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INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2 to Nov 8, 2006

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  • #16
    Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

    Bandung patient suspect BF


    07/10/2006 21:03

    The patient Mama when arriving in RSHS, Bandung.

    (Metro the TV), Bandung: the Handsome Sadikin Hospital (RSHS), Bandung, West Java again received the patient suspect bird flu.
    Casualties were named Mama Komariah, villagers the Love Round, Cisarua, the Bandung Regency.

    With the entry Mama, RSHS currently treats five patients suspect bird flu.
    Mama entered RSHS, on Saturday (7/10), in the afternoon and immediately was treated in isolation space.Beforehand, Mama could be treated in RS Saint Yusuf, Bandung.However because his condition continued to worsen, Mama finally was reconciled to RSHS. Doctor who examined him suspected Mama was infected by bird flu.This was marked in a hot manner high and breathless that was experienced Mama.

    However his assurance was still being waiting for results of the further inspection.Now the husband Mama, Itang said his wife complained the fever since Thursday (5/10).Further Itang said znumanyz weeks ago, his two property chickens and several chickens in his house environment died suddenly.


    • #17
      Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

      More details about the new patient in Bandung

      On Saturday, October 07 2006 21:02 WIB

      the Patient Suspect Bird Flu in RSHS Bandung improved

      Bandung -- MIOL: the Patient suspect bird flu in the Handsome Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung again improved to five people, namely Az (9), Wil (20), Kri (17), Suc (14 months) and finally NY MK (65) that just entered UGD RSHS around struck 15.00 WIB.
      NY MK, the citizen of the Village of the Love Round, the Heulang Sand Village, Kec.Cisarua, the Bandung Regency, that could be beforehand treated in RS Saint Yusuf, but because of showing signs of his bird flu were reconciled to RSHS Bandung.

      According to the husband of the patient MK, Itang (72), in Bandung, on Saturday, his wife was treated in RS Saint Yusuf since Saturday early afternoon around struck 12.00 WIB, but because his condition increasingly descended, in a hot manner the high body through to 40 levels celcius, finally was reconciled to RSHS Bandung.

      When coming in UGD RSHS MK's physical condition has descended and in the situation did not make himself aware, afterwards after being observed, direct, MK at once entered space of the bird flu isolation that is Poinciana Tree Space struck 15.30 WIB.

      Itang said, his wife has felt was sick since Thursday (5/10) and just was brought to the hospital two days afterwards and was based on results x-rayed in RS Saint Yusuf menunjukan strong signs of his wife terjangkit bird flu.

      "His body was hot high but did not experience breathless," he said.
      He said, two from his five kept chickens died suddenly last week, in fact the chicken was ready him will be used for the need of Lebaran and the rest of them will be sold to the market.

      In the meantime, the doctor in UGD RSHS, Dr Diana said the condition for the patient when coming to have been serious, and because of pointing out signs tertular bird flu then immediately was reconciled to Poinciana Tree Space.

      The chairman of the team of the control of RSHS Bird Flu Dr Hadi Yusuf said although being based on the Itang acknowledgment was not breathless was experienced by his wife, but from the medical inspection was seen if MK experienced breathless."We did not believe just like that, therefore we the cheque because indeed his reconciliation suspect bird flu," he said to the reporter.

      The action memasukan to Poinciana Tree Space was done to anticipate MK's possibility really terjangkit bird flu, because apart from his kept chicken there are those that died, there were also several neighbouring chickens that took part in dying suddenly.

      In the beginning inspection of MK's physical condition continued to descend with the temperature of the body achieved 40 levels celcius, blood pressure continued to descend through to 180, results x-rayed pointed out the existence of the infection in the lungs or pneumonia, his leucocytes descended until 1.600, likewise with trombosit blood took part in descending.

      "Expected that because of the virus infection", "but still could not be known by his virus kind, because of being waiting for results of the further inspection," he said.Hadi also said, despite already last week the chicken belonging to the patient died, but this case must continue to be guarded against.

      In the meantime, the four patients that still was treated in RSHS Bandung, namely Az (9), Wil (20), Kri (17), Suc (14 months) his condition has improved, in fact the patient Wil and Kri that were the older brother was siblings and was the citizen of the Village Andir the Lembang Subdistrict, the Bandung Regency on Monday (9/10) the day after tomorrow has been permitted to come home.

      Wil and Kri, could be returned because the Balitbangkes inspection showed results of bird flu of the negative.(Ant/OL-03)


      • #18
        Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

        Hat-tip, BlueJay!

        toggletext-ed from Indonesian:

        RSHS Bandung received the New Patient the Assumption of birds
        Oct 8, 2006, Bandung: The Handsome Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung received the new patient the assumption of bird flu, Ahad (7/10) days. Mamah Komariah was reconciled from RS Saint Yusuf Bandung because his [her] condition showed the sign was similar to bird flu. The woman 67 years experienced the high fever achieved 40 Celsius levels and the cough was accompanied breathless.

        Currently, the condition for Mamah Komariah continued to be monitored by the medical team. The citizen of Babakan Cinta hamlet, the Cisarua Subdistrict, Bandung this was isolated in Poinciana Tree Space RSHS. In the meantime the sample of blood and the spinal cord liquid Mamah has been sent to the Body of Health Research And Development (Balitbangkes) Jakarta to be checked.

        Mamah was the 63rd patient who was treated in RSHS Bandung. From the number, eight positive people of bird flu. Totalling six including dying, one of them Taufik Zakaria (20 years). Taufik was reconciled to RSHS, several hours after his older brother, Indra Jayakusumah died in RS Saint Yusuf [read: the Bird Flu Patient in Bandung died].

        Was based on the Department's note of the Health, totalling 52 people died in the case of the spreading of the virus avian influenza in the Motherland. From the spreading of the plague of bird flu in 30 provinces, nine positive provinces bird flu. Among them in West Java was gotten by 22 cases with 18 people died.

        ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


        • #19
          Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

          What precipitate the spinal tap? Different symptoms?

          "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


          • #20
            Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

            Hat-tip, Dutchy!

            toggletext-ed from Indonesian:

            RSHS Receive ?Suspect? Just
            Oct 8, 2006

            BANDUNG, (PR). -

            Tim [team] the Control of Bird Flu in the Handsome Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung again received a patient who was expected terjangkit the bird flu virus, on Saturday (7/10) approximately struck 16.30 WIB. Mamah Komariah (65) was run off with to Poinciana Tree Space of RSHS Bandung after beforehand suffered hot the fever, was accompanied breathless.

            According to the husband Mamah, Itang (72), two weeks beforehand, his two property chickens died suddenly. Likewise property of his neighbour, there was two tails that died suddenly. Since Thursday (5/10), Mamah suffered hot high. Moreover, had an opportunity to not make himself [herself] aware, so as Itang brought him [her] to RS Saint Yusup, on Saturday early afternoon.

            The patient that beralamat in Kp. Babakan Cinta [hamlet], the Village of Pasir Halang, Kec. Cisarua, Kab. Bandung, was reconciled from the Hospital Saint Yusup Bandung. ?Sejak on Thursday, Mamah suffered hot, struck 12.00 WIB was brought to RS Saint Yusup, from RS was reconciled to sini,? said Itang.

            Itang said, the two chicken carcasses were at once thrown away because worried terjangkit bird flu. He received information concerning bird flu through the television broadcast.

            Was based on the physical inspection, the team of the doctor concluded, Mamah suffered breathless. ?Suhu his [her] body 40 Celsius levels. Blood pressure began to descend 100 per 90. According to results x-rayed, on his [her] lungs had a little pneumonia,? said the Chairman Tim [team] the Handling of the Case of Bird Flu of RSHS Bandung, Dr. Hadi Jusuf, Sp.P.D.KPTI.

            The team of the doctor suspected the infection happened because the awareness that descended was accompanied by the temperature of the body achieved 40 Celsius levels. Moreover, his [her] leucocytes were very low, only 1600 ul.

            ?Kemungkinan big because of the virus and that must be paid attention to that, yes, avian influenza because of having the story of contact. Although znumanyz weeks ago, we could not set aside like that saja,? he said. This morning, his side took the sample of blood Mama to be tested in Balitbangkes Jakarta.

            Although clinically was classed in the difficult condition, but according to the latest report, the team of the doctor not yet gaze at needed to install the ventilator.

            On that occasion, Dr. Hadi explained the condition for the patient suspect mature, that is Wil (17), Kris (20). The older brother was siblings from Kec. Lembang this his situation increasingly improved.

            Therefore, Wil dak Kris could have come home, on Monday tomorrow. Whereas suspect the child, Az (9) from Tasikmalaya, and Sc (14 months) from Jatinangor, Sumedang, also improved.

            However, the child's two patients still could not be ascertained by his returning time. Was based on results of the Balitbangkes test, the four of them were stated by the negative terjangkit the bird flu virus.

            ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


            • #21
              Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

              Originally posted by AlaskaDenise
              What precipitate the spinal tap? Different symptoms?
              I dunno. Maybe they're also looking for something else? Meningitis or something like that?
              ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


              • #22
                Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

                According to results x-rayed, on his [her] lungs had a little pneumonia

                So......since it's not respiratory, they're checking for neurotropic.?

                "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


                • #23
                  Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

                  toggletext-ed from Indonesian:

                  His [her] mouth was installed Ventilator
                  MK's Condition continued Memburuk

                  Oct 9, 2006

                  RSHS, (GM). -

                  The last condition for the patient suspect bird flu had the initials MK (65), the citizen Kp. Babakan Cinta, the Pasirhalang Village, Kec. Cisarua, Kab. Bandung, it was reported continued to worsen. According to the Head of Hasan Sadikin Space of the Hospital Poinciana Tree (RSHS) Bandung, Adang represented the Chairman of the Handling of Bird Flu, Dr. Hadi Yusuf, Sp.P.D., K.P.T.I., on Sunday (8/10), casualties were forced to have to put on the ventilator (respiratory aids) through the mouth.

                  "Casualties's respiration continued to descend through to lowest was recorded by 38 times per the minute. Therefore, casualties used the ventilator," said Adang.

                  In the meantime, further Adang, increasingly bad him the condition for casualties till at this time was triggered by bad him the condition for casualties when being brought to maintenance space RSHS. At first again after being done by observation by the team of the handling of bird flu, he continued, casualties also it was known contracted pneumonia (the acute lungs).

                  "When putting on the ventilator then casualties were still being seen heavy when breathing. Casualties also continued to experience the cough," he explained while adding, the age factor also was influential towards casualties's resistance.

                  It was related that not yet the improvement of the condition for casualties who came on reconciliation of RS Saint Yusuf, Adang said, as far as this is concerned his side still could not memprediksikan the condition for casualties, will continue to improve or be the reverse. "Although each possibility could happen, we continued to try well so that casualties recover," flat Adang.

                  Therefore, to ascertain casualties positive or not terjangkit the virus avian influenza (AI), the sample of blood and apus [?] casualties were immediately sent to the Body of Health Research And Development (Balitbangkes) RI in Jakarta. Rancananya, the sample of casualties's blood was just sent, on Monday (9/10, today, Ed.).

                  In the meantime, the Ron condition (11), the citizen Street [*snip*] Kec. Bojongsoang, Kab. Bandung, that was reconciled to RSHS not long after MK, tended to improve.

                  As being reported beforehand, RSHS Bandung again received two patients suspect bird flu had the initials MK (65) and Ron (11). Was based on the data anamnesis, both of them were expected terjangkit the virus H5N1 alias bird flu. That was reinforced by the existence of contact with the poultry that died.

                  Whereas for MK, casualties it was known experienced difficult pneumonia and were aggravated by the condition for his [her] awareness that weak. Therefore, casualties were forced to have to put on the ventilator.

                  According to the husband MK, Itang (72), his wife began to experience the sign of the fever since Thursday early afternoon (5/10). And two weeks beforehand, said Itang, two from his five property chickens died suddenly. "The death of my chicken was sudden and did not have signs was sick. In fact, the chickens his plan for Lebaran later," said Itang.

                  ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                  • #24
                    Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

                    Originally posted by AlaskaDenise
                    According to results x-rayed, on his [her] lungs had a little pneumonia
                    So......since it's not respiratory, they're checking for neurotropic.?
                    She's been put on a respirator, so it's probably a lot of pneumonia.
                    ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                    • #25
                      Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

                      Originally posted by Theresa42
                      I dunno. Maybe they're also looking for something else? Meningitis or something like that?
                      She is most likely developing meningo/encephalitis symptoms. This could be any or all of a list of possibilities including:

                      Severe headache
                      Loss of consciousness
                      Neck stiffness

                      It is well known that bird flu is a neurotropic virus and causes encephalitis. Those doctors probably don't know that, however, and will be looking for glucose, protein, pressure levels in the CSF to distinguish bacterial vs viral meningitis.


                      • #26
                        Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

                        Originally posted by vaffie
                        She is most likely developing meningo/encephalitis symptoms. This could be any or all of a list of possibilities including:

                        Severe headache
                        Loss of consciousness
                        Neck stiffness
                        I'm pretty sure the lady is unconscious -- one of the reports says that "the team of the doctor suspected the infection happened because the awareness that descended...." "Descended awareness" means unconscious (perhaps in and out of consciousness), I think.
                        ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                        • #27
                          Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

                          The Condition for the Bird Flu Patient in RSHS worsened

                          Nine doctors..??

                          Other patient (Ron, 11 ) improved

                          Bandung -- MIOL: the Condition for the health of Mama Komariah, 67, the patient suspect bird flu that was treated in Handsome Sadikin space of the isolation of the Hospital Poinciana Tree (RSHS) Bandung, at this time increasingly worsened.
                          NY Mama was the citizen of the ...., the Village of bar Sand, of the Cisarua Subdistrict, the Bandung Regency, West Java (West Java), that was treated in RSHS since Saturday (7/10).

                          To make the medical maintenance effective against Mama, that till Monday his condition increasingly worsened, the team of the control doctor of RSHS bird flu dropped nine doctors off."
                          We will not be reckless in handling the patient suspect bird flu like Mama."So, we dropped nine doctors off.The number not yet including several special doctors, among them the lung doctor, said the chairman of the team of the control of Hadi Yusuf bird flu, on Monday.

                          Hadi said, originally blood pressure Mama could increase through to 40 levels celcius, and oxygen to his blood precisely descended.
                          As medical anticipation efforts, the team of the doctor was forced to install the ventilator implement."Before being installed the ventilator implement, the team of the doctor could try to make use of cover oxygen to the respirator."
                          However the condition Mama stayed unstable.And, to restore again the condition for his health,Till today the implement (the ventilator) this be forced still continue to we rose, said Hadi.

                          Hadi mangakui since being sent from the Hospital Saint Yusuf Bandung on Saturday (7/10) last week, the condition Mama still continued to worsen, was increased by the existence of pneumonia to his lungs.
                          "Nearby breathless, and the body ethnic group that was not yet stable, also had few problems to his lungs," said Hadi.
                          In the meantime, to know whether Mama positive was affected by the bird flu virus or was the reverse, continued Hadi, RSHS was still being waiting for results of the sample inspection of blood of the Department's laboratory of the Health in Jakarta.According to Itang, the husband Mama, two weeks before his wife was attacked breathless and the temperature of the body rose, his two kept chickens died suddenly."Two days after his kept chicken died suddenly, the temperature of the body istri"
                          I (Mama) suddenly boasted was accompanied breathless, he said.
                          Till Monday, the number of patients suspect bird flu that still was treated in RSHS numbering five people."However, only Mama that the condition for his health was still worsening."

                          Whereas the other patient the condition for his health gradually improved, said Hadi.

                          Last edited by Gert van der Hoek; October 9, 2006, 02:35 AM.


                          • #28
                            Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

                            "Spinal taps are routine with comas of undetermined origin".

                            Pugmom at FluWiki


                            • #29
                              Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

                              More details about situation in Bandung Hospital

                              The patient Suspect Bird Flu in RSHS Still was Critical

                              Bandung -- MIOL: the Condition for the patient suspect bird flu Mama Komariah, 65, that was treated in RS Handsome Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung, continued to worsen.Apart from already did not make himself aware, the citizen Kp.The Love round, the Heulang Sand Village, To.Cisarua, Kab.
                              Bandung, this also experienced breathless difficult.

                              "Apart from the sample of blood, we also took the sample of casualties's spinal cord."We suspected, casualties did not only experience the infection on the chest, but also has attacked the brain, and that happened to the bird flu patient in several neighbouring countries, explained the Chairman Tim the Handling of RSHS Hadi Jusuf Bird Flu, on Monday.

                              Although already since Sunday (8/10), respiratory aids have been given to casualties, but his breathless condition has not still improved.
                              The temperature of casualties's body also still was tall, so as the tight supervision continued to be carried out by the team of the doctor.
                              The "condition for stable casualties, but heavy."

                              We were still being waiting for the sample inspection of blood, whether he was positive terjangkit bird flu or not, said Hadi.

                              In the meantime, because the condition for his body continued to improve, four patients suspect bird flu that beforehand was treated in RSHS, has been permitted to come home, on Monday.

                              The four patients who have been stated by the bird flu negative were Great, 9, from Kp.The Subang mountain, Kel.Cilamajang, Kec.Kawalu, the Tasikmalaya City, the older brother's patient was siblings Wildan, 20, and Krisna, 17, the citizen Rt 04/05 the Andir Camp, the Kahuripan Warehouse Village, Kec.Lembang, Kab.Bandung as well as Holy Rahmawati, the child was 14 months old, the citizen Street....RT 03/06 Ds.Hegarmanah, Kec.Jatinangor, Kab.Sumedang.

                              "Appropriate protap, after being stated by the bird flu negative, they have been treated for seven days to restore his condition."At this time their condition has been very healthy, and was permitted to come home, stated Hadi.


                              • #30
                                Re: INDONESIA - Bandung (W. Java) Cluster(s) - Oct 2+

                                toggletext-ed from Indonesian:

                                4 patients ?Suspect? AI were permitted Pulang [to go home]
                                Oct 10, 2006

                                Bandung, (PR). -

                                Four suspect bird flu that was treated in Poinciana Tree Space of RSHS Bandung has been returned to his house was their respective, on Monday (9/10). Was based on results of the sample test in Balitbangkes Jakarta, Wil (20), Kris (17), Az (9), and Sc (14 months), was stated by the bird flu negative.

                                Clinically, Wil and Kris were stated healthy. For almost seven days, they did not suffer hot high and did not have the complaint anything. The two mature patients from Lembang, it was suspected only suffered the normal respiratory tract infection. Likewise Az and Sc, clinically his situation was good.

                                Four people came home made use of the ambulance belonging to RSHS and was delivered to his house was their respective. Therefore, according to the latest report, only a patient suspect that was treated in Poinciana Tree Space of RSHS Bandung, that is MK.

                                Attacked the brain?

                                The condition for the patient suspect bird flu, MK (65), was not yet said improved. The team of the doctor that handled took the sample of his [her] spinal cord liquid to be checked in Balitbangkes Jakarta. ?Kesadaran MK descended after hot two hari,? the Chairman's words Tim [team] the Handling of the Case of Bird Flu from the Handsome Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung, Dr. Hadi Jusuf, Sp.P. D. KPTI, on Monday (9/10).

                                According to Dr. Hadi, MK's cerebral membrane liquid must be checked because frightened of having the possibility of the brain of the inflammation, meningitis. The indication was in that direction seen because when entering Poinciana Tree Space, MK did not make himself [herself] aware.

                                ?If results of the upper laboratory inspection his [her] cerebral membrane liquid showed positive terjangkit the virus H5N1, this was the first case in Indonesia. Beforehand, the virus H5N1 that was proven attacked the brain had happened in Thailand,? he said.

                                According to Dr. Hadi, oxygen in MK's blood still was low so as to have to be helped the ventilator. Although being not too heavy, still was gotten by pneumonia on the left and right lungs. Moreover, leucocytes and trombosit him was still low. Nevertheless, blood pressure and the temperature of his [her] body have improved. ?Suhu the body has been good, approximately 36 levels celsius,? he said.

                                ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes

