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Russia: H5N1 antibodies detected in wild birds

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  • Russia: H5N1 antibodies detected in wild birds


    Google translation:
    Rosselkhoznadzor identified antibodies to the "avian flu" in three regions of Siberia
    10:33 | 09 / 06 / 2009

    Print version

    NOVOSIBIRSK, June 9 - RIA Novosti, Maria Kormiltseva. Staff Россельхознадзора identified in the Altai Krai, Republic of Tuva and Buryatia in wild migratory birds antibodies to the virus "bird flu", said on Tuesday the press-service management department of the Novosibirsk region.

    "During the monitoring studies the presence of antibodies to influenza virus H5N1 was detected in 55 samples from wild migratory birds in the territory of the ten regions of the Altai region, three areas of the Republic of Buryatia, and one area of the Republic of Tuva," - the report says.

    Antibodies suggests that the bird had contact with the infected, and maybe perebolela flu, but is not a carrier of the virus.

    "In high-risk areas are in more than 4.5 million heads of poultry. Vaccination undergo nearly 4 million animals revaccinated more than 197 thousand head," - said Rosselkhoznadzor.

    As of June 9 cases of influenza among domestic and wild birds in the territory of Siberian Federal District are not registered, the office.

  • #2
    Re: Russia: H5N1 antibodies detected in wild birds


    Google tranlation:

    In Buryatiya from migratory birds have found antibodies to the ?avian flu?
    10:16 11.06.2009

    The presence of antibodies to influenza virus H5N1 has been detected in monitoring studies in 55 samples from wild migratory birds in the three subjects of the Siberian Federal District.

    According to the ?East-Teleinform?, immunity to the disease found in birds in the tenth districts of Altai Krai, a district of the republic of Tuva, and the three neighboring districts of the country. Deputy Head of Buryatiya Россельхознадзора Victor Smolin told the agency that the presence of antibodies does not pose a threat of infection to other birds or to humans: this fact shows only that the birds that wintered in Southeast Asia (Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, and so etc.), there pereboleli ?avian flu? (virus H5N1).

    - Monitoring, we are now in its fourth year - said Smolin, - cases of detection of antibodies in birds in Buryatia registered in the past, but the number is decreasing. For example, if two years ago, such cases were observed in nine districts in the region, last year in four.
    This year the list came Eravninsky, Barguzin and Severobaikalsk Buryatiya areas.

    Total synthesis of information on the Office Россельхознадзора of the Novosibirsk region of cases of influenza among domestic and wild birds in the territory of Siberian Federal District are not registered. In high-risk areas are in more than 4.5 million heads of poultry. Vaccines undergo nearly 4 million individuals, more revaccinated 197 thousand heads. Preventive measures to avoid possible drift and spread of bird flu are continuing.


    • #3
      Re: Russia: H5N1 antibodies detected in wild birds


      July 8. 2009, 12:45 2009, 12:45
      Массовый падеж птиц от гриппа на озере Убсу-Нур в Туве прекратился, заявляют специалисты Mass mortality of birds from flu at the lake Ubsu Nur in Tuva stopped, say experts

      8 июля. July 8. - Специалисты службы по ветеринарному контролю Тувы не выявили новых случаев падежа водоплавающих птиц на озере Убсу-Нур, где в июне наблюдалась их массовая гибель от гриппа. - Specialists service veterinary Tuva revealed no new cases of loss of waterfowl on the lake Ubsu-Nur, which in June was observed to kill influenza.

      Как сообщили в среду агентству "Интерфакс-Сибирь" в республиканской службе ветконтроля, 6-7 июля было проведено контрольное обследование на озере Убсу-Нур. As reported on Wednesday the agency "Interfax-Siberia" in the republican service vetkontrolya, 6-7 July was conducted check-ups at the lake Ubsu-Nur. "Количество павших птиц осталось на том же уровне, каким оно было в июне - 503 особи", - сказали в управлении. "The number of birds killed has remained the same as it was in June - 503 individuals," - say in governance.

      Служба по ветконтролю будет рекомендовать властям республики снять карантин по птичьему гриппу, объявленный в первой половине июня в 50- километровой зоне вокруг озера Убсу-Нур. Service vetkontrolyu would recommend that the authorities of the Republic to remove the quarantine on avian influenza, announced in the first half of June in the 50 - kilometer zone around the lake Ubsu Nour. Срок его действия был продлен до 15 июля и после этой даты его продления не потребуется, считают ветврачи. Its validity was extended until July 15 and after that date his extension is not required, consider veterinarians.

      Ситуация на Убсу-Нуре начала стабилизироваться в конце июня, и уже тогда основная часть группы специалистов службы по ветконтролю, МЧС, Россельхознадзора, Роспотребнадзора и других ведомств вернулась из Овюрского района в Кызыл. The situation in the Ubsu-Nour begun to stabilize at the end of June, and even then the main part of a team of specialists services vetkontrolyu, MES, Россельхознадзора, Rospotrebnadzor and other agencies returned from Ovyurskogo area in Kyzyl. На озере осталась дежурить противоэпизоотическая группа из 6 человек. The lake has remained on duty antiepizootic group of 6 people. Она будет вести наблюдение до 15 июля. It will monitor up to 15 July.

      На проведение противоэпидемиологических мероприятий на Убсу-Нуре правительством Тувы было выделено около 300 тыс. рублей. At an anti-epidemic measures in the Ubsu-Nour Government of Tuva was allocated about 300 thousand rubles.

      Группа дезинфекции обошла около 100 дворов местных жителей в селах Ак-Чыраа и Чаа-Суур Овюрского района. The group went around the disinfection of about 100 yards of local residents in the village of Ak-Chyraa and Chaa-Suur Ovyurskogo area. Из зоны карантина отселено восемь чабанских стоянок. Of the quarantine zone resettled eight chabanskih parks. Жители этих мест - в основном, животноводы и почти не содержат в своих подворьях птиц. Residents of these places - mainly pastoralists, and almost did not include in its Compound birds.

      Всего с начала второй декады июня в тувинской части приграничного Убсу-Нура от птичьего гриппа пало 503 водоплавающих, в основном большие поганки и чайки. Since the start of the second decade of June in parts of the Tuvan border Ubsu-Nur of the avian influenza fell 503 waterfowl, mostly large grebe and gulls.

      То, что они стали жертвами вируса H5N1 подтвреждено исследованиями в вирусологической лаборатории службы по ветнадзору Республики Тува в Кызыле, а затем в Кемеровской межобластной ветеринарной лаборатории. The fact that they are victims of the H5N1 virus podtvrezhdeno studies in virological laboratory services vetnadzoru in the Republic of Tuva, Kyzyl, then in Kemerovo interregional veterinary laboratory.

      В августе 2006 года на озере от гриппа погибло свыше 3,7 тыс. особей больших поганок и чаек. In August 2006, at Lake of the flu killed more than 3.7 thousand species of large poganok and gulls. Тогда благодаря принятым мерам инфекцию удалось остановить. Then, thanks to measures taken to stop the infection.

