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Venezuela - Deaths in Maracay Central Hospital and elsehwere by unidentified illness(es?) - six deaths due to chikungunya confirmed

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  • #16
    Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

    The Governor refuses Aissami bacteria infection in HCM

    Thursday, September 11th at 14:59:49

    Through the social network Twitter, the governor of Aragua state, Tarek El Aissami, denied that he had an infection by bacteria in the Central Hospital of Maracay, and announced that Luis Lopez, regional health secretary Aragua, give a press conference from the hospital.


    • #17
      Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

      Seems the doctor's group and the governor of the state are expressing very different situations. ???


      • #18
        Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

        Originally posted by sharon sanders View Post
        Seems the doctor's group and the governor of the state are expressing very different situations. ???
        ?N.- Aragua state governor, Tarek El Aissami denied Thursday the president of the Medical Association of the company, Angel Sarmiento, who reportedly stated that eight people died in the Hospital of Maracay by an unidentified disease.

        "Chains were loosed msm and digital networks on alleged bacteria in the Central Hospital of Maracay. Completely untrue," wrote the regional president through his account on the social network Twitter TareckPSUV . Also, The Aissami called "whispering campaign and terrorism" remarks by President of the College of Physicians of Aragua.


        • #19
          Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

          This reminds me of the fight between the doctors in Egypt and the politicians earlier this year:

          Egypt - 5 or 6 doctors hospitalized including 4 dead from unknown/pneumonia/respiratory illnesses in last 3 weeks...


          • #20
            Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

            Thursday, September 11, 2014 00:00 Unknown virus kills 2 in Central Hospital of


            Angel Sarmiento, president of the College of Physicians of Aragua, said eight people had been killed. However, Corposalud is reported that only two people a 13 and an adult of 55
            Contrapunto.- President of the College of Physicians of Aragua, Angel Sarmiento, announced that there have been reports of an unknown virus that causes a syndrome with fever and bleeding and had killed 8 people. However, the information was subsequently denied by Corposalud Aragua noting that only two people had been killed.

            Stressed Sarmiento, is a disease which very little is known, which is why they sent evidence to the National Institute of Hygiene (INH) hoping to get a little more information. The doctor also called for calm and for people who do not need to go to Maracay Central Hospital (HCM) refrain from doing so.
            Reportedly, the viral condition manifested by red spots on the skin and after the symptom of the general hemorrhage develops.
            Members of various medical bodies have called for an epidemiological alert is lifted in the area to foresee any of this supposed contegio disease.
            However, in the afternoon, a press conference hosted by Corposalud in HCM where prior information of 8 deceased was denied was performed.
            As reported by the agency responsible for health in the state, two people, a young man aged 13 and a 55, they would have lost their lives because of the mysterious disease, which is not already known Ebola or meningococcemia.
            Corposalud also reported to have sent evidence of the two dead patients to INH for more information, and also are doing blood cultures.



            • #21
              Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

              I guess everything was just one big false alarm

              Health Secretary Aragua states that no deaths have "common denominator"
              He denied pollution in HCM

              Thursday, September 11th at 16:40:39

              At a press conference from the Central Hospital of Maracay, Luis Lopez, regional health secretary Aragua, spoke about what it indicated as "rumors and misinformation" by various media and technology from the afternoon of Wednesday, September 10 platforms.

              "The signs are intended reveal Maracay Central Hospital as immersed in certain situations or irregularities from the point of view of health. Clarify and refute We, the people calling for calm.'s True that there are deaths from Ebola or Ebola in Related the hospital or in Aragua. did not even study, "said Lopez.

              "We deny that there meningococcemia deaths, there is no such case. I've Done studies of people who unfortunately died and none have been linked to such diseases," insisted the secretary.

              He also denied that the 1st floor were closed for pollution but works announced from January 2014 noted the same with the Pediatric Emergency hospital in the city of Maracay are ahead.

              He further noted that no death for a "common denominator" that could demonstrate similar causes that show any medical alert. Lopez revealed that they are also picking floors 6 and 7 of the HCM and the ICU room.

              He also reviewed other developments as total waterproofing place and the delivery of new equipment trauma.

              He revealed that take legal action against those identified as generation of irresponsible reporting, which generate anxiety in the population.

              Lopez gave the floor to Ernesto Flores epidemiologist to clinically explain the particular cases of the death of a child and an adult for reasons still being investigated.

              Ernesto Flores Epidemiologist no "underlying disease" complicating viral or bacterial table q can unleash lethal. LuisLopezPSUV

              - ARAGUA HEALTH (SaludPOTENCIA) September 11, 2014

              Ernesto Flores: "Some families have no clear medical case history important why periodic consultation.". LuisLopezPSUV
              - ARAGUA HEALTH (SaludPOTENCIA) September 11, 2014

              Epidemiologist Ernesto Flores "sign of an elder was sent to Ccs Inst of Hygiene and no result has come"LuisLopezPSUV
              - ARAGUA HEALTH (SaludPOTENCIA) September 11, 2014

              Ernesto Flores: "Some families have no clear medical case history important why periodic consultation.". LuisLopezPSUV
              - ARAGUA HEALTH (SaludPOTENCIA) September 11, 2014



              • #22
                Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

                (Caracas, September 11. Noticias24) .- Sectoral Secretary of Popular Power for Health Aragua state and chairman of the Health Corporation of that entity, Luis Lopez, Noticias24 talks on TV about "whispering campaign" that there bacteria in the Central Hospital of Maracay.

                He said that right now the hospital is in a work process, as there is "sufficient investment by the Government, it is absolutely true that we have some kind of bacteria that has caused a death. In the 1st floor halls are being operated to place better, it is incredible that there is any bacteria. "

                Denied this remark, that in his opinion, just looking upset the tranquility "of the Venezuelan people, in particular, of those who live here in Aragua state."

                He added that what exists in the hospital is a construction part of the pavilions, "there is no drop in the care system, there is no bacteria and there are no isolated patients for this, but because they are making some arrangements. No cases of Ebola or something related. "

                He argued that in the Central Hospital of Maracay conentran only to improve service to patients, "these accusations are false, there is no proven that someone has died because of someone else cause."

                "If we had a case of Ebola we were the first to broadcast it, this would already know Venezuela as specific actions are needed, this is false, no cases of this, not suspect anyone," said the secretary of the People's Power Sector for Health Aragua state.

                Lopez explained that if he becomes a case of this type occur, be the first to take action for this. "All patients who die, they performed an autopsy, the results yield the causes of death, of all that might happen in the hospital, is linked to any other (person)."



                • #23
                  Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

                  Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unknown disease

                  Those affected died in 72 hours. Request support from international health agencies to determine the cause.

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                  LAUDELYN SEQUERA
                  Maracay September 11, 2014 - 03:02 pm

                  The president of the Medical College of Aragua, Angel Sarmiento, reported that eight people have died in the Central Hospital of Maracay in the last 72 hours for a disease that is yet to be determined.

                  He ruled that it was Ebola, meniccocemia, dengue or chikungunya because they practiced the epidemiological evidence.

                  "We know what we are facing," Sarmiento said. "We do not know if it's a virus or bacteria."

                  Those killed were four adults and four children who arrived with the same symptoms, from different areas of Aragua. Sarmiento said that among those affected there is no epidemiological correlation geographically. Two of them residing in the area of Carabobo state Aguas Calientes, another lived in the town of Las Tejer?as, another in the town Linares Alc?ntara and one in El Lim?n, Mario Brice?o Iragorry municipality,

                  The first case occurred in El Lim?n, at midnight last Tuesday night. "The patient died within 72 hours of abruptly with massive bleeding," said Sarmiento.

                  He reported that people had the same symptoms: small hemorrhages within 72 hours progressed and became fever and massive bleeding, a sepsias product, which is a severe generalized infection. This led to multiorgan failure that ended in bleeding consumption of coagulation factors. This was the official cause death.

                  Sarmiento asked those without need to go to the Central Hospital of Maracay not go and requested assistance from international health agencies. "How did you know what cure?" He said.



                  • #24
                    Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

                    Secretary Luis Lopez said that there is no lethal Ebola virus or other Aragua

                    Posted by: Maryory Arias September 11, 2014 Front Page, Regional

                    (Ottawa, September 11. TeleAragua) .- The regional health secretary, Luis L?pez Thursday denied the allegations made by the president of the medical college, Angel Sarmiento, clarifying that in Aragua state has not registered any case of virus or some other lethal Ebola virus, also called for calm and said Sarmiento will have to check the eight deaths announced.

                    In turn Dr. Ernesto Flores epidemiological Aragua state, said that there were two deaths from case study, an adult 55 years and a boy of 13 years, the culture samples were sent to determine the bacteria that caused the deaths.



                    • #25
                      Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

                      KPC? It sounds like the problem is in the hospital itself, but there is no mention of HCW affected. If the reporting is incorrect and this is actually being acquired in the community, perhaps test for dengue and leptospirosis?

                      Produce los decesos en sólo 72 horas y ya arrojó ese preocupante saldo. El gobierno de Nicolás Maduro minimizó el problema al decir que es una "campaña de desinformación y terrorismo"

                      Eight dead in 10 days let a strange disease that alerted Venezuela

                      Deaths occur in just 72 hours and you threw that balance concern. Maduro's government downplayed the problem, saying it is a "campaign of misinformation and terrorism"

                      "We do not know what it is," admitted Douglas León Natera, president of the Venezuelan Medical Federation. "There is a full alarm in Aragua state because there is absolute silence from the health authorities of the state, I understand that know absolutely nothing, because people who are in charge of these offices are not doctors and do not know public health or epidemiology, "he said in comments reported by El Nuevo Herald.

                      Venezuelan doctors launched Thursday a wake-up call after the appearance of a mysterious disease that kills within 72 hours and that the hospitals in the country do not know how to deal.

                      The warning was minimized by Chavez

                      However, the warning was minimized by government spokespersons Nicolas Maduro, who qualified to the alarm of doctors as a "campaign of disinformation and terrorism", even when the disease in 10 days left a toll of eight dead in the central state Aragua.

                      The same paper adds that, despite official indifference, the country's doctors said there is reason for concern against a contagious and highly dangerous disease of unknown origin.

                      Meanwhile, the governor of Aragua, the official Tarek El Aissami said it is false that there is an "alleged bacteria in the Central Hospital of Maracay." In his Twitter account,TareckPSUV, reported that "have unleashed chains msm and digital networks on alleged bacteria in the Central Hospital of Maracay. Totally false."

                      In another development, President of the Medical Association of Aragua state, Angel Sarmiento said the fact that doctors are unable to treat the condition generates "great concern".

                      "We do not know if it is being produced by a bacterium, we do not know if it's a virus. Meningococcemia was discarded. Was being tested discard staph and all, but unfortunately has not been given the diagnosis," said the doctor from Maracay.

                      "The only thing common is the way the disease presents"

                      "The only thing common is the way the disease occurs," he said in a telephone interview.

                      The eight victims, from different points of Aragua, were transferred to the state capital, Ottawa, with symptoms including malaise, fever, skin spots and "bubbles" in the mouth.

                      Those spots, then became blisters and soon patients began presenting internal and external bleeding. "After the bleeding starts, is respiratory failure, liver failure, kidney failure and death within 72 hours," he said Sarmiento.


                      • #26
                        Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

                        Well, this rules out most of the things I was thinking. I'm stumped now. Blisters is a very unusual symptom as well.

                        Eight patients died at a hospital in Venezuela because of an unknown disease

                        LUDMILA Vinogradoff / CORRESPONDENT IN CARACAS

                        Day 12/09/2014 - 1:27 p.m.

                        The 8 victims, 4 adults and 4 children experienced similar hemorrhagic fever syndrome

                        Eight patients died at a hospital in Venezuela because of an unknown disease

                        In the last 72 hours eight people died in the Central Hospital of Maracay, located two hours from Caracas, by an unknown disease caused by a virus or bacteria has not been identified, Angel Sarmiento, president of the Medical Association reported Aragua state.

                        In its regional press conference, the doctor said Sarmiento 8 victims, 4 adults and 4 children experienced similar hemorrhagic fever syndrome. The symptoms were the same: 40 degrees high fever, malaise and skin rash which then form blisters.

                        Sepsis that cause multiple organ failure resulting disseminated intravascular coagulation, bleeding from the ear and nose and the subsequent collapse of the body are also presented.

                        Sarmiento denied that the causes of the disease are Ebola, meniccocemia, dengue, chikungunya or contamination in the health center of Leeds, for patients came from different parts of the neighboring states of Carabobo and Aragua. Neither knows the method of transmission of the disease so he recommended waiting for the results of the analyzes of the deceased.

                        However, the governor of Aragua, Tarek El Aissami, dismissed the president of the College of Physicians. In his twitter account said it was "false" there is a bacteria in the Hospital of Maracay. "It is not surprising that the adeco president of the College of Physicians of Aragua whoever leads this campaign of rumors and terrorism."


                        • #27
                          Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

                          (September 12, 2014 Venezuelan) .- Yamin Herrera is familiar associate of Alexander Ortiz, who was killed Monday by an unknown disease in Maracay Central Hospital (HCM), Aragua state. He said the man did not realize the respective autopsy for a reason still unknown.

                          Herrera Alexander reported that when entering the health center had a fever and the elapsed times got worse.

                          "For Sunday night Alexander was completely swollen and I could not breathe and had bruises blood was not circulating well. Could only say that he was out of breath and died on Monday morning," he said.

                          Ortiz was 53 years old and lived in Caracas Avenue El Lim?n.'s Body had to be buried immediately because they were denied proper medical autopsy Give you for the diagnosis of death.

                          Also the family of the young Leandro Ruiz (12) gave their statements. The press reported that the child was referred to Hcm fever and died before 72 hours. Briefly said the body was not delivered by the health center but was sent to the morgue Cicpc because they did not want to have him autopsy due rigor.

                          A wave of complaints in relation to the recently reported deaths of eight people in the same place, because of unknown reasons.


                          • #28
                            Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

                            Require the Government to provide accurate information on deaths in Maracay

                            Central Hospital of Maracay

                            Central Hospital of Maracay

                            Julio Castro, a researcher at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, UCV, stressed the need to keep people become anxious. "You have to tell the truth: 'We do not know what's going on, but we will investigate," said He dismissed that it was an outbreak of Ebola.

                            the national web
                            September 12, 2014 - 11:17 a.m.

                            Julio Castro, an infectious disease physician, urged the Government to give accurate information about the eight deaths that occurred in the Central Hospital of Maracay by illnesses that are yet to be determined.

                            In an interview on Onda The Superstation, professor and researcher at the Institute of Tropical Medicine Central University of Venezuela criticized the governor of Aragua state, Tarek El Aissami, deny that there is an irregular situation.

                            "In terms of managing the media, you can not say that nothing happens, because we know that is not so. That makes people fret. We must say the truth: 'We do not know what's going on, but we will investigate, "he said.

                            He said that in this research the first thing to be determined "is if an outbreak is an abnormal situation that has a common source or whether it is a matter of chance, which sometimes happens."

                            Patients with the disease, which until now called acute febrile hemorrhagic syndrome, showed spots on the body, high fever and massive bleeding that caused their deaths, in a span of 72 hours.

                            "When you have a virus, bacteria and even parasites can be severe enough to attack your clotting. You can even mourn blood. Such bleeding box you are generally the end of serious illnesses, and some resemble other, "he added.

                            He stressed the need for the political entity and the physician work together to reassure people: "You have to say what we are sure is not, and is not Ebola. It is extremely unlikely. Must be an outbreak of some more or less known disease. Do not think it's a situation that gets out of hand. "


                            • #29
                              Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

                              Originally posted by alert View Post
                              The warning was minimized by Chavez
                              Who is Chavez? I am assuming it is not Hugo, he has been dead a while, or is this just a knee jerk blame everything on Chavez MSM reaction?


                              • #30
                                Re: Venezuela - Eight dead in Maracay Central Hospital by unidentified illness - Aragua state

                                Originally posted by JJackson View Post
                                Who is Chavez? I am assuming it is not Hugo or is this just a knee jerk blame everything on Chavez MSM reaction?
                                I think it's actually a translation error. I think the intent is that the warning was minimized by the government, as the next line cites Maduro, who has replaced Chavez.

