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Kuwait - Media reports 2 possible novel coronavirus infections - Both confirmed

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  • #16
    Re: Kuwait - Symptomatic hospital doctor tested for Coronavirus

    Another news source from Kuwait says 2 doctors are tested :

    The same sources informed 'news' for infecting two doctors suspected dealings with the previous cases, have been conducted the necessary tests and took them swab to see if they were infected with the virus or not.
    The sources revealed that the management of the hospital has to close the fourth wing and evacuation of sick and closed all ports leading to intensive care and which is now completely isolated.
    For his part, the director of the hospital Dr.. Hassan Al Dosari he called on everyone to an emergency meeting included the heads of departments, technical and clinical doctor to prevent infection in the hospital, where he was sure of the readiness of the hospital to receive any future cases
    Healthy sources revealed that there are suspected in head injury rapid intervention team to deal with cases of Corona and virus infections department head consultant of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Communicable Diseases Hospital Dr.. Ghanem Hegelan disease.
    The sources pointed out that Hegelan suffers from symptoms of headache after mixing Balmassab the second Corona virus and is currently detained in Adan Hospital. The sources indicated that Dr.. Hegelan may already conducted laboratory tests today in the laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, and by isolating himself away from his family until the outcome of the tests.



    • #17
      Re: Kuwait - Media reports 2 possible novel coronavirus infections - Both confirmed

      Update regarding the 2nd patient.


      11 15 2013

      Healthy high-level sources, confirmed in a statement to «news» for the transfer of the second case that has been discovered and announced yesterday to the Communicable Diseases Hospital for treatment, after the first case was transferred there, knowing that both of them were in the Al-Adan Hospital.

      The sources said the second patient was admitted to hospital on 11 November, and was transferred to intensive care after his health deteriorated, noting at the same time that the result of the analysis has appeared on the third day, showing his infection which led to his transfer to a hospital for communicable diseases to receive treatment.


      • #18
        Kuwait - Health Ministry denies new coronavirus case - November 17, 2013

        machine translation

        Two Almassabtan cases are still under medical care
        «Health» No new injuries b «Corona» wide awareness campaign respiratory disease

        Monday, 18 November 2013

        Abdul Razak Enhanced

        Health Ministry denied what has been circulated in some social networking sites (Twitter) with respect to the occurrence of new infections disease Corona citizen in the fourth decade of life yesterday.



        • #19
          Re: Kuwait - Health Ministry denies new coronavirus case - November 17, 2013

          machine translation

          There are no injury "Corona" in Jahra
          News section - Local
          Sunday, November 17, 2013 22:29

          Source denied the ministry of health official what has been traded on the existence of new cases of HIV Corona Jahra hospital, indicating that the Jahra free from injuries so far, appealing to citizens and residents not being misled by rumors that launches in such circumstances.


          • #20
            Kuwait - Media reports 2 possible novel coronavirus infections - Both confirmed

            [Source: World Health Organization, full page: (LINK). Edited.]

            Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) ? update

            D.O.N / 18 November 2013

            WHO has been informed of an additional two laboratory-confirmed cases of infection with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) from Kuwait.

            The first patient is a 47 year-old man who became ill on 30 October 2013 and was hospitalised on 7 November 2013. He is in critical condition.

            The second patient is a 52-year-old man with underlying medical conditions. He became ill on 7 November and was hospitalised on 10 November 2013. He is in critical condition.

            Globally, from September 2012 to date, WHO has been informed of a total of 157 laboratory-confirmed cases of infection with MERS-CoV, including 66 deaths.

            Based on the current situation and available information, WHO encourages all Member States to continue their surveillance for severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) and to carefully review any unusual patterns.

            Health care providers are advised to maintain vigilance. Recent travellers returning from the Middle East who develop SARI should be tested for MERS-CoV as advised in the current surveillance recommendations.

            Patients diagnosed and reported to date have had respiratory disease as their primary illness. Diarrhoea is commonly reported among the patients and severe complications include renal failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with shock. It is possible that severely immunocompromised patients can present with atypical signs and symptoms.

            Health care facilities are reminded of the importance of systematic implementation of infection prevention and control (IPC). Health care facilities that provide care for patients suspected or confirmed with MERS-CoV infection should take appropriate measures to decrease the risk of transmission of the virus to other patients, health care workers and visitors.

            All Member States are reminded to promptly assess and notify WHO of any new case of infection with MERS-CoV, along with information about potential exposures that may have resulted in infection and a description of the clinical course. Investigation into the source of exposure should promptly be initiated to identify the mode of exposure, so that further transmission of the virus can be prevented.

            WHO does not advise special screening at points of entry with regard to this event nor does it currently recommend the application of any travel or trade restrictions.

            WHO has convened an Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations (IHR) to advise the Director-General on the status of the current situation. The Emergency Committee, which comprises international experts from all WHO Regions, unanimously advised that, with the information now available, and using a risk-assessment approach, the conditions for a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) have not at present been met.



            • #21
              Kuwait - Ministry of Health says no new NCoV cases; all suspected cases tested negative (nov 19 2013)


              Said during a press conference called by the sudden «Health» that cases المصابتين in intensive care

              The good: a chance Corona virus turning into an epidemic very slim and there is no need to dramatize and fear

              Tuesday, November 19, 2013

              D. Musab al-Saleh, speaking at a press conference (Hani Abdullah)

              Ministry of Health confirmed the stability of the health situation in the country under injuring two مؤكدتين virus «Corona», denying at the same time record any new cases other than cases the two are currently in a hospital in Adan and communicable diseases, and that the case for Asalta under respirators in intensive care, and all the tests that were conducted of suspected cases since Nov. 12 and so far up the 64 cases the results were negative.

              More: Alanba


              • #22
                Re: Kuwait - Ministry of Health says no new NCoV cases; all suspected cases tested negative (nov 19 2013)

                machine translation

                November 17, 2013

                Executives unloaded met with emergency departments and prevent infection .. And took precautionary measures

                Hospitals ?convulsed? anticipation of the repercussions of ?Corona?

                Adan Hospital has seen a decline in the preparation of auditors after the discovery of a case

                | Salman wrote Algaddoura |

                Interaction with the announcement of two goals virus Coruna in the country, initiated a number of hospitals to take several preventive steps to implement a program to prevent infection, where the contract managers of hospitals, intensive meetings and lengthy with medical departments and divisions to prevent infection and emergency to discuss the measures to be taken.
                In this context witnessed Accident in Adan Hospital installation 30 device to filter and purify the air, has also allocated a room for examination of patients with flu symptoms, in anticipation of the emergence of new HIV infections and to reduce the infected cases.

                Sources healthy at the hospital that the previous period has seen a significant decline in the number of auditors arrived to 40 percent, as a result of the fear and panic , which hit a large number of people from catching the disease, which discovered the case of him in the hospital.
                The sources pointed out that the hospital was stressed in the instructions to the emergency department on the application of the program ?Turaaaj? in the emergency department, for cases in which the decline in the hospital in order to give those cases you need to treat . She stated that the hospital also applied the policy to prevent infection in the diagnosis of cases and symptoms of suspected injury virus Corona.
                On the other hand, said the director of Mubarak Hospital, Dr. Hassan Al Dosari told the ?opinion? The hospital held an emergency meeting last week with several sections of medical and clinical and technical, With the emergency department, where it was agreed to take medical precautions, especially with cases that are suspected of it, where you must examine all contacts on a daily basis for a period of 7 days from the date of making sure the injury, and that in the event that injury Corona, indicating that the contacts are giving some treatments are 3 antibiotics for a virus is expensive with the aim of taking the reserve, pointing to a large inventory of antibiotics.
                assured Dosari to the non-appearance of any infection, indicating that the virus is slow proliferation compared swine flu virus, which is fast moving, and that the injury may appear after 5 days, adding: We warned the emergency departments at the meeting on the application of the policy sent by the Ministry of Health.
                said that the hospital also provided masks for all medical staff in the emergency department, and coordinated and conducted the arrangements with the laboratory School of Medicine in order to accelerate the emergence of the outcome.
                has also been coordinating with the hospital for communicable diseases for the transfer of any case detected , and is equipped with 5 rooms for insulation in intensive care, placed in reserve and that all isolation rooms equipped medically and technically.
                said Al Dosari that the ministry has formed a medical team for rapid intervention, where they are telling them all developments if the discovery of any case of bird, Mina that they have an account on Twitter, as well as site Palantert to communicate with the auditors and to respond to inquiries



                • #23
                  Re: Kuwait - Media reports 2 possible novel coronavirus infections - Both confirmed

                  machine translation

                  Health sources: the delay in the healing of the injured cases b ?Corona? .. Saudi and Kuwaiti coordination to cope with the disease
                  Sunday, November 24th, 2013 News

                  Hanan Abdel Karim Al-Abdullah idol
                  Sources healthy informed that the team leader rapid intervention for the treatment of ?Corona? Ministry of Health, Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine Hospital of communicable diseases d. Ghanem Hujaylan, a visit to Saudi Arabia for a period of 5 days, ended yesterday, and showed that the d. Hujaylan During his visit to meet with a group of experts and specialists in dealing with the Corona virus there, as Saudi Arabia of the most prevalent of the disease around the world, where the number of cases in which 130 cases by more than 80% of the total HIV infections globally.

                  On the other hand, informed sources revealed that the injured cases infected with Corona where lying one hospital communicable diseases and other hospital Adan, is stable and is described as serious, noting that tests the last conducted for two cases showed delayed significantly in the cure rate of the virus, in addition to the negative impact on some jobs and vital organs of the body.

                  The sources pointed out that the medical team based on treating cases confirmed the deteriorating health situation for them, where they are conducting tests daily to measure the impact of various devices Body virus of familiarity by cured, but that tests the last conducted for two cases showed influenced most devices the body, and pointed out that one of the patients will have subsequently cured of the virus to dialysis due to kidney damage significantly as a result of infection with this virus.

                  On the other hand, revealed other sources for leaving the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health. Khaled AlSahlawi and medical delegation to Saudi Arabia to participate in and attend a meeting of Gulf extended to senior officials Aellouka?aan at the level of the GCC countries in order to exchange information and experiences on the face of the virus Coruna, especially after the discovery of several cases in Most of the Gulf states.


                  • #24
                    Re: Kuwait - Media reports 2 possible novel coronavirus infections - Both confirmed

                    Google Translation:

                    Kuwait - 25-11 (KUNA) - The official spokesman for the Ministry of Health about the virus, coronavirus, head of epidemiology in the ministry, Dr. Musab Al-Saleh said the health status of patients is still unstable.

                    Among during a press conference at the Department of Public Health today that despite the slight improvement of the situation The first retained hospital communicable diseases after dialysis repeated, but the health status of the patient's second hospital Adan did not respond to treatment so far.
                    around conflicting statements between the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health and the Saudi government about the transmission of the virus by camels and show positive results for the virus in the beauty Saleh said that officials in Saudi Arabia During the meetings, which gathered together with officials in Kuwait confirmed that the isolated beauty was part of the genetic makeup of the virus has not yet reached a decision definitively that this part representative of the virus present.

                    said Saudi officials have stressed the need for further studies to isolate the virus completely and not part of the evidence that they did not declare until this moment that beauty is a source of infection.
                    confirmed the good non-registration of any suspected cases of the disease during the last week reiterated his advice the prevention and control of disease.
                    said that the ministry did not spare any effort to the attention of awareness of the disease through a number of activities to increase awareness and publications referring to the unifying Technical Manual and lab tests for patients treated with the level of the Gulf, as well as demand-mail link at the level of the Gulf


                    • #25
                      Kuwait reports fatality related to new Coronavirus


                      03/09/2014 23:55

                      The first death as ?Corona? for expatriate Arab Steny

                      Al ?home? from medical sources familiar with the death of aphids and Arabic as a result of infection with Corona, to be the first death recorded in the country with the virus.

                      The sources confirmed ?home? to the deceased in the sixth decade of age, indicating that he was admitted to the hospital for treatment of Al-Babtain burns sustained but his health deteriorated as a result of inflammation of the lung and bronchial enter the intensive care unit where he died three days ago.

                      The sources pointed out that the examination of viral, which was conducted on the body confirmed the presence of the virus and concluded that the cause of death was corona virus.

                      The Ministry of Health announced two months ago to control the disease and the absence Corona Kuwait him heal after two goals discovered last November and was treat.

                      Al Watan


                      • #26
                        Re: Kuwait reports fatality related to new Coronavirus

                        Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) ? update

                        Disease Outbreak News

                        20 MARCH 2014 - On 18 March 2014, WHO was notified of an additional two laboratory-confirmed cases of infection with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). One case was notified by the National IHR Focal Point of Kuwait and the other by the National IHR Focal Point of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

                        Details of the case notified from Kuwait are as follows:
                        A 60 year-old Syrian national who was admitted to a hospital in Kuwait on 13 February and died on 6 March. He had underlying health conditions. The patient was confirmed with MERS-CoV on 9 March. All close contacts of the patients are being followed up.

                        Details of the case notified from the UAE are as follows:
                        A 68 year-old man from Abu Dhabi with underlying health conditions. He became ill on 7 March, was admitted to a hospital on 11 March with injury to his finger. He has mild symptoms. The patient was laboratory-confirmed with MERS-CoV on 17 March. The patient returned from Saudi Arabia five days prior to his admission in the hospital. He frequently visits Saudi Arabia where he owns a camel farm. Public health authorities are carrying out contact tracing and epidemiological investigations.


