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Indonesia Human Cases - May 19 to May 21, 2006

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  • #16
    Re: Indonesia BF - 5/19/06


    The data is collected by me from official sites.<o =""></o>

    Case numbers and Cluster numbers are by me, as their is no numbering scheme for them yet (official anyway) so I took the liberty of doing it.<o =""></o>
    <o =""></o>
    This is a preview of a official chart.<o =""></o>
    Last edited by Sally Furniss; August 27, 2006, 06:44 PM.


    • #17
      Re: Indonesia BF - 5/19/06

      Thank you for the clarification. I appreciate all the work you put into this.
      Last edited by Sally Furniss; August 27, 2006, 06:45 PM.
      Please do not ask me for medical advice, I am not a medical doctor.

      Avatar is a painting by Alan Pollack, titled, "Plague". I'm sure it was an accident that the plague girl happened to look almost like my twin.
      Thank you,
      Shannon Bennett


      • #18
        Jones Ginting improves / disinfecting in Karo

        toggletexted-ed from Indonesian:

        The CONDITION for the BIRD FLU PATIENT in Medan improved
        May 19, 2006, Jakarta: Jones Ginting, the bird flu patient that was treated in Adam's Hospital the Owner, Medan, North Sumatra, began to improve. Jones that has been treated while two weeks, currently, are moved to isolation space. Jones was one by one him the bird flu patient in RS Adam the Owner, that still was remaining. Beforehand he could be treated in RS Kabanjahe in Kabupatan the Karo Land and could be reconciled to RS Elisabeth, Medan.

        According to the Section Head the Health North Sumatran Falni Sulani, Jones was the positive patient was infected by bird flu with the family's six other members. Beforehand the sample of their blood was sent to the Laboratory of the World of the Health Body in Hong Kong to know the truth of the illness that was suffered by this patient. Six relatives Jones that the week set died also was stated positive was infected by bird flu.

        On the other hand, the agricultural Service and Karo Regency Livestock Breeding carried out spraying disinfektan all through the livestock belonging to the citizen. Moreover they also menyuntikan the vaccine to prevent the spreading of bird flu. The official also carried out spraying against the pen and the pig of the goat livestock belonging to the citizen.

        According to the Section Head Agriculture and Karo Sidharta Finem Regency Livestock Breeding, spraying and the injecting will be done all through the available village in the Karo Land Regency. To speed up the process of the prevention with spraying and the injecting, Sidharta asked the citizen to visit the Office and Livestock Breeding of the agricultural Service. According to him, the vaccine anti-bird flu and disinfektan will be distributed no use. In North Sumatra, up to now, was gotten by five citizens who it was suspected died as a result of being affected by the bird flu virus.

        ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


        • #19
          More on patient Aan / no test results as of Fri afternoon

          More on patient Aan [ above >> ]...

          toggletext-ed from Indonesian:

          The PATIENT BIRD FLU RS HANDSOME SADIKIN did not yet improve
          May 19, 2006

, Bandung: The Aan Suwarsa condition, the patient suspect bird flu did still not improve. Till Friday (19/5), Aan was still being treated intensively in the Hospital of Hassan Sadikin, Bandung, West Java.

          According to the doctor Djatmiko that handled the bird flu patient in this hospital, clinically and laboratoris, the Aan condition really headed to bird flu. He mentioned the patient showed the breathless sign, the story of the cough, and pneumonia spread with very fast. Moreover, in two finally, pneumonia has spread to his [her] two lungs.

          Djatmiko added at this time the team of the handling of bird flu was looking for the story of the patient's contact to know the virus origin contagious bird flu to the patient. The plan is, results of the laboratory could have been known, today. However, till Friday early afternoon, the team of the doctor admitted to not yet getting him [the results].

          ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


          • #20
            Re: Indonesia BF - 5/19/06

            It looks like Aan Suwarsa (13 years) is in critical condition (Most likely not going to make it).

            It looks like Jones Ginting (? years) is getting better.

            It looks like Anang Prasetyo (18 years) is in critical condition (Most likely not going to make it).

            And a Child of 'Lily' (? years), 'Lily' died on May 11th or 12th, is suspected of having bird flu.


            • #21
              Re: Indonesia BF - 5/19/06

              Indonesia reports more bird flu deaths
              Last Updated Fri, 19 May 2006 18:38:03 EDT
              CBC News

              The World Health Organization has confirmed two more deaths in Indonesia from bird flu, bringing the nation's overall toll from the virus to 32.
              Two more deaths attributed to avian flu are reported in Indonesia. (Associated Press)

              Health Ministry officials in Jakarta say one of the latest victims is a 10-year-old boy from Sumatra.

              The boy is the fifth confirmed death in a cluster of deaths among relatives in the area. The cluster — Indonesia's largest to date — has raised fears of the possibility of human-to-human transmission in the world's fourth most populous nation.

              The WHO says "if human-to-human transmission has occurred, it has not been either efficient or sustained."

              The second of the latest two victims — a 12-year-old boy — died after being infected with the H5N1 strain of the virus on the outskirts of Jakarta.

              "The Ministry of Health in Indonesia has confirmed an additional case of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus," said the WHO in a statement on its website.

              "The case occurred in a 12-year-old boy from Bekasi in East Jakarta. He was hospitalized on 7 May and died on 13 May. An investigation is under way to determine the source of his infection."


              • #22
                Bird Flu Threat Ignored in Indonesia

                Bird Flu Threat Ignored in Indonesia
                Threat of Bird Flu Goes Unnoticed Across Much of Indonesia's Countryside
                By NINIEK KARMINI
                The Associated Press

                MUNTILAN, Indonesia - When chickens began dying at his local market, Darmanto gratefully collected them from vendors, chopping them up and tossing the raw meat to his pet catfish.

                He never wore gloves, and remembers smoking a cigarette with a bloody hand as he watched hundreds of fish greedily gobble up the scrawny black carcasses.

                The thought of bird flu never crossed Darmanto's mind. It couldn't have. He never heard of it until he himself became ill, hospitalized with a burning 105-degree fever, a racing heart and a tightness in his chest that left him struggling to breathe.

                Indonesia with 32 human deaths from the H5N1 virus, the world's second-highest number after Vietnam has come under fire for failing to slow the spread of the virus, which some fear could mutate into a strain that passes from human to human, potentially causing a global pandemic.

                Others, like Vietnam, have succeeded thanks largely to strong political will and vaccination campaigns. But Indonesia has so far refused to carry out mass culls of poultry in all infected areas, one of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization's most basic containment guidelines, saying it cannot afford to compensate farmers.

                Bio-security measures are virtually nonexistent and, as Darmanto's case illustrates, there is a lack of awareness about bird flu in the densely populated countryside, home to hundreds of millions of backyard chickens.

                "If I had known about bird flu, I would have done a lot of things differently. I would have taken precautions to protect myself and my family," said the 46-year-old father of two, who does not understand even today how he could get sick from dead chickens or how he survived.

                Darmanto, who like many Indonesians uses only one name, attributes his good fortune to "traditional herbal medicine, a strong spirit, and the will to live."

                Indonesia's cash-strapped government says it is doing all it can to fight bird flu, which has been found in poultry in two-thirds of its 33 provinces. It is confident the sprawling archipelago will be free of the disease within two years.

                "We are on a declining curve," Agriculture Minister Anton Apriyantono said recently, vowing to boost chicken vaccination drives and carry out limited culls in areas where humans have died.

                But the problems run deep, in part because of radical decentralization introduced after the dictator Suharto was ousted amid massive street protests in 1998.

                The government handed control of public services to regional and local authorities in 2001, but their roles were unclear, experts say, funding inadequate and priorities left to the whims of inexperienced officials, mayors and village heads.

                That has affected almost every sector in the government, from health, to public information, to agriculture.

                "There's no line of command and they're disorientated," said Peter Roeder, an FAO animal health expert working in Indonesia, adding that district veterinary officials seem more concerned with delivering clinical services to farmers, for instance, than controlling trans-boundary animal diseases.

                And in the villages, where most people live on less than $1 a day, there are other things to worry about, from getting food on the table to more common illnesses like dengue fever, malaria and cholera.

                Though health officers have gone door-to-door in some places, carrying educational brochures about the importance of personal hygiene and a clean living environment, the message often falls on deaf ears.

                "We have been raising chickens and ducks from generation to generation without having any problems," said Mohammad Sodat, a rice farmer who owns more than 80 birds.

                Adding to the worries of international and local health officials was confirmation this week of one of the world's largest clusters of H5N1 human deaths ever least five in one family living on Sumatra island, according to the World Health Organization.

                The multiple infections initially raised fears the virus mutated to a form that passes more easily from human to human. But health officials now say it appears the infected family members had contact with sick poultry.

                Darmanto, the man who survived bird flu, knows how lucky he is.

                Doctors did many things right, suspecting immediately that he had the H5N1 virus that has killed more than 120 people worldwide and sending his swab and blood samples to laboratories in Jakarta and Hong Kong.

                He was transferred Dr. Moewardi Hospital in nearby Solo, one of dozens nationwide equipped to deal with avian influenza.

                Though he continued to lose weight 30 pounds in two weeks and X-rays of his lungs showed the rapid spread of the virus, he eventually recovered, thanks in part to the anti-viral drug Tamiflu.

                But his problems did not end.

                When Darmanto returned to Muntilan, his village 260 miles southeast of the capital Jakarta, in December he was hurting financially and eager to resume his job as a tailor.

                "My neighbors avoided me," he said. "They didn't want anything to do with me."

                ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                • #23
                  20 year old bf suspect dies / Also, teacher &amp; student suspected bf patients

                  toggletext-ed from Indonesian:

                  It was other that the Patient Suspect Bird Flu in Surabaya died
                  May 20, 1006

                  SURABAYA--MIL: A male patient was approximately 20 years that were expected old (suspect) was infected by bird flu, on Saturday around struck 08.30 WIB, died, after being treated in Budi's Hospital Noble Surabaya since May 9.

                  "We still could not conclude whether the patient died because suspect bird flu." But was based on the possibility diagnosis headed there (contracted bird flu), said Budi's Hospital public relations Noble Surabaya, Octdy Hendrawan, in Surabaya, on Saturday.

                  Was based on the diagnosis and signs that apparently, the patient it was suspected contracted bird flu, because of the patient while being treated experienced breathless (pneumonia) and the high fever.

                  Nevertheless, to confirm whether this diagnosis was positive or negative, the management of Budi's Hospital Noble has sent the example of casualties's blood to Jakarta for the further inspection, he said.

                  Moreover, in order to anticipates the possibility of the existence of the patient suspect bird flu, the management of Budi's Hospital Noble currently has done the co-ordination Officially the Surabaya Health as well as the regional Public Hospital (RSUD) Dr Soetomo.

                  With the existence of the casualties then already three patients that it was suspected contracted bird flu that was treated in the hospital in Surabaya. Two patients beforehand were a woman was the citizen's approximately 30 years old Pucang Young Ii Surabaya and AP one of the citizen's Kediri students. [In other words, 2 bf suspects -- Pucang Young Ii Surabaya and her(?) student, A.P.]

                  The patient of the citizen's woman Pucang Young Ii Surabaya had finally died, after could be treated by RKZ because his condition has been serious enough. While the patient [A.P., I think] from Kediri that is reconciled to RSUD Dr Soetomo, currently still in the intensive maintenance in this hospital.

                  Resulting from the incident, 11 people were taken the sample of his blood to be checked in the laboratory in Yogyakarta. Two among them the nurse RKZ and close relative of the patient suspect bird flu.

                  From 11 people had three people that could dikarantina Dinkes Surabaya, because of contracting the sign like bird flu, namely two nurses RKZ and the older brother pengidap suspect bird flu.

                  However, the latest development only of the sufferer's older brothers suspect bird flu that still was undergoing quarantine.

                  ...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes


                  • #24
                    Re: Indonesia BF - 5/19/06

                    Commentary at


                    • #25
                      Re: Indonesia BF, 5/19- 5/20

                      Commentary at


                      • #26
                        Re: Indonesia BF, 5/19- 5/21


                        Suspect H5N1 Clusters in Surabaya Indonesia Cluster

                        Recombinomics Commentary

                        May 20, 2006

                        A suspected 20-year male bird flu sufferer who has been treated in Budi Mulia hospital since May 9, died here at 8.3. am on Saturday.

                        Two patients beforehand were a woman was the citizen's approximately 30 years old Pucang Young Ii Surabaya and AP one of the citizen's Kediri students

                        The patient of the citizen's woman Pucang Young Ii Surabaya had finally died, after could be treated by RKZ because his condition has been serious enough. While the patient from Kediri that is reconciled to RSUD Dr Soetomo, currently still in the intensive maintenance in this hospital.

                        one casualty died with the assumption of bird flu. The Lily, the Surabaya citizen, died on Friday last week.

                        the child the Lily is currently treated in the hospital with the sign similar to bird flu.

                        The above translations define a new cluster of confirmed or suspect H5N1 bird flu cases in Surabaya. The confirmed case (38F) was describe in the WHO update. She developed symptoms on May 2, was hospitalized on May 7, and died May 11. The above report indicates her child is now hospitalized with bird flu symptoms, consistent with human-to-human transmission within a family.

                        Another suspect case (20M) died today, but the same hospital has admitted two additional suspect cases, a teacher (30F) who died earlier, and her student (18M) who is in critical condition and on a respirator.


                        The teacher decribed above appears to be another media description of the confirmed fatality (38M) and therefore there is no infected teacher and no relationship between a fatally infected teacher and the H5N1 confirmed student.

                        The geographical cluster in Surabaya thus has one confirmed and four suspect cases. Two of the suspect cases have died, and the student of one has been hospitalized. Similarly, the child of the confirmed case has also been hospitalized.

                        Familial clusters in Indonesia have been common. Almost all have a 5-10 day gap between the index case and family member. Recently a seven member cluster in North Sumatra was described. H5N1 has been confirmed in all but the index case, and six of the seven have died, This cluster, the largest to date, has fueled concern about increased efficiency of human-to-human transmission. This cluster may be extended because one of the family members (10M) developed symptoms later than the other family member, and now the father of that fatal case has been hospitalized.

                        The growth in the number and size of the clusters has focused attention on the sequences of the H5N1 isolated from the patients. However, sequences from only one of the human H5N1 isolates has been released. It has a novel cleavage site, RESRRKKR, that has not been reported in any of the publicly available bird sequences from Indonesia or elsewhere.

                        These data suggest that the majority of the reported humans cases in Indonesia have not been linked to an avian sequence. Most of the sequences human isolates have been from West Java, including various locations in Jakarta and suburbs. Some of the avian sequence also are from West Java (see below)

                        The lack of a connection with bird H5N1 sequences and the increasing size and number of human clusters has raised pandemic concerns.

                        DQ320932 A/chicken/Bantul/BBVet-I/2005 2005 H5N1
                        DQ497667 A/chicken/Dairi/BPPVI/2005 2005 H5N1
                        DQ497668 A/chicken/Deli Serdang/BPPVI/2005 2005 H5N1
                        DQ497651 A/chicken/Gunung Kidal/BBVW/2005 2005 H5N1
                        DQ497652 A/chicken/Kulon Progo/BBVW/2005 2005 H5N1
                        DQ497643 A/chicken/Magetan/BBVW/2005 2005 H5N1
                        DQ497648 A/chicken/Purworejo/BBVW/2005 2005 H5N1
                        DQ320928 A/chicken/Salatiga/BBVet-I/2005 2005 H5N1
                        DQ497669 A/chicken/Tarutung/BPPVI/2005 2005 H5N1
                        DQ497666 A/chicken/Tebing Tinggi/BPPVI/2005 2005 H5N1
                        DQ320933 A/chicken/Wajo/BBVM/2005 2005 H5N1
                        DQ497659 A/duck/Parepare/BBVM/2005 2005 H5N1
                        DQ497655 A/chicken/Bangli Bali/BBPV6-1/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497656 A/chicken/Bangli Bali/BPPV6-2/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497657 A/chicken/Jembrana/BPPV6/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ320931 A/chicken/Kulon Progo/BBVet-XII-1/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497650 A/chicken/Kulon Progo/BBVet-XII-2/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497662 A/chicken/Kupang-1-NTT/BPPV6/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497660 A/chicken/Kupang-2-NTT/BPPV6/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497661 A/chicken/Kupang-3-NTT/BPPV6/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497642 A/chicken/Malang/BBVet-IV/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497658 A/chicken/Mangarai-NTT/BPPV6/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497644 A/chicken/Ngawi/BPPV4/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497663 A/chicken/Pangkalpinang/BPPV3/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497653 A/chicken/Purwakarta/BBVet-IV/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ320930 A/chicken/Yogjakarta/BBVet-IX/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497647 A/quail/Boyolali/BPPV4/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497654 A/quail/Tasikmalaya/BPPV4/2004 2004 H5N1
                        DQ497645 A/chicken/Pekalongan/BPPV4/2003 2003 H5N1
                        DQ497646 A/chicken/Sragen/BPPV4/2003 2003 H5N1
                        AY651324 A/Ck/Indonesia/4/2004 2004 H5N1
                        AY651325 A/Ck/Indonesia/5/2004 2004 H5N1
                        AY651322 A/Dk/Indonesia/MS/2004 2004 H5N1
                        AY651323 A/Ck/Indonesia/2A/2003 2003 H5N1
                        AY651321 A/Ck/Indonesia/BL/2003 2003 H5N1
                        AY651320 A/Ck/Indonesia/PA/2003 2003 H5N1

                        Last edited by Mellie; May 22, 2006, 08:28 AM.


                        • #27
                          Re: Indonesia BF, 5/19- 5/21


                          Suspect H5N1 Clusters in Surabaya Raise Pandemic Concerns

                          Recombinomics Commentary

                          May 20, 2006

                          The recent reports of suspected H5N1 bird flu cases in Surabaya is cause for concern. The index case has been confirmed and died May 12. Her child is currently hospitalized with bird flu symptoms and an unrelated patient has also just died.

                          Although only one case has been confirmed, two additional suspect cases have raised additional concerns. One fatal infection is of a teacher, and one of her students has been hospitalized and is on a respirator. Transmission of H5N1 outside of a family has been rare. In Vietnam one confirmed transmission chain involved an index case, his sister, and a nurse, all of whom were H5N1 confirmed. A second nurse had symptoms, but was not confirmed in lab tests. However, the vast majority of clusters have been limited to family members. There was a large cluster in Turkey at the beginning of 2006, and more recently the largest Indonesian cluster, in North Sumatra. However, all members of these cluster were related to the index case.


                          The teacher decribed above appears to be another media description of the confirmed fatality (38M) and therefore there is no infected teacher and no relationship between a fatally infected teacher and the H5N1 confirmed student.

                          The cluster involving teacher and student has not been reported previously. Such transmission would signal an increased efficiency and diminish the likelihood that the familial clusters were genetically linked. An earlier cluster of five in Haiphong involved a husband and wife and three daughter. All five family members were H5N1 confirmed and the infection of both husband and wife diminishes the genetic link. The results of tests on neighbors with symnptoms has been withheld.

                          Concerns that transmission is from a source other than avian has been raised since almost all sequenced human cases in West Java have a novel cleavage site not found in poultry isolates. This novel sequence has also been found in a cat, raising the possibility that the sequence is closely linked to mammalian infections.

                          Since most suspect cases in Indonesia are not tested in the absence of a poultry link, many infections from a mammalian source many not be diagnosed. The frequent detection of the novel cleavage site highlights the need for more aggressive testing of avian and swine H5N1 infections.

                          Similarly, the H5N1 human and animal sequences sequestered at the WHO private data base should be released immediately.
                          Last edited by Mellie; May 22, 2006, 08:27 AM.


                          • #28
                            Re: Indonesia BF, 5/19- 5/21

                            All thanks to Flu Wiki Team at

                            From Flu Wiki by rivky – at 09:56

                            Here is a translated article from Media Indonesia May 20th:

                            Surabaya — MILE: A male patient was approximately 20 years that were expected old (suspect) was infected by bird flu, on Saturday around struck 08. 30 WIB, died, after being treated in Budi’s Hospital Noble Surabaya since May 9. “We still could not conclude whether the patient died because suspect bird flu.” But was based on the possibility diagnosis headed there (contracted bird flu), said Budi’s Hospital public relations Noble Surabaya, Octdy Hendrawan, in Surabaya, on Saturday. Was based on the diagnosis and signs that apparently, the patient it was suspected contracted bird flu, because of the patient while being treated experienced breathless (pneumonia) and the high fever. Nevertheless, to confirm whether this diagnosis was positive or negative, the management of Budi’s Hospital Noble has sent the example of casualties’s blood to Jakarta for the further inspection, he said. Moreover, in order to anticipates the possibility of the existence of the patient suspect bird flu, the management of Budi’s Hospital Noble currently has done the co-ordination Officially the Surabaya Health as well as the regional Public Hospital (RSUD) Dr Soetomo. With the existence of the casualties then already three patients that it was suspected contracted bird flu that was treated in the hospital in Surabaya. Two patients beforehand were a woman was the citizen’s approximately 30 years old Pucang Young Ii Surabaya and AP one of the citizen’s Kediri students. The patient of the citizen’s woman Pucang Young Ii Surabaya had finally died, after could be treated by RKZ because his condition has been serious enough. While the patient from Kediri that is reconciled to RSUD Dr Soetomo, currently still in the intensive maintenance in this hospital. Resulting from the incident, 11 people were taken the sample of his blood to be checked in the laboratory in Yogyakarta. Two among them the nurse RKZ and close relative of the patient suspect bird flu. From 11 people had three people that could dikarantina Dinkes Surabaya, because of contracting the sign like bird flu, namely two nurses RKZ and the older brother pengidap suspect bird flu. However, the latest development only of the sufferer’s older brothers suspect bird flu that still was undergoing quarantine.


                            • #29
                              Re: Indonesia BF, 5/19- 5/21

                              WHO bans local journalists from coverning WHA meet


                              • #30
                                Re: Indonesia BF, 5/19- 5/21

                                oh.we'll find out soon enuff,i'm afraid.


