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Saudi Arabia - Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) 10 recent cases, 5 deaths - May 2+

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  • Saudi Arabia - Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) 10 recent cases, 5 deaths - May 2+

    [Source: Straits Times, full text: (LINK). Edited.]

    Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) kills 5 Saudis in past few days, says ministry

    Published on May 02, 2013 2:08 PM

    RIYADH (AFP) - Five Saudis have died of a new SARS-like virus during the past few days and two more are being treated in an intensive care unit, the health ministry said. In a statement cited by the Saudi SPA agency late on Wednesday, the ministry said that all the deaths occurred in the Ahsaa province in the oil-rich eastern region of the kingdom.



  • #2
    Re: Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) kills 5 Saudis in past few days, says ministry (Straits Times, May 2 2013)
    Saudi MoH reports 5 corona fatalities
    02/05/2013 | 01:04 AM | Gulf News
    تصغير الخطتكبير الخط
    RIYADH, May 1 (KUNA) -- The Saudi Ministry of Health (MOH) announced Wednesday that five of the seven persons, who contracted the corona virus in the last days, succumbed to their illnesses.
    The two other patients are in intensive care units in the eastern province of Ihsaa, the ministry said in a statement tonight.
    The Ministry reminded those in connection with patients to abide by the preventive measures, noting that fatal number of infection cases worldwide is 17. (end) KUNA 020104 May 13NNNN

    Ask Congress to Investigate COVID Origins and Government Response to Pandemic.

    i love myself. the quietest. simplest. most powerful. revolution ever. ---- nayyirah waheed

    "...there’s an obvious contest that’s happening between different sectors of the colonial ruling class in this country. And they would, if they could, lump us into their beef, their struggle." ---- Omali Yeshitela, African People’s Socialist Party

    (My posts are not intended as advice or professional assessments of any kind.)
    Never forget Excalibur.


    • #3
      Re: Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) kills 5 Saudis in past few days, says ministry (Straits Times, May 2 2013)

      I can not find the announcement on the Saudi MOH web site but it is in a reliable media source based in Riyadh:

      machine translation

      ?Health? announces the death of infected cases ?Corona?
      Riyadh - Mohammed Haydar

      The Ministry of Health for monitoring the 7 cases infected with new Corona during the past few days, killing 5, and two cases remained in intensive care in the province of Al-Ahsa. The Ministry of Health of all the precautionary measures for Mkhaltin by routers local and international scientific sampling of them to see if there have been cases among them, have so far registered 17 confirmed cases of the disease worldwide. The ministry said that the virus Koruna is one of the viruses that infect the respiratory tract, which represents 15% of the viruses that cause flu in humans While this pattern is a new not yet exist at the level of the world accurate information about the source of the virus, and the modalities of transmission, as there is no preventive vaccination or antibiotic treatment for the virus. She said, "Health" The disclosure of these cases comes in the framework of transparency pursued by the Ministry of Health in dealing with all the media and the desire to see the citizens and residents to new health information or epidemic of infectious diseases, including HIV Corona or the so-called severe acute respiratory syndrome acute.


      • #4
        Re: Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) kills 5 Saudis in past few days, says ministry (Straits Times, May 2 2013)

        Exact same press release also carried in this Saudi based paper:

        موقع إخباري شامل تتابعون فيه مستجدات الأحداث في السعودية والعالم على مدار الساعة، وتغطية مستمرة لأخبار السياسة والرياضة والاقتصاد والعلوم والفن والتكنولوجيا -


        • #5
          Re: Saudi Arabia - Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) kills 5 Saudis in past few days, 2 more sick, says ministry


          WHO mum on five Saudi deaths from Sars-like virus
          (9 mins ago)

          Five Saudi nationals have died of a new SARS-like virus during the past few days and two more are in intensive care...

          ...In Geneva, a spokesman for the World Health Organisation would not comment on why so many of the cases have occurred in the Saudi kingdom.
          ?We have received a formal notification from the Saudis about these cases,'' spokesman Glenn Thomas told AFP.

          When asked if the WHO is planning to issue a travel warning for Saudi Arabia, he said this was ?unlikely?? since ?there has been no change in the risk assessment.''


          • #6
            Re: Saudi Arabia - Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) kills 5 Saudis in past few days, 2 more sick, says ministry


            2 May 2013 Last updated at 06:33 ET
            Saudi Arabia Sars-like virus 'kills five'
            Coronavirus The World Health Organisation says it is closely monitoring the novel coronavirus

            Five people in Saudi Arabia have died from a Sars-like virus and two more are seriously ill, officials say.

            The seven cases were all from al-Ahsa governorate in the east of the country, the Saudi news agency SPA said citing health officials...

            ...A spokesman for the World Health Organisation (WHO) told the BBC it had received formal notification from Saudi Arabia about the latest cases and would be issuing more details later on Thursday...


            • #7
              Re: Saudi Arabia - Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) kills 5 Saudis in past few days, 2 more sick, says ministry

              hat tip Gregory Hartl at WHO -

              Health" monitor seven cases of HIV Coruna five people have died

              Riyadh 21 Jumada II 1434 H corresponding to May 1, 2013, SPA
              announced the Ministry of Health Monitoring (7) cases of infection Corona new during the past few days in the province of Al-Ahsa, died, including five people, two in intensive care.
              The ministry said in a statement released by the evening that The Ministry of Health is doing all the precautionary measures for Mkhaltin for people by routers scientific local and global sampling of them to see if there are cases among them, indicating that it recorded so far 17 confirmed cases of the disease worldwide.
              showed that the virus Corona is one of the viruses that infect the respiratory tract, accounting for 15% of the viruses that cause influenza in humans, while the longer this pattern a new not yet exist at the level of the world accurate information about the source of this virus and its modes of transmission, as there is no vaccination and preventive or antibiotic treatment for the virus.
              / / End / /
              22:50 c


              • #8
                Re: Saudi Arabia - Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) kills 5 Saudis in past few days, 2 more sick, says ministry

                5 coronavirus deaths revealed in Saudi Arabia

                Total case count for the new disease rises to 24 cases, with 16 deaths

                The Canadian Press

                Posted: May 2, 2013 11:14 AM ET

                Last Updated: May 2, 2013 2:29 PM ET

                The World Health Organization would like more and quicker information about new coronaviruses cases, the organization's head of infectious diseases said Thursday after Saudi Arabia surprised the world with the news it had found seven more coronavirus infections.

                The Saudi ministry of health revealed late Wednesday that it had diagnosed the new cases, which bring the global case count to 24 infections. Five of the new seven cases had died by the time the Saudi government told the World Health Organization that additional cases had been found.
                Dr. Keiji Fukuda, the WHO's assistant director general for health security and the environment, said the WHO was informed of the cases late Wednesday, but has been given little information about them. It has asked for more, Fukuda said in an interview with The Canadian Press.

                "As a matter of course we would prefer to hear and know about things as early as possible. The whole aim of detecting [diseases] is really to try to move and protect as quickly as possible," Fukuda said from Geneva.

                "I won't speak for the government of Saudi Arabia, but I can speak for WHO in saying that it's a point that we have made and it's a position that we hold very clearly with everybody."
                Among the information the WHO would like to know is whether the new cases are linked in any way. That information that is needed to assess whether the infections were sporadic jumps of the virus from its reservoir in nature or whether the virus passed person to person in some or all of these cases.

                "Actually we don't have much epidemiological information or supporting information about these cases right now. This is again some of the things that we would very much like to know," Fukuda said.
                A Saudi newspaper, The National, quoted the country's deputy minister of health saying the cases all occurred or were being treated in the same hospital, in the eastern region of Alhasaa.

                "All the cases that have been reported were in the same hospital in Alhasaa. We have not found any cases anywhere else in the eastern region," Dr. Ziad Memish told the paper.

                Full report:
                Saudi Arabia revealed today that it has recorded seven new cases of the mysterious infection recently, and five of the people are already dead.


                • #9
                  Re: Saudi Arabia - Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) kills 5 Saudis in past few days, 2 more sick, says ministry

                  There may be three additional NCoV cases in Saudi Arabia hospital at the centre of the above (possible) nosocomial outbreak. Among the new cases, 1 relative of a confirmed case.

                  From RSOE:

                  No source listed.


                  • #10
                    Re: Saudi Arabia - Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) kills 5 Saudis in past few days, 2 more sick, says ministry

                    I have been searching Saudi papers all morning and find nothing new.


                    • #11
                      Re: Saudi Arabia - Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) kills 5 Saudis in past few days, 2 more sick, says ministry

                      hat tip Michael Coston

                      Published Date: 2013-05-03 11:27:27
                      Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (17): Saudi Arabia
                      Archive Number: 20130503.1688355
                      ************************************************** **********
                      A ProMED-mail post
                      ProMED is the largest publicly-available surveillance system conducting global reporting of infectious diseases outbreaks. Subscribe today.

                      ProMED-mail is a program of the
                      International Society for Infectious Diseases
                      The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) brings together a network of individuals from around the world.

                      In this report:
                      [1] Saudi Arabia - MOH report, 3 new cases, details
                      [2] Saudi Arabia - details on 7 cases reported 2 May 2013
                      [3] WHO update 2 May 2013

                      [1] Saudi Arabia - MOH report, 3 new cases, details
                      Date: May 3, 2013, 7:16:49 AM EDT
                      From: Ziad Memish <>

                      Subject: Urgent update nCOV cluster KSA
                      This is a preliminary update on the status as of a few minutes ago. Three further cases have been discovered from the investigation which is still ongoing:

                      Case 8: 53 y.o. female with comorbidities. Date of symptoms [27 Apr 2013] she is in stable but critical condition

                      Case 9: 50 y.o. male with comorbidity. Date of symptoms [30 Apr 2013] with pneumonia and he is well on the inpatient ward.

                      Case 10: 33 y.o. male with comorbidity. Family contact of a deceased patient. Date of symptoms [28 Apr 2013]. Inpatient in the medical ward and doing well.

                      As stated earlier our investigation of contacts and active screening of inpatients who fit case definition is ongoing.

                      Ziad A Memish,MD,FRCP(Can),FRCP(Edin),FRCP(Lond),FACP
                      Deputy Minister for Public Health
                      Director WHO Collaborating Center for Mass Gathering Medicine
                      Ministry of Health
                      Professor, College of Medicine
                      Alfaisal University
                      Riyadh 11176
                      Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

                      [2] Saudi Arabia - details on 7 cases reported 2 May 2013
                      Date: May 3, 2013, 5:15:28 AM EDT
                      From: Ziad Memish <>

                      Subject: Urgent update on nCOV from KSA
                      The following is the summary of the 7 reported cases confirmed microbiologically as of yesterday [2 May 2013]. Prior information was based on preliminary testing both to WHO and the press; we now confirm the following results.

                      Case 1: 59 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of onset of symptoms [14 Apr 2013] and passed away [19 Apr 2013].
                      Case2: 24 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of symptoms [17 Apr 2013] and still in ICU in critical but stable condition.
                      Case 3: 87 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of symptoms [17 Apr 2013] and passed away [28 Apr 2013].
                      Case 4: 58 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of symptoms [22 Apr 2013] still in ICU in stable but critical condition.
                      Case 5: 94 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of symptoms [22 Apr 2013] and passed away [26 Apr 2013].
                      Case 6: 56 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of Symptoms [22 Apr 2013] and passed away [30 Apr 2013].
                      Case 7: 56 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of symptoms [22 Apr 2013] and passed away [29 Apr 2013].

                      As the NFP for KSA you should know that the investigations are ongoing and include both testing and epidemiology investigations of family members and healthcare workers. So far we have not found symptomatic infection in any healthcare workers linked to these cases. Family investigations for 3 families are to be completed tomorrow [4 May 2013]; the others will be done as we gain access. Sensitivities around grieving are of course an issue.

                      Ziad A Memish,MD,FRCP(Can),FRCP(Edin),FRCP(Lond),FACP
                      Deputy Minister for Public Health
                      Director WHO Collaborating Center for Mass Gathering Medicine
                      Ministry of Health
                      Professor, College of Medicine
                      Alfaisal University
                      Riyadh 11176
                      Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

                      [3] WHO update 2 May 2013
                      Date: 2 May 2013
                      Source: WHO Global Alert and Response

                      Novel coronavirus infection - update, 2 May 2013
                      The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia has informed WHO of 7 new laboratory confirmed cases of infection with the novel coronavirus (nCoV), including 5 deaths.

                      Two patients are currently in critical condition.

                      The government is conducting ongoing investigation into this outbreak.

                      Preliminary investigation show no indication of recent travel or animal contact of any of the confirmed cases. The confirmed cases are not from the same family.

                      From September 2012 to date, WHO has been informed of a global total of 24 laboratory confirmed cases of human infection with nCoV, including 16 deaths.

                      Based on the current situation and available information, WHO encourages all Member States (MS) to continue their surveillance for severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) and to carefully review any unusual patterns. WHO is currently working with international experts and countries where cases have been reported to assess the situation and review recommendations for surveillance and monitoring.

                      All MS are reminded to promptly assess and notify WHO of any new case of infection with nCoV, along with information about potential exposures that may have resulted in infection and a description of the clinical course.

                      WHO does not advise special screening at points of entry with regard to this event nor does it recommend that any travel or trade restrictions be applied.

                      WHO continues to closely monitor the situation.

                      Communicated by:

                      [ProMED-mail would like to thank Dr. Memish for sharing details of the recent cluster of severe illnesses associated with infection with the novel coronavirus (nCoV) in Saudi Arabia. From the dates of onset of some of the earlier cases, it seems to suggest there may have been a common exposure(s) and possibly followed by some person-to-person spread -- the 1st case had onset on 14 Apr 2017; the next 2 additional cases had onset 3 days later on 17 Apr 2013, followed by 4 additional cases with date of onset 5 days later on 22 Apr. The 3 newer cases (1st reported today 3 May 2013) had dates of onset 27 Apr 2013, 30 Apr 2013 and 28 Apr 2013, only this latter case (with date of onset 28 Apr 2013) is identified as a definite family contact of an earlier onset deceased patient.

                      Of these 10 newly reported cases, all 10 (100 percent) have a history of one or more comorbidities, suggesting a predisposition to more severe illness when confronted with a serious infection. The ages range from 24 years of age to 94 years of age, with the mean age of 57 years (by 10 year age cohorts: 20-29 years old - 1 case; 30-39 years old - 1 case; 40-49 years old - 0 cases; 50-59 years old - 6 cases, 60-69 years old - 0 cases; 70-79 years old - 0 cases; 80-89 years old - 1 case; 90-99 years old - 1 case).

                      According to information in yesterday's (2 May 2013) report (see Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (16): Saudi Arabia, RFI 20130502.1686948), this cluster of cases are all from Ahsaa province. According to Wikipedia, "Al-Ahsa, sometimes Al-Hasa, El Hasa, or Hadjar is a traditional oasis region in eastern Saudi Arabia whose name is used by the Al-Ahsa Governorate, which makes up much of that country's Eastern Province. The oasis is located about 60 km inland from the Persian Gulf. Al-Ahsa is part of the region known historically as Al-Bahrayn, which includes the eastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula down to the borders of Oman, and also includes the island of Awal (modern-day Bahrain)." While Al-Ahsa is part of the Eastern Province, it is the largest area within the province and is often locally considered a province on its own. It is the major date producing region, with 10 000 hectares of agricultural lands, it produces approximately 21 000 tons of dates annually, has more than 30 000 farms producing fruits and vegetables and has more than 2 million palm trees. (see for more details on the history of this region).

                      Of note, very early on in our reports on this nCoV, subscriber Merritt Clifton
                      Editor of Animal People, suggested that as a major date producing region of the world, it was possible that nCoV infected bats might be feeding on the dates as a possible link for the species jump of a bat CoV to either intermediate animal hosts or directly to humans, as seen with the Nipahvirus outbreaks in Bangladesh. The occurrence of a large cluster (10 cases with dates of onset in a 16 day period) occurring in the date producing region where presumably there is a high concentration of bats, is interesting and very suggestive.

                      We await further information on results of epidemiologic investigations on the cases in this cluster.

                      For the HealthMap/ProMED map of Saudi Arabia and the surrounding countries, see For a map showing the location of Al-Ahsa, see, and for maps of Saudi Arabia showing provinces, see and Note that Riyahd (where earlier cases were reported) - is not far from the location of Al-Ahsa. - Mod.MPP]
                      See Also

                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (16): Saudi Arabia, RFI 20130502.1686948
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (15): camel exposure 20130405.1623188
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (14): Germany ex UAE, WHO, fatal 20130326.1604564
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (13): Germany ex UAE 20130326.1603038
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (12): KSA, UK fatality, RFI 20130323.1600113
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (11): UK, pers to pers transm 20130316.1588808
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (10): Saudi Arabia, WHO 20130313.1584076
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (09): Saudi Arabia, WHO 20130306.1574423
                      Novel coronavirus - East. Med. (07): Saudi Arabia, UK, Germany 20130221.155410
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (06): UK, fatality 20130220.1552014
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (05): UK, 3rd case, 20130215.1544940
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Med. (04): UK, pers to pers trans susp 20130213.1541531
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Med. (03): Saudi comment 20130212.1540011
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Med. (02): UK ex Saudi Arabia, Pakistan 20130212.1539086
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean: bat reservoir 20130122.1508656
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (06): comments 20121225.1468821
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (05): WHO, transmission route 20121223.1465597
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (04): receptor charact. 20121211.1446670
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (03): research, ISARIC (UK) 20121208.1443486
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (02): diagnostics 20121207.1442473
                      Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean: WHO, Jordan, conf., RFI 20121130.1432498
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (18): WHO, new cases, cluster 20121123.1421664
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (17): 4th case, RFI 20121121.1418018
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (16): whole genome sequence 20121114.1409556
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (15): new case 20121104.1391285
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (14): KSA MOH 20121022.1358297
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (12): RFI 20121019.1353615
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (11): clin. lab. & epi. investigations 20121004.1324712
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (10): WHO, revised case def. 20120930.1315960
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (09): real-time RT-PCR, addition 20120929.1315725
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (08): real-time RT-PCR assay 20120928.1314254
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (07): Eurosurveillance reports 20120928.1313337
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (06) 20120927.1311743
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (05): WHO, case def., nomenclature 20120926.1309747
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (04): RFI, Jordan, April 2012 20120925.1308001
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (03): UK HPA, WHO, Qatar 20120923.1305982
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (02): additional cases, RFI 20120923.1305931
                      Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia: human isolate 20120920.1302733
                      .................................................l m/mpp/lm/mpp



                      • #12
                        Re: Saudi Arabia - Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) 10 recent cases, 5 deaths - May 2+

                        hat tip Michael Coston

                        ProMed Mail: Details On 10 Coronavirus Cases In Saudi Arabia

                        Photo Credit NIAID

                        # 7225

                        ProMed Mail has recently published two emails from Ziad Memish, Deputy Minister for Public Health for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, that outline – in far greater detail – the first 7 coronavirus cases reported yesterday – and adds 3 more to the list.

                        You’ll find the details, including commentary by ProMed Editors, at NOVEL CORONAVIRUS - EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (17): SAUDI ARABIA.
                        Subject: Urgent update on nCOV from KSA
                        The following is the summary of the 7 reported cases confirmed microbiologically as of yesterday [2 May 2013]. Prior information was based on preliminary testing both to WHO and the press; we now confirm the following results.

                        • Case 1: 59 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of onset of symptoms [14 Apr 2013] and passed away [19 Apr 2013].
                        • Case2: 24 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of symptoms [17 Apr 2013] and still in ICU in critical but stable condition.
                        • Case 3: 87 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of symptoms [17 Apr 2013] and passed away [28 Apr 2013].
                        • Case 4: 58 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of symptoms [22 Apr 2013] still in ICU in stable but critical condition.
                        • Case 5: 94 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of symptoms [22 Apr 2013] and passed away [26 Apr 2013].
                        • Case 6: 56 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of Symptoms [22 Apr 2013] and passed away [30 Apr 2013].
                        • Case 7: 56 y.o. male with multiple comorbidities. Date of symptoms [22 Apr 2013] and passed away [29 Apr 2013].

                        As the NFP for KSA you should know that the investigations are ongoing and include both testing and epidemiology investigations of family members and healthcare workers. So far we have not found symptomatic infection in any healthcare workers linked to these cases. Family investigations for 3 families are to be completed tomorrow [4 May 2013]; the others will be done as we gain access. Sensitivities around grieving are of course an issue.
                        Subject: Urgent update nCOV cluster KSA
                        This is a preliminary update on the status as of a few minutes ago. Three further cases have been discovered from the investigation which is still ongoing:

                        • Case 8: 53 y.o. female with comorbidities. Date of symptoms [27 Apr 2013] she is in stable but critical condition
                        • Case 9: 50 y.o. male with comorbidity. Date of symptoms [30 Apr 2013] with pneumonia and he is well on the inpatient ward.
                        • Case 10: 33 y.o. male with comorbidity. Family contact of a deceased patient. Date of symptoms [28 Apr 2013]. Inpatient in the medical ward and doing well.

                        As stated earlier our investigation of contacts and active screening of inpatients who fit case definition is ongoing.
                        Interestingly, 9 of the 10 cases here are male. The ages range from 24 to 94.

                        Follow this link to read ProMed’s commentary about onset dates and speculation that this virus – like Nipah in Bangladesh – may be jumping to humans from bats that feed on dates.

                        Saudi Arabia is the world’s second largest producer of dates (following Egypt), and the date tree yields not only fruit, but palm leaves which are used to make many common items (hats, screens, baskets, brooms), along with date juice or syrup.

                        Some types of bats, which are a suspected vector of the novel coronavirus (see EID Journal: EMC/2012–related Coronaviruses in Bats & mBio: New Coronavirus Linked To Bats) are known to roost in the tops of date palm trees in the Middle East.
                        Epidemiological investigations have fingered the consumption of raw (uncooked) date palm juice in Bangladesh as Nipah’s primary route into the human population.
                        The Nipah virus is carried by fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family, and their preference for roosting in the tops of trees rather than caves allows them to contaminate date juice collection jars with their virus laden urine and feces.

                        Date Palm Sap Collection – Credit FAO
                        Collection of date palm juice is a seasonal activity (December - May) in Bangladesh, and as you might expect, that time period also defines their Nipah season.

                        For more on the Nipah virus you may wish to revisit.As far as the coronavirus goes - It is an interesting theory - but we’ll have to wait to see whether epidemiological investigations find any kind of solid connection.

                        Posted by Michael Coston at <a class="timestamp-link" href="" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link"><abbr class="published" title="2013-05-03T13:03:00-04:00">1:03 PM</abbr>

