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Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 - January 28, 2009

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  • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

    13/11/2008 15:51
    17 Warga Makassar Suspect Flu Burung
    17 Residents in Makassar Suspect Bird Flu

    INILAH.COM, Makassar - Sebanyak 17 warga Makassar terpaksa dilarikan ke rumah sakit Regional Wahidin Sudirohusodo setelah mengalami demam, batuk, sesak nafas disertai sakit pada bagian dada.
    INILAH.COM, Makassar - Some 17 residents of Makassar dilarikan forced to hospitals Regional Wahidin Sudirohusodo after experiencing a fever, cough, shortness of breath accompanied by pain in the chest.
    Diduga mereka suspect flu burung.
    They suspected bird flu suspect.

    Ke 17 korban yang 13 diantaranya masih anak-anak berumur tiga bulan hingga 12 tahun ini, tingal di Jl Lorong Kuburan RW 2 RT 5 kelurahan Sudiang, kecamatan Biringkanaya.
    To 17 victims are still among the 13 children aged three months up to 12 years, living on Jl Lorong Tombs RW 2 RT 5 villages Sudiang, Biringkanaya district.

    Menurut Kepala Bidang Medik sekaligus Humas Tim Khusus Flu Burung RS Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Kurnia Bintang, Kamis (13/11), sejak kemarin Rabu (12/11) sebanyak tujuh pasien, yang terdiri dari 5 anak-anak, langsung setelah diambil sampel darah dan foto toraks bagian dada korban, langsung ditempatkan di ruang isolasi.
    According to the Head of Medical Affairs at once Relation Team Special Bird Flu Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Kurnia Stars, Thursday (13/11), since yesterday Wednesday (12/11) of seven patients, which consists of 5 children, immediately after the blood sample is taken and photo toraks victims of the chest, directly placed in isolation rooms.
    Langkah medik dan rapid test influenza sudah dilakukan.
    Step Medicine and rapid influenza tests have been conducted.

    "Sampel darah sementara masih diperiksa di laboratorium kedokteran Unhas. Dari hasil rapid, mendapati enam orang diantaranya mengalami influenza jenis A yang mengarah ke akibat H5N1," kata Kurnia.
    "Samples of blood while still checked Unhas in laboratory medicine. From gary results, found six people including an influenza type A that leads to the result of H5N1," said Kurnia.

    Sementara itu hari ini, Kamis (13/11) Unit gawat darurat rumah sakit yang sama juga menerima psien yang juga dinyatakan suspeck flu burung sebanyak 10 orang.
    Meanwhile, today, Thursday (13/11) Unit emergency hospitals also receive the same psien also stated that suspeck bird flu as many as 10 people.
    Kesemuanya juga diidentifikasi menderita keluhan yang sama dengan ketujuh pasien sebelumnya, yang ternyata masih bertetangga.
    These are also identified as suffering the same complaint with the previous seven patients, which is the neighbors.

    Kepala Instalasi rawat Darurat dan juga anggota tim penanganan penyakit flu burung RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Wasis Udaya saat ditemui seusai memberikan perlakukan pada 10 pasien ini, mengatakan ke 10 pasien itu menderita gejala yang sama, yakni flu, demam, batuk dan sesak nafas.
    Head Installation Emergency treatment and also members of the team handling the bird flu disease hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Wasis Udaya when found after giving treat 10 patients in this, say to 10 patients suffering from the symptoms of the same, namely, flu, fever, cough and shortness of breath.
    Ia menyatakan telah mengambil tindakan sesuai protap.
    He said he was taking the action has been protap appropriate.

    "Secara umum kondisi pasien masih stabil, namin kita akan terus memantau perkembangannya. Untuk hasil apakah negatif terjangkit H5N1, masih menunggu hasil laboratorium di Jakarta, sekitar satu minggu," paparnya.
    "In general the condition of the patients are stable, namin we will continue to monitor developments. To have negative results if the H5N1, is still awaiting the results of the laboratory in Jakarta, about one week," he said.

    Dalam rangka mengantisipasi pasien yang tidak bisa diprediksi, pihaknya telah menyediakan semua kebutuhan pelaksanaan pengobatan dan perawatan korban suspect dan positif flu burung.
    In order to anticipate the patient can not be predicted, the government has to provide all needs treatment and care of victims suspect and the positive of bird flu.
    Seperti, obat-obatan dan ruang isolasi.
    Such as, drugs and isolation rooms.

    Untuk perwatan ke 17 pasien ini, akan ditangani sedikitnya 20 tim dokter ahli di rumah sakit ini.
    To perwatan to 17 patients will be handled at least 20 medical teams of experts in this hospital.
    Rumah sakit ini juga merupakan satu-satunya rumah sakit di Sulsel yang ditunjuk untuk menangani pasien yang terkena flu burung.
    The hospital is also the only hospital in South Sulawesi, who was appointed to handle the patients affected by bird flu.

    Wasis juga mengimbau pada para warga untuk mengantisipasi korban berikutnya agar segera melaporkan ke dinas kesehatan yang bekerjasama dengan dinas peternakan Makassar.
    Wasis also called on residents to anticipate the next victim to immediately report to the health office, in cooperation with the animal husbandry office in Makassar.

    Sementara itu, Jefri ( 30) ayah dari salah seorang pasien suspek flu burung, Fauzi yang masih berumur tiga bulan mengatakan sejak dua minggu lalu memang di lingkungan rumahnya puluhan ayam milik tetangganya mati mendadak.
    Meanwhile, Jefri (30), the father of one suspect bird flu patients, Fauzi, who is still three months since said two weeks ago that the environment for tens of chicken house owned by neighbors died suddenly.
    Dan menurut petugas dari dinas peternakan Makassar, memang ayam-ayam tetangganya ada yang ditemukan terkena virus H5N1.
    And according to officials from the animal husbandry office in Makassar, the chickens are neighbors who were found infected by the H5N1 virus.

    "Setelah banyak ayam yang mati, dua minggu lalu itu langsung dilakukan pemusnahan sekitar seratusan ekor ayam kampung oleh dinas kesehatan. Setelah itu, anak saya dan enam tetangga lainnya menderita batuk, demam dan sesak nafas," jelasnya.
    "After many chickens that died, two weeks ago it carried out the destruction around seratusan chicken by the health office. After that, my children and six other neighbors suffered cough, fever and shortness of breath," he explained.

    Jefri mengaku heran, sebab dirinya sendiri tidak memelihara ayam, dan tidak pernah kontak dengan jenis unggas yang hampir menjadi peliharaan tiap rumah di sekitarnya.
    Jefri admitted to wonder, for himself does not raise chickens, and never the type of contact with poultry that almost every house pets to be around.
    Apalagi, anaknya fauzi yang baru berumur tiga bulan.[dil]
    Moreover, the new Fauzi children aged three months. [Dill]


    • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

      Seventeen People Suffer Bird Flu Symptoms
      Thursday, 13 November, 2008 | 23:13 WIB
      TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: Ten people in Makassar South Sulawesi were admitted to hospital on Thursday after suffering bird flu symptoms, a day after seven people were hospitalised for the same symptoms.

      All the 17 patients are being treated at Wahidin Sudirohusodo Regional General Hospital came from the same area of Jl Pate' ne in Sudiang District Biringkaya Subregency, where several chickens were found dead. Husbandry Directorate at the Regional Office of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries announced that the virus was found on the chickens.

      Head of the Emergency Room at the hospital, Dr Wasis Udaya said blood samples had been taken from the patients and the patients had been x-rayed to determined the cause of their illness, fourteen among the patients are children the with youngest was three months old.

      Other medical staff at the hospital reported only 14 among the 17 patients so far were treated in an isolation room as the room capacity could not contain all the patients.

      The hospital had sent the blood samples to Hasanuddin University and the Health Ministry. Results were expected to come out in two days.

      Indonesia recorded the highest death toll from the virus which stood at 113 people since the outbreak reached the country in 2004.



      • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

        [I just could not get the others in isolation.....maybe I missed it?]

        From: Tangki Jangang Village, RW2 RT5 Patte?ne, Sudiang, Biringkanaya
        Admitted 11/12:

        Nurul Awaliyah/Awaliah/Andia/ (3), sib (1st one sick) (08.00) (blood sent) Isolation
        Nur Matan/Nurfadillah (4 months), sib. No blood taken. (between 08-12.00) Isolation.
        Salman (6), sib. (08.00) (blood sent) Isolation.
        Irwan (5/6/8), (12.00) Isolation. sib.
        Saleha (12)/Saleha (10/11), sib. (12.00) Isolation. (neighbor?)
        Fauzi Ibn Rajab (3 months) Isolation. sib.

        Johani (60)/Yohani (50). (12.00) Isolaltion

        Admitted 11/13:
        Ilham (2)
        firdaus (6)
        Alif (3 months)
        Desi (5)
        Eki Desviani (5 months)
        Rahmawati (2)
        Hartati (26)
        Nuraine (31)
        Hasnawati (34)
        Annisa (6)

        6 patients: influenza A
        3 of the 6 have bronchopneumonia
        Mother: Dg Nginga, has 5 kids.
        Father: Risal, laborer, not around.
        symptoms: high fever, vomiting, coughing. breathless. 2 days lapse between kids.
        Recon: Sudiang Community Health Center.
        31 Chickens died in past week.
        3 toddlers onset sym: Monday, 11/10.
        Sprayed chicken farms in the area.
        Father: Jefri (30) son: Fauzi ?exterminated 100 tails after many chickens died in the last 2 weeks. After that his child and 6 other neighbors suffered cough, fever & breathless)


        • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +


          Additional H5N1 Denials in Indonesia Raise Pandemic Concerns
          Recombinomics Commentary 15:23
          November 13, 2008

          Siti Fadilah Supari said the 15-year-old girl, who died in hospital in the Central Java city of Semarang on November 7, was not carrying the H5N1 strain.

          "Both tests came back negative," she said.

          The above denial by the Ministry of Health in Indonesia extends the long list of high questionable statements delivered by Indonesian officials. These denials apply to H5N1 outbreaks in birds and people.

          Initial outbreaks of H5N1 in late 2003 were said to be due to Newcastle Disease, but H5N1 sequences from Indonesia from 2003 are now publicly available. Similarly, the first human cluster of H5N1 in Tangerang in 2005 was initially denied, but the H5N1 from the first confirmed case is now the vaccine target for the clade 2.1 H5N1 in circulation in Indonesia.

          Moreover, the human to human transmission in that initial cluster is still denied, as are the dozens of similar clusters in Indonesia. The largest official confirmed cluster was in Karo in 2006, but an even larger cluster was in Garut in the following year, although only three of the H5N1 infected patients were confirmed. That cluster followed the typical reporting pattern in Indonesia where the initial case(s) is not tested, subsequent contacts are H5N1 positive, and contacts of these contacts are negative because of decreases in H5N1 RNA levels due to Tamiflu treatment.

          In addition to highly suspect comments on H5N1 infected cases, the recent failures to provide timely reports of outbreaks has increased concerns. In 2006 Indonesia filed an OIE report indicating H5N1 was endemic in poultry in Indonesia, which relaxed reporting requirements to 6 month intervals, but Indonesia has not filed an official OIE report since 2006.

          Similarly, reporting regulations were disregarded with respect to confirmed human cases earlier this year after multiple H5N1 clusters were discovered. Those clusters followed the typical pattern of misdiagnosing the index cases as lung inflammation, dengue fever, or typhus. These fatal cases were followed by symptoms in relatives which were then subsequently H5N1 lab confirmed, leaving little doubt that the earlier infections in relatives were due to H5N1, yet the ministry of health officials continued to deny that the index cases in the clusters were H5N1 infected.

          After the third cluster was reported, Indonesia announced a change in reporting of confirmed cases, which was in clear violation of International Health Regulations. Indonesia announced that instead of notifying WHO 24-48 hours after lab confirmation, they would issue periodic reports every few months, or as long as every 6 months.

          Moreover, in addition to denying H5N1 infections and failure to provide timely reports, Indonesia has withheld samples and sequences necessary to monitor the evolution of H5N1 in patients and birds. The last public human H5N1 sequences were from patients diagnosed in early 2007, and recently Indonesia announced that they would no longer allow bird samples to be sent to the WHO regional center in Australia for sequencing.

          The above series of actions has significantly reduced the credibility of statements issued by the Ministry of Health. The coup de grace was the statement that the lower number of H5N1 human cases was due to prompt treatment, which lacked logic unless there was a high level of human to human transmission. Prompt treatment of H5N1 patients would not reduce the number of confirmed patients, but would reduce the case fatality rate. However, the case fatality rate in Indonesia has remained close to 80%. Treatment of H5N1 infected patients would only lower the number of reported cases if the treatment led to false negatives, which would reduce the number of reported cases, but not the number of H5N1 infected cases.

          The long list of controversial statements and actions by the Ministry of Health has not led to more active investigations by the WHO. They continue to issue situation updates on patients who were infected weeks or months prior to the WHO report, and the true level of H5N1 cases and human to human transmission remains largely unknown to those inside and outside of Indonesia.

          The latest case, which was said to be lab confirmed, has now been denied, and the status of the 17 patients hospitalized in Makassar, South Sulawesi remains unclear, as Indonesian actions and statements, coupled with lack of action by WHO, continue to be hazardous to the world's health.

          "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


          • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

            Indonesia to test 17 for bird flu in Sulawesi
            (11-13 21:47)

            Seventeen people from the same neighborhood in the Indonesian city of Makassar in South Sulawesi are due to be tested for bird flu after falling sick, a health ministry official said on Thursday.

            Chandra Yoga Adhitama, acting director-general of communicable disease control, said the group had been hospitalized after chickens in the surrounding area suddenly died.

            He described the general health condition of the 17 as good and said that blood samples had been taken and would be sent to the health ministry laboratory in Jakarta for testing.

            "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


            • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +



              14 November 2008
              Waspadai Gejala Influenza

              machine translation:
              Semarang & SEKITARNYA
              On November 14 2008
              Waspadai Gejala Influenza

              Semarang-Jangan had underestimated the sign of influenza. Could be not common flu, but the sign of early avian influenza (AI). Because of that when someone was attacked by the cough, was sick the throat and was sick the appropriate muscle to be guarded against.

              Moreover this sign will never improve in several days and the sufferer had the story of contact with the poultry. ?Lebih good immediately was brought to the house sakit,?? said Vice Chairman Emerging Infectious Desease (EID) RSUP Dr Kariadi the doctor Agus Suryanto MPd.

              The similarity of the sign between AI and common influenza this became one of the delay factors of the handling of bird flu.

              Only in bird flu, this sign will develop by pneumonia that could end by failing breathing. ?Pendeteksian early really was difficult to be carried out to membedakannya,?? Agus's words.

              This bird flu virus could be found in feces and the secretion and the poultry of birds breathing. Most cases of humankind tertular resulting from direct contact with birds or the poultry that were sick.

              Despite this contamination of the environment by the virus also could become the source of the spread. ?Saat this was not yet gotten the human vaccine for flu burung,?? added Agus.

              Be on duty at Kebersihan

              Various efforts could be carried out to prevent humankind terjangkit bird flu. His method that is by maintaining the cleanliness of his devout environment the poultry pen and birds. Also kept away the animal pen from the residence, cleaned livestock food that lagged behind on the floor to not invite wild birds to come.

              ?Kebersihan himself must also be taken care of as washing the hands with sabun,?? firm Agus.

              The case of bird flu was personally distinguished on three that is suspect, probable and confirm. Agus explained was stated suspect when the patient experienced the fever on 38 levels celcius and had visited to livestock breeding. The level of the case probable just could be ascertained after being carried out by the test.

              From the test was learnt culture of the virus and the inspection of RT-PCR was stated positive. Moreover the increase happened titer antibodies H5 bigger four fold times. As for the case was stated was confirmed when results of the test rapid H5NI also was stated positive. Moreover happened failed the breath that could make the patient die and be not alternative to the other cause.

              ?Pada DS entered in the category of the case of confirmation although only results of the virus inspection H5 still was stated positif,?? obviously him. (H31-41)


              • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                General location map for the 17 suspected human H5N1 cases in Sulawesi.

                The first map below shows the location of Kota Makassar on Sulawesi. The second map shows the location of the Subdistrict of Biringkanaya on the northern end of the city. Note that this subdistrict is near the Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport.
                Attached Files


                • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                  17 Warga Sudiang Suspect Flu Burung
                  Friday, 14 November 2008

                  Totalling 17 patients from Street Pattene, the Village of Tangkejangang RT 5/2, the Sudiang District, the Biringkanaya Subdistrict was expected terjangkit the virus avian influenza (AI) or suspect bird flu. MAKASSAR (SINDO) ? totalling 17 patients suspect bird flu was isolated in RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo,kemarin. These patients came from the Village of Tangkejangang,Kel Sudiang,Kec Biringkanaya. They who were expected terjangkit the virus avian influenza (AI) this underwent pengisolasian in two rooms namely the Pakis Building and Gawat Darurat Installation space (IRD) RS property of the government. As many as 10 from 17 patients who were treated in RS Wahidin, were pre-schoolers, respectively Nurul Awaliah; 3 years 6 months; Nurfadilah, 4 months; Salman, 4 years; Fauzi, 3 years.

                  All of them were treated intensive in the special room of the ferns building. Whereas five other was the Ilham 2 years; Alif,3 months; Desi, 5 years, Eki Desriani, 5 months, Rahmawati,2 years was isolated in IRD RS Wahidin space.

                  Apart from to 10 pre-schoolers, RS Wahidin also isolated and observed the condition for seven patients child and adult. All seven him that is Irwan,6; Saleha 12, Ny Johani,60, Firdaus,6, Nartati,26, Nuraeni,31, Hasnawati,34, along with Annisa,6. All this patient was reconciled by the Sudiang Community Health Centre to RS Wahidin since last Wednesday (12/11) after experiencing the high fever around 39.5 Celsius levels. Moreover, they also experienced breathless and the cough continually. ?Dugaan this bird flu to strengthen with respect towards 17 pasients here after hundreds of poultries in and around his environment died suddenly since a week of last,? expressed Kepala IRD RS Wahidin that also the team's member of the handling of bird flu Dr Wasis Udaya yesterday. Moreover, said Wasis, from results of the research that was carried out by the Kesehatan Service of the Makassar City of finding several poultries that died positive terjangkit the virus H5N1 that spread.

                  Moreover, the increase, in and around the community's environment was received the poultry that died suddenly. Information that was received by SINDO, it was known if since last Saturday (9/11) was gotten by 27 chickens that died suddenly

                  At the time of that simultaneously, the chicken that was gotten in the Salman house also suddenly died. ?Pada on November 10 (on Sunday) a patient named Salman began the cough and the fever were still being run off with to RS Wahidin. In the afternoon him, an amount tetanga him also experienced the sign of the same illness so as on that day also as many as seven patients were reconciled here (RS Wahidin) ,? more RS Wahidin public relations Dr the gift yesterday. The gift claimed, the sample of temporary blood was still being checked in the medical Unhas laboratory. From results rapid, found six patients who experienced A kind influenza that and headed terjangkit H5N1. Only, he still merahasian [merahasiakan = conceal] the identity from the six patients who were expected infected this. Jufri, 30, Sir from Fausi, 3 months, said, the eldest child from two related this experienced the fever was accompanied breathless since last Tuesday night (11/11). He was personally surprised his article his child had not carried out direct contact with the poultry that was around his residence. ?Pada late last week my kept chicken will also die totalling seven tails, but I at once destroyed him by means of being burnt. Because of being frightened of the bird flu illness, finally we carried him to RS,?tutur him when being met in front of the ferns Building.

                  The husband from Fitriah this said, since last week hundreds of tails of the chicken in his territory suddenly meninggal. On at that time also, several officials of the community health centre and the Service of Kesehatan Makassar entered directly to destroy these chickens as well as check the health of the resident. He hoped his child who was new three months the bird flu negative. From SINDO observation in RS Wahidin,ke 17 patients suspect the bird flu underwent observation and the isolation in the special room. The RS side restricted the patient to carry out direct contact with his family and oblige each visitor to wear clothes steris to peer pasien. Daya accommodated isolation space personally could accommodate as far as 20 patients and if improving, the RS side prepared the special room to pengisolasian.

                  This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!


                  • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                    Here's the others that are in isolation:

                    Admitted 11/13:
                    Ilham (2), Isolation RS Wahidin
                    firdaus (6),
                    Alif (3 months) Isolation RS Wahidin
                    Desi (5), Isolation RS Wahidin
                    Eki Desviani (5 months) Isolation RS Wahidin
                    Rahmawati (2) Isolation RS Wahidin
                    Hartati (26),
                    Nuraine (31) ,
                    Hasnawati (34)
                    Annisa (6).


                    • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                      Originally posted by Shiloh View Post

                      From the test was learnt culture of the virus and the inspection of RT-PCR was stated positive. Moreover the increase happened titer antibodies H5 bigger four fold times. As for the case was stated was confirmed when results of the test rapid H5NI also was stated positive. Moreover happened failed the breath that could make the patient die and be not alternative to the other cause.
                      Clearly someone is LYING.


                      • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                        So this area will soon be KLB status, and looks to be a pretty big case of negatives



                        • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +



                          • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                            The resident was asked to not maintain the Poultry in the Settlement
                            On Friday, 14-11-2008
                            MAKASSAR, BKM -- Following was treated by him 6 people that suspect bird flu in the Wahidin Sudirhusodo Hospital, Dinas Kesehatan of the Makassar City asked the community to be on the alert. Especially in the territory that was classified as serious the spreading of the virus H5N1 that caused the occurrence of bird flu or avian influenza (AI). Kadis Kesehatan of the Makassar City, Naisya T Azikin mentioned, there were two subdistricts in Makassar that was susceptible was attacked by bird flu, that is Biringkanaya and Manggala. He asked that the resident did not maintain the kind poultry anything in the settlement environment to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. "Two border territories were very serious bird flu, because of could not be supervised in a manner details" of the "movement in and out" of the "poultry from various areas." Moreover, the two territories had been gotten by the patient suspect bird flu, said Naisya, on Thursday (13/11). Apart from the two subdistricts, the traditional market also very serious was gotten by the bird flu virus.

                            His article, this place became sale centres of the living chicken that was brought in from various areas. To minimise the fall of casualties resulting from this illness, Naisya asked for the resident to immediately came to the community health centre like that knew had the sign of bird flu. We provided medicine free. But if his sign clear, must be reconciled to the hospital, obviously him. The sign of the bird flu virus could be known if the person made directly contact with the poultry, afterwards the cough, pilek, the high fever, was difficult to breathe, had a headache, the weak feeling, hurt-hurt that happened for 1 to 2 week.
                            To confirm positive not him was attacked by bird flu, only could with the blood inspection.
                            Up until yesterday, Naisya claimed did not yet know whether the affected patient suspect bird flu and was treated in RS Wahidin positive or not. Because, the RS Wahidin side was still researching the sample of the resident's blood of this Sudiang District. Estimated, results of the inspection have gone out today. Nevertheless, Naisya coordinated to the Biringkanaya Subdistrict side and Manggala to alert.

                            In Biringkanaya, the subdistrict side carried out the extermination of the poultry in the Sudiang District. The sub-district head Biringkanaya, AM Yasir admitted to co-operating with the police and the TNI to destroy the poultry. He also coordinated to all of his village head, to memonitoring all the community that still was maintaining his poultry. "If anything happening, I hoped the proaktif resident reported to the village head."
                            Later we will at once take the action, he stressed. In spite of that the Sub-district Head Manggala, Syamsul Nature. He always made a plea so that his resident does not maintain the poultry in the settlement. Although having the poultry, must be maintained in accordance with the standard of the health that was dismissed by the government.
                            "The day after tomorrow (besok,red) we spread out the simulation overcame bird flu in the Tamangapa district." The simulation would produce all the Manggala community, obviously him. (PR4/rus)



                            • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                              Moreover, the two territories had been gotten by the patient suspect bird flu, said Naisya, on Thursday (13/11). Apart from the two subdistricts, the traditional market also very serious was gotten by the bird flu virus...
                              Asking for anybody sick please report for free tamiflu.
                              A community simulation to overcome the bird flu, is that a "pandemic simulation party?".. sounds serious to me



                              • Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +

                                The sub-district head Biringkanaya, AM Yasir admitted to co-operating with the police and the TNI to destroy the poultry.
                                They are getting help from their Army (TNI)

