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Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 + April 6, 2009

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  • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

    More from the 2 cousins in Klaten; not confirmed. Their condition seems to be OK.


    A Dozen Chickens Died Suddenly

    Two Children in Klaten Area Positif Bird Flu

    Klaten, CyberNews. Two their respective pre-schoolers Roslik Wahyu Adiarta (5) and his nephew of Wisnu Candra (1) the resident of the Kemalang Village, Desa Dompol, of Kecamatan Kemalang on Wednesday (25/2) were treated in RSUP Dr Soeradji Tirtonegoro because of being stated suspect bird flu.

    The two children experienced the sign of the fever, pilek and breathless after belasan the nonpedigreed chicken belonging to the family died suddenly. Two pre-school patients that still the cousin and his house were adjacent that was reconciled in different time. Initially, Roslik entered RSUP the first time on Tuesday night (24/2) struck 21,00 after suffering the high fever several days. The family could memeriksakan [ treatment] to the Centre of the Kesehatan Service and Sosial Welfare (PPKKS) but the fever and breathless him never recovered.

    From story investigation of the illness, evidently had the story of the death of the poultry in their environment. Because of having the story of the death of the poultry, by PPKKS he was reconciled to RSUP to undergo AI. RSUP observation placed Roslik on the floor Ii isolation space.

    Apart from Roslik evidently Wisnu also following experienced the same sign. Only he was indirectly carried to RSUP. Baru after Wednesday his (25/2) fevers will never subside Wisnu was also reconciled.

    The mother Wisnu, Triyanti (28) said the sign initially only was feverish and breathless similar to flu. 'I already memeriksakan [ treatment] to the doctor PPKKS but was reconciled to RSUP because of having the story' of the 'chicken died,' said he on Wednesday (25/2).

    He said, before both of them experienced the high fever, totalling his 15 property nonpedigreed chickens died suddenly. The death of the poultry was reported to the Pertanian Service and the Subdin Peternakan Team that checked the chicken informed if the chickens died because of AI.

    Namun he claimed did not suspect if afterwards his child experienced the fever and it was suspected AI. Section Head Kesehatan Regional Government Klaten, the doctor Ronny Roekmito M. Kes said both of them were sent and stated suspect because symptoms that was experienced headed to AI.

    According to Itu had the AI story in his environment so as to be sent by us, said he.

    The inspection to both of them still was continuing to be done and monitored. He handed over all the handlings to RSUP because in the AI RS case reconciliation more knew. The sample of blood and swap (the sample of mucus from the nose) has been taken and still was waiting for results. Director Medik and Keperawatan, RSUP Dr Soeradji Tirtonegoro the doctor Bambang Purwoatmojo SP THT said the condition both of them from the inspection were still normal.

    The inspection has been carried out including blood and swap. 'Apart from being treated in isolation space of all the developments will be monitored and will periodically be checked,' said he.

    He said, every time eight hours will very much be carried out by the inspection by heading to the inspection of AI. Result of the temporary inspection according to him was not found to the side of positive AI like the sign pnemuonia or the inflammation of the acute lungs.

    The blood inspection was also still natural because his leucocytes did not descend drastic as being attacked by AI. Namun nevertheless both of them continued to be treated as the patient who headed to AI.

    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +

      <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=600 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=right width=155>20:45, February 25, 2009</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
      <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=600 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=fbody colSpan=2>
      755 people infected with dengue fever in Indonesia
      The dengue virus had infected 755 people in Indonesia between the beginning of this year and Feb. 16, Indonesian Health Ministry's Head for Communication Center Sumadi told Xinhua on Wednesday.

      The data provided by Sumadi is far lower than that provided by local health agencies.

      The Jakarta Post on Wednesday quoted Edwin Nasli, head of the environmental health at the Jakarta Health Agency, as saying that the city has seen 4,458 dengue fever patients treated in 80 hospitals from the beginning of the year to Feb. 24, with 12 people dead as a result of the disease.

      Before that, the national Antara news agency once quoted the local heath agency in West Java province as saying that the dengue fever killed 16 people in the province in January, prompting the local government to announce a dengue alert month.

      The dengue virus spreads rapidly by mosquitoes that grow fast in dirty environment under the wet weather.

      To extinguish the virus spreading, Edwin Nasli said that Jakarta government plans to remove all potential mosquito breeding grounds and improve the effectiveness of mosquito larvae monitors.

      "Starting 2009, the administration requires all low- to high-ranking officials to participate in the program (to curb the number of mosquitoes)," Edwin said.




      • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

        The case-fatality ratio for DHF [Dengue Fever] averages about 5% worldwide, but can be kept below 1% with proper clinical management.


        • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

          Dengue in Indonesia 2009+ thread in Current News:


          • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

            From Bird Flu Information Corner, same report as post # 151

            Klaten, Central Java ::: Two children suspected bird flu infection

            February 26, 2009

            25/02/2009 17:49 Suara Merdeka

            Dozen of chickens died. Two toddlers in Klaten suspected.

            Two children, Roslik Wahyu Adiarta (5) and his/her cousin Wisnu Candra (1), residents of Dusun Kemalang, Desa Dompol, Kecamatan Kemalang, treated at RSUP Dr Soeradji hospital on Wednesday (25/2) as bird flu suspect patients. These two children are developing fever, flu, and breathing difficulty after dozen of chickens belong to the family suddenly died.

            Patients are relatives and their houses are close to each other. Roslik was admitted to hospital on Tuesday evening (24/2) 21.00 after few days developing fever. Patient was admitted to public health center before, but the fever and breathing problem did not recover.

            Investigation showed history of dead fowls among the neighborhood, therefore victim was redirected to RSUP for bird flu observation where Roslik is placed at isolation unit 2nd floor. Wisnu founded to develop same symptom after that and admitted to RSUP on Wednesday (25/2).

            Wisnu’s mother, Triyanti (28) said that her child had fever and breathing problem after sudden death of 15 chickens in their village observed. Those death chickens tested bird flu infection by Agricultural Service and Livestock Subdivision.

            The two suspects are still under observation. Blood and swab sample also have been taken for further examination. Patients also examined every 8 hours at isolation unit. Current result showed no specific bird flu infection signs such as pneumonia, acute lung inflammation or leukocyte depression.

            Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Suara Merdeka.

            "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


            • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

              Indonesia. Yogyakarta has two bird flu suspects early 2009.

              02/25/09 19:13

              Yogyakarta has two bird flu suspects early 2009

              [LINK to original article. EDITED.]

              Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) -

              The Yogyakarta authorities have warned the people to be on alert, as two bird flu suspects were found in Yogyakarta early 2009.

              Bird flu cases were first detected in Yogyakarta in 2005, Tri Harjun Ismaji, the secretary of the Yogyakarta special autonomous province, said here on Tuesday in a speech read out by Bondan Agus Suryanto.

              In 2005, Yogyakarta had six bird flu suspects, four suspects in 2006, 24 in 2007, and three suspects last year, he said.

              Bird flu or avian influenza (AI) was very dangerous as there were 129 cases of AI infections including 113 fatalities, or 81.3 percent, he said.


              • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                Originally posted by ironorehopper View Post
                Indonesia. Yogyakarta has two bird flu suspects early 2009.

                02/25/09 19:13

                Yogyakarta has two bird flu suspects early 2009
                I believe they are referring to this:


                • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                  Story from Tangerang, about the deceased girl Kaila Nabila. Mentioning of confirmation of avian flu by local laboratory, hospital and Health Service.

                  Bird Flu casualty in Serpong

                  BSD City, Serpong The trip of Kaila Nabila (3) to God's lap menorehkan the deep sorrow in the heart of Ade Sulaiman (45), the father Nabila. Moreover, till two days pascapenguburan Nabila, the man who lived in the Cilenggang Village, RT 02/04, the Serpong Subdistrict, the Tangerang City South, this was still having difficulty to do normal activities like ready the time.

                  Appear to lose the spirit, Ade currently more often finishes the time with termenung while recalling again the beautiful period period when Nabila was still being available. As you know, Nabila was the daughter of pity of Ade Sulaiman.

                  The matter that still was difficult I believed was the Nabila death was resulted in by the bird flu attack. In fact beforehand, the clinic doctor only diagnosed Nabila was affected by the DBD attack (Dengue Fever), said Ade Sulaiman.

                  Until the Nabila body was buried in TPU Kramat Tajug, continued Ade Sulaiman, the team of the doctor the Hospital (RS) Fatmawati that treated Nabila until the last breath has not still given the related assurance of the illness was meant.

                  The news that Nabila died resulting from bird flu precisely I received from the official of the laboratory of Kabupaten Tangerang through one of the local village staffs. So, I asked the related side, especially RS Fatmawati and the Health Service of the Tangerang Regency, immediately to be able to be open gave the related assurance of the illness that caused Nabila to die, he said.

                  Ade said, before dying, his daughter could indeed suffer the high fever attack, precisely in the date 14 Febuari then. At that time, Ade Sulaiman brought Nabila to the clinic of the child's specialist off his house.

                  After carrying out the inspection, the medical team of the clinic suggested that Nabila was carried to RS Fatmawati because of having the indication that Nabila was attacked by DBD, not bird flu like that develops now, he said.

                  At the suggestion of the clinic doctor, Ade afterwards immediately ran off with Nabila to RS Fatmawati, Southern Jakarta. While undergoing the maintenance three days in RS Fatmawati, the Nabila condition continued to worsen.

                  Till finally, on Sunday (22/2), Nabila had finally died to the God's lap.
                  Apart from Nabila, the other resident who currently it was suspected is attacked by bird flu was Maya Suparni (15), villager of Mekar Jaya, Kecamatan Sepatan, Kabupaten Tangerang.

                  Up to now, Maya was still undergoing the intensive maintenance in special isolation space the Daerah patient of Public Hospital bird flu (RSUD) Tangerang. However, till a week, not yet a single from the patient's family and the medical official RSUD Tangerang that wanted to give information.

                  "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                  Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                  ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                  • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                    The two stated Sepatan Bird Flu Negative

                    Thursday, February 26 2009 | 12:33 WIB

                    TEMPO Interactive, Tangerang: Tangerang District Health Department says two people Geruduk Village, Village Mekarjaya, District Sepatan that had been treated at Tangerang General Hospital because of bird flu declared presumed negative of the disease.

                    "The results of both negative laboratory bird flu," said Head of Prevention of Diseases and Environmental Health Office Penyehatan Tangerang District Yully Soenar Dewanty to Tempo Thursday (26 / 2).

                    Both the patient Suparni Maya or MS, 15 years old and Muhamad Heru (MH), two years had been treated in isolation space bird flu hospitals Tangerang almost sepekan this. Menguat suspected bird flu in the village because of their many birds that died suddenly.

                    Laboratory examination results RSUD Tangerang, said Yully, both expressed negative bird flu. "This is also strengthened with the results of both rays is not affected if bird flu," he said.

                    The symptoms of fever, high fever and shortness of breath experienced by the MS and MH, the Yully, are symptoms of respiratory tract disease inspection acute (ISPA) and brochitis suffered both. "Indeed, the symptoms are similar to bird flu," said Yully.

                    Despite their many dikampung birds that died suddenly, Yully word, not since the beginning of the second contact with poultry.

                    MS MH conditions and continue to improve. According Yully, both have now returned to the them.


                    • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                      Two Tangerang residents test negative for bird flu

                      The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Thu, 02/26/2009 1:53 PM | Jakarta

                      Tangerang health agency on Thursday said two residents of Kampung Geruduk, Tangerang, who were suspected of having contracted the avian influenza virus had tested negative for the deadly disease.

                      ?Both tests came back negative,
                      ? health agency official Yully Soenar said, as quoted by on Thursday.

                      The 15-year-old Maya Suparni and 2-year-old Muhammad Heru were being treated in the bird flu isolation unit at Tangerang General Hospital for almost a week.

                      The pair were admitted to the unit when the hospital found they had high fever and difficulty breathing, and local authorities reported that there was dead poultry near their places of residence.

                      Yully said the symptoms found were indicative of acute respiratory infection disease and bronchitis.

                      Comment: reading between the lines this could mean the third patient, the little girl who died , is tested positive.
                      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                      • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                        ProMED made a mistake today, they posted the news from Jakarta Post (see previous post) on 2 suspects in Tangerang who are tested negative:

                        These 2 suspected cases, who have tested negative for avian H5N1
                        influenza virus infection, are the cases described in ProMED-mail
                        post Avian influenza, human (39): Indonesia, susp. archive number


                        In an earlier post 2 suspects in Tangerang were announced; 15 yo MS and the girl KN, who died.

                        Later the 2 yo boy MH was admitted too in the same hospital in Tangerang.

                        In today's report from Jakarta Post 2 suspects are cleared: MS 15 yo and the 2 yo boy MH .

                        Not the same 2. According to local press the girl KN was tested positive for H5N1.
                        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                        • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                          Klaten, Central Java ::: Two patients recovering

                          February 27, 2009

                          Thursday, 26 February 2009

                          Two patients recovering

                          After two days treatment at isolation unit RSUP Soeradji Tirtonagoro hospital, Roslik Wahyu Ardiata, 5 and Wisnu Candra,1 are recovering, according to Main director of RSUP Soeradji Tirtonagoro hospital Klaten Arif Faizal.

                          According to examination, one of the patients is diagnosed to have upper respiratory inflammation.

                          Source: Indonesia TV news, Seputar Indonesia


                          "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                          ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                          • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                            Originally posted by Dutchy View Post

                            According to local press the girl KN was tested positive for H5N1.
                            And according to the local press KN also was reported as having DBD


                            • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                              Thank you everyone for keeping track of these patients.


                              • Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected &amp; Confirmed Cases January 29 +

                                Two patients improved, Dinkes Tamiflu Supply
                                Thursday, 26 February 2009
                                KLATEN (Sindo) - Merebaknya bird flu virus, or avian influenza (AI) to create fast-moving institutions. In addition to spraying disinfectant on poultry by Department of Agriculture, Health Office also directly supply tamiflu to each health.

                                Head of Public Health Klaten Ronny Roekminto explained, still waiting Agriculture ability to perform actions more lanjut.Seperti the destruction of poultry in the area of sudden death of birds.

                                "The prevention of one of them with destruction of poultry. However, the Agriculture Department the authority, "he said yesterday. According to him, the Health Department is only authorized in the handling of human beings at any time. Since bird flu virus back merebak, they anticipate the distribution of tamiflu drug is available in each health center.

                                Sementaraitu, setelahdiketahui the sudden death of poultry in the hamlet Kemalang Wetan, Agriculture Klaten make direct spraying disinfectant in the liquid environment surrounding the death of birds. Liquid disinfectant disemprotkan since Tuesday (24 / 2) ago. Kasubdin Livestock Agriculture Sri Muryani said, as the anticipated bird flu prevention, they mengedrop fluid to each health center.

                                "Each puskesmas we give 10 liters of liquid disinfectant. Meanwhile, stock in the office there is still a stock of 200 liter.Itu drugs years ago, "he said. Spraying disinfectant on the market also made the chicken purchased. Spraying works with cutting Animal House (RPH). Meanwhile, after getting treatment for two days in the child care room RSUP Soeradji Tirtonagoro isolation, conditions Roslik Rev. Ardiata, 5, Vishnu and Candra, 1, duapasien suspectflu bird, the better yesterday.

                                From the results of the examination one patient can be ascertained only channel affected by respiratory diseases. Director RSUP Soeradji Tirtonagoro Klaten Arif Faizal explains, from the examination, the condition of both patients wargaDukuhKemalang Wetan, Village bunch, Kemalang District, has improved. (Sumarno

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