新闻热线: 0311-89622370 发布时间: 2010年03月19日11:52 来源:中国新闻网·河北新闻
News Hotline: 0311-89622370 Post Time: at 11:52 on March 19, 2010 Source: Hebei, China News News
中新河北网3月19日电河北疾控网消息,近日,河北省吁请甲型H1N1流感康复者或疫苗接种者贡献爱心,踊 跃自愿献血,用于重症或危重病人的治疗。
New Net March 19, Hebei Hebei, Xinhua news Disease Control network, recently, Hebei Province, called influenza H1N1 influenza vaccine patients or those who contribute to caring, enthusiastic voluntary blood donation, for the treatment of patients with severe or critical.
It is understood that at present, China is still a low influenza A H1N1 influenza peak period.
专家估计,我国近期不会出现大范围的暴发流行,但不排除在局部地区和人口集中场所出现小范围的聚集性疫情, 重症病例和死亡病例个案仍将可能出现。
Experts estimate that China's recent large-scale outbreak will not be popular, but does not rule out the population is concentrated in the local area and places these clusters of small-scale epidemic, cases of severe cases and deaths still occur.
医学实践证明,甲型H1N1流感康复者或疫苗接种者的血浆中含有相应的病毒抗体,可用于重症或危重病人的治 疗。
Medical Practice has proved that influenza A H1N1 influenza vaccine were recovered or the plasma containing the corresponding antibodies to the virus can be used for critically ill patients with severe or treatment.
为此,河北省卫生厅吁请年龄在18至55岁、康复出院1周后或居家治疗症状消失2周后的甲型H1N1流感康 复者,或是接种疫苗1月后的接种者,请自愿献血为救助危重病人贡献爱心。
To this end, Hebei Province Health Department called on the age of 18-55 years old, recovered and was discharged home after 1 week or 2 weeks after the treatment of symptoms of influenza A H1N1 influenza patients, or the vaccination in January after the vaccination, please voluntary blood donation contribute to caring for critically ill patients relief.
爱心人士请到当地中心血站献血或献浆,并携带个人有效身份证件,献血或献浆后将享有无偿献血者 的一切权利。
Love people who go to the local blood transfusion center blood donation, or Hsien-paste, and carry personal valid identification documents, blood, or Hsien-paste will enjoy all the rights of unpaid blood donors.
专家提醒,春季是人感染高致病性禽流感高发季节,有发热、咳嗽等流感样症状者,特别是有禽类接触史的流感 样症状者,要及时就医,并主动告知医生与禽类接触情况。
Experts remind that in the spring of human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza is high season, there is fever, cough and other flu-like symptoms, especially those with a history of exposure to poultry flu-like symptoms, it is necessary and timely medical treatment, and the initiative to inform doctors and poultry exposure. (完) (End)
News Hotline: 0311-89622370 Post Time: at 11:52 on March 19, 2010 Source: Hebei, China News News
中新河北网3月19日电河北疾控网消息,近日,河北省吁请甲型H1N1流感康复者或疫苗接种者贡献爱心,踊 跃自愿献血,用于重症或危重病人的治疗。
New Net March 19, Hebei Hebei, Xinhua news Disease Control network, recently, Hebei Province, called influenza H1N1 influenza vaccine patients or those who contribute to caring, enthusiastic voluntary blood donation, for the treatment of patients with severe or critical.
It is understood that at present, China is still a low influenza A H1N1 influenza peak period.
专家估计,我国近期不会出现大范围的暴发流行,但不排除在局部地区和人口集中场所出现小范围的聚集性疫情, 重症病例和死亡病例个案仍将可能出现。
Experts estimate that China's recent large-scale outbreak will not be popular, but does not rule out the population is concentrated in the local area and places these clusters of small-scale epidemic, cases of severe cases and deaths still occur.
医学实践证明,甲型H1N1流感康复者或疫苗接种者的血浆中含有相应的病毒抗体,可用于重症或危重病人的治 疗。
Medical Practice has proved that influenza A H1N1 influenza vaccine were recovered or the plasma containing the corresponding antibodies to the virus can be used for critically ill patients with severe or treatment.
为此,河北省卫生厅吁请年龄在18至55岁、康复出院1周后或居家治疗症状消失2周后的甲型H1N1流感康 复者,或是接种疫苗1月后的接种者,请自愿献血为救助危重病人贡献爱心。
To this end, Hebei Province Health Department called on the age of 18-55 years old, recovered and was discharged home after 1 week or 2 weeks after the treatment of symptoms of influenza A H1N1 influenza patients, or the vaccination in January after the vaccination, please voluntary blood donation contribute to caring for critically ill patients relief.
爱心人士请到当地中心血站献血或献浆,并携带个人有效身份证件,献血或献浆后将享有无偿献血者 的一切权利。
Love people who go to the local blood transfusion center blood donation, or Hsien-paste, and carry personal valid identification documents, blood, or Hsien-paste will enjoy all the rights of unpaid blood donors.
专家提醒,春季是人感染高致病性禽流感高发季节,有发热、咳嗽等流感样症状者,特别是有禽类接触史的流感 样症状者,要及时就医,并主动告知医生与禽类接触情况。
Experts remind that in the spring of human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza is high season, there is fever, cough and other flu-like symptoms, especially those with a history of exposure to poultry flu-like symptoms, it is necessary and timely medical treatment, and the initiative to inform doctors and poultry exposure. (完) (End)