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Indonesia - Man, 37, Suspected H5N1 Bird Flu Died In Bandung Hospital, West Java, First Test Negative

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  • Indonesia - Man, 37, Suspected H5N1 Bird Flu Died In Bandung Hospital, West Java, First Test Negative


    BIRD FLU: Patient Eventually Died in Hasan Sadikin Hospital

    By Vishnu Wage Pamungkas

    Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 |

    BANDUNG: A bird flu suspect treated at Flamboyant room Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung died Tuesday at about 16:35.

    The victim with initials SA died after being treated since Monday afternoon yesterday. Earlier on Sunday night the victim treated at Mercy Hospital of Kartika.

    "Patient come to the awful conditions," said Dr. Primal Sudjana, a spokeswoman for the medical team RSHS Bandung Special Diseases. The patient experienced respiratory failure, liver failure as well as handled the team.

    Suspicion that the SA team of physicians exposed to the H5N1 virus seen from pneumonia patients progress rapidly. "In the photo the more inflammatory 1,2,3 buruk.Kecurigaan us from there," he said. The team physician has to take swabs for examination of victims of Research and Development (Balitbang) Ministry of Health of Indonesia in Jakarta.

    Families of victims according to the previous week with her son to the clinic for treatment because of common cold. "Her son was healed, but the patient's back pain, inflamed lungs," said Primal.

    According to Juju Komarudin, victims of elder siblings, Kampung Residents Mengger Girang, Regol, London was experiencing symptoms of shortness of breath and chills.

    The 37-year-old man suspected of contact with domestic poultry neighbors. "The issue of contact with poultry, the family is not clear. What is certain at the back of the house there are victims who maintains ducks," says Primal.

    Related to the possibility of these birds pass the virus is also not yet certain. Bandung city health department team is deployed to the scene found no poultry deaths in the area.

    SA is the first victim who died of suspected bird flu in West Java in 2012 here. The victim direct-buried family party today.
    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Re: Indonesia - West Java - Bird Flu Suspect Died In Bandung Hospital


    Tuesday, 02/07/2012

    The patient Suspect Bird Flu will be buried tomorrow in Ciburuy

    Tya Eka Yulianti - detikBandung

    Bandung - SA (37), patients who died of suspected bird flu in Hasan Sadikin Hospital this afternoon, Tuesday (02/07/2012), will be buried to a TPU Ciburuy, tomorrow. The family did not allowed to see or approach the corpse SA.

    The patient is bathed by a special officer. Monitoring detikbandung until around 19:30 pm, three officers dressed like an astronaut in charge of enclosed bathing the corpse. Families are prohibited from viewing. Even the patient's wife who kept crying to see, finally brought home.

    Nantiya bodie will be included in a crate nailed closed. Families are prohibited from opening it. "The possibility can not be buried this evening, tomorrow in TPU Ciburuy most," said Sister Patients, Juju Komarudin, told reporters at the mortuary.

    According to SA works as a newspaper deliveryman. He leaves a wife and two small children. "To date we do not yet know whether the surety was my sister's positive bird flu or not, but reportedly had expected to get there. But his results have not been there," he said.

    SA died after being treated a day in RSHS. When it comes to RSHS, the patient has pneumonia and respiratory failure.
    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


    • #3
      Re: Indonesia - West Java - Bird Flu Suspect Died In Bandung Hospital


      Tuesday, 02/07/2012 18:46 AM

      Before dying, Suspect H5N1 and As A Family was sick Flu

      Tya Eka Yulianti - detikBandung

      Bandung - SA (37), a resident of Kampung Mengger Girang Village District Pasirluyu Regol suspected suspect bird flu (H5N1) died in the ICU of Hasan Sadikin Hospital at 16:35 GMT, Tuesday (07/02/2012).

      Previously, SA with his family had the flu but had recovered. It was told by spokesman Tim RSHS war on bird flu dr Primal Sudjana. "The patient and his family had the flu and got to the clinic, and then recovered. Well two days ago she was cold again and the weight immediately," he told reporters met at RSHS, Pasteur Street.

      When brought to RSHS at 11.00 am yesterday, the patient's condition is critical . In fact, according to Sister SA, Juju Komarudin, Monday night that his brother is comatose. "When we come here last night he was in a coma, we were here at 4 pm was dead," he said in the same place.

      According Primal patients experienced pneumonia and respiratory failure. "We set as suspect bird flu patients. But a new exact results are known from the results of new smear samples we sent yesterday," he said. According to history, the patient had no contact with any poultry or poultry died suddenly in his home. But it is behind the patient's home, neighbors keep ducks. Primal claimed to have been coordinated with the City Health Office Bandung.

      Health office officials said would be the location to check. while Juju resigned and claimed the family will follow the rules of the hospital, salahsatunya SA buried without a coffin be opened. "Yes we are being consulted is buried where," he said.

      "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
      Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

      ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


      • #4
        Re: Indonesia - Man, 37, Suspected H5N1 Bird Flu Died In Bandung Hospital, West Java

        Wednesday, 08 February 2012

        Suspect Bird Flu Patient Dies

        - snip -

        According to spokesman Tim RSHS war on bird flu, dr. Primal Sudjana, SA patients undergoing treatment at the entry and RSHS Flamboyan Space Monday (6/2). Previous patient care at hospitals run Sartika Mercy.

        "When you get to RSHS, the patient was in critical condition with severe respiratory symptoms experienced. In fact, pneumonia is declining rapidly and the patient suffered respiratory failure. therefore, was fitted with a ventilator," he said.

        Primal is added, the patients were referred from an other hospital . SA comes to RSHS, Monday (6/2) at 11.00. When he arrived, he had the condition of fever, shortness of breath, flu, and pneumonia or critical (worse, red). "In addition, the victim had respiratory failure and liver failure. Based on the information, SA previously had contact with dead birds.

        SA's do not have poultry at home, but neighbors in the back of the house there is a free poultry or chicken, "he said. explained that, when entered Flamboyan Space, SA directly fitted ventilator. But because she was critical, SA is not beyond help and died Tuesday at around 16:30 pm.

        On examination, Primal said already taking smear samples to be examined in the laboratory. However, based on information from the patient's family, mentioned no history of contact with poultry. Any family member who had flu symptoms but recovered and healthy.

        Chief Health Office Bandung, dr. Achyani Raksanagara said, according to a report of RSHS, rapid test performed in patient SA turned out negative. But for the rapid examination of the second test is still awaiting the results. "However, according to the procedure we fixed imposed status as a suspect patient SA, which is using the crate when it will be buried," he said by telephone.

        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

        ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


        • #5
          Re: Indonesia - Man, 37, Suspected H5N1 Bird Flu Died In Bandung Hospital, West Java

          Officials wait for lab to confirm West Java bird flu death

          Yuli Tri Suwarni, The Jakarta Post, Bandung | Wed, 02/08/2012

          The West Java government says it will wait for a second test to confirm a preliminary determination that a man died of bird flu in Bandung on Tuesday.
          The man, identified as 37-year-old newspaper vendor SA, died from acute pneumonia and respiratory failure on Tuesday after spending 30 hours in the isolation ward of Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung, according to a hospital spokeswoman.

          West Java Health Agency chief Alma Lucyati said officials would wait for the results of the second test before that SA had bird flu.

          “We are still waiting for the results. Even is the result is negative, we have to stay alert because who knows if there are undetected viruses,” Alma said on Wednesday in Bandung.

          There have been 46 bird flu cases, including 39 fatalities, recorded in West Java since 2005, Alma said. The number of cases increased in the last year, she added.

          Separately, local agriculture and food security agency official Darmaji said that there were no signs of bird flu in SA’s neighborhood following a random test of living and dead birds, despite a large number of unexplained poultry deaths in the last two weeks.

          Jakarta Post
          "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
          Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

          ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


          • #6
            Re: Indonesia - Man, 37, Suspected H5N1 Bird Flu Died In Bandung Hospital, West Java


            Suspect Flu Burung
            Orang yang Serumah dengan Korban Diambil Darahnya
            ? TJ Online - Kamis, 9 Februari 2012 | 12:00 WIB

            Google translation:

            Suspect Bird Flu
            People who live at home with the Victims of Blood Taken
            > TJ Online - Thursday, February 9th, 2012 | 12:00 pm

            BANDUNG, tribune - Head of the City Health Office Bandung, Ahyani Raksanagara say to the handling of the patient's family, will be taking blood samples, to see if there are infected or not.

            "Today, Thursday (9/2) and the Provincial Health Office Bandung will take blood samples at three people who live at home with the victim suspect," said Ahyani yesterday.

            Some things to watch out for bird flu alert someone if the heat is suddenly followed by shortness of breath. "Basically burng signs of flu are not much different from the flu in general," said Ahyani.

            Ahyani ask people alert to the bird flu cases, given the city of Bandung is a city that is open so easily contracted the bird flu virus. "This year the early cases of bird flu occurred in Jakarta in West Java, however, given the city of Bandung is a city that is open, so caution must be done by the community," he said.

            Ahyani said, although there has been no positive or negative, but we suspect the cause of death was imposed a victim of the same in accordance with SOP suspect in funeral.

            Suspect bird flu, SA, a resident of Kampung Mengger Girang, Village Pasirluyu Regol District, was buried according to the procedure as previously suspected by isolated case. SA suffered respiratory failure and pneumonia and stated suspect bird flu by Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung. (TSM)


            • #7
              Re: Indonesia - Man, 37, Suspected H5N1 Bird Flu Died In Bandung Hospital, West Java


              Kamis, 09/02/2012 06:37 WIB
              Unggas Dekat Rumah SA Terdeteksi Negatif Virus H5NI
              Baban Gandapurnama - detikBandung

              Google translation:

              Thursday, 09/02/2012 6:37 PM
              SA Poultry Houses Near Negative Virus Detected H5NI
              Baban Gandapurnama - detikBandung

              London - Department of Agriculture and Food (Dispertan) Bandung ascertain the condition of poultry in the area around the home of the late SA healthy condition and the negative of H5N1 virus. SA patients suspect bird flu died at Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) on Tuesday (07/02/2012).

              The family believes there is no direct contact between the SA and its neighbors in the region's poultry Mengger Girang, RT 11 RW 8, Village Pasirluyu, Regol District, the city of Bandung.

              Head of Prevention of Animal Disease Eradication Dispertan Bandung Sudarmaji said twice already testing the blood sample 19 birds in the region.

              "Testing a blood sample and testing with the way the process Polymirase Chain Reaction (PCR) was performed. Turned out negative," he told reporters...


              • #8
                Re: Indonesia - Man, 37, Suspected H5N1 Bird Flu Died In Bandung Hospital, West Java

                Friday, 02/10/2012

                The First Lab Test of SA Bird Flu Negative

                Erna Mardiana - detikBandung

                Bandung - Suspect of bird flu, SA (37), Village of Kampung Mengger Girang Pasirluyu, who died in RSHS on Tuesday (2/7/2012), the first laboratory test results negative for H5N1 virus otherwise. Now the doctors are still awaiting the results of the second test.

                "New to the news of the lab, the first examination and blood smear negative. Just check out the second sample is not. Hopefully the negative as well," said spokesman Tim RSHS war on bird flu dr Primal Sudjana time detikbandung contacted by phone on Friday (10/02/2012). He said if the results of the second sample is positive, then SA is definitely positive for bird flu.
                "If one negative one positive, we take a positive conclusion. But hopefully both of them negative," says Primal.

                SA (37), a resident of Kampung Mengger Girang Village District Pasirluyu Regol suspected suspect bird flu (H5N1) died in the Bubble Flamboyan RS Hasan Sadikin at 16:35 GMT, Tuesday (07/02/2012). SA was treated only a day in the Flamboyant. He entered the isolation room at 11.00 on Monday (02/06/2012). Before being taken to RSHS, the U.S. was treated at Mercy Sartika. When it comes patient's condition was critical. He suffered severe respiratory problems.

                Detik Bandung
                "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

