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Cases of flu sweeping across US; 170 hospitalized in Utah - December 30, 2013

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  • Cases of flu sweeping across US; 170 hospitalized in Utah - December 30, 2013

    SALT LAKE CITY ? Many Utahns are currently coughing, achy and weak. Flu season is in full swing, and doctors say within the past few weeks they've seen a spike in cases in Utah.

    "We're seeing children with the flu, the elderly with the flu. People over 65 are at higher risk and children under the age of 2 are at higher risk of complications of the flu," said Adams Balls, Riverton Hospital Health.

    "Nearly 10 percent of our adult cases were vaccinated prior to being hospitalized. Nearly half of our pediatric patients were vaccinated prior to being hospitalized," said Utah Department of Health representative, David Jackson.

    Many Utahns are currently coughing, achy and weak. Flu season is in full swing, and doctors say within the past few weeks they've seen a spike in cases in Utah.

  • #2
    Re: Cases of flu sweeping across US; 170 hospitalized in Utah

    Data Sparsity
    Egg Passage
    Winter 2013

    At the WeekEnd, Atlanta

    A December Void

    During the minimal pH1N1 case count in the Northern Hemisphere's 2012 season and post-season, the US CDC demonstrated the experimental importance of Egg Passage strategies. Variant polymorphisms known to drive deep lung involvement in humans were surfaced repeatedly from quasi-species. That egg-based experimentation was considered valuable and was pursued throughout much of 2013, but evidently not to quantify the actual circulating pH1N1 viral population . . . because the production came to a full halt at the moment that the US flu season's high fatality rates became public due to an unexpected re-emergence of pH1N1 . . .

    Read the Open-Access, Full-Text


    • #3
      Re: Cases of flu sweeping across US; 170 hospitalized in Utah

      TamiFlu Resistance


      A pH1N1 virus infecting a 14 year old female in late October 2013 exhibited TamiFlu Resistance in Utah.

      100% of the Hemagglutinin amino acid polymorphisms on that AntiViral-Resistant sequence, Utah10_C1_14F_2013_10_29_TmX [EPI487732], appears on the most recently sampled Utah sequence from December 2013.

      Deep Lung involvement and ARDS are expected based on the limited genetic superset of 9 pH1N1 sequences covering s2012, the inter-season (i2012) and the current season (s2013) for Utah.


      • #4
        Re: Cases of flu sweeping across US; 170 hospitalized in Utah

        pH1N1 Child Vaccine Escape
        CDC Early 2013

        <div style="text-align: center;">
        <hr style="width: 30%;" />41 Cases over 43 Sequences<hr style="width: 30%;" /></div>

        In the 30 days covering 2013-02-28 to 2013-03-29, the&nbsp;<span style="color: #783f04;"><b>United States CDC</b></span>&nbsp;released a total of 43&nbsp;<b><span style="color: #632423; font-family: &quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;;">pH1N1</span></b>&nbsp;sequences at&nbsp;<strong>GISAID&nbsp;</strong>on 41 human cases<strong>&nbsp;</strong>sampled from October 2012 to February 2013. Geographic surveillance includes&nbsp;<b>America,</b>&nbsp;<b>Africa, Asia </b>and<b> Russia.&nbsp;</b>Although&nbsp;<b><span style="color: #632423; font-family: &quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;;">pH1N1</span></b>&nbsp;in most locales during the&nbsp;2012-2013 season was the <b><span style="color: #783f04;">minority</span></b> serotype, the sequences in this Analytic Report describe a high level of human-infective diversity and an ease of avian genetic acquisition, including multiple instances demonstrating concentrated transport of <b><span style="color: #660000;">High-CFR</span></b>&nbsp;<b><span style="color: #632423; font-family: &quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;;">pH1N1&nbsp;</span><span style="color: #783f04;">Upsilon</span></b> polymorphisms onto single sequences.

        . . .

        Read the Open-Access, Full-Text
        Investigational Analytic
        including Genetic Details


        • #5
          Re: Cases of flu sweeping across US; 170 hospitalized in Utah

          pH1N1 Drug Resistant Low Reactor
          CDC Fall 2013

          <div style="text-align: center;">
          <hr style="width: 30%;" />46 Cases over 49 Sequences<hr style="width: 30%;" /></div>

          In the 32 days covering 2013-10-17 to 2013-11-19, the&nbsp;<span style="color: #783f04;"><b>United States CDC</b></span>&nbsp;released a total of 49&nbsp;<b><span style="color: #632423; font-family: &quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;;">pH1N1</span></b>&nbsp;sequences at&nbsp;<strong>GISAID&nbsp;</strong>on 46 human cases<strong>&nbsp;</strong>sampled from February 2013 to October 2013. Geographic surveillance includes&nbsp;<b>America,</b>&nbsp;<b>Africa, Asia, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay&nbsp;</b>and<b>&nbsp;Peru.&nbsp;</b>

          The sequences in this Analytic Report describe a high level of genetic activity at the <b><span style="color: #274e13;">Hemagglutinin</span></b> <b><span style="color: #660000;">antigenic area</span></b> between <b><span style="color: blue;">aa155</span></b> and <b><span style="color: blue;">aa158</span></b> with <b>5</b> amino variations and <b>4</b> silent revisions. &nbsp; <b><span style="color: #274e13;">HA</span></b> <b><span style="color: blue;">225G</span></b> is present in <b><span style="color: #660000;">quasi-species</span></b> on <b>2</b>&nbsp;American samples and as dominant form in <b>2</b> tropical countries. The <b>Dominican Republic</b> <b><span style="color: #274e13;">HA</span></b> <b><span style="color: blue;">225G</span></b>&nbsp;<b><span style="color: #660000;">Low Reactor</span></b> appears on a <b><span style="color: #7f6000;">TamiFlu Resistant</span></b> strain. &nbsp;<b><span style="color: #7f6000;">Drug Resistance</span></b> is also found in <b>2</b> US sequences and <b>1</b> South American case . . .

          Read the Open-Access, Full-Text
          Investigational Analytic
          including Genetic Details


          • #6
            Re: Cases of flu sweeping across US; 170 hospitalized in Utah

            pH1N1 Drug Resistance & Vaccine Escape
            CDC Fall 2013

            <div style="text-align: center;">
            <hr style="width: 30%;" />29 Cases over 32 Sequences<hr style="width: 30%;" /></div>

            In the week from 2013-11-22 to 2013-11-29, the&nbsp;<span style="color: #783f04;"><b>United States CDC</b></span>&nbsp;released or updated a total of 32&nbsp;<b><span style="color: #632423; font-family: &quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;;">pH1N1</span></b>&nbsp;sequences at&nbsp;<strong>GISAID&nbsp;</strong>on 29 human cases<strong>&nbsp;</strong>sampled from July 2013 to November 2013. Geographic surveillance includes&nbsp;<b>America,</b>&nbsp;<b>India&nbsp;</b>and<b>&nbsp;Hong Kong.&nbsp;</b>

            . . .

            Read the Open-Access, Full-Text
            Investigational Analytic
            including Genetic Details

