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Saudi Arabia - Denied:Media report of 10 suspected cases and 1 death due to nCoV coronavirus at Prince Sultan Military Hospital - Riyadh

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  • Saudi Arabia - Denied:Media report of 10 suspected cases and 1 death due to nCoV coronavirus at Prince Sultan Military Hospital - Riyadh

    I wonder if this is the hospital that a doctor referred to in his post on Crof blog?

    machine translation

    Amid the silence of administration .. Sources for "economic":
    Deaths and 10 injuries uncertain 'Corona' in a hospital in Riyadh

    Sultan Medical City in Riyadh military. "Economic"
    Sultan Medical City in Riyadh military. "Economic"
    Wednesday, November 05, 1434 e. September 11, 2013 Issue 7275

    Abdul peace الثميري from Riyadh

    Confirmed for "economic" informed sources record the number of HIV infections in the city of Corona military medical Prince Sultan in the capital Riyadh, an estimated ten cases.

    The sources said that among the injured doctor esoteric Saudis, a recent graduate, enter the intensive care unit at the hospital, although there are a number of cases still is among the suspected cases, in addition to recording the event of the death of a nurse from the Philippine citizenship.

    This comes amid silence by officials of the hospital, where he contacted the "economic" a number of them to clarify the matter, but attempts met with no reply or an apology and promise to issue a statement demonstration during the coming period, without setting a specific date.

    The sources pointed out that there are a number of actions taken by the management of the hospital to prevent the transmission of infection among inpatients and employees of the hospital and dismissal, noting that there are medically استنفارا and meetings between the leaders until the preparation of the news.

    She explained that the spread of the news of the existence of injuries among the employees of the hospital sparked panic many of the reviewers, which led to their absence from attending appointments during the past two days.

    This comes amid Declaration and the Ministry of Health in a number of deaths virus Corona, within the work of continuous monitoring and investigation carried out by the ministry for the virus Corona new virus that causes AIDS Middle East respiratory MERS-COV, as announced in a statement yesterday, for the registration of four new cases of the virus, the first a citizen in Medina at the age of 22 years, Mkhalta to certain infected with the virus, and did not showing Oaradalmred.

    The second is a citizen at the age of 24 years, working in the health sector in Medina, too, as well as not showing any symptoms, and the third case of a citizen at the age of 60 years in Riyadh, Mkhalta case-infected uncertain, did not show symptoms of the disease as well, and was The fourth case of a 70-year-old citizen also in Riyadh, mixer case of infected uncertain, and his condition is stable.

    It was a few days ago announced record two deaths virus, the first of a resident in the area of ​​Medina at the age of 56 years, and works in the health sector, and the second of a citizen in the area of ​​Riyadh at the age of 53 years suffering from chronic diseases, multiple, also announced record two cases the first citizen of the 18-year-old, and the other for three-year-old girl, and attributed the to مخالطتهما the cause of confirmed cases in the Batin area, pointing out that he did not show them any symptoms and in good health condition.

    Thus an infected cases at the level of Saudi Arabia since the emergence of the disease hundred cases, of whom 47 died, according to the website of the Ministry of Health.

    According to the outcome of the recent World Health Organization issued on 30 August, the death of 50 people out of 108 confirmed cases in the world, from HIV Corona, which leads to respiratory problems and renal insufficiency fast, and Saudi Arabia is the country most affected by it - according to the "French" .

    The new virus, which belongs defined by the World Health Organization as "the Middle East respiratory syndrome," "Mirs" to the viruses that faction led to the severe acute respiratory syndrome "SARS", which led to the deaths of about 800 people around the world in 2003.

    Last edited by sharon sanders; September 11, 2013, 02:42 PM. Reason: edit

  • #2
    Re: Saudi Arabia - Media report of 10 suspected cases and 1 death due to nCoV coronavirus at Prince Sultan Military Hospital - Riyadh

    This is reported by a major news outlet in Saudi Arabia.


    • #3
      Re: Saudi Arabia - Media report of 10 suspected cases and 1 death due to nCoV coronavirus at Prince Sultan Military Hospital - Riyadh

      A denial? that the hospital is the source of infection but mentions at least 7 cases "discovered" at the hospital after screening 300 people.

      Riyadh, November 05 , 1434 AH , September 11, 2013 , SPA

      Picked up by some media and social networking news about the spread of virus Corona city of Prince Sultan Military Medical Riyadh and emergency department of the city a source of infection with this virus, and would like to manage the city of Prince Sultan Military Medical to explain that what is put on this subject is incorrect and not based on a scientific reference as accurate as it is true the death of a Saudi nurse or her .

      She said : The fact of the matter is the following: two cases infected Balvyrus the entry from outside the city and were infected in places of residence and was treated by preventive measures and health to like it.
      She died one of those cases had already been announced and died another case, the presence of a companion virus disease led to her death .

      The city that according to the procedures and guidelines of the World Health Organization and the instructions of the Ministry of Health updated survey was conducted and revealed to Mkhaltin of cases of practitioners, health workers and patients numbered approximately ( 300) Mkhalt was discovered (5) cases were receiving two other cases from the headquarters of their stay is not linked to the cases Previous city

      and most of the cases in general improvement in the symptoms do not appear and receive the necessary medical care in the city to the presence of other diseases they have.
      Note that the city has received since the start of this disease in the past year ( the month of November 1433 e) and to date a total of 15 cases , including deaths ( four cases ) , which represent a smaller percentage ( 30 % ) of the total cases. Which is much lower than the global ratio for this disease.
      Has been out of ( 5 ) cases were virile and thankfully previously published medical information about the first cases specialized medical periodicals .
      Thus, the total cases during the year (15) of these cases ( 4 ) and the number of deaths (5) Mtaavin went out and ( 6 ) cases under the necessary medical care .
      And emphasizes the city that preventive measures and precautionary city applied according to international standards and are dealing with suspected cases and confirmed as recommended by the Ministry of Health and coinciding with awareness programs and health education for employees and visitors to the city and the general situation very reassuring and there is nothing to worry about.
      / / End / /
      22:46 T.

      hat tip to Michael Coston for this link to KUNA

      Prince Sultan city denies spread of coronavirus inside hospital
      12/09/2013 | 12:45 AM | Gulf News
      تصغير الخطتكبير الخط
      RIYADH, Sept 11 (KUNA) -- Prince Sultan Military Medical City in Riyadh denied Wednesday reports on spread of Coronavirus inside the city's emergency department.
      According to a press statement quoted by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), the city dismissed claims that a Saudi nurse died from the virus, pointing out that the truth that there were two virus cases came from outside the city, and that medics took all necessary preventive measures in similar cases.
      The statement added, out of the two cases, one coronavirus patient died and was announced in a previous statement, while the other patient died but due to the presence of a virus companion, leading to her death." The statement confirmed that medics conducted medical checkup to more than health practitioners and patients numbered close to 300 cases, noting that five coronavirus cases were discovered, in addition to receiving two cases coming from their residence.
      The statement added that most of these cases are generally recovering from symptoms and are receiving the necessary medical care in the city. (end) ad.mb KUNA 120045 Sep 13NNNN


      • #4
        Re: Saudi Arabia - Media report of 10 suspected cases and 1 death due to nCoV coronavirus at Prince Sultan Military Hospital - Riyadh

        Originally posted by sharon sanders View Post
        A denial? that the hospital is the source of infection but mentions at least 7 cases "discovered" at the hospital after screening 300 people.

        Riyadh, November 05 , 1434 AH , September 11, 2013 , SPA

        Picked up by some media and social networking news about the spread of virus Corona city of Prince Sultan Military Medical Riyadh and emergency department of the city a source of infection with this virus, and would like to manage the city of Prince Sultan Military Medical to explain that what is put on this subject is incorrect and not based on a scientific reference as accurate as it is true the death of a Saudi nurse or her .

        She said : The fact of the matter is the following: two cases infected Balvyrus the entry from outside the city and were infected in places of residence and was treated by preventive measures and health to like it.
        She died one of those cases had already been announced and died another case, the presence of a companion virus disease led to her death .

        The city that according to the procedures and guidelines of the World Health Organization and the instructions of the Ministry of Health updated survey was conducted and revealed to Mkhaltin of cases of practitioners, health workers and patients numbered approximately ( 300) Mkhalt was discovered (5) cases were receiving two other cases from the headquarters of their stay is not linked to the cases Previous city

        and most of the cases in general improvement in the symptoms do not appear and receive the necessary medical care in the city to the presence of other diseases they have.
        Note that the city has received since the start of this disease in the past year ( the month of November 1433 e) and to date a total of 15 cases , including deaths ( four cases ) , which represent a smaller percentage ( 30 % ) of the total cases. Which is much lower than the global ratio for this disease.
        Has been out of ( 5 ) cases were virile and thankfully previously published medical information about the first cases specialized medical periodicals .
        Thus, the total cases during the year (15) of these cases ( 4 ) and the number of deaths (5) Mtaavin went out and ( 6 ) cases under the necessary medical care .
        And emphasizes the city that preventive measures and precautionary city applied according to international standards and are dealing with suspected cases and confirmed as recommended by the Ministry of Health and coinciding with awareness programs and health education for employees and visitors to the city and the general situation very reassuring and there is nothing to worry about.
        / / End / /
        22:46 T.

        hat tip to Michael Coston for this link to KUNA

        Prince Sultan city denies spread of coronavirus inside hospital
        12/09/2013 | 12:45 AM | Gulf News
        تصغير الخطتكبير الخط
        RIYADH, Sept 11 (KUNA) -- Prince Sultan Military Medical City in Riyadh denied Wednesday reports on spread of Coronavirus inside the city's emergency department.
        According to a press statement quoted by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), the city dismissed claims that a Saudi nurse died from the virus, pointing out that the truth that there were two virus cases came from outside the city, and that medics took all necessary preventive measures in similar cases.
        The statement added, out of the two cases, one coronavirus patient died and was announced in a previous statement, while the other patient died but due to the presence of a virus companion, leading to her death." The statement confirmed that medics conducted medical checkup to more than health practitioners and patients numbered close to 300 cases, noting that five coronavirus cases were discovered, in addition to receiving two cases coming from their residence.
        The statement added that most of these cases are generally recovering from symptoms and are receiving the necessary medical care in the city. (end) ad.mb KUNA 120045 Sep 13NNNN

        Wednesday, September 11, 2013

        KUNA: Saudi Hospital Issues MERS Denial

        # 7755

        KUNA, the Kuwait News Agency, has a report this afternoon with an unusually worded denial from a hospital in Riyadh that MERS had spread inside their hospital. The report states that while two cases were received by the hospital for treatment, they deny media reports that a `Saudi nurse? had died.
        The report does indicate that `medics conducted medical checkups? on more than 300 patients and healthcare staff, and five additional cases were detected.

        How, or where, these additional five cases came to be infected is not provided. FluTrackers has a machine translation of the Saudi Press Agency report on this thread (msg #3).

        Prince Sultan city denies spread of coronavirus inside hospital
        12/09/2013 | 12:45 AM

        RIYADH, Sept 11 (KUNA) -- Prince Sultan Military Medical City in Riyadh denied Wednesday reports on spread of Coronavirus inside the city's emergency department.
        According to a press statement quoted by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), the city dismissed claims that a Saudi nurse died from the virus, pointing out that the truth that there were two virus cases came from outside the city, and that medics took all necessary preventive measures in similar cases.
        The statement added, out of the two cases, one coronavirus patient died and was announced in a previous statement, while the other patient died but due to the presence of a virus companion, leading to her death." The statement confirmed that medics conducted medical checkup to more than health practitioners and patients numbered close to 300 cases, noting that five coronavirus cases were discovered, in addition to receiving two cases coming from their residence.

        The statement added that most of these cases are generally recovering from symptoms and are receiving the necessary medical care in the city. (end) ad.mb KUNA 120045 Sep 13NNNN
        The plot, as they say, thickens . . .

        Posted by Michael Coston at <a class="timestamp-link" href="" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link"><abbr class="published" itemprop="datePublished" title="2013-09-11T18:25:00-04:00">6:25 PM</abbr>


        • #5
          Re: Saudi Arabia - Denied:Media report of 10 suspected cases and 1 death due to nCoV coronavirus at Prince Sultan Military Hospital - Riyadh

          So I guess instead of 10 suspected nCoV coronavirus cases, there are 5-7 confirmed cases.

          In addition, they deny that a nurse died.


          • #6
            Re: Saudi Arabia - Denied:Media report of 10 suspected cases and 1 death due to nCoV coronavirus at Prince Sultan Military Hospital - Riyadh

            Since August 18th, 15 cases have been reported from Riyadh, based on available information. Public data indicates that 2-3 have died. Five or more are identified as having contact with confirmed cases. Several are reported to have mild or asymptomatic infections. At least four are identified as health care workers. These data suggest one or more nosocomial outbreaks in Riyadh hospitals.


            • #7
              Re: Saudi Arabia - Denied:Media report of 10 suspected cases and 1 death due to nCoV coronavirus at Prince Sultan Military Hospital - Riyadh

              According to the press-release via SPA and KUNA 4 have died.

              Thus, the total cases during the year 15 cases, including four deaths and five Mtaavin (discharged?), left six cases under medical care needed.


              • #8
                Re: Saudi Arabia - Denied:Media report of 10 suspected cases and 1 death due to nCoV coronavirus at Prince Sultan Military Hospital - Riyadh

                This says since last year there have been 15 cases at the Prince Sultan Hospital in Riyadh, 4 deaths, 5 released, & 6 are currently under treatment.

                machine translation

                Denied Matnaqlth and means of communication about the emergency department is the source of infection

                Prince Sultan City: We have received 15 cases of Corona, including four deaths

                Riyadh - Mohammed Haydar:09/11/2013 21:15:30
                She said the city of Prince Sultan Military Medical to what some of the media and social networking information about the spread of virus Coruna in Prince Sultan Military Medical Riyadh and emergency department of the city a source of infection with this virus is incorrect and not based on a scientific reference as accurate as it is not true the death of a nurse Saudi or unaffected.

                She said in a statement that it was introduced two infected Balvyrus from outside the city and were infected in places of residence were handled by preventive measures and health necessary to like it, has died of one of those cases had already been announced and died another case of the presence of disease companion of the virus led to her death.

                The city that according to the procedures and guidelines of the World Health Organization and the instructions of the Ministry of Health updated survey was conducted and revealed to Mkhaltin of cases of practitioners, health workers and patients numbered approximately (300) Mkhalt was discovered (5) cases were receiving two other cases from the headquarters of their stay is not linked to the cases Previous city and most of the cases in general improvement in the symptoms do not appear and receive the necessary medical care in the city to the presence of other diseases they have.

                . Note that the city has received since the start of contracting this disease in the past year (the month of November 1433 e) and to date a total of 15 cases, including deaths (four cases), which represent a smaller percentage (30%) of the total cases. Which is much lower than the global ratio for this disease.

                Has been out of (5) cases were virile and thankfully previously published medical information about the first cases specialized medical periodicals. Thus, the total cases during the year (15) of these cases (4) and the number of deaths (5) Mtaavin went out and (6) cases under the necessary medical care.

                And emphasizes the city that preventive measures and precautionary city applied according to international standards and are dealing with suspected cases and confirmed as recommended by the Ministry of Health and coinciding with awareness programs and health education for employees and visitors to the city and the general situation very reassuring and there is nothing to worry about.

                النسخة الإلكترونية من صحيفة الرياض اليومية الصادرة عن مؤسسة اليمامة الصحفية


                • #9
                  Re: Saudi Arabia - Denied:Media report of 10 suspected cases and 1 death due to nCoV coronavirus at Prince Sultan Military Hospital - Riyadh

                  Originally posted by Laidback Al View Post
                  Since August 18th, 15 cases have been reported from Riyadh, based on available information. Public data indicates that 2-3 have died. Five or more are identified as having contact with confirmed cases. Several are reported to have mild or asymptomatic infections. At least four are identified as health care workers. These data suggest one or more nosocomial outbreaks in Riyadh hospitals.
                  FluTrackers case list - numbers 95, 96, 98, 99, 102, 110, 112, 114, 122, 123, 127-132.

