Re: Indonesia: Human Cases 8 Oct 2008 +
13/11/2008 15:51
13/11/2008 15:51
17 Warga Makassar Suspect Flu Burung
17 Residents in Makassar Suspect Bird Flu Suriani
INILAH.COM, Makassar - Sebanyak 17 warga Makassar terpaksa dilarikan ke rumah sakit Regional Wahidin Sudirohusodo setelah mengalami demam, batuk, sesak nafas disertai sakit pada bagian dada.
INILAH.COM, Makassar - Some 17 residents of Makassar dilarikan forced to hospitals Regional Wahidin Sudirohusodo after experiencing a fever, cough, shortness of breath accompanied by pain in the chest. Diduga mereka suspect flu burung.
They suspected bird flu suspect. Ke 17 korban yang 13 diantaranya masih anak-anak berumur tiga bulan hingga 12 tahun ini, tingal di Jl Lorong Kuburan RW 2 RT 5 kelurahan Sudiang, kecamatan Biringkanaya.
To 17 victims are still among the 13 children aged three months up to 12 years, living on Jl Lorong Tombs RW 2 RT 5 villages Sudiang, Biringkanaya district. Menurut Kepala Bidang Medik sekaligus Humas Tim Khusus Flu Burung RS Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Kurnia Bintang, Kamis (13/11), sejak kemarin Rabu (12/11) sebanyak tujuh pasien, yang terdiri dari 5 anak-anak, langsung setelah diambil sampel darah dan foto toraks bagian dada korban, langsung ditempatkan di ruang isolasi.
According to the Head of Medical Affairs at once Relation Team Special Bird Flu Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Kurnia Stars, Thursday (13/11), since yesterday Wednesday (12/11) of seven patients, which consists of 5 children, immediately after the blood sample is taken and photo toraks victims of the chest, directly placed in isolation rooms. Langkah medik dan rapid test influenza sudah dilakukan.
Step Medicine and rapid influenza tests have been conducted. "Sampel darah sementara masih diperiksa di laboratorium kedokteran Unhas. Dari hasil rapid, mendapati enam orang diantaranya mengalami influenza jenis A yang mengarah ke akibat H5N1," kata Kurnia.
"Samples of blood while still checked Unhas in laboratory medicine. From gary results, found six people including an influenza type A that leads to the result of H5N1," said Kurnia. Sementara itu hari ini, Kamis (13/11) Unit gawat darurat rumah sakit yang sama juga menerima psien yang juga dinyatakan suspeck flu burung sebanyak 10 orang.
Meanwhile, today, Thursday (13/11) Unit emergency hospitals also receive the same psien also stated that suspeck bird flu as many as 10 people. Kesemuanya juga diidentifikasi menderita keluhan yang sama dengan ketujuh pasien sebelumnya, yang ternyata masih bertetangga.
These are also identified as suffering the same complaint with the previous seven patients, which is the neighbors. Kepala Instalasi rawat Darurat dan juga anggota tim penanganan penyakit flu burung RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Wasis Udaya saat ditemui seusai memberikan perlakukan pada 10 pasien ini, mengatakan ke 10 pasien itu menderita gejala yang sama, yakni flu, demam, batuk dan sesak nafas.
Head Installation Emergency treatment and also members of the team handling the bird flu disease hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Wasis Udaya when found after giving treat 10 patients in this, say to 10 patients suffering from the symptoms of the same, namely, flu, fever, cough and shortness of breath. Ia menyatakan telah mengambil tindakan sesuai protap.
He said he was taking the action has been protap appropriate. "Secara umum kondisi pasien masih stabil, namin kita akan terus memantau perkembangannya. Untuk hasil apakah negatif terjangkit H5N1, masih menunggu hasil laboratorium di Jakarta, sekitar satu minggu," paparnya.
"In general the condition of the patients are stable, namin we will continue to monitor developments. To have negative results if the H5N1, is still awaiting the results of the laboratory in Jakarta, about one week," he said. Dalam rangka mengantisipasi pasien yang tidak bisa diprediksi, pihaknya telah menyediakan semua kebutuhan pelaksanaan pengobatan dan perawatan korban suspect dan positif flu burung.
In order to anticipate the patient can not be predicted, the government has to provide all needs treatment and care of victims suspect and the positive of bird flu. Seperti, obat-obatan dan ruang isolasi.
Such as, drugs and isolation rooms. Untuk perwatan ke 17 pasien ini, akan ditangani sedikitnya 20 tim dokter ahli di rumah sakit ini.
To perwatan to 17 patients will be handled at least 20 medical teams of experts in this hospital. Rumah sakit ini juga merupakan satu-satunya rumah sakit di Sulsel yang ditunjuk untuk menangani pasien yang terkena flu burung.
The hospital is also the only hospital in South Sulawesi, who was appointed to handle the patients affected by bird flu. Wasis juga mengimbau pada para warga untuk mengantisipasi korban berikutnya agar segera melaporkan ke dinas kesehatan yang bekerjasama dengan dinas peternakan Makassar.
Wasis also called on residents to anticipate the next victim to immediately report to the health office, in cooperation with the animal husbandry office in Makassar. Sementara itu, Jefri ( 30) ayah dari salah seorang pasien suspek flu burung, Fauzi yang masih berumur tiga bulan mengatakan sejak dua minggu lalu memang di lingkungan rumahnya puluhan ayam milik tetangganya mati mendadak.
Meanwhile, Jefri (30), the father of one suspect bird flu patients, Fauzi, who is still three months since said two weeks ago that the environment for tens of chicken house owned by neighbors died suddenly. Dan menurut petugas dari dinas peternakan Makassar, memang ayam-ayam tetangganya ada yang ditemukan terkena virus H5N1.
And according to officials from the animal husbandry office in Makassar, the chickens are neighbors who were found infected by the H5N1 virus. "Setelah banyak ayam yang mati, dua minggu lalu itu langsung dilakukan pemusnahan sekitar seratusan ekor ayam kampung oleh dinas kesehatan. Setelah itu, anak saya dan enam tetangga lainnya menderita batuk, demam dan sesak nafas," jelasnya.
"After many chickens that died, two weeks ago it carried out the destruction around seratusan chicken by the health office. After that, my children and six other neighbors suffered cough, fever and shortness of breath," he explained. Jefri mengaku heran, sebab dirinya sendiri tidak memelihara ayam, dan tidak pernah kontak dengan jenis unggas yang hampir menjadi peliharaan tiap rumah di sekitarnya.
Jefri admitted to wonder, for himself does not raise chickens, and never the type of contact with poultry that almost every house pets to be around. Apalagi, anaknya fauzi yang baru berumur tiga bulan.[dil]
Moreover, the new Fauzi children aged three months. [Dill]