Influenza
        A. Situation in Deutschland
        1) Neue Meldungen für Wildvögel
        <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=7 width=672 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width="28&#37;" height=29>a) Falldaten
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=29>DATUM
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=29>LAND
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=29>KREIS
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=29>ORT
        (siehe Detailkarte)
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=29>TIERART(EN)
        </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="28%" height=17>5
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>24.06.2007
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>BY
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>N&#252;rnberg, Stadt
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>N&#252;rnberg, W&#246;hrdersee

        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>H&#246;ckerschwan
        </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="28%" height=17>1
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>24.06.2007
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>BY
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>N&#252;rnberg, Stadt
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>N&#252;rnberg, Silbersee

        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>Kanadagans
        </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="28%" height=17>1
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>27.06.2007
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>BY
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>N&#252;rnberg, Stadt
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>N&#252;rnberg, W&#246;hrdersee

        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>H&#246;ckerschwan
        </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="28%" height=17>1
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>27.06.2007
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>BY
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>N&#252;rnberg, Stadt
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>N&#252;rnberg, W&#246;hrdersee

        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>Graugans
        </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="28%" height=17>1
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>02.07.2007
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>BY
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>N&#252;rnberg, Stadt
        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>N&#252;rnberg, W&#246;hrdersee

        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="14%" height=17>H&#246;ckerschwan

        With the game birds found dead in the city of Nuernberg within the range of the Woehrder and silver lake it concerns peak swans, a Canada and a grey goose. The first dead swan was discovered to 19.06.2007, the further birds up to 22.06.2007. The animals were examined in the context of the game bird monitoring in the LGL north, attaining, and positively tested by means of PCR on influenza A by the Subtyp H5N1. Up to 28.06.2007 the FLI the proof of hochpathogenem aviaeren Influenzavirus (HPAIV) confirmed to H5N1 with 6 peak swans, a Canada goose and a grey goose. Two further animals still are in the diagnostic clarification. Altogether at the LGL up to 25.06.2007 21 ended game birds (all from the city) were in-supplied, beyond that still another cat, a fox and a marder. Already to 23.06.2007 a restricted area and an observation area had been furnished. On 2 July 2007 with a further swan HPAIV H5N1 one determined.
        Last edited by HenryN; July 5, 2007, 06:14 AM.


        • #19
          Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

          <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=7 width=702 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width="27&#37;" height=30>a) Falldaten
          </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=30>DATUM
          </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=30>LAND
          </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=30>KREIS
          </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=30>ORT
          </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=30>TIERART(EN)
          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="27%" height=18>3
          </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=18>26.06.2007
          </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=18>SN
          </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=18>Leipziger Land
          </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=18>Frohburg

          </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=18>H&#246;ckerschwan


          Additional information in the district Leipziger country was dead found on pond plants with the city glad castle in a protected area to 25.06.2007 three peak swans (see detail map). During the investigation in the LUA Leipzig by means of PCR of the influenza A-type H5N1 were proven. The national reference laboratory confirmed to 26.06.2007 the findings and proved HPAIV H5N1. On the same day a restricted area was furnished.
          Last edited by HenryN; July 5, 2007, 06:45 AM.


          • #20
            Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

            <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=7 width=707 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width="27%" height=29>
            a) Falldaten
            </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=29>
            </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=29>
            </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=29>
            </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=29>
            (siehe Detailkarte)
            </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=29>
            </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="27%" height=17>
            </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=17>
            </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=17>
            </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=17>
            </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=17>
            </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=17>Schwarzhalstaucher


            • #21
              Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

              Lethal strain of bird flu found in fourth German state

              Thu, 05 Jul 2007

              Author : DPA

              Berlin - Some 38 wild birds have tested positive for a lethal strain of bird flu in a fourth German state, health authorities said Thursday. The birds were found with the H5N1 strain in the eastern state of Thuringia, the Friedrich Loeffler federal animal diseases institute said.

              They were among 100 birds found dead in an artificial lake on the border between Thuringia and the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

              Tests were being carried out on the other birds by the disease laboratory on the Baltic Sea island of Riems.

              Last week, wild swans, geese and ducks were found with H5N1 in Leipzig in the eastern state of Saxony and in the southern city of Nuremberg in Bavaria.

              French authorities said Thursday that three swans found dead in eastern France were carrying the deadly H5N1 virus.

              Some 190 people around the world have died of bird flu since 2003, mainly through coming into close contact with infected poultry, according to the World Health Organization.

              Scientists fear the virus could mutate into a form easily transmissible between humans, which could touch off a global pandemic that would kill millions of people.

              Last year, bird flu was confirmed in 13 European Union member states: Germany, Austria, Denmark, Italy, Greece, Britain, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, France and Hungary.

              A new outbreak was confirmed in the Czech Republic late last month. German officials said they believed the disease might have spread from there to Germany.

              Germany was expected to raise its risk-preventive measures throughout the country from "moderate" to "high," following the latest deaths.

              Welcome to the Earth Times. Environmental news and blogs with eco-friendly store.


              • #22
                Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

                Originally posted by Dutchy View Post
                Lethal strain of bird flu found in fourth German state

                Thu, 05 Jul 2007

                Author : DPA

                Berlin - Some 38 wild birds have tested positive for a lethal strain of bird flu in a fourth German state, health authorities said Thursday. The birds were found with the H5N1 strain in the eastern state of Thuringia, the Friedrich Loeffler federal animal diseases institute said.

                They were among 100 birds found dead in an artificial lake on the border between Thuringia and the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

                What is the fourth state other than Bavaria, Saxony and Thurigen?


                • #23
                  Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

                  Originally posted by niman View Post
                  What is the fourth state other than Bavaria, Saxony and Thurigen?
                  Saxonia-Anhalt is different than Saxonia (Saxony).


                  • #24
                    Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

                    Originally posted by niman View Post
                    What is the fourth state other than Bavaria, Saxony and Thurigen?
                    Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt are 2 different states, may be that is what is meant in the report, together with Bayern/Bavaria and Th?ringen.

                    I am not very much in the locations were the birds were found in Germany, don't know if the reporter is right here.


                    • #25
                      Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

                      Originally posted by Dutchy View Post
                      Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt are 2 different states, may be that is what is meant in the report, together with Bayern/Bavaria and Th?ringen.

                      I am not very much in the locations were the birds were found in Germany, don't know if the reporter is right here.
                      Yes, Saxony-Anhait is adjacent to both Saxony and Thurigen. The lake is on the border of Thurigen and Saxony-Ahait. The first two positives were in Thurigen. The next 38 were on the Saxony-Anhalt side. There were 100 dead birds on the lake. 40 are positive (not clear that the other 60 are being tested).


                      • #26
                        Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

                        Originally posted by niman View Post

                        <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=7 width=707 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width="27%" height=29>a) Falldaten
                        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=29>DATUM
                        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=29>LAND
                        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=29>KREIS
                        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=29>ORT
                        (siehe Detailkarte)
                        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=29>TIERART(EN)
                        </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width="27%" height=17>1
                        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=17>03.07.2007
                        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=17>TH
                        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=17>Kyffh?userkreis
                        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=17>Badra

                        </TD><TD vAlign=top width="15%" height=17>Schwarzhalstaucher


                        With at the dead game bird found at a dam it concerns 29.06.2007 a black neck diver. With this influenza A-virus of the type H5N1 was proven. The FLI proved to 03.07.2007 of hochpathogenes H5N1-Virus. It is the first proof of HPAIV in Thuringia. Several other animals ended from same waters still are in the clarification. Restricted area and observation area are furnished.


                        • #27
                          Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

                          Thus after nearly 11 months for the first time again HPAIV H5N1 was determined with game birds in Germany. The so far last proof took place in August 2006 with a swan from the existence of the Dresdner zoo. According to data input into the national game bird data base in the context of the national monitoring since January 2007 in Germany 9323 living and dead game birds were examined virologisch and/or serologisch for aviaere influenza, of it in the Free State of Bavaria 452, in the Free State Saxonia 131 and in the Free State Thuringia of 66 animals (conditions 03.07.2007). Beyond that a ornithologische classification and municipality allocation of the game birds take place. The comparison of sequences of the HPAIV H5N1-Virus in Nuernberg and/or in the Leipziger country (glad castle), accomplished at the FLI, dead found peak swans resulted in a large similarity (at least 99.5% agreement) of the hectar of gene of these viruses. Both sequences are related at the closest to H5N1-Isolaten of the yearly 2007 of house and game birds from Kuwait. In addition a strong phylogenetische relationship with Isolaten consists Mongolia of the yearly 2006 of the southern Siberia and that. Together with Isolaten of an outbreak with chickens in Afghanistan these form thereby a phylogenetischen cluster. This cluster is beyond that closely related to Isolaten from the area Krasnodar and Italy (peak swan), which were won 2006. In a further investigation, which was accomplished in close co-operation with the European Union reference laboratory for aviaere influenza in Weybridge (united kingdom), the sequences of the HPAIV H5N1-Virus von Hoeckerschwaenen from Nuernberg and/or the Leipziger country (glad castle), specified above, were compared with those at 21.06.2007 the positively tested Truthahnbestandes in the Czech republic (Tisov? see below). A large similarity, i.e. an agreement of 99,2% resulted also here. The high degree at agreement refers to of common, so far not identified origin these three viruses.


                          • #28
                            Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

                            b) Additional information: The enterprise lies on a peninsula between lakes and dams. A special permission for open land attitude had been given to the enterprise despite the situation exposed opposite water birds due to the Aus-3 4 direction of poultry production. As a bringing in cause after present level of knowledge direct or indirect contact with game birds is accepted. 3) drop data & information with game birds and other animals for the individual Lands of the Federal Republic in Germany AIV H5N1 was determined so far with 357 game birds, three hauskatzen and a steinmarder. The last proof before the current findings took place to 03.08.2006 with a swan from the existence of the Dresdner zoo. Beginning: Date of the statement or the finding position of the case messages: Proof of Influenzavirus A H5N1 Asia; Differences between the finding lists of the national reference laboratory and TSN are in individual cases possible Baden-Wuerttemberg beginning: 25.02.2006 Last message: 04.04.2006 Messages: 19 game birds message/district: Bodensee circle (9), Konstanz (5), Mannheim (2), sigma rings (2), Ulm (1) Bavaria beginning: 28.02.2006 Current message: 24. - 02.07.2007 (last earlier proof: 12.05.2006) peak swans (7), Canada goose (1), grey goose (1) in the city of Nuern mountain messages: Altogether 82 game birds (of it 73 in 2006) message/district: Attaining high city (11), Lindau/Bodensee (10), Straubing Stadt/Bogen (9), Landsberg/Lech, Ansbach (ever 5), Dillingen Danube (4), new city Aisch, passport outer city (ever 3), Augsburg, Deggendorf, Danube Donau-Ries, Fuerstenfeldbruck, new Neu-Ulm, Rosenheim, Weissenburg Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen (ever 2), Aichach Friedberg, Altoetting, bath Toelz Wolfratshausen, Bamberg, Garmisch p., Kelheim, Munich, Nuernberg (2007: 9, 2006: 1), swan village (ever 1) Berlin beginning: 23.03.2006 Last message: 23.03.2006 Messages: 1 game bird message/district: No indication possible Brandenburg beginning: 03.03.2006 Last message: 10.04.2006 Messages: 21 game birds message/district: Uckermark (12), Maerkisch Oderland (4), bar min (3), or Spree (1), potsdam central Mark (ever 1) additional information: To 26.04.06 also with a white stork determined. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania beginning: 15.02.2006 Last message: 12.04.2006 Messages: 194 game birds, additionally 3 cats and a steinmarder message/district: Ruegen (158), Ostvorpommern (16), Nordvorpommern (8), Wismar (5), north west Mecklenburg, bath Doberan, Stralsund (ever 2), Rostock (1) additional information: The H5N1 of findings with mammals is exclusive from the district ruegen. Lower Saxony beginning: 04.03.2006 Last message: 24.03.2006 Messages: 2 game birds message/district: Cuxhaven, Soltau Fallingbostel (ever 1)


                            • #29
                              Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

                              Originally posted by niman View Post
                              There were 100 dead birds on the lake. 40 are positive (not clear that the other 60 are being tested).
                              Insgesamt wurden bisher 89 tote Tiere zur Untersuchung ins Landesamt f&#252;r Verbaucherschutz gebracht. Die Testergebnisse von 51 Tieren stehen noch aus.

                              89 dead birds were brought in for research, results from 51 animals are still pending.

                              Ed: all 38 birds researched sofar were positive for H5N1.


                              • #30
                                Re: H5N1 bird flu found in dead wild bird in Germany

                                For the first time bird flu in Saxonia-Anhalt - 38 game birds infected with H5N1-Virus - no country wide expansion of the stable obligation -- of Ramona charcoal burner -- The bird flu spreads pus in Germany. To Bavaria, Saxonia and Thuringia the virus also in Saxonia-Anhalt one arose now. According to data of the district one field south resin altogether 38 game birds were tested positively, which in artificial lake had been found the Kelbra. The office veterinary surgeon of the district one field south resin, concerns Bernd Kubisiak, on Thursday in Sangerhausen the highly sticking on variant of the H5N1-Virus said. Investigations in Friedrich Loeffler Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut on the Baltic Sea island Riems would have resulted in that. Sangerhausen (strip packing lsa). The bird flu spreads pus in Germany. To Bavaria, Saxonia and Thuringia the virus also in Saxonia-Anhalt one arose now. According to data of the district one field south resin altogether 38 game birds were tested positively, which in artificial lake had been found the Kelbra. The office veterinary surgeon of the district one field south resin, concerns Bernd Kubisiak, on Thursday in Sangerhausen the highly sticking on variant of the H5N1-Virus said. Investigations in Friedrich Loeffler Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut on the Baltic Sea island Riems would have resulted in that. In Saxonia-Anhalt thereby possibly also for humans dangerous exciters one determined for the first time. The federal consumer protection Ministry saw meanwhile no reason for a country wide expansion of the stable obligation. An extreme taper of the situation is not given Hubertus at the current time, said the deputy press speaker of the federal consumer protection Ministry, of the Goltz. The high number of the dead birds is not a reason to spread hysteria. It is a local infestation. It holds the Ministry it for probable that the countries refrain on Friday in the Upper House of Parliament from planned loosening of the stable obligation. With the dead birds it concerns black neck and hood divers. After a first case of bird flu on the Thuringian side of the artificial lake on Tuesday the prohibited area and the observation area had been already expanded also since the area by Saxonia-Anhalt. In the restricted area 15 registered poultry owners with 211 animals and in the observation area of 148 registered poultry owners with 55,799 animals are affected by the measures. The district issued for artificial lake the bath prohibition. The observation area was easily changed, since the starting point of the computation of the zone was shifted from the discovery site of the first bird into the center of the artificial lake. In the periphery of three kilometers stable obligation applies to poultry. Dogs and cats must be taken to the line. Kelbra and Berga are affected by these regulations. Altogether so far 89 dead animals were brought to the investigation in the national office for Verbaucherschutz. The test results of 51 animals are still pending. In Saxonia-Anhalt apply the stable obligation in risk areas with large bird wealth continuous, said the spokeswoman of the agrarian Ministry, Annette contactor. Also the area at artificial lake the Kelbra belongs to. A goal of all measures now is to prevent a spreading of the bird flu to utilizable animal existence. The consumer center Saxonia notion warned in the meantime likewise forwards panic-makes. Under the telephone number 0180-5-70 66 00 is answered Tuesday and Thursday of 10.00 o'clock to 16,00 o'clock inquiries to the correct behavior with bird flu and for security by food. A call costs 14 cent per minute from the German fixed net. (sources: Kubisiak, from which Goltz and contactor strip packing-inquire on, all different in press releases) ddp/koe/ple

