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Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 + April 6, 2009
Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +
Additional information from Bird Flu Information Corner:
"Revision: Dr Soetomo health workers reported sick on early February 2009, where bird flu suspect patients were hospitalized in the same hospital at the end of January.
Ilness onset of each health worker is vary.
They had developed bird flu-like symptoms.
Two of them have been tested negative bird flu infection".
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 2009 | 22:59 WIB
JAKARTA, TUESDAY - As many as three patients dengue dengue fever (DBD) died at Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta, in February 2009 during the month.
"Already there are three people who died because of DBD in February," said the Head of PR RS Fatmawati, Atom Kadam, when it was contacted in Jakarta on Tuesday.
Three people are Fahriza Muhammad (11 years), Kayla nabila (2 years 9 months), and Zulfa Agisna (6 years). Kayla Fahriza and died on 17 February, while Zulfa against last breath on 16 February.
The three, said the Atom, it has been in a condition that is quite severe at the time was brought to hospital by the family.
Address the victims DBD is Fahriza in Depok, West Java, Kayla in Serpong, Tangerang, and Zulfa in Kalibata, South Jakarta.
Based on data from the RS Fatmawati, the number of DBD from adults in general, amounted to two to three times more than the number of people aged children.
However, the patient's children more vulnerable to disease DBD to the level of the condition worsened. Meanwhile, data from the Health Office Pemprov DKI Jakarta said that the number of DBD from January to last weekend in February 2009 reached more than 3,000 people.
Of these, there have been eight patients who died due to various DBD in the capital region.
Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +
AR Negatif Flu Burung
Rembang - the Kesehatan Service of the Regency (ET AL) Rembang ascertained AR (4), villagers Plawangan, Kecamatan Kragan that received the intensive maintenance for several days in Puskemas Kragan and the Daerah Public Hospital (RSUD) R Soetrasno Rembang Doctor the negative terjangkit the bird flu virus. ET AL suggested, this assurance after spreading out the laboratory test against AR. Kepala DKK Sutejo yesterday admitted, AR initially indeed was expected terjangkit bird flu. His article, the child experienced flu was accompanied by the sign of the high fever. Although not yet having the spread, his side continued to monitor three villages, that is Plawangan and Sumurpule in the Kragan Subdistrict and Weton in the Kota Subdistrict that was affected by the bird flu virus. ?Masa the incubation of the bird flu virus 21 days. Therefore, three villages still in the tight supervision to anticipate the spread of the virus to manusia,? he explained.
H5N1 Confirmed Case Concerns in Tangerang Indonesia
Recombinomics Commentary 01:55
February 23, 2009
two residents of the Regency and the Tangerang City South are contaminated with the virus H5N1 or Bird Flu. They were Kaila Nabila (2.9) the resident of the Village of Cilenggang Rt 02/04 the District Cilenggang the Subdistrict Serpong the Tangerang City South and Maya Suparni (15) villagers Mekar Jaya the Subdistrict Sepatan the Tangerang Regency.
information from Litbangkes, Kaila Nabila positive affected H5N1.
The above translation describes two cases with bird flu symptoms. One (2.9M) has died and has been lab confirmed, while the other is a hospitalized suspect case. The two cases are about 10 miles apart (see satellite map).
The number of confirmed cases and clusters in Tangerang has been high. The clusters included the first confirmed cases in Indonesia, in 2005. A recently released WHO phylogenetic tree has four isolates from human cases in 2008. These sequences have been placed on deposit at GISAID and continue to evolve away from the clade 2.1 pandemic target sequence, which was from the first confirmed case. The continued reports of H5N1 confirmed cases or clusters in Tangerang remain a cause for concern.
Clusters in Indonesia last year led to a news blackout and a significant delay on reporting of confirmed human cases. Moreover, many milder cases in Indonesia are treated with Tamiflu and not tested. This protocol contributes to the high case fatality rate, which has been close to 80% since 2005 and suggests a high level of unreported milder cases.
The recent fixing of Tamiflu resistance, H274Y in H1N1 seasonal flu has increased concerns that co-infections involving season flu with H274Y and H5N1 in hosts being treated with Tamiflu will selected Tamiflu resistant H5N1.
The latest confirmed and suspect cases in Tangerang continue to increase those concerns.
"The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation
H5N1 Cluster in Tangerang Indonesian Neighborhood Grows Recombinomics Commentary 01:55
February 23, 2009
Two people Sepatan, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten, West Java, is now treated at the Hospital General Regional Tangerang because presumed bird flu. The two presumed victims of avian influenza that is MS, 15 years old, and a five MH, 2 years old.
"The pain that they experience similar to bird flu, we conclude they are presumed," said the Head of Public Health Tangerang District Hani Haryanto told Tempo, Monday (23 / 2).
MS and MH began treatment in the isolation room bird flu Regional General Hospital Tangerang since three days ago. According to Hani, suspected bird flu because they suffer a high fever with hot Geruduk after the Village, Village Mekar Jaya, Sepatan, where they have dozens of live poultry that died earlier.
However, Hani said, not yet known whether the two people that previous contact with poultry or not. "But in the neighborhood where they live poultry that have died," he said.
The above translations describes a second suspect H5N1 in the same neighborhood as the earlier suspect case in Sepatan (see updated map). The two patients are about 10 miles from the confirmed fatal case, and follow reports of additional confirmed or suspect cases in or around Jakarta.
Although many of the patients have not been declared official cases, the clustering of these cases in Jakarta or neighboring locals, including Bogor raises concerns.
Indonesia has imposed a media blackout, and reports confirmed cases on a delayed basis. The delay is reflected in WHO updates, and continues to violate International Health Regulations. The latest confirmed cases from Indonesia were also from the Jakarta area. The January 22 WHO update described a Tangerang housekeeper (29F) who developed symptoms December 11 and died December 16. The second confirmed case (5F) was in the Jakarta suburb of Bekaski who developed symptoms December 23 and died January 22.. These reporting delays, as well as these more recent cases in Bogor and Tangerang continue to raise concerns about Indonesian reporting and WHO enforcement of these reporting delays.
The most recent cases are linked to confirmed or suspect clusters, which also increase concerns.
Timely reporting of these lab confirmed cases would be useful.
"The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation
AR Negatif Flu Burung
....Although not yet having the spread, his side continued to monitor three villages, that is Plawangan and Sumurpule in the Kragan Subdistrict and Weton in the Kota Subdistrict that was affected by the bird flu virus. ?Masa the incubation of the bird flu virus 21 days. Therefore, three villages still in the tight supervision to anticipate the spread of the virus to manusia,? he explained.
February 20, 2009
Source: The Chinese Government Network
This afternoon, the Ministry of Agriculture with the Ministry of Health will meet in Beijing to accept an interview with the Chinese government network. National Chief Veterinary Officer in Kangzhen, the Ministry of Health deputy director of the office of emergency and Yang Dong-ming, director of the National Influenza Center舒跃龙on Human infection of highly pathogenic avian influenza prevention and control work-related questions to answer users questions. In response to questions raised by netizens on Kangzhen express highly pathogenic avian influenza incubation period of greater change.
Following is a conference Abstract: Moderator:
The incubation period of avian flu have long? The incubation period will not be transmitted? The route of transmission of avian influenza have what?
Yu Kangzhen:
The incubation period of avian influenza, generally recognized international or a week, but volatility is still relatively large. Some infections, like a few hours, more than a dozen hours or even days will be the incidence. Some can go a long ten days, or even 20 days before onset. The international community in order to facilitate the highly pathogenic avian influenza prevention and control, it provided a longer incubation period, because the back of the protective measures are based on the incubation period to decide. For example, there is no epidemic disinfection after how many days to lift the blockade, are based on the incubation period. Therefore the provisions of the international community are 21 days, after 21 days if there is no outbreak, as evidenced by the elimination of the epidemic was lost.
Again, within the incubation period can be transmitted, we often see it, such as farms, there are several waiting sheds, chicken coop when the beginning of the disease, we will as soon as possible to take urgent measures to kill all the chickens , disinfection and isolation, but after a few days, the incidence of sheds also. However, under normal circumstances or in the incidence of later, with symptoms after detoxification when the highest infection-prone, but do not rule out the incubation period will not be transmitted on.
(According to the Chinese government language broadcast network Finishing)
A doctor and 4 paramedics of Dr Sutomo hospital Surabaya are quarantined
February 24, 2009
This is related with the flash news from AI lab unair, posted 4th of February. A doctor (anesthesiologist) and 4 paramedics of Dr Sutomo hospital Surabaya were quarantined due to bird flu-like symptoms on early February.
This is right after one Surabaya bird flu victim (St/18) was treated in that hospital. Further test revealed that the doctor and one of paramedic tested negative bird flu infection.
Up to last Sunday (22/2), three other paramedics are still in critical condition.
Hospitalized Indonesian Paramedics Raise Pandemic Concerns
Recombinomics Commentary 22:37
February 24, 2009
A doctor (anesthesiologist) and 4 paramedics of Dr Sutomo hospital Surabaya were quarantined due to bird flu-like symptoms on early February.
This is right after one Surabaya bird flu victim (St/18) was treated in that hospital. Further test revealed that the doctor and one of paramedic tested negative bird flu infection.
Up to last Sunday (22/2), three other paramedics are still in critical condition.
The above comments, from the Bird Flu Information Corner website raise additional concerns of unreported human to human H5N1 transmissions in Indonesia. The above health care workers are associated with the same facility where an H5N1 confirmed patient died in late January (see updated map). Although this is not an official case, hospital personal indicate H5N1 was confirmed, even though the patient did not have a history of contact with poultry.
If the patient and health care workers are H5N1 infected, they would represent one of the largest H5N1 clusters in Indonesia reported to date. Health care workers are rarely infected with H5H1 because they are aware of hazards H5N1 infected patients prevent. Moreover, they are quickly treated, so they rarely progress to a critical state. The report of three health workers in critical condition is alarming.
More information on the status of these patients and test results would be useful.
"The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation
Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +
More confirmation of additional confirmed human cases in Indonesia, by Chairman of KOMNAS FBPI, the National Bird Flu Committee.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009 17:30 WIB
Google translated
Bird Flu virus mutation has not occurred
YOGYAKARTA - MI: Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Bird Flu Control and
Preparedness for pandemic influenza, said Bayu Krisnamurti, flu virus mutation
bird (avian influenza) has not occurred in Indonesia.
"Hopefully will not happen, that has happened is a virus that is found outside
birds such as cats, dogs and pigs in different regions, and that is has been two years since
ago, "he said on the sidelines simulation in response to bird flu Jakarta, Wednesday (25 / 2).
The telling, the incident was not the bird flu virus mutation because it is not from birds, but animals
other. He said that, the number of cases of bird flu in Indonesia from year to year experience
decrease. However the community must remain vigilant against the bird flu virus infection.
Based on data since 2005 to 2009 total of 145 people bird flu, 119 of them
According to Bayu, for the period January-February 2009 there were four cases of bird flu
all died. "Previously, in the same period in 2007 there were ten cases, seven in
them and died in 2008 of 12 cases, ten of them died, "he said.
He said that, the source of most of the live poultry market, which is about 80 percent,
because the environment is not so easy to clean the virus spread. "To prevent it
live poultry markets in the relatively difficult, "he said.
He added, although there have the pressing of a bird flu virus,
for example one day a week in the market and given a clean disinfektan. "There are other ways such as
no sales ungas life. But this is difficult because it involves many people, "
he said.
Say, for the medium term it may be done. "For example, in Jakarta is
no regulation (regulation) problems, and will be applied starting in 2010, "he said.
Bayu explained, to prepare for the resources that can occur if merspon pandemic
bird flu, government is working with UNICEF to simulate the response bird flu virus
involving various institutions. "They are expected to respond immediately and quickly
response and do not panic if a pandemic outbreak, "he said.
In addition, the simulation also antarnegara to be able to handle people
the cross-country.
Meanwhile, the UNICEF Representative Central Java - Yogyakarta (Central Java -
DIY), I Made Sutama, said UNICEF concerned with the case of bird flu based on the
data that is most victims are women and children who reach the number 60
percent. "This problem is related to the health of mothers and children is one of the
focus area of UNICEF, "
Re: Indonesia: The Latest Human Suspected & Confirmed Cases January 29 +
New suspect cases, related, from Central Java
On Wednesday, February 25 2009 16:20 WIB
Two Klaten residents 'Suspect Bird Flu'
Klaten -- noodles: two residents of the Klaten Regency, Central Java, were stated suspect bird flu and currently was treated in RSUP Dr Soeradji Tirtonegoro, Klaten. Virus casualties avian influenza (AI) this, that is Roslik Wahyu Adiarta, 5, and Wisnu Chandra, 1.
They were villagers Dompol, Kecamatan Kemalang, of Klaten. Roslik was treated in RSUP Dr Soeradji Tirtonegoro since Tuesday (24/2) with the hot sign high was accompanied breathless.
Whereas Wisnu was reconciled to this hospital, on Wednesday (25/2), with the same sign. The two casualties suspect bird flu that still is having the family's relations currently was treated in isolation space with the tight guarding.
Deputy Director RSUP Dr Soeradji Tirtonegoro Bambang Purwoatmojo to the reporter said the doctors at this time still were observing the patient who was expected to be infected with the bird flu virus.
In the meantime, hundreds of kept chickens the resident in five subdistricts, that is Kemalang, Tulung, Polanharjo, Bayat, and Juwiring, died sporadically in two weeks terakkhir. Including belasan the chicken in the house of the two sufferers suspect this bird flu. (JS/OL-01