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Saudi Arabia - MoH confirms man, 27(26), health care worker, tested positive for novel coronavirus - King Abdul Aziz Hospital in Jeddah - died

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  • Saudi Arabia - MoH confirms man, 27(26), health care worker, tested positive for novel coronavirus - King Abdul Aziz Hospital in Jeddah - died

    machine translation

    Nurses: the lack of methods of infection control in emergency King Abdul Aziz Hospital in Jeddah
    Injury to a nurse in a government hospital as «Corona» .. and «Health»: Not sure yet
    Pathogen infected Bandar Alkatiri. «Economic»
    Pathogen infected Bandar Alkatiri. «Economic»

    Rana sage from Jeddah

    Confirmed yesterday afternoon test results, seen by economic, injuring a young Bandar Alkatiri, a nurse Emergency Hospital, King Abdul Aziz "quarry" in Jeddah, infected with "Corona" amid a media blackout by the management of the hospital and health affairs in Jeddah, under the pretext of the uncertainty of the final analysis, the current time and receive the Kingdom of crowds of pilgrims, and do not prefer to intimidate and scare them.

    Abdul Rahman said the press spokesman for the Directorate of Health Affairs in Jeddah that there is a young man suspected of infecting virus has been re-tests to make sure the infection, and pointed out that the official announcement about the injury is the Ministry of Health in Riyadh, and can not be declared only after confirmation.

    And thus increasing the number of cases infected with «Corona» to 157 case after the Ministry of Health announced recently about 156 cases, in the context of the work of epidemiological investigation and ongoing follow-up of the virus, The number of dead among people living with HIV «Corona» 63 cases since the discovery of the first case in September 1433 , according to figures from the Ministry of Health.

    Has opened the injury Alkatiri number of files neglected in hospitals in Jeddah starting from weak standards of infection control, and the small number of isolation rooms in the Departments of Emergency; According to hospital staff, located south of Jeddah and serve a large number of children of the popular neighborhoods, the issue is not related to the transmission of a dangerous virus to One of their colleagues, and not to surrender allowances for the infection, but it goes beyond that to the lack of methods of infection control emergency, they said, noting that the virus has moved a colleague of one of the patients, the faceless who come to the hospital during the performance of his work .. pointing out that the patients who come in critical situations do not find them beds in intensive care, forcing the workers to keep them to a family emergency for more than ten days, the space is very narrow, allowing the transmission of infection among them, as well as the lack of a cadre of nursing enough, and the entry of a large number of violators of regulations and residencies for the hospital in cases emergency.

    According to workers, the bender is not the first person, who gets from the hospital staff, it was preceded by a doctor and nurses, go to them from tuberculosis patients in an emergency.

    For his part, Dr. Muhammad al-Harbi, consultant of anesthesia at the hospital, said that the majority of the Kingdom's hospitals, especially Jeddah suffer a large gap between the number of family emergency and the number of patients who come for emergency day, pointing to the need to find a consultant in infection control in emergency, then find a board to take care of Focused on the level of Jeddah, includes a number of intensive care consultants, to organize and resolve the crisis, the development of standards and grades, and increase the number of ICU beds in Jeddah.

    As commented by Dr. Sabah Abu Zinada, advisory nursing, and honorable campaign organizing nursing Saudi Arabia, that it is unfortunate that the hospital workers are exposed to many dangers threaten the physical integrity, as borne pollutants vital to workers through the respiratory system through inhalation of air pollution in the work environment or through the digestive system when you drink water and eat food contaminated in addition to other ways Kaltmas skin, injection, pokes and wounds contaminated.

    The Abu Zinada that the infection in hospitals, related to several factors, including the number and density of organisms contaminated in the environment, the degree of resistance, quality and the degree of resistance to the individual's physical them, as there are catalysts for the spread and growth of these pollutants like the factors of physical (natural) heat and moisture and light or darkness in the environment in which there are, also contributes to environmental pollution chemist and physicist in the intensification of the growth and activity of bio-contaminants, in addition to the direct adverse effects to public health and the causes of occupational diseases.

    إصابة ممرض في مستشفى حكومي بـ «كورونا» .. و «الصحة»: لم نتأكد بعد

  • #2
    Re: Saudi Arabia - Hospital test confirm emergency room nurse in Jeddah infected with novel coronavirus - MoH retesting

    machine translation

    Injuring A Nurse To "Corona" In The King Abdulaziz Hospital In Jeddah
    Injury to a nurse


    26 Akhir 0.1435 10:41
    Unaiyza today _ rebounds _ Ahmed Karam presented a nursing staff that works of art emergency at King Abdul Aziz in Jeddah, called Bindra Alkatiri, to be infected with "Corona".
    keen hospital management not to announce this injury, although the pathogen is currently sitting in a room intensive care, and there is a situation of grief and anxiety among his colleagues.
    revealed a hospital staff that patients with "Corona" of sexual Somali, was admitted to the emergency department where he works pathogen "bender".
    worker said: "The hospital refuses to give the family" bender "image From the result of the analysis, and refusing to allow outside consultants access to the case. "
    and added: "Representatives of the Preventive Medicine attended today and took samples of the hospital staff, note that the nursing staff Saudi decided to refuse to deal with patients with infection."
    and pointed worker at the hospital that he and his colleagues are suffering from deprivation of any rights to them in case of infection and exposure to risk, pointing out that most of the infections come from Laith and Alguenvdh, and some of them will be infected with "Corona."
    has "continued to press sources" with a consultant of anesthesia and intensive care, he said: "There is no family in emergency or intensive care enough for the number of patients, and must warn of the consequences of neglect and failure to isolate patients with unknown injury, and lack of attention to the fight against the disease. "
    and added: "Emergency Department suffering from gross negligence and problems on the rise, so that emergency physicians are considered non-specialists, though The management of the hospital to deal with all complaints ignored. "
    condemned the presence of 12 beds in the intensive care unit without breaks between them, and without taking the necessary precautions to prevent the transmission of infection.
    asked the doctor who maintains "already" in his name: "Why is not there in our hospitals served as a consultant to combat Infection?. "
    and revealed that one of the doctors infected with tuberculosis; over his handling of emergency patients.
    concluded his speech by saying: "hospitals" health "lacked standards to prevent sound; terms of not having the mask your ventilation negative" N95 "throughout the year, It is also no rooms to isolate sufficient ventilation enjoy sound; thus contributing to the spread of infectious diseases. "

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    • #3
      Saudi Arabia MoH announced one new MERS-CoV case in Jeddah (March 28 2014)

      [Source: Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health, full page: (LINK). Automatic translation from Arabic.]

      Saudi Arabia MoH announced one new MERS-CoV case in Jeddah

      (March 28 2014)

      In the context of the work of epidemiological investigation and ongoing follow-up carried out by the Ministry of Health for the novel coronavirus that causes Middle Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV), Ministry announces the registration of a case regarding a resident of Jeddah, 26 years old, currently receiving treatment in intensive care. God asking him to recover.



      • #4
        Re: Saudi Arabia - Hospital test confirms emergency room nurse in Jeddah infected with novel coronavirus - MoH retesting

        I do not know if this is the case just announced by the MoH. This case is not identified by the MoH as a health care worker:


        • #5
          Re: Saudi Arabia - Hospital test confirms emergency room nurse in Jeddah infected with novel coronavirus - MoH retesting

          irst case of Corona in Jeddah .. no injuries among the contacts

          Sami Badawoud
          29/03/2014 - NO. 846

          Jeddah - Middle

          The Director of Health Affairs in the province of Jeddah Dr. Sami bin Muhammad Badawoud for recording the first cases of infection with Corona in the Ministry of Health hospitals in Jeddah and was a Saudi man «27 years» suffered a chest infection and enter the intensive care unit at King Abdulaziz Hospital in Jeddah, was the work of the laboratory tests full was make sure the regional tests in the laboratory more than virus scans of the situation, and finally proved that the situation carries Corona virus. He added that it was building and checked all the contacts of the patient did not show a positive result so far, has also been directing and epidemiological survey in the village Ardhiya, where he visited the injured relatives there a week ago and the results were negative. The tests were conducted for workers in the hospital contacts of the situation and were also negative.

          On the other hand, denied «Jeddah Health» What throughput of some media about the existence of a previous state of a patient Somali nationality, as the condition of the patient is first registered in the Ministry hospitals in Jeddah.

          It has also denied the rumors as well as the lack of masks (n95) for such cases where there are more than ten thousand mask warehouse in King Abdulaziz Hospital.

          This article was published in Asharq al-printed No. (846) Page (4) on (29/03/2014)
          Middle | Jeddah


          • #6
            Re: Saudi Arabia - Hospital test confirms emergency room nurse in Jeddah infected with novel coronavirus - MoH retesting

            machine translation

            lkatiri "emergency nurse" First Victims of "Corona" in Jeddah
            Initial reports ?dengue? 00 and 24 hours after kidney failure and stop the lungs

            Share generator - Turki Al-Qahtani - Suhaib al-Faqih - Jeddah
            Saturday, 03/29/2014
            Alkatiri "emergency nurse" First Victims of "Corona" in Jeddah
            Recorded Jeddah first case of infection ?Corona? for young Bandar Alkatiri, who works as a nurse emergencies King Abdulaziz Hospital where he fell suddenly after being tired of fatigue in front of his colleagues in the recovery room of emergency to be placed under the ventilator and transferred to intensive care for three days to diagnose his condition.

            He said one of the doctors at the hospital said Bender suffered a sudden fatigue and fell in front of his colleagues, who transferred from the recovery room in a medical emergency unprepared for being a witness receive more than 10 to 15 patients conducting a ventilator and all of them near some without insulation. She spoke for ?City? to his father Salim Al Kathiri, which seemed Sabra to eliminate God and of the threshold on the management of the hospital, which did not respond with his family to explain what he suffered his son, he said, went to our presence in the hospital for four days and did not tell us one of the medical staff to diagnose his condition, which Some pointed to his time CZK a disease that moved him from his workplace ?He continued: Praise be to God for everything, and Bender was the second of seven sons, may Allah. For his part, the Director of Health Affairs in Jeddah, Dr. Sami bin Muhammad Badawoud, recorded its first case of Corona hospitals and the Ministry of Health in Jeddah, a Saudi man at the age of 27 years, suffered a chest infection, and enter the intensive care unit at King Abdul Aziz, was the work of the laboratory tests Full to him, was to make sure the regional laboratory testing laboratory to check more than one case of the virus, which finally proved that the virus carrying case ?Corona?. He added: Accordingly were checked all contacts for those with the patient, and show that the result of all his contacts negative for the virus, which did not show a positive result so far, and it turned out that the patient had visited his relatives in the village of Ardhiya a week ago, was directed BI epidemic of the village to monitor the epidemiological situation there, where It turned out after examination of the patient's relatives negative results thankfully. He added, has also been coordinating with the King Faisal Specialist Hospital; formation of a joint medical team of consultant intensive care consultant and epidemic diseases; remedial actions to follow up on the patient, and to participate in any treatment recommendations for his condition. He Badawoud: Balmokhtbralakulaima workers have been mobilized to work around the clock during the weekend; to complete the testing of all employees who are at the hospital, where it was found negative results of close contacts of the case, and work is underway to complete some of the other tests. He pointed out that the hospital take all precautionary measures preventive accordance with international standards for such cases. At the same time denied ?Health Jeddah? What throughput of some media about the existence of a previous state of a patient ?Somali nationality?, where the condition of the patient is first registered in the Ministry hospitals in Jeddah, and denied as well as a reported lack of masks (n95) for such cases where that there are more than ten thousand mask depot King Abdulaziz Hospital.
            , and at the same level official source at the King Abdulaziz Hospital for ?City? that in last Sunday complained of a cadre of nurses who work in the emergency department of pain (stomach) and the effect that has been detected it was the writing of the report, was diagnosed with b ?Dengue? was Tnoima On Wednesday and while previewing the patient was explained that his health deteriorating and that the patient suffered kidney failure and stop the work of the lungs, after which the samples were taken from his blood and then was declared infected with HIV ?Corona? .
            demanded the source need to enter the Department of Health, where he had been taking samples from workers in the emergency department and who dealt with the injured and showing it did not hurt a virus, noting that he must declare a state of emergency within the hospital at the time of the Declaration of injury to a worker with the virus and that the hospital was receiving patients explaining After the announcement of the presence of infection within the hospital Pkorona.
            pointed to the source of the patient's sexual Somali and enter to the emergency department, which employs the nurse at the beginning of last week has died, and that there is a high probability that the transfer of the virus to the one employed in the emergency department.
            More pictures:


            • #7
              Re: Saudi Arabia - MoH confirms man, 27, health care worker, tested positive for novel coronavirus

              machine translation

              Health Affairs confirms injury Alkatiri
              The father of the injured b ?Corona? in Jeddah: Anonymous transmitting the virus to my son
              Bandar patient Alkatiri as it appeared in the intensive care unit. ?Economic?
              Bandar patient Alkatiri as it appeared in the intensive care unit. ?Economic?

              Rana sage from Jeddah

              He said the "economic" Salem Al Kathiri's father injured Bandar, the son moved to the virus from a patient who Pasharham of faceless, pointing out that the hospital lacks many of the measures of prevention and protection from transmission of the workers.

              He denied the father of the patient to have the virus endemic in the village to which they belong and had the patient "bender" about two weeks ago, and confirmed that the name of the village, which came in a statement Health Affairs in Jeddah Started error, since their village, "Tariq much" in the zone "incidental South", as the region where there is Ardatin, north and south.

              And between Alkatiri was to keep all of his family members to visit their son, Basttna?h is the "parent", and the hospital administration refuses to clarify the health status of Bandar, and refuses to hand him over medical reports its own for more than five days. Alkatiri and challenged to prove the injury of one of the villagers or relatives of the virus, also vowed to Salem Al Kathiri, go to human rights and the competent authorities to take the right of his son as he put it.

              For her part, Health Affairs in Jeddah as published by the "economic" in its edition yesterday about the confirmation of medical tests injured young Bandar Alkatiri, a staff emergency department at King Abdul Aziz Hospital in Jeddah, infected with "Corona", said Health Affairs, in a statement the journalist, who received "economic" a copy of it yesterday, that the pathogen Bender moved to the virus during a visit to his family in the village, "Ardhiya."

              According to the press release, the words of Dr. Sami Mohammed Badawoud, Director of Health Affairs in Jeddah, for the registration of the first case of infection "Corona" in the Ministry of Health hospitals in Jeddah, a Saudi man at the age of 27 years.

              And the separation of the statement the health status of frequent that he was subjected to inflammation in the chest and enter the intensive care unit at King Abdul Aziz Hospital in Jeddah was the work of laboratory tests Full been confirmed tests in the laboratory Regional examine more than the possibility of infection of the situation, and finally proved that the situation bearing virus Corona.

              The statement added that a medical team has examined all employees and contacts for the road warrior from his relatives and friends, last Thursday, after he declined to workers from engaging in epidemic cases for fear of infection, and found that all contacts were test results during negative for the virus, and did not show a positive result, and one so far.

              The statement said the journalist who wrote the words of the Director of Health Affairs in Jeddah, that "it became clear that the patient had visited his relatives in the village of Ardhiya a week ago, and is likely to carry the virus from there," which was denied by the father of the young man Alkatiri.

              Returning to the statement journalist, pointed Badawoud that was directed BI epidemic of the village to monitor the epidemiological situation there, and it turned out after examination of the patient's relatives they are free of the virus, has also been coordinating with the King Faisal Specialist Hospital to form a medical team jointly consultant intensive care and consultant epidemic diseases to follow up on remedial actions for the patient , and participate in any treatment recommendations for his condition.

              The Badawoud had been mobilized workers in the regional laboratory to work around the clock over the weekend, so as to complete the testing of all employees in the hospital, where it was found negative results of close contacts of the case and the ongoing work to complete some of the other tests, noting that the hospital take precautionary measures preventive all according to international standards for such cases.

              On the other hand, denied Badawoud the throughput of some media about the existence of a previous state of a patient Somali nationality, stressing that the patient's condition Bandar is the first recorded in the hospitals of the Ministry of Jeddah, also denied as well as the health of the rumors about the unavailability of masks, N95, for such cases where it is There are more than ten thousand mask warehouse in King Abdul Aziz Hospital.

              In contrast, stressed workers in the hospital a few masks, N95, pointing out that it is not available throughout the day, I could go days without being provide own masks, forcing workers to use masks normal, that does not suffice, either with respect to denial of Health Affairs issue of transmission of the disease to Alkatiri for by a resident, said emergency workers that they receive daily cases of unidentified, and one of them moved to Bandar disease.


              • #8
                Re: Saudi Arabia - MoH confirms man, 27(26), health care worker, tested positive for novel coronavirus

                hat tip crof

                machine translation

                The death of the first infected b # # Coruna in Jeddah
                The image of social networking sites
                Throughout - rebounds:
                April 6, 2014

                He died last night nurse Saudi Bandar Alkatiri infected "Corona" a week ago, in the King Abdul Aziz Hospital in Jeddah where he works.
                youngster Bandar Alkatiri, who works as a nurse emergencies King Abdulaziz Hospital, fell suddenly after tired of fatigue in front of his colleagues in the room Recovery of emergency to be placed under the ventilator and transferred to intensive care for three days to diagnose his condition.
                said one of the doctors at the hospital, according to Al-Madina newspaper said Bandar subjected to fatigue suddenly and fell in front of his colleagues, who transferred from the recovery room in the emergency unprepared medically for being seen receiving more than 10 to 15 patients conducting a ventilator and all of them near some without insulation.
                For his part, the Director of Health Affairs in Jeddah, Dr. Sami bin Muhammad Badawoud, recorded its first case of Corona hospitals and the Ministry of Health in Jeddah, a Saudi man at the age of 27 years, suffered a chest infection, and enter the intensive care unit at King Abdul Aziz, was the work of the laboratory tests Full him, was sure of laboratory tests in the laboratory Regional examine more than a virus of the situation, where finally proved that the situation bearing virus ?Corona?. mention that the number of deceased people infected with "Corona" in the Kingdom 64 case, since the discovery of the first case in September 1433 AH, according to statistics of the Ministry of Health.


                • #9
                  Re: Saudi Arabia - MoH confirms man, 27(26), health care worker, tested positive for novel coronavirus

                  [Source: Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health, full page in Arabic: (LINK). Automatic translation.]

                  Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health statement on recent MERS-CoV case in Jeddah

                  (April 6 2014)

                  With regard to recent announcements by the Ministry of Health on the monitoring of cases of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus when one of the doctors working in the province of Jeddah, which is equal now to heal and thankfully, the Ministry, it has, according to policies and procedures have to intensify the work of the epidemiological investigation of the disease were examined (356) sample of patients and contacts Over the past week.

                  The tests showed positive (3) of the health workers, all of whom were in stable condition or have no symptoms and thankfully.

                  The Ministry announces that it has been monitoring the status of a citizen at the age of (70) years in the province of Jeddah and has a chronic illness when he moved to the mercy of God has shown screening household contacts with positive screening one of his sons and has no symptoms and thankfully.

                  In the same context, the ministry announced the death of a health worker, and God bless his soul, who previously announced his Corona virus in the province of Jeddah.

                  And re-emphasize that the mechanism of the ministry will continue its work in a scientific manner and follow-up monitoring and intensify awareness and commitment in ways that prevent infection followed globally in health facilities, according to the guidelines of the National Committee for Scientific Infectious Diseases and the World Health Organization.



                  • #10
                    Re: Saudi Arabia - MoH confirms man, 27(26), health care worker, tested positive for novel coronavirus


                    Male nurse in Jeddah dies of coronavirus
                    Last updated: Sunday, April 06, 2014 10:53 PM

                    Saudi Gazette report

                    JEDDAH ? A male nurse, who was in a coma after contracting the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), died Saturday night, hospital sources were quoted as saying by the Sabq news website.

                    Bandar Bin Salim Al-Kuthairy, 27, who worked for King Abdulaziz Hospital in south Jeddah, got infected with the virus just two days after getting married.

                    A colleague of Al-Kuthairy was quoted as saying that he left for his village in Madinah province to tie the knot with a girl there, but came back two days later to the hospital suffering from breathing difficulties and a high fever.

                    The nurse contracted the disease before leaving his place of work as there were three similar cases in the emergency ward, said a relative of the victim.

                    However, Dr. Isha Mutwali, director of preventive medicine, denied the nurse had contracted the disease inside the hospital.

                    She added that sufficient precautions had been taken to protect hospital staff against the disease.

                    But Al-Kuthairy?s father Salim told Al-Eqtisadiah Arabic language daily that his son got the virus while nursing some patients in the hospital who had the disease.

                    Dr. Sami Badawood, director of Jeddah Health Affairs, said the male nurse was the first Saudi to fall victim to the virus in Jeddah.

                    He said the hospital?s staff, especially those who interact with patients regularly, were examined and were found to be free from the virus...

