Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +
Destroyed poultries, the Siapkan Kompensasi Government
Destroyed poultries, the Siapkan Kompensasi Government
Monday, 17-11-2008
Tribun - the Government carried out the extermination of the poultry in the Sudiang district, Biringkanaya, in a last week to anticipate the spreading of bird flu. So, the government said prepared compensation for the owner of these poultries. "The amount of compensation was matched with the standard" of the "price" of the "chicken in the market, that is between Rp12 thousand-Rp15 thousand and will be handed to the owner" of the "livestock this coming 2009 over," explained Peternakan South Sulawesi Section Head (Disnak South Sulawesi), Arifin Daud in Makassar, on Sunday (16/11). According to him, the government will not distinguish the breeder who had the poultry many or a little. The official will from Disnak South Sulawesi carry out data collection of the number of poultries that was destroyed, related the emergence 17 people were expected by bird flu that currently still is treated in the Hospital (RS) Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar. As many as 17 people were suspected of by the bird flu being the resident RT 5 RW 2 Sudiang districts, Mereka was Saleha, the baby was one month old, Nur Amaliah (3), Nur (5), Irwan (6), Salman (7), and Junani (50) that remained at one house or one family, while that was other was his neighbour.
The poultry in the patient's house and the neighbour him that has been destroyed with the limited extermination system. Meaning that, only poultries that was around the district that was destroyed.
However if results of the Besar Vertinier Hall laboratory in the Maros Regency against the sample of the chicken that died suddenly, property of the patient was stated positive terjangkit the virus H5N1 or bird flu, then the extermination of the poultry will more be widened again, as far as more than one Biringkanaya Subdistrict or the Makassar City. "To prevent the spreading" of "this bird flu virus, then the team that has been formed will increasingly tighten the supervision" of the "poultry traffic between the regency/the city, including the sending traffic" of the "poultry and the inter-province livestock," he said. That was meant in order to be able to press the spreading of the bird flu virus from one location to the other location.
Destroyed poultries, the Siapkan Kompensasi Government
Destroyed poultries, the Siapkan Kompensasi Government
Monday, 17-11-2008
Tribun - the Government carried out the extermination of the poultry in the Sudiang district, Biringkanaya, in a last week to anticipate the spreading of bird flu. So, the government said prepared compensation for the owner of these poultries. "The amount of compensation was matched with the standard" of the "price" of the "chicken in the market, that is between Rp12 thousand-Rp15 thousand and will be handed to the owner" of the "livestock this coming 2009 over," explained Peternakan South Sulawesi Section Head (Disnak South Sulawesi), Arifin Daud in Makassar, on Sunday (16/11). According to him, the government will not distinguish the breeder who had the poultry many or a little. The official will from Disnak South Sulawesi carry out data collection of the number of poultries that was destroyed, related the emergence 17 people were expected by bird flu that currently still is treated in the Hospital (RS) Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar. As many as 17 people were suspected of by the bird flu being the resident RT 5 RW 2 Sudiang districts, Mereka was Saleha, the baby was one month old, Nur Amaliah (3), Nur (5), Irwan (6), Salman (7), and Junani (50) that remained at one house or one family, while that was other was his neighbour.
The poultry in the patient's house and the neighbour him that has been destroyed with the limited extermination system. Meaning that, only poultries that was around the district that was destroyed.
However if results of the Besar Vertinier Hall laboratory in the Maros Regency against the sample of the chicken that died suddenly, property of the patient was stated positive terjangkit the virus H5N1 or bird flu, then the extermination of the poultry will more be widened again, as far as more than one Biringkanaya Subdistrict or the Makassar City. "To prevent the spreading" of "this bird flu virus, then the team that has been formed will increasingly tighten the supervision" of the "poultry traffic between the regency/the city, including the sending traffic" of the "poultry and the inter-province livestock," he said. That was meant in order to be able to press the spreading of the bird flu virus from one location to the other location.