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Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008 - 20th June 2008

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  • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

    The patient Suspect Bird Flu improved

    The condition for two patients suspect bird flu from the Agam Regency, at this time began to improve.
    The temperature of his body began to be normal, even so breathlessly that was experienced by him also began to decrease.
    However Nurul (3.5) and the Blessing (1.5) still continued to undergo the maintenance in Isolasi Irna C Penyakit Dalam Space, because of results rapid test still in the research of Balitbang Department of Health RI.

    After two days underwent the maintenance of the two patients suspect bird flu from Virile his condition experienced the pleasing development.
    If beforehand, they got help of breathing with oxygen, at this time has begun to be released.
    Even so with the infusion hose that involved also began to be released.
    "Suhu of his body has begun to be normal only around 36.5 levels celsius and 37 levels celsius.
    Only still experienced somewhat breathless, but did not need oxygen,
    " said the Head of the Layanan Medik Field RSUP M. Djamil Padang, Irayanti to Padang Ekspres, on Thursday (15/5)

    Nevertheless, till at this time the side RSUP M. Djamil Padang still could not confirm, this condition made both of them free from suspect bird flu.
    Because, till at this time his side just sent rapid test that was the determiners, positive or not someone contracted bird flu.
    Even so with results swab the throat till at this time was not yet accepted.
    Was based on observation Padang Ekspres to maintenance space, was seen by the two pre-schoolers was playing with his parents at the room of the isolation.
    While the nurse was checking the temperature of his body.
    Only, at this time was second parents began to use one of the protection implements himself like sterile clothes, but still was reluctant to use the mask.


    • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

      370 poultries and 66 Destroyed pens

      The Siti Istiqomah death (16) the resident Gandariautara that became bird flu casualties to tamparan hard the Government of the City (the Municipal Government) Southern Jakarta in dealing with the circulation of the poultry in his territory.
      Did not want robbed, the South Jakarta Municipal Government direct mengelar the action sweeping in RW 01, 03, 07, and 08 Gandariautara districts.
      From four points of this poultry of the circulation danger, the official succeeded in destroying 370 poultries and 66 pens.
      Unfortunately, the action sweeping this was still lax because the owner of the poultry that refused to be destroyed was still being given by tolerance for two days to destroy or sell him.
      In fact in accordance with the provisions, if having the poultry that died suddenly, then the poultry in a radius of one kilometre must be destroyed.
      This step, to anticipate the bird flu virus spread to the other territory.

      In fact, the action sweeping has been carried out since last Monday (12/5).
      Sweeping this was that was third his time was spread out the South Jakarta Municipal Government.
      Sweeping this was concentrated in RW 01, 03, 07 and 08 in the Gandariautara District and involved dozens of officials from the Dinas Peternakan Ethnic Group and South Jakarta fisheries.
      Mundari, Lurah Gandariautara, said this action was the continuation from the action beforehand.
      Today, succeeded in destroying 370 poultries that consisted 233 pigeons, 130 chickens, and seven ducks.
      "66 pens also at once were burnt by us," he stressed, on Wednesday (15/5).
      Unfortunately, this preventive action received the opposition from some owners of the poultry.
      They equivocated, that his kept poultry in the healthy and valuable condition very expensive so as love if being destroyed.

      Responded to this, Mundari admitted, his side gave tolerance for the owner who denied his poultry was destroyed.
      "Given by time two days to evacuate his poultry from this Gandariautara Region."
      If still was would we took forcibly, he stressed.
      The protest was sent by Eddy that kedapatan maintained 12 dove birds in his house.
      He chose, evacuated his pet animal outside the city.
      "These birds were expensive, because often took part in the contest of the pigeon race."
      It would be better if was moved to your house in Sukabumi than was destroyed, he said.
      However had also the supportive resident the firm action the official.
      Like that was said by Risky the local resident who was supportive this action.
      Penyisiran this poultry, definitely could make the resident to be freest from bird flu.


      • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

        Governor Minta Disnakkanla Data Unggas in Gandaria

        Special Capital District of Jakarta Governor, Fauzi Bowo, asked for the Peternakan Perikanan Service, Kelautan (Disnakkanla) did inventerisasi the available poultry around the Siti Istiqomah residence, the resident of the District of Gandariautara Southern Jakarta that died resulting from the bird flu virus or avian influenza (AI), on Wednesday (14/5).
        "Saya asked not only the Kesehatan Service that moved, but also the Service (Disnakkanla) immediately held stocktaking, available poultry data collection around the house of bird flu casualties in Gandaria," said Fauzi Bowo, in the town hall, on Thursday (15/5).

        Moreover, said the governor, if being needed in accordance with Pergub No 15/2007 about the Implementation of the Control of the Maintenance and the Circulation of the Poultry, then the radius 500 metre from the house of bird flu casualties was carried out by the extermination of the poultry.
        As is known, Siti Istiqomah (16) the resident of the Gandariautara District, Southern Jakarta, that suffered bird flu, had finally died, on Wednesday morning (14/5) around struck 07,00 of WIB. Sebelumnya Siti could receive the maintenance for three days in RS Persahabatan Jakarta Timur.
        Before being sentenced suffered bird flu, Siti could take medicine to RS Gandaria because of being expected suffered typus resulting from the high fever.
        Because his fever will never descend, the couple's child the Lover (60) and Aisyah (54) this immediately was reconciled to RS Persahabatan.
        From results of the intensive inspection, was known if Siti suspect bird flu.

        The case was in this Gandariautara District indicated because of the number of residents who still was maintaining the poultry.
        Moreover, many wild poultries that died suddenly and were allowed just like that in the street.
        Necessarily, the poultry that died suddenly was destroyed by means of being burnt then was stockpiled.
        The echo of Henry Wicaksono, Kasie Kesehatan of the Animal and the Health of the Veteriner Community (Keswan Kesmavet) Sudin Peternakan Perikanan, and Marine Southern Jakarta said, Siti died because of having several pigeons that died suddenly close to his house environment.
        The community around also reported the existence of the poultry that died suddenly in this region.
        Unfortunately, the birds carcass that died suddenly this only was left alone just like that.

        Because of the incident, Sudin Peternakan Perikanan, and Marine South Jakarta immediately did sweeping the poultry in this region.
        "Hasilnya, totalling 100 chickens, 34 pigeons, two geese, and two entog immediately was destroyed," he said.
        Apart from destroying the poultry, said he, the resident around also immediately was checked his blood as the anticipation action tertular the virus H5N1 this.

        From results of the laboratory inspection, all of them were stated healthy, there is none that tertular the deadly virus.
        The action sweeping the poultry not only was carried out by Sudin Peternakan and South Jakarta fisheries, the Gandariautara District side also followed the same step.
        From results sweeping district apparatus, found 141 chickens, 47 birds and 7 ducks, from 21 pens and immediately was destroyed.


        • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

          hat-tip Dutchy

          The Deadly virus Still "To Be Suspended/Swaying" in the Jakarta City

          One by one the reporter left the funeral parlour.
          The atmosphere became quieter.
          Several members of the appearance family were more relaxed.
          Praised (56), that beforehand could be rather angry because continually is questioned by the reporter of a television station, currently appearance was calmer.
          "Kita Semua, would, was sad.
          Tired it seems if being interviewed continued.
          Moreover Sir, still enggak believed his two children died the hose 10 days," said Anwar Sanusi (20), the older brother from Is (15) and Ar (14).
          Is and Ar, the fifth child and the six Praised couples and Siti Aisyah (50), died after being sick suddenly.
          Both of them were it was suspected infected by the virus avian influenza.
          Ar died in his house in RT 012 RW 01 of Gandaria Utara, Kebayoran Baru, Southern Jakarta, on Sunday morning (4/5).

          Positively AI

          As far as this is concerned, only Is that it was confirmed the Service of Kesehatan Special Capital District OF Jakarta positive contracted bird flu.
          That after the example of blood Is was checked through the method polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the central laboratory of the Department of the Health in the Negara Printing House, Jakarta Pusat.
          In the meantime, Ar could not be checked because the deceased was reluctantly treated inap in the hospital.
          Therefore, the Ar illness could not be reported and could not undergo the inspection.
          The family then denied the Ar grave was torn down.
          Nevertheless, Is and Ar experienced the similar sign.
          Feverishly, the lungs were felt hot, and the cough.
          "Sakitnya was true- true suddenly, then died," Anwar's words.
          The location of the family's Praised residence only around 1 kilometre from the Indah region of the Hut elite.
          Around 4 metre from the family's Praised house flowed the small Krukut time.
          All along the time so lined up piece houses, that were level- level had three rooms.
          Generally, this settlement was relatively clean although solid and stuffy.
          Was not smelled by the sewer smell, did not appear also the scattering waste.
          The quality of the ground water was then still good

          The AI negative poultry
          Like generally the resident of the settlement in Jakarta, several residents maintained the poultry, like the nonpedigreed chicken, the pigeon, the duck, the goose, and entok.
          In fact, these poultry kinds, also birds puyuh, was the poultry that had been forbidden to be maintained in the Special Capital District of Jakarta, since the AI virus spread.
          However, according to the Henri Wicaksono Echo, Kepala Seksi the Health of the Animal and the Health of the Community of Suku Dinas Peternakan Southern Jakarta, from the inspection of 54 samples of poultry blood that lived around the family's Praised residence of no poultry then that were positive AI.
          "Not one the poultry then that appeared to be sick and results of the lab were then negative.
          Nevertheless, all of them didepopulasi (was destroyed), then was returned to his owner to be consumed,
          " Echo words.
          The echo said, the AI case in Gandaria Utara as far as this is concerned did not show the correlation between casualties and the available poultry around his residence.
          "This the big question mark.
          Uptil now the correlation connection only was limited suspected-guessed, and could not be confirmed by results of the lab?
          " said the Echo.

          Although still was shadowed the question mark, the extermination program of the poultry continued to take place.
          The resident who had the poultry, apart from that was banned, could receive the disinfectant liquid glutanol free in the local office of the ethnic group of the livestock breeding service.
          The liquid that contained 32 percent glutaraldehyde that could be used to clean the pen.


          • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

            The relocation still could not be speeded up

            Occurred again him the case of bird flu that killed the resident did not make the Government of the Special Capital District of Jakarta Province speed up the relocation and the cleaning of the livestock poultry from the settlement.
            In the meantime, the reception of the livestock poultry in the Kepiting Swamp and in several other locations was not yet finished was built.
            According to the Secretary of the Special Capital District of Jakarta Area, Muhayat, the relocation plan of the livestock poultry was propped up by the availability of the budget to build the new location.
            According to plan, the location of the poultry reception that just was finished was built in 2010.
            Muhayat said, the case of occurring bird flu forced the government to research the cause of the spread in a manner details.
            If the source of the spread came from the livestock poultry, the government of the city and the community must work hard to remove the poultry from the environment.

            If the spread came from the poultry decorated that bersertifikat, the livestock breeding service must check repeated his certification system.
            However, if not came from the sources, needed the deep research and the most united handling.

            In Jakarta, newest casualties bird flu that is Is (15), the resident Gandaria Utara, Kebayoran Baru, of Southern Jakarta, that died on Wednesday morning (14/5).
            Beforehand, on Sunday (4/5), the Brother Is, namely Ar (14), also died with the similar sign Is.
            However, Ar could not be checked related the assumption of the bird flu infection because of being not treated inap.
            The doctor that checked in the hospital in the Labu Hut only diagnosed Ar suffered typhus and the inflammation of the lungs.
            The head of the Ethnic Group of Dinas Kesehatan Southern Jakarta Togi Asman said, his side was testing blood 21 people who it was suspected interacted with casualties Is (15).
            As far as this is concerned, the inspection was not yet finished. [?]

            Positively flu burung

            Togi decisive, Is was infected by the virus avian influenza (AI) or bird flu.
            The confirmation was received after the sample of his blood was tested with the test polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the Departemen Laboratory of the Health.
            As for was sick that was suffered by Ar could not be confirmed whether also was infected by AI because casualties's family also did not permit the Ar grave to be torn down, his body was examined again.
            "Gandaria still could not be classified as cluster bird flu because of his incident just had one case and casualties that was ascertained positive also only one person," Togi words.
            According to information of Anwar Sanusi (20), the older brother Is and Ar, for Ar was sick, Is often tended and treated Ar.
            The condition Is still was healthy till three days after Ar died.
            "Tim tahlilan the third day, on Tuesday night (6/5), my brother (Is) not felt well.

            Continued dikerokin.
            Tomorrow him to the clinic, the community health centre, to the end to the hospital," Anwar's words.
            Anwar added that his family was very grateful because during Is was treated in the Persahabatan Hospital did not have the cost tax one penny then.

            That not yet Confirmed

            According to information from the Nasional Pengendalian Committee of Bird Flu and Menghadapi Pandemi Influenza Preparedness (Komnas FBPI), to Thursday (15/5), the cumulative number the positive case of bird flu in Indonesia reached 135 sufferers, and 110 people including dying.

            Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari said, specimen from the patient who it was suspected was infected by the bird flu virus was taken.
            Specimen was checked in two laboratories of the Health of the Department's reconciliation, that is the Laboratory of Badan Litbang Kesehatan Department of Health and the Eijkman Agency.
            "Not yet confirm, still was checked, in-sequencing again," Fadilah Supari words.

            In accordance with the procedure, the assurance of the AI infection could be just known after the PCR test and serology against specimen the patient was done the Body laboratory of Litbang Department of Health and the Eijkman Agency.
            As far as this is concerned, was not yet detected the spread of bird flu happening between humankind.

            The Special Capital District of Jakarta Provincial Government aim at during 2010 did not have again the living poultry that was traded in the markets.
            The abolition program of the animal of the living poultry that was traded in the Special Capital District of Jakarta was aimed at finished just in the next two years.
            At this time, in the Special Capital District was gotten 259 locations of the reception and more than one thousand animal abattoirs of the animal of the livestock poultry.
            In one day, at least 400,000 tails of the poultry, most chickens, that were accommodated and cut off.
            In Jakarta, in 2008 this fell 10 casualties were killed bird flu.


            • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

              Originally posted by Commonground View Post
              The relocation still could not be speeded up

              Positively flu burung

              Togi decisive, Is was infected by the virus avian influenza (AI) or bird flu.
              The confirmation was received after the sample of his blood was tested with the test polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the Departemen Laboratory of the Health.
              As for was sick that was suffered by Ar could not be confirmed whether also was infected by AI because casualties's family also did not permit the Ar grave to be torn down, his body was examined again.
              "Gandaria still could not be classified as cluster bird flu because of his incident just had one case and casualties that was ascertained positive also only one person," Togi words.
              According to information of Anwar Sanusi (20), the older brother Is and Ar, for Ar was sick, Is often tended and treated Ar.
              The condition Is still was healthy till three days after Ar died.
              "Tim tahlilan the third day, on Tuesday night (6/5), my brother (Is) not felt well.
              Continued dikerokin.
              Tomorrow him to the clinic, the community health centre, to the end to the hospital," Anwar's words.

              Confirmed cluster control in Indonesia.


              • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                The condition Is still was healthy till three days after Ar died.
                "Tim tahlilan the third day, on Tuesday night (6/5), my brother (Is) not felt well.
                This puts AR's dod as 5/3.


                • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                  Another confirmation of bird flu as the cause of death of Istiqomah. No confirmation yet from the Department of Health.

                  Siti & Rizki Perished, Health Service Special Capital District Could Be Responsible

                  Jakarta, myRMnews.

                  The head of the Special Capital District Health Section did not want to be responsible for the death of two Southern Jakarta residents, Siti Istiqomah and Ahmad Rizki who died yesterday resulting from the bird flu virus in the last two days.

                  Was like this was sent by Wibowo Sukijat to the reporter in Jakarta, on Friday early afternoon (16-5). He acknowledged, that the sibling older brother died because positive was infected by bird flu.

                  But they died not responsibility of Health Service Special Capital District, he stated. According to him, the problem of bird flu became responsibility with all the Jakarta residents.

                  To avoid bird flu, the resident personally that must proaktif avoided himself from being infected by this virus. For example to wash the hands after contact with the poultry, interacted and maintained the poultry in his house or dipemukiman solid.

                  The prevention of bird flu only did not bear answered the Health Service, but must have the awareness of the resident not service responsibility but the awareness of the resident personally, stressed Wibowo.

                  Whereas still the number of poultries that roamed about in Jakarta, according to him the problem not the territory or the authority of the Special Capital District Health of the Service but Lifestock Service responsibility.



                  • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                    This source denies the elder brother - Alamsyah - has been sent back home

                    Bird Flu

                    Poultry Dalam Radio Culled


                    Jakarta -- the Special Capital District of Jakarta Government continued to comb and destroy the poultry in the Dalam Radio region, Gandaria Utara, Kebayoran Baru, Southern Jakarta.

                    Special Capital District of Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo ordered the Peternakan Service to comb the poultry in a radius of 100 until 500 metre from the Istiqomah house, the inhabitants Street Dwijaya IV that died because of bird flu.

                    "When necessary, was destroyed," said Fauzi in the Town Hall yesterday.

                    Till yesterday, the official destroyed 288 tails of the poultry in Gandaria Utara. Various poultry kinds were maintained in 66 pens belonging to the resident. "Tomorrow the extermination will be continued by us," said Mundari, Lurah Gandaria Utara.

                    Istiqomah, 16 years, died last Wednesday in the Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta Timur. Istiqomah was sick with the hot sign, the cough, and breathless. Fingertips foot and his hands turned blue. The team of the doctor RS Persahabatan stated Istiqomah positive bird flu.

                    Ten the previous day, Ahmad Rizki, the brother Istiqomah, died after being sick with the sign was similar. That time, the team of the doctor in the Prikasih Hospital, Pondok Labu, stated Rizki suffered typhus.

                    As for Alamsyah, 26 years, the older brother Istiqomah, were still being treated in the Persahabatan Hospital. Results of the beginning inspection, Alamsyah the bird flu negative, but the team of the doctor was still being waiting for results of the further inspection.

                    As far as this is concerned, the source of the virus avian influenza that infected Istiqomah was not yet known. The head of the Ethnic Group of Dinas Kesehatan Southern Jakarta, Togi Asman, said the officials are still investigating the spread medium of the bird flu virus. The official, for example, took the sample of blood 21 people around the Istiqomah house.
                    The "laboratory research not yet available," said he.

                    As far as this is concerned, according to Togi, the official of the decisive difficulty the source of the spread of the bird flu virus. The reason is, in part, because around casualties's house was not found the poultry that died suddenly. "It is difficult, everything not there are those that knew contact that was carried out by Istiqomah," said Togi.

                    source: Koran Tempo

                    credits Helblindi


                    • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                      Snip from Jakarta Post:

                      Saturday, May 17, 2008

                      The latest suspected bird flu victims in Indonesia were Istiqomah, a 16-year-old girl from Jakarta, and her brother Ahmad Rizki. Istiqomah died on May 14, 10 days after Ahmad.

                      One of their family members, Alamsyah, 24, is still being treated at Persahabatan Hospital in East Jakarta for bird flu-like symptoms.

                      Their deaths have not been included in the official data, however, because the government needs time to confirm suspected bird flu cases.


                      • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                        Catchy title, numbers are different from officially released numbers. I can not look into it now.


                        28 people died resulting from Bird Flu

                        The death rate resulting from the bird flu virus or avian influenza (AI) in the capital was classified as high.

                        Why not, since January till May 16 2008, the Service of Kesehatan Special Capital District OF Jakarta recorded as many as 28 people died resulting from 33 residents positive infected by bird flu.

                        So, Sukijat made a plea to the resident to immediately reported to the Kesehatan Service when in the environment around often was found the poultry that died suddenly.

                        Everything at the same time had the resident that suffered hot and feverish.
                        We must anticipate since early because the bird flu virus was very deadly, said Sukijat in the town hall, on Friday (16-5).

                        Last bird flu casualties in the Special Capital District that is Siti Istiqomah (16), the resident Gandariautara Southern Jakarta that died in the last two days (on Wednesday, 24-5).

                        Siti could receive the medical maintenance for three days in RS Persahabatan Jakarta Timur.

                        The case was in this Gandariautara District indicated because of the number of residents who still was maintaining the poultry.

                        Moreover, many wild poultries that died suddenly and were allowed just like that in the street. Necessarily, the poultry that died suddenly was destroyed by means of being burnt then was stockpiled.

                        And to prevent the circulation of this bird flu virus, Governor Fauzi Bowo ordered the Peternakan Service, Perikanan and Marine (Disnakkala) (Lifestock Service, ed) of the Special Capital District of Jakarta to carry out certification of the poultry.

                        In order to prevents the circulation of the poultry that was infected by bird flu, of the Peternakan Service must check each poultry that entered Jakarta.
                        Confirm that the poultry that entered Jakarta was free from the bird flu virus, said Fauzi.

                        Former Special Capital District of Jakarta Vice-Governor this said, basically every time had the resident of the capital that suspect bird flu, then himself always instructed Lifestock and Health Service to carry out the research further was good towards the patient and the place environment he remained.


                        • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                          Another report pointing at a positive bird flu diagnose for Sixteen-year-old Istiqomah , no word yet from Dep of Health.

                          Poultry culled and tested, no H5N1 found in poultry in the neighbourhood of the latest victim.

                          The 1st child who died, Rizki, not bird flu diagnosed, but typhoid, based on blood tests.

                          Victims' neighboorhood H5N1-free

                          Mustaqim Adamrah , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Sat, 05/17/2008

                          The city's husbandry, fishery and maritime agency said Friday it did not find the H5N1 virus in any fowls found in the neighborhood of the latest suspected bird flu victims.

                          Agency head Edy Setiarto said samples taken from poultry in the Gandaria Utara, South Jakarta, showed negative results.

                          "We took the samples Thursday and had them examined in our lab in Ragunan, South Jakarta, after scanning an area in the subdistrict with a radius of 100 meters," he said.

                          "We found out later that day the tests were negative," he said.

                          The agency also culled backyard poultry in the area during the inspection, he said.

                          "We have finished culling poultry on the subdistrict level," said Edy.

                          "The Jakarta husbandry, fishery and maritime agency will continue culling poultry in the whole Kebayoran Baru district."

                          The procedure, he said, would be finished by the end of this month.

                          Edy said the agency is trying to determine where the virus might have come from.

                          Jakarta Health Agency head Wibowo Sukijat said his agency was testing blood samples taken from people who had contact with the suspects before they died.

                          "We don't know when the tests will be finished," he said at City Hall.

                          Sixteen-year-old Istiqomah died Wednesday after being treated at Persahabatan Hospital, East Jakarta, for having respiratory problems, a cough and a fever.

                          Her nails on both her hands and feet had turned blue.

                          Doctors confirmed Istiqomah died of bird flu, Koran Tempo reported Friday.

                          On May 4, Istiqomah's brother Ahmad Rizki, 15, died at Prikasih Hospital in Pondok Labu, South Jakarta, after showing similar symptoms.

                          Doctors at the hospital, however, said Ahmad was suffering from typhoid.

                          Wibowo said blood samples from Ahmad showed he was not infected by the bird flu virus and thus confirmed the doctors' claim.

                          A family member of the victims, Alamsyah, 24, is now being treated at Persahabatan Hospital with bird flu-like symptoms.

                          The country has seen 135 human cases of H5N1 infection and a death toll of 110.

                          The latest confirmed case of death from bird flu was in Sumedang, West Java, on Thursday.

                          West Java, Banten and Jakarta have been the most hard-hit by the infection.


                          • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                            . . . Why not, since January till May 16 2008, the Service of Kesehatan Special Capital District OF Jakarta recorded as many as 28 people died resulting from 33 residents positive infected by bird flu. . .
                            I think 33 is the cumulative number of confirmed cases from DKI Jakarta since August of 2005.


                            • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                              Originally posted by Laidback Al View Post
                              I think 33 is the cumulative number of confirmed cases from DKI Jakarta since August of 2005.
                              Yes, I agree, the 28 deaths, also must be the grand total, starting from 2005.

                              #28 must be IS, the 2nd sibling.
                              Last edited by Gert van der Hoek; May 18, 2008, 05:40 AM.


                              • Re: Indonesia Human Cases - April 9, 2008+

                                The Special Capital District the Hand of the Radio Region Dalam
                                on Saturday, May 17 2008 | 15:48 WIB

                                The Jakarta government will comb Street Radio Dalam Kelurahan Ganda Ria Utara, Jakarta Selatan, in time 10 days in the future, to anticipate the spreading of the bird flu virus.
                                "Kami will take the sample of the resident's blood," the headword of DInas Kesehatan Special Capital District OF Jakarta wibowo Sukijat when being contacted the Time, on Saturday (17/5).
                                "Warga that was sick also will have data collected on it."

                                The taking of the sample of this blood, said Wibowo, to anticipate the virus H5N1, the cause of bird flu.
                                Although being not yet proven, the sufferer it was suspected did contact with the other community around that.
                                "Kami will at the same time carry out the campaign," he said.

                                The beginning of the week and early last May, Jakarta it was suspected again were attacked by bird flu, after the older brother was siblings, Ahmad Rizki 15 years, and Istiqomah, 16 years, warja Street XXX Dalam radios, Kelurahan Gandaria Utara Southern Jakarta, died.

                                Apart from humankind, the Special Capital District will also comb the poultry in the territory, although the two casualties did not have the story of contact with the poultry.
                                Wibowo also decisive, the status of flu bururng in Jakarta did still not enter the stage endemi.
                                "Karena the arrival suddenly," he said.
                                From the Kesehatan Service data, from 2005 to now, there were 33 Jakarta residents that terjangkit the virus that attacked sisitem this human breathing.
                                And 26 people among them died.
                                Now during this year, already 6 people who died

