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Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 - January 28, 2009

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  • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

    Destroyed poultries, the Siapkan Kompensasi Government

    Destroyed poultries, the Siapkan Kompensasi Government
    Monday, 17-11-2008
    Tribun - the Government carried out the extermination of the poultry in the Sudiang district, Biringkanaya, in a last week to anticipate the spreading of bird flu. So, the government said prepared compensation for the owner of these poultries. "The amount of compensation was matched with the standard" of the "price" of the "chicken in the market, that is between Rp12 thousand-Rp15 thousand and will be handed to the owner" of the "livestock this coming 2009 over," explained Peternakan South Sulawesi Section Head (Disnak South Sulawesi), Arifin Daud in Makassar, on Sunday (16/11). According to him, the government will not distinguish the breeder who had the poultry many or a little. The official will from Disnak South Sulawesi carry out data collection of the number of poultries that was destroyed, related the emergence 17 people were expected by bird flu that currently still is treated in the Hospital (RS) Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar. As many as 17 people were suspected of by the bird flu being the resident RT 5 RW 2 Sudiang districts, Mereka was Saleha, the baby was one month old, Nur Amaliah (3), Nur (5), Irwan (6), Salman (7), and Junani (50) that remained at one house or one family, while that was other was his neighbour.

    The poultry in the patient's house and the neighbour him that has been destroyed with the limited extermination system. Meaning that, only poultries that was around the district that was destroyed.
    However if results of the Besar Vertinier Hall laboratory in the Maros Regency against the sample of the chicken that died suddenly, property of the patient was stated positive terjangkit the virus H5N1 or bird flu, then the extermination of the poultry will more be widened again, as far as more than one Biringkanaya Subdistrict or the Makassar City. "To prevent the spreading" of "this bird flu virus, then the team that has been formed will increasingly tighten the supervision" of the "poultry traffic between the regency/the city, including the sending traffic" of the "poultry and the inter-province livestock," he said. That was meant in order to be able to press the spreading of the bird flu virus from one location to the other location.


    • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

      Interview with official from KOMNAS FBPI (Nat. Committee for Bird Flu, Jakarta) on the situation in Makassar region, Sulawesi.

      The strategy in Indonesia seems to shift from vaccination to culling; according to this official (stray)dogs should be culled too.

      On the human cases he frankly says: "But in a manner logic, I saw 17 suspect this was positive, because I asked the hospital side,
      their illness not malaria, also not typhus, moreover, they were in the territory that was the same as the positive poultry carcass
      bird flu that was found."

      Depopulation Of The Poultry As Far As The Radius One Kilometer

      The Member Komnas Bird Flu And The Influenza Pandemic, Dr. Dr. Armyn Nurdin M.Sc.

      The Avian Influenza virus (AI) that attacked the resident's poultry in the Tangki Jangang Kelurahan Sudiang Kecamatan Biringkanaya Village that was accompanied by the sign of the high fever against 17 residents around, made the side's panic Official Health and Livestock Service in Makassar.

      There was this virus concern claimed casualties. How did the step anticipate the spreading of bird flu that was caused by the virus H5N1 this? Along with the reporter's interview the Aswad Syam Dawn with the Member Komnas Bird Flu and the influenza Pandemic, Dr Dr Armyn Nurdin MSc, on Sunday, November 16.

      How the Makassar status with the existence of the virus findings H5N1 in the Tangki Jangang Sudiang Village?
      I saw, Makassar already including the endemic area of bird flu. Moreover if being not wrong, in 2006 then, there was one resident who died resulting from this illness. The virus findings H5N1 in Tangki Jangang, especially in RW 2, proved this virus evidently still spread in the Makassar area.

      Makassar would the area of the centre of the sale of the poultry, especially in wet market (the traditional market). If true results of the sample inspection of blood 17 residents were positive, then this cluster biggest bird flu, beforehand would Tana Karo North Sumatra with six people.

      With these findings, the step what must be done by the resident around Tangki Jangang?
      The community as far as the radius one kilometre must be on the alert. Officially Livestock and Health Service, also immediately must carry out depopulation or the extermination as far as the radius one kilometre. Because the movement of this virus was estimated in a radius of one kilometre.

      This was based by us on the area of the movement of the poultry, especially the chicken. A chicken was estimated the area of his movement reached one kilometre. So, the poultry in the area one kilometre this must didepopulasi or was destroyed, if not, was worried by us these poultries will spread the virus H5N1 that to the other region.

      Apart from depopulation, was there the other step that must be carried out?
      Biosekuriti must be also done with sprayed disinfektan to poultry pens. The virus H5N1 also died with detergent, so the resident must dilute detergent in one water bucket, afterwards was poured to the pen. Moreover, we also must hard-working washed foot, as well as mop the floor with detergent water. Also washed the hands before eating.

      You will have inspected the location in Tangki Jangang, how the process of the spreading of the bird flu virus there?
      Like this, the poultry carcass that died, quite positive bird flu. This carcass was afterwards run off with by a roving dog in the territory. This dog that spread this virus.

      So according to me, the dog must be in the same territory eliminated, we were frightened him, the remnants of the virus H5N1 on the dog saliva spread.

      With this case, for the time being we might not eat meat, especially poultry meat?
      Was thought by me we might not frightened of eating poultry meat or the egg. Provided that, poultry meat and this egg, was cooked through to the temperature 60 levels celsius.

      So don't cook the egg or half-ripe meat. Moreover, the virus H5N1 remained three hours till 12 hours. But was seen by me in Pattene, what was done by the resident has been in accordance with the standard of the health.

      That has guaranteed if the region could be safe with the procedure?
      Was thought by me already 80 percent safe if the procedure was carried out. Nevertheless, I continued to make a plea to the resident, if there are those that felt the fever, the cough, breathless and had had contact with the poultry a week beforehand, immediately get examined in the command post.
      That for vigilance himself.

      Afterwards was related to 17 suspect available in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, was thought by me continued to have to be treated as the sufferer before results of the sample laboratory of his blood said the negative.

      But in a manner logic, I saw 17 suspect this was positive, because I asked the hospital side, their illness not malaria, also not typhus, moreover, they were in the territory that was the same as the positive poultry carcass bird flu that was found.

      How the Komnas FBPI response with this case?
      Not only we in the reactive centre. This case has arrived in WHO (the world body that handled the health, red). We will follow the principle one world one health was the health was property of all the world.

      Moreover this was connected with the life died, so was thought by me we might not cover up. We might not embarrassed, because of the virus H5N1 this not from Indonesia.

      But I the salute with the Sudiang Community Health Centre, because of having two people who were found, they at once descended to the location and referred to the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital.

      Was thought by me, this could become the example for the other community health centre.

      How many availability of the budget for the handling of this bird flu?
      If speaking the problem of the fund, of course the amount was big enough. His article, apart from the preceptive fund bird flu in APBN, also had help from several international agencies, like Unicef, WHO, and the World Bank.

      That was handled by me, there was the stand fund by Rp 50 billion. This not yet scrape out by us-match. I have sent the procedure to get this fund to the Livestock Service and the Health Service related of the handling of bird flu here.

      credits K from MI


      • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

        Like this, the poultry carcass that died, quite positive bird flu. This carcass was afterwards run off with by a roving dog in the territory. This dog that spread this virus.

        So according to me, the dog must be in the same territory eliminated, we were frightened him, the remnants of the virus H5N1 on the dog saliva spread.
        I wonder how much testing they've done on dogs to date?
        The salvage of human life ought to be placed above barter and exchange ~ Louis Harris, 1918


        • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

          Maros Siaga Satu Flu Burung

          Maros Siaga Satu Flu Burung Today, Depag Buka Pendaftaran CPNS
          On Tuesday, 18-11-2008 of
          MAROS, BKM -- Following was treated by him 17 patients suspect bird flu in RS Wahiding Sudirohusodo, Dinas Peternakan and Marine Maros put the alert status of one bird flu into effect.
          The firm step in this agency quite justified, because Maros was one of the areas that was not far from Sudiang, the place of the origin 17 patients suspect bird flu that currently undergoes the maintenance. Section Head Peternakan and Marine Maros, Syata Sanusi stressed, his side not want to robbed in the handling of the bird flu illness. Moreover the virus H5N1 that became the cause of the bird flu illness could spread through air. Therefore, this illness opportunity of entering and attacking the poultry in Maros was big enough. We put into effect alert one anticipated the spreading of bird flu.

          Because of being not closed the possibility of this illness entered and attacked the poultry in Maros. Moreover the discovery territory of the positive poultry bird flu in Sudiang shared directly with Maros a border, explained Syata, yesterday. Moreover, Disnak Maros also carried out the monitoring against several locations that uptil now became the producer's territory of the piece chicken. Intense also spraying was carried out. Everything some time before in Maros could be found by the existence of the chicken that died suddenly. His signs were similar to bird flu. "We have assigned several officials from the Peternakan Service to monitor the poultry, both property" of the "businessman, and the kept poultry of the piece poultry farm the resident."
          Results, now praise the Lord was not yet was found the poultry that was detected terjangkit the virus H5N1, he explained. Section Head Kesehatan Maros, Firman Jaya separately claimed to be his side also appointed the alert status of one to handle the spreading of the bird flu illness. His side ask for to all the head of the community health centre and the doctors to more beautiful saw the condition for the patient. Especially the patient who came with signs to be similar to the bird flu sufferer. "If having the patient with signs that were similar suspect bird flu, immediately must be reconciled to RS Wahidin." Because in RS Salewangeng Maros his facilities did not yet satisfy, he said.
          The vice-chairman Komisi C DPRD Maros, Ustad Said Patombongi ask for to two related agencies to co-operate prevented the spreading of this deadly illness. Dinkes and and Disnak must proaktif handled the illness like this, because not the normal case. Everything did not only happen in Maros and Makassar, but was found in almost all the area in Indonesia. Involve all the community in handling this illness, he suggested.


          • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

            Dinkes prepared the Command Post in Each Community Health Centre

            Dinkes prepared the Command Post in Each Community Health Centre
            MAKASSAR, BKM
            on Tuesday, 18-11-2008 -- the Kesehatan Service of the Makassar City did not want the number of sufferers suspect bird flu continued to improve. Following was treated by him 17 patients who it was suspected were attacked by this deadly illness virus, Section Head Kesehatan Makassar, Naisya T Azikin at once alerted 37 community health centres and the available hospital in this city.
            The community health centre and RS that were spread in 14 subdistricts more than one Makassar had the special medical team handled bird flu. The resident could also get bird flu medicine free. "In each Community Health Centre was prepared by us the handling command post" of "bird flu." Although the command post was all over the community health centre, but was given priority to by us in the serious territory, like Biringkanaya and Manggala, said Naisya that was contacted, yesterday.

            Especially stock of medicine for the bird flu illness, tamiflu, Naisya admitted to not having the problem. All the community health centre and RS had supplies that were enough during several months in the future.
            This medicine was provided from the government of the centre.
            Now for the handling of bird flu was carried out with the vaccination and the burning of the poultry pen. Especially in Sudiang, the vaccination and the burning of the pen was carried out till Saturday last week. "We hoped the proaktif resident coordinated to the official" of the "Community Health Centre." If having the poultry that died suddenly, immediately reported to the closest community health centre, he added.

            In the meantime, 17 residents of the Tangki Jangang Village, Kelurahan Sudiang that was treated in RS Wahidin because suspect bird flu, still was receiving the intensive maintenance. They also still were isolated in the ferns building, on Sunday (16/11). Although his condition has begun to improve, they were not yet permitted to come home. Because results of the laboratory inspection did not yet go out. The team of the control of RS Wahidin bird flu, Rita Rawaeni that was contacted in the afternoon yesterday said, 17 patients suspect the bird flu consist of four mature and 13 children. All of them were still being isolated in the ferns building. "They were not yet permitted to come home." His condition was good.

            The patient was just permitted to come home after having results of the laboratory inspection and they were stated by the bird flu negative, explained Rita. Beforehand, Director Umum and Operational RS Wahidin, Dr Khaliq acknowledged, at this time the ferns building that was the place of the maintenance of the patient suspect bird flu has been full.
            Moreover the patient of the sufferer of the lungs who beforehand could be treated in the room, was forced to be moved to the other room. Therefore, he worried if the patient suspect bird flu improved. If the room could not still accommodate the patient who came, could was treated in the room of UGD. Padahal the room was it was considered serious, because of many other patients who entered and susceptible tertular.
            Especially in the ferns building, the hospital side has carried out anticipation for the patient suspect bird flu that from time to time in the condition for the emergency. The room has been straightened out. Medical equipment that was needed could be at once carried to the room. The maintenance of the patient suspect bird flu that in the state of emergency could be carried out in the room without must be brought to the other room, explained Dr Khaliq that visited BKM editorial staff, last Friday night (7/11.



            • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

              Herry bullied Kusayyeng Expected by Bird Flu,

              Herry bullied Kusayyeng Expected by Bird Flu, Tiga Kecamatan Diisolir
              Monday, November 17 2008 struck 23:34:00
              MAKASSAR -- the Government of the City (the Municipal Government) Makassar isolated three subdistricts that terindikasi terjangkit the virus of Avian Influenza (AI), followed the discovery 17 patients who were expected terjangkit the bird flu virus in Makassar.
              The "Biringkanya subdistrict and Tamalanrea has we are olir, followed the Manggala subdistrict that was considered including the danger suspect bird flu," said Mayor Makassar, Andi Heri Iskandar in Makassar, on Monday.

              Since the existence of the report on the affected resident the illness that almost was similar to the sign was attacked by the bird flu virus, the Municipal Government dropped the preceptive team of bird flu at three relevant subdistricts off. As far as this is concerned, the Municipal Government has mengisolir two subdistricts as well as destroyed hundreds of tails of the chicken in the Biringkanaya Subdistrict, Kelurahan Sudiang Kota Makassar.

              To confirm, continued he, the illness kind that became an epidemic in three subdistricts, his side took the example of the community's blood that was expected terjangkit the bird flu virus, up to now the community that was expected terjangkit the virus H5N1 was reconciled to the Wahidin Sudirohusodo hospital.

              Heri stressed, the Makassar Municipal Government maintained three reconciliation hospitals for the handling of casualties of the bird flu virus, among them the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Rumah Sakit Islam (RSI) Faisal and the Akademis Hospital. As far as this is concerned, the Municipal Government still could not ascertain 17 patients who were treated intensive that was positive terjangkit the bird flu virus, before results of the example inspection of casualties's blood was dismissed by the Departemen Laboratory of the Health.
              The "Municipal Government estimated results" of "the inspection were slowest" will be accepted this coming November 20," he revealed.
              In the meantime, Chairman Tim of the Control of the Suspect Flu Burung Rumah Sakit Wahidin Sudirohusodo Plague, Dr.Khalik Saleh said, as far as this is concerned his side was still carrying out the isolation against 17 patients who it was suspected were affected by the bird flu. From results of the temporary inspection in the RS. Wahidin Laboratory, six patients experienced the A illness of the influenza kind that headed to AI, and three other patients from results of the photograph of the piston showed experienced "Bronchopneumonia" that also had an opportunity to the side of AI.
              Nevertheless, he said, the Hospital side was still being waiting for the assurance produced by the example inspection of casualties's blood that was tested in the Departemen Kesehatan Laboratory.



              • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                The previous report does not explain "isolated", for the moment I assume the isolation refers to poultry, so no movements of poultry in these subdistricts.

                A team is send to all three subdistricts to monitor the situation. If people are suspected to have avian flu symptoms, their blood (mucus not mentioned?) samples will be taken and tested. Presumably they will have Tamiflu right away.

                If necessary suspect patients can be reconciled to the hospital, besides the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital there are 2 other dedicated avian flu hospitals.

                Testresults of the 17 in Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital are expected "slowest" next thursday: november 20.
                Last edited by Gert van der Hoek; November 17, 2008, 02:57 PM. Reason: typo


                • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                  Thank you everyone.


                  • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                    Under 24hr observation

                    The patient Suspect Flu Burung Tetap Dipantau 24 hours
                    Still Diisolasi through to results of the Keluar Lab
                    (on November 18 2008

                    MAKASSAR -- the Condition 17 patients suspect bird flu that is treated in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, currently began to improve.
                    Nevertheless, the 17 residents of the Tangki Jangang Kelurahan Sudiang Village, Kecamatan Biringkanaya continue to diisolasi.
                    Perkembangan their condition was monitored by one time 24 hours.

                    The team of the doctor that the amount more than ten people who had been involved in since the beginning also taking turns to carry out the inspection. The team of this doctor consisted of various backgrounds of the expertise, like the child's specialist, the laboratory, anastesi, microbiology, paruparu, the internal disease, and cardiology.
                    The team's spokesperson of the doctor who was formed especially handled this case, Dr Khalik Saleh, on Monday, November 17, the night earlier, said, the monitoring was for 24 hours carried out to see the development of each patient. "We hoped results" of the "laboratory will later show results" of the "negative," said Khalik.
                    It was related that the patient's isolation, according to Khalik, continued to be carried out through to results of the lab of Unhas and Litbangkes went out 19 or this coming November 20. "But we were grateful their condition is currently relative better." Not there is again that the temperature of his body was high or coughs, revealed Khalik.

                    Nevertheless, according to Khalik, still was several of the him that was given medicine by the team of the doctor. Giving of this medicine according to Khalik appropriate protap the handling of the patient suspect bird flu.

                    The "patients also could not outside his maintenance space, although only around the maintenance building" of "ferns," stressed Khalik.
                    Just was known, 17 residents Street Pattene suddenly experienced hot the high and breathless body, last Wednesday, November 12. That started from their point of contact with the poultry around their respective house.
                    This resident was afterwards brought to RSWS was checked. The government side with Komnas bird flu that came directly from Jakarta to monitor the development of this case carrying out the extermination of the poultry and the burning of the pen for two days, that is Thursday-Friday, November 13-14. The extermination was in fact carried out in a radius of 1 km.



                    • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +


                      Selasa, 18-11-2008 | 20:36:39
                      Tribun Jadi Pengurus Komisi Penanggulangan Flu Burung Sulsel

                      Machine translation:

                      On Tuesday, 18-11-2008 | 20:36:39
                      The Jadi Pengurus Stand of the Penanggulangan Commission of South Sulawesi Bird Flu
                      Laporan: Ira Eka Pratiwi.

                      Makassar, Tribun - the Government of the South Sulawesi Province (the South Sulawesi Provincial Government) formed the Daerah Commission (Komda) the Handling and the Control of Provinsi Selatan Bird Flu.

                      The members who were bundled into this Komda were strengthened directly by South Sulawesi Governor, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, that also acted as this Chairman Komisi in the Quality Hotel, Makassar, on Tuesday (18/11).

                      According to Syahrul, the plague of the bird flu illness in South Sulawesi at this time increasingly increased and South Sulawesi was one of the territories had the big risk to terjangkit this deadly virus. Moreover with the existence 17 residents Patene that at this time still was suspected terjangkit this illness.

                      "We must be alert in handling the problem" of "this bird flu." With the Komda formation that was first in Indonesia this was expected to be able to reduce and control this bird flu illness, continued Syahrul.

                      Komda the handling and this control consisted of six fields. In the meantime, the Tribun Timur Daily was personally entrusted as the management member in the Informatika field and Publik Communication.

                      According to Syahrul, the role of the media in the prevention and the handling of bird flu was very important. He also felt relieved because of the reporting about 17 residents that masing waited for results of his laboratory of this Jakarta to be not shouted about in the media. (*)


                      • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                        He also felt relieved because of the reporting about 17 residents that masing waited for results of his laboratory of this Jakarta to be not shouted about in the media. (*)
                        no, the reporters are all waiting on those results. No shouting about from the media. In fact, the shouting about has come to a stand still, so I guess you and yours were successful.


                        • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                          the Patient Suspect Negatif Flu Burung Syahrul asked for the Regency/the City was on the alert
                          On Wednesday, 19-11-2008 17

                          MAKASSAR, BKM -- 17 patients suspect bird flu that underwent the maintenance while a week in the ferns building of RSUP Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, currently could sigh in relief. Results of the sample inspection of blood and the bribe of the patients who were sent to the Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Laboratory (Litbangkes) Jakarta stated the negative.

                          Chairman Tim of the Control and the Prevention of Bird Flu of Dinas Kesehatan South Sulawesi, Sukardi, said 17 patients suspect bird flu that was treated in RS Wahidin the virus negative H5N1. Just I received results from Jakarta through fax. All of them the negative, said Sukardi that was contacted via telephoned, on Tuesday afternoon (18/11).
                          It was confirmed was separated, the Team of the Control and the Prevention of Bird Flu of RSUP Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Dr Khalik admitted to not yet accepting results of the laboratory inspection of the Kesehatan Service. "I did not yet know whether results" of the "negative or positive, because of not yet having official information from the Kesehatan Service", "said Ditektur Umum and Operational RS Wahidin this."
                          According to him, Although having results, we also at once could not return them just like that. We must see also his physical condition, obviously him.

                          Explained by Dr Khalik, four mature patients and 13 children that suspect bird flu was still being treated intensive in the ferns building. They were still being isolated while being waiting for results of the laboratory inspection.
                          Dg Nginga, the mother from the child's four patients suspect bird flu that was contacted yesterday afternoon, immediately speaking thank heavens. He was very happy and happy heard information if his children and the other patient the bird flu negative. Syukurmi if the results negative. This means that we already could have come home, said Nginga.
                          The patient that most were still having the family's relations with Dg Nginga, continued to be isolated. But his infusion already was not installed again. All of them very healthy.
                          They have been impatient in wanting to come home, he said.

                          Be on the alert South Sulawesi Governor, Syahrul Yasin Limpo ask for kepadapemerintah the regency/the city to increase vigilance towards the possibility of the outbreak of the bird flu illness. Moreover in the rain season as it is now. The bird flu illness was the threat that must receive serious attention to prevent him. Because of that I asked all the regency/the city so that more increased his vigilance, stressed Syahrul after appointing the management of the Daerah Commission of the Control of Bird Flu in the Quality Hotel, on Tuesday (18/11).
                          The number one person in South Sulawesi this also stressed the Regional Government importance and the Municipal Government of giving information in a manneropenly to the community. In this way they could be more careful towards the spreading of the bird flu virus. To the management who just was appointed, Syahrul asked for them to more proaktif. Might not be waiting for SK the governor or the regent to destroy the positive poultry terjangkit bird flu. Kesehatan South Sulawesi Section Head, ahmat Latief added, to prevent the spreading of the bird flu illness, his side carried out various steps.
                          Among them giving of medicine anti the virus to the patient suspect bird flu as well as the preceptive socialisation of bird flu.



                          • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                            the Patient Suspect Negatif Flu Burung Syahrul asked for the Regency/the City was on the alert
                            Was "on the alert" for what? A bad case of flu?


                            • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                              2 Positive test results, and after 7 days of Tamiflu, 1 test result of negative, still in question by the Drs at the hospital. The same Drs that saw the x-rays and constant coughing and the first 2 positive test results. 3 With symptoms of pnuemonia and all with fevers. Saying negative now is nothing new from the Indo govt and was expected the entire time. From the beginning of this outbreak till now, all were heavily suspect of having bird flu.

                              Shiloh See:

                              Last edited by sharon sanders; November 18, 2008, 11:20 AM. Reason: added link to refer blood test results



                              • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                                KLB FLU BURUNG Municipal Government Semarang Closed Three Chicken abattoirs

                                Rabu, 19 Nopember 2008

                                The government of the City (the Municipal Government) Semarang through the Pertanian Service yesterday began to destroy hundreds of poultries belonging to the resident and closed at least three chicken abattoirs. That was carried out following the case avian influenza (AI) to humankind that claimed fatalities in the Siwalan District, Kecamatan Gayamsari, Kota Semarang, last week. Since the case of bird flu was determined as the extraordinary incident (KLB), the Guardian of the City Semarang Sukawi Sutarip really declared war towards this one illness. The seriousness will be realised with the blow late last week where the Service of Pertanian Kota Semarang at least destroyed 500 poultries belonging to the resident in the Siwalan District.


                                "Moreover, the owner" of the "poultry also must do biosekuriti routinely," said Sukawi. The sub-district head Gayamsari Fajar Purwoto explained, the extermination of the poultry was the handling procedure of AI. Kawasan RW 01, according to him, indeed must be sterile from the poultry at least for one month while the supervision went. Information from ET AL Semarang mentioned, three samples of blood AI of casualties's neighbour currently still are researched in the Research And Development laboratory Department of Health RI. Ketiga the person it was known experienced the high fever after him Dewi Sartika died. Apart from destroying the resident's poultry, in order to anticipate the spreading of the bird flu illness in the Semarang City territory, three chicken abattoirs in the Gayamsari Subdistrict were forced also to have to be closed forevermore. Council Elder Pemberdayaan of the Kelurahan Community (LPMK) Siwalan Agus Supriyoto claimed, this closing already mejadi the resident's desire. The three chicken abattoirs that were closed by each one belonging to Tarwondo, Daryono, as well as Yusuf

