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Re: INDONESIA - "Illness strange attack island"
Yes they have. But as far as I know, I've never heard of applying a Tamiflu blanket without any confirmed or not confirmed cases. This is the first time. We have no suspected cases there. Typhus yes.
Yes they have. But as far as I know, I've never heard of applying a Tamiflu blanket without any confirmed or not confirmed cases. This is the first time. We have no suspected cases there. Typhus yes.
Typhus doesn't kill chickens.
Reading between the lines is quite easy in this case.
Re: INDONESIA - "Illness strange attack island"
<TABLE class=contentpaneopen><TBODY><TR><TD class=contentheading width="100%">dhita :: 05-09-2007</TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%"></TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%"></TD><TD class=buttonheading align=right width="100%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Dinas Kesehatan Bagikan TAMIFLU to member Pulau Tabuan Dinas Kesehatan Tanggamus will continue jump squad kesehatannya on the island Tabuhan to limit not yet determined, this over for mengantisipasi infectious him back wabah thypus and malaria in stated district i cannot make the translator work.
Re: INDONESIA - "Illness strange attack island"
Does this say the whole island gets tamiflu? kesehatan dinas bagikan tamiflu to warga tabuan island
dhita : : 05-09-2007
Kesehatan dinas tanggamus will continued menerjunkan tim kesehatannya on tabuhan island to a bed that not defined, this case to mengantisipasi berjangkitnya returned wabah thypus and malaria in the district. Apart from the also tim memantau ordeal development terjangkitnya flu bird to warga, followed diketemukannya bird a number of belong to that also suffered warga death in sudden with flu and symptoms bird.
This case passed dinas head tanggamus kesehatan sumardjo drg. iman disarrange melepas keberangkatan 33 island warga tabuhan back kedaerahnya disarrange fare treatment in pringsewu rsud. Menurutnya to prevent flu bird disease myself his has mebagikan type obat tamiflu to whole island warga tabuhan, terutama those who unggasnya suffered death.
Sedangkan island warga permissible in the eyes tabuhan back kedaerahnya predicated diagnosa result dokter tim rsud pringsewu and dinas tanggamus kesehatan that expressed the grand kondisi pasien mulai membaik.
From 36 that warga previous attended, of 33 warga has returned came home. Sedangkan a warga has returned more used to previous a day and two of lainnya warga still should fare treatment more further.
Ke-33 the warga further leads with masters city used two of a unit of bus pemkab local milik and controlled direct by sekkab drs tanggamus. Muas syafiuddin with I asisten muntako firman, se., and some dinas head / in lainnya bagian lingkup pemkab tanggamus.
O ' clock 09.30, trip arrived in ii wharf masters city. The level of restitution even continued with a boat unit and tenancy motor for puluhan the warga.
Before, by bupati tanggamus, their also issued by meal light and rice bag and pocket uang journey.
Dinas head tanggamus kesehatan drg. Sumardjo faith expressed kondisi ke-33 the warga has sehat in fisik. Namun, use memantau whole kondisi development island warga by that populated tabuan more from three the thousand soul, fixed dinkes parties garrisoned three petugas medisnya in location.
Menurutnya wrong a circulation cause illness is sanitation bad on the island. to mengantisipasinya, we also has berkoordinasi with dinkes and parties provinsi,? Further seraya faith increased tanggamus dinkes also told berupa help a buah mosquito net to prevent other disease contagion like malaria that also mulai infect some the island warga. (*)
Re: INDONESIA - "Illness strange attack island"
tabuan island will dimekarkan written administrator by
wednesday, september 05 2007
agus report suwignyo / rg
pringsewu ? Pemkab tanggamus dictate will memekarkan tabuan island and made into as kecamatan individual. This seconds, the district to go inside kecamatan province cukuhbalak. This case diungkapkan bupati drs tanggamus. Hi. sya fauzan?Ie, m. sc. kemarin (4 / 9) in front of puluhan island warga that fare tabuan treatment in hospital district multitude (rsud) pringsewu.
And kemarin also, of 33 warga will come back to district their after have the time attended karena terserang malaria and typhus. While, karena kondisinya that not allow, two warga still fare treatment. They is idawati (38) that suffered anaemia and safrudin (40), blank intestines sufferer.
?Tabuan island poison dibentuk or dimekarkan as kecamatan individual. this case will our rencanakan to the front,? Said fauzan.
In the advantage, fauzan also asked island warga tabuan press home potential their district. Khususnya for pemenuhan gizi. Later capable improve with family economy planted komoditas like kakao.
?we also asked so that island society tabuan watched ambit hygiene around, terutama house masing-masing,? Said nomor people a in pemkab the tanggamus.
Terkait kakao expansion, fauzan say, pemkab help pembibitan. This case done in pekon karangbuah and sawangbalak.
Restitution process island warga this tabuan done on rsud page pringsewu. This activities attended tanggamus office a number of. In antaranya kabupaten sekretaris drs. Muas syafiuddin, m. pd., I asisten muntako firman, dinas head tanggamus kesehatan drg. Sumarjo faith, and lainnya office. In the advantage, warga also obtained grant.
Before, pemkab tanggamus bring down penanganan tim strange plague case on tabuan island. Tim dipimpin sekkab muas syafiuddin didampingi members a number of. From product examination, 36 warga owns all the earmarks and symptoms pain malaria and typhus. Namun to ensure pain that diderita, their should fare laboratorium examination in pringsewu rsud. (*) sorry for the scrambled mess.
Famiial H5N1 Cluster in Lampung Indonesia Confirmed
Recombinomics Commentary October 24, 2005
The first newly confirmed case is a four-year-old boy from Sumatra Island in Lampung Province. He developed symptoms on 4 October, was hospitalized, recovered fully, and has returned home.
This case is the nephew of the 21-year-old man from Lampung, who was reported on 10 October 2005. Although the two cases are related and lived in the same neighbourhood, human-to-human transmission is considered unlikely...........
Re: INDONESIA - "Illness strange attack island"
An earlier story mentioning chickens ....tanggamus pemkab tanggulangi plague wabah on tabuan island
dhita : : 29-08-2007
Terpadu tim kabupaten governing tanggamus, 27 agustus senin alighted to location in pulautabuan that was in the bay semangka, to cadge presence report curious disease terserang and that warga has lead to four people died. That tim dipimpin kabupaten sekretaris (sekkab) muas syafiudin also involved some dinas head terkait and kesehatan petugas maupun personnel from instansi peternakan and kesehatan hewan.
Diberitakan previous, pekon warga karangbuah and sawangbalak on alarming tabuan island's attack presence strange disease that not known exact species that has led to four warga died in last three town.
This disease again attack chicken peliharaan (village chicken) belong to warga, until hundreds ekor die sudden, but even so this belakangan, warga also the strange disease terserang with stomach-ache and symptoms accompanied by diare, hard stomach, body temperature high and pain head and penderitanya nightmare.
to menangani the incident, bupati fauzan tanggamus sya?Ie has delegate kesehatan tim total 12 people to jumped direct to pekon karangbuah and sawangbalak, ttabuan island, kecamatan cukuhbalak.
From product pantauan, there is 20 warga in pain kondisi, and 19 in direct warga bring to rsud pringsewu for incentives and treatment to could known to type invading disease warga. Dr. Niken th wijayanti, kasi sp. kk rsud pelayanan pringsewu defined has attend island warga tabuan since the three days past, after didiagnosa known to bahwa wrong a pasien suffered dbd and two men lainnya pasien suffered typus.
Re: INDONESIA - "Illness strange attack island"
Here about bird dying and sending vaccine and trying to keep them calm. pemkab tanggamus take satgas tim to island tabuan
administrator : : 29-08-2007
Satgas tim amalgam from dinas kesehatan and dinas kabupaten farming tanggamus diterjunkan to menangani and mengantisipasi mewabahnya malaria disease and thypus that now middle attacks island warga kec tabuan. cukuhbalak tanggamus Satgas tim from dinas farming will individual menangani ordeal berjangkitnya wabah flu bird that paraphernalia needed, satgas tim also dipersenjatai amalgam with four thousand vaksinasi as antipasi contagion.
According to dinas head linmas kesbang rifki tanggamus wirawan ensure tim amalgam satgas will depart 29 207 agustus from wharf masters city, with brought vaccine paraphernalia ai of 2000 dosis, otomatis spuilt 2 buah, disposable spuilt 50 buah, test rapid 20 unit, disinfectant 2 litre and ppe pelengkap 10 buah. While the data from keswan and expressed from data that there 's on kk 245 in coral pekon fruit since is 12 to 25 agustus there at 6 family head death incident bird of 34 ekor with all the earmarks of death, die in sudden, jengger and pial blueness colour, bagian chest and skin not sprout blueness colour, out dilution gel from mouth and nose.
For two hari, menurutnya satgas tim amalgam will work with diantaranya did to socialization about warga flu bird disease, do bird vaksinasi and penyemprotan pen and ambit local. Apart from the to prevail against shortage karena blood all pasien hamper from island the tabuan suffered shortage trombosit, column pemkab kamis tanggamus 30 agustus 2007 will dub blood donor masal for mengatisipasi the kelangkaan. While the island warga own tabuhan this seconds mulai see berbondong-bondong fled island, that saw in city wharf dimana ships masters motor and boat bermesin see full of a cargo and menurukan passengers puluhan. To warga penuturan their kepergian out island's to avoided disease and wabah presence calm incident diri, karena berjangkitnya wabah to warga is a incident headless usual and made warga became fear.
Re: INDONESIA - "Illness strange attack island"
Cluster 3
Three relatives living in the same rural village in southern<SUP> </SUP>Sumatra made up the third cluster. In mid-September 2005, backyard<SUP> </SUP>chickens started dying in the village. Three days after holding<SUP> </SUP>two dead chickens, Patient 3A, a 21-year-old man with a history<SUP> </SUP>of smoking cigarettes, had an onset of fever, chills, rhinorrhea,<SUP> </SUP>cough, and headache. On the fifth day of illness, he was hospitalized<SUP> </SUP>with pneumonia and treated with ceftriaxone. Oseltamivir was<SUP> </SUP>started on the seventh day of illness. One week later, his respiratory<SUP> </SUP>status worsened, requiring supplemental oxygen, and a pleural<SUP> </SUP>effusion was noted on chest radiography. His condition improved,<SUP> </SUP>and he was discharged on day 25 of illness. A throat swab that<SUP> </SUP>was collected on admission tested positive for H5N1 by RT-PCR.<SUP> </SUP>H5N1 virus was isolated from a lung specimen obtained from a<SUP> </SUP>chicken close to the home.<SUP> </SUP>Patient 3B, the 5-year-old brother of Patient 3A, had an onset<SUP> </SUP>of illness (fever, rhinorrhea, and cough) on the same day as<SUP> </SUP>Patient 3A, was hospitalized on the fifth day of illness, recovered<SUP> </SUP>without treatment, and was discharged 9 days later. Serologic<SUP> </SUP>confirmation of H5N1 virus infection was made more than 3 months<SUP> </SUP>later for Patient 3B. Patient 3C was the 4-year-old son of a<SUP> </SUP>sister of Patient 3A and Patient 3B. He lived in a separate<SUP> </SUP>home and did not have contact with his uncles during their illnesses<SUP> </SUP>but moved to their home after they were hospitalized. Patient<SUP> </SUP>3C did not have any known contact with ill persons or with sick<SUP> </SUP>or dead poultry, but his mother had handled dead chickens and<SUP> </SUP>buried them. On October 4, fever, rhinorrhea, and dry cough<SUP> </SUP>developed in Patient 3C, but the fever lasted only 2 days. After<SUP> </SUP>a throat specimen tested positive for H5N1 by RT-PCR, he was<SUP> </SUP>hospitalized on day 5 and treatment with oseltamivir was started.<SUP> </SUP>A chest radiograph on day 7 revealed mild bilateral perihilar<SUP> </SUP>and interstitial infiltrates. He remained afebrile, received<SUP> </SUP>oseltamivir for 7 days, and was discharged 17 days after the<SUP> </SUP>onset of illness. Of the 33 household and neighborhood contacts<SUP> </SUP>that were followed for 2 weeks, all others remained well.<SUP> </SUP>
Re: INDONESIA - "Illness strange attack island"
dhita : : 29-08-2007
tanggamus pemkab tanggulangi plague wabah on tabuan island
Terpadu tim kabupaten governing tanggamus, 27 agustus senin alighted to location in pulautabuan that was in the bay semangka, to cadge presence report curious disease terserang and that warga has lead to four people died.
a pic of patient