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Israel: Bird flu in poultry was discovered at Ein Gedi

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  • Israel: Bird flu in poultry was discovered at Ein Gedi

    Thursday, May 6, 2010, 19:08
    After review carried out by the Ministry of Health in poultry found dead in the corner living in Ein Gedi, it was discovered that the gods are Zen line of bird flu.
    All were destroyed as a preventive corner of the living birds
    Ministry of Agriculture said this evening (Thursday) that the examination revealed, it became clear that the dead birds at Kibbutz Ein Gedi line bird flu H5N1 strain of the gods. Following the safety measures that destroyed all living birds in the corner.

    Two birds, a mother, were found dead in a corner of the living of Kibbutz Ein Gedi. Earlier, the veterinary service said the Ministry of Agriculture can not yet determine whether the violent strains of the disease, which could also affect humans or other species, but now confirmed that this is a violent species. It is estimated that the disease had married into the living room of the kibbutz by migratory birds.

    The service began to carry out to prevent the spread of the disease. It should be noted that the nearest poultry farm is located at a distance of 12.5 miles and that will be performed in laboratory tests to rule out the possibility that the disease was also there. The service began operations to destroy the corner of the living birds of the kibbutz. As is known, it is localized outbreak of the disease. There are little corner of the living birds. It is estimated that the number does not exceed 20, including peacocks and parrots. Kibbutz announced that beginning this week, after the death of two birds of his mother, not observed in mortality.

    Remember in three outbreaks of the plague this decade. The first was the winter of 2006, and because of the outbreak, hundreds of thousands of birds were destroyed in the Negev mixed settlements in the Jerusalem Corridor. A year later the disease was discovered in Binyamina kindergarten playpen, and in 2008 she was discovered poultry farm in Kibbutz Ein Shemer. In these cases, death was controlled, limited a lot more from the eruption was in 2006.

  • #2
    Re: Giediaahss Nation: Bird flu was discovered at Ein Gedi

    In the kibbutz near the Dead Sea discovered avian influenza H5N1

    06.05.2010 | 20:50
    Photo: / AP

    Avian influenza, the most aggressive of its kind H5N1, was found May 6 in the living place of Kibbutz Ein Gedi, in the Dead Sea. It is a virus that can cause severe illness and even death in humans. The results reported tonight specialists Veterinary Services Ministry of Agriculture.

    The virus was detected in birds in live corner. Following the discovery of the virus all the birds (about 20 individuals) were exterminated staff of the Veterinary Service. There is reason to believe that the virus was recorded in the kibbutz, and then in the corner of the living migratory birds.

    Veterinary service takes measures to ensure that does not prevent the spread of dangerous diseases. Closest to the Ein Gedi coop is 12,5 km from the kibbutz. Now they are checked all the birds.

    According to veterinarians, the case of Ein Gedi - Spot, a local outbreak of infection. While no evidence of the threat of mass infection of birds.


    • #3
      Re: Israel: Bird flu in poultry was discovered at Ein Gedi

      Effect hysteria returns?

      Violent strain of bird flu dangerous to humans, was discovered at Ein Gedi ? Ministry of Agriculture ordered to destroy all the birds living in the kibbutz corner

      Violent strain of bird flu, H5N1, was discovered living at the corner of Kibbutz Ein Gedi. As a result of the veterinary service decided the Ministry of Agriculture to destroy all poultry in the corner living precautions to prevent the spread of the disease.

      At first suspected bird flu was living at the corner of the kibbutz after a mother and two birds died earlier in the week. Veterinary service value in testing found that the birds died from bird flu, but the initial phase of the test was not possible to determine whether the birds died from the violent strain of bird flu that has great danger to humans.
      Fears of disease spreading Service men began a series of actions to prevent the spread of the disease among poultry farms in the area. Service Experts estimate that the bird flu carried by migratory birds, and when they are looking for food they get to the coop continue to include others in search of food and infect other birds. Initially the service experts estimated that an outbreak of the disease is localized, but
      Following a series of tests confirmed that this is a violent species - all birds have been destroyed.


      • #4
        Re: Israel: Bird flu in poultry was discovered at Ein Gedi

        heres the FAO report

        06/05/2010: Israel - Highly pathogenic avian influenza
        Today, May 07, 2010, 1 hour ago
        Confirmed Highly pathogenic avian influenza in Southern District, for captive birds (cockatiel, emu, peacock), domestic birds (chicken, quail)

