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Seasonal Flu - H274Y also in Washington - Tamiflu resistant but Adamantane sensitive ??

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  • Seasonal Flu - H274Y also in Washington - Tamiflu resistant but Adamantane sensitive ??

    I just stumbled into this:


    I do not see YYY, but:

    Specifically marked as H274Y in the link. But is this also Tamiflu resistant without the first Y

    CommentFeaturesSequenceLOCUS GQ338344 1413 bp cRNA linear VRL 01-JUL-2009
    DEFINITION Influenza A virus (A/Washington/01/2009(H1N1)) segment 6
    neuraminidase (NA) gene, complete cds.
    ACCESSION GQ338344
    VERSION GQ338344.1 GI:243031411
    DBLINK Project:37813
    SOURCE Influenza A virus (A/Washington/01/2009(H1N1))
    ORGANISM Influenza A virus (A/Washington/01/2009(H1N1))
    Viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses; Orthomyxoviridae;
    Influenzavirus A.
    REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1413)
    AUTHORS Garten,R.
    TITLE Direct Submission
    JOURNAL Submitted (01-JUL-2009) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
    NCIRD/Influenza Division/VSDB, Centers for Disease Control and
    Prevention, Atlanta, 1600 Clifton Road, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30333,
    COMMENT Swine influenza A (H1N1) virus isolated during human swine flu
    outbreak of 2009. For more information, see

    Some of the information does not have GenBank feature identifiers
    and is being provided in the comment section.

    Isolate A/Washington/01/2009
    Subtype H1N1
    Segment_name NA
    Passage_history M1/C1
    Adamantane_resistance sensitive
    Zanamivir_resistance sensitive
    Oseltamivir_resistance resistant
    Country USA
    State/Province Washington state
    Collection_day 1
    Collection_month 1
    Collection_year 2009
    EPI_accession EPI172828
    Lineage swl
    FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
    source 1..1413
    /organism="Influenza A virus (A/Washington/01/2009(H1N1))"
    /mol_type="viral cRNA"
    /host="Homo sapiens"
    /country="USA: Washington state"
    gene 1..1413
    CDS 1..1413
    1 atgaacccaa atcaaaagat aataaccatt ggatcaatca gtatagcaat cggaataatt
    61 agtctaatgt tgcaaatagg aaatattatt tcaatatggg ctagtcactc aatccaaact
    121 ggaagtcaaa acaacactgg aatatgcaac caaagaatca tcacatatga aaacagcacc
    181 tgggtgaatc acacatatgt taatattaac aacactaatg ttgttgctgg agaggacaaa
    241 acgtcagtga cattggccgg caattcatct ctttgttcta tcagtggatg ggctatatac
    301 acaaaagaca acagcataag aattggctcc aaaggagatg tttttgtcat aagagaacct
    361 ttcatatcat gttctcactt ggaatgcaga accttttttc tgacccaagg cgctctgtta
    421 aatgacaaac attcaaatrg gaccgtaaag gacagaagtc cttatagggc cttaatgagc
    481 tgtcctctag gtgaagctcc gtccccatac aattcaaaat tcgaatcagt tgcatggtca
    541 gcaagcgcat gccatgatgg catgggctgg ttaacaatcg gaatttctgg tccagacaat
    601 ggagctgtgg ctgtactaaa atacaacgga ataataactg gaaccataaa aagttggaaa
    661 aagcaaatat taagaacaca agagtctgaa tgtgtctgta tgaacgggtc atgtttcacc
    721 ataatgaccg atggcccgag taataaagcc gcctcgtaca aaattttcaa gatcgaaaag
    781 gggaaggtta ctaaatcaat agagttgaat gcacccaatt tttattatga ggaatgctcc
    841 tgttacccag acactggcat agtgatgtgt gtatgcaggg acaactggca tggttcaaat
    901 cgaccttggg tgtcttttaa tcaaaatttg gattatcaaa taggatacat ctgcagtgga
    961 gtgtttggtg acaatccgcg tcccgaagat ggagagggca gctgcaatcc agtgactgtt
    1021 gatggagcaa acggggtgaa agggttttca tacaaatatg gtaatggtgt ttggatagga
    1081 aggaccaaaa gtaacagact tagaaagggg tttgagatga tttgggatcc taatggatgg
    1141 acaaataccg acagtgattt ctcagtgaaa caggatgttg tagcaataac tgattggtca
    1201 gggtacagcg gaagtttcgt ccaacatcct gagttgacag gattggactg tataagacct
    1261 tgcttctggg ttgagttagt cagagggctg cctagagaaa atacaacaat ctggactagt
    1321 gggagcagca tttctttttg tggcgttaat agtgatactg caaactggtc ttggccagac
    1381 ggtgctgagt tgccgttcac cattgacaag tag
    Last edited by Toaster2; July 2, 2009, 04:47 PM. Reason: Changed subtitle of thread

  • #2
    Re: H274Y also in Washington - available since july 1st

    Adamantane_resistance sensitiv
    Isn't swine flu adamantane resistant?
    Wotan (pronounced Voton with the ton rhyming with on) - The German Odin, ruler of the Aesir.

    I am not a doctor, virologist, biologist, etc. I am a layman with a background in the physical sciences.

    Attempting to blog an nascent pandemic: Diary of a Flu Year


    • #3
      Re: H274Y also in Washington - available since july 1st

      Maybe that is because of the Y273F ?


      • #4
        Re: H274Y also in Washington - Tamiflu resistant but Adamantane sensitive ??

        Seasonal flu.


        • #5
          Re: H274Y also in Washington - available since july 1st

          Originally posted by wotan View Post
          Isn't swine flu adamantane resistant?
          Yes, the sequence on this thread is seasonal H1N1 (99% have H274Y and are adamantane sensitive).


          • #6
            Re: H274Y also in Washington - Tamiflu resistant but Adamantane sensitive ??

            Thanks Toaster2.


            • #7
              Re: H274Y also in Washington - Tamiflu resistant but Adamantane sensitive ??

              Originally posted by Florida1 View Post
              Thanks Toaster2.
              There are 100's of recent seasonal flu H1N1 sequences at Genbank and almost ALL have H274Y.


              • #8
                Re: H274Y also in Washington - available since july 1st

                That implies someone is being sloppy because:

                COMMENT Swine influenza A (H1N1) virus isolated during human swine flu
                outbreak of 2009. For more information, see
                Wotan (pronounced Voton with the ton rhyming with on) - The German Odin, ruler of the Aesir.

                I am not a doctor, virologist, biologist, etc. I am a layman with a background in the physical sciences.

                Attempting to blog an nascent pandemic: Diary of a Flu Year


                • #9
                  Re: H274Y also in Washington - available since july 1st

                  Originally posted by niman View Post
                  Yes, the sequence on this thread is seasonal H1N1 (99% have H274Y and are adamantane sensitive).
                  Any idea why the sequence is in a H1N1 outbreak database ? I know seasonal is also H1N1, but would have thought to find only newH1N1 in this database. Or has it picked up FYY from seasonal ?


                  • #10
                    Re: H274Y also in Washington - available since july 1st

                    Originally posted by wotan View Post
                    That implies someone is being sloppy because:
                    My thoughts exacly


                    • #11
                      Re: H274Y also in Washington - available since july 1st

                      Originally posted by Toaster2 View Post
                      Any idea why the sequence is in a H1N1 outbreak database ? I know seasonal is also H1N1, but would have thought to find only newH1N1 in this database. Or has it picked up FYY from seasonal ?
                      Whoever posted it marked it as swine.
                      Wotan (pronounced Voton with the ton rhyming with on) - The German Odin, ruler of the Aesir.

                      I am not a doctor, virologist, biologist, etc. I am a layman with a background in the physical sciences.

                      Attempting to blog an nascent pandemic: Diary of a Flu Year


                      • #12
                        Re: Seasonal Flu - H274Y also in Washington - Tamiflu resistant but Adamantane sensitive ??

                        Originally posted by Toaster2 View Post
                        I just stumbled into this:


                        I/country="USA: Washington state"
                        The first pandemic H1N1 sequences were from isolates collected in March 2009 or later.


                        • #13
                          Re: H274Y also in Washington - available since july 1st

                          Originally posted by Toaster2 View Post
                          Any idea why the sequence is in a H1N1 outbreak database ? I know seasonal is also H1N1, but would have thought to find only newH1N1 in this database. Or has it picked up FYY from seasonal ?
                          No. It's seasonal (but collected in 2009).


                          • #14
                            Re: Seasonal Flu - H274Y also in Washington - Tamiflu resistant but Adamantane sensitive ??

                            Originally posted by niman View Post
                            The first pandemic H1N1 sequences were from isolates collected in March 2009 or later.
                            Then sloppy it is...... I'll change the title again.


                            • #15
                              Re: Seasonal Flu - H274Y also in Washington - Tamiflu resistant but Adamantane sensitive ??

                              (doesn't include recent reports of tamiflu resistance in Denmark and Japan)

                              Attached Files

